
Rep. Yvette Herrell: ‘It’s about time’ Kamala Harris visited the border

On Wednesday, it was reported that Kamala Harris plans to finally visit the southern border between the United States and Mexico after dodging a trip for months. A border crisis has begun on the border after migrants saw Joe Biden’s weak immigration laws as an opportunity to skirt U.S. law and come to America illegally.

According to the Daily Caller, “Border patrol apprehended 180,000 migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in May, following 178,000 in April and 173,000 in March. Meanwhile, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deported the fewest number of illegal immigrants in the agency’s history.” 

Border-district Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (R-NM-2), who has tried on multiple occasions to have Harris and a bipartisan delegation visit the border to assess the crisis, took to Twitter on Wednesday, writing, “It’s about time [Kamala Harris] visited the border. To understand the situation, she needs to bring a bipartisan delegation and listen to the ranchers, farmers, and residents who see the #BorderCrisis every day.” 

She said in a statement published later Wednesday:

It’s about time Kamala Harris visited the border. This should have happened three months ago when President Biden named her as his Border Czar.

More importantly though, her visit to the border needs to be more than just checking a box. To truly understand the crisis, she needs to hear from the ranchers, farmers, and residents who live with the effects of this administration’s open borders policy every day. I am more than willing to introduce her to my constituents so she can actually understand why this administration’s policies are not working.

On Tuesday, Herrell sent a letter to Harris telling her, “While I was disappointed you chose not to respond to me, I want to reiterate my offer for you to visit the border with me and hear directly from hardworking New Mexicans about how your border policies are harming them and threatening their families and livelihoods.” 

She added, “May I also suggest that you visit the border with… President Donald J. Trump and Governor Greg Abbott during their planned trip in late June. President Trump can provide you an in-depth briefing on the programs that led to the most secure border in decades.”

“Such a discussion with President Trump is even more pressing given the unprecedented crisis that your administration’s policies have created at our southern border,” Herrell concluded in her Tuesday letter.

Now, Harris will visit the border, but it is unclear if she will welcome Republicans like Herrell, who represent border districts, on the trip.

Rep. Yvette Herrell: ‘It’s about time’ Kamala Harris visited the border Read More »

Gov. MLG’s Transportation Department appears to be injuring, killing bikers with road sealants

On Tuesday, state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval & Santa Fe) spoke out about embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Department of Transportation (NMDOT) injuring and killing motorcyclists with the use of a “fog seal” placed on the road June 7. The use of the fog sealant started two years ago under Lujan Grisham.

Since its installation, multiple bikers have been either injured or killed because of the sealant. 

25-year-old Jessie “Jay” Baldonado was killed on the road, says friend Zantaysah Deleon. “He drove around a corner, and all of a sudden, he wasn’t in front of them no more,” Deleone said. “They turned around, and he was off the side of the mountain.”

Jessica Taylor, who is a local rider, described herself as a “walking bruise” with 17 stitches after crashing her bike on the same road earlier this month. She said she has been riding for a decade and wasn’t speeding. “I think it was the road for sure. … I don’t think that crash should have ever happened because I wasn’t doing anything wrong,” Taylor added.

Rep. Lord said, “I want a full investigation to make sure they looked to see if it was the road conditions and that sealant that caused that accident.” she continued, “I don’t want them to blow it off and say ‘oh, that was speeding or negligent.’ I want them to look into it.”

According to KRQE, the Department of Transportation claims “they inspected the road and determined there was no residual oil on the roadway and do not plan to place any signs.” the NMDOT also told the news outlet, “that Albuquerque Police Department uses that road to train their motorcycle unit and has trained since the fog seal was placed without any problems” 

However, a video posted by Rep. Lord paints a different picture, which appears to show the sticky sealant coming off with the touch of a finger. “Does this look safe?” she asked. According to Lord, there are at least five victims now. 

The state of Maine banned the use of fog sealants in 2019. 

Gov. MLG’s Transportation Department appears to be injuring, killing bikers with road sealants Read More »

BernCo Commission taps Democrat ballot harvester to fill Stansbury’s vacated seat

On Tuesday, the Bernalillo County Commission, in a 4-0 vote, chose far-left Democrat Pamelya Herndon to serve the remainder of former state Rep. Melanie Stansbury’s term in the 28th House District following Stansbuy being elected to Congress.

As Piñon Post has exclusively reported, Herndon is a longtime Democrat political operative who was caught bragging in 2020 during a closed-door fundraising call for Ben Ray Luján and Xochitl Torres Small about ballot harvesting votes from senior citizens, a tactic that has contributed to voter fraud. 

She said on the call, “Go by and talk to your senior citizens. See if those ballots have been put in the mail, and if not, pick it up and take it to a polling location… you can take at least one absentee ballot for a member of your family to a polling location. We want every ballot counted, Congressman [Ben Ray Luján] because we want to see that you and Xochitl Torres Small and everybody on that ballot for the Democratic Party gets elected.”

New Mexico doesn’t require a “witness” when filling out an absentee ballot, which makes it just that much easier for fraud to sneak in. According to the Daily Signal, “Previously, New Mexico required the signature of a witness as well as the voter on an absentee ballot. However, in 1993, the state Legislature passed a law removing that requirement.”

Herndon also testified as an “expert witness” on extreme far-left bills during the 2021 Legislative Session, including one to harm small businesses by hiking the minimum wage to $15 per hour, a policy championed by socialists like U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Out of the eight people who applied, including drag queen prostitute “Bunni Cruse,” conservative New Mexico activist Marcie May, and others, Herndon earned the support of the Democrat-dominated Bernalillo County Commission.Following Herndon’s appointment, far-left groups and politicians celebrated, including the George Soros-tied ProgressNow New Mexico, which wrote, “Congratulations to Pamelya Herndon, newly appointed to serve as state Representative for District 28.”

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Heinrich fearmongers New Mexicans to get jabbed with threat of ‘Delta’ virus strain

On Tuesday, Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) used fear to push New Mexicans to get the jab for the novel China Virus, sharing an article from the left-wing site NPR about what they are calling the “dangerous Delta variant,” a “mutant strain.” 

While sharing the article, Heinrich wrote, “Seems to me like a pretty good reason to get vaccinated. Let’s all do our part.” 

According to NPR, “All the vaccines authorized for use in the U.S. appear, in general, to provide powerful protection against all the variants, including Delta. But the rapid spread of the variants is still raising concern because of the large number of people who remain unvaccinated.” 

However, Heinrich did not opine on one section from the article quoting a Johns Hopkins University epidemiologist, Justin Lessler, who said, “For the most part, it’s a moderate resurgence.”  Lessler, who helps coordinate the University’s virus hub, added, “We’re not having massive epidemics at a national level, but we have this kind of continuation of the virus just sticking around and keeping us on our toes.” 

Although the supposed strain is reportedly more easy to transmit, according to the liberal outlet, it does not appear as deadly as the original strain of the virus (which carries a survival rate close to 100%). 

The use of fear by Heinrich is just the latest Democrat ploy to push citizens to get the jab with the supposed goal of reaching a threshold of inoculation. Gov. Lujan Grisham told KOB 4 on Monday that her goal for New Mexico was to reach 75% fully jabbed by August.

Heinrich fearmongers New Mexicans to get jabbed with threat of ‘Delta’ virus strain Read More »

Lujan Grisham not sorry after she belittled protesters as ‘lizard people’

In an extremely rare turn of events, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has had a scandal-ridden tenure in the Governor’s Mansion had a “virtual” interview with a reporter, Tommy Lopez of KOB 4, where she discussed many topics, including the pandemic, political divisiveness, and calling protesters at her campaign announcement “QAnon lizard people.”

When asked about inoculations and how she has not hit the benchmarks she set forth, despite $10 million lotteries and giving out $100 incentives to get the jab, the Governor said, “Oh, I am not thinking about that. What I’m thinking about is vaccines, vaccines, vaccines…. We’re going to keep getting vaccinated, (giving) kiddos the opportunity not to wear masks when they’re competing and move towards that environment in a classroom when you get a baseline of immunity.” 

The answer was focused on kids, which means she is looking to push the unapproved inoculation for children despite the Food and Drug Administration not clearing them for use other than in an “emergency use authorization” phase. Also, children are at the lowest risk of contracting the virus. She added that she wants 75% of New Mexicans fully jabbed by August and 80% jabbed with their first shots.  

When the Governor was asked about her extreme lockdown and very late reopening of the state on July 1, although it will not be 100% open, she said, “You know, I think it’s largely, Tommy, some of the same voices, and I’m not saying that these differences of opinion, you know — they should be part of the conversation — but they weren’t based in public health.” 

Then, Lujan Grisham was asked why she was dodging the press over the past few months. She dodged the question, saying, “Well, a couple of reasons, and I’m glad that you missed me, Tommy, so I will work hard to be more engaged. But we were pivoting. As long as we were marching forward in the way that I expected the state to do following the science, what you need for baseline immunity and keep moving forward. You know, we’ve been shifting to our economic successes, and we’ve launched new policies for child’s wellbeing and education.” 

As for protesters drowning out her out during her campaign re-election announcement, she said, “[W]hat happened for our reelection announcement was painful in a couple of ways. One, it showed me up close and personal, not just in a Facebook feed, or a media presentation, the anger and vitriol, and that it was aimed at everyone, wasn’t even aimed just directly at me. It was everyone. I mean, [they] attacked members of the press.” This is an untrue claim, as no protesters attacked members of the press her supporters, or Lujan Grisham herself. 

Lopez asked Lujan Grisham, “You did make the comments about ‘QAnon lizard people.’ Do you regret that in any way? How do you feel now about having said that, because now a lot of the people who share the views of those who were there, say, ‘Hey, I mean, you’re adding fuel to this divisiveness, this fire that we have in our state.’” 

Lujan Grisham showed no regret whatsoever over her nasty comment, telling Lopez, “I don’t because I didn’t say it in a mean way. We know that that’s happened in campaigns. The tension in that moment when I came on stage was really ugly. And I wanted to make a light-hearted moment about a conspiracy theorist. I didn’t call a person a name. I didn’t call the protesters a name. I said, you know, this might have been the same time as a meeting of QAnon conspiracists. Nobody got arrested. We didn’t create more conflict, and I ended it, which is the responsible thing to do.” 

Despite her claim that there is too much divisiveness in New Mexico politics, Lujan Grisham stood by her divisive comments, in an act of defiance.

Lujan Grisham not sorry after she belittled protesters as ‘lizard people’ Read More »

Feds, enviro-Marxists bully NM cattle ranchers over battle to protect ‘fragile’ field mouse

The federal government and extreme enviro-Marxist groups are threatening New Mexico cattle growers’ livelihoods over the protection of the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse, an endangered species.

The far-left Arizona-based Center for Biological Diversity claims the federal government isn’t adequately defending the mouse and its environment from cattle ranching and has told the government it intends to sue over the mouse’s protection this summer. The group’s co-founder Robin Silver claims the “fragile” species is not being adequately protected by the federal government. 

Far-left groups in New Mexico, such as Defenders of Wildlife in Santa Fe agree. Bryan Bird, a program director of the group, said, “I would agree with the Center for Biological Diversity that the feds are just not doing enough to turn that situation around.”

“The two go together, the species and the habitat,” said Teresa Seamster, Northern New Mexico conservation chairwoman for the far-left dark money lobbying group, the Sierra Club. “It’s all connected.”

According to a statement from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “The Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are committed to the protection of the New Mexico meadow jumping mouse. Using the best available science, we are working together to conserve [threatened and endangered] listed species and also provide for traditional forest uses.”

The tug of war between the federal government and the radical environmentalists is putting cattle ranchers in the crosshairs. “We’re the ones that are becoming extinct,” said Randell Major, president of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association. “It’s getting harder and harder to make a living in New Mexico.”

The field mouse was listed as an endangered species seven years ago under the Barack H. Obama administration. The mouse lives near creeks and riverbeds and uses long grasses for food and “protection.” 

The New Mexican report says that “Cattle, elk and deer trample the grasses and make them uninhabitable for the mice.” 

Kelly and Spike Goss, cattle ranchers from Weed in the Lincoln National Forest, say they have fought the federal government for cattle grazing rights for years in multiple battles based on “endangered” species.

“They break you mentally, physically and financially,” Spike Gross said of the federal government. The family fought the federal government in the 1990s over logging rights and protection of the Mexican spotted owl. The enviro-Marxists and the federal government fighting over the protection of the mouse is the latest battle the Gross family is being involved in. 

“They just keep taking and taking our most valuable water and forage,” Kelly Goss said. 

20 years ago, the family grazed 550 heads of cattle on the property, but now they graze 410. The New Mexican reports, “The Gosses said they are willing to settle for a price, perhaps $12 million, with the government and give up.”

Kelly Gross said, “This is our culture, but at this point, we’re just spent.” The family says they would not pass on the headaches of fighting the federal government onto their next generation.

“They would have the environmentalists attacking the Forest Service from one side, and they would have the ranchers attacking them from the other side,” said Manuel Lucero, the head of a group of ranchers in the Jemez Springs area. 

While enviro-Marxist groups battle with the feds over endangered species, such as mice, wolves, and owls, ranchers and farmers who must use these lands to provide for their families are being pushed smack-dab in the middle of this battle, which threatens to destroy their very existence.  

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Hispanic group’s lawsuit over obelisk puts Santa Fe mayor on notice

On Thursday, Union Protectíva de Santa Fé, one of the oldest Hispanic fraternal organizations in the United States, announced it was suing Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber and the City of Santa Fe “for calling for and allowing the destruction of the Soldier’s Monument, which was erected in 1868 to honor Hispanic veterans for their service, and desecrating the Plaza” 

According to a press release from the group, “The complaint explains how Mayor Webber violated the law by spending, and attempting to spend, taxpayer funds to alter the historic Santa Fe Plaza. The lawsuit seeks remedies such as halting Mayor Webber’s plans to remove and alter the Obelisk, and to force him to comply with the law by restoring the Santa Fe Plaza and Soldier’s Monument to their pre-vandalism states.” 

The suit would cripple Webber’s plans to have an independent commission make a decision on the statue’s fate. 

“Mayor Webber has greatly harmed every veteran, every Hispanic, every New Mexican, and all tourists with his blatant disrespect of the law that protects the Soldier’s Monument and Santa Fe Plaza,” said Virgil Vigil, President of Union Protectíva de Santa Fé. “We are asking the courts to stop this racial injustice toward all Hispanic people and northern New Mexicans, and to return honor to all of our veterans who served and sacrificed for this nation by restoring the Monument.”

For Vigil, a Vietnam War veteran and helicopter pilot, honoring the veterans is a must.

“This is respecting our soldiers that gave their lives to maintain the freedom that we have and to end slavery,” he said in an interview Monday, near the grey wooden box that covers the remnants of the obelisk.

“Mayor Webber violated New Mexico law when he disregarded the clear legal protections for the Soldier’s Monument and Santa Fe Plaza,” said Attorney Ken Stalter. “We want not only justice for those harmed by Mayor Webber’s actions but also a strong precedent protecting the thousands of historic sites that honor all races, creeds, and religions across New Mexico.”

Previously, the group has gone after Webber for allowing the destruction of the monument, including a shouting match between the mayor and members of Union Protectíva. Webber got triggered after the group took out a large ad in the Santa Fe Reporter blasting the mayor for caving to Marxist groups to tear down the age-old obelisk. 

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As latest corrupt NM politician convicted, citizens await justice for other crooks

On Friday, former Taxation and Revenue chief Demesia Padilla, 61, was found guilty of embezzling $20,000 and computer access with intent to defraud or embezzle over $20,000 following a trial in 13th Judicial District Court.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, “Authorities say that, between 2011 and 2013, Padilla stole more than $25,000 from a Bernalillo business, Harold’s Grading and Trucking, while she was Cabinet secretary. To do so, Padilla linked her personal credit card to the business’ checking account.” 

The corrupt former cabinet secretary under Gov. Susana Martinez will be sentenced at a later date. She faces up to nine years on each of the counts.

Padilla’s conviction is just the latest in a revolving door of corruption in New Mexico politics, from small-town mayors and state senators to public regulation commissioners, secretaries of state, and beyond.

In Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s regime, tens of thousands of dollars have been misappropriated by the governor to pay off sexual accusers and her own daughter for hair and makeup.

At the Department of Workforce Solutions, staffers “misplaced” over $250 million, while at the Public Education Department, $35 million is gone. At Lujan Grisham’s Children, Youth, and Families Department has been instructed by the Governor to delete public records, a grave violation of state law through the Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA). 

During the Legislative Session, multiple politicians, including House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo), sponsored bills they would directly profit from, including a proposal to deny peace officers qualified immunity rights, which Egolf’s firm would benefit from and a bill to legalize recreational marijuan, directly benefiting Duhigg with a new marijuana law venture.

New Mexicans are still awaiting action from state auditor Brian Colón, who is running for attorney general on million-dollar hush-money payments made by former Gov. Susana Martinez, which he dubbed “abuse of power.” New Mexicans are still waiting for action on all these cases, and with each passing day, public trust erodes.

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Lujan Grisham plans July 1 to finally end lockdown, blames unvaxxed citizens for slow reopening

On Friday. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced that she plans to “retire [the] color-coded, county-by-county system and all COVID-19 health restrictions on commercial and day-to-day activity in two weeks, allowing for the thousands of vaccinations administered this week as part of a statewide public health push to take full effect.”

According to a news release, “Beginning July 1, all pandemic-related occupancy restrictions on all forms of commercial activity will be lifted. All businesses across the state may once again operate at 100 percent of maximum capacity.”

The release added, “Businesses may still adopt and require additional precautions for employees and/or patrons, at their discretion, and are still advised to enact whatever social distancing and facemasking measures may be appropriate to ensure the health and safety of customers and staff, in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.” 

But the Governor’s mask mandate remains in effect. “The state will continue to follow CDC guidance with respect to face-coverings: Masks will remain required for unvaccinated individuals, and businesses, workplaces and tribes may continue to require masks for employees, customers or visitors on the premises, regardless of vaccination status, at their discretion,“ the release said.

Despite New Mexico barely meeting the 60% threshold (getting 59.4% with $100 bribes and a $10 million lottery ploy) for vaccinated individuals which she has arbitrarily instituted, the governor is caving to the people and planning to reopen.

She made sure to shame New Mexicans though, saying, “Frankly, we need to be better than 60 percent fully vaccinated.

“The variants across the globe and in the U.S. present very serious risks to unvaccinated people, even young people. We all, each of us, have the power to stop the serious illnesses and deaths: Get your shot. It’s safe. It works. It’s that simple. Don’t wait for COVID to infect you or someone you love and wish you’d decided differently,” she added.

Then she blamed New Mexicans, not herself, for her slow-moving reopening plan, which is being beaten by even the far-left metropolises of New York and California.

“I know some will say this day is late in coming. I sure wish we’d gotten here sooner. I said all along: Vaccines are the way out, getting shots gets us there quicker. We were always going to put health and safety first. All along we have taken the approach that will protect the most New Mexicans, knowing the unique health risks of our population, understanding and respecting how dangerous this virus is. I believe, on the whole, New Mexicans made the right public health decisions in their day-to-day lives, following the science and helping us get to this point quickly and, more importantly, as safely as we possibly could.”

“We will continue to work with vaccine providers in and outside of New Mexico to be sure that every single vaccination is counted,” said Human Services Secretary David Scrase, M.D. “We are grateful to all New Mexicans who have stepped up to receive their shots and who have called us to provide their data. We believe our level of immunity is in fact greater than 60 percent, including the immunity of those in our state who have had COVID-19 and have not been vaccinated, and those who have had a mild infection as well. For all practical purposes, we have met the governor’s 60 percent goal, and we need to keep up our efforts to increase vaccinations and enhance good public health practices throughout the summer.”

“We are learning that just receiving the first of two vaccines in a series is not enough to protect you against some of the highly infectious variants,” said Health Secretary Tracie Collins, M.D. “So if you have had only one Pfizer or Moderna vaccination, please, schedule your booster shot today. And help us keep moving forward, and keep your family and your neighbors safe.”

After Lujan Grisham’s year-long lockdown, which decimated countless businesses and drove thousands of New Mexicans into poverty, she now is asking New Mexicans to send her to the Governor’s mansion for another term.

Her controversy-driven tenure as governor has been marked with scandal after scandal after scandal. From forcing through the most far-left extreme bills through the Legislature to paying off sexual accusers and her own daughter with campaign cash, and then “misplacing” $250 million in Workforce Solutions money, she has weakened her chance of reelection day after day. 

She repeatedly skirted her pandemic rules to buy luxury jewelry, used taxpayer funds for fine wine and $200/lb Wagyu beef steaksberated local communities for not following her edicts, forced New Mexicans to stand in cold bread lines to get food and basic goods, fined churches and businesses tens of thousands of dollars for alleged non-compliance, removed the National Guard from the border and denied an immigration crisis, fired and hired cabinet secretaries on a dime, gave her staff hefty raises while New Mexicans lost everything, paid her daughter $6,000 from her campaign coffers for hair and makeup, and now is giving away $10 million of New Mexicans’ dollars through a “lottery” to bribe people to take the experimental virus inoculation.

It should be noted that Lujan Grisham announced this not by a press conference or a public forum where journalists could ask questions, but in a press release.

Lujan Grisham plans July 1 to finally end lockdown, blames unvaxxed citizens for slow reopening Read More »

Biden to nominate failed ex-Rep. Torres Small for role at Department of Agriculture

Failed ex-Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, who was soundly defeated in 2020 by Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of the Second District, is reportedly being nominated on Friday for a role in the Joe Biden regime at the Department of Agriculture. The role will require U.S. Senate approval.

The White House is planning to announce on Friday that Biden will nominate former Rep. XOCHITL TORRES SMALL (D-N.M.) to be undersecretary of rural development at the Department of Agriculture, according to two sources familiar with the plans.

Torres Small is the second lawmaker who lost reelection last year whom Biden has moved to add to the administration, along with former Rep. GIL CISNEROS (D-Calif.), whom he nominated in April to be under secretary of Defense for personnel and readiness. The White House declined to comment (POLITICO).

After the Politico report, far-left Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), a resident of Maryland, applauded the decision, writing on Facebook, “…Biden could not have found a better suited person to lead his administration’s rural economic development work than Xochitl Torres Small.” 

He added, “I can’t wait to support her nomination and work with her once again to advance key investments in rural economies including universal broadband deployment, affordable housing, clean water and clean energy infrastructure, and assistance for small business owners.” 

But after Heinrich’s statement, constituents roasted him in the comments. Here are some of the most brutal:

“Seriously. You are so disconnected from the State you are a Senator for. How ignorant.” 

“As someone who voted for her, I ended up unconvinced that there were circumstances in which she would prioritize doing the right thing over not rocking the boat.” 

“Never mind that she represented Texas in one of their many fights over water with New Mexico…but yeah sure, she’s good for government…good like a virus or fungus.” 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) applauded Torres Small’s nomination, writing,

“Thrilled to hear @POTUS has nominated @xochnm to serve as USDA U-S of Rural Development. In her home of Las Cruces & in Congress, Xochitl has dedicated years to advancing opportunity & prosperity, esp for our rural communities, so that all can share in the American Dream.“

Torres Small was a far-left extremist while serving in Congress, backing New Mexico’s Green New Deal, “free“ college initiatives, abortion up-to-birth and infanticide, among other radical proposals championed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the socialist Squad. She accepted campaign donations from anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

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