Leger Fernandez triggered after being called out for pro-abortion radicalism
Over the weekend, pro-abortion Democrat Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03) sent out a fundraising email complaining that the Piñon Post had run a story labeling her support for abortion up-to-birth as “radicalism.” She labeled us as the “right-wing media.”
In the email, Leger Fernandez wrote, “I wish I could say I was surprised, but right-wing media has decided to attack me yet again — this time in an article about the email I sent the other day, asking you to support abortion access in New Mexico. They are calling my support for reproductive freedom ‘radicalism’ and are attacking me for being a champion for reproductive rights and access.”
It is unclear why Leger Fernandez calls killing a child in the womb “reproductive freedom” because the ending of a child’s life before birth is the opposite of reproduction, while there is also no “freedom” for the child.
Leger Fernandez then doubled down on her support for extremist abortion up-to-birth policies, writing, “Let me be clear.” She added, “I will never stop standing up for a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her body and her health — without government interference. In New Mexico, we know that these important decisions belong with our familias, our faith, and our medical providers — and we are dedicated to preserving access to care for New Mexicans and any patient who needs it.”
She then praised pro-abortion protesters gathering across New Mexico to celebrate killing babies through abortions. “Yesterday, New Mexicans joined thousands across the country in marching and rallying for abortion access,” she wrote. “New Mexicans won’t back down — and neither will I. But in order to hold my seat and keep fighting for women and families, I need your help.”
Many national polls time and time again show that Americans support pro-life policies, with a new Rasmussen poll even finding that 48% of Americans support Roe v. Wade being overturned while only 45% oppose it. Read more about 11 other polls showing Americans back pro-life positions.
Despite vast public opinion being against Leger Fernandez’s abortion up-to-birth stance, she is banking on pro-abortion radicalism as a campaign issue. Her district was recently rated from a D+14 down to a D+5 due to Democrat gerrymandering, which means Republicans have a good shot of winning the Third Congressional District, especially in the current political climate.
Leger Fernandez triggered after being called out for pro-abortion radicalism Read More »