New Mexico

Bloomberg anti-gun PAC spending big to stop GOP BernCo sheriff candidate

It was recently reported that the far-left anti-gun group “Everytown for Gun Safety” is spending big bucks to stop Republican Paul Pacheco, a former state representative, from being elected Bernalillo County sheriff. The gun-grabbing group that is backed by billionaire Mike Bloomberg will spend $300,000 combined in New Mexico and Massachusetts to defeat Republicans in two sheriffs races. 

The rabid anti-Second Amendment group told NBC News that it is “leaving no stone unturned” to snatch guns from law-abiding gun owners. 

Everytown for Gun Safety Victory Fund’s John Feinblatt erroneously claimed the two GOP candidates they are targeting are “hell-bent on using the office to suit their own ‘guns everywhere’ agenda.”

But in the ad attacking Pacheco, it cites decade-old Facebook posts to claim he was “proud” of being endorsed by pro-Second Amendment groups. 

The ad also claims Pacheco is pushing to “flood our communities with weapons of war,” showing footage of revolvers and rifles. The ad also erroneously claimed that guns are “making our streets more dangerous,” despite statistics showing most guns used in crimes were obtained illegally, with even PolitiFact acknowledging this fact. 

Despite Pacheco serving as an Albuquerque Police Department officer for 27 years and previously working for the FBI, the anti-gun group claims instead of fighting for citizens, he stands with the “gun lobby.” 

Pacheco is endorsed by the Albuquerque Police Officers Association, the Fraternal Order of Police, former police chiefs, and the Albuquerque Journal.

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MLG will push to ‘codify’ abortion up to birth into NM law if re-elected

In 2021, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a radical law stripping all protections from women, babies, and healthcare professionals, legalizing dangerous, unregulated abortion up to birth in New Mexico.

But now, Lujan Grisham is working to go even a step further — “codifying” abortion up to birth into state law. 

The Albuquerque NPR affiliate KUNM’s Nash Jones asked Lujan Grisham, “While you repealed a dormant ban last year, a right to an abortion has not been further codified in state law. Will you pursue that if you’re reelected?”

She replied, “Absolutely. And I’ve made clear that the reason abortion is safe and legal in New Mexico is because I’m the governor…. New Mexico will continue to be a place that supports women’s health in all aspects and be a beacon for women all across the country.”

The news comes as Kamala Harris is expected to visit New Mexico on Tuesday, October 25 to campaign for Lujan Grisham while also promoting abortion up to birth policies. 

Harris will “participate in a moderated conversation on protecting reproductive rights (abortion),” according to her office’s press announcement.

The former California senator officiated Lujan Grisham’s lavish wedding in Washington, D.C., earlier this year while much of the state was plagued with forest fires.

Lujan Grisham is a rabid proponent of unlimited abortions, even holding a rally in Las Cruces last Saturday, where she danced alongside other pro-abortion leaders to gleefully promote abortion. 

She has also pledged $10 million in state taxpayers’ money to open a new abortion mill in Las Cruces if she is re-elected.

MLG will push to ‘codify’ abortion up to birth into NM law if re-elected Read More »

MLG appears to admit attack ads about groping claims are true

On Thursday, it was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign attempted to yank attack ads from the air that outlined how she released violent criminals back on the street. 

“KOB must pull this ad from the air immediately given your own admission it is false,” attorney Courtney Weisman of the Washington, D.C.-based Elias Law Group demanded in a letter to KOB 4’s station owner, citing a fact-check from KOB that didn’t come up with much.

“I don’t usually get into the details of our review,” station manager Michelle Donaldson said. “I will say that we followed our process that we always do. We asked for the substantiation from the party that purchased the ad. We spent a great deal of time reviewing that, asked for follow-up materials … and made our decision.”

The ad featured claims that the governor twice released a criminal, Christopher Beltran, out on the street, resulting in the murder of his ex-girlfriend Dominique Gonzales of Roswell. 

KOB reporter Ryan Laughlin did a fact-check of the ad that appeared to confirm everything the ad said was true since, under Lujan Grisham’s administration, he was released twice. That resulted in the brutal death of Gonzales.

The ad, paid for by RGA New Mexico PAC, will stay on the airwaves. 

But Lujan Grisham’s protest against the ad is telling since she did not demand an ad run by the Mark Ronchetti campaign come down after it mentioned the governor’s $150,000 sexual assault payout to a former staffer who claims she groped his crotch. 

The Ronchetti campaign has since released an ad featuring her family saying, “The governor absolutely should be held accountable for [Beltran’s] early release and feel ashamed.”

MLG appears to admit attack ads about groping claims are true Read More »

Far-left lawmaker resigns, will likely be replaced by another far-leftist

After far-left state Sen. Jacob Candelaria of Albuquerque resigned abruptly on Wednesday, opportunistic Democrats already began chomping at the bit, looking to be appointed to fill the remaining two years of the leftist’s term. 

Candelaria has been well-known for his drama, including attacking police officers who responded to his 911 call claiming he was being threatened. He also is a radical Black Lives Matter supporter who offered to defend anti-police rioters during the George Floyd riots. Even Democrat Party leaders told Candelaria to “f**k off.”

According to The Santa Fe New Mexican’s Daniel Chacón, far-left state Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) is interested in and will apply for the position.

He wrote on Twitter that Maestas said, “It’s very important that someone with experience represent [Senate] District 26 come January.”

Maestas is a tax-and-spend liberal who has been a rubber stamp for Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda. He has voted with Democrats on everything from tax hikes, abortion up to birth, anti-gun laws, and everything in between.

Maestas is married to left-wing lobbyist Vanessa Alarid who is the registered lobbyist for Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing group Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund and previously was the executive director for the Democrat Party of New Mexico, according to her LinkedIn profile

Maestas calls fellow New Mexicans who he disagrees with on Twitter “pendejos” and has made it clear he supports higher taxes on the hard-working people of New Mexico.

The leftist Democrat also attacked children who were being forcibly masked, saying to one constituent, “My kids don’t snivel.” 

Far-left lawmaker resigns, will likely be replaced by another far-leftist Read More »

MLG once again grabs national attention for promoting abortion up to birth

Over the weekend, far-left pro-abortion up-to-birth Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham held a rally with pro-abortion leaders from the unlimited abortion groups NARAL and Planned Parenthood. At the rally, she was joined by the pro-abortion national figures, as well as state legislators and city councilors who also share the governor’s stance on abortion up to birth.

There was a massive counter-protest of at least 250 people who encircled the park where the pro-abortion Democrats promoted their candidacy for the upcoming November 8 election.

While at the rally, the Democrats, including Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, danced on stage and joyously supported killing children in the womb. Lujan Grisham, who recently had her knee operated on out-of-state, hopped along with the dancing liberals who gleefully rejoiced the thought of more pro-abortion leadership after the election.

The video went viral online, with the large pro-life news site Life News sharing the video. It has already garnered over 20,000 views on Twitter.

CPAC shared the video on Twitter, writing, “Democrats and New Mexico Governor dancing at an abortion rally. Murdering innocent babies should NOT be celebrated.”

The pro-life group Students for Life of America shared the clip also, writing, “New Mexico Gov. Grisham was seen dancing with the CEO of Planned Parenthood and President of NARAL at an abortion rally.”

New Mexicans who responded to the original clip did not hold back either, with one writing about the dancing, “Although I’m not a person of faith, I’m not ruling out demonic possession.”

Another wrote, “If only they could see themselves through the eyes of God.”

One person wrote, “Dead babies don’t dance. Fire MLG!” 

On November 8, Lujan Grisham faces Republican Mark Ronchetti, who is neck-and-neck with her in the polls. Third-party Libertarian candidate Karen Bedonie is also running.

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Libertarian candidate Bedonie: GOP’s Ronchetti ‘cannot win with me in the way’

On Sunday night, a video began circulating showing a Republican-turned-Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie saying her Republican rival Mark Ronchetti “cannot win” with her in the race. Both are running to unseat Democrat first-term Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

In the video shared on Twitter, Bedonie says, “The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race. 

The snippet appears to be taken from a previous live stream Bedonie made, where she claimed around the 22:30 mark, “It’s amazing some of the phone calls that come in. Like, what does it take for a person to really hate somebody to call the campaign and to yell at our campaign team and telling them that Karen’s gonna split the vote? How crazy are you really thinking this is because it’s impossible to split a vote that was never his? Ronchetti is not a conservative, he’s not a New Mexican. The only comfort I find in this race is that man (Mark Ronchetti) cannot win with me in the way. That man cannot win this race. He will never be governor as long as I am alive and well and in this race”

She then added, “MLG — she is sweatin’ it because you know what? She’s gonna have to literally try and hope — and I don’t even know if that woman knows how to pray — that we don’t beat her, but I think we’re gonna beat her because we’re looking at 85% of Democrats that can’t stand her. We were in the belly of the beat of the Democrats. The People — not the party — the people. And they were excited. They took pictures with us. They talked to us. People say, ‘Oh, the Democrats and Libertarians are merging. No! It’s not about party.”  

The original full video from Bedonie can be viewed here.

Many New Mexicans responded with shock after watching Bedonie’s remarks. One person wrote, “Infuriating! Imagine being so bitter & making New Mexicans have to deal with MLG for another 4 yrs.” 

Another person chimed in, “Well at least she comes out and admits it. She’s full on admitting she’s trying to screw over New Mexicans. [Michelle Lujan Grisham] won’t even admit that.”

One commenter wrote, “I’ve been really nice. I literally haven’t said a thing. But this is f****d up and egotistical and you KNOW IT!!! you know it!!!! I feel disgust tbh.” 

Bedonie told the Piñon Post in an interview following the video being posted on Twitter, “In regards to this whole thing, I think the Republicans were looking for a doorway to attack me on because we are so clean. They took it out of context, and they chopped it up just like they did to Trump.” She added, “It’s out of context. I will stand by my words. Ronchetti can’t win. Ronchetti can’t save New Mexico without McClesky pulling the strings.”

“I can’t split something that was never his. He never had the vote.”

As of publication, Bedonie’s remarks in the video have reached around 5,000 views on Twitter. Others have shared it via Facebook and other social media platforms.

Bedonie released a 35-minute video explanation on Monday, saying what she meant was she believed Ronchetti was splitting the vote. Watch her full response here.

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GOP candidate exposes Democrats’ blatant hypocrisy and lies

In a video published on Facebook Saturday, the Republican nominee for the Albuquerque-based New Mexico House District 29, Greg Cunningham, ripped the Democrats for their flagrant hypocrisy with a new attack mailer just sent out by his Democrat opponent, state Rep. Joy Garratt. 

Cunningham held in one hand an accurate mailer sent out by the Republican Party of New Mexico that the Democrats claimed was “racist” because it featured a photo of a young boy getting his hair cut by a grayed-out individual. It noted how Democrats voted against an amendment to a bill banning pedophiles from touching children, such as cutting their hair. Instead of defending their vote, they claimed the grayed-out portion of the image was “racist.”

The Republican candidate said in the video, “You are being told by the progressive left-wing Democrats that this mailer, which depicts a child getting his hair cut by a pedophile with creepy-looking hands which have been colored gray, is racist. You may have also received a mailer calling me all sorts of names with my skin similarly doctored. This is typical of the incompetent leaders that are currently in control of our state. When someone actually starts telling the truth about their record, they distract by throwing around the word ‘racist.’” 

He said, “It’s ‘racist’ when they’re trying to deflect from a record that has hurt our families, hurt our children, and hurt our communities. But it’s not ‘racist’ when they do it to a Hispanic Republican candidate for office? If this is racist, then this is racist,” pointing to the two mailers. 

“The truth is that the progressive left doesn’t think either of these mailers is racist. But one is a convenient story to tell. They tell it because they want voters, and they believe voters can be bullied into believing whatever they tell you to believe. As a Hispanic, I’ll tell you what offends me. I’m offended by bad leadership. I’m more offended by so-called leaders who refuse to take responsibility for their actions, their votes, and their record. I’m offended that they will not take responsibility for the fact that they have put my wife, my daughters, and my grandchildren at risk with out-of-control crime.” 

Cunningham continued, “I am outraged by the fact that if you question their record, they use the same tactic as children — fourth graders — they call you names. We are last in public safety. We are last in education. We are last in jobs. They can’t defend their record, so instead, they call us ‘racist’ for pointing out their records. Enough of their failed leadership.” 

Garratt is a far-left member of the state House, being one of the rubber stamps on Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda, such as bills to strip away New Mexicans’ gun rights, institute abortion up-to-birth and infanticide, let criminals back on the streets, and exacerbate inflation with job-killing policies that harm businesses and working families. In one instance, when Garratt was asked to say a prayer in the House chamber, she refused to use the word “God” or “Heavenly Father,” instead opting to say, “Heavenly parent.”

Watch Cunningham’s video:

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200+ pro-lifers encircle MLG’s Las Cruces rally with pro-abortion leaders

On Saturday, the leaders of two large national pro-abortion groups, Alexis McGill Johnson of Planned Parenthood and Mini Timmaraju of NARAL, stumped in Las Cruces to promote Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

Lujan Grisham almost exclusively is running her campaign on the abortion issue, erroneously claiming her GOP opponent Mark Ronchetti is an “extremist” who wants to ban abortion. This rhetoric comes as the governor is a supporter of unregulated abortion up-to-birth with no exceptions, as evidenced in a 2021 law she signed stripping all protections for women, medical professionals, and babies in the womb.

The rally, held at Albert Johnson Park, included attendees such as Democrat Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, Democrat Las Cruces City Councilor Johana Bencomo, scandal-ridden Democrat congressional candidate Gabe Vasquez, state representatives, and others. 

As well as rallying, the pro-abortion figures both visited the Las Cruces Planned Parenthood abortion mill and met with state legislators, including state Reps. Joanne Ferrary and Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana), state Sens. Carrie Hamblen and William Soules (D-Doña Ana).

According to Mark Cavaliere of the pro-life group Southwest Coalition for Life, over 200 pro-lifers “completely encircled the governor’s abortion rally in Las Cruces,” where they held signs and prayed while the pro-abortion supporters rallied. 

Videos show the pro-lifers praying rosaries, carrying crosses, and holding signs with messages such as “Save the Innocent” and “Pray to End Abortion.” Cavaliere says that people came from Albuquerque, Belen, Los Lunas, Rio Rancho, Ruidoso, El Paso, and other places to protest the governor’s anti-life rally. 

While Democrats attempt to escape total annihilation by betting on abortion in November, New Mexicans are more interested in candidates who will address inflation, the economy, gas prices, public safety, and other issues. Despite that, leftists are hoping abortion up-to-birth will bring them a victory on Election Day.

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MLG appoints perennial failed Dem candidate to seat held by Couy Griffin

On Friday, the Alamogordo Daily News reported that far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham appointed perennial failed Democrat candidate Stephanie DuBois to the seat held by County Commissioner Couy Griffin. A Santa Fe state judge, using 153-year-old case law, ordered Griffin removed, although the case is still on appeal. 

Despite the case remaining on appeal, the Democrat governor went ahead and appointed DuBois, a dog groomer and ex-Democratic Party of Otero County chair.

DuBois has previously failed repeatedly in the attempt to win election to the state House and Senate, Otero County Commission, Otero County Clerk’s Office, judgeships, and New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, among others going back to at least 2002, with failed elections spanning over 20 years. She appears to have been on election ballots in nearly every cycle in recent history.

The leftist candidate said on Facebook in June, “I have been endorsed by State Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero and I have received a generous donation from our Secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland. These two outstanding women are my friends and I am very thankful for their support.”

An ardent supporter of abortion, she has been at rallies and other pro-abortion functions around Alamogordo. 

DuBois appears to be running a joint campaign with a Democrat state representative candidate and Gabe Vasquez, a Democrat challenging Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (R-NM-02), despite these independent expenditures not being disclosed on campaign finance reports. 

DuBois told the Daily News following her appointment, “In a very red county to appoint a Democrat is monumental.” 

Despite the County’s Second Commission District voting for Griffin, a Republican, in 2018 and a 2021 recall attempt failing, the Democrat governor appointed the Democrat DuBois, who the voters have rejected repeatedly for over 20 years. 

In the past. DuBois has branded special county commission meetings held to discuss stopping fraud in elections as “propaganda meetings” while bashing her Republican opponent, Amy Barela, erroneously claiming she is a supporter of “voter suppression.” She has also attacked other Republican candidates in Otero County.

DuBois, who is headed for an almost-certain election defeat in November in the conservative district, even despite incumbency, will be a lame-duck “commissioner,” only being able to sit at two County Commission meetings for November and December 2022. 

This is a developing story and will be updated when more information is available.

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Clovis moves forward on passing ‘sanctuary city for the unborn’ ordinance

On Thursday, the Clovis City Council convened a special meeting to vote on proceeding to pass an ordinance banning abortion in the county seat of Curry County.

The proposed ordinance reads, “(2) The state constitution of New Mexico dims not and cannot secure a right, privilege or immunity to act in violation of federal statutes such as 18 U.S.C. § 1461-62, or to engage in criminal and racketeering conduct as defined by federal law. (3) The members of the City Commission are bound by oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the statutory provisions codified at 18 U.S.C. § 1461-62 are the ‘supreme Law of the Land’ under Amide VI of the Constitution and must be obeyed and respected by every person within the city of Clovis and by every judge the state of New Mexico. Ste U.S. Corot. art. VI (‘[T]he Laws of the United Status… Mall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any Mate to the Contrary notwithstanding’).” 

According to pro-life advocate Mark Lee Dickson, who was in attendance at the meeting, “about 300 people showed up.” 

He wrote, “After much debate, and overwhelming support from those in attendance, the City Commission voted 6-0 in support of introducing the ‘Ordinance Requiring Abortion Providers In the City of Clovis to Comply with Federal Law.’” 

“Pro-life America, STAND UNITED WITH THE CITY OF CLOVIS! Pro-life America, stand united with the Clovis, New Mexico City Commission!”

The measure was brought forward by Commissioners David Bryant of District 3.

He said, “I think it’s time we move [the resolution] forward.”

Mayor Mike Morris said in his remarks, “You, by and large, are a pro-life community, so I have a certain responsibility, to the greatest extent possible, to represent you accurately, correct? So… it’s from those positions that I hold I was motivated to begin researching what is possible because the elephant in the room, or maybe it’s not the elephant in the room, it’s the obvious thing to everyone, is that we live in a state that seems to have decided… and the debate is over. Well, I’d like to say that maybe the debate isn’t over.” 

The final vote to proceed was passed unanimously 6-0, with two commissioners not in attendance, although they were supportive.

Pro-life attorney Mike Seibel, who also attended and spoke at the meeting, wrote, “The council attempted to table the ordinance and delay it from publication, a determined crowd fought back. I got up and spoke and threatened to send women hurt by abortion to their offices.  Mark Lee Dickson did a good job playing ‘good cop.’ Other people demanded it go [forward]. 

Now the ordinance will move forward to be published twice and proceed for a final vote in the coming weeks, according to Dickson.

Watch a video of the meeting here.

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