
Redistricting Committee approves radical far-left U.S. House map, two other concepts

On Friday afternoon, the Citizens Redistricting Committee convened to discuss and vote on the final maps the Committee would be advancing to the Legislature. There was much debate on multiple map concepts, especially regarding the map proposed by a far-left group called the Center for Civic Policy (CCP), which would partisanly gerrymander the district into Democrats’ hands — robbing conservative and rural voters of a voice in Congress. The map passed the committee by a vote of 5-2.

During the discussion, Map Concept A, which is a map that does not make radical changes to the current congressional delegation, was lauded by Members Christopher Saucedo and Ryan Cangiolosi, who noted how a majority of comments submitted were against radical and extreme changes.

Leftist Member Lisa Curtis, who despite claiming to not support a “radical” change to the map concepts, said, “I’m concerned about the Hispanic voting-age population percentage in A.” However, the Hispanic population changes she claims exist only vary by around one percent from other maps.

Member Michael Sanchez claimed, “For thirty years, New Mexico has done nothing but the status quo,” advocating against Concept A. Regarding Concepts A, B, and C, which do not make radical changes, Sanchez said, “These three maps appear to me to be very little chance and are we really looking at moving our state forward in terms of the maps?”

Curtis claimed, “We are sort of abdicating our responsibility by just putting a status quo map,” despite the Commission being formed to make fair maps — not extreme maps, as she is advocating for. She claimed, “I am not … concerned about the Legislature.”

Far-left former “community activist” Member Joaquín Sanchez said, “I don’t know if I want to give options that are easy for the Legislature.” 

Concept A ended up passing the Committee by a vote of 4-3, with Members Cangiolosi, Chavez, Saucedo, and Rhatigan supporting it, while both Sanchez’s and Curtis opposing the maps. 

The Committee then discussed Concept H, the extremist CCP map, which Member Curtis ferociously defended. 

“I don’t think this is overreaching the Hispanic voting-age population by any stretch,” claimed Curtis. Saucedo made many arguments against it, for multiple reasons, including it splitting nine counties while splitting the Albuquerque metro area and Hobbs. 

“I have spent more time deliberating on this map myself than any other map,” said Member Rhatigan. “I do have concerns with the splitting of that community of interest — southwest New Mexico — splitting it not two ways, but three ways. And the same thing happens to the Albuquerque area.” 

“As a resident of Albuquerque, I have a concern that none of my representatives could be from Albuquerque,” added Rhatigan. 

Member Cangiolosi added, “I am a strong ‘no’ vote.” The Committee then went on to discuss other maps before coming back around to the CCP map. The map ended up passing by a vote of 5-2, with Cangiolosi and Saucedo being the only “no” votes. 

Regarding the Native American consensus map, it drew wide concern. “What does to the rest of the state is a little bit concerning,” said Rhatigan. The Committee voted not to advance the map due to no consensus by pueblos.

Justice Chavez proposed a map, which is what appears to be a compromise proposal that doesn’t make too radical of a change, was then brought up for discussion.  

“I actually see Justice Chaves’s map… to be a pretty good rendition of status quo with influence by the things we heard, and without controversy,” Curtis said. “There is zero radical about that map.” The Chavez map passed by a wide consensus. It appeared to have a 6-1 vote. The congressional maps still must go through a partisan review by the Committee.

Members Saucedo and Curtis, among others, had a lively discussion regarding state House districts and the appropriate deviation between the districts to pass scrutiny. Curtis opted for a higher percentage closer to 10 percent deviation while Saucedo and Cangiolosi opted for a lower deviation closer to five percent. Discussion is ongoing for state Senate maps.

The motion was made to advance map Concept A1 and not A, with a vote of 6-1, with Candiolosi voting against it.  Concept C was advanced by Member Cangiolosi, who made the motion. The vote on the concept was 4-3, with Members Curtis and both Sanchez’s voting “no.” Concept C1 was advanced by Member Curtis with a vote of 6-2, with Saucedo and Cangiolosi voting against it.

Public Education Commission (PEC) Concept A was forwarded by Member Rhadigan to the Legislature, with a vote of 7-0. The Navajo Nation’s PEC map was advanced with a vote of 6-0, with MemberJoaquín Sanchez abstaining. Concept C was advanced by the Committee on a vote of 7-0. 

The Committee will meet to discuss state House concepts next Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.

Redistricting Committee approves radical far-left U.S. House map, two other concepts Read More »

Judge tosses lawsuit against LANL mandate: Get jabbed or ‘find work somewhere else’

On Friday, state District Judge Jason Lidyard denied a request to block a vaccination order by Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL) primary contractor, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican.

“No one is sticking a needle in anyone’s arm,” Lidyard claimed. “All that is being said is, if you don’t get vaccinated, you must find work somewhere else.” The order clears LANL to fire employees for not getting inoculated.

According to the report, Lidyard “ruled the attorneys representing roughly three dozen lab employees failed to present arguments that meet the criteria for suspending the vaccine mandate.”

Employees of Triad National Security LLC have until 4 p.m. on Friday to prove they have been jabbed or face termination. The report said, “Triad set the deadline in August after the coronavirus’ faster-spreading delta variant caused a surge in cases in the state and throughout the country.”

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Sandia Labs employees speak out against vaccine mandate threats

In a 15-minute Rumble video posted by a page called “Sandia National Labs Workers for Freedom,” ten Sandia National Labs (SNL) workers spoke out against the vaccine mandate threatening their jobs and livelihoods. Coercive measures are in place, with little access to exemptions and much hostility reported in the workplace. 

Here is one testimony from a Sandia worker:

I have worked at Sandia Labs serving our nation for over seven years. I had intended to work at Sandia for a very long time, possibly until retirement. In the past, I had felt that Sandia valued its employees and their families. One of Sandia’s core values is we respect each other and I quote: ‘Respect is at the core of everything we do. We respect our mission and build trusted relationships with our clients, stakeholders, and each other. We engage today’s talent, bring together diverse perspectives, and recognize that all members of the workforce contribute to the success of the labs. Our diversity of culture, experiences, and beliefs make us better.’… Sandia has not been living up to this value.

Increasingly, it has become a hostile workplace where differing views are not welcome. Those who ask questions or attempt scientific discussion that disagrees with the majority view are met with outright hostility. How is this valuing diversity, how is it inclusion, how is it even science if we are not able to discuss differing research and viewpoints? When the laboratory can mandate that an employee can submit to an unwanted medical procedure or face termination, this is not respect. This is not valuing or listening to your employees. 

When an associate labs director can dismiss and mock those with differing viewpoints when she makes judgments as to which religions may be entitled to their legally protected right to an accommodation, that is not inclusion, it is discrimination. It is discrimination that threatens the livelihood of employees who thought that they were valued. It threatens their ability to provide for their children. It threatens my ability to provide for my children. That is not diversity, it is not inclusion, and it certainly is not respect. 

One employee said, “I may lose my job, but the loss of talent and critical knowledge that is our nation’s security is a far greater concern. I will always serve our nation and my countrymen. Please join us and help us fight back against this flagrant tyranny.” 

Another employee claimed the labs are working without “integrity” and are promoting “division” among the workforce.

Some employees have already faced termination amid the vaccine mandate. One employee recounted his story. During the termination meeting, the human resources person told him, “‘I’m sorry man.’ And I said, ‘Well, I feel like a million bucks because I stood up for what I believe is right.’” He said a prayer after being fired over the mandate, praying, “Father, give me justice.”

Watch the full video of all the employees and their stories here:

At the Los Alamos National Labs (LANL), Friday is firing day for those who have not gotten an approved exemption or have not taken the inoculation.

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Finance report: MLG received $10.4K from Pelosi, paid daughter more cash for cosmetics

The Washington, D.C. swamp is coming to bat for scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham as she fights to stay in power following a calamitous tenure. Other than an economic catastrophe caused by Lujan Grisham leading to at least 40% of small businesses being crushed, millions of dollars have vanished from public agencies and her administration has seen some of the highest turnover in state history, with over 24 cabinet members jumping ship.

Now, as she faces tough opposition from seven declared Republican candidates who aim to take her out, Lujan Grisham’s buddies in Washington are coming to her rescue. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) gave the Governor a maxed-out donation of $10,400 from her reelection fund, while Democrat Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) gave Lujan Grisham $2,500 from his campaign account. 

Rep. Filemon Vela, Jr. (D-TX) gave Lujan Grisham $10,000, Rep. Julia Brownley (D-CA) gave her $1,000, Rep. Annie Kuster (D-NH) gave her $1,000, Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) gave her $1,000, while Rep. Mark Veasey (D-TX) gave her $1,000. Attorney General Hector Balderas’ political campaign gave her $10,400 and Gov. J.R. Pritzker (D-IL) gave her two donations of $10,400. 

Big PhRMA gave Lujan Grisham $5,000, Johnson & Johnson PAC gave her $5,000, Deloitte Political Action Committee gave her $10,000, marijuana company owned by former Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White PurLife gave her $10,000, $10,400, $10,400, and $10,400 in four apparently separate accounts, the Bregman Law Firm gave her $10,400, The Bregman Livestock Company gave her $10,400, Keller and Keller gave her $1,000, Garcia Infinity and Garcia Subaru donated $10,400, respectively, while the pro-abortion group EMILY’s List gave her $9,400. 

Marathon Oil gave Lujan Grisham $4,600 and $10,400, despite the Governor being rabidly anti-oil and gas and signing New Mexico’s Green New Deal, the “Energy Transition Act.” 

The Democrat Governors Association (DGA), which Lujan Grisham chairs, gave her two donations of $10,400, which appears to be a conflict of interest since she apparently has oversight on the DGA’s expenditures, which just so happen to benefit her. 

Also included in this report is a donation of $480 to her daughter’s beauty endeavor “Beauty by Erin Grisham,” but the expense is listed as “office expenses.” Piñon Post founder and editor John Block filed an ethics complaint in May against the Governor for her use of campaign funds for hair and makeup — a direct violation of state law. In previous campaign reports, Lujan Grisham listed the hair and makeup payments as “media preparation.” 

In a June 1, 2021, sworn affidavit from Dominic Gabello, Lujan Grisham’s former staffer and campaign consultant, he claimed the latest payment of $480 in April was for the Governor’s State of the State address, which does not appear to fall in line with the purported description of the expenditure, which the Governor’s campaign reported as “office expenses.” 

The Ethics Commission has yet to make a final determination on the ethics complaint, but Lujan Grisham had multiple setbacks after the Commission characterized her lawyer’s arguments defending the misuse of funds as “unconvincing,” denying the campaign’s request for a dismissal of the complaint. 

Lujan Grisham paid $150,000 in campaign funds to a sexual accuser, James Hallinan, who said she poured water over his crotch and then groped him. She claims to be innocent, but most innocent people do not pay off their sexual accusers in hush money, especially to the tune of hundreds of thousands of donors’ money.

Finance report: MLG received $10.4K from Pelosi, paid daughter more cash for cosmetics Read More »

Dem state treasurer has bad news for MLG in spending authority case

In a rare move, Democrat State Auditor Tim Eichenberg, who is term-limited in his current position, is siding with two lawmakers over Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham regarding the Governor’s spending of over $600,000 federal dollars that came through the “American Recovery Plan Act.” She spent the federal cash without the Legislature’s approval.

In September, state Sens. Jacob Candelaria (D-Bernalillo) and Greg Baca (R-Valencia) teamed up to sue Lujan Grisham over the misuse of funds.

In a written response ordered by the state Supreme Court, an attorney for Eichenberg, Linda Bennett, asserted that the expenditure of virus relief funds does, indeed, require legislative approval.

Bennett said, “Under the state constitution, only the Legislature has appropriation authority.” 

“The Legislature should have appropriation authority over the funds and then … the governor should get a bill that appropriates the money, and she has the opportunity to veto it or sign it into law. That’s what’s supposed to happen under the constitution.” 

Bennett wrote that “governmental action or inaction as to any particular program, public policy initiative, or governmental interest must be subject to participation by New Mexico citizens through the legislative process in our participatory democracy.”

“That’s how you get the most public participation and accountability over the use of the funds,” said Bennett. “That’s what we want, and that’s what the founders envisioned because we have the same system of government in New Mexico as they have at the federal level. That’s how it’s supposed to work.”

But in response, Lujan Grisham’s spokeswoman Nora Meyers Sackett claimed, “Courts have previously made clear the Legislature may appropriate state, not federal, funds.”

According to a report from the Santa Fe New Mexican, “The state Supreme Court also ordered Lujan Grisham to respond to the lawsuit by Friday. The administration filed a motion Tuesday, which the court granted, allowing its response to be 12,000 words instead of the 6,000 words provided for under the rules.”

Dem state treasurer has bad news for MLG in spending authority case Read More »

State Rep. Stefani Lord calls for MLG’s resignation over groping settlement

Following news on Monday that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham paid an additional $87,500 in hush money to her sexual accuser, state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) called for the emballed chief executive to resign in disgrace. 

The payment came months after the Governor paid $62,500 in hush money to a man named James Hallinan who alleged the then-candidate for governor poured water over his crotch and then grabbed his penis through his jeans. The new payment raises the Governor’s sexual assault payment total to $150,000 in donors’ money.

Lord wrote in a statement, “Today I call on Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham to resign from office. Being a woman does not excuse a public official from sexually violating anyone.” She noted, “No elected official is above the law. Her history of sexual harassment is a stain on the state of New Mexico and she should immediately resign. Democrats forced New York Governor Andrew Cuomo from office for much less.”

Cuomo, an ally of Lujan Grisham who visited Joe Biden at the White House alongside the New Mexico Governor, was forced to resign in disgrace following multiple credible accusations against him. However, he never settled with the victims. Lujan Grisham at the time previously said regarding Cuomo’s accusations, “I’m, frankly, in that group of elected leaders, that you believe the individual, you give real credit and credibility there, if you don’t, we are revictimizing brave men and women who come forward.” 

But Lord went a step further in her statement, writing, “I call on the Democratic Party and Democrat leaders to do the right by joining with the voices of her victims in calling for her to step down. If I were a donor to the Governor’s campaign, I would be furious knowing that my money is paying out an enormous sexual abuse settlement, and I would be asking for my donations to be returned. She should not drag our state through the mud by remaining in office.” 

Lujan Grisham was previously accused of grabbing another man’s crotch at a party in 2005, which was revealed before the Governor’s election in 2018. 

“In 2005, we have a party at my girlfriend’s house. It was an artisan party to showcase some art in Santa Fe and help the artists out to sell their products…During the game, it was Michelle’s shot. And she walked around the pool table and walked by me. When she walked by me she grabbed my crotch,” the accuser Eddie Dehart said. He added that Lujan Grisham exclaimed to his girlfriend that “you have a man here.”

But by the Governor’s own standard she is revictimizing Hallinan by claiming his accusations are“suspect and varied claims,” despite the massive settlement. Usually, innocent people do not settle, especially for a figure in the six digits.

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Leftist groups caught offering $50 bribes for testimony backing partisan redistricting maps

On Tuesday, it was reported that the Center for Civic Policy (CCP), a billionaire George Soros-funded far-left group, as well as one other, was bribing New Mexicans with $50/each to testify on behalf of the organization’s radical partisan maps, which gerrymander Republicans into the extreme minority.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, “Kathleen Sabo, executive director of New Mexico Ethics Watch, said Monday her agency received copies of emails sent to some New Mexicans from both the Center for Civic Policy and NAVA Education Project.”

“In both cases, representatives for those organizations offered $50 stipends to help citizens attend the meetings in person and testify in favor of what they call the ‘People’s Map’ — which would reformat state congressional boundaries by creating a new district with a Hispanic voting population majority,” read the report. 

The so-called “People’s Map” is an ultra-partisan redo of New Mexico’s current congressional and legislative maps. The maps would gerrymander Albuquerque’s South Valley into the Second Congressional District, segregating it from the rest of Albuquerque. Then, the First District would wander east all the way to Roswell, while half of Hobbs would be chopped up into the Third District, which would snake all the way up to Española and Santa Fe. 

Sabo called the bribes to constituents for testimony “concerning.”

But Elizabeth Cuna, the campaign manager for the CCP claimed “such financial support efforts ensure impoverished residents and people of color — who may not have equal access or opportunity — can make their voices heard at events that may affect their lives.” However, the meetings were available to attend via Zoom and the portal for testimony was online, for anyone to access.

Still, Cuna says, “The stipend amount is moral,” adding, “It is a practice that should be encouraged, should be embraced.” Apparently, bribing voters to advocate for heavily partisan maps (the exact opposite of the Citizens Redistricting Committee’s purpose), is “moral” to the far-left extremists.

Melanie Majors, executive director of the New Mexico Foundation for Open Government, asked, “You could attend these meetings virtually, so why would anybody need a stipend to attend it?”

Edward Chávez, the supposed unbiased voice of the Citizens Redistricting Committee ran cover for the dark money organization, saying, “I don’t think these people are showing up and testifying just because they were paid.” 

The final maps proposed to the New Mexico Legislature are to be voted on this Friday, October 15. New Mexicans are encouraged to submit their comments against these extreme CCP maps through the Redistricting Committee’s portal. More information can be found here.

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GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Dow raises ‘historic’ quarterly haul

On Monday, gubernatorial candidate and state Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) announced that she had raised a “historic” $440,563, which her campaign says tops what former Gov. Susana Martinez raised in her first gubernatorial campaign report.

According to the campaign, Dow has received contributions from over 1,300 donors. “She earned financial support from donors in every county in the state. Last month, Dow announced that she also had a full roster of County Chairs to cover every county in the state as well,” reads the press release.

“I’m truly honored and humbled for the support this campaign has received. I don’t think people are investing in this campaign because they need someone to cheerlead or inspire them. The people of New Mexico already have the spirit and drive to succeed all on their own. What I’m doing is the same thing I’ll do when I’m elected Governor — listen to what people really need, and discuss real solutions to make it happen,” said Dow.

“New Mexico hasn’t had that kind of leadership in a long time. Instead, MLG has handed us disorganization in our state departments with executive staff turnover every month, stifling mandates that squash businesses, horrifying crimes in our towns and at our borders without appropriate safety measures, and an injection of Critical Race Theory into our schools without any input from parents, teachers or school districts. It’s time for a different kind of leader who chooses people over politics and cares about the everyday New Mexican,” said Dow.

The news comes as Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham paid a former staffer over $150,000 in hush money after she allegedly groped him at a party. Although the embattled Governor denies the groping claims, the payment to the staffer is raising eyebrows from both Democrats and Republicans.

Lujan Grisham claims to have raised $2.5 million for her reelection campaign, although that is likely not all raised in this current fundraising quarter. Throughout her pleas for campaign cash, Lujan Grisham has gone a nasty route, bashing Republican opponents as “climate deniers” who belong to the “party of anti-masking.” With the sexual assault settlement, 6% of her donors’ funds are going to alleged groping victims. 

As other candidates announce their fundraising hauls, the Piñon Post will be keeping readers up-to-date on it.

GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Dow raises ‘historic’ quarterly haul Read More »

MLG pays her alleged groping victim $87.5K more in hush money

On Monday, it was reported that alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham had paid her ex-staffer, James Hallinan, an extra $87,500 more after Hallinan alleged the then-candidate for governor poured water over his crotch and then groped him. She expended these funds from her gubernatorial campaign, making her donors fork over the hush money.

The Governor previously gave Hallinan $62,500, making the total amount of the settlement to the alleged groping victim around $150,000. 

According to Lujan Grisham’s campaign spokeswoman Kendall Witmer, the payments were part of a settlement that “resolved suspect and varied claims made by Mr. Hallinan, including his search for employment and clients following his tumultuous tenure on the 2018 campaign.” 

It is unclear why Lujan Grisham paid the alleged sexual assault victim if she claims Hallinan’s allegations are “suspect.” Traditionally, innocent people do not pay their alleged victims to stay quiet. 

“The campaign reached this settlement in 2020 due to the expense of litigating business disputes and to prevent any distraction during the height of the… pandemic,” Witmer said, trying to blame the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid on the Governor focusing on the virus.

“I was focused on the pandemic, and I’ll stand by that decision every minute of every day,” Lujan Grisham claimed during a June news conference, describing the decision to settle.

Lujan Grisham was silent as scandal-ridden alleged serial sexual assailant Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace following multiple women coming forward accusing him of misconduct.

But this is not the first time Lujan Grisham has been faced a sexual assault scandal. In 2018, before Lujan Grisham became governor, another man named Eddie Dehart came forward accusing the Governor of similar conduct at a 2005 party, which led to the crumbling of Dehart’s relationship.

“In 2005, we have a party at my girlfriend’s house. It was an artisan party to showcase some art in Santa Fe and help the artists out to sell their products…During the game, it was Michelle’s shot. And she walked around the pool table and walked by me. When she walked by me she grabbed my crotch,” Dehart said in the video. He said that Lujan Grisham exclaimed to his girlfriend that “you have a man here.”

The over $150,000 in payments the Governor made for political silence from Hallinan will likely be a campaign issue as Lujan Grisham tries to cling to power in 2022 despite a record of failure, scandal, and sexual assault payments.

MLG pays her alleged groping victim $87.5K more in hush money Read More »

GOP field of lieutenant gubernatorial candidates grows

As the 2022 elections are right around the corner, more candidates are jumping into races to make a difference for New Mexico. As the Republican gubernatorial field remains at seven candidates, the lieutenant gubernatorial field is growing, with two more Republicans jumping into the race.

Once the lone Republican candidate for many months, Anise Golden Morper is joined by Isabella Solis, a former Doña Ana County Commissioner, Air Force veteran Zeke Rodriguez, and Anthony (Ant) Thornton, a retired aerospace engineer.

“I’m convinced New Mexico is in trouble, and we’re running out of time,” said Solis. “New Mexico is ranked the 44th worst economy among all the states in the country. We have the 45th worst infrastructure. We’re the 47th worst state for crime and safety, 49th for the opportunity to succeed, and worst of all, we’re 50th in the nation when it comes to educating our children.”

Solis is focusing her campaign on education, fixing New Mexico’s failing economy, and tackling the corruption in Santa Fe.

“We don’t have to stand for it.  We can transform New Mexico from one of America’s

worst states to one of its greatest. We can have schools that teach again.  We can have safer streets and communities.  We can unleash our economy and provide jobs for our people.  We can fix the corruption and hypocrisy in Santa Fe.  We can demand accountability from our leaders.  We can provide a future for our children,” Solis said.

Rodriguez currently owns a shop in Las Cruces that sells “Premium CBD Products” called Continual Growth. Rodriguez announced his candidacy at the end of August at an event in Taylor, Arizona, which he called “the most patriotic town I’ve ever been to. We need more of this everywhere for our great country.” 

He is attempting to run on a parallel ticket with Republican gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie and is hitting on many of the same issues. These include tackling voter fraud, fixing education, promoting public health, boosting the state’s economy, and championing law and order policies, according to his website

Specifically, regarding education, Rodriguez wants to “[e]iminate Marxist ideology” from public education systems, implement an “America First” curriculum into the public school system, and promote school choice, including charter schools. 

Thornton is focusing his campaign on four main issues, including education, public safety, jobs, and election integrity. An experienced aerospace engineer who worked for both Sandia Labs and later Lockheed Martin, Thornton writes on his website that “he became the first African American Director in Sandia’s history.” 

On his website, Thornton writes, “Under decades of Democrat rule, New Mexico has sunk to the bottom in education, economic opportunity and employment. Our Democrat leadership has, for years, instilled corruption in the halls of the Roundhouse, hurled us into fiscal chaos, mortgaged our future and stripped us of many rights. This must stop!”

“We need innovative leadership for the 21st century. A fresh approach requires leaders who demand more for our people, for our children, and for our future. I know that the future of New Mexico can be bright if we elevate our dismal national standing in education, adjust our policies to attract new business in our state, and make our cities safe places to live for our families.”

Regarding Thornton’s law enforcement stance, he writes that “Crime is local and should be addressed by community policing,” including hiring more police officers and properly prosecuting law-breakers. 

Golden Morper, whose campaign theme plays off of her last name, “Our Golden Opportunity,” is a third-generation New Mexican, a Christian, a sister of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.), a real estate broker, an auctioneer, an ombudsman, and member of the Federation of Republican Women.

Throughout her campaign, she has attended many pro-law enforcement functions and has made respect for law enforcement, including officers from local sheriffs to the U.S. Border Patrol, a key issue in her campaign, amid a national assault on law enforcers, with many far-left initiatives targeted at “defunding” the police.

All the candidates must first make it out of the primary election, which will be held on June 7, 2022. Whoever makes it out of the primary will run on a ticket with the Republican gubernatorial nominee to defeat incumbent Democrat Gov. Lujan Grisham and Lt. Gov. Howie Morales — both left-wing extremists. 

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