Otero County unanimously declares itself a pro-life sanctuary
On Thursday, the Otero County Commission passed a resolution on a vote of 3-0 to declare itself a sanctuary county for the unborn.
The resolution reads, in part, “That the Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby recognizes and declares the full humanity of the preborn child through all [stages] of life up and until a natural death and declares Otero County, New Mexico, to be a sanctuary for life where the dignity of every human being will be defended and promoted from life inside the womb through all stages of development in life up and until a natural death.”
“[T]he Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby resolves to enforce this resolution by all means within its power and authority, in accordance with its responsibility as the people’s elected local representatives,” it concluded.
There were many individuals in the audience who spoke regarding the resolution. Local conservative activist with LEXIT, Ben Luna, Piñon Post editor and NM House District 51 Republican nominee John Block, and other members of the community supported the resolution.
One woman spoke of how she killed her child in an abortion before she saw the horrors of the procedure. She said she only knew what was truly happening when she worked at an abortion facility and one of her friend’s babies was aborted. She saw the foot and ankle of the dead baby and realized the humanity of the babies in the womb.
Some pro-abortion individuals, many of them claiming to be atheists, opposed the resolution, while others tried to twist the words of the Founding Fathers to further their arguments.
The Otero County Commission also considered election integrity resolutions. This article will be updated once information on the passage of these has happened.
Otero County unanimously declares itself a pro-life sanctuary Read More »