Alamogordo City Commission meeting Tuesday to vote on pro-life sanctuary measure
On Wednesday, the Alamogordo City Commission announced it will consider a resolution brought forward by Commissioner Karl Melton of District 3 to make Alamogordo a sanctuary city for the unborn.
The resolution affirms that “each and every innocent human life is unique and precious to God,” while “human life begins at the moment of conception and continues, uninterrupted, until the moment of natural death,” according to scientific evidence.
“[A]s recently as March 2017, the American College of Pediatricians published an Abstract stating that “The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception – fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homosapiens, needing only the proper environment to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult state and in its zygotic state is one of form, not nature,” the resolution continues.
It concludes, “The City commission hereby declares itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.”
“I am incredibly proud to introduce this resolution to secure the most important right there is: the right to life. This issue has never been more important than it is today now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Pro-life public servants must do their part to keep abortion facilities out of their communities,” said Commissioner Melton about his proposed resolution. “With this measure, we are standing strong alongside our friends in the County to declare that the City of Alamogordo is a sanctuary city for the unborn. I could not be happier to stand up for the right to life.”
New Mexicans are urged to show up in support of the resolution, which is 2022-38. The meeting details are below:
WHERE: Sgt. Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center, 800 E 1st St, Alamogordo, NM 88310
WHEN: Tuesday, August 2nd at 6:00 p.m.
WHAT: Stand in support of Resolution 2022-08 to declare Alamogordo a sanctuary city for the unborn.
ALERT: There is another resolution being proposed, 2022-37, which merely agrees with another resolution passed by the Otero County Commission. It does not, however, declare Alamogordo a sanctuary for the unborn. It is not the strongest resolution the commission could pass to boldly declare support for the unborn.
Commissioner Melton’s resolution is necessary since the Dobbs v. Jackson case decided on June 24, 2022, by the U.S. Supreme Court sent the abortion issue back to the states. Because of this, abortion centers have been targeting New Mexico as a “safe haven” for killing babies in the womb. Many abortion facilities have been making plans to move or are actively moving to New Mexico to kill more unborn children. With Resolution 2022-38, the City will boldly declare abortion is not welcome in the City of Alamogordo.
Alamogordo City Commission meeting Tuesday to vote on pro-life sanctuary measure Read More »