
Otero County unanimously declares itself a pro-life sanctuary

On Thursday, the Otero County Commission passed a resolution on a vote of 3-0 to declare itself a sanctuary county for the unborn.

The resolution reads, in part, “That the Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby recognizes and declares the full humanity of the preborn child through all [stages] of life up and until a natural death and declares Otero County, New Mexico, to be a sanctuary for life where the dignity of every human being will be defended and promoted from life inside the womb through all stages of development in life up and until a natural death.”

“[T]he Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby resolves to enforce this resolution by all means within its power and authority, in accordance with its responsibility as the people’s elected local representatives,” it concluded.

There were many individuals in the audience who spoke regarding the resolution. Local conservative activist with LEXIT, Ben Luna, Piñon Post editor and NM House District 51 Republican nominee John Block, and other members of the community supported the resolution. 

One woman spoke of how she killed her child in an abortion before she saw the horrors of the procedure. She said she only knew what was truly happening when she worked at an abortion facility and one of her friend’s babies was aborted. She saw the foot and ankle of the dead baby and realized the humanity of the babies in the womb.

Some pro-abortion individuals, many of them claiming to be atheists, opposed the resolution, while others tried to twist the words of the Founding Fathers to further their arguments. 

The Otero County Commission also considered election integrity resolutions. This article will be updated once information on the passage of these has happened. 

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Pelosi shills for Teresa Leger Fernandez as Hispanics continue to flee Dem Party

While U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has a massive 49% unfavorability rating, according to Statista, that’s not stopping her from supporting vulnerable Democrat Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of New Mexico’s Third Congressional District in her bid to keep her seat in November.

Pelosi recently tweeted out, “#DefendOurDemocracy: Re-elect Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez, Democrat in #NM03.”

In a June 25 fundraising email on behalf of Leger Fernandez, Pelosi wrote, “So… I’m asking you to step up in this moment of crisis” by donating money to the New Mexico Democrat.

She then pled to Democrat donors to help raise funds to reelect Leger Fernandez so far-left congressional Democrats can “codify” the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision into law.

According to Catholic Vote, both Pelosi and Leger Fernandez, who claim to be members of the Roman Catholic faith, have an “F” grade on the Catholic organization’s rankings.

Now with Pelosi shilling for Leger Fernandez, it appears the House Speaker is desperately trying to hold onto hard-to-win seats.

In the latest round of redistricting, Leger Fernandez’s seat was changed from a D+14 partisan swing to a mere D+5 after New Mexico House and Senate Democrats gerrymandered the Second Congressional District more Republican for partisan political gain.

The vulnerable Democrat now faces a rematch between Republican Alexis Martinez Johnson, who has recently been getting national headlines as Hispanics continue leaving the Democrat Party. This exodus was further exacerbated this week when Jill Biden compared Hispanic and Latino Americans to tacos.

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Lujan Grisham caught on tape lying about using taxpayer funds for baby shower

According to official receipts from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s discretionary fund, the Democrat used more taxpayer funds to buy party supplies for a baby shower. The receipts obtained by Breitbart News show that the Governor spent $112.70 in January 2020 to “buy pink baby shower decorations, such as pacifier charms and pink safety pin charms.” 

When confronted by a bystander on July 7, 2022, on why she used taxpayer funds for the party, she rudely said, “I didn’t use state funds to pay for a baby shower. Maybe you should do your facts better,” adding, “Nope. None.”

After another bystander chimed in to defend Lujan Grisham by saying to ignore what the man asked, the Governor added, “Oh, I know. Well, he should do better fact-checking his own self.”

According to Breitbart News:

When asked to comment on these revelations, the governor’s office asked to see the video and so Breitbart News provided it and the receipts to the governor’s spokeswoman.

The spokeswoman eventually stated that the receipts for $43.79 indicated on the original copy that it was reimbursed and claimed the “funds were fully reimbursed” and that “no state funds ultimately went to this expense.” However, the spokeswoman did not respond about the video or the other receipt for $68.91.

But this is far from the first time Lujan Grisham has been caught wasting taxpayer funds on illicit spending, including purchasing expensive Wagyu beef, alcohol, and other personal expenses, such as dry cleaning and dog supplies.

Republican groups, including the Republican Governors Association, have been blasting the Democrat for her lavish spending while New Mexicans were locked down during the pandemic.

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EXCLUSIVE: SOS exposed for taking dark Soros money after claiming to ‘fight’ dark money

Although Democrat Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s latest financial report was overshadowed, or downright ignored, by the mainstream news media, which opted to cover the fundraising in New Mexico’s tight governor’s race, the Piñon Post has exclusively uncovered dark money in the secretary of state race. 

On her donation pages, Toulouse Oliver constantly writes, “Maggie Toulouse Oliver serves the state of New Mexico as Secretary of State, where she is dedicated to fighting for clean and fair elections devoid of dark money and outside influence.”

She also writes on the official New Mexico Secretary of State website, “I’ll keep working to shine a light on dark money wherever possible.”

However, her latest campaign filing proves that her supposed “fight” against “dark money” is a big lie. In the fourth primary report she filed with her office on July 7th, the Secretary of State listed a $5,200 donation from “Open Democracy PAC.”

The organization is almost exclusively a front group that is funded by a dark money 501(c)(4) organization, “Sixteen Thirty Fund,” or sometimes written as “1630 Fund,” according to filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

According to POLITICO, “The Open Society Foundations, founded by liberal mega-donor George Soros, also lists nearly $17 million in 2020 grants to the Sixteen Thirty Fund on its website.” 

The dark money group is a member of a coalition of other leftist dark money organizations through “Run For Something,” which seeks to elect far-left Democrats who believe in election subversion to weaken election laws. 

“These organizations are engaged in what can charitably be called credibility laundering,” Honest Elections Executive Director Jason Snead warned. “They engage with bipartisan groups and promote ostensibly Republican allies. However, their funding and agenda are distinctly left-wing.”

An example of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s activism is its spending in the 2018 Midterms in Colorado. It dunked a hefty $3.92 million in dark money into the state to help elect far-left anti-election integrity Democrats, according to the Colorado Independent

Not only is Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s claim to fight “dark money” false, but she is one of the worst examples in the state of politicians actively taking dark money from left-wing elites from outside of the state. She ended up raising $44,964.71 in the fourth reporting period, with $20,487.70 in expenditures, leaving her with $148,289.29 cash-on-hand. She faces Republican Audrey Trujillo in the November General Election. 

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Otero County Commission to vote on pro-life sanctuary, election security items

On Thursday, the Otero County Commission will meet to request the approval of multiple resolutions. 

One resolution will call for Otero County to become a “sanctuary for the unborn.” The proposed resolution reads, in part, “That the Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby recognizes and declares the full humanity of the preborn child through all [stages] of life up and until a natural death and declares Otero County, New Mexico, to be a sanctuary for life where the dignity of every human being will be defended and promoted from life inside the womb through all stages of development in life up and until a natural death.”

It adds, “That the Board of County Commissioners of Otero County, New Mexico, hereby resolves to enforce this resolution by all means within its power and authority, in accordance with its responsibility as the people’s elected local representatives.”

Another resolution proposal by Commissioner Couy Griffin will request that the Legislature “Prohibit the Use of Ballot Drop Boxes,” give more transparency in machine tabulator processes, “Allow Counties the Option to Hand Count Ballots,” and “Provide County Canvassing Boards the Authority to Use Discretion When Certifying Elections.”

Griffin’s proposed resolution reads that “faith in our election process is essential to the functioning of our Republic,” while “doubts about election integrity threaten to tear our nation apart and dissuade participation in our electoral process.”

Every government official should support these measures because they are intended to strengthen the security of our elections and restore the trust of the electorate in the election process,” the Griffin proposal concluded.

Fellow Republican Commissioner Vickie Marquardt proposed a similar version of the election integrity resolution that, in addition to Griffin’s points, requested Voter ID, “efficient” removal of inactive voters on voter rolls, and added absentee ballot chain of custody security measures.

The Marquardt resolution concluded, “[It] is the desire of the Board of County Commissioners of Otero County to improve both the actual security of elections and the perceived security of elections in order to restore and maintain the faith in our election system.”

Piñon Post editor and Republican nominee for New Mexico House District 51 said, “I fully support the County Commission in its efforts to protect the most vulnerable babies in the womb from being brutally killed in abortions. I remain 100% pro-life from conception to natural death.”

Regarding the election integrity measures, Block said, “We should never again allow our elections to be stolen from the people of the United States — especially New Mexicans. I will proudly carry legislation that has been requested by the Otero County Commission to secure elections by removing ballot drop boxes, ending ballot harvesting, limiting unsecured absentee voting, implementing Voter ID, cleaning up our voter rolls, and doing away with these tabulator machines once and for all.” 

The Commission will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 14, 2022, in the commission chambers to discuss the proposed resolutions. 

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‘Cringe’: MLG embarrasses New Mexicans at soccer game

On Saturday, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham showed up at a New Mexico United soccer game, where she awkwardly danced and tried to get some noise out of the crowd by shaking her fist in the air.

The soccer franchise wrote on its Twitter account, “Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham… is in the house.”


New Mexicans responded to the Governor’s embarrassing showing at the game.

“Nothing could be less cool,” said one commenter. 

“I’m literally suffering secondhand embarrassment for her. She will be out of a job come November,” one commenter wrote.

One New Mexican shared a meme reading “cringe.” 

“A group of absolute clowns,” another person wrote

Lujan Grisham faces off against Republican Mark Ronchetti and Libertarian Karen Bedonie in the November General Election.

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MLG campaign makes its most desperate fundraising plea yet

On Friday, far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign made its most desperate fundraising plea yet.

This time, Lujan Grisham shared a screenshot of a June 27 tweet from waning actress Bette Midler who posted an altered photo of the New Mexico sign, edited to add, “We’ve got Chile, Weed and Reproductive Rights.”

The screenshot included Lujan Grisham’s retweet, which added, “And we’re going to keep it that way.”

The sign references the extremist Democrat Governor’s legislation that legalized abortion up to birth, which she claims is “reproductive rights,” despite abortion ending the reproductive process and killing a child.

She also called a special session of the state Legislature to ram through a bill that would legalize recreational marijuana despite it being a federally illegal Schedule 1 substance.

The fundraising email read, “You heard the Governor, friend! Donate now to keep New Mexico the land of chile, weed, and reproductive rights.”

This could possibly be the laziest fundraising ploy yet from Lujan Grisham, but there are still four months until the November 8 election where she faces off against tough competition.

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Campaign finance report: MLG takes at least $16K in dark money, spends big on TV

On Thursday, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s campaign filed its fourth primary report with the Secretary of State’s Office. The report shows she is trailing her Republican opponent, Mark Ronchetti, in fundraising by $452,973.37. She brought in $755,303.63 compared to Ronchetti’s $1,208,277.00. Republican-turned-Libertarian candidate Karen Bedonie reported $4,079.70 during the same filing period.

During the reporting period, she brought in donations from many of the pueblos and tribal economic councils, ringing up to around $78,100, with donations from the Pueblo of Zuni ($5,400), the Jicarilla Apache Nation ($5,000), the Laguna Development Corporation ($3,000), the Pueblo of Jemez ($5,000), the Pueblo of Isleta ($15,600), the Pueblo of Picuris ($10,400) the Pueblo of San Felipe ($2,500), the Pueblo of Sandia ($10,400), the Mescalero Apache Tribe ($10,400), and the Santa Clara Development Corp ($10,400).

Other donations included $1,000 from Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber, $500 from state Rep. Harry Garcia (D-Grants), $1,000 from state Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Albuquerque), $1,000 from state Sen. Liz Stefanics (D-Santa Fe), $10,400 from ConocoPhillips, $2,500 from “Black PAC,” $250 from Santa Fe City Manager John Blair, $1,000 from failed two-time Democrat candidate for state House Karen Whitlock, $10,400 from Lujan-Grisham appointed far-left Citizens Redistricting Commission member Lisa Curtis, and $10,400 from “PNM Responsible Citizens Group.”

Other contributions included $5,000 from the Verdes Foundation, which does medical marijuana, as well as marijuana company Nature’s NM Management LLC, which donated $5,000. Former U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s family dug deep, with the former senator donating $8,300, his wife, Anne, donating $8,300, their son, John, donating $9,800, and his wife, Marlene, donating $9,800. One contribution of $340 was attributed to a “Marilyn Monroe” purported to be living in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

There were at least $16,400 in contributions that did not specify a donor, with $10,400 coming from an anonymous “political committee” on June 29, an anonymous $1,000 contribution on June 2, and $5,000 from an unnamed “political committee” on June 6, among others. Most of the Governor’s campaign contributions came from out-of-state people and entities. This is by definition “dark money.”

During the reporting period, Lujan Grisham received $939.88 in in-kind digital ad contributions from the abortion up to birth Planned Parenthood Votes New Mexico and $1,618.12 from the Democrat Party of New Mexico.

The Governor spent heavily on television advertising during this reporting period, with four separate transactions to the Washington, D.C.-based Buying Time LLC totaling up to $569,289.46.

She paid the Alexandria, Virginia-based Clarke & Sampson, Inc. $20,651.50 for insurance costs, $35,300.00 to the Washington, D.C.-based Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research Inc. for polling, and a hefty catering expenditure to Santa Fe-based Honey Yohalem for $4,522.31. Failed Democrat State Auditor Candidate Zachary Quintero was also paid a salary of $3,026.01 on June 29.

Ronchetti’s campaign said it has received 95% of its contributions from in-state. The election will occur on November 8.

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Big Texas abortion business moving practice to NM

It was reported on Wednesday that another big Texas abortion business Whole Woman’s Health was moving the practice from Austin to somewhere on the New Mexico/Texas border to continue its practice of aborting children in the womb. According to Huffington Post, Whole Woman’s Health is the largest independent abortion provider in Texas.

This comes after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Dobbs v. Jackson that there is no federal constitutional right to an abortion and the abortion question now moves back to the states. 

The organization is notable for it being on the winning side of the Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt U.S. Supreme Court case in 2016 limiting Texas’ limits on abortion. Now, the State of Texas is getting its last laugh by effectively booting Whole Woman’s Health out of its state due to its pro-life laws.

New Mexico, which has no restrictions on abortion whatsoever after the Democrat-run legislature struck down all protections for women, unborn babies, and medical professionals in 2021, is seeing more abortionists move their practices to the state, such as Jackson Women’s Health Organization which is relocating from pro-life Mississippi to Las Cruces.

“With the shuttering of our four Texas clinics, we do not have the financial reserves to open in New Mexico without community support,” Amy Hagstrom Miller, president and CEO of Whole Woman’s Health, said in a statement, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

Miller further proves that these abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood and Whole Woman’s Health are not profitable without the ability to kill babies in the womb at their centers. For a long time, pro-abortion proponents have claimed these abortion mills provide “a whole range of women’s health care.” But without abortion, these supposed “health care” facilities are closing down in pro-life states because, as Miller notes, it is not “financially” sustainable.

Albuquerque’s Southwestern Women’s Options performs abortions up to birth, while there are a few other abortion facilities in Santa Teresa near the Texas border, while another Planned Parenthood location is set to open in the area.

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TV station debunks MLG’s bogus campaign ad lying about ‘free’ college

Recently, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has faced constant scandal during her tenure as governor, released a campaign ad featuring a Portales woman named “Carla.” The woman, who is now a nurse, credits Lujan Grisham in the ad for helping her get her degree through the Governor’s “free college” Opportunity Scholarship program.

The problem is that the legislation was only enacted just days ago on July 1st, making it impossible for “Carla” to have been a beneficiary of the initiative.

“I promised my parents I’d become a nurse, but I couldn’t have done it without the Governors Opportunity Scholarship. Nursing school is completely free,” Carla Osborn said in the campaign ad:

KOAT 7 News debunked Osborn’s claims. “Target 7 dug deeper into the nurse Carla Osborn. According to the governor’s campaign she started nursing school in 2017 two years before the governor was sworn into office. Rodriguez said that Osborn received some of the opportunity scholarship money in her final semester. She graduated at the end of 2021,” the television station reported.

The station further proved that the facility Lujan Grisham was attempting to pass off as Portales was actually a hospital in Santa Rosa — a place Osborn does not work.

“The ad says Osborn is from Portales. It shows her driving to work at a hospital and sitting in the front of it chatting with the governor. Target 7 found that hospital is in Santa Rosa which would be about a two-hour commute from Portales. The governor’s campaign acknowledged Osborn doesn’t actually work there,” the report found.

This is just the latest attempt by Lujan Grisham’s campaign to skirt the truth in her campaign to dodge her record. 

After the exposé hit, Republican Governor’s Association’s Will Reinert wrote on Twitter, “Whoa — @GovMLG ‘s opening campaign ad is 1 MASSIVE lie, according to @koat7news. The woman began nursing school 2 years before @Michelle4NM became Gov. She doesn’t work at a hospital, like the one featured in the ad. The time she spent in school was not ‘completely free.’” 

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