The survival of our way of life depends on energy reliability

The survival of critical infrastructure that supports modern life starts with reliable energy.  We must be the ones to call out the policies and the lies being told.

I was there at the new Department of Homeland Security when it opened its doors after 9-11 in 2003.  (Ten years later, I served Governor Susana Martinez as the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Emergency Management and Homeland Security.) In 2003 my team was asked to consult with a lot of other smart people to develop a Critical Infrastructure Program for the 16 critical sectors in the U.S. Sandia Lab was hired to model the interdependencies of the critical sectors.  At the top of the list was and still is ENERGY.  Without it, the other 15 infrastructures that we rely on for modern life fail. There is no excuse for advanced countries like those below to experience a shortage of electricity or other types of power or severe inflation of energy costs. But failing we are. How many examples do we need to change our course?

Example 1: Remember last winter when California was forced into rolling brownouts in its quest for zero-carbon power ahead of other states? They were only at 27% of meeting their renewables goal, and the electric grid couldn’t function. You see, the grid wasn’t designed for intermittent energy flows like wind and solar.   

Example 2: On August 26th, the California Air Resources Board adopted new regulations effectively banning the sale of gas engine vehicles by 2035. 17 states have tied themselves to California’s emission standards, and New Mexico is one of them. Four days later, Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency due to excessive heat and the electric grid. The Governor is urging residents and businesses to reduce the use of electricity to avoid additional power outages by not plugging in cars and major appliances between 4 pm-9 pm! Experts say that reductions in energy supply are a direct result of California energy policy making the grid unreliable by mandating renewables. How is it that government can require everyone to have electric cars in 10 years even though we can’t even plug them in today?

Example 3: Look at the disaster that is befalling the U.K. and the rest of Europe. The U.K. is announcing that energy could be rationed for years. Why? Gas prices for the UK are more than 16 times higher than the average prices over the previous decade. Household bills for wholesale gas and power are due to increase by 80% a year from now even though the U.K. has large potential supplies of oil and gas. Countries like the U.K. and Germany are facing failure because they needlessly failed to provide for their own energy reliability and self-sufficiency. And the Biden administration is following the same path.  

Example 4: France is a little better off because its electricity has come from its own fleet of nuclear power plants.  It has generated 70 percent of its electricity from a fleet of 56 reactors, but 32 are now offline.  The French President says companies may face energy rationing this winter. The government is working on a quota trading system where businesses can buy and sell electricity to each other.  President Macron says, “The months ahead are just a step in the bigger transition that we need to make.” Boy, does that sound familiar.

Example 5: Germany’s impending disaster is one of its own makings, but with more variables. Angela Merkel announced her nation would close all its nuclear power plants after the Fukushima disaster in 2011, at the same time quadrupling down on the decarbonization of its economy. In so doing, Germany is left with relying more heavily on Russian natural gas while Putin is demanding EU nations pay for energy in rubles, thus undercutting the European economy on a whim. Germany now has the highest global electricity prices per household in the world, at ten times higher than the seasonal average for the past decade. To reduce the cost of electricity, the German government announced it will subsidize the use of more coal-fired power plants. Germany began its transition to green renewables 30 years ago, and now they are begrudgingly returning to fossil fuels — it claims temporarily. This situation of declining supply and radically higher costs is facing the US too. Could you pay a utility bill every month that is ten times more than last year?

Example 6: Meanwhile, China and India build a new fossil fuel plant every month to fuel their economy at our expense. 

The elite left yearns for a utopian future and doesn’t care about the costs faced by us-its citizens in the US and Europe. We saw it last month. Gas prices rose to $7/gallon in California, and Biden said it’s just part of the transition. The transition, though, will take 20-50 years, not 2-5.  Meanwhile, the energy independence and system reliability we enjoyed here in the US just two years ago slips away, and costs continue to rise. Failing we are.  

Anita Statman is the Vice-Chair of Congressional District 3 for the Republican Party of New Mexico and the President of the Santa Fe Federated Republican Women.


13 thoughts on “The survival of our way of life depends on energy reliability”

  1. YES!!!
    Also depends on food supplies but thanks to WEF and the “Green Dragon” of environmentalism must of us will die (the desired effect), unless we WAKE UP!

  2. The left dreams of a green utopia with power supplied by wind and solar to charge their cars and a depleted citizenry to run on treadmills to power their air conditioning —
    THEIR air conditioning? Oh yes, because they see themselves as the elite ruling class with the power of life or death over deplorables.

    NEVER GIVE UP YOUR GUNS! Without the protection of the Second Amendment ALL your other rights are merely good manners from your Masters….

  3. Ronchetti are both anti oil and gas and are both Green New Deal supporters! Ronchetti is even on video saying that he “wants to do away with the oil and gas industry in New Mexico! Karen Bedonie is pro oil and gas (and pro all types of energy). She will let the market, (i.e. the people) decide. Vote Karen Bedonie for governor!

    1. Well his website does say he supports using both. Transitioning slowly he says though he doesn’t seem yet to realize that electric cars and windmills and solar are just not viable. They are even more damaging to the environment in the end. Also, who wants to be stuck in the road in long lines waiting for traffic and your power runs out? I fear exploding batteries will burn my house down. We have enough fires in NM without adding more danger. It takes forever to charge them, they don’t last long. They basically SUCK.
      Unfortunately, for Bedonie, she polls very low and has no chance of winning. NO CHANCE. A vote for Bedonie is a vote for MLG unfortunately. I had to make a hard decision between Ronchetti and Bedonie, but she just CAN’T WIN. I voted for her last time and she came in last. I’m happy with DeSantis coming and giving backing to Ronchetti. That was good for me.

  4. The Global Left will kill a billion people if they get everything “green” they want. Most will starve to death. They are evil in the extreme. Yet, the New Mexico and American electorate will be stupid enough to keep voting them into office.

  5. Well, tons of scientists have signed on to the declaration that there is no Environmental Emergency and no Global Warming just like years ago they warned of Global Cooling and the hole in the ozone layer. It’s always something to harm the public and make money off of us and to make us suffer. Anyway, I guess they don’t give a damned that we have the Los Alamos Labs that we have to make sure to have energy for and Sandia Labs. I guess if they did care, they wouldn’t have threatened the scientists when they didn’t want to take a vaccine for a sickness that is 99.5% curable WITHOUT medicine. It’s all about tyranny, control, and power. We need to end this NOW and return to our government the way it was intended to be… you know, a Constitution and stuff. Thanks.

  6. So, I think it’s also that our energy is part of our national security. Congress needs to declare our borders and energy National Security issues. Declare that we can use whatever means necessary to control our borders and also to have viable energy – use any means of energy possible as long as it doesn’t harm the people (poison them). I would use everything – oil, gas, and for those people who want…let them use solar…etc but don’t force others who don’t want it. As for Health, that is a National Security issue when you allow our soldiers and people to be forced into vaccines or other health care they don’t want. I mean, forcing our soldiers to be vaccinated for something 99.5% curable and a vaccine that is this dangerous? Seems like an attack to me since China is making the vaccine and was involved in all of it. WE need to be self reliable for everything . Bring back our own manufacturing. But I don’t know, common sense doesn’t make sense in this country anymore. It’s like they’ve sold us out to China and other places for money over Country and so forth.

  7. Edmond (Lou) Robichaud

    I like Bedonie. She has some great points. She should be an adviser to the Republican ticket, because a vote for her will only dilute the vote against MLG. We must vote for Ronchetti and realize that will be better than the socialist left that is in control of our downhill slide ! Ronchetti MUST assemble a smart qualified team to advise him of all the issues we have been strapped with by Santa Fe and Bidens deplorable DC.

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