
‘Thinking small is a curse’: MLG delivers cringeworthy ‘State of the State’ speech

On Tuesday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham delivered the annual “State of the State” speech to open up the 2022 Legislative Session via virtual video conference.

During the speech, she claimed, “We’ve made so much progress,” despite New Mexico’s education at the bottom of the list, the state breaking violent crime records, 40% of small businesses being closed, and immense poverty and devastation ravaging through the Land of Enchantment.

“In the last three years, this Legislature and this administration have gotten a lot done,” the Governor said, citing the passage of extreme social programs like free pre-k and an increase to minimum wage, which is harming already hurting small businesses.

“Unlike in the aftermath of the Great Recession, we’re not gonna let the pandemic stall us and take away years of growth; we will not have another lost decade – in fact, despite the challenges of the last two years, we’ve hardly lost a step. The fact is: Unemployment has gone down every month for 10 straight months,” she continued, despite ignoring the fact that New Mexico’s unemployment rate remains at the top nationally. Currently, it is the fifth-worst unemployment rate in the nation, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In true Lujan Grisham fashion, she touted other extreme anti-energy and anti-jobs initiatives, claiming not completely wrecking the economy would be “thinking small.”

She said, “Dating back decades, a timid mindset has afflicted people in this capitol building, a pessimism that can be self-fulfilling. Thinking small is a curse. Big and meaningful changes are possible, but the biggest change may be our attitude, our perspective. At a moment in time when we have the money to do it all, let’s not limit ourselves; let’s not be unnecessarily incremental. Can’t New Mexico be a state – can’t we be the state – where everything is possible?”

But spending big on recurring costs of her social programs, such as free daycare and free-for-all recreational pot, when times get tough in New Mexico after the oil and gas industry is completely annihilated (which is the whole reason for a surplus in revenue), there will, indeed, be a “limit” on how she can spend money.

While she gives out breadcrumbs via a 0.25% gross receipts tax decrease, New Mexicans will have to carry the burden of these failed policies she has already passed or is proposing for years to come. 

The Republican Party of New Mexico’s Chairman Steve Pearce opined, “I really don’t know which state this Governor thinks she’s in. She speaks of successes but fails to admit that New Mexico’s economy has been driven into the ground, our education system remains at the bottom, thousands have lost jobs and crime is out of control,” a sentiment many New Mexicans have agreed with.

This comes after Lujan Grisham’s very first State of the State speech in 2019, which we reported on. Then, the made similar statements, claiming she would spend money like it’s going out of style. Not much has changed, except as her agenda has been rammed through the Legislature, New Mexicans’ freedom has eroded and devastation has come to the Land of Enchantment.

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Radical Democrats desperately want you to care about their Jan. 6 fetish

Obsessed may be too weak of a word to describe Democrats’ fetish with the January 6, 2021 incursion of the U.S. Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep their dream alive by trying to pin people going into the Capitol on that day on Republicans. 

The incursion spawned a year-long witch hunt of those who allegedly entered the Capitol or even got so far as on the balcony constructed for the 2021 inauguration. With the Democrats able to illegitimately grab onto power in the White House, the incursion spawned “the biggest investigation in FBI history,” according to CNN.

The FBI continues on its fishing expedition, already hunting down and arresting over 700 Americans, four of them being from New Mexico.

After the incursion, Republican In Name Only (RINOs) defected to the Democrats and voted not only without an investigation to impeach President Donald J. Trump over the nothingburger, but they voted to certify the fraudulent 2020 election. The list of RINOs grew as some fake Republicans defected to the Democrat side to launch a January 6 witch hunt committee comprised of the likes of Reps. Liz Cheney (RINO-Wyoming) and Adam Kinzinger (RINO-Illinois). 

New Mexico Democrats especially, such as Sen. Ben Ray Luján, cried and wailed about what they incorrectly claimed was a “riot” and “insurrection” by the American people entering the Capitol building. Luján claimed, “One year ago, Jan. 6, 2021, our democracy bent — but it didn’t break. That dark day reminded us how fragile our democracy is. On that day, many heroes stood up to protect America — from the Capitol police to Capitol leadership to everyday Americans. We made it clear we will not hide in fear. Rather, we will rise to the occasion to do the jobs we were sent here to do.”

Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM-03), who now faces tough reelection due to redistricting, continued on her narrative falsely claiming like Luján that “democracy” was on the line (despite the United States being a constitutional republic — not a democracy). 

She told the Santa Fe New Mexican, “But I understood that what we were witnessing on Jan. 6 was the culmination of months of the former president making falsehoods, lying about what happened in November.”

Democrat Party of New Mexico Chairwoman Jessica Velasquez sent out a panicky email trying to fundraise off of Jan. 6. She wrote,“One year ago today, armed insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol in an attempt to prevent the certification of a free and fair election. Like many Americans, I watched in horror as a violent mob swarmed into our democratic institutions and forced democratically elected leaders to hide in fear.”

While Democrats whine and continue their parade of tears erroneously claiming the “Big Lie,” they largely ignore widely reported infiltrations of peaceful pro-Trump supporters with ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter rioters who started the violence and the lack of security at the Capitol, with some security guards just leading people inside. And Democrats refuse to condemn ANTIFA/Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists literally burning down minority neighborhoods of American cities to the ground and refuse to call for investigations into racially charged violence. 

The Radical Democrats also refuse to acknowledge the fact that the so-called “rioters” were mostly unarmed. The only shot fired on January 6 was that of a Capitol Police officer, Lt. Michael Byrd, who shot and killed martyr Ashli Babbitt, with all other weapons including “stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs.” FBI Assistant Director Jill Sanborn said the bureau did not confiscate firearms from suspects that day. That is not an insurrection. 

As President Trump rightly said, “The insurrection took place on November 3, Election Day. January 6 was the Protest!” 

But despite the facts, Democrats seem to only be focusing on propagating their fringe conspiracy theories to justify their unhealthy fetish with January 6, which has rounded up and jailed many Americans, with the witch hunt continuing. 

Radical Democrats desperately want you to care about their Jan. 6 fetish Read More »

New Mexicans: Brace yourselves for another bloody legislative session

As if you thought the Radical Democrats in Santa Fe hadn’t already gotten every single thing they wished for in New Mexico, think again.

The Democrats have rammed through their “Green New Deal,” loosened crime laws, legalized abortion up-to-birth and infanticide in New Mexico, legalized assisted suicide, instituted sweeping gun bans, raided the Permanent Fund for “free” daycare, legalized recreational marijuana, and so many other left-wing initiatives.

But now, they are coming for more during the regular legislative session slated for mid-January. And scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to focus on “crime” after the deadliest year on record in the leftist-run city of Albuquerque and across the board in New Mexico.

“Crime” is a convenient Democrat euphemism for “social justice” and “gun control” measures. Democrats are likely to push a bunch of different crime initiatives into a bill, such as funding for good programs while also lumping the bill with gun control and social justice policies. So, if the bill includes funding for police officers while also including initiatives conservatives don’t believe in, then Democrats can say Republicans “voted against police funding” if they reject the bill on the premise of its leftist pork. 

But the Democrats insist the 2022 Legislative Session will only be about crime, the budget, and a handful of other issues, dependent on the Governor’s whims.

Regarding crime across the state, the Albuquerque Journal reported that Santa Fe saw a violence hike with 11 homicides in 2021, Albuquerque had 81 slayings, and New Mexico’s violent crime rate skyrocketed by percent. 

In January, with the public still banned from the premises if they do not get the virus shot and a ban on carrying firearms, conservatives are likely not to be allowed inside the building that taxpayers once were supposed to believe was the “People’s House.” 

If 2021’s second legislative session was any predictor of what is to come in the 2022 session, New Mexicans will largely be left out of the process with usually only 10 minutes or fewer to speak in “virtual” committee rooms while Democrats ram through bills. Monday is the first day for legislators to file bills for the 2021 session.

Then, on the House or Senate floor, the debate will be dictated by the iron-fisted Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) or the vindictive Pro-Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo) per usual, Democrats have control of the process. Egolf especially has torn up rules of debate and decorum and instead opted to do whatever he wants.

But New Mexicans must not be discouraged. New Mexico is worth saving, and we must stick together to attend committee hearings, as we have in the past, because Radical Democrats can’t stop us all. We must attend committee hearings, track legislation, and continue fighting for our values. The Piñon Post, as we have in the past, will keep you up to date with action alerts on what you can do to stop bad legislation. We can fix our state — but we must show up and work together to do it.

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Welcome to 2022 — the Year of the Lizard People

We at the Piñon Post are not much into astrology or Zodiac signs for that matter, but what we can sense is that as the clock struck midnight, 2022 already feels different — in a good way. And even though 2022 is technically being called the “Year of the Tiger,” it feels a lot more like the Year of the Lizard People, at least in New Mexico.

In 2021, scandal-ridden alleged sexual predator Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham called conservatives who protested her campaign announcement “lizard people” and it stuck. 

Her controversy-driven tenure as governor has been marked with scandal after scandal after scandal. From forcing through the most far-left extreme bills through the Legislature to paying off sexual accusers and her own daughter with campaign cash, and then “misplacing” $250 million in Workforce Solutions money, she has weakened her chance of reelection day after day. 

She repeatedly skirted her pandemic rules to buy luxury jewelry, used taxpayer funds for fine wine and $200/lb Wagyu beef steaksberated local communities for not following her edicts, forced New Mexicans to stand in cold bread lines to get food and basic goods, fined churches and businesses tens of thousands of dollars for alleged non-compliance, removed the National Guard from the border and denied an immigration crisis, fired and hired cabinet secretaries on a dime, gave her staff hefty raises while New Mexicans lost everything, and she is giving away $10 million of New Mexicans’ dollars through a “lottery” to bribe people to take the experimental virus inoculation. Her pandemic lockdowns killed 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses.

But 2022 is the year she will be forced to face We The People at the ballot box. It is making Lujan Grisham, her Democrat allies, and weak “moderate” Republicans run scared of the massive Red Wave that will take over at the June 7 primary elections and November 8 general election. New Mexico already has so many new “lizard people” jumping in the ring to not only take out Lujan Grisham but to deliver change in our communities through legislative, judicial, county-level, and statewide seats. 

A referendum is coming…

People have had just about enough of Democrat radicalism in New Mexico and they are prepared to win against it through hard-fought political activism and through talking about the issues that matter most to voters. 

Republicans have seven options to choose from to take out MLG, they will finally have options in many primary elections against establishment “Republicans,” and have a true shot to bring fighters into power who will work to return as much of that power back to We The People. 

So, the one message we “lizard people” have for Lujan Grisham and the New Mexico Swamp is this: Watch out because THE PEOPLE are coming for you and we will win. 

Welcome to 2022 — the Year of the Lizard Person.

Shop the official Lizard People 2022 collection!

Welcome to 2022 — the Year of the Lizard People Read More »

Antifa-linked leftists blow a gasket over profile piece on Piñon Post editor

On the front page of the Santa Fe New Mexican’s Sunday issue, the paper ran a profile piece on Piñon Post editor and founder John Block titled “An unlikely conservative voice needles New Mexico’s left.” 

The profile wrote,“Block, who remains convinced Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election, has been called the unofficial spokesman of the Republican Party of New Mexico — given to writing incendiary things on politics and politicians that perhaps the party structure would not.”

The piece, which interviewed both Block and those who disagree with him, resulted in absolute pandemonium on social media, with 142 comments on the article itself as of 9:00 a.m. Wednesday with leftists losing their minds over the coverage. The article has since become the most popular on the site.

On social media, the fringe George Soros-funded dark money group ProgressNow New Mexico (PNNM) claimed Block and the Piñon Post are “extremist” and a “general threat to democracy,” urging its followers to frantically demand the New Mexican apologize for the profile piece. 

PNNM has previously shared propaganda from the domestic terrorist group “ANTIFA,” which promotes violence in American cities. PNNM encouraged its followers to doxx conservatives who the group disagrees with — yet it claims the Piñon Post’s accurate journalism is “extreme.”

It encouraged its followers to beg the New Mexican for an apology and to write angry letters to the editor showing the dissatisfaction of the far-left. 

Leftist state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) has repeatedly bashed New Mexicans, including attacks on Law Enforcement, which she compared to the KKK. She chimed in on Twitter, writing, “It was beyond disappointing for a good newspaper to play into this pathology.” 

One commenter gave a little more sanity to the conversation, replying to Thomson, “So, it’s all good when @thenewmexican reports what the democrats want/like, but when they don’t, watch out 🙄 kinda makes one wonder about truth and unbiased journalism in New Mexico.”

It appears that the New Mexican piece, which was by no stretch of the imagination flattering to Block, has further “needled” New Mexico’s Radical Left and exposed more radicalism from the so-called “tolerant” leftists in the state.

Antifa-linked leftists blow a gasket over profile piece on Piñon Post editor Read More »

Thanks to Biden, Lujan Grisham, the average price per gallon of gas in NM hits $3.35

In Joe Biden’s America and in Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico, Democrat socialism is costing citizens where it hurts — their pocketbooks.

As the holidays arrive, and families look to save their money for presents to fill their loved ones’ Christmas with cheer, it is a lot direr in New Mexico, one of the most heavily impoverished states in the nation. Thanks to Lujan Grisham’s strict lockdowns, 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses are gone. 

And at the pump in MLG’s New Mexico, due to anti-energy policies instituted in the state like the “Green New Deal,” as well as the Biden regime’s job-killing edicts, gas prices are soaring to record levels we haven’t seen since the devastating Obama years.

The lowest average gas price in New Mexico right now, according to AAA is $3.20 in Quay County. However, in places like Harding and Catron Counties, New Mexicans can expect an average gas price that is much steeper. For Catron, an average gallon of gas will cost $3.89, while in Harding County, it will cost $3.71. 

This makes the average gas price in New Mexico, according to AAA’s figures, $3.35. Joe Biden and Michelle Lujan Grisham did that. 

And Lujan Grisham’s allies in the Legislature this year proposed a bill that would result in a 20 cent per gallon gas tax that would hurt the poorest New Mexicans. Thankfully, the bill died due to public outrage, including that of the Piñon Post. However, far-left legislators have promised to bring the bill back in the 2022 Legislative Session, if not the 2021 Special Session rumored to begin on December 6, 2021.

As families hurt during the holidays, Gov. Lujan Grisham, an alleged serial groper, and Joe Biden, a failed political hack, are living large while New Mexicans and all Americans suffer under their dictatorial reign.

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America’s first Thanksgiving actually took place near New Mexico

Although Thanksgiving is a holiday most think of in regard to the pilgrims and the Indians joining together in Plymouth, Massachusetts to feast in the fall of 1621, a year after the new settlers landed in America, Thanksgiving happened a lot earlier and in the Southwest.

Aaccording to historians, the first Thanksgiving actually took place near New Mexico in the city of San Elizario, Texas, just south of El Paso. 

Ana Pacheco, the City Historian of Santa Fe writes:

According to American history, the founding at Plymouth Rock in 1620 is the oldest colony in the country. The reality is that the first European settlement in the United States occurred 22 years earlier. In 1598 the Spanish explorer, Don Juan de Oñate, and his army established the first colony in north America. The settlement was located at San Gabriel near Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo, 30 miles north of Santa Fe.

On April 30, 1598 this nation’s first Thanksgiving took place. The event occurred near San Elizario, Texas. Oñate, and his contingent of soldiers, Franciscan missionaries and colonists celebrated their safe arrival. They had spent almost two months on a lengthy trek through the treacherous-desert terrain. The heroic expedition suffered from the elements marching from Santa Barbara, Mexico. Finally, they were able to take refuge at the northern boundary of the Rio Grande near El Paso.

The historical account of the first settlement was recorded as La Historia de Nuevo Mexico. It was written by the soldier/scribe Gaspar Perez de Villagra. It’s the only epic and historical book narrating the first European settlement of any state in the U.S. That is the true history of America’s first Thanksgiving.

According to History.com

A second Texas town claims to have been the real site of the first Thanksgiving in America. In 1598, a wealthy Spanish dignitary named Juan de Oñate was granted lands among the Pueblo Indians in the American Southwest. He decided to blaze a new path directly across the Chihuahua Desert to reach the Rio Grande. Oñate’s party of 500 soldiers, women and children barely survived the harrowing journey, nearly dying of thirst and exhaustion when they reached the river. (Two horses reportedly drank so much water that their stomachs burst.)

After 10 days of rest and recuperation near modern-day San Elizario, Texas, Oñate ordered a feast of thanksgiving, which one of his men described in his journal:“We built a great bonfire and roasted the meat and fish, and then all sat down to a repast the like of which we had never enjoyed before…We were happy that our trials were over; as happy as were the passengers in the Ark when they saw the dove returning with the olive branch in his beak, bringing tidings that the deluge had subsided.”

Thanksgiving’s rich traditions across our nation may now hit harder here in the Land of Enchantment, with the men and women who founded our beautiful state helped make the first Thanksgiving following a long and treacherous journey through the Chihuahuan Desert to discover what we are blessed to call New Mexico today.

Although others may claim the “first Thanksgiving” took place in another part of Texas, and some even claim since settlers arrived earlier in St. Augustine, Florida that those were the first Thanksgiving, it is not true. There are documented accounts that Oñate’s Thanksgiving feast was the first.

America’s first Thanksgiving actually took place near New Mexico Read More »

Do not applaud MLG throwing crumbs to the peasantry

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Michelle Lujan Grisham believes she is so generous, so magnanimous, and oh so kind to us peasants who live under her rule. 

After raiding the permanent fund for her extremist socialist policies, crippling the oil and gas industry at the knees with the passage of her “Green New Deal,” shuttering 40% of New Mexico small businesses with her pandemic orders, forcing New Mexicans to stand in breadlines over the holidays last year, and the constant abuse she has delved out to New Mexicans from Española to Hobbs, now she is ready to throw us some crumbs.

Crumbs that come in the form of one of the most insignificant, insulting “tax cuts” that would make Marie Antoinette faint. 

Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to give us New Mexicans a whole 0.25% decrease in gross receipts tax. That means our already mammoth 5.125% tax rate would fall to 4.875% if passed by the Legislature.

A vote against this bill is cheap and easy political fodder to claim Republicans who oppose it “voted against tax cuts,” even though the Lujan Grisham regime has raised taxes far above 0.25% with her policies. Have you checked your gas bill recently? Yeah, it’s bad.

And it being an election year, Lujan Grisham thinks she can steal another term as governor by throwing crumbs at you and me. Pardon my French, but as the old saying goes, “don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.” 

MLG must think we are all a bunch of idiots who will simply ignore her payments of $150,000 to an ex-staffer who claims she groped his crotch. She thinks these crumbs will make us forget she munched on $200/lb Wagyu beef steaks, whiskey, and fine wine while New Mexicans waited in bone-chilling temperatures outside the local Walmart to get bread and milk. 

Lujan Grisham thinks New Mexicans will simply forget her belittling of citizens over supposed lack of mask-wearing, her mocking of people living in Deming, her displacement of elderly folks living in nursing homes during the pandemic, her mishandling of $250 million in federal funds that suddenly went “missing” from the Department of Workforce Solutions, and the countless scandals Lujan Grisham has racked up.

The Governor’s insulting supposed “tax cut” she wants to throw at us New Mexicans as some idiotic form of “charity” shows she truly thinks we are some of the dumbest, easily manipulatable people on Earth. If she really wanted to boost economic development, maybe she shouldn’t displace oil workers with her evil policies, such as those who live in the Navajo Nation and in southern New Mexico in the oil patch.

If MLG was truly serious about helping hurting families in New Mexico, DO AWAY WITH THE GROSS RECEIPTS TAX ALTOGETHER! 

At least for me, I refuse to forget MLG’s years of abuse, and I will be doing everything I can, from my local neighborhood meeting to the voting booth, to kick her to the curb, whether she wants to throw crumbs at me or not. What about you?

Do not applaud MLG throwing crumbs to the peasantry Read More »

Runoff: New Mexicans must unite to elect Grout, Robertson to ABQ City Council

Although conservative New Mexicans secured many victories in the 2021 municipal elections, including our state’s mayorships, city council seats, school board positions, and other local offices, the work is not yet done.

Two conservatives, Reneé Grout (District 9) and Lori Robertson (District 7), are vying for positions on the Albuquerque City Council after they both got just shy of the 50% threshold in the November 2 elections. 

Grout faces off against far-leftist Robert C. Grilley, Jr, who has the endorsements of Sen. Martin Heinrich, abortion up-to-birth group Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico, the eco-Marxist group the Sierra Club, pro-illegal alien group Dreams in Action, among far-left legislators. 

Robertson faces off against another leftist, Tammy Fiebelkorn, who has the endorsements of billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s gun-grabbing group Moms Demand Action, the Sierra Club, as well as far-left former city leaders.

If these two candidates win the runoff election, the Albuquerque City Council will shift power from a leftist majority to a conservative majority — putting a huge barrier on Tim Keller’s apparent unchecked power with the current makeup of the Council. This election is a critical one, especially since the fate of New Mexico’s largest city hangs in the balance with this runoff election.

In the past, far-left Albuquerque city councilors have attempted overreaching gun bans, eco-leftist proposals, plastic bag and straw bans, and “demilitarization” of the police: code for defunding the police and leaving them defenseless against the enemy. More of this extremism will creep into the Albuquerque City Council if Grout and Robertson do not win on November 7.


December 7, with early voting starting November 14 through December 4. Early voting sites are closed Nov. 25 through the 27th for the Thanksgiving holiday. 

Early voting locations: 

Clerk’s Annex – 1500 Lomas Blvd NW, Suite A 87104 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Caracol Plaza – 12500 Montgomery NE, Suite 101 87111 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Central Mercado – 301 San Pedro Dr. SE Suites B, C, D and E 87108 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Daskalos Center – 5339 Menaul Blvd NE, 87110 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Four Hills Shopping Center – 13140 Central Ave SE, Suite 1420 87123 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Holly Plaza Shopping Center – 6600 Holly Ave NE, Suite B-6 87113 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Los Altos Plaza – 4200 Wyoming NE, Suite B-3 87111 Monday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

The Shoppes at 6001 San Mateo – 6001 San Mateo NE, Suite B-3 87109 Monday- Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m

Learn more about Lori Robertson here.

Learn more about Reneé Grout here.

Runoff: New Mexicans must unite to elect Grout, Robertson to ABQ City Council Read More »

Morales defends MLG’s racist CRT updates, calls concerned parents a fear-driven ‘noisy minority’

On Sunday, the leftist Las Cruces Sun-News ran an op-ed from scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s lieutenant governor, Howie Morales, who defended the Governor’s racist Critical Race Theory (CRT)-filled proposed social studies curriculum.

Morales claimed that a fear-driven “noisy minority with a deep stake in maintaining the status quo has seized upon those fears and blown the whole thing way out of proportion.”

Morales then tried to refute claims made by many of the standards being used to engrain leftist political ideas into children’s minds. However, in his attempt at refuting the claim, he admitted it, writing, “The standards promote civic engagement.”

Despite the standards saying America and its very Constitution are racist, Morales claims, “The standards make Black students feel like victims and White students feel guilty. Another false claim. The standards include age-appropriate learning about historic events and historic achievements by all races.” 

Multiple tenets of the standards directly refute those claims (this list is not exhaustive in the least):

“Describe how inequity in the United States laid the foundation for conflict that continues today.” 

“Demonstrate how diversity includes the impact of unequal power relations on the development of group identities and cultures” 

“Assess how social policies and economic forces offer privilege or systemic inequity in accessing social, political, and economic opportunity for identity groups in education, government, healthcare, industry, and law enforcement.”

On the topic of the standards being “divisive,” Morales writes, “The standards promote divisiveness. How could standards that teach children to recognize and honor diversity do that? I think maintaining the status quo in which many groups are excluded from our current standards — or nearly so — is much more dangerous in that regard.”

However, Morales does not mention which specific groups are supposedly “excluded” nor does he refute that the standards do, indeed, pit children against each other based on factors they cannot control, such as race, class, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, location, or heritage — all factors included in the proposed social studies updates.

Morales then claimed, “The proposed standards represent the work of dozens of New Mexico educators from all over the state and contain no hidden agendas.” 

No hidden agendas? 

One proposed rule has students “examine the history of guns in America as compared to other world powers and the consequences of gun violence on American society past, present, and future.” No hidden agenda from the anti-gun lobby, such as Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown, of which Morales and Lujan Grisham have both been beneficiaries? 

The rules ask students to “cite evidence investigating the relationships between equality, equity, justice, freedom, and order in American constitutional democracy.” The United States is a constitutional republic — not a “democracy.” No hidden agenda?

Students are also to “[e]xplore the movement against police brutality.” No hidden agenda from the racist anti-police Black Lives Matter lobby?

Students are to evaluate the “effects of diverse ideologies and the process of political socialization on oneself and society.” No hidden agenda from the socialist/communist sect of the Democrat Party? 

Students are to analyze “US government policies to reduce climate disruption.” No hidden agenda from the “climate change” conspiracists who have heavily donated to Lujan Grisham’s and Morales’ campaigns?

Students are called to “[a]ssess the short- and long-term social and political impacts of conservatism in the United States on diverse groups of people.” No hidden agenda against conservatives — the enemy to left-wing extremism?

Morales continues to prove concerned parents’ points by admitting that Critical Race Theory is seeping through in these standards and proposals. He admits that students are told to look at race and other external factors about others that “look like them” — a dog whistle for racism. 

“Including ethnic, cultural and identity studies means students will learn that people who look like them helped make this country what it is today. The standards ensure that all students see themselves and their family stories reflected in what they are learning — in other words, social studies tell the stories of all of us. These concepts add to our standards — they do not subtract from them,” claimed Morales.

The Lieutenant Governor concludes by saying the most “radical outcome” is for students to “respect and value others,” although the means of this supposed outcome is through forcing children into a power struggle over their identity and to sew seeds of doubt in their minds about their supposed inherent racism or privilege. This is Critical Race Theory, plain and simple.

Citizens, (especially parents and educators) are encouraged to take action by contacting the NMPED in the following ways to oppose these updates:

Comments are to be taken electronically by email to rule.feedback@state.nm.us,  by fax to 505-827-6520, or by regular mail addressed to John Sena, Policy Division, New Mexico Public Education Department, 300 Don Gaspar Ave., Room 121, Santa Fe, NM, 87501.

Then most importantly, parents are encouraged to attend an open “virtual” meeting held by the NMPED this Friday, November 12 from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Even though the Department canceled the in-person meeting in fear of hearing what New Mexicans have to say, citizens are encouraged to attend via the Zoom information below: 


Meeting ID: 876 7045 7282

Passcode: 183313

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,87670457282# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,87670457282# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 876 7045 7282

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kjGID4eX5

Updates for meeting times and other information can be found on the NMPED website.

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