New Mexico

In desperate move, embattled Santa Fe mayor cooks up fake news on opponent

In a new desperate move by embattled Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber, his campaign is now sending out mailers implying that the Santa Fe New Mexican endorsed him and is opposed to his opponent, City Councilor JoAnne Vigil Coppler.

On the mailer, the text of a far-left New Mexican reader’s opinion piece bashing the City Councilor reads, “Vigil Coppler for mayor? Absolutely not,” with the words “My View” in small letters above it, while below it the Santa Fe New Mexican logo is affixed.  

The mailer does not use the word “opinion” or credit the author of the opinion hit piece, written by Lis Lendvai, who erroneously deceived the public about Vigil Coppler’s stance on certain proposals voted on by the City Council.

Editor Phil Casaus said, “Our attorney’s belief is that you can quote The New Mexican and even identify it in text as a source, but I think our concern is the logo.”

Casaus said that for others, the mailer “has the opportunity to imply to the reader that that’s The New Mexican’s viewpoint on Ms. Vigil Coppler, and we haven’t endorsed in this race.”

The Webber campaign lied about Vigil Coppler’s position on masks, with Webber’s attorney Sascha Anderson claiming, “The campaign seeks to educate voters about Vigil Coppler’s vote against the City’s mask ordinance because we feel that if you vote no on something as simple as a mask ordinance you are not qualified to be Mayor.”

Vigil Coppler reiterated she voted against the mask ordinance because it was a “poorly written measure” that “had so many loopholes” and unenforceable provisions. For example, she said, the law allowed police to issue violators a written warning for a first offense. Vigil Coppler said the ordinance didn’t address how police would know whether someone had received a prior warning and that repeat violators wouldn’t admit to previous offenses to avoid a fine.” 

“Instead of Alan Webber running on his own dismal record, he deliberately attempts to distort my City Council testimony on the mask legislation,” Vigil Coppler added.

Anderson refused to tell the New Mexican how much was spent by the Webber campaign on the fake news mailer and claimed it would be disclosed on the campaign’s next report. Election Day for all municipal races in New Mexico is less than a month away and early voting is in full-swing. Election Day is November 2.

In desperate move, embattled Santa Fe mayor cooks up fake news on opponent Read More »

Lujan Grisham calls Republicans ‘climate deniers’ in latest fundraising push

In an increasingly nasty and personal trove of emails from scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to her supporters asking for money, she is now bashing seemingly all Republicans as “climate deniers” who she needs to defeat to “keep New Mexico blue.”

The latest jab comes after she called Republicans opposing her candidacy “QAnon lizard people,” the “party of anti-masking and voter suppression,” among other ad-hominem attacks to rile up her far-left base of extremists.

Now, Lujan Grisham is renewing her extreme stance, claiming her calamitous tenure marked with scandal and failure, including 40% of small businesses being killed, is something to be proud of. She said, “I couldn’t be happier with how much our state has accomplished in such a short time.”

She wrote, “If the GOP flips New Mexico red, I’m afraid they’ll undo our state’s progress, halt climate action, and take us down a dangerous road of increased fossil fuel pollution.”

She went on to ask for money from supporters, writing, “That’s why I need to raise $10,000 before midnight tonight to fend off climate deniers and keep New Mexico blue. In a race as important as this one, it’s critical that I hit every goal every step of the way, friend. I’m really counting on you to donate tonight to help me keep taking action to preserve our climate.”

She ended by saying, “Let’s keep up the good work,” despite New Mexico with some of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, a failing economy, and radical “climate change” policies killing jobs — specifically many Navajo jobs — right and left.

[Shop the Lizard People 2022 collection]

Lujan Grisham calls Republicans ‘climate deniers’ in latest fundraising push Read More »

ACTION ALERT: Attend Friday NM redistricting meeting to support fair maps

On Friday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee is set to meet in Farmington to discuss redrawing state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps. 

This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony for free.

Far-left extremist groups seeking to expand seats to fulfill their partisan advantage, such as the Center for Civic Policy, have proposed heavily gerrymandered maps that would cut communities of interest into sections and partition seats into strange shapes to meet a partisan advantage. One such map is Concept H, which is an extreme partisan gerrymander, making all three congressional districts in New Mexico solid blue by chopping up the South Valley of Albuquerque into the southern Second District and taking away the oil patch from the Second to add to the Third District, making it stretch all the way from Eddy and Lea Counties to Santa Fe and west to McKinley and San Juan Counties. 

Concepts A, B, C, or G should be advocated for at the meeting for their non-radical changes to the congressional plan. 

In the group’s state House and Senate maps, districts would be heavily gerrymandered to span across many counties. In the extremist dark money group’s state House plan, Clovis is chopped up into three districts while District 49 on the western side of the state would span four counties. District 67 would span five counties while many other districts have twisted shapes, indicating an extreme partisan gerrymander. 

Citizens are encouraged to attend this vital meeting (in-person or via Zoom) to oppose these extreme gerrymandered plans, which are proposed and funded by dark money groups to skew the maps politically — a grave violation of the Committee’s purpose: to create fair maps. State House maps to advocate for include Concept B or the Megan Richardson map proposed in the application “Districtr,” which would all create fair maps. Please show up to attend via in-person in Gallup or Farmington or via Zoom.

The meeting details are below:

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Friday, October 8, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm or until adjourned, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

Satellite locations that will be broadcasting this meeting and providing opportunities for public comment are as follows: 

University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248
425 N 7th St, Gallup, NM 87301
For more information, click here

To submit a public comment, or statewide district plan online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.

For in-person attendance at meetings:

Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below: 

Agenda & Meeting Materials: 

Please click this URL to join:

Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072

No Password

Dial-in Numbers:

+13462487799,,83550539072# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,83550539072# US (San Jose)

CRC Rules of Procedure 

The Gallup meeting on October 8 from 3-7 p.m. at the University of New Mexico Gallup Campus, Calvin Hall Auditorium, Room 248,  meeting is a satellite location happening simultaneously with the CRC meeting taking place in Farmington, NM meaning that the CRC members will not be physically present in Gallup. The CRC hosts satellite locations to provide community members the opportunity to make public comments or provide testimony on redistricting issues in person with other community members when they cannot make it to the CRC’s in-person meeting locations and or have limited internet access.

ACTION ALERT: Attend Friday NM redistricting meeting to support fair maps Read More »

MLG urges Congress to pass Biden’s radical $3.5T leftist wish list

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is urging Congress to pass Joe Biden’s massive $3.5 far-left spending bill chock-full of socialist freebies, “climate change” extremism, and racist “equity” programs.

According to the Public News Service, “Lujan Grisham is one of several governors asking Congress to pass the Build Back Better Act, the larger of the two Biden administration infrastructure proposals. Congress is hashing out the size of the reconciliation bill, which would put billions toward the fight against climate change.” 

Moderate Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) have said they will not vote for the boondoggle but are willing to compromise on a much more slimmed-down package. Democrats in the Senate are not willing to budge on their leftist wish list. 

Lujan Grisham said while arguing for the passage of the extreme bill, “We then signal to mid-schoolers, to high-schoolers, to current workers that there’s this huge energy future that allows them to tackle and combat climate change, make the state safer, and be in a leading international role.”

The Governor has forced many economy-crippling bills through the Legislature, including the “Energy Transition Act,” New Mexico’s version of the “Green New Deal,” which will completely collapse the booming revenue-generating oil and gas industry, which contributes over 30% to New Mexico’s state budget. 

The ramifications of this bill include lost jobs, especially for Navajo workers in northeast New Mexico, increased energy prices, and brownouts come next Summer. The Piñon Post helped stop radical proposals in the 2021 Legislature, including a 20+ cent per gallon gas tax on the poor. But with billions in funding coming from this far-left bill in Congress, if it passes, it will create more opportunity for the Governor to ram through even more economy-crippling, job-killing proposals.

MLG urges Congress to pass Biden’s radical $3.5T leftist wish list Read More »

MLG’s health chief says mask mandates, restrictive measures could last for years

During an online update, acting New Mexico Department of Health Secretary Dr. David Scrase made some eyebrow-raising statements regarding the use of masks and health restrictions, claiming the already restrictive measures could last for years into the future.

“This is going to stretch out much further in front of us than we thought,” said Scrase. He says he expects “a series of punches and counterpunches between the virus and the rest of the world trying to get this under control.”

“We need to think of longer-term solutions to manage this pandemic — things we can live with for one or two or three years rather than clicking on and off mandates,” said Scrase.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reported, “Wearing masks indoors for another year or two could be one of those preventive measures we must tolerate, [Scrase] said.”

After the Lujan Grisham regime mandated that all health care workers receive the experimental inoculation for the virus, many nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel were purged from their livelihoods despite them working through the heat of the pandemic. 

Now, Scrase is upset that hospitals are being bogged down and hospital beds not being available.  “Our hospital personnel are incredibly exhausted, discouraged and frustrated, frankly, that they are now managing a pandemic and working extra shifts and endangering their own health for what has become a preventable illness,” said Scrase.

But a pandemic — at least restrictions for one — lasting years does not appear to be good news from Scrase or the Lujan Grisham administration, especially as the 2022 fast approaches and New Mexicans may ditch the forever pandemic by voting for a Republican governor who will not force strict mandates and restrictions.

MLG’s health chief says mask mandates, restrictive measures could last for years Read More »

ACTION ALERT: Attend Thursday NM redistricting meeting to oppose extreme partisan maps

On Thursday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee is set to meet in Albuquerque to discuss redrawing state House, state Senate, congressional, and Public Education Commission maps. 

This redistricting year is the first in the state’s history where citizens are allowed to submit their very own district maps along with written testimony for free.

According to the committee staff, “Use the public input portal to submit a map or written testimony.  The link to do that is here. Submit a Public Comment or Map – New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee ( This is the first time that communities have had access to this kind of FREE mapping technology during redistricting to help policy makers better understand and respect what we want and need in terms of representation.”

In order to ensure fair districts are drawn, New Mexicans are encouraged to submit their maps to keep communities of interest together and to ensure the maps do not give any side a partisan advantage. The Committee will listen to concerns from voters and make determinations based upon the public’s input, which makes attending these meetings extremely important.

Far-left extremist groups seeking to expand seats to fulfill their partisan advantage, such as the Center for Civic Policy, have proposed heavily gerrymandered maps that would cut communities of interest into sections and partition seats into strange shapes to meet a partisan advantage. One such map is Concept H, which is an extreme partisan gerrymander, making all three congressional districts in New Mexico solid blue by chopping up the South Valley of Albuquerque into the southern Second District and taking away the oil patch from the Second to add to the Third District, making it stretch all the way from Eddy and Lea Counties to Santa Fe and west to McKinley and San Juan Counties.

In the group’s state House and Senate maps, districts would be heavily gerrymandered to span across many counties. In the extremist dark money group’s state House plan, Clovis is chopped up into three districts while District 49 on the western side of the state would span four counties. District 67 would span five counties while many other districts have twisted shapes, indicating an extreme partisan gerrymander. 

Citizens are encouraged to attend this vital meeting (in-person or via Zoom) to oppose these extreme gerrymandered plans, which are proposed and funded by dark money groups to skew the maps politically — a grave violation of the Committee’s purpose: to create fair maps.

Here are the meeting details:

The Citizen Redistricting Committee will hold a public meeting on Thursday, October 7, 2021 from 3pm to 7pm, to provide members of the public an opportunity to share public comment and testimony to the Committee on the proposed concepts of district maps for New Mexico’s offices to be redistricted.

Satellite locations that will be broadcasting this meeting and providing opportunities for public comment are as follows: TBA

To submit a public comment, or statewide district plan online, visit the CRC’s Public Redistricting Portal.

For in-person attendance at meetings:
Masks are required for those who have not been vaccinated and encouraged for those who have been vaccinated. You are also encouraged to practice social distancing.

To attend the meeting virtually, please see the details below: 

Agenda & Meeting Materials: 

Please click this URL to join:

Webinar ID: 835 5053 9072

No Password

Dial-in Numbers:

+13462487799,,83550539072# US (Houston)

+16699009128,,83550539072# US (San Jose)

CRC Rules of Procedure 

With it being offered in-person or virtually, there is NO reason you should not be in attendance. The future of our state relies on your action.

ACTION ALERT: Attend Thursday NM redistricting meeting to oppose extreme partisan maps Read More »

Dems using dark money groups to push for heavily gerrymandered redistricting maps

Over the past few days, New Mexicans have read unconfirmed reports claiming Concept H, a heavily gerrymandered map, is the alleged frontrunner in the redistricting process. The congressional map designed by the leftist Center for Civic Policy would throw the South Valley of Albuquerque into the southern Second Congressional District and have the First District move all the way down to Roswell in Chaves County. The Third District would move from Hobbs all the way north, putting astronomically differing southern and northern communities together in one district.

With the far-left group’s current map, which is heavily gerrymandered, it would skew the Second District Democrat, stealing the seat from Republican hands and taking out current GOP Rep. Yvette Herrell.

Extremist dark money pro-illegal immigration groups such as “NM OLÉ,” a shady George Soros-funded organization that has advocated for election fraud and against security in New Mexico elections. 

The group has advocated for congressional maps that would split Albuquerque into the Second District, claiming the South Valley’s Hispanic population would be better represented in the southern district.

Nena Benavidez, a paid activist for the group, said, “I am here to ask that this committee commit to present a congressional map — especially in CD2 — that will represent the majority population, which is Hispanic and Latino. We are asking for the chance, choice, and opportunity to elect the people who best represent us and our communities.” 

But the Redistricting Committee, which is supposed to take into account communities of interest as a paramount factor, would have a hard time explaining how Hobbs and Santa Fe are a similar community of interest while the South Valley of Albuquerque has any similarity to Mesilla, Las Cruces, Alamogordo, or Carlsbad, which the Center for Civic Policy map proposes. Democrat groups have already lauded it for its partisanship:

New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf has already stated that he wants to partisanly gerrymander the Second District to take out the current Republican incumbent, saying, “So this is the last election for New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District with a map that looks like it looks now.” He added, “So next time it’ll be a different district and we’ll have to see what that means for Republican chances to hold it.”

Egolf was against a citizen redistricting committee, saying to the far-left group “Retake Our Democracy” that the independent committee would weaken Democrats’ advantage in the Legislature, “and the [Democratic] agenda goes out the window.”

He said he could not comprehend why “Democrats want to unilaterally disarm and give advantage to the people who are trying to make the world a dirtier place, take rights away from people, make it harder to vote — all the things that we oppose. I don’t want to make it easier for them to do it.”

Then, he voted for the act to create the committee after massive backlash. Only two members of the Legislature opposed the final bill: allegedly corrupt former second-ranking House Democrat Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton (D-Bernalillo) and Rep. Eliseo Alcon (D-Milan). The final bill gave the Legislature carte blanche power to reject the Committee’s maps, a massive flaw in the legislation.

New Mexicans are now asked to contact the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee and ask for fair maps that keep the congressional boundaries pretty much the same and keeps communities of interest together, such as north, central, and southern New Mexico. Districts partisanly gerrymandered, like the one proposed by the Center for Civic Policy, would do the opposite of what the Redisctricing Committee was intended to do. Comments should be made in the Comment Portal

Dems using dark money groups to push for heavily gerrymandered redistricting maps Read More »

MLG panders to oil and gas as she works to destroy the industry

On Monday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham pandered to the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association (NMOGA) at its annual conference, which has donated tens of thousands of dollars to extremist anti-oil Democrats, including Lujan Grisham, who received $5,000. Democrat Speaker of the House Brian Egolf’s speaker fund received $25,000 from the group. 

At the conference, Lujan Grisham thanked “oil and gas producers for their contributions to the economy and tax revenues that form the backbone of state education funding,” according to the Associated Press. The industry contributes over 30% to the state budget annually.

At the event, she tried to move oil and gas producers to move from oil and gas to the hydrogen fuel industry, claiming to be championing legislation on the oil and gas alternative in the 2022 Legislative Session — which is supposed to be a 30-day session specifically about the state’s budget. 

“We are working on that as we speak,” Lujan Grisham claimed, saying she wants New Mexico to be a hydrogen fuel “hub.”

Lujan Grisham’s corrosive administration rammed through the job-killing “Energy Transition Act,” New Mexico’s very own Green New Deal, in 2019, which forces through stringent environmental mandates, including 50% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% by 2050. It has already skyrocketed energy costs for New Mexicans, and even the bill’s biggest proponents say it needs to be heavily amended as to not completely wreck the state.

In northeast New Mexico, the Energy Transition Act (ETA) has forced the closure of the San Juan Generating Station by PNM, leaving countless New Mexicans without jobs and only around 80 employees able to retire. “For the rest of the employees, though, they’re going to have to go find some other form of employment,” said plant manager Omni Warner. 

NMOGA under the leadership of former executive director Ryan Flynn and former chairman of the NMOGA board Claire Chase took a neutral stance on the rabidly anti-energy ETA. Many wish-washy “Republicans” in the Legislature voted for the job-killing bill.

At the conference, Lujan Grisham claimed, “We continue to have conversations with the Biden administration to make sure that they understand the critical importance of this industry in our state.” That has yet to be seen as Biden has canceled the Keystone XL Pipeline, which employed tens of thousands of Americans, and drilling contracts on federal land have been stonewalled. Biden’s pick to lead the Department of the Interior, Deb Haaland, is a supporter of the Green New Deal and oversees a large portion of these public lands in question.

MLG panders to oil and gas as she works to destroy the industry Read More »

‘Still short’: MLG begs for campaign cash, calls GOP the ‘party of anti-masking’

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham begged donors for more campaign cash running up to the end of September, claiming “extremist Republicans” were going to “suppress voting rights, end reproductive freedom, and refuse to act on climate change.” The campaign claimed the Governor could not afford to fall short on fundraising by the end of the month — despite Lujan Grisham having a massive war chest for her reelection campaign that she had begun building the day she took office.

In one ploy, she tried to label Republicans as “scary,” erroneously claiming the January 6th incursion of the U.S. Capitol was an action of the Republican Party and that pro-life laws in Texas would somehow hurt New Mexico. 

She wrote, “From inciting a riot at the U.S. Capitol to ending access to reproductive health care in Texas, the GOP is at its most extreme right now – and they’re doing everything they can to flip New Mexico red. I won’t lie to you, friend: it’s a scary moment for our shared future.” She went on to ask, “Will you rush $15 right now to help us defend New Mexico from far-right extremists?”

In one hilarious line in the email, Lujan Grisham wrote, “That’s why I desperately need your help: To protect New Mexico from the party of anti-masking and voter suppression, I need to reach our emergency $20,000 filing deadline goal before Oct. 4 at midnight. The stakes have never been higher, so I need everyone reading this email to contribute.”

But now, after the supposed September deadline, Lujan Grisham’s campaign has gotten even more desperate, sending emails begging for donations, with emails titled “still short” claiming that if the scandal-ridden Governor is not kept in 2022, “Republicans could erase this progress in an instant. To protect our state from the GOP, I need you to help me meet this goal right now.” 

Another email from October 3 claims if the MLG campaign does not “meet every single goal, our state could fall straight into the GOP’s hands.” 

With seven Republican candidates to choose from to take out Lujan Grisham after the corrosive agenda the Governor has inflicted upon the state, it is no wonder she is so scared for her reelection. From locking down New Mexicans and killing at least 40% of small businesses to ramming through extremist abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills, Lujan Grisham has made many enemies.

[Read the list of the things Michelle Lujan Grisham has done to New Mexicans during this pandemic (the list is very long).]

‘Still short’: MLG begs for campaign cash, calls GOP the ‘party of anti-masking’ Read More »

Ethics Commission asks for more staff, expanded jurisdiction to curb legislator corruption

On Friday, the New Mexico State Ethics Commission (SEC) agreed “​​to ask the Legislature to expand its jurisdiction to the parts of the state Constitution that prohibit profiting from public office and ban legislators from having an interest in contracts authorized by legislation passed during their term,” according to the Albuquerque Journal

Executive director Jeremy Farris told the Journal that constitutional provisions at issues are a “natural fit” to the SEC’s mission and not necessarily due to legislators, such as former second-ranking House Democrat Rep. Sheryl Stapleton, who is embroiled in a decades-long corruption investigation where she has been indicted on 28 federal counts. 

The Commission is seeking approval for a $1.28 million budget, which is an increase of 40% over the previous year’s appropriation. The move would increase the agency from five employees to nine. 

According to the report, the new changes in the agency’s expanded jurisdiction, if approved, would give the Commission authority over constitutional provisions prohibiting:

• Increased compensation for public officials during their term of office.

• Legislators having an interest in any state or city contract that was authorized by law during their term or for one year afterward.

• State officials who already draw a salary from drawing outside fees or otherwise profiting for their service in public office.

Farris said, “We absolutely have to have a larger staff to run this agency.” He noted, “It won’t work with five.”

Time will tell if the Commission will get its wishes, with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in hot water over her alleged corrupt activity, along with many other legislators and public officials who have had complaints lodged against them. 

Ethics Commission asks for more staff, expanded jurisdiction to curb legislator corruption Read More »

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