
Woke Meow Wolf laying off an eye-popping number of employees

Four years after its significant layoffs at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Meow Wolf, an increasingly woke arts corporation known for its immersive experiences, is facing another major workforce reduction. 

CEO Jose Tolosa announced in an internal company email, which the Santa Fe Reporter later obtained, that the company will cut approximately 10% of its expenses and reduce its workforce this Wednesday, April 17. Tolosa described the decision as part of a “reorganization” aimed at resizing the business to fund growth and drive future success.

The impending layoffs will impact 165 employees across Meow Wolf’s locations in Santa Fe, Texas, Colorado, and Nevada. This includes 111 employees from both the exhibition and corporate teams, as well as an additional 54 bargaining unit positions from the Meow Wolf Workers Collective union in Las Vegas.

In his communication, Tolosa emphasized that “Expansion is still an important part of our business strategy, and these changes will enable us to continue to grow in a way that is smart and sustainable.” He acknowledged the difficulty of saying goodbye to team members who have significantly contributed to the company’s achievements. Tolosa reassured that Meow Wolf is committed to supporting the affected employees through this transition, promising to disclose specific details of this support soon, thereby demonstrating the company’s empathy and care for its workforce.

The decision to downsize follows a series of challenges and controversies, including a bigoted staff refusal to work during a concert by artist Matisyahu at the Santa Fe location, which stirred debates and possibly contributed to decreased demand and financial strain. The antisemitic employees did not want to staff the Jewish musician’s concert

Back in 2020, Meow Wolf attributed its layoffs to the financial pressures unleashed by the pandemic, although leaked audio later revealed plans for reductions were already in place due to unsustainable rapid growth. Jim Ward, one of the then-CEOs, was recorded stating, “We knew we were going to hit our financial wall in June. The company grew too big, too fast, without a clear view about what is truly core to us, what core contributions we must make to our projects, and how we should organize our projects.”

Amidst these changes, the company has been actively engaging with the Meow Wolf Workers Collective, the employee union formed two years ago. However, the union has previously accused the company of engaging in unfair labor practices. Employees laid off in 2020 were reportedly required to sign non-disclosure agreements that included a non-disparagement clause to receive their severance packages.

A union member hinted that the Meow Wolf Workers Collective plans to issue a statement regarding the current layoffs, but legal constraints prevent them from doing so until Wednesday. 

Guilty ‘Rust’ armorer who called jurors ‘a**holes’ gets max sentence

Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the armorer involved in the tragic 2021 shooting on the set of the movie “Rust,” has been sentenced to the maximum of 18 months in prison for involuntary manslaughter in the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. The sentence was handed down after intense deliberations, where Gutierrez-Reed’s legal team had pleaded for probation based on her lack of prior criminal history and youth. However, prosecutors argued for a severe sentence, citing her “extreme recklessness” on set.

During the sentencing, Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer emphasized Gutierrez-Reed’s critical role in the incident, stating, “You alone turned a safe weapon into a lethal weapon,” and highlighted the profound loss caused by her actions: “But for you, Ms. Hutchins would be alive. A husband would have his partner, and a little boy would have his mother.”

After she was found guilty, “she blasted jurors as ‘idiots’ and ‘a–holes’ for convicting her of involuntary manslaughter,” as reported by the New York Post:

“She referred to the jurors as “r—-ds,’ ‘idiots’ and ‘a–holes,’” [prosecutors] wrote as proof of how she “continues to deny responsibility and blame others.”

“She calls the jury r—-ded. ‘When they say jury of your peers they mean f—in r—-ds,’” the filing states, saying that the armorer also called the judge “terrible.”

Gutierrez-Reed, appearing remorseful, addressed the court, expressing her sorrow for the impact of the incident on Hutchins’ family, friends, and colleagues. “My heart aches for the Hutchins family and friends and colleagues, as well,” she said. Despite her plea for leniency, she acknowledged her responsibilities on the “Rust” set, “When I took on ‘Rust’ I was young and I was naive. But I took my job as seriously as I knew how to, despite not having proper time, resources and staffing, I just did my best to handle it,” she added, “I beg you, please don’t give me more time.”

The court also heard from Hutchins’ friend, Jen White, who expressed her ongoing grief and the void left by Hutchins’ absence. “I still look for her. I still expect to see her. I still wonder what adventures she’s on … then my heart drops through my feet,” White conveyed. Asserting the need for accountability, she urged the court, “I beg you to impose the maximum sentence.”

Supporting the prosecution’s stance, White argued that if Gutierrez-Reed had adequately performed her duties, Hutchins would still be alive, emphasizing the preventable nature of the tragedy.

The issue of gun safety and protocol on set was a focal point throughout the trial. Prosecutors highlighted that the mishandling of firearms under Gutierrez-Reed watch was a direct violation of industry standards, contributing to the fatal outcome. They argued that her failure in this crucial role warranted the maximum sentence to underscore the seriousness of her negligence and the irreversible consequences it inflicted.

This case has stirred broader discussions about safety protocols in film production, highlighted by the ongoing legal proceedings against actor Alec Baldwin, who also faces charges related to the incident. His trial is set to commence in July, further continuing the legal examination of responsibility and safety on movie sets.

As Cartel conquers NM land, MLG shuns state action for federal help

Far-left open-borders Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico has decided against convening a special legislative session focused on border security measures despite the border catastrophe, with the Cartel taking over New Mexico land. The governor punted the issue to the federal government despite neighboring states like Texas working with federal authorities to protect the homeland.

In a statement, Lujan Grisham said, “While I share my Republican colleagues’ concern about border security, calling a special session doesn’t give me federal authority over the border.” This response came after Republican senators penned a letter to the governor early in the week, advocating for legislative action to mitigate the impact of illegal crossings at the southern border. 

House members were not asked by the Senate GOP to sign, although the only bills proposed to fix the border crisis in the last two years came from House Republicans, with Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo) leading the charge, including a measure to finish the border barrier between New Mexico’s approximately 50.3 wide-open miles of border.

Despite Republican concerns over fentanyl, human trafficking, and human suffering, Lujan Grisham reaffirmed her stance that border security enhancements would require intervention from Congress rather than state-level actions. She urged New Mexico legislators to support federal efforts to improve border management and address immigration issues comprehensively, another refusal by her administration to aide federal authorities. Early in her first term as governor, Lujan Grisham removed New Mexico National Guard personnel from assisting border authorities, claiming at the time, “I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the Southern border.” She also dubbed the crisis as a “charade of border fear-mongering.”

She is now taking a 180-degree turn in policy, although refusing to alleviate the crisis. She even admitted on a recent podcast the concerns of Hispanic and Latino voters that illegal aliens coming into the country unvetted is unfair.

“The same issues are expected to be addressed here, and Hispanics and Latinos both want that. For example, if I had to wait in line to come here, then other people should too. But they also recognize you can’t get a visa anymore. They recognize that all of the drama about all the nefarious activity at the border — they recognize that more of that nefarious activity is organized crime at ports of entry,” she told Greg Sargent of “The New Republic.”

Her interview highlighted what many see as a pattern of failing to address the tangible crisis at the border — a crisis amplified by her early actions as governor, which directly contributed to the current state of affairs.

“We need to beef up border security, and that requires additional funding and policy changes from Congress,” the governor stated in her recent press release, encouraging a deal to manage the migrant flow and overhaul the asylum process. It is unclear how the governor defines “asylum.”

As discussions continue, the governor’s office, through Michael Coleman, the communications director, hinted that a special session is likely, with Lujan Grisham being “85 percent sure” that it will be convened. The special session, if it takes place, would deal with panhandling. 

NM Supreme Court just ruled to force wokeism down your throat in court

In its latest woke move, the New Mexico Supreme Court implemented a new order allowing individuals interacting with the court system to specify their preferred pronouns and salutations. 

This initiative, effective immediately, is designed to ensure that all parties, including defendants and plaintiffs, will force woke “pronoun” madness down the throats of those interacting with the court system. 

They can now list their pronouns and salutations next to their names at the top of court documents, such as complaints and other legal pleadings, and those involved must follow their “preferred pronouns.”

This decision was inspired by the court’s Commission on Equity and Justice recommendations, which purportedly seeks to “eliminate biases and inequities within New Mexico’s justice system.” All five justices of the New Mexico Supreme Court — all far-left Democrats — unanimously agreed upon the ruling. Most of the current court members were appointed by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The options for pronouns are limited to “she/her/hers, he/him/his, or they/them/theirs,” and for salutations, the choices are “Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Mx., with Mx, being pronounced ‘mix.’”

The directive stipulates that these identifiers should be used by the courts both verbally and in writing when addressing, referring to, or identifying individuals. However, there is a provision for flexibility, allowing for the use of the person’s name or “other respectful means that are not inconsistent”  with the chosen gendered terms.

This policy mirrors a similar one adopted by the Michigan Supreme Court in September, which set a precedent as the first state in the nation to enact such a rule.

New poll spells doom for Vasquez’s reelection hopes over this key issue

A new poll from the leftist Axios spells bad news for far-left open-borders Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez as he battles for his political life in the 2024 election against well-funded and popular GOP former Rep. Yvette Herrell for the Second Congressional District.

Immigration, inflation, and crime are top of mind for voters, according to the Axios poll, with a sharp increase in support for mass deportations and finishing the border barrier, especially among Hispanic and Latino voters.

“The percentage of Latinos who say they support building a border wall and deporting all undocumented immigrants has jumped by at least 10 points since 2021, according to the latest Axios-Ipsos Latino Poll in partnership with Noticias Telemundo,” wrote the outlet.

It also noted, “42% of Latino adults surveyed said they support building a wall or fence along the entire U.S.–Mexico border. That’s a 12-point jump from December 2021,” and “38% support sending all [illegal] immigrants in the U.S. back to their country of origin — up from 28% in 2021.”

Vasquez has for years opposed any and all efforts to protect the border with increased personnel, equipment, and the completion of a border barrier. Vasquez has called the border barrier “racist,” demanding we “tear it down,” as we previously reported.

Along with immigration, Vasquez voted against measures to help alleviate inflation, has fully endorsed the Biden regime’s inflation-boosting “Bidenomics,” has opposed meaningful legislation to reduce crime, and has long been a cop-basher, with rhetoric supporting defunding the police.

In response to the new shocking poll, the National Republican Congressional Committee’s spokeswoman, Delanie Bomar, wrote, “Gabe Vasquez is on the wrong side of the issue of immigration, crime, and inflation.”

“His extreme track record is coming back to bite him as voters look to Republicans to help clean up Vasquez and the Democrats’ messes,” she concluded.

Two women injured at UNM abortion facility in single day

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, the University of New Mexico Center For Reproductive Health (UNMCRH), a freestanding abortion facility, was the site of two separate abortion-related medical emergencies documented by volunteers from Abortion Free New Mexico.

These incidents marked the eighth time such events have been recorded at this location since the initiation of the group’s daily prayer vigil, “No Sidewalk Without The Savior,” which began in April 2022.

The first emergency unfolded at approximately 2:30 PM, when emergency response teams, including a fire engine, two ambulances, and a police car, arrived at the scene. A woman was seen being transported out of the facility on a gurney to an ambulance.

A similar situation occurred again around 4:00 PM, with another woman requiring urgent medical attention. Both individuals were taken to a local emergency room, and the specifics of their conditions post-incident remain unclear.

The UNMCRH not only offers abortion services up to 24 weeks of pregnancy but is also involved in training resident physicians in abortion procedures through the Ryan Residency Training Program.

In response to these events, Tara Shaver, a spokeswoman for Abortion Free New Mexico, released a statement condemning the practice of abortion. 

She expressed to Life News, “Abortion at any stage of pregnancy is a brutal violent act. Precious unborn children pay the ultimate price with their lives but many times, as documented twice today, women sustain life-threatening injuries because abortions are incredibly invasive and unnatural. Many women seeking abortions are not fully aware of the risks and they are even less likely to be told, by the abortion industry, about the alternatives to abortion. The pro-abortion community doesn’t care about women’s health, they just demand unrestricted abortion regardless of the life-threatening consequences.”

Volunteers from Abortion Free New Mexico maintain a consistent presence at Albuquerque’s abortion facilities, advocating for the lives of unborn children and providing information on alternatives to abortion to women considering this option.

Despite woke eco-leftism, Green New Deal, NM one of the ‘least-green states’

According to a report from WalletHub, New Mexico is one of the “least-green states,” ranking low on many of the 25 metrics identified by the report.

The ranking comes despite the Land of Enchantment’s Democrat-dominated legislature and far-left governor ramming through so-called “climate change” legislation to kill the oil and gas industry. 

One such piece of legislation was 2019’s Green New Deal, called the “Energy Transition Act” to completely annihilate the fossil fuel industry by 2035. 

On a scale from one to 50th (one being the best and 50th being the worst), New Mexico scored poorly on multiple metrics. 

The state ranked 46th in air quality, 50th in soil quality, 45th in water quality, 33rd in energy consumption per capita, and 36th for gasoline consumption in gallons per capita.

According to the study, New Mexico ranked overall as the ninth least-green state. WalletHub dubbed California the most-green state, while West Virginia took last place. 

California, in part, took the top spot because of its “high prevalence of droughts” and measures to mitigate those. It also “has the fourth-lowest overall energy consumption per capita, and the sixth-lowest gasoline consumption.”

WalletHub appears to mark high electric vehicle use, solar panels, and other so-called “climate change” efforts into its calculations. Because of these and the extremist eco-leftist laws passed in New Mexico, the state still ranks low on the WalletHub metrics.

Alleged crook Stapleton, accomplice face judge in graft scheme case

Sheryl Williams Stapleton, a former New Mexico state legislator and Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) official, alongside Joseph Johnson of Virginia, entered pleas of not guilty to multiple felony charges relating to the misappropriation of federal funds earmarked for vocational education. The charges were heard in U.S. District Court in Albuquerque, marking Stapleton’s initial court appearance since her state indictment in 2021.

Dressed formally, Stapleton, aged 66, faced 29 federal counts, including serious allegations of defrauding the United States, alongside charges of bribery, fraud, and money laundering. Her plea was entered by her legal representative, Ahmad Assed, as she affirmed her understanding of the charges to U.S. Magistrate Judge John Robbenhaar.

Shortly after Stapleton’s plea, Joseph Johnson, 72, of Chantilly, Virginia, also pleaded not guilty to 28 similar felony charges. Both defendants were released on their own recognizance, with specific conditions including the surrender of their passports and restrictions on possessing firearms and acquiring new credit lines without federal pretrial services’ approval.

The indictment, issued by a federal grand jury on March 26, accuses both Stapleton and Johnson of engaging in bribery, mail fraud, money laundering, and conspiracies to defraud the United States and commit money laundering. Additionally, Stapleton faces a charge of fraud for allegedly providing false information to the Internal Revenue Service regarding her 2015 tax return.

Central to the allegations is Johnson’s company, Robotics Management Learning Systems LLC, based in Washington, D.C., which is implicated in both state and federal investigations. The federal indictment highlights a significant sum of $3,251,550 paid by APS to Robotics between 2013 and 2021, with a majority derived from federal funds intended for career-technical education programs. It is alleged that Stapleton misappropriated over a third of these funds for personal benefit through around 233 checks totaling $1,152,506.

Stapleton, who had a longstanding political career representing House District 19 in Albuquerque since 1994, resigned shortly after legal actions commenced in July 2021. Her case continues to unfold both at the federal and state levels, with her state court case still pending and a hearing scheduled for late April.

NM Dems lose their minds after AZ court upholds pro-life law

On Tuesday, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld the state’s longtime pro-life law, which effectively prohibited abortions in the state.

“The decision — which could shutter abortion clinics in the state — effectively undoes a lower court’s ruling that stated that a more recent 15-week ban from March 2022 superseded the 1864 law,” one report noted.

The state’s pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs claimed the decision marked “a dark day” in her remarks at a press conference, despite babies’ lives being saved after the ruling.

Following the landmark decision, New Mexico Democrats wailed on X, formerly Twitter, about the decision.

Democrat Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of the Third Congressional District called the ruling “disgraceful,” calling women who travel to New Mexico to abort their babies “healthcare refugees” in a severely unhinged post

Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich blasted the decision, claiming the decision will “strain access in states like New Mexico.” Previously, Heinrich admitted that New Mexico taxpayers are footing the bill for abortion tourism.

Rep. Melanie Stansbury of the First District, a radical Democrat, used the decision to try and convince voters to support the far-left, abortion-up-to-birth Democrats, writing, “Across this country, we’re seeing our right to reproductive healthcare attacked and taken away. When we put Republicans in power this is what we get. In November vote for your rights, vote for Democrats.”

Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote, “Today’s extreme decision to reinstate a 160-year-old ban on legal abortion is a draconian step backward that puts the health of countless Arizona women at risk. New Mexico continues to provide access to abortion and other reproductive health services,” in a melodramatic post.

Gabe Vasquez, who represents the Second District, a far-left Democrat, has so far not released a statement, although he is fervently pro-abortion up-to-birth and endorsed by radical abortion groups.

The New Mexico Democrat Party wrote in a post, “Today, the Arizona Supreme Court upheld an antiquated abortion ban … because Trump overturned Roe v. Wade – just one day after he looked into the camera & bragged that he is ‘proudly the person responsible’ for overturning Roe.”

The Democrats went on to attack Republican U.S. Senate nominee Nella Domenici.

Herrell goes scorched-earth on open-borders Vasquez

Far-left Democrat Rep. Gabe Vasquez voted multiple times against a slew of bills that would help alleviate the border crisis happening in New Mexico’s Second Congressional District. He even voted against the bipartisan “Laken Riley Act” to mandate that immigration authorities detain non-citizens charged with crimes.

Now, in New Mexico, border agents have conceded Mt. Cristo Rey in Santa Teresa to the Cartel, as we reported this week.

“Friday, I wrote to you about the infuriating story of illegal immigrants waltzing into our children’s schools,” wrote Republican former Congresswoman Yvette Herrell, who is running against Vasquez, regarding a recent story about illegal immigrants camping out in Santa Teresa Middle School to evade authorities. She went on to talk about the Mt. Cristo Rey development.

“Invasions serve one purpose: to conquer,” Herrell continued. “Not only do we not have control of our southern border – we are now losing our territory to illegal immigrants over Joe Biden’s and Gabe Vasquez’s open border and pro-illegal immigration policies.”

She added, “Our national security and sovereignty are being threatened, our children are not safe, drugs and human trafficking are spilling into our country, and Americans are being killed. There is nothing more important than securing our border, arresting and deporting illegal immigrants, and stopping this invasion now!”

“Gabe Vasquez should be held accountable for treason for actively encouraging this, but we need to start by defeating him in November,” concluded Herrell.

The border issue is set to be a key issue in November, with the invasion at the southern border creating a humanitarian crisis, with drugs like deadly fentanyl, human trafficking, weapon smuggling, and even pedophiles seeping across the border, as we previously reported. Vasquez, who is vehemently against border security, has refused to back efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigration. 

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