New Mexico

Dems desecrate MLK Day to promote radical election ‘equity’ legislation

Instead of taking today, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, to honor Dr. King’s incredible contribution to civil rights in the United States, many Democrats have taken the national holiday to promote their radical agenda to create election “equity,” which will allow fraud to seep into American elections.

Freshman Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM) wrote on Twitter, “This #MLKDay, our country is at a critical juncture on voting rights. Let’s not only commemorate Dr. King as a champion of voting rights and racial equity—let’s honor his memory by dedicating ourselves to action. We owe it to the next generation to defend our democracy.”

Far-left freshman Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-NM-01), wrote on her timeline, “The right to vote is sacred. We must honor Dr. King’s legacy and protect #VotingRights. I am proud to cosponsor the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and was proud to vote for its passage along with the Freedom To Vote Act in the House.  Now, the Senate must act.”

Stansbury is known for her racist slur against Native Americans, telling displaced Dinè energy workers to just“sell your art or your wool” to survive.

“Dr. King’s commitment to do what is right inspired generations and helped bring millions fair access to the ballot. We must uphold the sacred foundation of our democracy. It is time for the Senate to pass the Freedom to Vote Act,” wrote far-left freshman Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM-03).

Other extreme leftist New Mexico Democrat politicians are sure to write vulgar statements desecrating Dr. King’s legacy by using his name as a vehicle for radical pro-election fraud legislation, but others have taken the day to honor the great legacy of the late civil rights leader who was killed by bigots for standing up for EQUALITY — NOT — “EQUITY.”

Jewll Powdrell of the Republican Party of New Mexico’s Executive Committee said, The Republican Party stands with the Black community, and I am proud to be a Republican. The Party understands the importance of equality for all and what Dr. King stood for. Dr. King was a man who has had a profound effect on the plight of Black Americans. It should be noted that his March on Washington speech in 1963 was an effort to unite a country that was so divided and remains very much so today. Due to his efforts, many of the ills which plagued this country no longer go unchecked, such as the ability to procure lodging while traveling, and the opportunity to live in any community of your choosing. To me, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a constant reminder to appreciate, understand, and take full advantage of everything he marched and died for–the most significant of which, to exercise my right to vote.”

As well as on the national level, radical Democrats in New Mexico, headed by scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, aim to ram through a pro-election fraud bill in the 2022 Legislature beginning this week to make it easier to cheat in New Mexico elections.

Toulouse Oliver, MLG grab national headlines for attempt to weaken NM elections

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and socialist Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver have made headlines over their recent push to make it easier to win through election fraud in New Mexico that they are passing off as “voter rights.”

Lujan Grisham was featured in a write-up from the leftist news outlet Axios for being one of the far-left governors pushing to make it easier to cheat at the ballot box. 

The outlet reported, “Democrats also are shifting their sights because they expect to lose the House and Senate” in 2022. In New Mexico, Lujan Grisham is running for reelection and with newly gerrymandered U.S. House maps passed by the legislature and signed into law by the Governor, Democrats could lose two of these seats after they tried to weaken the Second Congressional District represented by Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell. Two of New Mexico’s congressional seats are now a D+5 and one is a D+11 — all potential GOP pickups.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who signed onto the voter fraud plan by Lujan Grisham joined MSNBC’s Ali Velshi of the show Velshi to tout her plan to de-securitize New Mexico’s already sketchy election practices. The segment was ironically titled, “GOP Pushs New Voter Restrictions Despite No Evidence of Fraud.”

In New Mexico, election fraud is rampant and well-documented. Read more about Piñon Post’s reporting on the fraud here

“We need a bare minimum standard across the nation as to access to the ballot box,” claimed Toulouse Oliver while on the program. 

Some of the voter fraud measures pushed by Lujan Grisham and Toulouse Oliver include:

  • Increasing voter access by extending the early voting period through the Sunday before Election Day, designating Election Day as a state holiday, and allowing 16 year-olds to participate in local elections;
  • Creating a permanent absentee voter list that allows individuals to voluntarily receive mail ballots for each election without needing to make individual requests;
  • Expanding online voter registration opportunities by allowing individuals without MVD-issued ID to register online using their full social security number;
  • Extending the timeline for mailing ballots to voters to 35 days before an election and extending the deadline for accepting voted ballots to 7 p.m. the Friday after an election to accommodate for mail delivery time;
  • Supporting Native voting access by expanding the timeline for indigenous nations, tribes, and pueblos to request alternate voting sites;
  • Improving automatic voter registration by adopting a system that provides a mechanism for eligible individuals to become automatically registered to vote upon completing a transaction at the Motor Vehicle Department;
  • Enabling nominating petition signatures to be securely submitted electronically;
  • Automatically restoring the voting rights of those convicted of a felony who are not currently incarcerated; and
  • Creating an option to vote a straight party ballot.

The two aim to have the radical legislation rammed through during the 2022 Legislative Session. Piñon Post will track this bill closely and send out action alerts on how New Mexicans can help stop it. Make sure you are subscribed to our email list. The subscription form is on the front page of our website or at the bottom of this screen. 

AG Balderas bullies Republican electors who cast votes for President Trump

Following a far-left group, American Oversight’s, publication of electors from New Mexico showing President Donald J. Trump won the presidency in 2020, Democrat Attorney General Hector Balderas is bullying the electors by “referring” the matter to federal law enforcement, according to recent reports.

“Election laws are the foundation of our democracy and must be respected,” claimed Balderas, despite Democrats abusing election laws for decades. “While review under state law is ongoing, we have referred this matter to the appropriate federal law-enforcement authorities and will provide any assistance they deem necessary.”

Despite the five electors writing, “WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, on the understanding that it might later be determined that we are the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America from the State of New Mexico, do hereby certify” the election, the Attorney General appears to be making a fuss about it to grab leftist media headlines, such as in the Albuquerque Journal.

The electors specifically wrote, “might later be determined” that the electors be certified for President Trump in New Mexico, making Balderas’ media charade a nothingburger.

The Journal reported that “Alex Curtas, a spokesman for New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, said the state’s five electoral votes were awarded to Biden during a meeting at the state Capitol in December 2020.” 

Forensic election audits have not been done in key counties such as Bernalillo and Doña Ana, where allegations of fraud in the 2020 election have been present. However, Doña Ana’s neighboring county recently approved a 2020 election audit in Otero County, which could likely spur other counties to follow suit. 

The Piñon Post was the exclusive news outlet to break the story on Otero County’s election audit, with the New Mexico mainstream media ignoring the important development.

After stripping NM law enforcers of qualified immunity, MLG panders to police

Many New Mexico streets are looking more like warzones recently, with the highest violent crime levels ever recorded in Albuquerque and other grim milestones hit across the state. But as of late. The increases in crime follow a national trend after left-wing politicians acted to defund the police and weaken crime laws.

Now, Democrats are reversing their extremist policies amid backlash, including scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham. She signed a slew of weak-on-crime bills in the recent 2021 Legislative Session, including weaker bail measures and the stripping of qualified immunity protections for law enforcement.

But Lujan Grisham claimed at a presser on Thursday to want to focus on crime during the 2022 Legislative Session, proposing the following: 

  • Imposing a “rebuttable presumption,” which seeks to ensure that those accused of murder, gun crimes, rape or other sex crimes do not pose a danger to the community before being released pending trial, keeping more violent offenders off New Mexico streets.
  • Increasing penalties for second degree murder from 15 years to 18 years and removing the statute of limitations.
  • Increasing penalties for gun crimes, including increasing the penalty for unlawful possession of a handgun from misdemeanor to fourth degree felony; creating a crime of “criminal threat” as a fourth degree felony; adding penalty of third degree felony for fleeing law enforcement that results in injury and second degree felony for fleeing that results in great bodily harm; enhancing penalties for brandishing a firearm in the commission of a drug transaction.

The Governor’s executive budget includes a “recommendation for nearly 20% raises for state police officers and the creation of a $100 million fund to be used to recruit, train and hire law enforcement at departments around the state,” according to her news release.

But this comes after Lujan Grisham not only put a target on law enforcers’ backs by removing their qualified immunity, but in 2020, she stood arm and arm with Black Lives Matter radicals who burned down American cities, killed police officers, and support completely or partially “defunding the police.” 

But it’s 2022 and Lujan Grisham is up for reelection. One of her greatest weaknesses is crime, according to polling, and her Republican opponent is sure to focus on this issue during the election. Therefore, the Governor is using her rubber-stamp Democrat-dominated legislature as a campaign arm of sorts to boost her image on crime. It’s doubtful police officers will buy her bread crumbs, especially since a 7% raise, which is still not even guaranteed, is only a 13% increase with inflation factored in.

Otero County Commission unanimously approves 2020 election audit

ALAMOGORDO, N.M. — On Thursday, the Otero County Commission voted to have an audit of ballots, tabulations, and other election measures in Otero County from the 2020 general election where President Donald J. Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden faced off.

Professor David Clements, who previously taught law at New Mexico State University, was joined by his wife, Erin Clements in testifying on the request for a county-wide audit of the 2020 election.

The County Commission voted 3-0 to have the audit with Commissioners Gerald Matherly, Vickie Marquardt, and Couy Griffin supporting the measure. 

David Clements said, “We need the courageous three,” while testifying, referring to the three commissioners. He and Erin provided evidence rebutting the County Attorney and County Clerk’s concerns. 

David Clements had an exchange with County Clerk Robin Holmes where Holmes claimed Dominion machines were not connected to the internet, in which Clements claimed they were, citing evidence. 

“I know there’s fraud in the voter rolls, I can already see it,” said Erin Clements regarding New Mexico’s elections. 

The County will provide $49,750 for the audit being contracted with EchoMail, an email management software company that is headed by Shiva Ayyadurai — a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate. 

Only two precincts will need to be dealt with extra security precautions to avoid any violations of the Civil Rights Act. 

Not a single Democrat or leftist was in the audience to testify against conducting an election audit in Otero County. 

Read more details from the meeting here.

Only the thrice-jabbed may enter the Roundhouse for legislative session

It was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that only those who have been vaccinated three times, which includes the “booster” shot may enter the Roundhouse during the 2022 Legislative Session — leaving a vast swath of the population out of the lawmaking process. Only 37.8% of New Mexicans have a booster shot, according to New Mexico Department of Health statistics.

Chris Nordstrum, a spokesman for the Senate Democrat caucus, “said the health care guidelines in place during a two-week special session on redistricting in December will apply in the upcoming 30-day session. That means visitors will need to provide proof of vaccination, including a third booster shot, to get inside the Capitol. And face masks will be required,” according to the report.

“We are continuing to require that everyone in the Roundhouse wear masks and social distance and that all visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have a valid medical or religious exemption and test negative for COVID,” Democrat Speaker Brian Egolf’s spokeswoman Camille Ward told the New Mexican. “We will also continue to allow virtual public comment in committees during the session. We are monitoring the current surge closely and will update these policies as necessary.”

Although the 2022 30-day session is meant to be strictly budgetary in nature, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has demanded legislators ram through extreme proposals to weaken New Mexico’s elections, including letting absentee ballots be delivered seven days after an election, automatic absentee ballots, electronic nominating petition signatures, among other measures that will let fraud seep through. 

Multiple other bills have been proposed, including extremist joint resolutions attempting to enshrine “environmental rights” into the New Mexico Constitution, among others. Anyone without the jab will be forced to attend and testify via Zoom, as in the last three legislative sessions where the public was denied access to the Roundhouse.

During those sessions, Democrats rammed through some of the most extreme bills, including abortion up-to-birth legislation, the stripping of Law Enforcers’ qualified immunity, and the legalization of recreational marijuana.

Districts begin closing schools after union demands in-person learning reduction

Some far-left New Mexico school districts, such as the Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS), are already taking the advice of the National Educators Association of New Mexico (NEA-NM), which is calling for “reduction” on in-person learning in New Mexico.

“Currently, educators sell their preps to cover classes without breaks throughout the day,” the union said in a letter to SFPS Superintendent Hilario “Larry” Chavez and the school board, referring to teachers giving up their preparation periods. “Also, the practice of adding 10-15 students to teachers’ classes when colleagues are out sick, increases class size and eliminates recommended safety procedures that are in place to mitigate the transmission rate of [infection] in our schools.”

It urged SFPS to consider shifting to a four-day week on campus, reserving Fridays for remote, “asynchronous” learning, citing increased cases of a new strain of virus.

SFPS now is shuttering schools starting on January 18, with Chavez writing, “​​We are pausing because, with so many staff — teachers, bus drivers, custodial staff and nutrition workers — quarantining, we cannot currently ensure the safe operation of schools. Staffing shortages are placing extreme stress and additional duties on those who remain at work. We are currently unable to provide adequate coverage due to the increased number of absences.”

There is a possibility SFPS students may return to in-person learning by the end of January, however, it is unclear if they will follow the timeline provided.

Keeping students out of the classroom has life-altering and even deadly effects, with increased suicides, increased risk of abuse, learning loss, among other negative impacts that appear to be an afterthought to the NEA and SFPS.TAKE ACTION: Reach out to your local school board and demand they keep in-person learning for children in your community. Don’t let them be bullied by the NEA, the American Federation of Teachers (ATF), or any other group lobbying to once again shutter schools and harm children’s development.

Zanetti campaign internal poll gives insights on who might defeat Lujan Grisham

On Tuesday, Republican candidate for governor Brigadier Gen. Greg Zanetti (ret.) released an internal campaign poll memo showing his opponents trailing him when put head-to-head against Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

According to the news release, “The survey was conducted January 3 – 4, 2022, with 531 likely general election voters. It has a margin of error of ±4.21%. Known registered voters were interviewed via IVR, SMS, and online panel. This survey was weighted to a likely general election voter universe.”

“On the informed ballot, Greg Zanetti leads Michelle Lujan Grisham 43 percent to 40 percent, while Mark Ronchetti trails 40 percent to 45 percent and Rebecca Dow trails 34 percent to 47 percent,” the poll’s results revealed.

Cygnal wrote: 

The environment is ripe for a GOP win in November. Voters believe New Mexico is off on the wrong track (WT +5), and they are not happy with President Biden (-2 net fav, 41% very unfavorable).

The generic Democrat has a slight edge in the Governor’s race (D+1). Voters aged 65+ are R+4, and they represent the largest age group in the turnout universe (37%).

Voters are ready for someone new as 52% want someone other than Grisham to be Governor. She only gets 39% re-elect (a measly 25% “definite”) with 9% undecided.

“This poll confirms what I have been hearing throughout the state while on the campaign trail,” said Greg Zanetti. “New Mexicans feel the state is headed in the wrong direction and they are ready for a new governor. Voters rolled the dice in the 2018 gubernatorial race and elected someone not ready to serve. Look where that has gotten us. The message is clear, New Mexicans are ready for a candidate with real executive experience who can come in on day-one and make their lives better.”

In the memo from the polling company, Cygnal reads that “Once voters are presented with Ronchetti’s thin experience, Grisham takes the lead by 5%.” It continues, “[Ronchetti] loses 10% of definite support with Trump 2020 voters; Grisham picks up 5% with women.”

“Once voters are presented with Zanetti’s executive leadership background, he leads by 3%, a nearly 8-point swing in Zanetti’s direction,” the group wrote. “His leads +38 with Independents, +17 with 18 – 49, and wins 12% of Biden 2022 voters.”

Regarding how Dow matches up in the poll, “His leads +38 with Independents, +17 with 18 – 49, and wins 12% of Biden 2022 voters.” It adds, “Dow only gets 72% of Trump 2020 voters, 38% of Independents, and 25% of female voters.” 

Rep. Dow responded to the poll with the following statement:

It’s disappointing to see a GOP candidate use a misleading question (there has never been an incident of sexual abuse at the child care center I founded and I was removed from that lawsuit without prejudice.) to sway the outcome of a poll. I’m used to these types of attacks from progressives, not from our own.

The citizens of New Mexico are smart enough to see through lies and attack ads. We must elect a candidate who can win, govern well, and leave this state red for years to come. That candidate is me.

The Cygnal memo continues regarding Ronchetti, “What should further concern Republican primary voters is that Ronchetti loses 10% of his Republican base in the General Election once they hear he was previously a never-Trumper. Republicans cannot afford a 10% erosion of their base in pursuit of winning the Governor’s race…. If Republicans want to win in November, they need a candidate with executive experience.”

It is unclear why the poll did not include other candidates running, including businesswoman Karen Bedonie, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, or Right to Life of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg.

A spokesman for Mark Ronchetti’s campaign provided the following statement:

This is another poll that shows Mark Ronchetti tied with Governor Lujan Grisham and clearly her strongest Republican opponent. Our own survey shows Mark tied 46% to 46%. MLG’s polling clearly shows the same thing, which is why she began attacking Mark before he even entered the race.

The fairy-tale push-polling done in the survey is pure propaganda and it’s noteworthy that the Zanetti campaign chose not to release any primary election poll numbers.

Tuesday is the New Mexico March for Life in Albuquerque

On Tuesday, pro-life New Mexicans will gather in Albuquerque for New Mexico’s March for Life one year after pro-abortion Democrats in the state Legislature rammed through bills creating abortion up-to-birth in New Mexico and legalizing physician-assisted suicide via lethal drug cocktails. 

The pro-life event will be a collaboration of national and local speakers marching for the most important right to life in New Mexico. Abby Johnson will be the keynote speaker. She is a national pro-life leader who grabbed headlines after she left her job at Planned Parenthood to promote life. Also joining the march will be Alex Schadenberg of the national Euthanasia Prevention Coalition.

Other speakers include Mark Cavalier of the Southwest Coalition for Life, Mike Seibel of Abortion on Trial, Elisa Martinez of the New Mexico Alliance for Life, as well as pro-life Republican candidates for governor state Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) and Ethel Maharg, the executive director of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. 

On Tuesday morning, pro-lifers will gather at Planned Parenthood abortion facility at 9:00 a.m. where Abby Johnson is set to begin her day, and then at 10:00 a.m., pro-lifers will go to Southwestern Women’s Options, another late-term abortion mill in Albuquerque.

Then at 1:00 p.m., the official event with speakers will take place at Legacy Church Eastside at 4701 Wyoming Blvd., Albuquerque, NM 87109. The march will take place at 3:30 p.m. at Academy Trail. Parking will be on the northeast side of Hoffmantown Church NE located at 8888 Harper Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111.

Harry Montoya, the pro-life Republican candidate for state treasurer, will be speaking at and leading the march. For more information about the New Mexico March for Life, please visit  

Piñon Post’s John Block running for NM House to ‘FINALLY send a fighter to the Legislature’

 On Monday, Piñon Post editor and founder John Block officially announced his candidacy for the New Mexico House of Representatives in District 51 in Alamogordo. He is proudly the America-First Republican candidate in the race

John is the founder and editor of the Piñon Post, New Mexico’s leading conservative online news publication with hundreds of thousands of readers each month.

He is a native New Mexican and a longtime conservative political activist in the state, fighting and winning battles for the people. In Alamogordo, John led tough fights to stop Critical Race Theory and mask mandates in local schools, helped elect conservative Republicans to municipal offices, and stood by our brave U.S. Air Force Service Members against Joe Biden’s inhumane and unconstitutional COVID-19 shot mandates. 

I come from a regular working-class family like most folks here in Alamogordo. From bussing tables to working a hotel front desk, I know the value of a long day’s work. Our representative must work as hard as our community does to ease the tax burden on working families like mine and support our small businesses,” said Block.

But our current legislator was the lone vote against tax relief for hurting small businesses during Michelle Lujan Grisham’s brutal Coronavirus lockdown. She voted to raise our taxes and was absent or voted against us on key bills regarding domestic terrorism, the economy, and the most important right to LIFE. John is running because Otero County deserves a stronger voice who actually shows up for them. 

As a native New Mexican, John was born, raised, educated, and is proud to live in our state. He knows our community’s values because he was there when we needed him the most. John also worked as a staffer at the New Mexico House of Representatives, as a leader in the pro-life movement, managing one of the largest pro-Trump organizations in the country, and as a reporter finally bringing a conservative voice to New Mexico’s media. 

Block said, “Alamogordo needs an America-First conservative champion who shows up and takes the fight to the Radical Democrats. The hard-working men and women of District 51 should not be forced to settle for a representative who takes them for granted. This election, our community finally has a choice. We need to FINALLY send a fighter to the Legislature.” 

John’s campaign is laser-focused on the issues that matter most to Alamogordo, including defending our Constitutional rights, supporting our Law Enforcers, Military Service Members, and Veterans. He will continue to champion District 51’s small businesses, protect our families and the sacred right to life, and tackle voter fraud and corruption in the state — issues he has spent years advocating for. 

We can’t fix our state’s problems by keeping the same politicians in office who have created or inflamed these failures and expecting a different result. We need a fighter for District 51 who will ALWAYS show up and I will be that fighter for you,” added Block.

Watch John’s Announcement Video:

Find out more about John at Follow him on Facebook here and on GETTR here. If you live in the 51st District, sign John’s nominating petition here.

Block will continue to run the Piñon Post and it will remain New Mexico’s leading conservative online news publication.

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