Why you need to vote in Nov. 2 municipal elections — whether you want to or not
While most of New Mexico’s mainstream media is glued to the dumpster fire Albuquerque mayoral race, the truth is, that is not the most important issue citizens need to focus on, especially if you are like me, and you don’t live in the Albuquerque area or a big city.
Most folks don’t pay too much attention to local elections or care to vote in them, but at least in my town, these local elections, especially for school boards, will matter a great deal more.
In Alamogordo where I live, our Alamogordo Public School Board of Education is full of leftists. Three members of our five-member board voted in August to forcibly remove Board President Angie Cadwallader and install a leftist registered Democrat in the post, despite not following proper protocols and not re-voting on every member of the board.
Now, as President Cadwallader remains outnumbered with only one other ally on the five-member board, she faces tough reelection, while that one other ally is not running for reelection and a union-backed candidate is trying to defeat conservative Sara Weihausen, an anti-CRT candidate.
In many ways, our school board elections are some of the most important, and despite the decisions made by our school boards, they don’t exactly make for salacious news, although the Piñon Post has tried to make them a priority in reporting.
In my city, conservative Commissioner Susan Payne goes up against a radical far-leftist, Nadia Sikes, who calls constituents and media who don’t agree with her “a**holes” and mask-shames the public. Sikes has a poisonous hatred for President Donald Trump and has participated in many pro-abortion marches while promoting Planned Parenthood and other abortion up-to-birth groups.
These races don’t make the front page often, but they should matter to every single New Mexican because they determine things like the teaching of the racist Critical Race Theory in our classrooms or the implementation of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s tyrannical mask and jab mandates.
Don’t like those potholes you hit every day on the way to work? Well, then make sure to vote for candidates who will represent you and fix those issues you care about. Being involved in elections makes it much more likely you will get involved further, such as attending city commission or council meetings and talking directly with your representatives.
Although these might not be the most exciting elections in the world, the people we elect make a direct impact, good or bad, on our lives. Please show up to vote for good, conservative candidates who will make the right decisions for communities across the state. On Saturday, October 30, most polling places are open from 7-5 for early voting, and on Election Day, polls open at 7:00 a.m. Find Republican candidates in your area here, find your polling location here, and see your sample ballot here. I will be voting in person on Election Day.
Remember, if you don’t vote, you have no reason to complain.
Why you need to vote in Nov. 2 municipal elections — whether you want to or not Read More »