Otero County asks to nix tabulators, drop boxes amid audit findings
On Thursday, the Otero County Commission held a full day-long meeting to consider and act upon agenda items to secure elections in the County. The items, which all passed unanimously, will:
Request approval to hand counting all ballots cast inside the Dominion Voting System to verify vote count of machine after the June 7th primary.
Request approval to discontinue the use of Dominion Voting Machines before the 2022 General Election.
Request approval to remove all election ballot drop boxes from the public square in an attempt to secure our election in 2022.
Throughout the meeting, which featured New Mexico Audit Force leaders Professor David Clements and Erin Clements, a handful of leftist attendees constantly interrupted and interjected throughout the consideration of new facts presented.
Some of the new findings included stray marks on ballots counted as votes, possible fraud/digital manipulation, ghost votes (people who voted but do not live at registered addresses), and potentially other issues with Dominion tabulator machines.
County Clerk Robyn Holmes had to be brought into the meeting, in which she once again defended the alleged security of Otero County’s elections. When presented with evidence of dead people voting in elections, as well as people registered at empty lots, Holmes insisted, “We can’t go out to all of our 37,000 registered voters and go door-to-door.”
Regarding alleged fraudulent activity found by the Clements, Homes said, “If they’re doing this and they’re finding this information, I’m saying, ‘show me!’”
Erin Clements already has provided around 200 addresses and voters that have issues. More are being processed and delivered to Holmes and her staff. There are also open Inspection of Public Records Act requests by Commissioner Couy Griffin that have so far gone unanswered by the County Clerk’s Office, according to Griffin.
Another topic of discussion involved Dominion tabulator machines having access to the internet and having the ability to print on ballots. David Clements said to Holmes, “If we’re wrong about remote access of these machines, let us look at the machines.”
Commissioner Vickie Marquardt even said she might vote against the canvass of the June 7th primary election that just occurred over questions involving the Dominion machines.
Time will tell if the machines, ballot drop boxes, and hand counts will occur. Watch the commission meeting here:
Otero County asks to nix tabulators, drop boxes amid audit findings Read More »