
Docs show Democrat BernCo sheriff candidate John Allen falsified testimony

According to court documents released by the Republican candidate for Bernalillo County sheriff, Paul Pacheco, Democrat candidate John Allen “falsified testimony in order to ensure the conviction of Hispanic male.” 

According to Pecheco’s campaign in a press release, “The documents obtained from the NM State Police and Federal District Courts, through public information requests, showed that Democratic Candidate for Sheriff of Bernalillo County John Allen had perjured himself in court while attempting to fabricate testimony … to ensure the conviction of a Hispanic male. The Hispanic male had been charged with nine felony criminal counts. The Judge and District Attorney realized that the testimony presented by John Allen was false and all criminal charges were dismissed.”

“In the documents presented was a letter from Officer Rodriguez, through his attorney, that was presented to the Federal Judge. It states that Officer Rodriguez had testified against John Allen in the criminal case and admitted to participating in the illegal search with John Allen. Officer Rodriguez goes on to state that John Allen had ‘made false statements in an attempt to insure that the unlawfully seized contraband would be used to support the felony charges filed…’ Officer Rodriguez goes on to state that ‘Despite reviewing the videotape of the traffic stop at the aforementioned suppression hearing Officer Allen persisted in his false testimony….’ The State Police initiated an investigation against John Allen for the misconduct/perjury. The misconduct/perjury charge was sustained.”  

The release further noted:

Many questions remain to be answered about this incident. First off is the “Giglio” issue. A Giglio or Brady list is a list compiled usually by a prosecutor’s office or a police department containing the names and details of law enforcement officers who have had sustained incidents of untruthfulness or some other type of issue placing their credibility into question. The District Attorney’s Office regularly asks these questions of Deputies prior to criminal cases to seek out if the Deputy is impugned in any way. Specifically, the Bernalillo County DA’s office has a question “2. “Are you aware of any court or judicial body that has determined you provided false or deliberately misleading testimony under oath?”. How did John Allen answer this question? Do the other criminal cases John Allen was involved in need to be reviewed by the District Attorney to see if his perjured testimony was used to convict in criminal court? How does John Allen expect to be transparent and open as Sheriff if he wins the election?

According to audio from an interview with Allen, he admitted that his perjury was a “rookie mistake.” 

Pacheco said in a statement about the revelations, “I am disappointed the public was not better informed by the local media about the unethical conduct of my opponent, which was brought to their attention by my campaign. This information should have been investigated and brought to light, especially in a time when transparency is absolutely essential.” 

Pacheco, a native New Mexican, formerly served as an officer in the Albuquerque Police Department for 27 years, was the president for two years of the Albuquerque Police Department, and was the state representative in New Mexico House District 23 for two terms, serving from 2013 to 2017. 

Pacheco’s campaign writes on his official website, “As sheriff, Paul Pacheco will be a strong advocate for changing the laws that have allowed [emboldened] criminals to evade the criminal justice system for too long, and finally take back the community for our families and loved ones.” 

Former Rep. Pacheco is endorsed by the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association, the Albuquerque Journal, the Fraternal Order of Police, retired Bernalillo County Sheriff Sal Baragiola, and multiple former Albuquerque Police chiefs, among other public officials.

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Ronchetti once again outraises Lujan Grisham

As Election Day nears, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is getting even worse news about her toss-up reelection bid against Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti. 

Ronchetti once again bested Lujan Grisham in fundraising for the third General Election fundraising period by around $80,000. Ronchetti brought in $1,414,005.53, Lujan Grisham raised $1,334,096.93, while Libertarian candidate Karen Bedonie brought in $10,242.74. 

Ronchetti spent $3,562,545.45 during the period, while Lujan Grisham doled out $2,669,831.35. The Republican’s cash on hand is $346,248.08 compared to Lujan Grisham’s at $351,716.53. Bedonie spent $10,616.23 during the period, with $3,042.45 cash on hand. Ronchetti spent most of his money on television advertisements and production costs, as did Lujan Grisham. Other large expenditures included those for postage and mailings. 

This is the third time Ronchetti has outraised the governor. His strong fundraising shows his viability, which is now reflected in many recent polls.

The latest Emerson College poll showed Ronchetti trailing Lujan Grisham by a mere three points, which was within the margin of error. A Trafalgar Group poll released late last month showed Ronchetti leading the governor by 1.1 percent.

The Republican has been blasting Lujan Grisham on the airwaves, in the mail, and in other forms about her constant scandals as chief executive. These include the early release of violent criminals who later ended up committing heinous crimes. 

One case, in particular, that of a twice-released man named Chris Beltran, ended up with the murder of his ex-girlfriend, Domonique Gonzales, who he threatened to kill while still behind bars. Despite this, Lujan Grisham’s regime repeatedly released him. 

Another scandal being brought into focus is Lujan Grisham’s $150,000 payout to a former staffer over sexual assault claims that she poured water over his crotch area and then groped his penis through his trousers. 

Early voting continues in New Mexico until this Saturday, November 5, while Election Day is next Tuesday, November 8. 

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Lujan Grisham, Biden lie repeatedly during ABQ campaign stop

On Thursday, Joe Biden flew to Albuquerque to campaign for Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who faces a tough reelection against Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti. The latest polls show the race within the margin of error. 

During Lujan Grisham’s remarks to the crowd, she lied about her record, including claims that New Mexico is “the only state in the country” that is “moving children and families out of poverty.” In actuality, New Mexico ranks at the bottom for child well-being and is third-worst for poverty while being the most federally dependent state in the union.

She claimed, “The only thing my opponent stands for today is repealing and taking from you every single educational investment, every investment in free childcare, every investment in your sons and daughters, in your family. Every single one.” New Mexico remains at the bottom for child literacy, mathematics, and education in general, according to federal statistics. The state only ranks higher than the territory of Puerto Rico and even trails the District of Columbia.

Lujan Grisham also chided Ronchetti for not sitting down along with her during a televised debate, claiming he wasn’t being kind.

She then said she stands for “doing right for people, telling the truth, being who you are.” This comes as newly released texts appear to show she and her staff cheated during a 2018 KOB 4 debate, where an official from the television station gave the governor the questions.

During Biden’s speech, he stumbled upon his words and had trouble pronouncing the names of all three Democrats running for the U.S. House of Representatives. He pronounced Democrat candidate Gabe Vasquez as “Vas-kwez” while having a difficult time with Reps. Teresa Leger Fernandez’s and Melanie Stansbury’s names.

Biden gave his full endorsement to Vasquez, who is rabidly supportive of defunding the police. 

He chided Republicans, repeatedly saying “MAGA Republicans” and “trickle-down economics” are the bane of the country. 

Biden touted his order to wipe out $10,000 in student debt per borrower and $20,000 total for those with Pell grants. He asked the crowd, “How many of you have student debt? Say goodbye. Say Goodbye.” He said, “We’re giving up 20 billion… 20 thousand to everyone with student debt.” 

He also lied about his work to supposedly “cut the federal debt.” He said, “We cut the federal debt in half. Fact!” The debt is currently $31.1 trillion, with the Biden regime adding nearly $10 trillion in new spending. 

Biden also said, “So the economy is up, price inflation is down, real incomes are up, gas prices are down!” All of these statements are untrue, as well as a claim that he “created” 10 million new jobs, which is patently false.

He also claimed, “Putin’s invasion of Ukraine sent gas prices soaring.” But gas prices have been soaring since he took office due to his anti-energy leftist policies that stopped the United States from being energy independent.

Then he mentioned abortion, falsely claiming Ronchetti will make abortion “go away” in New Mexico. That is untrue. Ronchetti has proposed the state Legislature pass a 15-week abortion limit that would be a constitutional amendment for the voters to decide at the next election.

Biden then falsely claimed, “They’re (Republicans) going after your right to vote and who is going to count your vote.” He then says that the Republican “state auditor” candidate is an “election denier” among other Republicans on the ballot. There is no GOP candidate for state auditor in November. 

Biden got confused after his speech and had to be guided off the podium by Lujan Grisham.

Other remarks of the day came from far-left Democrats, such as wildly unpopular Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, among others.

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Dem lawmaker issues non-apology after gruesome comment about slain woman

After far-left state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) made a gruesome comment about a 21-year-old Santa Fe woman’s brutal slaying, she issued a non-apology via Twitter late Wednesday. Piñon Post exclusively broke the story about Thomson’s comments. 

Grace Jennings appeared to have been fatally stabbed multiple times with a sword by Isaac Apodaca, 25, and his girlfriend, Kiara McCulley, 19. Jennings’ neck “appeared to have injuries consistent with attempts to decapitate,” according to criminal complaints filed in the Santa Fe County Magistrate Court. 

Instead of grieving the brutal murder of the young woman, state Rep. Liz Thomson claimed the gruesome slaughter could be a “QANON” distraction, referring to an anonymous group known to be demeaned by the left for promoting theories about political events.

The flagrant comments prompted the Republican Party of New Mexico to demand Thomson apologize. 

“This tweet is extremely offensive and shameful, and Rep. Thomson has acted beneath the dignity of her state office,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “The Democratic Party is obligated to condemn this tweet and speak out about this unqualified candidate. It would be unspeakable to accept this tweet on any level, and the DPNM must take responsibility.” 

On Wednesday, Thomson’s statement on the matter read, “I responded to a tragic story in a now deleted tweet. I realize that this response came off as insensitive.I was alarmed by details in the story and commenting on the dangers of conspiracy theories. Deepest condolences go out to the family and friends of this soul lost too soon.” She did mention once the words “I’m sorry” or “I apologize.”

But in the same breath as her non-apology, Thomson liked and thanked a commenter on her statement who said, “You’re ok, Liz. You don’t deserve their deceitful, manufactured outrage.” 

Thomson has also refused to apologize for other statements, such as those comparing police officers to the Ku Klux Klan and calling concerned parents “low IQ,” among other jabs.

The Democratic Party of New Mexico has not yet responded in a statement condemning Thomson’s insensitive comment. 

As of Wednesday, only KRQE News 13 picked up the story in a 25-second segment on the station.

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MLG got KOB 4 debate questions ahead of time: Texts

According to texts released by attorney Thomas Grover, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham received questions ahead of time for the October 18, 2018, KOB 4 television debate during her first run for governor. 

The texts appear to show multiple correspondences between the governor and a KOB 4 representative, who asked, “I’ve seen the questions. Want them?” 

“Chris: Yeah, guys Theresa Cardenas and Theresa you have a question about water,” another text reads. 

“Cardenas: Yes I do. Through the Rio Grande Compact, New Mexico is forced [to] share water with other states. As governor, how would you deal with the water compact case the is before the US Supreme Court,” they continue. The texts appear to be from a teleprompter script.

Other texts included those about immigration, crime, among other issues.

The texts also appear to show the individual from KOB was supporting Lujan Grisham’s candidacy, writing she will “kill it” and “I’ve never wanted someone to be our governor more than I want to see Michelle.”

Following the release of the texts, Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti’s campaign released a press release, where Ronchetti’s communications director Ryan Sabel said, “This governor has repeatedly dishonored her office and disrespected the people of New Mexico. She committed sexual assault and then paid off her victim with hush money. She played by her own set of rules during COVID. Now we see where it all started – brazenly cheating during a statewide television debate.” 

Ronchetti said in a statement, “These bombshell text messages show that Michelle Lujan Grisham will brazenly cheat and deceive New Mexicans in order to attain and hold onto her power. This governor is corrupt to the core and must be held accountable.” 

The campaign also released a timeline of the texts:

After the texts were released, KOB’s Vice President & General Manager, Michelle Donaldson, wrote the following in a statement:

“The Ronchetti campaign’s allegations that KOB-TV colluded with the Michelle Lujan Grisham campaign are patently false. For over 70 years, KOB-TV has adhered to the highest standards of journalism integrity and would never engage in behavior that would undermine our standards, the respect of our viewers, or the public trust. We take accusations like this, even unfounded ones, very seriously and if we find that a staff member acted on their own and without our knowledge they will no longer be part of the team at KOB-TV.

We actively invite the Ronchetti campaign and the alleged anonymous source to contact KOB-TV and share all relevant evidence so we can fully investigate these allegations and maintain our commitment to transparency and the high standards we have set for the people we serve in New Mexico.”

Ronchetti clapped back on Twitter with the identity of the text writer, KOB 4 photojournalist Joseph Lee Lynch writing, “What say you now @KOB4. Your ‘high standards’ demand a public apology on every newscast. And a rebuke of the governor for her participation in this highly unethical situation. Character matters. Accountability matters.” 

The governor’s race is hotly contested, with Ronchetti polling statistically even with Lujan Grisham, according to Emerson College’s survey. Another poll shows Ronchetti leading Lujan Grisham by one percentage point.

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Biden’s NM campaign stop could hurt MLG: Report

In an article by The Hill about Joe Biden’s scheduled Thursday campaign stop in New Mexico to help far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, it noted how Biden is political cancer for many Democrat politicians in tight races. Biden has a severely low approval rating nationwide, with only 40% of New Mexicans thinking of him favorably, according to a Civiqs poll conducted November 2, 2022.

The Hill wrote, “Lujan Grisham, who has been governor since 2019, is considered a rising star in the Democratic Party and was in the running for a Cabinet position in the Biden administration. Biden’s focus on New Mexico also comes as recent polling has shown that Hispanic support for Democrats has dwindled since the last midterm elections in 2018.”

“One strategist working on midterm campaigns described it as a ‘go hide and do no more damage’ approach, noting that when Biden was in Oregon last month, neither Democratic candidate in competitive House districts joined him for events.”

Biden admitted that he is hurting Democrats, especially with his low poll numbers. “At an August event with Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who is up for reelection in a state the Cook Political Report rates as ‘solid Democratic,’ Biden quipped that he told the senator ‘I’ll come campaign for him or against him, whichever will help the most,’” the report noted.

Former Democrat National Committee official Ivan Zapien said to The Hill that Lujan is a “rising star” in the Democrat Party, which is why Biden is turning his attention to New Mexico’s gubernatorial race.

Lujan Grisham’s campaign spokeswoman Delaney Corcoran claimed Lujan Grisham is “excited” for Biden’s visit, telling the Santa Fe New Mexican, “Governor Lujan Grisham is excited to host [Joe] Biden in New Mexico to help galvanize voters to elect Democrats up and down the ballot and encourage turnout across the state.”

Currently, Lujan Grisham is polling within the margin of error against Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti, who is hitting the scandal-plagued governor hard over her failures in office. These include locking down the state during the pandemic, releasing violent criminals out on the streets, and her $150,000 hush money payoff with campaign funds to a former staffer who claims Lujan Grisham groped him. 

Lujan Grisham has had other prominent Democrats on the campaign trail to help boost her candidacy, including Kamala Harris and far-left California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Early voting goes through this Saturday, and Election Day is on November 8.

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Liz Thomson says woman’s brutal slaying could be ‘QANON’ distraction

On Monday, the Albuquerque Journal reported on the brutal slaying of 21-year-old Santa Fe woman Grace Jennings, who appeared to have been stabbed multiple times with a sword. Her neck “appeared to have injuries consistent with attempts to decapitate,” according to criminal complaints filed in the Santa Fe County Magistrate Court. 

Isaac Apodaca, 25, and his girlfriend, Kiara McCulley, 19, are both being held on open counts of murder for Jennings’ death.

Instead of grieving the brutal murder of the young woman, state Rep. Liz Thomson claimed the gruesome slaughter could be a “QANON” distraction, referring to an anonymous group known to be demeaned by the left for promoting theories about political events.

Thomson wrote in a now-deleted tweet, “QANON?? Or just an attempt to divert attention?”

The insensitive comment prompted swift backlash from New Mexicans floored by the far-left legislator’s disregard for the victim.

One account called “AngryMom,” wrote, “I think I am going to be sick. Did a sitting state representative REALLY tweet this?  You’re a very sick woman @lizthomsonnm Delete this an apologize to this family. Shame.” 

Another person wrote, “​​Liz-you need serious mental evaluation. As a sitting representative you have crossed the line. As a pediatric physical therapist you have crossed the line. Enough is Enough @NMDEMS address this. We cannot enable this grotesque behavior any longer.”

According to the Journal’s report, Apodaca is said to have told McCulley in a text message, “I am wanting you to kill her, you have to end your suffering by ending her joy.”

Thomson has not yet apologized for her comment, nor has the Democrat Party of New Mexico.

Thomson is known for making inflammatory remarks via social media, such as comparing police officers to the Ku Klux Klan and mocking parents concerned over the COVID-19 vaccine for their children.

Following Thomson’s latest remark, her Republican opponent, Dr. Khalid Emshadi, wrote in a press release:

On Monday, the brutal and tragic murder of a 19-year old woman from Santa Fe was made public. The young woman, Grace, is more than a victim… She was a daughter, a friend, and like any other young person, the future of our state. For those of us with children, one could only imagine the grief we would feel receiving a phone call that something terrible has happened to our child. This has too often become a reality in New Mexico. My prayers and condolences go out to Grace’s family, friends, and community.

As candidates and elected officials, we must hold ourselves to the highest standard of behavior. Representative Thomson’s most recent failure to meet this standard came through her disgusting and insensitive comments on this tragedy. In a now deleted tweet, Thomson wrote, “QANON?? Or just an attempt to divert attention?” Only Thomson can explain whether this comment was meant to be a joke or the promotion of what she believes to be a conspiracy theory, but one thing is certain: Thomson’s behavior, to say the very least, is tone deaf and out of touch with reality. Thomson not only owes an explanation, but an apology for her comments.

Thomson also failed to realize that her words and actions are no longer only a reflection of herself, but also a reflection on the political institutions and individuals in elected office that promote and endorse her candidacy–these same entities must hold candidates and colleagues accountable. For this reason, I call on the Democratic Party of New Mexico to make it clear to New Mexicans whether or not the party endorses the comment made by Thomson, and to immediately disavow her shameful words.

A previous version of this article identified Jennings as a 19-year-old, based on inaccurate reporting from the Albuquerque Journal. This has been updated to state her correct age, which is 21.

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Poll: Herrell leads Vasquez, governor’s race a statistical tie

A new poll conducted by Emerson College for KRQE 13 shows Republican incumbent Rep. Yvette Herrell of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District is leading her Democrat challenger by double digits. 

Among likely voters. Herrell got 54 percent support, while Vasquez got 41 percent. Four percent of respondents were undecided. 

When the poll factored in undecided voters, Herrell led Vasquez by 54 to 44 percent — a ten percentage point advantage.

These numbers are starkly different than the Albuquerque Journal poll released earlier this week, claiming Herrell was trailing Vasquez by two percentage points.

The poll surveyed 203 likely voters between October 25 and October 28 with a margin of error of 5.6 percent. 

The same Emmerson poll also found Republican Mark Ronchetti trailing Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham by a mere three percentage points. 

However, when factoring in undecided voters and who they were leaning toward voting for at the time, Lujan Grisham got 50 percent support while Ronchetti garnered 48 percent — only a two-point lead.

The governor poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters during the same timeline. The margin of error was a smaller 3.02 percent, meaning the race is in a statistical tie. 

Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight rates Emerson College’s poll an A-, meaning it is one of the best in the nation.

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In latest gaffe, Biden says he’s visiting ‘Mexico’ to campaign for Lujan Grisham

On Sunday, while speaking with reporters, Joe Biden said he’s going o be busy campaigning in many states for Democrat candidates. 

He told reporters while speaking from Wilmington, Delaware, “I’m gonna be engaged. I’m gonna be back in Pennsylvania, gonna be in Maryland, gonna be, I believe, in Mexico, California. So I’m gonna be all around the country.”


It appears Biden meant New Mexico, where he will stump on Thursday for far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has a tight single-digit lead over Republican Mark Ronchetti. 

Last week, Kamala Harris visited New Mexico to stump for Lujan Grisham and promote abortion up-to-birth, while Biden previously visited New Mexico over the summer to talk about wildfires started by the federal government in the state.

Biden has made many similar gaffes in the past, including calling the Chinese coronavirus the “Lujan Virus,” when attempting to say “Wuhan,” the province where the pandemic originated. 

Biden has a 39% approval rating in New Mexico, according to the latest Civiqs poll conducted on October 29, 2022.

As polls tighten, New Mexicans have until Saturday, November 5, to cast their early votes ahead of November 8 — Election Day. Polling locations and sample ballots can all be found by visiting

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New info reveals Dem state treasurer candidate’s alleged abusive behavior

As things heat up in the final stretch of election season, one race that hasn’t gotten much attention is the New Mexico state treasurer’s race. That is, until now. 

Recently, allegations have resurfaced from the past of Laura Montoya, the Democrat candidate for New Mexico state treasurer. Montoya was called out in the Democratic primary for her prior arrest for domestic violence in front of a child. 

The primary attacks came from the current Democrat State Treasurer, Tim Eichenberg, who, it is said by some, is supporting the Republican nominee for State Treasurer, Harry Montoya (no relation to Laura Montoya). 

Now Harry Montoya is giving voice to a previous employee of Laura Montoya at the Sandoval County Treasurer’s Office. 

Judi Walker worked at the Sandoval County Treasurer’s Office for three years and reports in her story of the abuse she suffered at the hands of Laura Montoya that she was also ordered to do campaign work on county time–an order that she refused numerous times.

She also states that every employee in the office went to HR and asked for help or for someone to do something about Laura Montoya’s behavior. She also states that she was not the only one who also complained to the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). Unfortunately, since Laura Montoya was an elected official, there wasn’t anything anyone could do. People in other county offices were said to have loathed Laura’s behavior as well since it would spill over into other offices and divisions of county government. 

Walker also says that more than 12 people were fired or resigned during the time she worked for Laura Montoya–the turnover in the office was unheard-of. 

Sandoval County Commissioner and former candidate for governor Jay Block weighed in on the controversy this week by backing up Judi Walker’s account of what happened, saying that he has talked to multiple people who experienced the same abuse first-hand. He also talked about an email that had been sent by another former employee of Laura Montoya’s, which has been shared and circulated online as the result of a public information request.

In the shocking email, Young details the abuse and ugly language that Laura Montoya directed at her employees. 

“You know, if it was just Judi’s word against Laura’s, you could just kind of throw that out,” Block said. “I get that. But then you throw Richard’s word into that. And then you look at Laura’s legal issues. People are petrified that this woman could be elected state treasurer. You talk about somebody who’s narcissistic, … abusive, and [has] a toxic work environment…I won’t name who told me this, but they literally performed an exorcism in the office after she left.”

Block also hinted in his video that Richard Young, who is black, was also the target of racist abuse hurled at him by Laura Montoya.

Watch all of the testimonies from Walker:

Laura Montoya has also been seen photographed with members of the Los Padillas Gang, including Jerry Padilla, among other questionable figures. Read more about some of the Gang members’ federal guilty pleas here.

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