
Democrats hell-bent on raiding the rainy day fund to spend on socialism

Radical Democrats in the Legislature are hell-bent on spending as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time as they cling onto power in the House, Senate, and Governor’s Mansion as the 2022 elections are just right around the corner. 

According to a report from the Albuquerque Journal, Democrats are furious that New Mexicas would dare save money in the rainy day fund instead of spending it on socialism, such as the socialist“free” (taxpayer-funded) daycare slush fund passed by the Legislature, which will be appearing on the ballot in 2022 via a constitutional amendment.

“That fund is getting pretty big, and I think we need to take a look as a Legislature at how it’s structured,” Far-left House Majority Leader Javier Martínez, (D-Bernalillo), said during a legislative committee hearing last week. Martínez took over after former Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigned in disgrace following a decades-long corruption investigation. 

Extremist partisan Democrat Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) claimed, “Money sitting in an account is actually counterproductive to the future of our state.” But in a financial crisis, the state’s rainy day fund could save New Mexico from economic catastrophe. Democrats do not care. 

The Journal reports that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham “has not announced her administration’s final plan for using $1.7 billion in federal relief funds, although some of that money has been earmarked for restoring New Mexico’s largely depleted unemployment fund and temporarily boosting wage levels for chile field workers.” 

On the Governor’s and the Democrat Legislature’s watch, New Mexicans have been plunged into poverty, over 40% of small businesses that once existed in our state are now closed, and alarmist pandemic health orders have been reimplemented, further crippling the state’s already frail economy.

[READ NEXT: New oil and gas revenues mean more cash for MLG, Dems blow on socialism]

Democrats hell-bent on raiding the rainy day fund to spend on socialism Read More »

Did MLG visit Española just to mask shame them — AGAIN?

On Wednesday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham says she visited Española to hold a “roundtable on higher education with students, higher ed leaders, and elected officials.” There she touted her socialist plan for taxpayer-funded (not free) college. However, one thing was noticeably different in her wardrobe choice: her use of not just one — but TWO masks. She re-implemented her mask mandate in fear of the supposed“Delta” variant of the virus.

The double-masked governor in 2020 drove by Española in her taxpayer-funded chauffeur during her brutal lockdown where she scoffed at Española residents’ use of masks, even though she never even left her expensive ride to see first-hand if the residents were wearing masks. 

At the time, she said, “Last week, I traveled to Northern New Mexico, and in traveling to Northern New Mexico, I went through Española. I saw a lot of activity in Española and traveling through Main Street going North. I didn’t see a single mask, not one. Not in a parking lot, not in a grocery store that we passed, not at a convenience store, not at a gas station, not by someone in a car, not hanging on a rearview mirror, not on a wrist, not as people were walking, nowhere! Not one. The only masks I saw were in the car I was in, and we have to do better than that because if we don’t we cannot successfully introduce risk.”

She was later forced to apologize to the community after the Mayor of Española, Javier Sanchez, roasted her in a fiery letter for picking on the small Hispanic Northern New Mexico community. 

Mayor Sanchez wrote in the letter, “Are we truly to believe that the governor slowed down enough to see into our dark tinted windows to find no masks hanging from rear view mirrors? At this rate of condescension, I would be very surprised if the governor’s vehicle even slowed down to a rolling stop at the red lights. How empty those words sound coming from behind the windows of an air-conditioned vehicle while peering in at us like we are children who haven’t cleaned our rooms.” 

Lujan Grisham later wrote, “My comments were taken as a lack of respect for Española and the work the community has done to fight this virus. I apologize for making that impression. That was not my intent, and I take responsibility for the way my words were conveyed and heard.”

But her apology fell on deaf ears after her press secretary Nora Sackett bashed the Española mayor, accusing him of “hypocrisy” and bashing him as “self-righteous.” 

Now, it appears Lujan Grisham is attempting to make amends with the community — which votes predominantly Democrat — as she looks to cling onto power in the Governor’s Mansion. Her subtle two-masked approach to this may be another way to take another jab at Española for its perceived lack of compliance with her draconian mask mandates.

Did MLG visit Española just to mask shame them — AGAIN? Read More »

New oil and gas revenues mean more cash for MLG, Dems blow on socialism

Every year of the seemingly never-ending Michelle Lujan Grisham regime, she and her allies in the Legislature seem to always find a new “social program” that they are all too content to force New Mexicans to pay for with their hard-earned tax dollars. 

Some of these so-called “progressive” policies include the Green New Deal in the form of the “Energy Transition Act.” Others come in the form of “free” daycare via the creation of a new wasteful state department, increased benefits incentivizing New Mexicans to not work, and burdensome economy-crippling regulations that are plunging small businesses into closure. 

But the traditionally good news of $8.8 billion in revenue — almost $1 billion higher than the year before — creates a horrifying new reality for New Mexicans, who could see Democrats blow these desperately needed state funds to shreds in the next 30-day legislative session. 

The Albuquerque Journal reports that the new funds “could allow for big spending increases on New Mexico public schools, roads, health care programs and possibly help fund an overhaul of the state’s tax code, though specific plans from the Legislature and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham are not expected to be rolled out until January.” 

New Mexico remains at nearly the top of the list of states with the highest unemployment rates with an eye-popping 7.6% as of July, which is not moving much from previous months. Actually, this very high number could rise exponentially if Gov. Lujan Grisham decides to plunge New Mexico into total lockdown as she has before. 

Now, as Republicans and Democrats gleefully rejoice the new money coming in, the funds will inevitably get smaller and smaller each year as the Green New Deal takes effect, which will cripple energy economies and kill more jobs left and right. This destruction of the industry has already been evident in places like northeast New Mexico.

The Green New Deal has forced the closure of the San Juan Generating Station by PNM, leaving countless New Mexicans without jobs and only around 80 employees able to retire. “For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

Even far-left enviro-Marxist groups have begged the Legislature to make changes to the Energy Transition Act before it completely wrecks the state.

But the pleas from the left and the right have fallen on deaf ears, and now the corrosive piece of legislation may force PNM to rely on a “brownout” next summer due to the “energy lost with the anticipated closure of the coal-fueled” San Juan Generating Station, reports the Santa Fe New Mexican.

If New Mexicans thought the 2021 Legislative Session was a bloodbath full of wasteful spending, non-transparent lawmaking, and the ramming through of the most extreme bills imaginable was bad, they should be absolutely horrified about the power grabs to come in the 2022 Session, with Michelle Lujan Grisham able to spend nearly $1 billion extra dollars before her first (and hopefully last) term is up as governor.

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Lujan Grisham regime pushes ‘climate emergency’ doomsday propaganda

On Sunday, the Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board posted its latest opinion piece, this time floating the idea that a supposed “climate emergency” must be all that is talked about “all the time.” 

The far-0ut editorial fearmongers imminent disaster if extreme actions are not taking, writing, “the window to stop its progression is rapidly closing.” The board proposes, “Let’s not call it climate change anymore. The planet is in the midst of a climate emergency.”

“That’s why the switch from burning fossil fuels for energy to renewable power is essential. It’s also why New Mexico and the United States must control methane gases and other pollutants,” the editorial continues. “If we can coordinate efforts to stop carbon dioxide emissions by 2050, temperatures will rise, but not to a point that makes life unbearable.” 

The board proposes that through the United Nations, countries should cough up billions of dollars to stop this supposed “climate crisis” with massive investments switching to “renewable” energy to limit the rise in global temperatures by two degrees Fahrenheit.

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is touted for her work to ram through radical budget-killing “climate change” policies, such as her Green New Deal (Energy Transition Act), which will decimate the fossil fuels industry by the year 2045. 

“The oil and gas industry is the state’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, and these rules will reduce the industry’s pollution footprint,” the New Mexican editorial board claims, applauding Lujan Grisham’s economy-crippling plan to “increase the availability of zero- and low-emission vehicles in the state. A Clean Fuel Standard is being updated as soon as the next legislative session and the state is shoring up electric vehicle infrastructure.” 

But the state has already seen the devastating effects from the Governor’s “green” proposals, such as the Green New Deal, which is likely to create brownouts by next summer due to an energy shortage and has forced the closure of the San Juan Generating Station by PNM, leaving countless New Mexicans without jobs and only around 80 employees able to retire. For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

Even far-left enviro-Marxist groups have begged the Legislature to make changes to the Energy Transition Act before it completely wrecks the state.

The alternative energies that Democrats’ tout, such as wind and solar, have shown to use toxic pollutants in production, they are unreliable in terms of energy power, and because of how they are produced, wind turbines and old solar panels cannot be recycled. They also are frying (solar) and crushing (wing) birds and bats in mid-air — an extremely devastating demise for these aerial animals. 

But Gov. Lujan Grisham’s administration continues its extremist push for “climate emergency” propaganda by sharing the New Mexican’s editorial board, further showing the regime will push its corrosive agenda — no matter the cost to hard-working New Mexico taxpayers harmed by these destructive globalist policies. 

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The Alamogordo Public School Board must act to protect children

Since all but one member of the Alamogordo Public School Board has ignored the many pleas from folks in our city and constantly eroded transparency through a failure to act on critical issues affecting the children in the community, this is the last stand I can think of to make them listen.

The first day of school for students starts in just a few weeks and the Board has failed to consider critical resolutions protecting female students’ safety in sports and failed to hold a meeting on the 2021-2022 learning platform — which integrates principles of the racist Critical Race Theory via the “Kickboard” plan implemented in 2019. 

Just a few weeks ago, the School Board cowered in fear of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a radical out-of-state dark money group that threatened to sue the school district if it considered a proposal by APS Board President Angela Cadwallader to ban biological males from female sports.

The ACLU demanded in its threatening letter that the School Board pull the resolution to protect girls’ sports, publicly state that the resolution was “ill-advised,” publish a document “clarifying that the district welcomes, supports, and affirms trans students of all kinds,” and “engage in trans-specific sensitivity training as a Board.” 

Once the ACLU sent their demand letter, the proposal mysteriously disappeared from the next meeting’s agenda, being replaced with banal contract approvals. In the midst of a threat, the School Board kowtowed to a radical “social justice” group’s threats above the safety of Alamogordo students and the citizens who elected the board members. 

This is just the latest failure of the School Board, following their silence on students being forcibly masked in schools by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham — even having to wear face coverings in 100+ degree heat while competing in sports. 

They have refused to call a meeting, as many communities have, to buck these draconian lockdown mandates, which are forcing teachers, students, and school personnel to face copious amounts of testing if they won’t be forcibly inoculated. Lujan Grisham also instituted segregating children based on vaccination status and quarantining/punishing students who do not comply. 

APS has been limp and actionless, such as previously when Board President Cadwaller was the only member to vote against the further closure of APS. 

Now, the board is refusing to act upon children being taught to hate each other based on race, with the school’s Critical Race Theory curriculum, which according to the Kickboard site, includes a “districtwide culture audit,” staff training on “trauma-informed mindsets,” and a focus on “social and emotional wellbeing.”

But despite the countless pressing issues still afflicting APS students and parents, the School Board has failed time and again to prioritize these issues while parents and students run out of time as the new school year approaches.

The APS Board members know what they have to do: reschedule a board meeting to consider pivotal proposals banning boys from girls’ sports and banning racist Critical Race Theory from the curriculum — issues parents deeply care about.

If the School Board instead bows down to the ACLU and radical outside groups that do not know or care about our community, then we have our final answer as to who owns four out of five of our school board members. Hint: it’s not we, the citizens, who have to deal with the catastrophic results of their inaction — it’s out-of-state extremist groups pushing the transgender and Critical Race Theory agendas. 

John Block is a native New Mexican and Alamogordo resident who serves as the editor of PinonPost.com.

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Legislators work to pay themselves salaries, ignoring concept of a ‘citizen legislature’

In January, we ran an editorial titled “Ungrateful NM legislators complain about ‘not getting paid’ despite per diem, pensions” focusing on New Mexico’s inept political “leaders” whining about not being paid enough despite getting pensions and per diem for their time on the job.

But now, these same ungrateful legislators are renewing their calls to be paid more with the interim Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee considering a joint resolution to pay themselves, a proposal that Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Bernalillo) aims to sponsor in the 2022 30-day legislative session.

Ivey-Soto’s bill would amend the New Mexico Constitution via sending the voters a ballot measure to pay legislators via the State Ethics Commission, which would oversee salarying the legislative branch.

The Albuquerque senator claims, the Legislature is currently “comprised of the three R’s: the rich, the retired and the resourceful.” However, the Legislature was made to be a “citizen legislature,” meaning it was comprised of average citizens who work actual jobs while not in Santa Fe for the legislative session, letting them be closer to the people they serve. 

“We would have more time to devote to constituent services, oversight of state government, crafting legislation throughout the interim, and these crazy 60 and 30-day sessions wouldn’t be so crazy,” claimed Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo), who would be happy to have a full-time legislature. And with Democrats in power in both the House, Senate, and Governor’s Mansion, it would be a field day for the far-left if they could ram through their extremist agenda year-round.

But far-left Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-Bernalillo) claims Ivey-Soto’s bill doesn’t go far enough. She claimed as well as the Legislature being salaried, she wants its structure to be changed “to make it have the ability to do its job.” She claims in its current form, it is an “extremely weak branch of the government,” which is likely what the framers’ of the New Mexico Constitution intended.

Previously, other members have whined about the lack of pay legislators get, despite them knowingly running for the job with full knowledge it didn’t have a salary. 

Sen. Bill Soules (D-Doña Ana), who has been in the New Mexico Senate since 2013, tweeted a picture of a dollar bill, writing, “#nmleg. ‘Another day another ………’. Oh wait.  That’s right.  The New Mexico Legislature is unpaid.  The only unpaid legislature in the country.” 

From our January editorial:

“Moderate” Rep. Alonzo Baldonado (R-Valencia), while defending Rep. Kelly Fajardo’s (R-Valencia) vote in favor of Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “mini” Green New Deal, wrote, “For all of you out there that think making votes and not getting paid to do it is easy….I say you go do it.” In 2022, many conservative Republicans will do it, and hopefully, strong patriots who do not cower will run against Reps. Fajardo and Baldonado to bring true representation to the Legislature—actual servants of the people who will not complain about the job they knew full-well they were getting into. 

Rep. Angelica Rubio (D-Doña Ana) claimed in 2019 while sponsoring a bill to pay legislators a salary, that the current system has people “being left out of the system.” However, she somehow got elected to the Legislature. 

But despite all the misinformation from ungrateful supposed “public servants,” legislators in New Mexico do get reimbursed through a daily per diem for their work, which is $184 a day and 58 cents a mile. They also get a hefty pension for their service. After ten years, it amounts to $10,824.00. 

The point of New Mexico’s legislature is for it to work for New Mexicans—not the other way around. Just remember, senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for not doing much at all. Having regular citizens who work jobs in the time they are not in the New Mexico Legislature (usually 10-11 months each year) serving as our representatives, brings them closer to the people they are supposed to represent and makes them more accountable to their constituents.

Now, time will tell if Republicans, other than extreme “moderates” like Alonzo Baldonado, join the herd of radical Democrats to try and pay themselves salaries, especially as New Mexico recovers from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s extreme lockdown that left 40% of small businesses closed and countless jobs lost.

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Democrat state rep. who sponsored abortion up-to-birth bill takes a jab at pro-life Catholic bishop

On Sunday, in an op-ed published in the Las Cruces Sun-News, state Rep. Micaela Lara Cadena (D-Doña Ana) came to the defense of her colleague in the New Mexico Senate, Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana), who was denied Holy Communion because he voted for the radical abortion up-to-birth and infanticide S.B. 10. 

Cadena chastised the cleric, Bishop Peter Baldacchino, for withholding the Most Blessed Sacrament from Cervantes, despite giving Cervantes multiple unanswered warnings that he would not receive the Eucharist in his diocese if he voted to kill children in the womb with the passage of S.B. 10. 

“I’m still feeling the sting of what happened in deeply personal ways,” wrote Cadena, sponsored the extreme anti-life bill. “The cultural war being waged by overreaching American bishops couldn’t come at a worse time for women and pregnant people in our country.” 

Cadena appears to be claiming Bishop Baldacchino, who has the authority to withhold the Eucharist to those who are not in full communion with the faith, is “overreaching” despite hin having the authority and acting rightly according to Canon Law. 

The far-left state representative tried to brush over her and Cervantes’ longstanding support for the gruesome practice of abortion, claiming, “As a mama, Chicana and Catholic raised in this diocese, I know pregnancy is sacred.” If she thought of pregnancy as “sacred,” then she should not be in support of tearing children in the womb limb from limb with forceps, sucking children’s bodies out of the mother with a vacuum, or giving women unsafe drugs to forcibly expel their children from the womb, leaving the mother in agonizing pain. 

“And while select voices within the church hierarchy may think they can dictate what’s best for our families and chastise us if we fail to act according to their views, our faith also teaches us to care for our fellowship by caring for our communities,” she added.

However, the Bible directly says what the job of a pastor is. 1 Timothy 4:2-5 clearly states, “proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching. For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths. But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.”

Baldacchino is standing up for not only what the Bible says, but for what the church teaches in practice. The bishop guided Cervantes in the right direction, with patience (such as his multiple letters of warning), and let Cervantes know the grave consequences of his actions. Despite if Cervantes listened to the truth or not, Baldacchino performed the work of an evangelist and did all he could to divert the senator from the myths and evil associated with abortion.

Cadena, despite all her rhetoric and titles she has bestowed upon herself as a “Chicana,” “Catholic,” and “mama,” she, as well as Cervantes disobey the faith of which they purport to belong by voting to destroy God’s most sacred creation in the womb. Chastising a bishop for doing his job will not fare well for Cadena or Cervantes come Judgement Day when they must answer for their crimes against God’s creation.

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‘Seriously gave me the chills’: Left-winger triggered by Christian New Mexico Trump supporters

It has become increasingly easy to trigger the easily offended left without even saying a single word. Cari Marshall, a far-left activist who sits on the Texas Observer’s “Texas Democracy Foundation,” and lives in Austin, Texas, was driving through Clovis, New Mexico, and spotted something that apparently turned her inside out.

Marshall drove past a large Trump/Pence 2020 sign that was still up, which was placed next to a white cross. Unable to comprehend how a Christian can proudly be a Trump supporter, she accused the person of “Christian nationalism” and said it was “creepy.” It is unclear why she thought Christian nationalism is a bad thing.

Marshall wrote, “Spotted near Clovis, New Mexico. Seriously gave me the chills, it’s downright creepy,” adding, “Christian nationalism is a menace and a threat to national security!”

It is unclear how a sign supporting the duly elected 45th President of the United States and a cross showing devotion to Jesus Christ can be a “threat to national security,” but that appears to be exactly what Ms. Marshall believes is a greater threat than, say, Russia or China persecuting their own people and teaming up with America’s foes — oh and Cuban people starving to death under communism for decades. 

Marshall claims on her Twitter bio that “AbortionIsHealthcare,” a mantra spread by anti-life activists and Twitter trolls to trick the populace into thinking that the slaughter of babies in the womb is “health care.” She also writes, “Save Texas from the GOP,” despite the state, including Austin where she lives, thriving during the pandemic. In contrast, Democrat-run states like New Mexico are leading the nation with high unemployment rates and economic stagnation.

The left-winger has previously taken photographs with extreme leftist leaders like Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, a former congressman and disgraced ex-U.S. Senate candidate, and endorsed calling the filibuster in the U.S. Senate the “Jim Crow filibuster.” 

It is unclear what Marshall is doing in New Mexico. Still, she sure appears to be judging New Mexico voters who support the 45th President and Jesus Christ awful hard for someone who supports abortion, spreads baseless accusations of racism, among other things. Christian values and conservative ideology appear to be “creepy” to Democrats who likely have not spent much time in real America — the place where people work with their hands and power the country to the ire of city folk. At the same time, liberals spit on them and talk down to them.

Come Judgement Day, Marshall will likely see the difference between her ideology and that of a so-called “Christian nationalist.” Maybe she will open her eyes, but until then, a billboard and a cross are all that it takes to trigger her sensibilities — bigoted sentiments shown by many on the left.

‘Seriously gave me the chills’: Left-winger triggered by Christian New Mexico Trump supporters Read More »

NM’s acceptance of conflicts of interest in the Legislature breeds corruption

We’ve all heard the rhetoric from legislators whining about not getting paid enough as legislators (despite it being part-time, they make per diem and receive a pension after ten years of service). The Legislature being part-time has given legislators a gaping wide loophole for corruption, with “ethics” lawyers and parliamentarians claiming because the Legislature is part-time, corruption is A-Ok! 

We saw this just recently with millionaire Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) getting off scot-free for sponsoring a bill, H.B. 4, which would line his pockets as a civil rights attorney due to the elimination of qualified immunity — incentivizing civil rights lawsuits that will cripple local governments, and thus flush loads of cash into his law firm’s bank account.

But a supposed “ethics” judge says that kind of shameless public corruption is perfectly fine in response to a former judge’s ethics complaint alleging his bill is a conflict of interest because he would personally benefit from it. James Starzynski, a retired judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New Mexico, said the very valid ethics complaint failed to state the necessary facts to “support a claim upon which relief can be granted.”

So, once again, public corruption has been rubber-stamped by the State of New Mexico. And Egolf can make millions by bankrupting local governments and putting targets on law enforcers’ backs since H.B. 4 is now state law. 

Let’s also talk about another legislator who will make out like a bandit after the 2021 Legislative (special) Session following the passage of H.B. 2 co-sponsored by state Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo). 

After her bill’s passage legalizing recreational marijuana in New Mexico, Duhigg announced she is opening up a marijuana-focused law firm, which she will now make loads of money off of following her bill’s passage.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican

“People are rightly asking, ‘Why wasn’t this disclosed?’ ” Duhigg said in a telephone interview Monday.

“Had this been something I was planning on doing, I should have and would have made that disclosure,” she said. “But it didn’t exist then and, honestly, it didn’t even occur to me.”

You really believe that? She had no plans of making money off of her bill whatsoever? Yeah, right!

Now, what about state Rep. Angelica Rubio? She worked for the illegal immigration group “NM CAFé,” which harbors criminal aliens through churches across New Mexico. At the same time that she served as the group’s executive director, she sponsored bills in the Legislature to make illegal aliens’ lives easier by eroding immigration provisions on the state level.

As I reported in 2019: 

Rep. Rubio, who is currently serving her second term in the House, is the Executive Director of a pro-illegal immigration group called NM COMUNIDADES EN ACCIÓN Y DE FÉ (CAFé), joining the group in May of 2018 according to her LinkedIn profile and CAFé’s website.

CAFé has actively fought for HB-195 in the New Mexico House of Representatives, which her group would benefit from, designating the state of New Mexico a “Sanctuary State.” As well, Rubio herself is sponsoring HB-287, which would restrict the federal government from using New Mexico land to construct a border wall or fence. CAFé organized a march just last week, with Rubio rallying to the crowd to urge other legislators to vote for the measures.

Rubio, whose group would directly benefit from the passage of HB-195 and HB-287 must recuse herself because the conflict of interest could not be clearer, especially since she is the head of the organization. Furthermore, she must withdraw HB-267 from further consideration. Otherwise, it would be a violation of the Legislative Ethics Guide.

But an ethics complaint filed at the time by me got a response from Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Bernalillo), Chair of the House Rules and Order of Business Committee, where Ely referred to a similar case from 1994, where it stated the following: 

We understand that some parties have read the pertinent constitutional and statutory provisions to mean that a legislator’s work in the private sector creates an inherent conflict of interest with his legislative position and therefore his entity should be disqualified from contracting with the State. This viewpoint appears to rely on an unnecessarily narrow and wooden interpretation of the relevant laws. New Mexico, like many states, has a citizen legislature and most of its members earn a living through private sector employment. For the most part the lawmakers have real lives as farmers, teachers, bankers, business owners and lawyers…The fact that lawmakers have real lives as citizens in their communities is a tremendous asset to the legislative process.” [citation omitted] A wooden interpretation runs counter to this reality and prohibits a wide number of entities from bidding on state contracts and in turn prohibits a large number of legislators from working in the private sector. This could not possibly be the drafters’ intent of these laws when New Mexico is so dependent on private sector entities to provide required and valuable services for the citizenry. 

Another legislator, state Rep. Micaela Cadena (D-Doña Ana) had similar conflicts. As reported in 2019: 

​​Rep. Cadena, who is serving her first term in the New Mexico House, works as Research Director for Young Women United (YWU), an abortion-up-to-birth social justice advocacy group which actively lobbies in favor of late-term abortion rights. One particular bill, HB-51 is targeted by the group, which has partnered with Planned Parenthood and other abortion proponents to form Respect New Mexico Women.

On Respect New Mexico Women’s “about” page, a photograph of Rep. Cadena and pro-abortion supporters clearly show Cadena’s involvement with the organization, and her group is a listed sponsor. On Young Women United’s staff page, Cadena’s campaign site, and her Facebook page, she is listed as a current member of the YWU team.

Because of YWU’s political position to gain something from HB-51’s passage, there is a direct conflict of interest between Cadena and HB-51, if she does not recuse herself.

These blatant conflicts of interest are now normalized by this broken system of government, which is entitled, corrupt, and still whines about “not getting paid” or not getting paid “enough,” despite being able to work wherever the heck they want and being virtually untouchable in the eyes of the law. 

No legislator or any public official for that matter should be financially benefitting off of the bills, resolutions, ordinances, or laws they pass. Back in the old days, we used to call that “corruption.” 

The recent ruling by former Judge Starzynski on the Egolf case and the countless others prove time and time again that the system supposedly meant to work for the people only works for itself. We must change that with ETHICAL leaders in the New Mexico House of Representatives in 2022 and in both chambers in 2024 and beyond. 

NM’s acceptance of conflicts of interest in the Legislature breeds corruption Read More »

THE EARTH IS ON FIRE, screams Michelle Lujan Grisham

On Monday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham sent out yet another panicky fundraising email, this time on the topic of “climate change,” which she insists is the cause of “wildfires.” 

In the email titled “Climate change is fueling wildfires. Here’s how we’ll fix it,” Lujan Grisham claimed, “Climate change has caused higher temperatures and drought – which lead to the kind of staggering wildfires that fill our skies with plumes of smoke.” 

She then touted her work to pass New Mexico’s radical “Green New Deal” in the form of 2019’s Energy Transition Act, which will completely wipe out the oil and gas industry by the year 2045. 

In the email, she wrote, “To mitigate this climate crisis, I’m leading New Mexico to transition to clean, renewable energy sources – preserving a livable climate and creating jobs in the process. During my time as governor, I’ve mandated that gas companies reduce pollution and signed laws to expand our state’s green infrastructure, which will help New Mexico hit my administration’s goal to become carbon-free by 2045.” 

She added, “I have a vision for a greener New Mexico, where our state relies not on dirty fossil fuels but on clean energy sources that don’t take a toll on our climate, water or air.” 

But apparently, her work to destroy the state’s primary source of funding is not done, as she failed to ram through extreme policies to pound the final nail in New Mexico’s energy coffin, which is why she asked her donors “This reality is within reach, but only if we do the hard work to act on climate change immediately – so I need your help to reach our $5,000 goal by our midnight deadline, elect Democrats in New Mexico and keep acting on our green agenda.” 

During the 2021 Legislative Session, Lujan Grisham was unsuccessful in forcing through her 20+ cent per gallon gas tax on the poor and her added “climate” proposals that would institute so-called “environmental rights” to the New Mexico Constitution.

Now, extremely vulnerable Gov. Lujan Grisham, who even the Santa Fe New Mexican notes is not safe for re-election, faces a tough election in 2022 to hold onto her seat. She is apparently clinging onto “THE EARTH IS ON FIRE” rhetoric using climate change conspiracies to justify her far-left agenda.

Lujan Grisham’s panicky email comes one day after she joined British-American billionaire and Jeffrey Epstein associate Sir Richard Branson as he launched his rocket into the sky from Spaceport America in Sierra County.

So-called climate activists did not take too kindly to Branson’s space launch:

So, if Lujan Grisham is so serious about her EARTH IS ON FIRE rhetoric, why is she applauding what other liberals clearly see as hypocrisy?

THE EARTH IS ON FIRE, screams Michelle Lujan Grisham Read More »

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