
Assisted suicide via lethal drugs, abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills take effect Friday

Friday is a solemn day for many New Mexicans as two bills rammed through the 2021 Legislature will take effect, including assisted suicide via lethal drug “cocktails” and abortion up-to-birth, widening the door to infanticide in the state and criminalizing health workers who object to abortion. 

The assisted suicide bill is opposed by multiple disability rights groups, the Navajo Nation, and many patients living with terminal conditions. The law seeks to further normalize a culture of death in New Mexico by letting medical professionals prescribe lethal drugs to patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness that could take their lives anytime up to six months.

The bill would legalize doctors to prescribe a “cocktail” of lethal drugs to patients suffering from terminal illnesses, which will save insurance companies money. The American Medical Association is against assisted suicide. 

During the bill’s hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sunday, the “expert witnesses,” law professor Robert Schwartz and physician Steven Kanig could not even list the drugs that would be prescribed to end an individual’s life and admitted that there is no set “cocktail” that is used. Schwartz claimed the concoction of harmful drugs “has been refined over the years” and that “these drugs do change.”

The abortion bill passed through the Legislature and signed by embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who claims to be a Catholic, stripped away protections for women and their children in the womb and removed “conscientious objection” protections for physicians and medical professionals. 

The pro-abortion law allows sex traffickers and child abusers to take a pregnant minor in for an abortion without any parental knowledge or involvement–not to mention without any reporting criteria. 

With this law, a pregnant mother would be allowed to have an abortion at any pregnancy stage. It is a medical fact that the risk of death or serious injury to women increases to 76.6% in abortions after five months. 

Despite loud opposition on both of these bills, which were previously defeated in past legislative sessions, the public was cut off and limited to ten minutes of testimony on each side of the argument during “virtual” committee hearings while a fence was erected around the Capitol building to keep the people out of the People’s House.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, “In preparation for the [assisted suicide] bill’s effective date, a new nonprofit group has been created to give information to families with ailing loved ones, and raise awareness of the new law among hospitals, doctors and hospice care providers.”

The Piñon Post organized New Mexicans to oppose these bills, which infringe on Constitutional rights enshrined in our Country’s founding documents. Our editor, John Block, testified alongside other New Mexicans against the abortion up-to-birth bill and prepared testimony against the assisted suicide bill. Despite the Piñon Post’s efforts, the closed-off Roundhouse made it nearly impossible to reach members of the Legislature.

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Moderate Moores walloped by socialist Stansbury in CD-1, teaches big lesson to GOP

On Tuesday, state Sen. Mark Moores (R-Bernalillo) lost decisively to socialist state Rep. Melanie Stansbury (R-Bernalillo) in the First District race to replace Deb Haaland after a lackluster campaign. Most news outlets reported the massive loss only about an hour after precincts closed.

Moores’ defeat proved that moderate Republicans chosen in a closed process by a couple of hundred people (instead of the entire electorate) cannot and will not win elections in New Mexico, at least with a limp message of supposed “bipartisanship” and the refusal even to utter “America First” or President Donald J. Trump’s name.

It also didn’t help that “insiders” (those who voted for Moores in the closed-door primary) knew full well that Moores voted for far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s job-crushing “Green New Deal” and devastating trapping ban bills but still lent their support to him in the convention.

Melanie Stansbury is a radical’s radical—one of the most extreme far-left members of the New Mexico state House imaginable. She has voted to the extreme left on every single issue, from environmental bills to education initiatives and abortion, she has been on the fringe. Her comments toward displaced Navajo workers telling them to just “sell your art or your wool” would have resonated with moderate voters who are not okay with racism, no matter how casual it may appear.

But Moores didn’t even touch on a single one of those key issues that directly impact New Mexicans. All he could talk about was Stansbury’s support for the “BREATHE Act,” which lets incarcerated criminals back on the street and defunds police. While he was 100% correct on this issue, he was a one-issue candidate with no substance other than that he supposedly “stands tall” for New Mexico while not showing anything to back up his hollow and over-used rhetoric.

The only time he mentioned Melanie Stansbury’s support for eco-Marxist proposals was when he sent emails to supporters (who are already on his side) telling them that Stansbury backs the Green New Deal, even though Moores voted for that very thing—complete hypocrisy.

It is a shame that the GOP convention delegates let the guy out of the primary, to begin with, and with 2022 on the horizon (and a REAL primary in the works), “moderate” Republicans in the state House should watch their backs because TRUE Republicans are coming for their seats. And no amount of darkroom dealings can stop the Red Wave from sweeping across the state and wiping every RINO “Republican In Name Only” clean out of the state’s lower chamber.

Moderate, weak, and spineless Republicans who will say whatever they think they need to win an election do not win elections and only make people who are forced to vote for them in general elections look like fools. RINOs bring ZERO excitement, ZERO trust, and ZERO electability to the table. Moores’ blowout loss was an irresponsible waste of an opportunity for a GOP pickup. Hopefully, it will be a lesson for New Mexico that moderates lose and keep voters home.

Even with the massive fraud in New Mexico elections, Republicans who can build momentum can overcome the fraud to win. Just look at people in extremely competitive districts like Republican state Rep. Stefani Lord. She had a tough election fight, but she did not sway in the wind like a Moores. She stuck to her pro-gun, pro-life, pro-Trump convictions. Despite the closeness of her race, she annihilated a well-funded Democrat who now sits as the Chair of the Democrat Party of New Mexico, Jessica Velasquez. And Rep. Lord did not swing to the “middle” when she got to the House. She stuck to her convictions and voted against radical bills, even if many of the limp “Republicans” voted along with the Democrats and admitted defeat.

Strong Republicans win elections (even in competitive districts) and RINOs lose. Take those words to the bank in 2022 and prepare for a Red Wave come next November. It’s time to clean the swamp.

Moores lost in the final vote numbers by 24 points, garnering 36% to Stansbury’s 60%, a larger margin of failure than 2020 for the Republicans in the District.

Moderate Moores walloped by socialist Stansbury in CD-1, teaches big lesson to GOP Read More »

Why are NM officials pushing for COVID-19 vaccination in children?

School districts and elected officials all over the state are pushing for students 12 years or older to be vaccinated with COVID-19 injections.  Incentives are being offered to kids for being vaccinated. For instance, some teachers are offering students extra credit for taking the shot. Coercion is a violation of Informed Consent.

Look at the data, from the May 24, 2021 NM COVID-19 Pediatric Case Report

  • Total COVID-19 cases in Age 0-17 = 29,404
  • COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Age 0-17 = 192
  • COVID-19 Deaths in Age 0-17 = 1

Based on these data, 99.4% of NM pediatric COVID-19 cases did not result in hospitalization.  NM kids have a 99.997% survival rate from COVID-19. And these numbers only include the kids who tested positive, and does not account for the many who likely developed immunity asymptomatically.

It is clear that children have extremely low risk from COVID-19. None of the COVID-19 injections have received full FDA approval, and they are authorized for Emergency Use only. All three COVID-19 injections include technology that has never previously been approved for use in vaccines (mRNA for Moderna and Pfizer, genetically-engineered adenovirus for J&J). There have been no long-term safety tests on COVID-19 injections. That means that we do not know what will happen to people who receive these injections 6 months from now, a year from now, or longer. 

As of May 14, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS, which is at vaers.hhs.gov) has 227,805 negative reactions that have been reported for experimental COVID-19 vaccines. That includes:

There have been more deaths reported in the VAERS after COVID-19 vaccination in the last 5 months than there have been deaths reported from all other vaccines combined for the last 15 years. Over a third of the deaths reported after COVID-19 vaccination were in people who became ill within 48 hours of getting the shot.

It is known that adverse vaccine reactions are greatly underreported, and it is estimated that only 1-10% of these reactions are actually reported to the VAERS system. That means that the VAERS data potentially represents millions of adverse reactions and tens of thousands of deaths related to COVID-19 vaccines.

Reports of teens who have developed heart problems after COVID-19 vaccination are coming out from around the country. The two fifteen-year-olds who died after COVID-19 vaccination both died of heart failure (VAERS ID 1187918 and 1242573). The 16-year-old who died after COVID-19 vaccination (VAERS ID 1225942) had a pulmonary embolism (blot clots in the lungs). 

An 18-year-old who died (VAERS ID 1078352-1): he was vaccinated on March 2nd. The next day, on March 3rd, he complained of fatigue, body aches, and headache. On March 5, he said his chest was hurting. A few hours later, he was dead. 

Remember, NM kids have a 99.997% survival rate and only a 0.6% hospitalization rate from COVID-19.  The CDC said it was safe to re-open schools before vaccines were rolled out. Evidence from around the globe has shown this to be the case, even in countries that do not require masking, such as Sweden

The current push towards vaccination of children is not based on risk to kids.  Asymptomatic transmission has already been proven to be extremely rare, such that it should not be used to drive public policies. If we are going to actually follow the science, it is clear that there is no justification for pushing COVID-19 vaccination of NM children. 

The unknown long-term risks combined with children’s extremely low risk from this illness should make us all pause for careful consideration of the facts. Informed consent requires that people be made aware of potential risks and be free to make decisions without threats or coercion.  NM officials and school districts have no justification for pushing vaccination on school children, and this decision needs to rest securely in the hands of parents. 

Sarah Smith has been a natural healthcare practitioner for 8 years and is a former NASA aerospace engineer and scientist. Sarah is one of the leaders of the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance, a non-partisan grassroots coalition which advocates for civil liberties and constitutional representative government.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

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Underdog to big dog: Will Karen Bedonie be New Mexico’s next governor?

Everyone loves a good underdog story. If Americans have a story genre, that has to be it. Even with all its faults, America still is the Land of Opportunity. We’re not born in a caste system; we have no official royal class. Our very Declaration of Independence states:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. 

It’s not hard to find voices that point out ways in which the United States and its political leadership has and does fall short in its interpretation of the rights named above. Conversely, it can be challenging to find people who celebrate the founding principles of the United States, actively exercise them in a way that benefits communities, and seek public office. If you’ve not been watching New Mexico political races on Facebook in the last two years or so, you may have missed a loud, proud American who has just become a serial political candidate. Her name is Karen Bedonie. 

The race that put Bedonie on my social media radar was the most recent race for the Third Congressional District. It’s not even my district, but that didn’t stop Bedonie from putting energy into understanding the Second Congressional District, where I live. She never lost steam after running a tireless campaign that resembled a combination of a university-level cultural research project and TripAdvisor restaurant tour—sans the negative food service feedback. Bedonie’s tenacity in logging miles, meeting, and listening to people statewide is remarkable. 

Her Facebook account is populated with pictures from the state’s more-populated as well as its obscure corners. There are nearly countless pictures and heartfelt accounts of exchanges with people of every age, socioeconomic status, and skin tone. There are snippets from frank conversations over red-checkered tablecloths and views from the insides of sometimes gritty but functional business establishments. Follow her long enough, and you’ll get the feel of holding a gigantic family album. Aside from the numerous travelogues, Bedonie’s honest portrayals of her personal and family history, based in the Navajo Nation, have been alternately heart-wrenching and inspirational. If you’ve not yet seen it, take in “A Long Walk in Socialism,” a Turning Point USA video that includes interviews with the Bedonie family. 

Now, in 2021, Bedonie has announced her candidacy for Governor under the GOP flag. After a short hiatus, she’s been back on the highway, sometimes with her daughters or husband riding shotgun, visiting New Mexicans and their businesses across the state. Bedonie, a small business owner and operator, has bootstrapped herself and her family up from the socialistic structure and expectations of reservation life and, despite the scourge that Covid restrictions put on some aspects of her businesses, it appears she and her family have adapted and thrive, even as they prioritize charity on many levels along with her ambitious getting-to-know-New Mexico travel schedule. 

Speaking of charity, Bedonie’s goes beyond people. While traveling New Mexico’s eastern tier last month, she visited a city animal shelter and adopted a dog—a Corgi, now named Darlene. When asked why she chose Darlene, Bedonie said,

We wanted a female dog for my big boy Crash to hang out with. I also am a very slow runner and needed a short-legged sweetheart to accompany me while Crash logs miles and miles with my daughters that run. Darlene was available and she was older. I love older dogs, because they are mellow and decent. We have a fireplace they can curl up at. Our home is loving and friendly. Darlene was so happy to get in the car. She rode well. So far, she loves our businesses and has been going everywhere with my girls. She’s a great companion. Eastern NM is as good as any. I have always rescued my dogs. I have one from Santa Fe, Los Lunas, Belen, Farmington, Albuquerque, and now Portales. My two cats are from Albuquerque and Gallup. Opening our home to more has airways been easy.

What she didn’t mention is the fact that she likely saved a furry life by creating an open spot, however temporary, in a busy shelter. Animal Control agencies in eastern New Mexico struggle to place burgeoning numbers of animals in communities where the pet-to-human resident ratio is especially high. And while no one outside of dog and cat rescue circles talks about it much, many animals’ lives end prematurely as a result. 

Rugged tenacity and almost boundless kindness are rare qualities in the same person. Combine these with a thorough understanding of the founding principles of our United States, and a proven ability to keep multiple budgets with an eye toward conservatism and respect for nature, and a picture is painted that strongly resembles Karen Bedonie. Critics within her own party have decried her inexperience, but her life experience and understanding of history and politics are a glimmer of hope in comparison to what career politicians and bureaucrats have accomplished—or not—in New Mexico. 

Yes, she has on at least two occasions had an unflattering moment of overreaction pursuant to taking a well-intentioned comment as an insult, but each time has shown a quick recovery. In more than two years of watching Bedonie fairly closely, I’ve not known her ever to wag a finger at anyone, to brush off a question with a haughty laugh, to have security called to her hotel room for a loud party, to grope, or….surely you get the picture. 

Is there a perfect candidate for governor? Of course not. What’s for certain is that professional politicians of both parties have given us a load of trouble related to their behavior both on and off the clock, not to mention various digressions from the Founders’ written intentions. Bedonie has already shown she’s not the type to stir the kind of trouble we’ve seen enough of. She’s gone toe-to-toe with some of the crustiest elements of the state over just about all the issues. At day’s end, she manages to be a Constitutional thinker and principled, compassion-filled human being. 

I, for one, am weary from seeing our state fail and flail. Karen Bedonie may hold the vision and capacity for action New Mexico needs. I’m ready to give her a chance.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

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COVID vaccines: Why did New Mexico neglect its seniors?

COVID-19 has overwhelmingly struck down seniors, as 80% of deaths have been of adults 65 and older, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC recommended giving vaccine priority to this vulnerable group. Why did New Mexico ignore this guidance, as the last state to offer vaccines to all seniors?

Like many “neglected seniors,” I drove to Amarillo for my vaccines. Ironically, as I was receiving my second shot, I received a text from the New Mexico Department of Health telling me that “New Mexico is the most efficient state in the country for vaccine distribution.” Wow. As I drove back from Texas, I thought, “efficient” perhaps, but certainly not “just” or “science-based.” NM was then only “officially” vaccinating people over 75 or with health conditions. Just who were these people benefitting from the state’s “efficiency?” Who was getting priority over our unprotected seniors?

All of us neglected seniors saw younger, healthier friends getting immunized before us. One friend in their early ’20s, working remotely for local government, got both vaccine doses early, as had most of their colleagues since “they may be soon returning to work.” The CDC had determined that my then, the unvaccinated senior cohort was over 70 times more likely to die from Covid than theirs. Obviously, since February, any senior New Mexico COVID-19 deaths of those denied an early vaccine are a direct consequence of this governmental choice.

So how do we best understand this NM bias against our defenseless seniors? When the state finally offered us vaccines, it lumped us in with “other essential workers.” That’s it. Some lives are simply more “essential” than others. Our state is “pro-choice” on vaccines. As with abortion, the more powerful decide which lives are more worthy of protection.

The CDC has also ranked the states in order of providing vaccines according to “social vulnerability.”  New Mexico ranks #37, well behind our eastern neighbor at #7.  This is consistent with us giving vaccine preference to the more socially valuable. This governmental “choice” is directed at the defenseless, as in abortion. Just as our state taxpayer-funded abortions overwhelmingly stop poor people from reproducing.

New Mexico is one of the few places globally, outside of Communist North Korea, Vietnam, and China, with no restrictions on abortion. Albuquerque is known as the “Late-Term Abortion Capital of America,” and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has stated that she would like to increase abortion travel here, never requiring such visitors to quarantine. 

By denying Covid vaccines to vulnerable seniors while allowing unlimited abortion, a more powerful human can simply decide which lives are worth saving.  And now our state can provide this ethic to assisted suicide.

With our new “End of Life Options” law, we are the first state to allow nurse practitioners and physician assistants to prescribe death.  As demonstrated with its vaccine priorities and unlimited abortion, we can sadly expect our state to use its power to remove the “less valuable.”  Pro-lifers do not generally use the “anti-abortion” label, as it diminishes our broader values.  We believe that all human life, from conception to natural death, is essential.  May our state’s bias with vaccines remind us of the dignity of all life, from the womb to the hospice.  May we love the vulnerable, not terminate them.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

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After year-long assault on people of faith, Gov. MLG lets churches reopen at full capacity

On Friday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was forced to rescind her previous orders setting capacity limits on church gatherings after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that capacity limits on places of worship cannot be more restrictive than other places, such as schools. 

In a seemingly strategic move to not want to cause any more controversy in her embattled administration, where she was accused and settled $62,500 over sexual assault, she begrudgingly lifted the order, according to Nora Sackett, the governor’s mouthpiece. 

“The state, of course, is always concerned about the risk of viral spread anywhere people are gathered,” Nora Meyers Sackett wrote. “Nonetheless, the case law from the Supreme Court is clear.”

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports that Sackett “denied political pressure to fully open churches” was a factor leading to the decision, although many have doubted the validity of that argument.

Despite the health order allowing 100% capacity, the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is directing its parishes to “limit capacity according to the color-coding for indoor services — and to not allow 100 percent attendance,” the New Mexican writes. 

The move by Archbishop John C. Wester is typical, as he previously championed the closure of Santuario de Chimayó sacred site for two consecutive years, citing COVID-19 as the reason for the closure. Wester also made a public service announcement for Gov, Lujan Grisham pushing masks.

The news comes after a long list of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s hostility toward the faithful, despite claiming to belong to the Roman Catholic faith. 

Here’s an overview: 

  • On Holy Saturday 2020, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham made a proclamation that all in-person Easter church services of five or greater were banned, effectively stopping New Mexicans from attending church on Easter Sunday. She said she wanted to make “absolutely clear that mass gatherings of any type are not permitted in houses of worship.” 
  • Abortion facilities were allowed to stay wide open while churches were shuttered.
  • On Easter 2020, the Governor made a “proclamation” from the Governor’s mansion, writing on Twitter, “This Easter, home is the holy place. I expect all New Mexicans to stay safe by staying home to celebrate, not gathering with friends and family.”
  • On Mother’s Day 2020, Gov. Lujan Grisham sent out her State Police to serve a cease and desist order to Truth or Consequences pastor, Dr. Caleb Cooper.
  • Pastor Jeff Carr of Mesa Baptist Church in Rio Rancho was told by the Governor’s Office that while in-person services were prohibited, he could still hold “online services, drive-in services where people remain in the car with their windows rolled up… or listen to a radio service, honk their horns for ‘Amen!’ and so on.”
  • Legacy Church in Albuquerque fought back against the Governor and sued the state and remained under scrutiny by the Governor and the liberal media for living out their faith through fellowship in their church. The Governor’s Democrat-controlled NM Supreme Court struck down the church’s lawsuit. After a Christmas Eve service, Lujan Grisham issued a $10,000 fine to the church.
  • Other churches caved to Grisham’s edicts:
  • Las Cruces Bishop Peter Baldacchin instructed his diocese that “While it is true that we need to take every reasonable precaution to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, it is equally true that we offer the greatest ‘essential service’ to our people. The past few weeks have brought to light many unintended consequences of the ‘stay-at-home’ order.” 
  • On Easter 2020, Gov. Lujan Grisham instructed New Mexicans to “celebrate safely” while important traditions such as the pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayó were prohibited

Now, with the small olive branch the Governor has conceded, this should be no means an occasion to celebrate. For over a year, New Mexicans’ rights have been infringed by Gov. Lujan Grisham, especially the ever-important right to worship at church. No person of faith should be celebrating an oppressive governess ripping away their rights and then giving them back to us months later, making it sound like a favor.

After year-long assault on people of faith, Gov. MLG lets churches reopen at full capacity Read More »

Is Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham a sexual predator?

A sexual harassment allegation is something that can seriously damage one’s career, especially if that individual is serving in an office of public trust, such as the governor of a state. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) has been embattled in scandal over alleged sexual misconduct with multiple women on the campaign trail and in his office. Top New York Democrats are calling for his resignation and impeachment.

But in his case, there is no paper trail tying mountains of cash to hush-money payments to accusers to keep them quiet. But that story is much different in New Mexico.

Democrat ex-governor Bill Richardson allegedly made $250,000 in hush-money payments from his campaign to a woman who had threatened to file a sexual harassment suit against him from a bank account in Mexico, according to the New York Times

Richardson was also accused of being involved with pedophilic sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein, who trafficked underage girls. According to reports, “a woman claims Jeffrey Epstein directed her to have sex with powerful men, including former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson.” 

It is unclear if extremely large hush-money payments of taxpayer funds involved sexual harassment accusations during the Republican Susana Martinez Administration, which amounted to over $1.7 million. But they sure happened. According to KRQE, “Sources say the Risk Management Division paid a group of disgruntled public employees huge sums of money in order to keep alleged compromising information about then Governor Susana Martinez under wraps.” 

Now, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has admitted to sending $62,500 in hush money payments from her campaign to her former aide, James Hallinan, after he accused her of pouring water over his crotch and then groping him in 2018. As CNN reports, Lujan Grisham claimed just last month to believe Cuomo’s accusers and all sexual harassment accusers in an interview with the Washington Post. She said, “We need to take seriously all these allegations and I’m frankly in that group of elected leaders that you believe the individual. You give real credit and credibility there. If you don’t, we’re re-victimizing brave men and women who come forward.”

It may seem to some that Lujan Grisham is just following in the footsteps of her corrupt predecessors who made large payments to their alleged accusers, some with taxpayer funds and some with campaign cash to keep the scandals out of the press. 

But this is by no means the first time Lujan Grisham has been accused of similar behavior. According to a video made by a man named Eddie Dehart, Lujan Grisham allegedly grabbed his genitals during a birthday party in 2005. 

According to Dehart, attendees of the party were playing pool when Lujan Grisham was alleged to have groped him in front of his then-girlfriend, saying, “you have a man here” after touching his genitals through his clothes.

With other politicians who have been embattled with sexual harassment scandals leaving office in disgrace, such as former Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) who paid off one victim $27,000 to keep quiet, or current Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) who has announced he will not seek re-election, a sexual harassment scandal can destroy a politician’s career if the accusations have merit.

Despite Lujan Grisham’s claims that the groping never happened, payments of tens of thousands of dollars to an accuser are not necessarily something that makes one look innocent, especially as the 2022 elections are right around the corner and Lujan Grisham must battle for her political life. 

Lujan Grisham was previously considered for a cabinet position in the Joe Biden administration but did not receive a post, which may have had something to do with these hush payments to Hallinan. Gov. Andrew Cuomo was also considered but also did not receive a post in the administration.

Many have concluded that the alleged behavior of people like Cuomo and others puts them in the “sexual predator” category. A sexual predator “is a person seen as obtaining or trying to obtain sexual contact with another person in a metaphorically ‘predatory’ or abusive manner.” 

Allegedly groping multiple victims’ crotches on possibly multiple occasions throughout the years may certainly be a sign that even more nefarious sexual activity may have happened in the past by Lujan Grisham. Does such activity make Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham a sexual predator? It depends on what further details may come out regarding other possible instances of sexual deviance. 

Is Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham a sexual predator? Read More »

Well-meaning liberals are willing to let people die to keep the victim mentality alive

In my life, I have known quite a few liberals. Most of them have seemed to be reasonably nice, caring, well-meaning people. The ones that I have met came from varying backgrounds – poor, moneyed, and everything in between. They seemed to listen to a lot of hard-luck stories and sympathize with the people who tell them. In fact, one thing that many of these kind, well-meaning liberals seemed to have in common is the sense that anyone who has had anything bad happen to them was somehow “victimized” and shared no blame in their unfortunate circumstances. Such unfortunate circumstances; being subjected to “police brutality,” spending time in jail, no job, not making enough money, supposedly being taken advantage of by an evil corporation, evoke a strong emotional response in such people—DO SOMETHING. 

They seem to miss the point that the person without a job hasn’t tried to look for one, the victim of “police brutality” attacked a cop during a traffic stop, that the person in jail robbed a grocery store, and that the person being “taken advantage of” by an “evil corporation” may actually be compensated more in money and benefits than what their own skillset would typically call for. When confronted with such facts, the response of the well-meaning liberal is to shout down anything that would break the self-serving sympathy that they have towards the supposed “victim”; the person whose day they want to heroically save.

In my experience, the solutions that many of these liberals provide are worse than the problem. One person that I knew felt that the solution to a person without a car was to “share” their vehicle with them. That guy is still waiting for his car to be returned, and it has been about twenty years. Another pushed a former employer to convert a closet used for nursing female employees into a bathroom for the transgendered (which upset the well-meaning person who pushed for the copier room to be turned into a closet for nursing female employees). 

These examples are just those enacted by individuals that I have met. Well-meaning liberals who are actually elected to government office come up with even worse solutions to what they perceive to be the most pressing issues of the day: Evil corporation? Form a union and inadvertently chase a good employer away from an otherwise impoverished town. Not making enough money? Universal basic income is the answer. No job? The government will come up with a job that’s “shovel ready.” Incarcerated? Prison reform. Police brutality? Remove qualified immunity.

The liberals who I have known in my life have seemed to have an immense, solemn devotion to a sense of “community.” To your author, a “community” is a group of individuals living within the same geographical area that do their best to respect each other’s space, rights and have a cup of coffee together from time to time. 

In my conversations with some of the liberals who I have met in my lifetime, a “community” is an entity that just … is. The “community” has a garden, shares everything, never says anything that could possibly be considered offensive to even a skunk, and is just generally nice, accepting, and inclusive* to anyone and everything. The individual is immaterial to the community and a sense of individuality is a potential threat. 

While harmless at artist colonies, Trader Joe’s, Subaru dealerships, and California, nothing is more dangerous than a well-meaning liberal wielding a gavel. This has never been more apparent than in the recent legislative activity popping up in state legislatures across our Republic in the aftermath of multiple instances of alleged “police brutality” and the resulting “peaceful” protests. New Mexico’s Dear Leader (Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham) just signed New Mexico H.B. 4 into law. In a nutshell, this law strips law enforcement and “other” government officials* of qualified

immunity at the state level. This means that individuals who feel “victimized” by the actions of a law enforcement or public safety officer can sue the offending agency for cash and prizes. While the bill purports to not assign personal liability to the law enforcement or public safety officer (like a similar bill signed into law in Colorado), the taxpayers are still on the hook for the payment of claims, and small, rural government agencies could face economic ruin in the near future.

Living part-time in the small mountain community of Timberon, the idea of the Timberon VFD going bankrupt or not being able to attract volunteers is a grave concern. It’s like this: Imagine we have a terrible forest fire in a couple of years. In fighting the fire, the VFD has to make FAST decisions as to what properties may be saved from the fire and which properties the VFD simply cannot afford to lend resources to while considering their overall strategy in fighting the fire. 

While the fire may be put out, some residents aren’t going to be happy that the VFD didn’t save their homes. New Mexico H.B. 4 allows for such aggrieved property owners to sue the VFD to redress their state of victimhood.

Another thing that “well-meaning” liberals have in common: They don’t like to participate in an honest discussion about the potential drawbacks to their “solutions.” The media is complicit in this as it seems to gloss over the impact that H.B. 4 will have on state and local agencies that do not have law enforcement duties. This is dishonest, and frankly, dangerous.

People have the right to know—completely and transparently—the impact that a law such as H.B. 4 may have. Preferably before a rural VFD or EMS agency is forced to close its doors due to a litigious resident and is unable to answer a call for a rural resident suffering a heart attack or to fight a forest fire.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

Well-meaning liberals are willing to let people die to keep the victim mentality alive Read More »

Mayhill VFD and EMS: ‘NM Civil Rights Act’ is the final straw for NM’s volunteer fire and EMS depts.

What if you called 911 and no one answered? That will start to happen very soon in rural New Mexico.

Volunteer fire and EMS (Emergency Services) departments are the one place where political parties, religious differences, and racial and age biases all disappear. We are family, and we need and depend on each other for the good of our communities. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed H.B. 4, the “Civil Rights Act” into law this week. It has the potential to shut us down and close our doors. Qualified immunity is not just a bad cop issue; it is a huge issue in so many other areas. In the fire service, fire officers make huge decisions almost daily that affect human life, safety, and due process based on the deprivation of life and property, secured rights in the New Mexico Bill of Rights. 

Our training helps, but the rapid, explosive, and unpredictable nature of fire and having only the information available at that time make these decisions difficult. On wildfires, firefighters often have to write off homes and other structures for the greater good at that time. Some homes are defendable, and some are not. Sometimes we may make the right decision and know it is the responsible thing to do, yet you may not feel that way if it is your home. Qualified immunity prevents frivolous, groundless, and costly lawsuits against public servants. If a public officer has truly committed a criminal act today, they still face prosecution, and the qualified immunity defense cannot be used. 

New Mexico’s fire service is 88.6% volunteer. We get sued because we did not save their home, we were not there fast enough, we allegedly made the “wrong” decision (under the constitutional right of “safety”), we did not let that repeat convicted felon become a member, someone posted something online, etc. 14% of all firefighter lawsuits fall under civil rights violations, most are alleged denial of due process based on the deprivation of life or property.  

We have used the qualified immunity defense on numerous occasions. Without qualified immunity, we can see a huge exodus of our volunteer firefighters, especially our invaluable, most knowledgeable fire officers. Some say that under H.B. 4, a person can only sue the entity that a person works for and not the individual. However, suppose a judge or jury without adequate knowledge deems that a firefighter did not make the right decision despite their training, despite the explosiveness of the situation, and in spite of their very best intentions to consider life and structure safety. In that case, that firefighter will face civil suits as well. 

We have consulted five attorneys regarding the result of losing qualified immunity for our volunteer firefighters. Two attorneys told us that the entity we represent could come back on the individual to recoup their losses. Who would risk all they have and all they have volunteered to be sued by someone who thinks they have been wronged and denied their rights or privileges? Even if a volunteer firefighter or fire department is found not negligent or not guilty, we will have to spend hours upon hours in depositions, in a court judged by our peers, and in the production of evidence. 

Dealing with these extremely stressful lawsuits will take more time away from our paid employment and our family, even though we are volunteering night and day already. Some of our most valuable volunteer fire personnel spend 20-60 hours a week serving Mayhill VFD/EMS. Volunteer fire departments have the same responsibilities as paid departments along with our calls: NFIRS reports, NMEMSTARS reports, ISO evaluations, training, meetings, station maintenance (MVFD has four stations), vehicle maintenance, recruit training, policy creation, personnel files, inventory, budgets, purchase requisitions, and bids, etc. 

Volunteer departments have a further task: that of recruiting personnel. It is a constant issue. We always need more. Lawsuits wear on personnel. Their effects are lingering. Everyone will be hesitant to respond to critical calls, wondering if this is a situation that might lead to a lawsuit. We will have a very difficult time finding anyone willing to become an officer and a harder time recruiting new personnel.

The same goes for our volunteer EMTs.  59.1% of all of the EMTs in New Mexico are volunteers. We are sued on occasion and are saved from sue-happy citizens by qualified immunity. We have alleged HIPAA violations. We have triage situations and have to make the best decisions we can as to who we can save and who we cannot. We also legally have to stay with a patient until we can hand them off to someone of equal or higher medical qualifications. Often, it makes us look uncaring when we are only doing our job. Believe us, we care. 

Often, we are asked to “stage” before going into a scene because of the danger involved. This leads to a delay in medical attention and opens EMTs to lawsuits. Again, without qualified immunity, we think there will be a mass exodus of these volunteer EMTs who will fear and most likely face civil suits if QI is lost. None of us can afford the legal fees of a civil suit, even if we are found not guilty. None of us can afford to repay the entity we serve if they come after us personally for all or part of the damages they had to pay, as one attorney advised could happen.

We talked amongst ourselves at our general Zoom meeting last week. Most indicated they would definitely consider leaving the fire and EMS service if H.B. 4 became law. Well, it did. Currently, Mayhill VFD/EMS is one of the largest fire departments (45 members) and EMS departments (12 EMTs) in the Sacramento Mountains. While most volunteer EMTs have quit during the pandemic, Mayhill EMS responds to our district and 5 others. What a shame to tear apart a strong, vital service to rural New Mexico due to H.B. 4. New Mexico, in general, will be much less safe and even more underserved since H.B. 4 is now law. 

In order to retain our firefighters and EMTs, Mayhill VFD is currently looking into purchasing individual liability insurance that covers our firefighters and EMTs in numerous areas, including civil rights lawsuits and civil suits. We asked the New Mexico Interim Fire Marshall (the one who never came to the table for the fire departments of New Mexico). The Marshall responded, “not in my job description or job duties,” as we sat stunned. If we would even be allowed to use state fire funds for this, and he is looking into it and has not gotten us an answer, even after three weeks. 

This much we know: it will be extremely expensive. Without qualified immunity, we are getting quotes between $1000 to $5000 an individual per year. Look at Mayhill VFD’s numbers. To protect our volunteers, even if we only insured our officers and most active firefighters, it will cost from $25,000 to $125,000 a year. We will then have to purchase separate insurance for our EMTs at the same rate, costing Mayhill VFD another $12,000 to $60,000 a year. To put this into perspective, Mayhill VFD serves a fire district of 150 sq. miles. 

We have four aging stations (built 1971-1982) in need of constant maintenance. We have a fleet of three wildland trucks (cost of $130,000 to $200,000 each), four structure trucks (cost of $200,000 to $400,000 each), one medical rescue (cost to Otero County of more than $100,000), four command/troop carrier vehicles (cost of $1500-$3,000 each; bought used from GSA), all needing constant costly repair and maintenance. 

Mayhill EMS receives between $5,000-$6,000 a year from the New Mexico EMS Bureau to run our EMS services. The insurance on our 12-lead monitor and keeping our medical unit stocked takes more than this amount yearly. To replace our gurney in today’s market would cost $33,000. Our heart monitor is almost the same amount. To supply our EMTs with jump bags to respond quickly to a scene before the unit gets there costs about $1500 each. AEDs are $1500 each, with one on every fire unit as well. And then we still need to pay for the ever-valuable training and sometimes travel for each of our 12 EMTs. 

So, where does Mayhill VFD get this money? Some come from our ever-dwindling ¼% funds ($27,000-$30,000 a year); we write grant after grant. And then our members hold fundraisers. On the fire side of this, Mayhill VFD received $172,433 this year. Out of that, we pay utilities on the four stations; buy structural, wildland, and hazmat PPE, firefighting equipment, repair trucks, purchase new trucks, pay insurance, replace septic systems, and much more. If one looks at our allocation, buying a fire unit of any kind takes good, sound financial management and planning. Volunteer fire departments write grants, save and save, and then more often than not, take out loans. Yes, your local volunteer departments are in debt already. Let’s start taking out more from our budgets, as in our case, $37,000-$185,000 for individual liability insurance, if we are allowed. 

The passage of this bill further cements the lack of respect that the New Mexico Legislature has shown to volunteer firefighters. Currently, if a volunteer firefighter serves his or her community night and day in a high-risk environment for 10-24 years, he or she receives $125 a month in retirement. Legislators receive almost $11,000 a year with only ten years of partial service. 

Like some legislators, Mayhill VFD has volunteer firefighters and EMTs with doctoral and master’s degrees. We have career firefighters and retired career firefighters who go on to volunteer for 10-25 years. We have professional nurses in our EMS corps. We are dedicated citizens who genuinely serve our communities. Now, we are laid bare with no legal protection.

Thus, to deny volunteer firefighters qualified immunity while retaining immunity for the legislators, the judges, and the select others is another show of disrespect the New Mexico Legislature has for volunteer firefighters and EMTs and all who serve in the other public service professions. If it is such a great idea, why did the legislators retain their immunity? 

What is good for the goose should be good for the gander. It is saying to us, “You be good, but I don’t have to be.” Are we not guaranteed equal protection under the law? The New Mexico Civil Rights Act can have far-reaching negative results for all of New Mexico. Governor Lujan Grisham: you now need to recall this law.

Mayhill VFD and EMS: ‘NM Civil Rights Act’ is the final straw for NM’s volunteer fire and EMS depts. Read More »

An Easter Sunday reflection on Gov. Lujan Grisham’s hostility toward people of faith

Today is Easter Sunday, and although the strict COVID-19 restrictions from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham have been slightly amended, New Mexico remains one of the six states on “advisory” status, one of the few with mandatory mask mandates, and some businesses still shuttered.

On Holy Saturday 2020, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham made a proclamation that all in-person Easter church services of five or greater were banned, effectively stopping New Mexicans from attending church on Easter Sunday. 

She said she wanted to make “absolutely clear that mass gatherings of any type are not permitted in houses of worship.” She continued, “We know that you want to practice your faith, as you should. But this year we must remember that home is holy. The best thing you can do for your community is to stay there.”

Gov. Lujan Grisham had completely shuttered church services on a state level, however, abortion clinics were allowed to stay wide open, despite health concerns.

Then, on Easter, the Governor made a “proclamation” from the Governor’s mansion, writing on Twitter, “This Easter, home is the holy place. I expect all New Mexicans to stay safe by staying home to celebrate, not gathering with friends and family. Together, we will have a safe and happy Easter – by staying apart. BUT tell the kids not to worry: the Easter Bunny is essential!” 

She “expected” New Mexicans to just throw their faith out the door to comply with her mandates. Throughout the lockdowns, the Governor’s religious persecution continued.

Then in May, on Mother’s Day, Gov. Lujan Grisham sent out her State Police to serve a cease and desist order to Truth or Consequences pastor, Dr. Caleb Cooper.

“Here’s a notice that we need to get through, and it’s a cease and desist order,” said the officer serving the order. When Cooper asked why he was being served the order, the officer responded, “for violating the public health order,” citing the May 2nd church service held at the church.

Pastor Jeff Carr of Mesa Baptist Church in Rio Rancho was told by the Governor’s Office that while in-person services were prohibited, he could still hold “online services, drive-in services where people remain in the car with their windows rolled up… or listen to a radio service, honk their horns for ‘Amen!’ and so on.”

But others fought back, such as Legacy Church in Albuquerque which sued the state and remained under scrutiny by the Governor and the liberal media for living out their faith through fellowship in their church.

Las Cruces Bishop Peter Baldacchin instructed his diocese that “While it is true that we need to take every reasonable precaution to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, it is equally true that we offer the greatest ‘essential service’ to our people. The past few weeks have brought to light many unintended consequences of the ‘stay-at-home’ order.” 

This Easter, the struggles still remain, with the Faithful being instructed by the Governor to “celebrate safely” and important traditions such as the pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayó are being prohibited. But people of faith are not backing down, and should never forget Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s hostility toward them. New Mexico is a state founded upon faith and its people have proven they will not take kindly to persecution.

An Easter Sunday reflection on Gov. Lujan Grisham’s hostility toward people of faith Read More »

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