New Mexico

‘Bizarre’: All-Dem NM Supreme Court says illegal aliens can obtain law licenses

In a unanimous ruling by the fully Democrat-controlled New Mexico Supreme Court, illegal aliens will be allowed to practice law in the state as attorneys despite their very presence in New Mexico being against the law.

In a new set of rules regarding admission to the New Mexico bar, “the court held that a lack of U.S. citizenship or immigration status may no longer be used to deny a law license to individuals holding a law degree and otherwise qualifying for membership in the New Mexico Bar Association. In issuing the order, the court concurred with changes recommended by the Board of Bar Examiners and the Code of Professional Conduct Committee,” according to The Epoch Times.

“License to practice law shall not be denied based solely on the applicant’s citizenship or immigration status,” it wrote. 

Far-left Democrat Chief Justice Shannon Bacon claimed the change “is grounded in the fundamental principle of fairness, and is consistent with New Mexico’s historical values of inclusion and diversity in its culture.”

All members but Justice Michael Vigil were appointed by Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who faces a tough reelection battle against Republican Mark Ronchetti, who is polling within single digits of the embattled governor.

Legal commentator Curt Levey, President of the Committee for Justice, Curt Levey, told the Times, “It strikes me as interesting that the Chief Justice issued a statement,” adding, “Normally, the majority opinion would speak for itself.”

Levey added that it is “bizarre” that in the state, “you can be here illegally, subject to arrest and deportation, and yet at the same time, you could be representing as a lawyer another illegal alien who’s facing the same thing.”

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Leger Fernandez wants the GOP to ‘stay OUT of New Mexico’

Over one week since conservative firebrand Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) visited New Mexico to stump for GOP Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of the Second Congressional  District and GOP gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti, far-left Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of the Third District is still having a fit over the Republican governor’s Carlsbad rally.

In an angry-sounding fundraising email, Leger Fernandez’s team wrote, “DeSantis’ presence here, less than 100 days out from the election, is further evidence that the GOP is preparing to flood New Mexico with dark money and far-right propaganda in the coming weeks.” In actuality, DeSantis has disclosed his campaign donors, and so has Ronchetti. 

Leger Fernandez, on the other hand, has taken dark money from the likes of the pro-abortion groups EMILY’s List and Planned Parenthood, as well as other leftist dark money organizations. As for the so-called “far-right propaganda” spread, there’s no evidence to suggest anything of the sort.

The Democrat’s campaign team continued, “In a GOP-led New Mexico, we could see dangerous legislation like the anti-voting, anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ+ bills passed in states like Florida by extremists like DeSantis.”

“We must make our stand now and reject their extremist ideology — ahora es cuando! We need every New Mexican to add their voice — tell DeSantis and the GOP: Stay OUT of New Mexico!”

The Leger Fernandez team’s panicky rhetoric is devoid of facts. DeSantis has enacted measures in Florida to make it easier to vote but harder to cheat. He has also enacted bills against the grooming of children in schools, which Leger Fernandez apparently finds “dangerous” and anti-LGBTQ+” despite most Americans supporting such reforms.

Leger Fernandez, a first-term representative, faces a much tougher re-election challenge this year with the political map gerrymandered by Santa Fe Democrats to steal representation from the southern GOP-held congressional district, which diluted her previously Democrat+14 district to a mere Democrat+5 partisan lean. Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson is running against the Democrat congresswoman.

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MLG ditched NM business forum to hobnob with wealthy Colorado donors

On Tuesday, it was confirmed by the Santa Fe New Mexican that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham did, indeed, dodge the NAIOP forum in Albuquerque to instead hobnob with wealthy donors at a Democratic Governors Association in Aspen, Colorado. The forum she ditched was with business and real estate leaders. Only Republican Mark Ronchetti showed up.

The Governor’s spokeswoman Delaney Corcoran finally disclosed to the New Mexican that Lujan Grisham was in Colorado “for a long-planned event with other Democratic governors.”

The paper added, “Lujan Grisham attended a Democratic Governors Association conference Monday in Aspen, but her travels in Colorado also include Denver. A spokeswoman for the association did not return a message seeking comment.”

The Ronchetti campaign previously questioned if the Governor “skipped a debate hosted by New Mexican small business owners to hang out with millionaires in Colorado.” Now they have their answer.

“The Governor arrogantly skipped out on New Mexico’s small business forum to hob-knob in Aspen with high-dollar donors and got caught trying to cover it up,” Ronchetti’s spokesman, Enrique Knell, said in a statement. “She failed to tell the press or the public that she was out of state, which meant no one knew the Lieutenant Governor was Acting Governor. The public has a right to know who’s running the state, but covering up politically inconvenient truths is how the Governor operates.”

The NAIOP forum had around 400 business leaders who were looking forward to hearing Lujan Grisham’s defense after her lockdown orders killed around 20 percent or nearly 1,100 New Mexico restaurants. The Governor’s own Department of Tourism previously revealed that over 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses had closed amid the Governor’s lockdowns. 

But the Governor was conveniently absent to instead party with out-of-state donors in Colorado.

MLG ditched NM business forum to hobnob with wealthy Colorado donors Read More »

MLG dodges key forum held by business leaders

On Monday, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham dodged a key NAIOP forum with business and commercial real estate leaders that was held in Albuquerque.

Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti was the only candidate in attendance after the governor did not show up.

As the forum began, Ronchetti’s campaign manager unveiled a photo of Lujan Grisham to poke fun at her absence, which was quickly removed by the event’s hosts.

“I personally felt very strongly that the governor should be here to give an accounting to the business community for the last four years [and, if reelected], let us know what she plans on doing for the next four years,” NAIOP chairman-elect, Lance Sigmon, said to the crowd.

“I just felt the business community was owed this, and I’m sorry I couldn’t deliver on this,” Sigmon added. “But her opponent, Mark Ronchetti, is here, and I wanted to thank Mark for being here.”

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, Lujan Grisham’s spokeswoman Delaney Corcoran “declined to disclose where the governor was or what she was doing Monday. Her press secretary, Nora Meyers Sackett, declined, too.” 

After the forum, Ronchetti shared a news clip from KRQE 13, writing, “I was excited to be at @NAIOPNM  today to share my vision for New Mexico, at what was supposed to be a gubernatorial candidate forum. However, @Michelle4NM declined to join and defend her indefensible record on small business and economic issues.”

A recent report from the New Mexico Restaurant Association, which was a co-sponsor of the NAIOP forum, revealed that Lujan Grisham’s lockdowns had killed around 20 percent or nearly 1,100 New Mexico restaurants. The Governor’s own Department of Tourism revealed that over 40% of New Mexico’s small businesses had closed amid the Governor’s lockdowns. 

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Another ranking puts Lujan Grisham’s re-election prospects in peril

On Monday, Fox News updated its power rankings showing New Mexico shifting from “leans Democrat” to “toss-up,” giving Republicans even more hope in the Land of Enchantment for a Republican victory to take back the governorship.

Fox News reported, “There is one bright spot for Republicans in these rankings, and that is in New Mexico. As Josh Kraushaar reported last week, New Mexico is home to a high Hispanic population, a voting bloc shifting rightward. The GOP candidate is former local news anchor (meteorologist) Mark Ronchetti.”

“He is appealing to conservatives and moderates by focusing on crime and the economy, while keeping a distance from Trump. Incumbent Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, has a $3.4-million fundraising lead as of early July, but polling does not give her a clear edge. New Mexico moves from Lean D to Toss Up.”

After the big news, Rochetti’s campaign wrote, “Fox News shifts #NMGov race to “toss-up” showing the momentum behind our campaign! New Mexicans are tired of @Michelle4NM and her out of touch policies. We are ready to bring bold new leadership to Santa Fe.” 

The prospect of picking up the blue state’s governorship lends hope to Republicans across the board, as the GOP has the possibility of taking back the state House and other state-wide offices, including the attorney generalship, land commissioner, state treasurer, secretary of state, among others.


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Beware: the ‘League of Women Voters’ wants to snatch your guns

While some may still see the group as a “non-partisan” organization, the League of Women Voters (LWV) is anything but. 

Recently, organizers for the group that puts on debates and other events regarding elections wrote an op-ed for the Las Cruces Sun-News, which advocated for partisan Democrat gun control measures.

LWV gave its stamp of approval to the far-left anti-gun bill recently passed by Congress, saying it “limits access to guns for those who have been convicted of domestic violence in a dating relationship, creates federal straw purchasing and trafficking criminal offenses.”

As well, the group went even further to declare support for four other extreme anti-gun measures. The group wrote in the Sun-News piece, “In addition to these two features, the League recommended the following actions in a letter to the Senate and House judiciary committees: (1) closing the gun show loophole which exempts certain sales from the requirement of a federal background check of the buyer of a weapon, (2) providing universal background checks, (3) banning assault weapons and placing limits on high-capacity ammunition magazine size, and (4) funding research and reporting on gun violence in the United States.”

In essence, the group advocates for universal background checks on all firearms sold ever, banning many styles of firearms (making millions of Americans felons if the bill is passed), and extremist “gun violence” reporting, such as in New Mexico with the recently funded “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” aimed at assaulting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

LWV contends in the op-ed that the fact that good guys with guns help stop bad guys with guns is “dangerous” and that “people with guns make mistakes,” whether they are good or bad. It did not, however, speak on the fact that most crimes in America are committed by criminals who do not abide by gun laws — thus, anti-gun laws do not work.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a

firearm during their offense. Among these, more than half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street or from the underground market (43%).” 

The DOJ report added, “Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.”

Despite the facts, the League of Women Voters is propping up the far-left group run by Miranda Viscoli, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, which helped ram through New Mexico’s “red flag” law that has not been effective whatsoever in stopping “gun violence.”

Since the bill’s passage in 2020, the state has seen a sharp increase in violent crime, suggesting that the far-left anti-gun laws passed in New Mexico have not done anything but exacerbate violent gun offenses.

As well as gun-snatching, LWV put its rubber stamp of approval on socialist “free” (taxpayer-funded) college programs that are costing the state at least $75 million annually.

The group wrote, “Limitations on economic and educational opportunities also need to be addressed. Greater access to community colleges and universities through the Opportunity Scholarships and the efforts by the City of Las Cruces to lift up neighborhoods may help.”

The League of Women Voters has come out as an extremely leftist partisan organization and cannot be trusted to be anything but skewing sharply to the political left.

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Leftist editorial: ‘Ironic’ MLG failed to ‘diversify’ economy despite big talk

Although the far-left Santa Fe New Mexican editorial board noted how Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s attempts at “diversifying” New Mexico’s economy with leftist policies has failed, it now proposes spending a large chunk of the state’s projected $2.45 billion in new revenue on social programs and broadband.

The board wrote, “Despite the continuing efforts to diversify the state economy — cannabis, film and television, outdoor industry, local agriculture — the state is growing more dependent on oil and gas, according to figures from the Legislative Finance Committee. About 45 percent of the state budget will be tied to that industry in fiscal year 2024, economists said last week at a committee meeting in Chama.”

“That’s ironic, considering the efforts Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has put into transitioning New Mexico to renewable energy sources that won’t run out or pollute. New Mexico is moving to renewables, but oil and gas dollars still pay the bills — and will for years to come,” it continued.

Then, the board lauded Lujan Grisham’s far-left policy proposals, including passing taxpayer-funded daycare programs, $75 million annually for taxpayer-funded college, and other social programs that drain the state’s coffers. 

Therefore, to fix “climate change” and, “generational poverty,” the New Mexican’s editorial board says the state needs to “reform” its tax structure and invest in broadband while saving “some” of the billions for when “the budget goes bust again.” 

The notion of saving some money for a rainy day is the opposite of what many Democrats in Santa Fe and Gov. Lujan Grisham have in mind, with a hankering to spend as much money as possible on recurring socialist programs while failing to “diversify” the state’s economy despite demonizing the oil and gas industry. 

According to reports, the Permian Basin in southeast New Mexico and Texas has enough oil to last 200 years. Because of this, oil and gas remain a stable and lucrative resource New Mexico would be wise to continue utilizing for a long time. 

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MLG celebrates NM’s unemployment rate despite it being highest in the nation

In a strange move Friday, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham praised New Mexico’s meager unemployment rate drop of 0.4 percent from June to July. The rate is now 4.5 percent — the lowest in the nation among states and tied with the District of Columbia. That means New Mexico continue to be ranked 50th out of all 50 states for unemployment.

Despite this, Lujan Grisham claimed, “Big news : New Mexico’s unemployment rate is now the lowest it’s been in nearly 15 years. That’s right – we’ve brought New Mexico’s unemployment to the lowest rate since September 2008.” 

She added, “This is proof positive that the work my administration has done to support and invest in New Mexico businesses, to attract exciting new companies here, and to grow key economic sectors is yielding real results that make a difference for New Mexico families.”

New Mexico’s unemployment rate has been close to its current rate in the recent past, such as during President Trump’s tenure when New Mexico’s unemployment rate hit 4.8 percent from May to September 2018 — before Lujan Grisham took the reigns. 

During the pandemic, the New Mexico Department of Tourism released figures showing at least 40% of New Mexico small businesses have closed, while the New Mexico Restaurants Association reported that nearly 1,100 restaurants have closed their doors for good thanks to the Lujan Grisham pandemic policies.

But this extremely high unemployment rate as employers continue recruiting new hires with large bonuses, pay over the minimum wage, and other incentives, the state still remains dead last under Lujan Grisham’s rulership, making her boasts of record low unemployment underdeveloped and as some have put it “gaslighting.”

For many New Mexicans, being ranked 50th out of all 50 states is no cause for celebration, especially as their businesses have been shuttered and their employees continue to scour for work.


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MLG claims ‘New Mexicans will re-elect me’

On Friday, far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham debuted an increasingly cocky tone on Twitter, claiming that because she supports abortion up to birth, a teachers’ union takeover of education, and other initiatives, she “will” get a second term as governor.

She claimed, “I’m everything @MarkRonchettiNM is not. That’s why New Mexicans will re-elect me this November.”

New Mexicans responded to the nonchalant tweet, with one person writing, “Pro Education? That must be why NM is ranked last in education.  Weird.”

Other New Mexicans offered other takes:

As the November election is right around the corner, Lujan Grisham faces an unprecedented challenge as Republican Mark Ronchetti is polling ahead or even with the embattled governor who locked down the state during the pandemic, leading to 40% of small businesses going under. Libertarian Karen Bedonie, who previously ran for governor as a Republican but left the party, is also running.

Lujan Grisham’s tweet was reminiscent of Hillary Clinton’s tweet claiming she would be a “future president.”

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Lujan Grisham killed 1,100 restaurants during brutal pandemic lockdown

Recent reports from the New Mexico Restaurant Association show that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham killed around 1,100 of the 5,775 restaurants in New Mexico during her brutal two-year pandemic lockdown. These restaurants account for nearly one-fifth of all restaurants in the state.

The group’s executive director, Carol Wight, told the Santa Fe New Mexican,  “[T]he fact we lost 18 percent is huge,” adding that 71 percent of restaurant operators do not have “enough employees to support their existing customer demand.”

The Republican Party of New Mexico noted, “These painful closings came despite multiple calls from bipartisan lawmakers to change the Emergency Powers Code to include the State Legislature in the decision-making process.” 

“As a restaurant owner in Mosquero, I have seen firsthand the challenges restaurants across the state have dealt with over the last two years,” said state Representative Jack Chatfield (R-Mosquero). 

“I am not surprised that nearly 20% of our restaurants closed. Unfortunately, Governor Lujan Grisham made these decisions on her own, and our Legislative body was not involved in the [pandemic]-emergency decisions. There is much work to be done to regain the trust of New Mexico’s small business community, as many feel Governor Lujan Grisham has left them behind in favor of national chain establishments.”

During the lockdown, Lujan Grisham bucked her own mandates to buy jewelry while chastising New Mexicans.

The news of the restaurants going under comes after 40% of small businesses closed under her watch, according to the New Mexico Department of Tourism.

As we previously reported:

During the pandemic, the Governor locked the state down completely, which crippled countless small businesses across the board. The few businesses and religious organizations that defied Lujan Grisham were plunged into even further financial ruin with fines of up to $60,000 and State Police ordered to shut businesses down.

While ruling during the pandemic, Lujan Grisham constantly bashed people across the state, even publicly shaming people in places like Española and Hobbs who she saw did not wear masks driving or eating at a restaurant.

During the holidays, Lujan Grisham forced New Mexicans to stand in cold breadlines to buy food and basic goods, with the elderly, disabled, and children forced to face the cold while the Governor feasted on taxpayer-funded $200/lb Wagyu steaks and skirted her pandemic orders to buy luxury jewelry.

New Mexicans are now continuing to face the consequences of Lujan Grisham’s harsh orders, many paying with the destruction of their livelihoods, including the 40% of small businesses gone forever.

READ NEXT: New Mexico: We’re in an abusive relationship with MLG. It’s time to break up with her

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