
Biden sending Afghan refugees to Holloman Air Force Base in Otero County

On Friday, Holloman Air Force Base announced that the Military base would be utilized by the Joe Biden regime to temporarily locate a portion of the 50,000 Afghan refugees fleeing the country following Joe Biden’s military disaster that led to the Taliban taking over Afghanistan.

According to Holloman, “Our installation has been selected to provide temporary housing, medical, logistics, and transportation support for #OperationAlliesRefuge.” 

The Base mentioned that currently, “the men and women of Team Holloman are working tirelessly to support the initiative that follows through on our Nation’s commitment to vulnerable Afghans, and we are proud to join task force Fort McCoy, U.S. Army Fort Lee, Fort Pickett, U.S. Army Fort Bliss, Marine Corps Base Quantico, and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, U. S. Army North (Fifth Army), U.S. Northern Command and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) team, in support of the State Department with this mission.” 

“The security of our community, including our visitors, remains the number one priority, and we are taking the appropriate measures to ensure everyone remains safe and healthy.” It is unclear at this time if there will be virus testing, although it has been inferred by Holloman’s statement. 

“We understand many have the urge to help, we will send out information on where and how to provide donations or support once we’ve identified the proper avenues with the appropriate aid agencies,” the Base concluded.

The move comes after scandal-ridden alleged groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf offered up the state as a relocation destination for Afghan refugees. The two lawmakers nor Joe Biden offered up the housing of refugees in the state while Cubans fled their failed state in search of freedom.

Many American soldiers and personnel remain stranded in Afghanistan amid Joe Biden’s crisis.

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Pro-Trump professor relieved of teaching duties for refusing to wear a mask, take the jab

According to a Las Cruces Sun-News report, “Days after receiving an award for teaching excellence, a business professor at New Mexico State University has been removed from his classroom at the start of the fall semester.” 

Clements, an assistant professor of finance at New Mexico State University’s (NMSU) College of Business, posted a video of his introductory lecture where he announced he would not be forcing his students to wear masks or get jabbed with the virus inoculation.

“As you can see, I am not wearing a mask,” Clements told his class. “Why is that? Because I haven’t lost my mind, that’s why. I will not wear a mask.” 

“Whether you want to wear a mask in my class is between you and God,” he said to the class, adding that if students want to take the course online, they have that option. “You signed up for a face-to-face class and I’m going to teach a face-to-face class.” 

On Telegram, Clements posted that due to his resistance to getting the jab, excessive testing, or mask-wearing led to him being relieved of his teaching duties for “gross misconduct” and the removal of professor James Hoffman as dean of the business college.

The Sun-News added, “The university announced Monday that Hoffman would return to teaching full-time and named professor Mary Jo Billiot as acting dean. Dr. Billiot is a professor of accounting and an interim associate dean for finance and research at the business college.” 

According to Clements, Hoffman “was ordered by the university to come to my morning class and see if I was complying with the mask mandate. … He asserted his strong belief in the exercise of free speech. He then left me to teach my class.” Hoffman now is teaching full-time, but not acting as dean, according to the report.

According to NMSU’s policy manual, “employees may be terminated, demoted, or suspended for just cause” including “jeopardizing the safety or health” of others or “willful disregard of reasonable directives or policies or a defiant attitude of noncompliance.”

Clements previously declared his support for President Donald Trump in a January video where he blasted the leftist NMSU president’s letter. He said, “I don’t have tolerance for bullies.”

To support Professor Clements, people can visit a link he shared on his Telegram with more information.

Pro-Trump professor relieved of teaching duties for refusing to wear a mask, take the jab Read More »

MLG has her latest ‘Wagyu’ moment

On Thursday, The Federalist published an article revealing another “Wagyu” moment with scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, this time regarding her big promise to force through a “Clean Fuel Standard” making all residents drive cars that get at least 52 miles per gallon. 

Through an Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) request done by Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future, the group found that the Governor’s own car averages only 13 miles per gallon fuel economy — a blatant act of hypocrisy as she seeks to force New Mexicans to abide by a nonsensical fuel standard.

As previously reported by the Piñon Post, the Governor’s “clean car standard” for everyday citizens would mean forcing New Mexico’s citizens — a state with some of the poorest people in the nation — to buy expensive “fuel-efficient,” “green,” “hybrid,” or fully electric vehicles — crippling New Mexicans’ bank accounts and forcing thousands to either break the law, walk, or not travel at all. It would plunge countless people into financial ruin, resulting in an economic catastrophe for New Mexico. 

The news of the Governor’s clean fuel standard push comes following enviro-Marxist groups pushing for a 500% increase in electric vehicles in New Mexico. 

The Federalist writes, “Refusing to adhere to their own environmental standards has become a routine practice among politicians who aggressively promote a left-wing climate agenda. Earlier this month, the New York Post reported President Joe Biden climate czar John Kerry’s private jet has taken 16 trips this year alone. Private jets emit 5 to 14 times more pollution than commercial planes per passenger, and 50 times more than trains.” 

Behrens commented that “While not as bad as John Kerry’s private jet, Governor Lujan Grisham’s actions surely deserve an Honorable Mention for the most green hypocrisy in the country,” He added, “Make no mistake, her eco-left allies will stay quiet about her gas-guzzling ways because they care more about political power than being honest.”

The report notes other far-left priorities Lujan Grisham has had for New Mexico, including her pandemic lockdowns that forced New Mexicans to stand in freezing hours-long breadlines to get food and basic goods over the holidays.

The Federalist compared the clean fuel standard edict hypocrisy to the Governor’s Wagyu fiasco last year: 

Grisham’s office also landed in hot water in February when a review of six months’ worth of invoices, receipts, and expense reports revealed thousands of dollars in groceries purchased from the governor’s contingency fund. As New Mexicans waited outside capacity-limited grocery stores in lines during the winter, more than $6,500 in groceries were delivered to the governor’s residence, according to the Albuquerque-based KOB 4 Investigates Team.

“According to receipts made public through an Inspection of Public Records Act request, the items include anything from laundry detergent to Wagyu beef, tuna steaks, top sirloin and hundreds of dollars in alcohol purchases,” KOB 4 reported.

The Governor’s mouthpiece, Communications Director Tripp Stelnicki said at the time the lavish spending was for meetings. He said, “They are sporadic, but they last a long time and so there’s food at those meetings often prepared. There are people at the residency who are all masked.”

The New Mexico House Republicans chimed in on Twitter, writing, Never one to lead by example, @govmlg is now forcing an eco agenda on #ThePeople, and her own vehicle does not meet her “standards!” Smells like her Wagyu beef #PartyFund controversy all over again. How progressive!

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Massive crowds of NM medical workers, supporters protest forced shots

On Wednesday, in response to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mandate forcing all health care workers to be inoculated by August 27, healthcare workers from across the state protested in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, and Artesia. 

“Taking away people’s choice and informed consent violates all medical codes of ethics, as well as the most fundamental of human rights, the Constitution, and the Nuremberg Code. No government or institution can know what is best for any other human being’s medical choices. People have diverse healthcare needs, and one-size-fits-all medical solutions are not appropriate,” read a press release from New Mexico Freedoms Alliance (NMFA).

NMFA’s Melanie Rubin said, “In the last 20 months, healthcare workers have stood by all of us through the most painful and frightening days of our lives. They have treated everyone without bias or discrimination, regardless of each individual’s personal and medical beliefs, often at great physical, emotional and financial cost to themselves and their families. They care for every patient no matter what, honoring each patient’s bodily autonomy and choices.”

The largest crowd to protest the forcible jabs was at Civic Plaza in Albuquerque, with hundreds in attendance, possibly even 1,000. 

“As a vaccinated nurse, I stand beside my fellow healthcare workers who deserve the right to choose their own medical treatments. We are taught our entire nursing careers about bodily autonomy and advocating for our patients. We advocate for informed consent, instructing patients on all the risks they take and possible outcomes. Yet, we are not given that same respect for this vaccine,” said Jennifer De La Paz, a nurse from Three Crosses Hospital in Las Cruces.

“In a state that is already crippled by staffing shortages, this mandate is only going to make it worse. Continuity of care is important for our patients and bringing in travel nurses to fill these shortages does not provide for that continuity of care. We live in these communities, we are dedicated to our communities and this mandate will force staff to go elsewhere out of state or even leave their professions [altogether]. I know that hospitals in Las Cruces are unable to fully open all their beds already because of the nursing shortage. This is not fair for the patients or for the staff.”

At the Las Cruces event, many were in attendance as well, with signs reading things like “No Forced Medical Procedures” and “No Jabs 4 Jobs.” Many held similar signs at the Artesia protest. 

Another press release from the New Mexico Freedoms Alliance noted that nurses and medical staff at hospitals were doing a “mass call out” on Wednesday and Thursday. The workers will be calling out “in compliance with their organization’s regulations, to demonstrate solidarity against the vaccine mandates for healthcare workers.” 

The press release makes clear, “This is not a strike; the workers will be available to serve their communities on Friday. However, this is a demonstration of what will potentially happen to the healthcare system if the rule-makers do not rescind the vaccine mandate, and thereby force many healthcare workers to leave their jobs. The last thing healthcare workers want is to be forced to leave their patients with inadequate staffing coverage.” 

Additionally, a cease and desist against the vaccine mandates was served to healthcare administrators around the state, including Presbyterian, Lovelace, and UNM Hospital in Albuquerque, Memorial Medical Center, Three Crosses Hospital, and Mountain View Regional Medical Center in Las Cruces, and Artesia General Hospital in Artesia.

The Cease-and-Desist letter, signed by Attorney Jonathan Diener of New Mexico Stands Up!, calls for an immediate reversal of the vaccine mandate by the healthcare administrators. It notifies the administrators that the vaccine mandate imposed by Governor Lujan Grisham is illegal under federal law, and identifies the statutes. Both the healthcare administrators and the individuals who impose the vaccine mandate can be held legally liable if they choose to move forward with the mandate.

Another letter was also sent to these health care facilities from health care workers pleading with them to stop the forced inoculations. Part of the letter reads:

“We have shown up every day for the last 20 months to YOUR organizations to provide care for OUR patients and to advocate for their care; now it’s time we advocate for ourselves. YOUR organizations remained open because WE showed up to work. WE showed up and REUSED PPE, WE showed up and held your loved one’s hands while they passed, held iPads for last goodbyes and worked multiple overtime shifts. Our vaccination

status did not matter then. Many of us contracted COVID and have already developed robust natural immunity.”

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MLG signs edict to ‘conserve’ 30% of all NM lands by 2030

On Wednesday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed her latest order to “conserve” at least 30 percent of all lands in New Mexico by 2030.

She wrote on Twitter, My administration has been working since day one to protect and preserve New Mexico’s environment and public lands. Today I’m proud to take our conservation efforts one step further by signing an executive order to conserve at least 30 percent of all lands in New Mexico by 2030.” 

In a subsequent tweet, she wrote, “Our 30 x 30 initiative honors New Mexico’s heritage & traditional land uses while protecting lands, watersheds, & wildlife. We have set the wheels in motion to conserve our state’s incredible natural resources & ensure that New Mexico remains, forever, the Land of Enchantment.” 

The arbitrary 30 number does not appear to have any science behind why she is doing it. It is not immediately clear how she will achieve this goal and what “conserve” means. It could possibly mean banning New Mexico lands from hunting and fishing or from New Mexico’s economic lifeblood in the natural resource extraction industries.

How the governor will obtain the goal of her unilateral edict is not clear, as it may require the state to purchase land from private landholders or tribes.

Larry Behrens from the pro-energy group Power The Future wrote following the order, “Just like Joe Biden, Governor Lujan Grisham can only issue executive orders because she knows her positions are so radical she can’t even get them past the legislature.”

Behrens added, “There is no one who is against common-sense conservation, but it’s clear the Governor just picked an arbitrary number of 30 because it’s one of the fewer and fewer numbers that is smaller than her approval rating.”

The Governor’s approval rating recently took a turn for the worst in the latest liberal-commissioned approval poll.

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UNM experimenting on young children with Moderna shot

According to KOB 4, “University of New Mexico School of Medicine researchers have begun enrolling children in a clinical trial to test the safety and efficacy of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.” 

The report notes that 60 New Mexico children ages 6-12 are eligible to enroll in the first phase of the clinical trial. 

The report notes how “UNM is one of 88 sites, in the U.S. and Canada, participating in Moderna’s KidCOVE study.” 

“UNM is in a unique position to include a larger proportion of Hispanic and Native American children in the study than sites located elsewhere in the country,” said Hengameh Raissy, PharmD, a Research Professor in Pediatrics and co-principal investigator on the study.

The report notes:

Children will receive either a placebo or the first dose of the Moderna vaccine when they enroll. Participants then return about a month later for their second shot,” the report notes

After the second shot, children and parents will return to UNM for follow-up testing in the subsequent months. Children will also have at least two visits with the research team after each injection.

Another study experimenting on even younger children aged two to six months old and six months to two years old will occur later this Fall. According to the report, the UNM team is awaiting the exact start date.

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Lujan Grisham forcing masks on student-athletes

KTSM 9 El Paso reported that the New Mexico Public Education Department’s updated guidance includes “indoor sports is 100% mask wearing” According to the report, “Outdoor sports, including football, has now been changed back to recommended mask wearing. The change in language comes just hours after the PED issued the mandate.” 

The updated mandate came after conflicting information came out regarding the masking of student-athletes. 

The Albuquerque Journal’s James Yodice, previously heard on Tuesday from at least three coaches that “Prep football players in NM will be in masks going forward, games and practices, and it doesn’t matter if they’ve been vaccinated or not. In the spring, doable. In the heat of the summer? Oy.” 

According to Coach Adam Kedge of Albuquerque Academy, who was previously informed that outdoor mask-wearing was mandatory, told DyeStat, “We were moving forward. Now, I get this bombshell.” 

“We all know the numbers in the United States have taken a turn for the worst, but as I stated to you, Doug months ago, we are a rural state with, you know, hundreds of thousands… of square miles with a low population. What’s the best thing to do? It’s to be outside exercising in the nice, clear air.” 

Regarding how he will break the news of the mandates to his students, Kedge said, “I hope I can hold them together, honestly.” 

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New leftist-commissioned poll shows Lujan Grisham barely hanging on

According to a new poll commissioned by the far-left ProgressNow New Mexico affiliate New Mexico Political Report (NMPR) by Public Policy Polling, it spells trouble for scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham who has crashed and burned with the public since taking office in 2019.

The Governor is barely hanging on by one point, according to the survey, which “found that 46 percent of New Mexico voters approve of Michelle Lujan Grisham’s job performance as governor compared to 45 percent who disapprove.”

The Governor trailed even Joe Biden, whose approval sits at 47 percent approval and 45 percent disapproval in the state, according to the poll. 

According to the survey, 13 percent of Democrats said they disapprove of Lujan Grisham NMPR wrote, “She is also underwater among independents, with 33 percent who approve and 54 percent who disapprove.” 

Independents will play a key role in 2022 when she seeks reelection, as independent turnout will be a large factor in whether she will stay or be voted out. 

Both Senators Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján had low approval ratings, Heinrich having a 42 percent approval rating and 34 percent disapproval rating. Luján had an approval rating of 41 percent and a disapproval rating of 40 percent, according to the poll.

NMPR notes:

The poll was conducted on August 16 and 17 and surveyed 682 registered voters throughout New Mexico. The poll has a 3.8 percent margin of error on topline results.

Following the results showing the Democrat politicians crashing and burning in the liberal-commissioned poll, pro-energy group Power The Future’s Larry Behrens wrote, “It’s no surprise Governor Lujan Grisham, and Senators Lujan and Heinrich, are seeing their public support slide. The one thing they all have in common is their ability to ignore New Mexico’s working families while only listening to radical environmentalist special interests.” 

He added, “New Mexico is a national leader in unemployment and all these three politicians can talk about are plans to raise the price of gas, increase our electric bills, and hike the cost of cars. While these green proposals might help Lujan Grisham, Heinrich and Lujan’s fundraising in San Francisco and New York, they are ultimately a tax on New Mexico’s struggling families.”

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EXCLUSIVE: Ex-NM cabinet secretary’s ties to Williams Stapleton expose other top Dems

New details have come to light uncovered exclusively by the Piñon Post weeks following the second-highest-ranking New Mexico House Democrat, former Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s house being raided. She then resigned in disgrace following a federal probe into her alleged money laundering, racketeering, and kickbacks.

Not only can we now confirm Stapleton’s alleged graft happened for decades, but it involved some of the largest players in the New Mexico political field, such as New Mexico governors, cabinet officials, and even some of the high-ranking politicians who still serve today.

The disgraced former legislator registered the company “Robotics Management Learning Systems, LLC” at 1411 H Street NE, Office 804 in Washington, D.C. According to the affidavit that led to search warrants on Stapleton’s home, one of the executive officers of Robotics is Joseph Johnson. He owns National Corrections and Rehabilitation Corporation, which previously occupied the office space from 2016 to 2018.

The affidavit notes that Joseph F. Johnson, Jr. currently operates the National Corrections and Rehabilitation Corporation. Johnson is also listed as the president of Stapleton’s other organization involved in the alleged graft scheme, the Ujima Foundation. 

Early Joseph Johson and Sheryl Williams Stapleton Connections

It just so happens that Joseph F. Johnson previously lived in New Mexico, attending New Mexico State University in the late 1970s when Stapleton attended the school. According to the Washington City Paper, “Johnson says his mentor was Albert Johnson, the first black mayor of Las Cruces,” and that through college, he helped “propel the mayor to his first electoral victory.” He was also active in the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Stapleton, who was just Sheryl Williams at the time, served as the executive secretary to the NAACP’s Northwest Mesa branch.

The Toney Anaya Years

Following graduation, Johnson, Jr. had a short stint at the State Health Planning Agency. He became deputy director of Southwest Community Health Center in Carlsbad, and by the early 1980s, then-Gov. Toney Anaya appointed him deputy secretary of health and environment. 

While in that role, Johnson got involved with two men, John Thacker and George Gregory (a fugitive also known as George Clifford Walcoff), who ran a mental health center in Carlsbad that contracted with the State. 

Johnson, Thacker, and Gregory allegedly formed two businesses aiming at getting contracts with the Department of Health and Environment. While the businesses did not take off, Thacker and Gregory allegedly bought Johnson a Cadillac, and “Johnson also allegedly helped Gregory write a $10,000 state-funded feasibility study that recommended consolidating many state mental health services in Thacker’s counseling center,” the City Paper noted.

Johnson’s boss, then-New Mexico Health and Environment Secretary Dr. Fitzhugh Mullan, caught onto what Johnson was up to and removed him from overseeing the center’s business. But “shortly thereafter, Gov. Anaya fired Mullan and named Johnson to replace him,” leading him to become secretary of Health and Environment. 

Carlsbad District Attorney Tom Rutledge noted that Thacker and Gregory had been cheating the state out of thousands of dollars by padding the health center’s bills, and they later pleaded guilty to bribing him. Johnson resigned from his post the day before his confirmation hearings were slated to begin. “Johnson was later charged by the state’s attorney with 11 felony counts of bribery, fraud, conspiracy, taking illegal kickbacks, and racketeering.”

But before Johnson could be charged, “on the stand, despite his guilty plea, Gregory recanted his initial confession, and the judge eventually dismissed the charges against Johnson.” Johnson immediately got back to work as Gov. Anaya’s chief of staff.

Anaya’s administration is known as one of the most corrupt in New Mexico’s history. Three of his officials were indicted on kickback, fraud, bribery, and racketeering charges, with many officials’ guilty verdicts being reduced by Anaya while he remained in power. Some pardons include those of former aide John Ramming, former disaster relief official Pete Mondragon, and former state treasurer, Earl Hartley.

Anaya was charged in 2014 by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for involvement in a fraud scheme. He was later part of scandal-ridden former Gov. Bill Richardson’s administration as the New Mexico Office of Recovery and Reinvestment head.

Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition

Joseph Johnson went on to run Jesse Jackson’s 1988 unsuccessful presidential campaign, in which Albert Johnson’s son, Albert Johnson Jr., served as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Then-Corporation Commissioner Eric Serna co-chaired the Jackson campaign alongside Johnson. Serna was involved in multiple corruption investigations, which forced him to resign as insurance superintendent in 2006. Johnson later worked for failed Democrat presidential nominee Michael Dukakis’ presidential campaign in the 1988 general election. 

At the 1988 DNC, Sheryl Williams served as an alternate Jesse Jackson delegate. Her political ally, Democratic National Committeeman and former Santa Fe Mayor Art Trujillo served as an unpledged delegate. Trujillo served with Joseph Johnson on the DNC credentials committee.  After working for Jackson, Johnson ran the Black Panther-linked socialist group the “Rainbow Coalition.” According to, Stapleton is listed as the New Mexico contact for the group. News reports show Stapleton has been active with the Rainbow Coalition as early as 1989, being quoted alongside Johnson in the Associated Press

In 1989, Johnson said of the Rainbow Coalition, “What you’re seeing now is the Rainbow going from a group of people who were always saying fight, fight, fight to a group that understands that it is not always in our best interest to be the permanent opposition.” This quote appears to mirror Sheryl Williams Stapleton’s rise to power and her changes politically, especially during the 1992 presidential election, where she told the Baltimore Sun, “The sense and the mood has been to move to the middle, because that’s where the majority of the voters are.” She said that was fine with her “If that’s what it takes to get to the White House.” Later in her career, she would campaign as a moderate and then govern as a far-leftist in the same vein as the socialist Rainbow Coalition’s founding principles.

Johnson’s Other Shady Business Dealings

Johnson also worked for Democrat Virginia Gov. L. Douglas Wilder’s presidential campaign in 1991-92, Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Edwin Edwards’ primary campaign, and “in at least half a dozen state and local races in California,” according to the Washington Post

During the time Johnson worked at the National Rainbow Coalition, he also started working with the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) private prison board and was involved in multiple shady deals through his company, the National Corrections and Rehabilitation Corp (NCRC). One such deal entailed a murky bidding process during the time of corrupt former Washington, D.C. Mayor Marion Barry, an ally of Johnson. When challenged about how his company was awarded the contract despite its lack of credentials, Johnson accused the other company vying for the contract of racism. 

CCA, which has recently been renamed to CoreCivic, currently runs multiple prisons in New Mexico, such as the Torrance County Detention Facility opened in 1990. Sheryl Williams Stapleton sat on the ​​interim Corrections Oversight and Justice Committee, which oversaw these facilities. CoreCivic has made campaign donations to multiple legislators, including Stapleton. Just this year, KOB 4 reported that the current administration of Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Stapleton ally, “has shown a cautious approach to scaling back reliance on privately operated prisons when economically feasible.” 

In the early 1990s through a company called “Healthcare Affiliates,” Johnson won a contract in Newport News, Virginia, to oversee a hospital. The contract was reportedly obtained under nefarious circumstances. A Housing and Urban Development (HUD) report found Johnson’s company “inappropriately spent nearly half a million dollars of the hospital’s scarce operating funds to pay for questionable contracts, board member compensation, and such things as country-club dues, travel, entertainment, and housing unrelated to the hospital’s operation,” according to the Washington City Paper. Johnson ran his companies through “The Johnson Companies,” where he lists himself as “one of the most respected political operatives in the country.”

The shady deals and contracts won by Johnson eerily mirror much of the activity alleged against former Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, such as contracts won by Robotics from the Albuquerque Public Schools for millions of dollars that went on for decades without an ounce of suspicion from state auditors, accountants, and APS personnel.

While Johnson was profiting from incarcerating mostly Black men in Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas through CCA, Sheryl Williams Stapleton was elected to the New Mexico House of Representatives in 1994. The district Stapleton got elected to was and still is one of the most economically disadvantaged, which makes her alleged graft throughout her tenure that much more heinous.

Stapleton’s Tenure at the Legislature

Interestingly, Stapleton’s alleged corruption and waste of taxpayer money may have been foreshadowed. When asked in 1994 while running for office if she supported term limits for the Legislature, Williams responded, “No. Legislators should be given a reasonable amount of time to achieve their goals. History has shown that a legislator with more experience in the Legislature acquires more pork to take home for their district.”

In 1999, Stapleton sponsored the legislation to create an Office of African American Affairs (OAAA), which was signed into law by then-Gov. Gary Johnson and appears to have been used to funnel government appropriations to Stapleton’s financial interests. One such instance involves $50,000 Stapleton got in state capital outlay to buy vans for the OAAA, which were overseen by her “Charlie Morrisey Center for Creative Assistance, Inc” and Robotics. Stapleton has been involved with the “Charlie Morrisey Education Center” (CMEC) since at least 1994, when she first ran for the Legislature. Johnson serves as the president of CMEC. 

The OAAA website quotes Stapleton, who said, “Only by illuminating the history of African Americans can we eradicate the myths and distortions responsible for problems in communications that still exist.” 

The affidavit also notes multiple bills Stapleton passed through the Legislature and got signed into law, appearing to benefit her personally. These include H.B. 178 in 2015 amending the Public School Code to require inclusion of certain Career Technical Education courses, H.B.44  in 2019 requiring the use of federal Every Student Succeeds Act Title 2 funding for career-technical professional development, and H.B. 91 in 2019 creating the Career Technical Education pilot project. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed two of these bills, while former Gov. Susanna Martinez signed one. 

Years later, in 2021, the Legislature passed the “Black Education Act” bill to amend the OAAA and implement new racially charged proposals pitting Black and White New Mexicans against each other in the education system through “anti-racism, racial awareness and sensitivity training or professional development in addition to the current on-line requirement,” continuing to meet the Rainbow Coalition’s goals. It is unclear at this time if the proposal could have benefited Stapleton financially through Robotics or her other associates.

Stapleton was a close ally to high-profile Democrats while in the House of Representatives such as then-Congressman Bill Richardson, who would later serve as governor and in 2008 rededicate the African American Arts Center that opened in 2007 in Albuquerque after Stapleton. Richardson publicly backed Stapleton over other Democrats during primaries in the early 2000s. Richardson was a donor to Joseph Johnson’s Rainbow Coalition in the 1980s, helping the group buy radio ads and other expenses to help Democrat candidates. In 2009, Joseph Johnson donated $500 to his hand-picked successor, then-Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, who lost the election. 

Albuquerque Public Schools Involvement

At the Roundhouse, Stapleton, who worked as an administrator — not a teacher — for Albuquerque Public Schools, did the teachers unions’ bidding, especially that of Albuquerque Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Ellen Bernstein, one of the people who signed off on Stapleton’s 2013 Ph.D. dissertation regarding the Three-Tiered Licensure System. Stapleton is currently listed as a director for AFT. Coincidentally, Stapleton thanked Joseph Johnson in her dissertation for his “invaluable input,” calling him a“friend.”

APS has long been in the crossfire for corruption, with millions of appropriated funds going missing at the hands of administrators, from three employees getting indicted on fraud counts for thousands of dollars in 1986 — two years following Stapleton beginning at the District in 1984 — to former vocational school founder Danny Moon taking off with over $1 million from the schools in the early 2000s.

A 2016 report found that ​​former APS Board member Analee Maestas embezzled almost $700,000 from La Promesa Early Learning Center to her personal bank account. According to the Albuquerque Journal, “​​Maestas has blamed the nearly $700,000 in questionable transactions at La Promesa on her daughter’s substance abuse problems.” 

In 2011, Larry Barker of KRQE 13 News found that Stapleton “pocketed more than $100,000 — money she didn’t earn — from APS over the years while serving in the legislature. But instead of being punished or forced to pay it back, Superintendent Winston Brooks changed the rules for Stapleton.” Brooks dismissed Stapleton’s $167,000 worth of unauthorized leave from APS, saying, “What I did was I changed the employee handbook so that anyone can be a legislator in Santa Fe and be paid for it.” 

In a 2014 Albuquerque Journal op-ed, Bernstein advocated for paying legislators who worked for the schools, writing that credit has yet to be given to Stapleton “for banking extra hours, working weekends and nights and using vacations (sic) days to serve the public. Why the double-standard?” She added, “It is my hope that the APS Board of Education does the right thing by supporting all their employees to serve in the Legislature. Otherwise, we leave the crucial work of creating the policies that govern our state in the hands of those who are wealthy or retired.” No other state public employee, other than educators, in New Mexico is allowed to serve in a partisan public office.

In 2018, former Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission executive director Kimberly Greene and former employees Cheryl Yazzie and Charles Countee pleaded guilty to fraud and embezzlement charges by creating phony state vouchers to heist over $67,700 from the Commission. According to Greene, she claims she “was coerced by [then]-House Minority Whip Sheryl Williams Stapleton, D-Albuquerque, to enter into a no-bid contract with eRead, an outside contractor for ACT/SAT program,” according to the New Mexico Political Report. However, Stapleton claimed, “I was never involved, never spoke to anybody about a no-bid contract.”

Paper Trail

Stapleton has lent her political influence to support allies through her racially charged groups, such as “New Mexico Black PAC,” of which she reportedly served as president. The group gave to Democrat politicians, including $2,500 to Michelle Lujan Grisham in her successful 2018 run for governor, $1,000 to former Attorney General Gary King’s 2014 failed run for governor, $500 to former Bernalillo County Clerk Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s successful run for secretary of state, and former Commissioner of Public Lands Ray Powell $500 in his failed run for reelection. Many of these same candidates, including Oliver, also received checks from Stapleton’s re-election campaign committee.

Stapleton also moved thousands of dollars from her re-election campaign account to the Sheryl Williams Stapleton African American Performing Arts Center and the Charlie Morrisey Scholarship Fund, both of which could have been used to launder money from her political donors to line her own pockets.

The Future

Now, as Sheryl Williams Stapleton is feeling the wrath from federal investigators regarding her use of shady out-of-state shell companies, her position in the Legislature to allegedly funnel money from APS, and the years of scandal that have plagued her tenure in the Roundhouse, Stapleton may very well go down as the most corrupt politician in recent New Mexico history. Time will tell what other high-profile former colleagues, politicians, and political players may be implicated alongside her in this years-long alleged graft scheme that has just now been revealed.

Perhaps the greatest consequence of all is how the taxpayers of New Mexico cannot trust their long-elected public officials after such an incident. Especially now that it appears this graft has been occurring for at least the last 27 years, it came at the expense of the most vulnerable New Mexicans, including children and the Black community. 

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-NM cabinet secretary’s ties to Williams Stapleton expose other top Dems Read More »

MLG bashes GOP, ‘opponents’ of her public health mandates in fundraising email

In a fundraising email sent out over the weekend, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham once again bashed Republicans while claiming she had followed the science regarding her latest round of mask mandates.

She wrote the following: 

We’re well on our way to herd immunity in New Mexico, but we’re not out of the woods yet. As the delta variant spreads, I’ve taken immediate action to keep New Mexicans safe by reinstating a mask mandate for most indoor settings and requiring vaccines for those who work in high-risk areas like hospitals and nursing homes.

As former Cabinet Secretary of New Mexico’s Department of Health, I’ll never stop following scientific guidance to save lives from this virus – no matter what misinformation my political opponents and extremists spread about the severity of COVID-19 or the efficacy of vaccines. I want to know what YOU think of my administration’s handling of the pandemic so far.

My team is conducting a live poll to find out what New Mexicans think about my pandemic response. Your response will send a clear message to those COVID deniers and opponents of sensible and critical public health measures that New Mexicans support following the science to keep our citizens safe, so I’m counting on you to lock in your answer before our survey closes at midnight tonight.

It is unclear what Lujan Grisham claims is a “sensible and critical public health measure,” but throughout the pandemic, she has forced New Mexicans to stand in freezing bread lines to buy food over the holiday, forced the vaccination of health care workers, locked-down schools, among other anti-science, nonsensical measures. 

In the poll questions, Lujan Grisham included “Small businesses were especially hard hit by the economic fallout from the pandemic. To keep business owners afloat and revitalize our economy, I signed a law that provided $200 million in pandemic relief for small businesses. Do you agree with my decision to support small businesses during the pandemic?” However, the only answers allowed to this question were, “Yes, supporting small businesses was an essential aspect of your pandemic response” and “No, we should let small businesses go under during this unprecedented crisis.”

Another question asked in her poll was, “Throughout the pandemic, the GOP has spread dangerous conspiracy theories that undermine the severity of this deadly virus, discourage commonsense public health tactics and increase vaccine hesitancy. How worried are you about extremist members of the GOP taking control of our state?” 

However, throughout the pandemic, Democrats cast doubt on the effectiveness of the vaccine:

Now, it appears Lujan Grisham is trying to throw the Republican Party under the bus for her personal failures during the pandemic, while she desperately seeks to cling to power. She previously bashed her opponents as“lizard people.”

MLG bashes GOP, ‘opponents’ of her public health mandates in fundraising email Read More »

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