
Abortion exec who lost Supreme Court case now moving facility to NM

Shannon Brewer whose abortion mill lost the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, is moving her abortion business from Jackson, Mississippi to Las Cruces. Dobbs overturned the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade (1973) and Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) decisions, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States. It now sends the abortion question back to the individual states.

The Texas Tribune reports, “Brewer’s team picked Las Cruces, about 40 miles north of El Paso, because of its proximity to Texas and its lack of abortion care. They found an old dentist’s office in the city this spring and hope to have their new clinic open [in July].”

Brewer touted how the new abortion facility in Las Cruces, which used to be a dental office, has a parking lot in the rear, making it harder for pro-life sidewalk counselors to help pregnant mothers turn around and not go through with the baby-killing abortion.

“You have antis who were in these 20-some states that are fixing to close — what are they going to do?” she said. “This is all they know, and this is all they’ve been doing,” said Brewer to the Tribune.

New Mexico has long been the abortion capital of the Southwest and the late-term abortion capital of the country. But in 2021 when radical pro-abortion Democrat politicians did away with all protections for women, babies, and medical professionals, it left open the floodgates for unregulated abortion up to and after birth in the state.

Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who is up for reelection in November, signed the controversial bill after spending big bucks to knock off moderate pro-life Democrats from the state Senate chamber so she could ram through the unlimited abortion bill.

Just last week, Lujan Grisham signed an executive order shielding fugitive abortionists from extradition to other states where they have illegally performed abortions. More of this pro-abortion radicalism is expected in the upcoming 2023 Legislative Session, where Democrats are likely to propose more anti-life bills.

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Maggie Toulouse Oliver bashes America, Founding Fathers on Fourth of July

On Independence Day, far-left Democrat Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver bashed America’s Founding Fathers and America in general, claiming the holiday only secures freedom for a “select few.”

“But our struggle for freedom is more than a single historical event. We are still striving to ensure the promise of America is not reserved for a select few,” Toulouse Oliver wrote in an email.

She continued, “We have fought to expand the freedoms originally meant only for land-owning white men. Through years of hard work, women, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), and the LGBTQ+ community have won their rights and brought our nation closer to its goal of a more perfect union.”

Still, she believes the nation has not reached its “perfection.”

“But over the past few days, we saw many of the rights we have fought so hard for threatened and repealed. We have so far to go before we can fully live our values of liberty, equality, and justice. We simply cannot allow ourselves to go backwards.”

Toulouse Oliver is likely alluding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that repealed the archaic 1973 decision, Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion on demand in the United States. The Dobbs v. Jackson case recently decided now lets the abortion question go back to the states. Apparently, Toulouse Oliver takes offense to the court saying there is no right to kill children in the womb on a federal level.

Despite bashing the United States and our Founding Fathers as “land-owning white men” who fought to secure our country, the Secretary of State still claims to be “so proud to be an American.”

“Today’s celebration is bittersweet, but our country has come so far since our founding, and I know we will again bend towards justice. These ideals are what make our country great, and they are what still make me so proud to be an American,” she wrote.

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Despite MLG doubling down on abortion support, Archbishop won’t deny her Eucharist

This week, pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has doubled down on her support for radical abortion up-to-birth policies. She signed an executive order harboring fugitive abortionists who flee to New Mexico from extradition. She then met with Joe Biden and fellow Democrat governors to promote pushing the Biden regime to perform abortions at Veterans Affairs hospitals, Indian Health Service facilities, and military bases, calling such a plan an  “effective vehicle.”

Also last week amid the pro-abortion extremism from the Governor, Piñon Post chief and Republican nominee for New Mexico House District 51, John Block, sent a letter to Archbishop John C. Wester of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The letter requested that Lujan Grisham, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, be denied the sacrament of Holy Communion due to her abortion stance.

Block noted how the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) “affirmed and reaffirmed over the years, ‘The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.’ I take the USCCB seriously when it states abortion is its preeminent priority, as I am sure you do as well.”

In 2021, the USCCB passed a teaching document by a vote of 222-8 reading, “It is the special responsibility of the diocesan bishop to work to remedy situations that involve public actions at variance with the visible communion of the Church and the moral law.”

With regard to the application of these principles to Catholics in political life, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to the U.S. bishops in 2004 explaining the approach to be taken:

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to the U.S. bishops in 2004 what actions were to be taken against pro-abortion politicians regarding the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist:

 “… when a person’s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist. When ‘these precautionary measures have not had their effect … ,’ and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, ‘the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.’”

Block wrote in the letter that Lujan Grisham’s support for abortion up-to-birth policies, including assisted suicide “are directly responsible for the killing of innocent children and terminal patients in New Mexico, which are contrary to Church teachings throughout the centuries. If the state will not bring justice for these innocent lives lost at the hands of Lujan Grisham and the Radical Democrats, it is at the very least the Church’s responsibility to hold them accountable within its power.”

He then asked for the Archbishop to deny the pro-abortion politician Communion, writing, “These actions should mirror, if not be more punitive, to those of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who has denied pro-abortion U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the sacrament of Holy Communion in his diocese. Recently, my bishop, Peter Baldacchino of the Diocese of Las Cruces, denied pro-abortion state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana) Communion after his vote for S.B. 10, so there is precedent in New Mexico for this important action.”

“Our faith is the only thing we have left. It is what has carried the Church through centuries of persecution and toil, and it is what will carry us through today. If the Church refuses to stand firm now on this bedrock principle to save the most vulnerable, then our faith is lost,” he concluded.

Wester, however, did not agree. In response, he wrote that he would not deny the rabidly pro-abortion politician Holy Communion, writing, “I will not deny the governor Holy Communion since I agree wholeheartedly with Cardinal-designate Robert W. McElroy’s article in America magazine in which he outlines three compelling reasons for not withholding Communion to Catholic pro-choice politicians.”

The reasons from the liberal cardinal-designate included those who seek to deny the Eucharist based on the grave sin of killing a child in the womb are “weaponizing” it. Another reason is that “we are all sinners,” and therefore, “Who of the faithful can claim such an ideal?” The last reason given is because of Pope Francis’ statement, “The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

However, ingesting the Eucharist while living with unrepentant sin, will cause sickness and death. I Corinthians 11:27-30 reads:

“Whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.” 

The Archbishop concluded in his letter, “These three points are only some of the many reasons that this question of withholding Holy Communion is quite complex.  For example, it is not always easy to determine formal cooperation in evil, remote material cooperation or proximate material cooperation.  In addition, intention is always an important factor in determining whether an action is sinful or not.  A given politician may believe that by remaining in office he or she can do more to work toward ending abortion than by leaving office.  Another might believe that by working to attenuate poverty, a huge driver of abortions, he or she could be effective in lessening the number of abortions in America.”

It appears Wester is attempting to justify Lujan Grisham’s support for abortion due to supposed policies she may be supporting to help end poverty and other issues.

However, the Rev. Fr. Larry Brito of St. Anne Parish in Santa Fe told the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding Lujan Grisham’s pro-abortion stance, “[S]he has already excommunicated herself by her extreme gross support and promotion of the murder of unborn children. I pray that she may have a change of heart and that she may receive the full graces of the Catholic Church. Salvation and lives are at stake.”

Despite other members of the clergy taking the killing of babies in the womb seriously by withholding Holy Communion from the likes of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana), there will be no recourse for Lujan Grisham’s grave promotion of abortion. Wester likely was one of the eight bishops who voted against a resolution attempting to remedy situations involving pro-abortion Catholic politicians. 

Until now, New Mexicans have not gotten a clear answer in Archbishop Wester’s own words on this subject matter until Block’s letter.

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Lujan Grisham joins Biden to promote radical pro-abortion policies

On Friday, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham joined Joe Biden and other governors in support of abortion up-to-birth policies being pushed by both the Biden and Lujan Grisham regimes. The discussion comes after the Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision struck down the archaic unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion on demand. The issue now goes back to the individual states.

The announcement for the event billed itself as an opportunity to “discuss efforts to protect access to [abortion].” The conference happened at a set in the basement of the White House, where Biden read off a teleprompter.

“We’re in a really important area here,” said Biden during the conference, calling the Roe v. Wade reversal “terrible” while bashing the Supreme Court as an “extremist court.” He also claimed pro-life governors are “extremists.”

“We are, in fact, that brick wall against that horrific Supreme Court decision,” said Lujan Grisham, referring to Democrat governors.

The Governor attacked the pro-life neighboring state of Texas as “draconian” for its life-affirming efforts.

She endorsed comments made by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY), who suggested using Veterans Affairs hospitals and military bases to perform abortions on federal land. She even went one step further, endorsing using “Indian Health Services clinics” as an “effective vehicle” to perform abortions.

She said some sovereign Indian nations she has spoken to are “very supportive and interested” in the idea.

Lujan Grisham said she stands “ready to fight hard” to elect more pro-abortion Democrats to Congress so the pro-abortion left “can codify Roe v. Wade.”

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Dem Party-affiliated attorneys attempt to get Trump’s NM attorneys disbarred

On Thursday, it was reported that six Democrat attorneys in New Mexico are petitioning the state Supreme Court to disbar attorneys who worked on lawsuits for President Donald J. Trump following the 2020 General Election in New Mexico. Those lawyers are Albuquerque-based personal injury attorney and Texas-based attorney Michael Smith.

“While the lawsuit did not make any specific allegations of voting fraud or irregularities, it alleged Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver had overstepped her legal authority by authorizing use of the ballot drop boxes amid the coronavirus pandemic,” the Albuquerque Journal reported.

The 31-page petition demands the Court references GOP electors delivered to Congress in case the results skewed from Joe Biden winning the state to Trump.

The petition was filed by former state Democrat Party chairman John Wertheim asking the Supreme Court to appoint a special counsel to investigate and then publicly release the findings of the probe.

The petition was also signed by ex-Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez.

The New Mexico Supreme Court previously denied petition requests in February 2021 to investigate the attorneys involved in the Trump campaign lawsuit.

But Chávez, Wertheim, and the other attorneys claim new testimony regarding Mike Pence’s legal counsel Greg Jacob brought forth new details via Democrat U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s partisan January 6th Committee.

“In that memo, Jacob says Trump attorney John Eastman, a Santa Fe resident, proposed the vice president could delay reading the electoral certificates for fives states – including New Mexico – until legislators in those states could certify which of the competing slate of electors for each state was ‘true and correct’ in their claims of victory,” the Journal noted.

It was reported last week that Eastman’s phone was seized by federal agents while the attorney ate lunch in town. Eastman later decried these tactics by the FBI while appearing on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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MLG claims ads hitting her on wasteful spending are ‘misleading’

On Thursday, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has been under fire from Republican Governors Association (RGA)-affiliated groups for her lavish spending, once again slapped down claims in the attempt to raise more campaign money.

She sent out a fundraising email claiming the ads which pointed out she misused thousands of dollars in taxpayer money were “misleading attack ads” in the attempt to replace her with moderate Republican Mark Ronchetti, who she claims is a “far-right radical.”

Previously, the Governor claimed in a response to the RGA ads that claims of her wasteful spending were “nonsense.”

But reports show that she spent at least “$17,546 on food, alcohol, kitchen equipment, and Christmas ornaments,” according to an audit of her lavish spending.

In the ad responding to criticisms, an announcer said, “Have you seen this ad attacking Governor Luhan Grisham, but expensive steaks and alcohol for her friends? It’s nonsense.”

The RGA launched a subsequent ad hitting the scandal-ridden governor for her tone-deaf response.

The group claimed Lujan Grisham was “living large on our dime.” Watch the latest ad here:

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Toulouse Oliver now playing the victim after bashing opponents as ‘election-deniers’

This week, far-left Democrat New Mexico Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver mercilessly bashed those who want stronger election integrity measures as “conspiracy theorists” who are trying to “break down our democracy.”

She claimed if she doesn’t raise enough campaign cash, “New Mexico will become a prime target for Big Lie believers to show they can take over an entire state’s election system.”

She then bashed her opponent, Republican Audrey Trujillo, as an “election-denier” who believes in “antisemitic notions.”

But now, despite all the bombs the Secretary of State has thrown at conservatives, she is now making vague claims of “threats” she is receiving.

The Associated Press reported that Toulouse Oliver said “she received threats to her safety via an email and telephone calls to her offices and that the FBI has been notified.”

The AP article made it sound like these supposed attacks came following her lawsuit against the Otero County Commission, which was compelled by the state Supreme Court to certify 2022 Primary Election results despite concerns:

Toulouse Oliver said the threatening email touched upon social media and video commentary by a conservative filmmaker in defense of his widely debunked documentary “2000 Mules” that alleges widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

The New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office has sought to dispel false assertions in the movie on the agency’s “rumor versus reality” website regarding elections and misinformation, prompting a response from filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.

Toulouse Oliver was closely involved in a standoff with local officials in Otero County in recent weeks that nearly derailed certification of election results.

It is unclear if these attacks are in relation to the Otero County audit, but the Secretary of State has disseminated false information claiming to “debunk” facts proven about election fraud across the country.

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MLG goes on CNN to promote unlimited late-term abortions in NM, bash SCOTUS

On Tuesday, scandal-ridden Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who signed a radical abortion up-to-birth law in New Mexico in 2021, appeared on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper to promote abortions.

While on the program, Lujan Grisham made outlandish claims, especially that she believes the U.S. Supreme Court “invited” states to “rewrite the U.S. Constitution,” despite abortion never being referenced in the document. the Court recently ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson that it was up to individual states to regulate abortions, which overturned the por-abortion 1973 Roe v. Wade and 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decisions.

“Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has basically said that we are inviting states to rewrite the U.S. Constitution in any way they want, they’re now also free, like Texas, to persecute providers and women who seek to access reproductive services in other states. So, we’re being proactive and making it clear that this is a reproductive safe haven state.”

She then went on to tout her signing of the anti-life law, telling Tapper, “We eliminated an antiquated New Mexico unconstitutional ban on abortion that criminalized providers. And while it was never utilized, providers were, in fact, nervous about it. Could see sort of the tipping point at the U.S. Supreme Court and were very clear that that needed to be removed from our statutory framework, which we did about a year ago.”

The bill flatly stripped all protections for babies in the womb, mothers, and medical professionals, creating an unsafe, unregulated abortion free-for-all in the state of New Mexico.

Then Tapper told Lujan Grisham that most Americans support some restrictions on abortion, telling the Governor, “The polls also indicate the American people, as a whole, do support some restrictions on abortion. What is the law in New Mexico? Are there any restrictions?”

Lujan Grisham responded, “There are no restrictions. given that we interpret and I agree that, again, per this new Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, is this is a privacy right and a personal decision between a woman and her doctor. and to interfere in any of these medical decisions creates, and it has, unknown, untold reductions in civil liberties for any number of individuals.”

She piled on, “Here, we would love to do as much as we can to focus on maternal health and prenatal health, to make sure that we have fewer and fewer and fewer and eliminate all unwanted pregnancies. however, in these late-term abortion issues, these are women who have picked a name, have enrolled in child care, who have a nursery. The kind of medical issues and deeply private, personal traumas that are occurring in those aspects, I don’t believe government has any right to interfere and judge those decisions when two medical providers are providing that information directly to their patient.”

The Governor recently signed an executive order meant to help harbor criminals who illegally perform abortions in other states and flee to New Mexico.

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TV station distances itself from anti-MLG ads after ‘concerned citizens’ complained

On Tuesday, the left-leaning TV station KOB 4 attempted to distance itself from advertisements using its reporting that criticized Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The scandal-ridden Governor has misused taxpayer funds to buy personal expenses such as $200/lb Wagyu beef and liquor while forcing New Mexicans at the same time to stand in long bread lines to get food and basic goods over the holidays in 2020.

The ad used news clips from KOB and other stations reporting on Lujan Grisham’s lavish spending on the taxpayers’ dime.

One KOB anchor says regarding the Governor’s spending spree, “there’s more booze, there’s more food, and some other items that might surprise you.”

Another anchor from the station says, “Are these expenditures okay with you or not?”

KOB 4 released a statement attempting to distance itself from the Republican Governors Association (RGA)-affiliated PAC, “Get Families Back to Work,” which ran the ads.

“In recent days, concerned citizens have reached out to KOB TV about a political advertisement that uses content from KOB TV news reports.  Many people have interpreted this particular advertisement as an endorsement by KOB TV of a particular candidate. This is not the case,” wrote KOB TV’s Vice President & General Manager, Michelle Donaldson.

“KOB TV does not take sides in political elections.  Like all broadcasters, we are bound by election laws that ensure access to the airwaves for political messages,” she wrote.

“Broadcasters are guided to give wide latitude to a multitude of political opinions.  When the ad is from a specific candidate for office, broadcasters are prohibited by law from censoring, editing or altering the message in any way.  Additionally, the US Supreme Court has determined that independent spending groups have a constitutionally protected right to participate in the political process and speak out on issues and candidates.”

“It is not unusual for candidates or political groups to use excerpts of news reports in their ads.  The editing of these ads may create confusion about their origin. To be clear, KOB TV does not endorse or support any particular candidate,” Donaldson concluded. 

Lujan Grisham attempted to downplay the ad, calling the thousands of dollars misused “nonsense” in her latest television spot.

The RGA quickly responded to her rebuttal in a fiery television ad:

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MLG skewered for ‘living large on our dime’ in fiery new ad

On Tuesday, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) released its latest ad showcasing far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s lavish spending on the backs of New Mexico taxpayers. 

The ad called the Governor out for brushing off criticisms of wasteful spending as “nonsense.” 

In a previous ad responding to criticisms, an announcer said, “Have you seen this ad attacking Governor Luhan Grisham, but expensive steaks and alcohol for her friends? It’s nonsense.”

The RGA hit back, with spokesman Will Reinert writing, “While New Mexicans struggled during the pandemic, Michelle Lujan Grisham spent taxpayer money on everything from baby shower decorations to lavish food items.” He added, “To make matters worse, Governor Lujan Grisham thinks she is above being held accountable for her ridiculous purchases, and her office even went so far to call the focus on her spending ‘bull****.’”

The fiery new TV ad says:

Michelle Lujan Grisham calls accountability for her lavish spending “nonsense”

The facts: 

She spent our tax dollars on…



Gourmet meals…

Dry cleaning…

Shoe repair…

A new doggy door…

Even a baby shower with pink pacifiers 

Tens of thousands on inappropriate expenses… more than many New Mexicans make in a year.

Governor Lujan Grisham – living large on our dime.

Now that’s nonsense.

WATCH the ad: 

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