New Mexico

Tucker Carlson rails against ‘deeply mediocre, dumb’ Gov. Lujan Grisham

Washington D.C.’s Mayor Muriel Bowser appeared alongside embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on CNN on Wednesday, where they discussed Lujan Grisham inviting the mayor to the Democrat Governors Association despite D.C. being constitutionally barred from being a state. 

Also discussed was Bowser’s extreme ban on dancing at weddings, with an order saying, “dancing and standing receptions are not allowed.” Bowser defended her ban on dancing, saying she was “absolutely considering opening more activity.” 

Lujan Grisham applauded Bowser for the ban, saying in New Mexico, “if you’re socially distanced, and you’re wearing a mask, and you meet the other requirements with our level of vaccinations,” people are allowed to dance. She added, “I want to give the mayor, uh — it takes courage to be really clear about what constitutes high-risk activities and behaviors.” 

Tucker Carlson of Fox News railed against the measure, calling it “stupid and crazy” while dubbing Bowser an “ayatollah” in determining whether people could dance at weddings.

Carlson blasted Lujan Grisham as “deeply mediocre” and “dumb” for applauding Bowser’s buffoonery. 


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Gov. MLG continues assault on oil and gas with new ‘gift to radical environmentalists’

On Thursday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Environment Department released another extreme anti-oil and gas proposed rule. The rule aims to decimate further the energy sector, which has already been crippled by Lujan Grisham’s policies, such as the Energy Transition Act (the Green New Deal), among other radical financially ruinous measures.

According to a press release from the Department, “Once finalized, the new rule will reduce emissions of ozone precursor pollutants – volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen – by nearly 260 million pounds annually and reduce methane emissions by over 851 million pounds annually. The rule will apply in New Mexico counties with high ozone levels. Currently, this includes Chaves, Doña Ana, Eddy, Lea, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, San Juan, and Valencia counties.” 

“In addition to taking this significant step in solving our ozone problem to protect public health, this rule also puts us on course to reach the climate goals we set to reduce greenhouse gas emissions statewide by 45% or more by 2030 by reducing over 851 million pounds of methane emissions,” said Secretary Kenney, referencing the Green New Deal. “This amount of methane is equivalent to the energy needed to power 1.2 million new Mexico homes for an entire year.”

As well, the proposal will eliminate “all exemptions for stripper wells and facilities formerly classified as ‘low potential to emit’ that had been included in the previous draft” of the proposal.

Additionally, the proposed rule sets “foundational requirements for all oil and gas operators to calculate emissions and confirm their accuracy through a professional engineer, perform monthly checks for leaks and fix them within 15 days, and maintain records to demonstrate continuous compliance. Building on the foundational requirements are stricter standards for equipment and processes that can emit larger quantities of pollution.” 

The Governor touted the Department’s job-killing, economy-crippling proposal in a video posted on Twitter, where she claimed: “children and seniors, as well as communities of color, are more significantly negatively impacted by poor air quality.” She also claimed her proposal is like “taking eight million gas-guzzling vehicles off the road every year.” It is an interesting point since oil and gas is the only reason many communities across the state have survived at all. That includes anti-oil and gas hotbeds like Santa Fe, where residents get their food and supplies to live from oil and gas via trucks that deliver supplies, electricity in homes, and almost everything used in daily life. The new prposal would drive prices up and harm the poorest New Mexicans the most. 

Opponents of the radical rule have a much different thought process on Lujan Grisham’s punitive measures toward industries in the state. Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future said, “This proposal proves the Governor didn’t keep her word. The Governor promised to work with our energy workers, instead she puts forth a proposal that is a gift to radical environmentalists.” 

“Just like Joe Biden, the Governor is trying to hurt our energy workers by taking executive actions. This rule will close many wells that are still productive, raise costs and ultimately bankrupt many smaller producers, which is the goal of the environmental community,” said Behrens.

He added, “Apparently, the governor isn’t satisfied that gas prices are up more than 65 percent over the last year or that unemployment in New Mexico is at its highest in 30 years instead, she continues to appease her radical environmental supporters with this proposal.”

Gov. Lujan Grisham’s big donor, the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association, took a neutral stance on the extreme Green New Deal and did not fight an extreme gas tax on the poor during the 2021 Legislative Session. The effective Democrat “oil and gas” arm of the Democrat Party made the following statement following the rule proposal:

“NMOGA and our members are committed to protecting the health and environment of the communities where we operate, and we support sound, science-based regulations to reduce methane emissions and ozone levels. Throughout this two-year process, we have been dedicated to working with regulatory bodies to share our industry’s scientific and environmental subject matter expertise. As we review the rule in detail, we will look for opportunities to engage the department with industry’s technical professionals to encourage greater innovation and cost- effective solutions, consistent with other regulatory requirements. New Mexico should be a leader in responsible energy development, and an appropriate regulatory framework will allow oil and natural gas to continue to deliver enormous fiscal and economic benefits to all New Mexicans while reducing emissions, safeguarding natural resources, and improving our environment.”

Before taking effect, the new rule must be considered by the seven-member New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board. A public hearing before the Board is expected this fall. For more information or to submit public comment, that can be accessed here.

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Alexis Martinez Johnson running for mayor of Santa Fe

On Thursday, the former congressional candidate for the Third District, Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson, has announced her run for the mayorship of Santa Fe.

“I believe in the potential of this city, but only if we abandon the divisive rhetoric and join under common goals like having safe infrastructure,” she said in a statement. “As the next Santa Fe Mayor, I will prioritize safety, responsible modernization, and cultural heritage.”

According to the Albuquerque Journal, She’ll also begin the process of collecting enough nominating signatures and $5 contributions to meet the city’s candidate qualifying requirement while signing the paperwork on Thursday to become a candidate.

During the nomination for CD-3 in 2020, she only received 11% of the party insider vote from the GOP convention. Still, she earned enough signatures to appear on the ballot and ended up winning the Republican nomination. Although she was unsuccessful in her run against Democrat Teresa Leger de Fernandez, she garnered the third-highest percentage of the vote by a Republican in the District’s 38-year history with 41.4%. 

Martinez Johnson now joins two other candidates, incumbent Mayor Alan Webber and city councilor JoAnne Vigil Cobbler for the spot. Webber is a far-left extremist who sat idly by and instructed city police to stand down while domestic terrorists toppled the 152-year-old obelisk in Downtown Santa Fe. Vigil Coppler opposed the Mayor’s actions and supported Hispanic culture, unlike Webber, who partnered with Marxist anti-Hispanic hate groups.

In her 2020 run for Congress, Martinez Johnson was supported by conservative Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ), who said at the time, “Elites from the east and west coast want to determine the fate of New Mexico’s elections. I want you to know that Alexis will bring true conservative representation to New Mexico’s 3rd District. Choosing to support Alexis in the General Election will help fight off the elites from the east and west coast.”

Martinez Johnson has stood up for many commonsense principles on the campaign trail, such as family values, pro-life positions, and support for Northern New Mexico’s mixed cultural heritage. 

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Gov. MLG lets D.C. mayor join Dem. Governors Assoc. despite it not being a state

On Wednesday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham who was accused and later settled $62,500 in campaign cash for sexual assault, went on CNN to announce that she had adopted the far-left Democrats’ radical and unconstitutional agenda trying to make the District of Columbia a state. She was joined on the interview with Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser.

During the interview, the Governor announced she had invited Bowser to join the Democrat Governors Association (DGA), which she chairs. Bowser said, “What is missing is two senators to represent us in the Senate.” 

When asked by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota why Bowser is allowed to join the DGA, Lujan Grisham responded, “Uh, well, she’s an executive leader, uh, working on all of the things that Democratic governors are responsible. From continuing to save lives, get folks vaccinated in our fight against COVID, to every other meaningful issue from voting rights protection, health care reform and access, educational investments for every single one of her constituent (sic) and families.” It should be noted all the things Lujan Grisham mentioned are in the scope of most mayors in the country, of which Bowser is–a mayor of a district, not a governor of a state.

The Republican Governor’s Association clapped back at Gov. Lujan Grisham’s latest stunt, writing that what she actually meant was “permanently changing the U.S. Senate’s partisan composition, securing a liberal majority for decades to come and devaluing the vote of New Mexicans on the federal level. Thanks for clearing that up, Mayor.”

In a press release, Lujan Grisham wrote, “Democratic governors are national leaders in expanding voting rights and on the frontlines of stopping Republican voter suppression, and we are honored to fight for D.C. statehood by welcoming Mayor Muriel Bowser to the Democratic Governors Association.”

She added, “We must especially take this important stand, as Republicans across the country continue their ongoing efforts to restrict our freedom to vote and suppress the voices of people of color at the ballot box. There’s no better way for a state to protect voting rights than to elect a Democratic governor – and that’s exactly what the people of D.C. deserve.” 

However, Republicans are not working to hamper Americans’ voting freedoms. In states like Georgia, Republican legislators are expanding voting access that both ensures a fair process and makes it easier to vote. 

Democrats allegedly stole the 2020 presidential election due to swaths of illegal absentee ballots mysteriously being counted in the dead of night and days after the election commenced. Despite Republicans winning in massive numbers across the country, including picking up legislative seats and local races up and down the ballot, Democrats “won” with statistical impossibilities in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan.

“Governor Lujan Grisham knows there is no good reason for Washington, D.C. to be a state other than to cement far-left liberal policies into law,” said RGA spokesman Will Reinert. “Governor Lujan Grisham’s support of the Green New Deal, gun grabs and radically higher taxes are what today’s invitation to Mayor Muriel Bowser should mean to New Mexicans.”


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MLG admin. staffer who worked on ex-porn actor’s campaign given massive $32k raise

New Mexicans are still suffering due to embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict lockdown orders, which she changes every once in a while on her COVID rainbow, also known as her “red to green” framework for reopening. While New Mexicans are uncertain if their businesses will be forced to cut staff or change inventory levels due to the ever-changing color trajectory, Gov. Lujan Grisham is delving out massive raises to partisan staffers in her administration.

According to one report, Justin Garoutte, a special assistant to New Mexico Environment Secretary James Kenney, was given a gargantuan $32,000 raise, boosting this individual’s salary to $87,000 on a 40-hour-a-week schedule. That’s a 58% increase.

Garoutte has described himself as a “genderqueer gay” person. He previously worked on porn actor-turned New Mexico state representative Roger Montoya’s campaign as a “field director” and Montoya’s nonprofit group “Moving Arts Española” as a “development assistant” from March 2020 to July 2020.

During Montoya’s campaign, he used a charity donor list from Moving Arts Española to solicit campaign donations for his run. 

According to his LinkedIn page, “Justin (pronouns: they/he) is from Antonito, a small town in southern Colorado’s San Luis Valley,” the LinkedIn page states. “Their areas of interest are environmental health, health equity, Latina/o/x health, LGBTQIA+ health, community building, social determinants of health, and community-based participatory research.”

Garoutte will now be director of strategic initiatives, leading “our science, innovation, collaboration and compliance cross-cutting portfolios,” said Kenney.

This gender-confused individual is not the only person in the Lujan Grisham administration to get a hefty raise in recent months. Garoutte’s massive pay increase comes just 3 months after it was discovered the Governor’s office handed eight of her own staff members raises totaling $92,000 over the past year, a 10% bump on average, far outpacing the raises more broadly granted state employees.

The raises were as follows:

Comm. Director Tripp Stelnicki ($18,600), Director of Boards and Commissions Melissa Salazar ($12,000), Chief of Staff Teresa Casados ($10,800), Chief of Staff Matt Garcia ($10,600), Cabinet Director Dominic Gabello ($10,600), Policy Advisor Diego Arencon ($10,000), Director of Cabinet Affairs Caroline Buerkle ($10,000) and Director of Legislative Affairs Victor Reyes ($7,500).

But the raises didn’t come without a thick layer of condescension from the ivory towers of the Governor’s Office. Press secretary Nora Sackett said, “Governor’s office staff play a critical role in the operation of the state’s executive branch and the governance of the state – all of which is amplified during a yearlong crisis.” This appears to be another “let them eat cake” sentiment to once again kick New Mexicans while they’re down.

New Mexico’s unemployment rate is 8.3% and is the third-worst in the nation. It is also at its worst point in 30 years, outpacing even the Great Recession following the housing bubble crash of 2008. 

Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future said, “I can’t think of anything more pathetic than radical environmentalists handing themselves massive raises while New Mexico’s families suffer under the worst unemployment rate in 30 years. I guess leaders in this administration feel if you’re going to continue to attack New Mexico’s energy workers it helps to have a 5-person media relations office. The message is clear: if you’re part of the eco-left inner circle, there’s plenty of green for you because the taxpayers are footing the bill.”

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Gov. MLG tries to squash nonprofit groups’ lawsuit over her lockdown orders

On Tuesday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled with $62,500 in campaign funds for sexual assault, was reported to be trying to have the court throw out a lawsuit brought by the nonprofit fraternal organizations the New Mexico Elks Association, the New Mexico Aerie of the Brotherhood of Eagles, and the New Mexico Loyal Order of the Moose over lockdown orders that have shuttered the organizations’ operations.

The organizations run multiple clubs and bars across the state and they are directly impacted by the Governor’s strict lockdown policies which have shuttered them for months.

The groups argued in their lawsuit that “the state has acted arbitrarily and capriciously by requiring their lodges to remain closed while establishments offering similar services — such golf courses and country clubs, gyms and restaurants — have been allowed to reopen under capacity limits and guidance for public health.” 

In the complaint, they write that they “can implement the same safety precautions, policies and procedures that similar organizations were able to implement in order to resume organizational operations.”

However, Lujan Grisham’s attorneys had a different way of spinning the story, writing, “Plaintiffs’ members are allowed to assemble and fundraise at various capacities depending on the county’s status,” The attorneys added, “They are only prohibited from offering alcohol service in Yellow and Red counties.”

“Plaintiffs’ members are allowed to assemble and fundraise at various capacities depending on the county’s status,” the state’s filing argues. “They are only prohibited from offering alcohol service in Yellow and Red counties.”

“The governor argued that the state’s public health orders, which have been upheld in unrelated cases, do not discriminate against fraternal organizations versus other businesses, eliminating their equal protection claim,” according to the Las Cruces Sun-News

“Regarding why bars are treated differently than where other alcohol is served, the Governor’s attorneys wrote, “…people cannot simultaneously drink and wear a mask. Further, a bar presents a greater risk of COVID-19 transmission than other businesses like restaurants because it is an enclosed space where people socialize without masks due to consuming alcohol for an extended period of time, whereas restaurant patrons typically conduct the limited activity of eating a meal.”

“Further, they stressed that the public health orders do not infringe upon any fundamental rights, due process rights or freedom of association; that the governor and state Health Secretary Dr. Tracie Collins are both named as defendants in their individual but not their official capacities; and that even if there were a valid claim, Collins and Lujan Grisham would be protected from liability by qualified immunity, a legal doctrine shielding government officials unless their conduct violates ‘clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have known,’” the report reads.

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UNM drafts mandatory COVID vaccine requirement policy

The University of New Mexico, the state’s flagship university in Albuquerque, has drafted a new COVID-19 vaccine requirement policy for all students and employees before returning to campus this Fall. 

If the policy is enacted, it is likely to create legal challenges for the school due to mandatory vaccines at a public, taxpayer-funded university being against constitutional rights. The university has yet to make a final decision.

“While the University has not made a final decision, we have drafted a vaccine requirement policy for our community’s consideration,” UNM President Garnett Stokes said in a written message Monday. “Your review and feedback are encouraged.”

“Our top priority continues to be safeguarding the health and well-being of our community, while … provid(ing) a world-class educational experience and advancing our public research mission,” Stokes added.

UNM’s policy reads, “In order to protect and preserve the health, safety and welfare of the UNM community, the University will require that all personnel accessing University Facilities and Programs in person be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 as soonas possible, but no later than August 2, 2021 for staff returning to work on campus in any capacity, or by the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic year for faculty and students not currently working, living or learning on campus. This policy requires all UNM staff, faculty and students who access campus facilities, housing, programs, services and activities in person to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19, subject to limited exceptions and exemptions.”

The far-left University of California and California State University systems have said they will require the vaccine. The University of Colorado at Boulder will also require it for faculty, staff and students. Colorado State University also plans to require the vaccine at its Fort Collins and Pueblo campuses. Rutgers University in New Jersey among other schools has adopted the COVID-19 inoculation mandate.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, “UNM said on its website that university employees and students should make all efforts to comply with the policy by Aug. 2, or the start of the fall semester.” 

The mandatory vaccine requirement would be across the board for all of UNM’s facilities, however, a few religious and medical exceptions will be allowed, provided the individuals with such exceptions jump through extra hurdles, including other “safety measures” and frequent testing.

New Mexico State University spokesman Justin Bannister said the university “is closely watching the discussion …, but has not yet made a decision to require NMSU students and employees to be vaccinated.” 

Feedback on UNM’s policy can be submitted here.

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Dems eating their own: Legislator taking Gov. MLG, Health Sec. Collins to court over ‘retaliation’

On Tuesday, it was reported that state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo), who has alienated both Democrats and Republicans, is now planning to sue Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and her Health secretary, Dr. Tracie Collins, over what he describes as “retaliation” for his Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) requests.

Collins filed an ethics complaint in March against Candelaria for alleged violation of the state’s Governmental Conduct Act by voting on a bill during this year’s 60-day legislative session while representing legal clients who “would be substantially affected by the outcome.”

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, Collins “noted a lawsuit he had filed on behalf of the client, New Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health, over reciprocity in the state’s Medical Cannabis Program, in which people from out of state who are authorized patients of other cannabis programs can enroll in New Mexico’s program. The legislation in question, Senate Bill 340, would have amended the state’s medical cannabis law to define a ‘reciprocal patient.’” 

Ironically, other similar ethics complaints have been filed against individuals such as Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe), who was accused of benefitting off of the passage of H.B. 4, dubbed the “Civil Rights Act,” which would bankrupt local communities with frivolous “civil rights” litigation claims. Egolf’s firm is now directly benefitting from the new law, signed by Gov. Lujan Grisham, as 60% of its business comes from civil litigation. 

In Candelaria’s complaint, he says Collins’ claims are “without merit, defamatory in nature, and swiftly dismissed on jurisdictional grounds by the [New Mexico] Ethics Commission six days later.”

Nora Sackett, Gov, Lujan Grisham’s press secretary, insisted that “No such ‘retaliation’ ever occurred, and it’s troubling that this legislator continues to be seemingly motivated solely by his own personal animus.”

“I will also be filing an ethics complaint against the governor for the same behavior,” said Candelaria.

Candelaria previously requested “a large trove of emails pertaining to how the governor and her senior staff have handled various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and also with respect to how federal funds are being spent or appropriated or moved between agencies,” according to the New Mexican.

After the mammoth request, which he was told would be delayed due to the large volume of emails he asked for, he claims Majority Leader Peter Wirth and then-Senate Pro Tem Mary Kay Papen requested a meeting with him at his Albuqerque office. 

The New Mexican writes:

According to Candelaria, Wirth started the meeting by saying they were there because the governor and the Governor’s Office were “furious” that he had submitted the public records requests.

“Peter stated to me that the message he was there to deliver from the executive was that unless these [public records requests] went away, there would be quote-unquote escalating consequences for me,” he said.

In an email, a spokesman for Senate Democrats said Wirth confirmed he and Papen met with Candelaria last fall at his law office in Albuquerque “to discuss internal caucus matters.” Neither Wirth nor the spokesman responded to Candelaria’s allegation that he was warned of “escalating consequences.”

Candelaria said he was “terrified” and decided to withdraw his requests after his meeting with Wirth and Papen.

But he said there was still fallout, including being told that his requests for records were a “determining factor” in him not being appointed to certain legislative committees.

The report says Candelaria has no plans to settle with Collins out of court or to settle the suit he plans to bring against the governor. “I fully intend to take both of these cases to a judge or jury,” he said. 

Previously, Candelaria and Wirth got into a shouting match on the Senate floor, where Wirth told the Albuquerque-area senator to “f**k off.” Last year, Candelaria disrespected police officers after making a big deal over a few phone calls he received from a constituent, which he claimed threatened his life. Once officers got to his house and told him there was not much they could do, he kicked them out and threatened to call the Governor on them. Now, it appears, Lujan Grisham is no ally of Candelaria. 

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Albuquerque legend and three-time Indy 500 champ Bobby Unser dies at 87

On Sunday, three-time Indy 500 champion and NASCAR racing legend Bobby Unser passed away at 87. Unser, who moved with his family to Albuquerque from Colorado Springs at the age of one, is one of only ten drivers in the world to win the Indianapolis 500 three times or more. 

Unser had an uphill battle in his racing career, debuting at the Pike’s Peak International Hill Climb in 1955 but finishing fifth that year. However, one year later, Unser won his first of a record 13 championships at Pike’s Peak. In 1963, Unser raced his first Indy 500, but he crashed early and placed at number 33. His first Indy-car win was in 1967 at Mosport in Ontario, and one year later, he won his first Indianapolis 500.

The Unser family is a racing dynasty. His brother, Jerry Unser, died in a crash at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. His younger brother, Al Unser, is a four-time Indy 500 winner, and his nephew, Al Unser, Jr., won the race twice. In total, six members of the family have raced at the Indianapolis 500.

After his retirement from racing, Unser became a television commentator for Indy car races, working for NBC, ABC, and ESPN for twenty years. 

Following his retirement, he was asked what he attributed to his success in different cars, venues, and different eras during his career. He replied, “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet.”

Unser was inducted into many motorsports Halls of Fame, including the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame, the International Motorsports Hall of Fame, and the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America.

Bobby Unser is survived by his wife Lisa, sons Bobby Jr. and Robby, and daughters Cindy and Jeri.

Bobby Unser’s lifetime of achievements can be remembered by visiting the Unser Racing Museum in Albuquerque, which is currently shuttered by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s COVID-19 lockdown. The museum is set to reopen sometime in the Fall of 2021.

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Three Rivers Fire is now at 7,119 acres, 23% contained

According to the National Forest Service (NFS), the Three Rivers Fire, which was first sighted on April 28 in the Lincoln National Forest is now at 7,119 acres with 23% containment and the current state of the fire is “minimal,” “creeping,” and “smoldering.”

“Gusty southwesterly winds and single digit humidity have resulted in red-flag conditions over the fire area throughout the burn period this afternoon” and “Remaining pockets of heat which had essentially hibernated in pockets of dead/downed slash will accelerate burning out and produce slightly increased smoke” over the next 12 hours.

Moderate weather continues light westerly winds, humidity levels around 20%, and little cloud cover is expected within the next 48 hours. Continued burning out of isolated smoldering areas and no perimeter growth is expected.

Over the next 72 hours, “Generally, expect small-scale surges in fire activity during the afternoons alternating with smoldering overnight and into the late mornings. Isolated pockets of fire are to be expected, rather than entire flanks of fire due to the heterogeneous nature of fuel continuity.”

“Creeping and smoldering in individual pockets of heat” will occur, “primarily within the upper reaches of Dry Bear Canyon and the small area of heat in the saddle above Indian Creek.”

The Three Rivers Fire has 317 personnel currently battling the blaze, and according to NPS, the containment date of the fire is projected for Friday, June 04th, 2021 at approximately 12:00 a.m. 

An aerial video shot on May 1 shows recent developments of the fire and where the fire has burned. Watch that here. An update from Operations Section Chief-T Manual Martinez can be viewed here.

Three Rivers Fire is now at 7,119 acres, 23% contained Read More »

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