New Mexico

Drag queen ‘jello shot girl’ and ex-prostitute seeking NM state House seat

Democrat state Rep. Melanie Stansbury is currently running for Congress in the First District of New Mexico against Republican state Sen. Mark Moores in the June First election following the resignation of Congresswoman Deb Haaland to become Interior secretary. If Stansbury keeps the district in Democrat hands, that would mean her seat in the state House could be up for grabs.

One individual has already expressed interest in filling Stansbury’s seat in the 28th House district if she does end up going to Washington. A sex work enthusiast and “jello shot girl” named “Bunnie Benton Cruse” has announced interest in the legislative seat, claiming to be a transgender woman, although he has previously been listed as a “drag queen.”

Cruse made headlines in 2019 when a public, taxpayer-funded library hosted a “Drag Queen Story Time” event where he and another drag queen read to young children. 

According to Cruse’s Facebook page at the time, he worked as a “Jello Shot Girl” at the gay bar Effex Albuquerque, and as the “Head Stripper” at “Shake N Bake.”

According to the New Mexico Political Report, the news arm of far-left ProgressNow NM:

“Benton Cruse has a conviction for sex work, which she is open about. She said that when she was young, another trans person told her there were three paths available to her in life: bartending, hair dressing or sex work.

She said she has done all three.

“I’m not ashamed for anything I’ve done to survive as a trans woman. It was survival sex work,” she said.

“Along the way, our trans elders fought for us to be bartenders and hairstylists. Now a trans person can be a lawyer or a doctor, you can be in elected office,” she said.

Cruse, who openly has a “conviction” for prostitution, would not be the first controversial figure to seek public office. State Rep. Roger Montoya (D-Colfax, Mora, Rio Arriba & San Miguel), who was endorsed by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in 2020, was a porn actor before running for his state legislative seat. 

Pro-abortion former Planned Parenthood lobbyist and current executive director of “Equality New Mexico,” Marshall Martinez, said Cruse’s potential “really is super historic.”

If Stansbury leaves the seat, the Bernalillo County Commission will decide who to appoint to House District 28. This announcement may make the stakes even higher for Republicans to flip the First House District seat because Stansbury’s possible replacement may have an even farther-left radical bent. 

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‘They’re giving up on him’: Gov. MLG refuses to help family find missing National Guardsman

On Saturday, the family of Juan Muñoz, a 20-year-old National Guardsman, who has been missing since February, held a gathering of about 50 people across the street from the New Mexico State Police (NMSP) station on Paseo del Cañon, reported the Taos News

Muñoz’s family is trying to get NMSP investigators to seek answers about his disappearance. His car was found at the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge with all of his belongings, which the investigators have brushed off as a suicide, which is common at the Gorge Bridge. 

But Muñoz’s family have brought attention “that the guards at the Gorge Bridge had seen Muñoz’s car pull up, followed by another car, shortly after 8 p.m. on Feb. 19th, the day before Muñoz’s disappearance.” 

Elizabeth Rivera, Muñoz’s mother, said that she has tried calling Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for her help several times but had not yet received any responses.

“He wanted to serve this country and they’re giving up on him. That’s not right. They can’t give up on somebody that wanted to fight for our country,” said Carla Muñoz, Juan’s cousin, as she questioned why they were not able to see footage of Juan leaving the National Guard Armory, and were given different answers as to why not.

“You guys make them swear a commitment to you guys expecting them to be there every weekend, but when they go missing you give up just like that?” asked Vidal Aragon, another of Juan’s cousins, of the National Guard, who they hope will assist in the investigation. “We need you guys to show us that he left that base.”

The News reported that “Several family members pointed out that at the beginning of the rally, there were several state police officers across the street, but that they quickly departed. Some of Muñoz’s cousins also pointed out a NMSP officer parked around the corner with the vehicle on, seemingly watching the event.” 

It is still unclear if the family has gotten ahold of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s office for help since Saturday, but they are organizing three more rallies: one by the Gorge bridge, one at the Taos plaza, and one in front of the Roundhouse in Santa Fe.

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Liberal paper appears to glorify 19th century forced vaccinations to promote COVID-19 shot

On Sunday, liberal columnist and news writer Algernon D’Ammassa of the Las Cruces Sun-News appeared to praise Deming, New Mexico’s forcible vaccination in the 19th century during the smallpox outbreak.

In a column titled “How forced vaccinations and a brothel fought smallpox in Deming, New Mexico,” he drew similarities between the present-day COVID-19 pandemic with that of smallpox, citing a historian, C.A. “Gus” Gustafson, who said “door-to-door smallpox vaccinations were free to the public, ‘voluntary to most but forcefully to the reticent.’”

He said, “These men are not here to discuss constitutional theory or jurisprudence, nor to explore community ethics. They are here to inoculate you against a deadly contagious disease.” 

“Smallpox, eradicated by 1980 thanks to a global vaccination effort yet preserved in frozen vials around the world, laughs at COVID-19. Caused by the variola virus, it is highly contagious, producing dangerous fevers and lesions, often stealing one’s eyesight,” writes D’Amassa.

He says that “By the time smallpox arrived in Deming late in 1916, the U.S. Supreme Court had already ruled in favor of compulsory vaccinations in the interest of public health,” but noted how the COVID-19 disease is much less deadly than smallpox was in those days.

D’Amassa cites a Boston Globe report from that era which wrote, “writhing, cursing, struggling tramps … held down in their cots, one big policeman sitting on their legs, and another on their heads, while the third held the arms, bared for the doctors.”

“Deming seems to have gone even further than mandatory vaccinations. Physician Pinkney Minor Steed, who led the vaccination effort, also commandeered the brothel on San Carlos Street north of the railroad tracks, by Gustafson’s account, after the local hospital was overrun,” he continued.

D’Amassa wrote that since forcible inoculation, “we are in a different time both medically and legally,” where he happily got his COVID-19 vaccine, which has had many clinical reactions, by choice at the Deming Walmart.

“Instead of introducing a pathogen into my body — which troubles many vaccine resisters — this one instructed my body to create a spiky protein similar to SARS-CoV-2 so my body could practice how to kill it. This is why I experienced a mild fever and fatigue the following day,” he wrote.

He then said, “The vaccine is free and the state is imploring, not forcing, people to take it…. we are having arguments over how much we should accommodate healthy adults who refuse to be vaccinated.”

The COVID-19 vaccine is still in its infancy, currently in an experimental stage based on “emergency use authorization” by the FDA. In contrast, smallpox was active for centuries, with the first vaccine originating in 1796 and the world fighting the disease completely by 1980–184 years later. 

D’Amassa appears to glorify the medical practice of forced injection in the 19th century, trying to push the point that people were being forced to have a shot because it was “a deadly contagious disease.” He then tries to lump in the COVID-19 vaccine with his personal experience by downplaying the side effects of the vaccine while promoting the fact that it is not being “forced” on Americans.

However, even right here in New Mexico, workers have been allegedly forced to take the jab in many government agencies. In one case, a Doña Ana County Detention Center officer, Isaac Legaretta, sued his managers, claiming they threatened he would be fired if he did not take the COVID-19 vaccine. This is the first forcible vaccination lawsuit in the nation.

On Friday, Joe Biden announced he “may order all U.S. military forces to receive the coronavirus vaccine at a time of troubling voluntary acceptance rates among some troops.” 

The glorification of forced vaccination in the past by D’Amassa and the pending litigation regarding such a practice today could very well scare people into taking the COVID-19 vaccine in fear of government retaliation.

NBC News did a piece on Americans that may be forced to get the vaccine:

Liberal paper appears to glorify 19th century forced vaccinations to promote COVID-19 shot Read More »

ABQ restaurant shut down by State Police after employees defy Gov. MLG’s mask mandates

On Friday, it was reported that Old Town Albuquerque restaurant Backstreet Grill had been shut down due to employees defying Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s mask mandates despite the CDC allowing fully vaccinated people to be outside without masks. 

The restaurant, which was previously shut down in 2020 for similar complaints, had been shuttered after multiple nameless, faceless individuals complained via Yelp about servers not wearing masks. 

“The hostess did not wear a mask. I asked her if she would, she said no,” one review said. “He kind of leaned over towards us, still no mask, to point at the menu. I asked him if he could wear a mask. He flat out said no,” said another.

KRQE 13 checked out the situation, where they caught multiple employees not wearing masks while serving food in the fresh outdoor air. 

The news station reached out to Christopher Cordova, one of the restaurant’s managers, for comment. He wrote back, saying, “We live in America where mandates are not laws, we have the right to refuse to wear a mask.” When asked if he would share his side on camera, he replied, “I’m not interested in talking about masks. It’s very boring for me.”

The station got a comment from Albuquerque Environmental Health Department’s Mark DiMenna, who said, “Very few instances where anyone flagrantly disregarding what the public health order is asking for,” and that “This is sort of an exceptional situation.”

After KRQE 13 reached out to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s environmental health departments, the restaurant was shut down by the New Mexico State Police just a few hours later for violating the health order. 

Other restaurants and other institutions across the state have been mask shamed and harassed by Gov. Lujan Grisham’s administrations throughout the pandemic. Her State Police have been employed as attack dogs to implement her orders while she has called out specific establishments and jurisdictions across the state during her COVID-19 press conferences, including Hobbs and Española. 

ABQ restaurant shut down by State Police after employees defy Gov. MLG’s mask mandates Read More »

Three Rivers Fire activity is ‘minimal and smoldering,’ 13% contained

According to the National Forest Service (NFS), the Three Rivers Fire in the Lincoln National Forest (LNF) is now at 5,297 acres with 13% containment and the current state of the fire is “minimal and smoldering.”

While moisture in the area and crews battling the blazes have helped the fire dissipate, personnel “will continue to construct containment lines, scout lines, prep Bonito Road from South Fork camp ground to the Argentina Bonito Trailhead, recon structures and develop triage plans,” the NFS writes. 

Within the next 24 hours, high humidity levels will help stave off significant fire activity, however, an increase in fire activity is expected in “slash,” which is “downed large diameter woody material” in areas dominated by sheltered and canopied areas where precipitation is less likely to have permeated.

Within 72 hours, the fire is expected to “begin active movement upslope to the northeast on the southern portion of the fire within Indian Creek. Flanking movement to the north along the Crest Trail near Rattlesnake Canyon is also expected, but to a lesser extent due to a mixture of aspen fuels and previously burned areas to the east.”

The fire initially started approximately half a mile from the Three Rivers Campground on the backside of the White Mountains of the Smokey Bear Ranger District. 

The Three Rivers Fire has 266 personnel currently battling the blaze, and according to NPS, the containment date of the fire is projected for Friday, June 04th, 2021 at approximately 12:00 a.m. 

An update was given yesterday by Todd Abel, an operations section chief managing the containment of the fire, which can be viewed here. The most updated information on the fire can be found here.

Three Rivers Fire activity is ‘minimal and smoldering,’ 13% contained Read More »

Gov. MLG still not ‘satisfied’ with her far-left agenda in NM

On Thursday, embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled with $62,500 in campaign funds for sexual assault, sent out a fundraising email about her radical far-left agenda and what she has “accomplished.” 

In the email, she wrote to supporters, “We reinforced reproductive rights in our state, we invested in our public schools and early childhood education, and we delivered $200 million in pandemic relief to small businesses. We overcame Republican Party obstruction and got real results for New Mexicans from legalizing recreational cannabis to strengthening civil rights and so much more.”

She wrote, “We can do even more to help our great state thrive and chart our path toward a brighter future.”

But one line, in particular, stuck out. She wrote, “I couldn’t be prouder of everything that we’ve accomplished – but that doesn’t mean I’m satisfied. I know this team has the drive and the passion to make New Mexico a clean-energy leader, an educational powerhouse and a model for sustainable economic growth.” 

Despite ramming through the Green New Deal, abortion up-to-birth and infanticide, assisted suicide via lethal drugs, recreational marijuana, raiding the permanent fund, raising taxes, putting targets on the backs of law enforcers, destroying “right to work,” crippling small businesses with government-forced handouts, she is still not “satisfied.” 

When will Gov. Lujan Grisham be “satisfied”?

Lujan Grisham’s fundraising email comes one day after she announced the potential reopening of the state once 60% of the population is vaccinated, although her version of full reopening still includes mask mandates, a public health emergency, and more restrictions on New Mexicans.

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Carrot, meet stick: MLG dangles nine-week ‘100%’ reopening goal in front of New Mexicans

On Wednesday, embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled with $62,500 in campaign funds for sexual assault, held a COVID-19 press conference. The presser comes after quite some time without one, where she claimed New Mexico could be open in nine weeks. She said, “In nine weeks, New Mexico, we are open,” given that 60% of the population is vaccinated by June 30. 

The news comes as more counties shifted from red, yellow, and green status to turquoise while the criteria for what these colors mean changed again to mean case numbers modified from 5% to 7.5%, test positivity rates move from eight to 10 per 100,000 people, and percentage of the vaccinated population is added as a new requirement with a 35% weekly threshold.

Under the new criteria,  24 counties are in “turquoise,” six are in “green,” three are in “yellow,” and none are in “red.” 

Human Services Secretary David Scrase said, “I think this is clearly doable,” but “it’s going to take extra work,” which can be interpreted as code as the administration once again moving the goalposts. 

However, if the state meets the 60% goal for “100% reopening,” it still means that indoor mask requirements will remain, masking for youth sports will remain, the Coronavirus state of emergency will remain, New Mexicans are still on stay-at-home orders. This comes despite a masked Rio Rancho athlete collapsing due to lack of air during a race due to Gov. Lujan Grisham’s mask-mandated athletics. 

Dr. Scrase and Gov. Lujan Grisham also both indicated that in the future, annual “booster” inoculations are likely coming. 

Countless New Mexico jobs have been destroyed forever. People have left the state in droves due to the lockdown orders. Many have been reliant on the government’s unemployment system despite some jobs reopening. New Mexico trails the entire nation with employment numbers as the third-worst unemployment state.

During the pandemic, Lujan Grisham has repeatedly skirted her own lockdown orders, forced New Mexicans to stand in cold breadlines over the holidays, misused government funds to buy $200 per pound Wagyu beef steaks and fine wine, and constantly changed the science and criteria on reopening the state. 

Carrot, meet stick: MLG dangles nine-week ‘100%’ reopening goal in front of New Mexicans Read More »

Gov. MLG hit with lawsuit from Eagles, Elks, Moose orgs. over lockdown orders

On Tuesday, it was reported that three fraternal organizations, New Mexico Elks Association, the New Mexico Aerie of the Brotherhood of Eagles, and the New Mexico Loyal Order of the Moose, are suing Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and her health secretary Dr. Tracie Collins over lockdown orders that have shuttered the organizations’ operations.

The groups argue that “the state has acted arbitrarily and capriciously by requiring their lodges to remain closed while establishments offering similar services — such golf courses and country clubs, gyms and restaurants — have been allowed to reopen under capacity limits and guidance for public health,” according to the Las Cruces Sun-News

In the complaint, they write that they “can implement the same safety precautions, policies and procedures that similar organizations were able to implement in order to resume organizational operations.”

The groups, which are nonprofit organizations, operate numerous lodges (aeries) across New Mexico. However, since March 2020, the Governor and her health orders have kept them closed without the opportunity for reopening. 

The lawsuit alleges the orders “violate their due process rights, the right to equal protection under the law and the First Amendment right to peaceful assembly,” the Sun reports. “The organizations are seeking a temporary restraining order preventing enforcement, a declaratory judgment on the orders’ constitutionality, unspecified compensatory and punitive damages and court costs.” 

The Department of Health and Gov. Lujan Grisham’s office declined requests for comment due to the pending litigation.

The New Mexico Elks has over 8,000 members in New Mexico from 22 different lodges. It is unclear how many members and lodges the Eagles run, although nationally, the group has 800,000 members and more than 1,500 locations. The Loyal Order of the Moose does not list how many members or locations are in New Mexico, but internationally the group has 650,000 members and roughly 1,600 lodges. 

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Three Rivers Fire grows to 12,000 acres, 5% contained after some snow and rain

According to the National Forest Service (NFS), the Three Rivers Fire in the Lincoln National Forest has grown from 6,100 to 12,000 acres, with 5% of the fire contained. The fire started approximately half a mile from the Three Rivers Campground on the backside of the White Mountains of the Smokey Bear Ranger District. 

NFS lists the resources used to battle the blaze includes eight engines, six type-one crews, one type-two crew, two helicopters, one bulldozer, and one water tender. Total personnel fighting the fire has reached 210. 

The Forest service reports that an infrared (IR) flight was requested for Tuesday night “to pick up heat, which can then be used to map out the fire perimeter and the perimeter of any additional spot fires.”

On Tuesday morning, cooler temperatures and some snow and rain allowed firefighters to work to construct a fire line on the south end of the fire throughout the day. “Cloud cover began to lift mid-day, which resulted in increased fire behavior and smoke. Crews also continued scouting the rough terrain of the White Mountain Wilderness for potential fire line locations,” writes NFS.

“There are no reported injuries, and no structures have burned. The fire crossed onto Mescalero Apache Tribal Land at the northern border.  Mescalero and the Forest Service are now working in conjunction on fire management activities.”

“Firefighters’ challenges in the coming days are the extremely rugged terrain and limited road and trail access in the fire area. The Type-1 Incident Management Team (IMT) was briefed this afternoon and will take command of the fire tomorrow at 6 am. A Type -1 IMT is a multi-agency team that is dispatched to complex incidents. They include specialized personnel trained in the different functional areas (i.e., operations, logistics, medical staff, radio communications, etc.) needed to support a wildfire.  Incident Management Teams are typed from one to three, with one being the largest and most advanced.”

Evacuations: Evacuation notices have been lifted for these areas: • Nogal Canyon Area (until the Nogal Peak Trailhead) • Bonito Canyon Area up to the Bonito Lake Dam. Tanbark remains evacuated. • Church Mountain • Ranchman’s Camp • Loma Grande • Cora Dutton • Magado • Ski Apache Up to the Eagle Lakes turn • Villa Madonna.

Evacuation centers are still available: • Nazarene Church Camp at 200 Bonito Park Rd. Alto, NM 88316 • Capitan Senior Center at 412 Tiger Drive Capitan, NM 88316 • Ruidoso Downs Senior Center at 393 Highway 70 West Rd. Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346.

(Evacuees with livestock can take their animals to Lincoln County Fairgrounds at 101 5th St. Capitan, NM. Please call 575-336-8600 if you need assistance transporting your animals.)

Road Closures: • Bonito Canyon Road past the Bonito Lake Dam • Nogal Canyon Road past the Nogal Peak trailhead • Three Rivers Trailhead and Campground • Monjeau Lookout at Sierra Vista

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Three Rivers Fire grows to 12,000 acres, 5% contained after some snow and rain Read More »

Rep. Herrell’s campaign delivers drinking water to firefighters battling Three Rivers Fire

On Tuesday, Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of the Second District wrote on Twitter that her campaign team is working to aid the firefighters who are working on controlling the Three Rivers Fire by delivering them drinking water.

In the post, Herrell wrote, “Team Yvette is headed up to the #ThreeRiversFire with drinking water for our firefighters. Pray for more rain!”

According to the most recent updates on the fire from the National Fores Service, 6,100 acres have been enveloped in flames with 0% of the fire contained.

The fire is “being driven by steep terrain and extreme fire weather conditions, including gusty winds and low humidity levels around 8 percent,” says the National Forest Service. The fire has spread almost to Ski Apache and into the South Fork area.

Following news of the blaze, public officials representing the area made it clear they are working with fire officials to [aid] in any way necessary. Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell wrote, “My staff and I are closely monitoring the Three Rivers Fire and staying in regular contact with the USDA, USFS, state, and local officials. Our prayers are with those fighting the fire as well as those in its path. Stay safe, heed the warnings and orders from authorities, and be prepared to relocate quickly if necessary. Please also beware of unconfirmed information about the situation, and follow official sources like U.S. Forest Service – Lincoln National Forest, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office, and for the latest reliable and factual updates.” 

More information will be added once the National Forest Service has given an update on the Three Rivers Fire of 2021.

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