
‘Mom and pop’ shops selling necessary goods served with cease and desist orders by Gov. MLG

On Monday, farming and ranching store Bar G Western Wear in Portales announced via Facebook that they had been served with a cease and desist order by State Police for keeping their doors open. The store sells essential items needed by farmers and ranchers to keep their businesses running.

Bar G Western Wear’s post reads, “Soooo folks… we’ve just been served with a CEASE and DESIST order! Apparently there were several complaints against us. (Snitches/Busybodies…..who would have thought). The NM State Police were very professional and nice. We will pursue this further. Thanks for the overwhelming support!”

State Rep. Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras) responded to the news with outrage, writing, “Apparently Governor Grisham doesn’t believe farmers & ranchers are essential. Where are they supposed to go to get supplies and work clothes? MLG, you’re wrong. These are the good guys, and they are ESSENTIAL. #TooFar”

The Republican Party of New Mexico has pushed back on Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s orders that allow large corporations like Walmart to keep their doors open during COVID-19, while small “mom and pop” shops are hurting, many being sent cease and desist orders if they remain open to provide essential goods and services to their communities.

“Somewhere the Main Street owners of mom and pop stores in New Mexico need to be spoken for,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. 

Lujan Grisham’s office shrugged off the concerns by writing, “Any half-thought-out proposal about picking winners and losers and allowing partial closures … will lead to more illnesses and more death.”

Ex-ABQ Mayor Marty Chavez to SD Governor: ‘We don’t care if we make you sick’ with COVID-19

On Monday and Tuesday, former Democrat Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chavez took to Twitter to defend the policies of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and to go after Republican governors with whom he disagrees.

Early Tuesday morning, Chavez responded to a Twitter video from Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem giving South Dakotans information on how they can slow the spread of coronavirus. He wrote in response, “North Dakota – we don’t care if we make you sick.” Chavez apparently meant to direct his aggression at South Dakotans, despite him writing “North Dakota.”

Gov. Noem has not issued a mandated “stay-at-home” order for her state, despite heavy criticism from Democrats, despite the measures put in place by Noem have cut initial projected infection rates in South Dakota. Noem says Dr. Anthony Fauci has applauded her response to COVID-19.

Noem’s response differs greatly to New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mandates, including a stay-at-home order, and State Police is tasked with enforcing the guidelines by citing businesses disobeying the order, with civil penalties of up to $5,000. 

Lujan Grisham has taken heavy criticism in recent days over banning church gatherings the day before Easter Sunday and allowing abortion facilities to kill babies through abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the CDC guidelines to “Delay inpatient and outpatient elective surgical and procedural cases.” Abortion is never medically necessary and thus is an elective procedure.

But despite the deadly pandemic, Chavez is defending the Governor’s proposals, writing on Twitter in response to a Republican U.S. Senate candidate decrying the Governor’s order, “Your solution being to allow mass gatherings as long as people are praying?  Hilarious.” It appears Chavez is mocking people of faith for praying on Easter, a Constitutionally-protected religious freedom.

On Monday, Legacy Church in Albuquerque filed a lawsuit against the State of New Mexico for violating their First Amendment right to religious freedom.

In response to a commenter criticizing Lujan Grisham keeping abortion clinics open while banning church services, Chavez wrote, “A doctor and his or her patient making an important health care decision versus 300 or so people who gather, infect and spread killer disease to thousands. Not really the same.”

Chavez’s tweet may be seen by many as ironic, since abortion is the act of killing a human baby through unnatural measures, while he is trying to make the case that the “important health care decision” to kill the child is necessary during a deadly pandemic.

On Good Friday, Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) late-term abortion clinic had a full parking lot, thanks to the governor’s order. SWO ends babies’ lives up-to and after 7 months gestational age. 

MLG says Trump doesn’t have ‘national strategy,’ talks up Biden presidency on Easter CNN interview

On Easter Sunday, one day after banning New Mexico from attending Church services, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham joined Jake Tapper for an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Right off the bat, Lujan Grisham offered criticisms of the Trump Administration, accusing the President of not having a “national strategy.” She said, “If we had better national strategies and better national data, and universal testing, and software [inaudible] contract tracing, then we can really figure out when opening makes sense.” 

When pressed about her administration using Descartes Labs to track New Mexicans through cell phone data in order to gather information about social distancing and citizens’ privacy concerns, Lujan Grisham went on the defensive. She said:

“Some folks got confused that somehow this is state data and [a] state effort, and it isn’t. It’s also aggregate cell phone data for the entire country. And Descartes Labs is a data — large data firm and they do incredible work managing any huge types of information that can be beneficial. So we treat this as a tool that allows us to figure out whether our social distancing — more than just looking at the cases, but looking at where people are traveling, how long people are traveling, and get a sense about whether we need to do something else that limits person-to-person contact and enhances our social distancing. In terms of oversight, if it was anything that we thought in this company or anybody else that was breaching already robust federal or state laws protecting privacy, a) we wouldn’t have a relationship, and b) we would do the appropriate accountability, but they’re just using aggregate data. We don’t have any idea who any of the cell phone numbers belong to — not just in New Mexico but nowhere in the country.”

Some have made the case that the use of grading counties by compliance to “social distancing” disproportionately affects rural New Mexicans who have to drive long distances to reach grocery stores and other “essential” businesses, as opposed to people in urban areas who have a shorter distance to drive to get these essential items.

When asked about Joe Biden potentially picking her as his vice-presidential running mate, and if she would accept the nomination, Lujan Grisham answered, “ Well, I will do this: I think that you want a vice president who was much like former vice president Biden. He knew how to govern, he had done a ton of work as a senator and in local government as well, and I think those are incredible attributes. I want to be the governor of New Mexico. I will do whatever it takes to support a Biden administration, and I’m looking forward to a federal administration that can do a national strategy in good times and in bad times both.”

NM leaders respond with outrage after MLG bans church services on eve of Easter

On Saturday evening, the eve of the Easter holiday, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she is banning all religious gatherings of five people or more.

Despite many church services already canceling their Easter gatherings, Lujan Grisham rescinded her previous exception for religious services, writing, “absolutely clear that mass gatherings of any type are not permitted in houses of worship.”

“We know that you want to practice your faith, as you should. But this year we must remember that home is holy. The best thing you can do for your community is to stay there,” she continued.

But many New Mexico leaders did not take kindly to the Governor’s unilateral decision to ban people from practicing their faith on Easter, citing that her limit of only five people gathering would cripple churches planning on streaming live online services which would require more than five people to put together.

House Republican Whip Rep. Rod Montoya wrote in a statement, “Governor, despite what you think, these services are essential! To make this decision the day before Easter is egregious.  I am advising churches across our state to continue to produce and offer online services going forward; this order today cannot and will not stand.”

Rep. David Gallegos wrote on Facebook on Saturday, “With just a few hours to go before Easter Sunday, the Governor’s office sent out an emergency executive order adding churches and places of worship to her list of banned mass gatherings. It’s impossible for churches to produce services they can film or livestream with 5 people or less in a room. Doing this the day before Easter is just the wrong thing to do. We need to stand up to the Governor. She has gone too far.” 

Although church services are now banned on a state level by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, abortion clinics are allowed to stay open, despite health concerns.

MLG ‘expects’ all New Mexicans to celebrate Easter at home, proclaims Easter Bunny as ‘essential service’

On Saturday Gov Michelle Lujan Grisham published a video on Twitter wishing the state a happy Easter with a surprise appearance from the Easter Bunny.

“I want to first thank the faith-based community for supporting us directly and making sure that we’re clear that home is also holy,” said Lujan Grisham.

“We have signed a proclamation that the Easter Bunny delivering goodies and baskets statewide is considered an essential service or this Easter holiday weekend,” explained the Governor. 

Later in the video, she was joined by the Easter Bunny, wishing everyone a “Happy Easter.”

Lujan Grisham’s tweet reads, “This Easter, home is the holy place. I expect all New Mexicans to stay safe by staying home to celebrate, not gathering with friends and family. Together, we will have a safe and happy Easter – by staying apart. BUT tell the kids not to worry: the Easter Bunny is essential!”

NM gun groups sue MLG after she orders closure of all firearm stores and shooting ranges

On Friday, the Mountain States Legal Foundation, representing the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, the National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation, and various New Mexico retailers filed a lawsuit against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for her closure of firearm stores and shooting ranges. 

According to her order, which was extended to April 30, she classifies the businesses as “non-essential,” despite the U.S. Department of Homeland Security affirming that such businesses are, indeed, essential. 

“The government has no duty to protect you, and coronavirus-related impacts to law enforcement could be significant, so times like now are precisely when people must be able to acquire self-defense tools to defend their lives and homes,” FPC President Brandon Combs said. “We are proud to participate in this important case to defend the people’s right to keep and bear arms against government abuses in New Mexico.”

“Grisham has used this crisis to continue her assault on the rights of law-abiding citizens while other Democratic governors in states such as Colorado have deemed these establishments “essential” and actually protected their residents’ right to purchase and own guns,” writes the NRA.

While NM fights COVID-19 pandemic, Martin Heinrich fights to kill babies through abortion

On Thursday, Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), took to Twitter to proclaim his dissatisfaction with the $2 trillion stimulus bill passed by Congress in mid-March to provide relief to those affected by the coronavirus pandemic. 

Heinrich shared a left-wing article in the New Mexico Political Report (a news website run by far-left abortion up-to-birth ProgressNow NM), which claimed the $2 trillion economic package “take[s] a swipe” at the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

According to the article, “buried deep within the nearly 1,000 page bill is language designed to take a swipe at Planned Parenthood. Businesses and nonprofits seeking relief money will have to go through the Trump Administration’s Small Business Association—and the agency has the ability to refuse the nonprofit organization, according to Vice. Anti-abortion lawmakers claimed it as a ‘win’ against abortion rights.” It should be noted that Heinrich voted for the aid package.

As the nation copes with the ramifications of the deadly pandemic, Heinrich appears to have access to kill babies through abortions at the top of his agenda, before all else. 

“Health centers like [Planned Parenthood] are a vital resource for preventive and primary care for women across the country, especially in rural communities. I’ll always fight to protect women’s health against these efforts to undermine reproductive health care,” wrote Heinrich. 

During the 2018 election cycle, Heinrich received at least $151,131.93 from abortion, with $74,261.93 coming from California Planned Parenthood organizations, $40,000 from Planned Parenthood’s New York action fund, $520 from the group’s Minnesota action fund, $35,000 from DC-based national Planned Parenthood Action Fund, among smaller individual contributions from abortionist Shannon Carr of Albuquerque’s Southwestern Women’s Options late-term abortion clinic ($100), and Annette Cummings of Planned Parenthood Federation of America ($1,250). All of these figures are according to the Federal Election Commission.

New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has closed all businesses deemed “non-essential,” threatening them with citations if they do not comply. Lujan Grisham has also denied health care facilities to perform elective procedures. However, abortion facilities remain wide open, despite abortion being an elective procedure. As of April 9, New Mexico has 989 cases of COVID-19, with 17 coronavirus-related deaths.

In February, Martin Heinrich voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would give basic health care to an infant who survives a botched abortion. By voting against the measure, his vote appears to show his support for infanticide, as well as just simply abortion. 

In 2018, Heinrich claimed anyone who opposes the unlimited killing of babies up to the date of their birth is “sexist.” 

Ben Ray Luján’s campaign is literally begging for donations

On Thursday, Democrat Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM-03) sent out a campaign fundraising email with the title “BEGGING you,” which proceeded to ask for campaign cash in the form of $10 donations. 

The email, which is signed by Luján’s apparent campaign manager, Travis Brimm, uses the hook that the contribution will help “OUST [Mitch] McConnell’s Senate.” 

The campaign email, which sounds more like a hostage email, reads, “But I’ve lost a lot of sleep over this lately. Because this crisis has had a massive financial impact on our campaign. Honestly, if I can’t fill the gap before midnight — I’ll be forced to make some incredibly tough budget decisions.”

“I’ll beg if I have to. Please, I’m only 429 gifts short. Could you rush a lasting $10?”

The email is the latest pitch sent by Luján using the most desperate means to accomplish its purpose. Before, Lujan has used the deadly coronavirus pandemic to fundraise, invoked former Democrat President Obama, and even exploited senior citizens by claiming their Social Security benefits are at risk of being revoked. 

MLG threatens ‘non-essential’ businesses if they stay open—pot shops, abortions deemed ‘essential’

On Wednesday, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham threatened citations by New Mexico State Police to businesses if they do not comply with her strict mandate to close if they are deemed “non-essential” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lujan Grisham has also reinforced her stay-at-home order, which she says is germane to “aggressively minimiz[ing] person-to-person contact.”

Lujan Grisham even went so far as to give some attitude to a constituent criticizing her relentless emergency texts.

On Facebook, Lujan Grisham wrote, “New Mexico’s emergency public health order WILL be enforced. Non-essential businesses that fail to comply will be cited by the New Mexico State Police.” 

Despite Lujan Grisham’s “aggressive” actions by forcing the closure of businesses, she considers abortion clinics, including late-term abortion facility Southwestern Women’s Options offering to kill babies through 32 weeks (seven months) gestation. Also included in her definition of “essential” businesses are pot dispensaries.

It should be noted that Lujan Grisham received tens of thousands of dollars from the marijuana and abortion industries. As of August 2018, Lujan Grisham received $29,000 from the pot industry, with $11,000 of that originating from former Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White’s business, “PurLife.”

During the 2018 election, Lujan Grisham received at least $8,000 from abortionist Curtis Boyd and his surrogates of Southwestern Women’s Options abortion clinic, $11,000 from abortion up-to-birth dark money advocacy group EMILY’s List, and at least $3,500 from Planned Parenthood, according to the New Mexico Secretary of State’s Office. Her abortion contributions totaled over $22,5000.

Lujan Grisham has allowed big corporate box stores to remain open, with Walmart giving the Governor $2,500 during the 2018 election cycle and $5,000 in 2019.

As time passes, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s orders are getting stricter and stricter, as small businesses are hanging by a thread. Albuquerque’s “The Cooperage” restaurant is closing its doors for good. 

Lujan Grisham’s leadership style is drastically different than other governors, such as South Dakota’s Gov. Kristi Noem, who is not forcing a mandated stay-at-home order.

New Mexicans must take President Trump’s call to fight mail-in voter fraud seriously

In recent days, President Trump has been urging the nation to pay attention and “fight very hard” against state-wide mail-in voting, which Democrats are using to sway elections in their favor across the nation.

During President Trump’s Tuesday press conference, he said, “Well, there’s a big difference between somebody that’s out of state and does a ballot and everything’s sealed, certified and everything else. You see what you have to do with the certifications.” He also reaffirmed his call, warning of “thousands of people sitting in somebody’s living room signing ballots.”

New Mexico is ground zero for voter fraud, as our Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver refuses to clean the voter rolls of illegitimate voters, and she has repeatedly claimed falsely that there is no fraudulent voting in the Land of Enchantment. In 2018, she bashed President Trump on his concerns of voter fraud, saying, “There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud anywhere in New Mexico or the United States, and when it does occur it is prosecuted swiftly and vigorously.”

In 2018, despite exit polls showing Republican state Rep. Yvette Herrell won a decisive victory against challenger Democrat Xochitl Torres Small for New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District race on election night, in the ninth hour, thousands of mail-in ballots appeared out of nowhere in Doña Ana County, swinging the election for Torres Small.  

According to a thorough audit of ballots, signs of massive voter fraud were found, with over 500 ballots stamped after the 7:00 p.m. deadline, hundreds of ballots with either no address or an address that does not exist, counties that never voted a majority Democrat before with a massive plurality of Democrat absentee ballot votes, a 148% increase in absentee ballot applications since the 2016 election, and countless other red flags. 

Just this year, the wife of a Democrat Española city councilor was convicted on two counts of election fraud by falsifying several absentee ballots in her husband’s favor. There are multiple cases of voter fraud in our state spanning decades The most recent cases can be found here.

In 2019, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed into law same-day voter registration, which will no doubt favor Democrats with less time for verification of votes. In 2018, Maggie Toulouse Oliver attempted to unlawfully implement straight-party voting, which would make it even easier for fraudulent mail-in ballot voting, allowing criminals to only fill in one bubble on the ballot to cast illegal votes. The Supreme Court struck down Toulouse Oliver’s straight-party voting plan. 

On Tuesday, it was revealed by the Piñon Post that Democrats in the New Mexico legislature could be planning a virtual special session to force through an all mail-in election, opening the door to massive voter fraud. New Mexico Republicans led by GOP House Leader Jim Townsend have come out strong against the plan.

On Wednesday, President Trump wrote on Twitter, “Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to statewide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it. Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason,  doesn’t work out well for Republicans.”

In 2020, if New Mexico voters don’t fight voter fraud, beginning with fighting an all mail-in election, it could create a situation much like that in 2018, with signs of fraud in multiple races.

To take action, contact Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat House Speaker Brian Egolf, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, and the New Mexico Supreme Court to voice your concerns.

NM Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham: (505) 476-2200 or via online submission

NM Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver: (505) 827-3600

NM Supreme Court: (505) 827-4860

NM Speaker of the House Brian Egolf: brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov

Opinions offered by Piñon Post contributors in no way, shape, or form represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at: news@pinonpost.com.

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