New Mexico

As Cuomo gets charged for groping aide, NM AG silent on MLG groping claims

On Thursday, disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) was charged with groping his staffer, according to reports by The Daily Mail

According to the report, Cuomo is being charged with a Class A misdemeanor for “forcible touching.” 

“The charges were filed on Thursday in Albany City Court, before sheriffs had received the permission of the victim – Brittany Commisso – to do so,” wrote The Daily Mail

“As this is a sex crime, a redacted complaint will be available shortly,” Lucian Chalfen, a spokesman for New York State courts, told The Washington Post.   

Now, as action is being taken against Cuomo for his alleged groping of staffers, there is silence emanating from the New Mexico Attorney General’s Office regarding scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. Attorney General Balderas — a Michelle Lujan Grisham ally — has not filed charges or sought an investigation.

Grisham not only is accused of groping multiple men, but she also paid off $150,000 in hush money to alleged groping victim James Hallinan following his claims that she poured a bottle of water over his crotch and then she grabbed his penis through his jeans. 

Another man, Eddie Dehart, spoke out about an eerily similar incident in 2018 that happened to him in 2005, where Lujan Grisham allegedly groped his crotch and said to Dehart’s girlfriend,  “you have a man here.”

The Piñon Post has called for Lujan Grisham to resign in disgrace, as her incidents not only have allegations — they have a paper trail showing an apparent covering-up of abuse.

As Cuomo gets charged for groping aide, NM AG silent on MLG groping claims Read More »

The most extreme proposed assault on NM oil and gas returning at 2022 Legislative Session

An extreme proposal that died in the 2021 Legislative Session is back for the 2022 30-day Legislative Session.

Far-left members of the New Mexico House of Representatives and Senate proposed a bill, S.J.R. 3, that would change Article Two of the state’s constitution to add “environmental rights.” The bill sponsors include Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-Bernalillo), Sen. William Soules (D-Doña Ana), Rep. Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana), and Sen. Harold Pope, Jr. (D-Bernalillo). According to a new report, the extreme bill dubbed the “Green Amendment,” now has 23 cosponsors. 

As Piñon Post previously reported:

The measure, which would require would effectively make it illegal for any kind of energy production, proposes “The people of the state, including future generations, have the right to a clean and healthy environment, including pure water, clean air, healthy ecosystems and a stable climate, and to the preservation of the natural, cultural, scenic and healthful qualities of the environment.” 

“The state, including each branch, agency and political subdivision, shall serve as trustee of the natural resources of the state, among them its waters, air, flora, fauna, climate and public lands. The state shall conserve, protect and maintain these resources for the benefit of all the people, including generations yet to come.” 

“The rights stated in this section are inherent, inalienable and indefeasible, are among those rights reserved to all the people and are on par with other protected inalienable rights. The provisions of this section are self-executing.” 

It is unclear how much the far-out proposal will cost to the state, but the fiscal impact report on the bill notes, “Agencies suggested the repeal of Section 21 of Article 20 removing Legislative powers associated with the regulation of pollution in New Mexico, may call into question environmental statutes previously passed by the Legislature. Additionally, the amendment to Article 2 creates a trustee obligation in each branch, agency, and political subdivisions of the state that could cause confusion regarding how such trusteeships fit with the state’s existing environmental laws and regulations.”

As well as causing confusion regarding the implementation of the proposal, its vagueness will likely make it “unconstitutional” in New Mexico to produce any energy that could potentially emit any kind of “pollutant,” which may be whatever state agencies deem fit.

“The Green Amendment is not just another piece of environmental legislation but a movement that protects the people’s rights to clean water, air, and land as well as addressing climate change and providing healthy environments,” state Sen. Harold Pope Jr., D-Albuquerque, said in a statement.

The vague language in the proposed amendment would mean agencies such as the State Land Office, run by rabidly anti-energy Secretary Stephanie Garcia Richard if reelected, would have 100% dominion over state land and water rights. Also, the conflicting science put forth by many left-wing conspiracy theorists regarding “climate change” could dictate what the constitutional amendment’s definition of “a stable climate” is. 

A spokeswoman for scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Lujan Grisham told the Santa Fe New Mexican that the Governor will assess “all good faith proposals.” No further clarification on what a good-faith proposal would entail. Judging by Lujan Grisham’s Energy Transition Act (Green New Deal), this bill would fall in line with the administration’s priorities to cripple the energy industry,

The most extreme proposed assault on NM oil and gas returning at 2022 Legislative Session Read More »

Report: 30 people have killed themselves so far using MLG’s new assisted suicide law

According to a report from the Santa Fe New Mexican, around 30 people, “possibly more,” have killed themselves using Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s extreme anti-life assisted suicide law, H.B. 47, which she signed in April. When signing the bill, she said, “It is done.” 

The law, which was opposed by multiple disability rights groups, the Navajo Nation, and many patients living with terminal conditions, sought to further normalize a culture of death in New Mexico by letting medical professionals prescribe lethal drugs to patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness that could take their lives anytime up to six months.

The bill would legalize doctors to prescribe a “cocktail” of lethal drugs to patients suffering from terminal illnesses, which will save insurance companies money. 

During the bill’s hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee, the “expert witnesses,” law professor Robert Schwartz and physician Steven Kanig could not even list the drugs that would be prescribed to end an individual’s life and admitted that there is no set “cocktail” that is used. Schwartz claimed the concoction of harmful drugs “has been refined over the years” and that “these drugs do change.” The process to kill oneself through this bill is heavily unregulated.

“To date, more than 20 [deaths under the law] have been reported to Department of Health,” Rep. Debbie Armstrong, (D-Bernalillo), the sponsor of the bill, told her colleagues Tuesday. Armstrong is a longtime ally of the Governor and an alleged witness to Lujan Grisham’s alleged groping of a staffer in 2018.

“We happen to know of close to 30,” she added during a hearing before the Legislative Health and Human Services Committee. “We don’t necessarily know them all. They don’t have to report to us. It’s through our relationships with entities that we have heard about many.”

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “Armstrong said there have been ‘ingestions’ in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Farmington, Gallup and Truth or Consequences.”

“We’re working with patients or have serious inquiries from Roswell, from Catron County, from Taos, calls from all over the state about the law and what the access is,” Armstrong added.

Sen. Bill O’Neill, (D-Bernalillo), said he felt “very humbled” to have co-sponsored the anti-life bill.

“For some of us legislators, this has been a real high point,” he said. “I mean, for me personally, this reminds me why it’s important to be a state legislator. You know, we really can make a difference in people’s lives.”

Report: 30 people have killed themselves so far using MLG’s new assisted suicide law Read More »

Far-left Alamogordo mayoral candidate blows up at Piñon Post editor, calls him an ‘a**hole’

On Tuesday night, after the Alamogordo City Commission meeting, Mayor Pro-Tem Nadia Sikes confronted Piñon Post editor and founder John Block, claiming the October 20, 2021 article written about her radical record was not factually accurate. 

Once Block took his phone out to get the conversation on record, Sykes had a much different tone. Block asked her what was factually inaccurate specifically about the article, to which she claimed her abortion stance was not accurately portrayed, claiming full-term abortions rarely ever happen.

When pressed regarding her specific stance, she repeatedly said, “I’m pro-choice,” while dodging questions on if she supports any regulations whatsoever on abortion. Once she began backing away, Mr. Block pointed out his opinion that he hopes Ms. Sykes loses the election, to which she said, “What an a**hole” for all commissioners and the public to hear. 

Despite her erroneous claim that the October 20 article was factually inaccurate, she has yet to formally request a retraction on any specific part she deemed to be supposedly inaccurate. 

Block released the following statement following the altercation:

It’s a shame that a person like Ms. Sikes has attained any office of public trust, especially in the City of Alamogordo, a place where respect and family values are cherished. Ms. Sikes using profane words toward a constituent, much less a member of the press, automatically disqualifies her from this race and proves why she is not fit for any position of public trust.

The video recorded by Mr. Block of the incident is below:

Far-left Alamogordo mayoral candidate blows up at Piñon Post editor, calls him an ‘a**hole’ Read More »

MLG announces extreme eco-Marxist agenda at ‘climate summit’ as New Mexicans protest

On Monday, far-left eco-Marxist groups and public figures gathered at the Capitol in Santa Fe to talk about the “climate change” conspiracy theory put on by House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe). As previously reported exclusively by the Piñon Post, Egolf’s “New Mexico Climate Summit” is costing New Mexico taxpayers at least $14,134. 

At the event, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced radical job-killing proposals she aims to ram through the 2022 Legislative Session that will not only cripple New Mexico’s energy economy but will harm the poor in significant ways. 

These proposals include “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, “clean fuel standards,” and the introduction of a hydrogen hub act. In 2021, the clean fuel standards bill died after it did not achieve final passage on the House floor. The bill would have resulted in at least a 20-cent gas tax that would harm the poorest New Mexicans, already struggling in Lujan Grisham’s economy.

“If you don’t have that framework in statute, it’s too easy to not work as diligently or as quickly or as effectively — to not have future commitment,” Lujan Grisham said. “This should be indicative of the work we’re going to do to preserve future generations.”

“For a small state with some pretty interesting challenges, we are, in fact, leading the country in any number of environmental strategies, policies, and statutory frameworks at reducing our emissions and increasing our renewable energy,” the Governor added.

Outside, protesters gathered from across New Mexico to oppose the job-killing proposals being implemented in the state. Signs read things like “MLG’s Green New Deal Kills” and “You Are The Carbon They Want to Reduce.” At the protest organized by activist Marcie May and others, Piñon Post editor John Block, GOP secretary of state candidate Audrey Trujillo, GOP lieutenant gubernatorial candidate Ant Thornton, GOP former U.S. Senate candidate Elisa Martinez, and others spoke about how eco-left policies are killing jobs in America.

Egolf briefly came outside, but once confronted by the Piñon Post about the job-killing Green New Deal, also known as the “Energy Transition Act”, he scurried away and did not give an opportunity for questions. State Sen. Harold Pope (D-Bernalillo) was asked about his support for the Green New Deal, and he said he supports it. When asked about the jobs that will be killed, he said, “It creates jobs.” When pressed further, he also scurried away. 

Fringe enviro-Marxist groups Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, OLÉ, Center for Civic Policy, Western Resource Advocates, Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation Voters New Mexico, NM Wild, Power4NewMexico, the Angelica Foundation, and the Energy Foundation are all sponsors of the summit.

Pro-energy group Power The Future’s communications director Larry Behrens said, “New Mexico is a national leader in unemployment and rising electric bills so it’s no surprise Governor Lujan Grisham wants to jet off to Scotland and leave her record behind. Additionally, it is the height of hypocrisy for the Governor to hop on a plane instead of appearing virtually. New Mexicans deserve better than a Governor who depends on fossil fuels to travel and for her budget but then undermines our energy workers at elitist resorts among her friends.”

Lujan Grisham is set to fly to Glasgow for a climate summit, in which she will join world leaders to discuss the climate change conspiracy theory.

MLG announces extreme eco-Marxist agenda at ‘climate summit’ as New Mexicans protest Read More »

Poll shows Keller’s $50M soccer stadium headed for defeat

A new Albuquerque Journal poll is shedding a little more light on where voters in Albuquerque are swayed in the bond issue for the voters to shell out $50 million to prop up the millionaire-owned “New Mexico United” team’s proposed stadium.

According to the poll, only 37% of voters say they support the measure, while an overwhelming 55% oppose it, with most having strong disapproval for it. “​​Only a fraction (3%) say that it depends or that they are undecided (4%),” the Journal writes.

“Democrats are fairly evenly split on the bond measure, with 46% in support and 45% opposed. There is much less parity among Republicans, as only 22% support it, compared with 71% who oppose it.” 

“All interviews were conducted by live, professional interviewers, with multiple callbacks to households that did not initially answer the phone,” according to the report. 

The report notes that United has dunked nearly $1 million into a political action committee sending out pro-stadium bond propaganda to voters in the mail and on television.

Embattled Democrat Mayor Tim Keller proposed the bond measure which will be a political blow to him if it fails, as the poll suggests it will. Keller will also be on the ballot for reelection, being challenged by a local radio show host and the Bernalillo County sheriff. The Journal’s polling shows Keller leading with 53% of the vote, while his opponents trail him. If he does not reach 50% of the vote, a runoff will take place.

Poll shows Keller’s $50M soccer stadium headed for defeat Read More »

Planned Parenthood promotes pro-abortion municipal candidates

New Mexicans should check twice before filling in their ballots for the 2021 municipal election due to pro-abortion dark money groups, namely, Planned Parenthood, which has endorsed and been promoting school board candidates in major New Mexico cities.

According to New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL), Planned Parenthood endorsed the following candidates:

  1. Tim Keller, ABQ Mayor
  2. Lan Sena, ABQ City Council 1
  3. Cynthia Borrego, ABQ City Council 5
  4. Mauro Walden-Montoya, ABQ City Council 7
  5. Rob Grilley, ABQ City Council 9
  6. Alan Weber, Santa Fe Mayor 
  7. Sig Lindell, Santa Fe City Council, District 1 
  8. Carol Romero Wirth, Santa Fe City Council, District 2 
  9. Roman Tiger Abeyta, Santa Fe City Council, District 3
  10. Amanda Chavez, Santa Fe City Council, District 4
  11. Becky Coran, Las Cruces City Council, District 5
  12. Danielle Gonzales and Jinx Baskerville, ABQ School Board, Dist 3
  13. Josie Dominguez, ABQ School Board, District 4
  14. Emma Jones, ABQ School Board, District 5
  15. Julie Brenning, ABQ School Board, District 7

“Based on public statements and electability, New Mexico Alliance for Life recommends the following candidates for Albuquerque Public School Board: Ali Enega for District 3, Crystal Tapia-Romero for District 5, Art Carrasco for District 6, Courtney Jackson for District 7,” wrote NMAFL. 

For the Albuquerque City Council, the group recommends Dan Lewis for District 5, Lori Robertson for District 7, and Renee Grout for District 9. For the mayoral election, the group does not recommend supporting Tim Keller.

NMAFL wrote, “Tim Keller has taken campaign money from Curtis Boyd – the owner of Albuquerque’s scandal ridden, late-term abortion business Southwestern Women’s Options. In 2013, then-state senator Tim Keller also endorsed “Respect ABQ Women,” a group that worked to keep abortion up-to-birth legal in the Albuquerque city election.” 

As the Piñon Post previously reported, Planned Parenthood said it was thrilled to endorse the embattled mayor.

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Amid crises in NM, MLG to travel to Scotland for ‘climate’ excursion

On Friday, it was reported that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is not in New Mexico this week. She’s is in Washington, D.C. for events with the Democratic Governors Association, which is reportedly paying for her travel expenses. 

The Albuquerque Journal wrote, “Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is visiting the White House and meeting with congressional leaders this week to highlight the importance of a federal public works package for New Mexico and other states.”

Lujan Grisham is not done traveling, however. She will fly to Glasgow next month to “represent New Mexico” at the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

“I am so proud of the work we have done in under three years, and I am honored to represent that work, and the work of so many New Mexicans, on the world stage,” said Lujan Grisham in a statement. “But I know that we – as a state, as a nation, as a planet – must go further by pursuing bold, equitable and just climate solutions. I am looking forward to this significant opportunity for collaboration and action at the global level.”

During her time at the climate change excursion, Lujan Grisham will meet with parties that want to help her further erode New Mexico’s energy infrastructure, even after she signed the job-killing “Green New Deal” in 2019 in the form of the Energy Transition Act. The bill aims to completely wipe out the oil and gas industry in New Mexico by the year 2045. 

Lujan Grisham will hold a “public conversation alongside Secretary of State Tony Blinken, White House climate advisors John Kerry and Gina McCarthy, and Michael Bloomberg on the America is All In initiative.”

She will team up for “an open-press event with the Powering Past Coal Alliance,” and another event with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and “governors from around the world.”

In New Mexico, Lujan Grisham and House Speaker Brian Egolf are holding a far-left “climate summit” on October 25-26, which is costing the taxpayers at least $14,000 to promote the radical climate change agenda. The cost of Lujan Grisham’s Scotland trip, no doubt, will cost the taxpayers many thousands more as the Governor wines and dines with global far-left leaders at the summit.

“New Mexicans deserve better than a Governor who depends on fossil fuels to travel and for her budget but then undermines our energy workers at elitist resorts among her friends,” Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future, said in a written statement.

The Piñon Post previously reported:

In 2019, Grisham also took a vacation to Gran Canaria, an island in Las Palma Spain, according to documents obtained through an Inspection of Public Records Act request, showing the Governor had Lt. Gov. Howie Morales serve as acting-Governor while she was out of the country. Iberdrola (AVANGRID) has multiple service points and locations on the Gran Canaria island. 

AVANGRID is currently seeking approval by the elected Public Regulation Commission to acquire PNM Resources, New Mexico’s largest utility. AVANGRID is the third-largest wind utility company in the U.S. The Spanish Iberdrola, S.A owns the company. 

Lujan Grisham’s global galavanting comes as New Mexicans remain at the highest unemployment levels, 40% of all small businesses have been crushed due to her pandemic lockdowns, and working families are struggling to make ends meet in the state.

Amid crises in NM, MLG to travel to Scotland for ‘climate’ excursion Read More »

Ex-Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti quits job to ‘consider’ run for NM governor

On Thursday, KRQE 13 announced that “meteorologist” Mark Ronchetti, a failed candidate for U.S. Senate against Ben Ray Luján, was quitting his job at the news station to “consider” a run for New Mexico governor.

Although the ex-candidate has not made a formal announcement, his website reportedly was caught giving a glimpse into a potential gubernatorial bid, showing the site’s logo reading “Mark Ronchetti [for] Governor” and the line, “together we’ll win in 2022.” The website is no longer up.

The sudden resignation of Ronchetti from KRQE 13 appears to give credence to rumors of the ex-Senate candidate’s possible run. Ronchetti has done backflips to attempt to claim he supports President Donald J. Trump. This came after he was caught telling a crowd of George Soros-funded activists in 2019 — two full years into Trump’s term — at 350, an extreme climate group, that President Trump is “the Orange One” who drove him to leave the Republican Party. He added, “I’m afraid that that has taken a part of my soul.”

At the same presentation for 350, Ronchetti appeared to endorse scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “Green New Deal,” known as the Energy Transition Act.

Previously, Ronchetti called Trump supporters who were critical of his run, “little Facebook trolls who are in their parents’ basement with their Cheeto-stained fingers.” He had never previously voted in a Republican primary until running for U.S. Senate.

After Ronchetti’s apparent loss to Luján in 2020, he did not contest allegations of election fraud in the race and refused to help the Republican Party of New Mexico file a lawsuit regarding alleged fraudulent activity. He has not spoken out on any important political issues since returning to KRQE 13, especially not regarding forced jabs for employment or masking children at schools.

Gov. Lujan Grisham is up for reelection in 2022, facing off against seven Republicans, including businesswoman Karen Bedonie, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, Right to Life of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg, businessman Louie Sanchez, former Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh, and financier Greg Zanetti. Note: These candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

Ex-Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti quits job to ‘consider’ run for NM governor Read More »

Gov. Lujan Grisham and Speaker Egolf hoist Pride flags atop the Capitol in Santa Fe

MLG and Egolf’s ‘climate’ summit to cost taxpayers at least $14K, organizers to protest event

On October 25 and 26, New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) will hold the “2021 New Mexico Climate Summit,” which aims to push radical enviro-Marxist policies upon the state, while bragging about job-killing anti-energy initiatives, such as New Mexico’s Green New Deal, the “Energy Transition Act.” 

According to public documents obtained exclusively by the Piñon Post, Egolf’s event will leave New Mexico taxpayers on the hook for at least $14,134 for the event. According to the figures provided by Egolf’s office, taxpayers will shell out $2,500 for keynote speaker Maite Arce of the “Hispanic Access Foundation’s” travel, $500 for “printing,” $7,000 for “meeting planning,” $2,134 for “catering,” $750 for a supposed second keynote speaker’s travel, assumed to be Andrew Baumann of Global Strategy Group, $600 for a “Zoom operator,” $100 for email platform “Survey Monkey,” $50 for “name tags,” and $500 for “volunteer lunch.”

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is set to speak on the first day of the conference from 11:00 to 11:45, in which she is to speak about supposed “progress made and next steps” from the administration. Egolf will speak, as well as Secretary of Environment James Kenney, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst, and other administration officials.

State Rep. Harry Garcia (D-Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, Socorro, San Juan, and Valencia) and Sen. Gay Kernan (R-Chaves, Eddy, and Lea) have already RSVP’d for the event. Announcements for the event claim over 150 “fellow state, local and community leaders are expected to attend.” 

The event is likely to be chock-full of race-baiting regarding climate, according to Speaker Egolf’s press release announcing the function, writing, “Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in New Mexico have long lived and worked on the frontlines of energy industries, bearing the heaviest burden and impact wrought by climate change, yet they are the most likely to be left behind by climate and clean energy policies.” 

According to his bio, the second keynote speaker Andrew Baumann “worked for numerous advocacy groups with a particular focus on climate, clean energy and conservation issues, having worked with LCV, Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Power 2020, the Sierra Club, and many others. His work in 2020 was instrumental in helping convince Joe Biden to make climate a centerpiece of his campaign and embrace a more ambitious climate plan.”

Fringe enviro-Marxist groups Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, OLÉ, Center for Civic Policy, Western Resource Advocates, Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation Voters New Mexico, NM Wild, Power4NewMexico, the Angelica Foundation, and the Energy Foundation are all sponsors of the summit.

All attendees are required to wear masks and be vaccinated, according to the event’s invite.

A protest organized by pro-energy activists is set to take place outside of the building called “Rally Against MLG’s ‘Climate Change’ Summit” to buck the taxpayer-funded liberal propaganda event. It will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on October 25 when Lujan Grisham is scheduled to speak. People in the Albuquerque area will be driving in a caravan up to Santa Fe at 10:00 a.m. that is meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the 550 Exit. More event details are below:

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