Torres Small hires ex-lobbyist for Bloomberg’s anti-gun group to manage her campaign
On Wednesday evening, Rep. Xochitl Tores Small’s campaign sent out a fundraising email introducing Emma Caccamo as Torres Small’s new campaign manager. The email, which was signed by Caccamo, reads as follows:
“If we haven’t met yet, I’m Xoch’s new campaign manager Emma! I wanted to reach out today to introduce myself, and say how excited I am to be part of the team working to re-elect Xoch. I joined this team because I believe in the work you and Xoch have been doing for southern New Mexico, and because I know we’re making a difference here. This is one of the most competitive, targeted races in the entire country. The best way to keep up our fight for lower prescription drug costs, improved access to health care close to home, and all the other things we care about is to keep this seat. And on top of that, we’re making sure southern New Mexico has the voice we deserve in Congress.”
The email goes on to ask for money and to get supporters to forward the email to their friends.
Caccamo previously worked as the campaign manager on Teresa Leger de Fernandez’s race up in the 3rd Congressional District, where Leger de Fernandez won against disgraced ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame, state Rep. Joseph L. Sanchez, District 1 District Attorney Marco Sernce, and a handful of others.
During the race, Leger de Fernandez was criticized heavily by her opponents for the “dark money” abortion up-to-birth group EMILY’s List pouring tens of thousands of dollars into the race to support her. At the time, Caccamo said the campaign didn’t know “anything about any other groups and saw their ads when everybody else did.” However, EMILY’s List endorsed Leger de Fernandez, held in-person fundraisers with her and the organization’s founder, and invested heavily in the race. It’s impossible for the campaign to “not know anything about” dark money EMILY’s List’s involvement in helping sway the election toward her.
Far-left, abortion up-to-birth Rep. Xochitl Torres Small is also another benefactor of EMILY’s List, which has endorsed her for her unashamed abortion up-to-birth policies, previously when she worked for Planned Parenthood, and currently as she serves as an anti-life member of Congress.
Another issue both Teresa Leger de Fernandez and Xochitl Torres Small share in common is their unashamed pro-gun control stance. Torres Small has voted for sweeping gun restrictions while in the House, including a “universal background check” bill. Teresa Leger de Fernandez shares Torres Small’s anti-gun stances, telling the Los Alamos Daily Post, “In Congress I will vote for background checks on all gun sales, a red flag law, reinstating the assault weapons ban, and repealing PLCAA, which gives the gun industry unprecedented legal immunity.”
Torres Small’s new campaign manager, Emma Caccamo, is also a friend to gun-grabbing policies, as she worked for nearly five years, part of that time as a lobbyist, for the Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” dark money group, which advocates for extreme, unconstitutional gun bans, such as 2020’s SB-5 in New Mexico, the “red flag” bill. The measure allows the confiscation of firearms merely under the suspicion of another person that a gun owner is “dangerous” and therefore should lose their constitutional right to bear arms and their due process rights.
Xochitl Torres Small’s former campaign manager in 2018 was Brian Sowydra, a Boston native, who currently is her Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. Torres Small’s new campaign manager, who hails from California, is surely in-line with Torres Small’s radical far-left agenda and is another clear indicator that Torres Small will spare no expense and go to great lengths to remain in Congress to further Nancy Pelosi’s anti-gun, anti-life agenda.
Torres Small hires ex-lobbyist for Bloomberg’s anti-gun group to manage her campaign Read More »