
Democrat gov. denies press credentials to two conservative news outlets

By John Block and Nick Wilbur

On Wednesday, both The Conservative New Mexican and the Piñon Post were denied entry into Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s media briefing regarding her support for abortion in the State of New Mexico.

Left-wing media went head-over-heels when a far-left reporter, Shaun Griswold, for the foreign-owned “Source New Mexico” was not admitted entry into Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti’s private campaign rally with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) earlier this month.

According to the campaign, “Source New Mexico was denied a credential because they are ‘a left-wing advocacy group, not a legitimate news organization.’” The online newspaper’s liberal founding, dark-money funding, and one-sided “reporting” indicate this to be true.

Regarding Griswold not being allowed into the campaign event, leftist media collectively lost it over “freedom of the press.” 

The Las Vegas Optic wrote in a melodramatic editorial, “It’s a gross overstep of authority, and one everyone should be concerned about,” adding, “We don’t know about everyone reading this, but that sure doesn’t sound like freedom of the press to us.”

The Santa Fe Reporter chimed in, claiming Griswold’s denied entry was “an obvious affront to press freedom.” 

New Mexico Foundation for Open Government (NMFOG) whined that booting Griswold was “a dangerous precedent to let any public servant decide who is and is not a ‘legitimate’ reporter.”

To test this theory of supposed “press freedom,” both the Piñon Post, a news site initially founded in 2018, and The Conservative New Mexican, founded in 2021, requested press credentials for Lujan Grisham’s Wednesday press briefing. 

The event was scheduled for 10 a.m. Wednesday. As of this writing, the governor’s press secretary has yet to respond to either of our requests for access.

We will see if these supposed beacons of journalistic prowess will be crowing from the top of their lungs about “open government” and “press freedom” now that two conservative-leaning outlets were denied access—to a PUBLIC event, no less.

At the presser, Lujan Grisham announced that in the 2023 Legislative Session, if re-elected, she will designate $10 million of public capital outlay money to build a new abortion facility in Doña Ana County, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican, which was granted access to the briefing.

Even more damning, every single correspondence sent from the Piñon Post requesting comment on a story or access to an official press conference has gone unanswered, both by press secretary Nora Sackett and former communications director Tripp Stelnicki. 

The shameless hypocrisy of these leftist “news” outlets like the Reporter and Optic and “open government” groups like NMFOG prove that the crowing over “press freedom” is all a political ploy meant to dredge up more controversy and take jabs at Conservative voices. 

We will patiently wait for these leftist editorial boards and “transparency” groups to denounce Lujan Grisham for her administration’s “affronts on the freedom of the press.”

John Block is the founder and editor of the Piñon Post. Nick Wilbur runs The Conservative New Mexican

Don’t miss these related articles:

Leftists Demand Answers But Ask No Questions Over Fake News Ban

Woke op-ed: NM’s ‘free’ college holding state ‘hostage’ because oil & gas funds it

OutSource New Mexico: Dark Money Funds ‘Left-of-Center’ SourceNM to ‘Change the Political Debate’

Democrat gov. denies press credentials to two conservative news outlets Read More »

Woke op-ed: NM’s ‘free’ college holding state ‘hostage’ because oil & gas funds it

In a hilarious move, the left-wing “Source New Mexico” blog ran an op-ed by a person called Jonathan Juarez-Alonzo, who the website says “is a queer, two-spirit Indigenous climate activist” who is “working on the frontlines of combating environmental racism and ecological destruction here in New Mexico.”

Alonzo claims the extreme taxpayer-funded “free” college passed last year by the Democrat-dominated Legislature doesn’t go far enough because of “climate change” and funds from oil and gas being used to fund the socialist program. Because of the supposed climate crisis, Alonzo says he is “on an indefinite leave of absence from the University of New Mexico”

Oil and gas made up 33 percent of the state’s revenue in the last fiscal year.

“[F]unding these scholarships with volatile oil revenues, students like myself feel our futures are being held hostage: Do we invest in ourselves and take advantage of free higher education? Or should we even be wasting these last fleeting years of our youth in a classroom when our elected leaders are leading us down a path toward total climate collapse,” writes Alonzo.

Throughout the rest of the piece, he claims victimhood, invoking the name of slain fentanyl addict George Floyd, saying that is why he quit college to go into “criminology and social work,” writing that he grew up “surrounded by one of the most violent police forces in the nation.”

Alonzo then calls for the total decimation of the oil, gas, and all extractive industries, writing, “We’re lacking the political willpower to dismantle and transform an industry that holds every aspect of our state in economic hostage.”

“New Mexico is handing out symbolic victories like tuition-free college that are meaningless when thousands of New Mexicans are being displaced by wildfires, and our farmers are losing their crops because the acequias are running dry,” he writes, claiming that fires and droughts are caused by the fictitious “climate change” emergency.

He claims “real solutions” entail “investments in proven renewable energy and battery technologies, and investments in industry cleanup (which our politicians should make the polluters cover),” but does not take into account that states that have implemented far-left enviro-Marxist policies like California are facing raging blackouts statewide, which have led to the deaths of people.

Solar and wind have extreme environmental impacts due to the materials mined to make these “renewable” energies a reality. Also, the ecological impact kills countless wild animals, such as solar killing around 138,600 birds annually and wind turbines responsible for about 538,000 bird deaths and 900,000 bat deaths every year.

But despite the radical Democrats passing the Green New Deal via the “Energy Transition Act” to totally annihilate the oil and gas industry, that is still not enough for Alonzo and the folks at “Source New Mexico.”

Woke op-ed: NM’s ‘free’ college holding state ‘hostage’ because oil & gas funds it Read More »

Beware: the ‘League of Women Voters’ wants to snatch your guns

While some may still see the group as a “non-partisan” organization, the League of Women Voters (LWV) is anything but. 

Recently, organizers for the group that puts on debates and other events regarding elections wrote an op-ed for the Las Cruces Sun-News, which advocated for partisan Democrat gun control measures.

LWV gave its stamp of approval to the far-left anti-gun bill recently passed by Congress, saying it “limits access to guns for those who have been convicted of domestic violence in a dating relationship, creates federal straw purchasing and trafficking criminal offenses.”

As well, the group went even further to declare support for four other extreme anti-gun measures. The group wrote in the Sun-News piece, “In addition to these two features, the League recommended the following actions in a letter to the Senate and House judiciary committees: (1) closing the gun show loophole which exempts certain sales from the requirement of a federal background check of the buyer of a weapon, (2) providing universal background checks, (3) banning assault weapons and placing limits on high-capacity ammunition magazine size, and (4) funding research and reporting on gun violence in the United States.”

In essence, the group advocates for universal background checks on all firearms sold ever, banning many styles of firearms (making millions of Americans felons if the bill is passed), and extremist “gun violence” reporting, such as in New Mexico with the recently funded “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” aimed at assaulting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

LWV contends in the op-ed that the fact that good guys with guns help stop bad guys with guns is “dangerous” and that “people with guns make mistakes,” whether they are good or bad. It did not, however, speak on the fact that most crimes in America are committed by criminals who do not abide by gun laws — thus, anti-gun laws do not work.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a

firearm during their offense. Among these, more than half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street or from the underground market (43%).” 

The DOJ report added, “Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.”

Despite the facts, the League of Women Voters is propping up the far-left group run by Miranda Viscoli, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, which helped ram through New Mexico’s “red flag” law that has not been effective whatsoever in stopping “gun violence.”

Since the bill’s passage in 2020, the state has seen a sharp increase in violent crime, suggesting that the far-left anti-gun laws passed in New Mexico have not done anything but exacerbate violent gun offenses.

As well as gun-snatching, LWV put its rubber stamp of approval on socialist “free” (taxpayer-funded) college programs that are costing the state at least $75 million annually.

The group wrote, “Limitations on economic and educational opportunities also need to be addressed. Greater access to community colleges and universities through the Opportunity Scholarships and the efforts by the City of Las Cruces to lift up neighborhoods may help.”

The League of Women Voters has come out as an extremely leftist partisan organization and cannot be trusted to be anything but skewing sharply to the political left.

Beware: the ‘League of Women Voters’ wants to snatch your guns Read More »

Opinion: The time is now

Reject the one-party rule at all costs! Democrats have weaponized the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS against you and your families. The media will push a certain narrative to fit the elitists’ agenda. The media is known for feeding you disinformation and forcing you to reject what you know is true. 

America is at a pinnacle tipping point. We are headed for a socialistic regime of one-party rule where the opposition will silence, raid, and remove anyone who speaks out against the Democrats and their operatives. True Americans must now stand up and fight back against this ideal; we must reject this nation’s Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, and Michele Lujan-Grisham. We must ensure that we elect real Americans to this office and pursue them to uphold and maintain the constitution of the state of New Mexico and the United States of America. 

The point of no return is upon us. The Democrat elites will take any measure to silence you.  They will start by watching how you move your money, just like how they watch what you say on social media, then they will silence you for your beliefs and freeze you out of your assets. 

While not everyone likes 45th President Trump, remember, if they can raid his home, who’s to say they won’t raid yours? The current leadership of the US government is no longer for law and order. They no longer wish to uphold the rule of law. Instead, it will be used as a weapon against anyone they deem harmful to their plans this November and beyond. We must elect real Americans and show the elites in Santa Fe and Washington that we will not lose our freedoms to their show of totalitarianism against our republic. 

Reject the hurt that Joe Biden and the Democrats have placed on you and your family; reject the media for echoing the establishment’s decree that we should be grateful that they brought down gas prices by 40 cents. We are not peasants of the Democrat and GOP establishment elites: we are their bosses. We, the American people, need to remember that we are not electing our oppressors but our representatives who work for us. It is high time they remember that the American people are in charge of this union. 

In November, we must send a message that we, the American people, will not become the second Roman Empire and crumble. This Republic will not fall from within. We will not bow to this type of fear-mongering and oppression. 

For far too long, the American people have allowed the establishment and elites to go unchecked, and they must be put back in their place. It is important not to remain idle. It was President Trump’s house that got raided this year next year, it may be your house. We must remove all Democrats who applaud this tyranny and who vote to raise your taxes during the worst inflation in over 40 years. 

The time is now for the American people to stand with one voice and reject totalitarianism that the Democrats and GOP establishment are trying to push on us, the American people. We are the makers of our own destiny, and we will not allow this regime to put us on our knees and force us to lick the scraps from their boots. 

The time for the Democrats to be removed from power is now. The time for the DOJ, FBI, and IRS to be cleansed of their political bias, if not abolished for their treason, is now. These unspeakable acts of terror that have been placed on American citizens are egregious, while the elites like Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Michele Lujan-Grisham and all their operatives place themselves above the law must end. Now, my fellow Americans, it is time to make a stand, or our children will have nothing left to stand on.

Jordan Juarez was born and raised right here in the Land of Enchantment. He is a husband and a father to one son. Currently majoring in political science in addition to fighting for a better life for all New Mexicans and bringing change to our home.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

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Far-left Dem who praised conservative censorship now has egg on her face

When it comes to state Rep. Liz Thomson, hypocrisy doesn’t register on her scale, especially if it means bashing conservatives.

Over the years, Thomson has been one of the most stalwart supporters of banning and censoring conservatives on many platforms.

In 2021, Thomson applauded 45th President Donald J. Trump getting banned from Twitter and suspended from Facebook, writing, “Let’s go all the way and hope for an ‘FBI Ban’!”

She also applauded other conservatives being banned, writing, “Ban the losers forever!”

But now, as the streaming platform, Hulu has banned certain content promoted by Democrats at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Thomson is now crying about so-called censorship.

Thomson shared a Washington Post article about it, writing, “Censorship pure and simple.” 

Many chimed in to call out Thomson’s blatant hypocrisy. 

Piñon Post’s John Block wrote, “but she was happy [when] President Trump got banned from Twitter … NOW she cries “cEnSoRsHiP.’” 

Another person wrote, “So, it’s a business decision not the government censoring, so it’s not censorship (like @twitter censoring Trump) argument is no longer valid? Is it just because it’s happening to Democrats?”

“You’re the biggest hypocrite I have ever met,” wrote another Twitter user.

One person wrote, “This [clown] is constantly calling to ban trump supporter[s] but cries when he[r] echo chamber gets shut down!” 

But the Democrats’ Hulu ads ended up being accepted at the end of the day, with changes to wording that went with the streaming platform’s guidelines, as reported by the Washington Post, which Thomson shared. However, the far-left lawmaker continues to cry “censorship” despite having egg all over her face from her shameless hypocrisy. 

Far-left Dem who praised conservative censorship now has egg on her face Read More »

MLG claims to be anti-gerrymandering despite signing extreme gerrymandered maps

Far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has once again spoken out of both sides of her mouth — this time about gerrymandering. For those unaware of the term, in essence, it means manipulating the political boundaries of districts to favor one party or class. 

Lujan Grisham signed into law the most partisan, extremist gerrymandered maps imaginable earlier this year. The maps approved for Congress, state House and state Senate were drawn by the dark money Center for Civic Policy, which skewed district lines for political gain.

These changes created snake-like figures in district maps, probably most notably in the congressional district boundaries, which chopped up many communities, such as Hobbs and Roswell, into two or even three districts, while pairing people in the extreme southeast corner of the state with communities that have nothing in common, such as with Santa Fe and the extreme northwest side of the state.

But despite this partisan gamesmanship, Lujan Grisham now claims to be on a “mission to end gerrymandering,” touting an endorsement with the far-left Eric Holder-affiliated “National Democratic Redistricting Committee,” which actually advocates for drawing districts to benefit Democrats.

The partisan group wrote, “We’re thrilled to endorse Gov.@Michelle4NM! Throughout her tenure, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grishman has acted as a fierce #DemocracyDefender who signed #FairMaps into law – making her re-election pivotal to New Mexico and our nation.” 

Despite once claiming to support fair districts, leftist members of the state “Citizens Redistricting Committee” pushed through partisan choices for maps. Here is what they originally said

Board Member Curtis said, “It seems like a radical change to any of the districts — since we’re not an elected body — … the public would have to say ‘we want a radical change.’” Member Curtis said, “there would have to be overwhelming support for a radical change from the current districts” and “We are imposing something on people if we’re doing radical change without the public jumping up and saying ‘this is what we want.’” 

Board Member Rhatigan added, “…unless there’s overwhelming public consensus to change the general composition of our three congressional districts, I’m inclined to draw districts that we have one [representative] in Albuquerque and we have one northern district and a southern district.”

As we previously reported

​​The maps were not the work of the state’s Citizen Redistricting Committee. Rather, the work of dark money operatives apparently seeking a left-wing political advantage. 

During the closed-door special session in which Democrats rammed through the extreme proposals, public comment was cut off or not accepted at all and no notice was given to the public to addend critical committee hearings on the proposed maps.

Even the left-wing Albuquerque Journal decried the partisanship in the drawing of maps. In a recent editorial, the paper wrote that the maps were drawn for “naked political gain.” 

“So much for keeping like-minded communities together, prioritizing communities of interest, protecting marginalized groups, avoiding court intervention, and not favoring anyone, specifically political parties or incumbents.”

But for everyone who was involved in the redistricting process in New Mexico, it is clear that Democrats shamelessly drew political maps to benefit themselves while doing everything possible to skew the board in their favor through gerrymandering.

MLG claims to be anti-gerrymandering despite signing extreme gerrymandered maps Read More »

MLG applauds GOP senators selling out Americans’ gun rights

Over the weekend, it was reported that ten Republican U.S. Senators are joining with far-left Democrats to pass an extreme anti-gun bill that includes “red flag” legislation to rip away Americans’ due process rights and corrode the Second Amendment.

The Democrat senator leading the talks is Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut, and the leader of Republican negotiations is Sen. John Cornyn of Texas.

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, a far-left Democrat, could barely contain her excitement with the potential of new anti-gun legislation being passed federally.

She wrote on Twitter, “Today, there is hope for bipartisan action on gun safety. While we have taken significant steps to reduce gun violence, NM will benefit from @ChrisMurphyCT and @JohnCornyn’s commonsense policies.”

The Governor continued, “I call on the Senate to quickly take up this proposal — the time to act is now.”

Lujan Grisham also thanked New Mexico’s radical Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich, writing, “I’m grateful to the Senators including our own @TeamHeinrich. Together they found a bipartisan solution to address #GunViolence. This is a step in the right direction.”

The Democrats in the New Mexico Legislature, in tandem with Lujan Grisham, rammed through extreme anti-gun legislation in the form of a “red flag” law, among other measures such as funding $300,000 annually for an “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” to take away New Mexicans’ Second Amendment rights.

Despite Lujan Grisham’s rhetoric, her administration has overseen some of the highest crime in New Mexico, with her agenda being chiefly responsible for continued unrest in the streets. In Albuquerque, crime hit an all-time high, while homicides broke historic records. 

These results came while Lujan Grisham worked with far-left Democrats in the Legislature to strip away qualified immunity rights of peace officers, institute “social justice” reforms to the criminal system, and let dangerous criminals back on the streets to ravage New Mexico streets. She also applauded Antifa/Black Lives Matter protesters who defied her lockdown orders to hold violent protests in the streets of Albuquerque.

However, Lujan Grisham and her fellow Democrats in New Mexico continue to bang the gong demanding an erosion of Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms.

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Audrey Trujillo is a true hero for New Mexico

After the 2020 Presidential Election, many Americans across the country felt that their vote didn’t count. Many voters believe that the election was stolen and the confidence in our electoral process was no longer there. Why is that? We have seen election rules meant to secure the electoral process loosened prior to an election, expanded usage of unsecured ballot drop boxes that have the potential to be ripe with fraud, unsolicited mail-in absentee ballots sent across the state in mass, weaponization of the voter laws and rules during the COVID-19 pandemic, voter rolls that haven’t been updated, and voting machines used to count ballots being compromised.

With all these irregularities, it’s no wonder why people believe we have predetermined selections, not fair elections. In New Mexico, the incumbent Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver is the one who administers and oversees the electoral process. Under her tenure, election integrity has been eroding away in the state of New Mexico. Maggie Toulouse Oliver claims that she has been upholding election integrity, but her actions show otherwise. For example, this year the state legislature failed to pass SB 144, an omnibus election bill. SB 144 started off as a page and a half.  Once she finished adding to it, SB 144 was now over 160 pages long.  This bill undermined our current election laws, and would open the door to potential fraud. She repeatedly referred to this legislation as “My bill”. 

Fortunately, when it went to the Senate, the Republicans were able to successfully kill the bill using the filibuster. On July 22nd, 2021, she held a hearing and implemented rules stripping mail-in ballot verification protections. This opened the door to potential fraud without consideration from the state legislature. These rules have had the same effect as if they were law, passed by the Legislature, and signed by the Governor. You have the inalienable right to vote, but you also have the right to know if your vote is being counted and the results will be fair.

Election integrity and voting rights are not supposed to be apolitical, but Maggie Toulouse Oliver has taken advantage of these very important issues for political gain. But there is hope for the future as Maggie Toulouse Oliver has opposition in November from a 15generational Hispanic woman who has been fighting for your constitutional rights for a very long time. That woman is Audrey Trujillo. Born and raised in New Mexico, Audrey Trujillo is a woman of integrity and honesty.

She has always been a mover and a shaker; from a young age, she was always at the forefront of any decisions that needed to be made. When politicians tried to take away your constitutional rights in Santa Fe, Audrey was there fighting for you. As your next Secretary of State, Audrey will bring back election integrity and transparency to New Mexico’s elections. She will clean up the voter rolls, implement measures to secure our elections, give each county clerk the tools necessary to protect their voter precincts from fraud, advocate for voter ID, and push for changes in the rules to limit absentee voting to only disabled, elderly, military and voters who are temporarily out of the state on business.

Our votes are sacred and need to be held to the highest standards. Under the administration of Audrey Trujillo, Every legal vote will be counted and every secure measure will be put in place to protect voter rights and integrity of the process. She is the right person for the job as Maggie Toulouse Oliver has tried to discredit her with false allegations. Recently, a slanderous hit piece from the Albuquerque Journal insinuated that Audrey Trujillo is a racist and anti-Semitic. Maggie Toulouse Oliver cited the article in a fundraising email.

Audrey is a 15 generational Hispanic woman born and raised in New Mexico with Jewish ancestry. Calling her a racist is abhorrent and ignorant. I’m a Black Puerto Rican American born and raised in New Mexico. I know Audrey and she’s not racist or anti-Semitic whatsoever. For Maggie Toulouse Oliver to use these lies defaming her character for campaign contributions is disgusting and despicable. Maggie Toulouse Oliver knows she’s not going to win and is playing dirty politics to derail Audrey’s grassroots campaign. Audrey is a True Hero for New Mexico and she will bring back honesty and integrity back to the office of the Secretary of State.

A vote for her is not only a vote for election integrity but for New Mexico’s future. The position of Secretary of State is the most important government position because it concerns our elections which are paramount to a free republic. Without the right to vote in free and fair elections, we have no country. In Audrey’s own words, “The citizens of New Mexico deserve free, fair, honest elections and that starts with a Secretary of State who believes in one vote per registered eligible voter.” If you believe in New Mexico, vote for a True Hero, and Audrey is that True Hero.

Freddie Lopez is a patriotic American living in Santa Fe, New Mexico He is also the campaign manager for Audrey Trujillo. You can follow him on Twitter @freddiearlopez.

Opinions expressed by Piñon Post contributors do not necessarily represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at news@pinonpost.com.

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MLG campaign asks for Mother’s Day card signatures after promoting unlimited abortion

On Friday, in truly twisted form, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign team sent out an email requesting signatures on a Mother’s Day card for the radical left-wing governor.

This comes right after Lujan Grisham touted radical pro-abortion policies, such as 2021’s S.B. 10, which she signed in New Mexico, stripping all protections for babies in the womb, pregnant mothers, and medical professionals. The bill effectively legalized abortion up-to-birth and infanticide.

This week, Lujan Grisham appeared on CNN to promote abortion and condemn pro-lifers who want to save babies from being murdered through abortions. Lujan Grisham told Jake Tapper, “You have states that are going to work to continue to restrict the decision-making of a woman about her own body, her own health care.”

She added, “And you got more than half the country that has the potential with this leaked draft decision to lose their constitutional rights. And I think it could be just the beginning. And no amount of preparation prepares you for actually being able to see what this opinion could look like and what it could actually be.” 

While sharing the clip on Twitter, the Governor wrote, “We took action in #NM to protect a woman’s right to an abortion. As governor, I’ll never stop fighting for women and their rights.”

But pro-lifers clapped back at Lujan Grisham. Elisa Martinez of New Mexico Alliance for Life and candidate for the state House of Representatives wrote, “NOT true. What about the dozens of women who are sent to the Emergency Room or have died as a result of unsafe & unregulated abortions in #NM? You’ve fought to empower #abortion businesses – not for women.”

But despite Lujan Grisham’s rabid support for abortion up-to-birth and infanticide, her team is now “thanking” Lujan Grisham with a Mother’s Day card. In an email, the campaign team wrote, “On Mother’s Day, we want to say “thank you” for everything Gov. Lujan Grisham has done for New Mexicans. Will you sign your name now to wish Gov. Lujan Grisham a happy Mother’s Day?”

Lujan Grisham recently took a maxed-out donation from Planned Parenthood and donated thousands to the sexist pro-abortion group that only helps anti-life women run for office, EMILY’s List.

MLG campaign asks for Mother’s Day card signatures after promoting unlimited abortion Read More »

Woke Santa Fe paper claims CRT doesn’t exist in NM schools

On Monday, the far-left Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board went all-in on defending the racist Critical Race Theory teachings that are indoctrinating New Mexico school children.

The leftist editorial board wrote, “Fights over what is being taught in schools are happening across the United States, framed as parents fight back against so-called critical race theory. Which, by the way, is not being taught in K-12 public schools, if facts mattered.” 

The New Mexican’s editorial board appears to have been sleeping under a rock since just in 2021, it was reported that in the Albuquerque Public Schools alone, children were being taught Critical Race Theory through its social studies curriculum.

As we previously reported:

​​The book list includes the revisionist “A People’s History of the United States” by discredited leftist indoctrinator, Howard Zinn, “A Queer History of the United States for Young People” by left-wing activist Richie Chevat, “THINK Race and Ethnicity” by Mona Scott, which is chock full of racist Critical Race Theory principles and “social justice” indoctrination regarding feminism, immigration, and race in general. 

Dr. Lindsay writes on Twitter, “This isn’t education. It’s Critical Theory programming.” He noted that the books shown are for the “social studies curriculum only. Don’t be alarmed that no math or science, etc., is on there. It’s not meant to be.” 

“Nearly all of the proposed social studies curriculum in Albuquerque, NM, schools is geared around Critical Theory interpretations of American history and social life. The goal would obviously be to make students think negatively about their country and state. I should also point out how much of the recommended reading list is feminist, which will serve the same Critical agenda. The goal is, yet again, to criticize the existing society (per Marx’s ‘ruthless criticism of everything that exists’) to demolish faith and support for it.” he continued. 

“Many of these books will be defended as ‘providing a different perspective/voice,’ and people will be challenged to say what they think is wrong about alternative perspectives/voices. That’s a trap. It’s the leveraging of all curricula to Critical Theory ends, which is wrong.” 

The paper claimed that those who are against teaching Critical Race Theory in elementary schools through the updated social studies standards are fighting fictitious “elites” that are attempting to indoctrinate children, calling the outrage “a bunch of hooey.”

They went on to claim pushback over the standards by New Mexicans constitutes “alarmist language” 

“That it is becoming a wedge issue in the 2022 election season is unfortunate. The nation and state face real challenges — a pandemic, the climate crisis, rising prices, homelessness and so many more. Time spent going after a threat to children that does not exist is time wasted,” it added.

The New Mexican’s editorial board concluded, “History is rich enough to include many voices. That’s a longstanding New Mexico tradition in this the state of ‘united cultures.’ To do any less would fray the ‘perfect friendship’ among those cultures.” 

But the divisive topics that made it to the final version of these standards is not “rich cultural history” 

These include having children “[a]ssess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement.” 

Other divisive language in the standards include anti-Hispanic racism targeting Spanish settlers in the United States. One standard reads that students are to “[c]ompare the patterns of exploration, destruction and occupation of the Americas by Spaniards.”

But to the Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board, this is what encompasses a “rich history,” as taught in public schools while CRT supposedly doesn’t exist, in their opinion. 

Woke Santa Fe paper claims CRT doesn’t exist in NM schools Read More »

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