New Mexico

Legacy and Calvary churches must resist Gov. Lujan Grisham’s tyranny

Over the weekend and on Monday, liberal media outlets like the Albuquerque Journal, KRQE News 13, and KOAT 7 News all blasted Calvary and Legacy churches in Albuquerque for holding Christmas Eve services to honor the birth of Jesus Christ, allegedly in non-compliance with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict 25% capacity limit on churches.

Despite the large churches minding their own business in the practice of worship, that was not good enough for the liberal mainstream media and Gov. Lujan Grisham, who could not stand the thought of free Americans using their First Amendment rights to proclaim the birth of Christ. So, after the press amplified politically motivated liberal voices who claimed the churches were putting health at risk, the Governor’s Health Department slapped the churches with hefty $5,000 fines. 

The Department said that in addition to the $5,000 fine, “other remedies against the same conduct” would be taken “as allowed by state statute.”

The Governor’s pompous communications director Tripp Stelicki–who condescended New Mexicans repeatedly–gave a statement to the Albuquerque Journal, mercilessly bashing Legacy and Calvary churches for their “illegal and selfish gatherings,” saying they “will directly contribute to more suffering and illness in our state.”

Here’s what the Journal reported:

Tripp Stelnicki, a spokesman for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, said the parishioners and leaders of the two churches violated both the state’s public health order “and common sense.”

“They endangered the lives livelihoods and health of not only their parishioners but their entire communities — and given how quickly this virus can spread, potentially our state as a whole.”

Stelnicki went on to say that while all New Mexicans wish that the pandemic was over, it clearly is not and no pastor “may deem it so.”

“These church leaders should reflect on the danger they’ve unleashed in their communities,” he said.

The First Amendment comes first for a reason, and the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled in favor of religious institutions and against tyrannical edicts given from on-high by power-hungry tyrants like Lujan Grisham. “Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” wrote the Court’s conservative majority in one case’s opinion.

Those words must ring true to Calvary and Legacy churches’ leadership now more than ever. Standing up for what is right may not always be easy, but both churches may be surprised at how many patriots from across our great state are willing to stand with them as they go into battle for New Mexicans’ rights. 

Legacy Church released a strong statement following criticism, saying, “We have taken the pandemic seriously from the start, and have prudent measures in place. But when governments exceed their constitutional authority and contradict what we are called on by God to do, we answer first to His authority.”

According to Calvary’s chief Pastoral Officer, Neil Oritz, he said that the church “experienced a significant attendance on one of the most celebrated and sacred days of our Christian faith.” In response to the large turnout, the church “chose not to break fellowship with any worshiper by requiring them to leave the gathering of their church family.”

“We do care about people’s physical health, and we take great precautions,” he said. “… At the same time, we believe that people can be responsible adults and make their own choices about their life and health and that of their families.”

If these churches choose not to buckle to Gov. Lujan Grisham’s tyranny, I and many readers of the Piñon Post would be the first people to donate to their legal funds in the fight for our Constitutional freedoms.

Take heed in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. in the fight ahead: 

“One may well ask: ‘How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?’ The answer lies in the fact that there are two types of laws: just and unjust. I would be the first to advocate obeying just laws. One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ‘an unjust law is no law at all.’”

I urge as many New Mexicans as possible to email Calvary Church with words of encouragement by visiting their online form linked here. Legacy Church can be reached via email at this address: Please leave your name and phone number when contacting these churches so they may reach you better.

Liberal media outlets blast ABQ churches for holding Christmas services

Over the weekend, liberal media outlet KREQ News 13 blasted Calvary and Legacy churches in Albuquerque for holding Christmas Eve services, claiming attendees wearing “few face masks and little, to no, social distancing.” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is currently only allowing 25% capacity at churches in New Mexico, which the outlet alleges was broken by the two churches.

KRQE News showed footage from the church services, writing, “Because Bernalillo County is still in the red zone, that means places of worship are only allowed to hold services at 25-percent of their maximum capacity. While it appears both churches far exceeded that limit, it’s unclear just how many people attended.” 

It should be noted that the entire state is in the supposed “red zone,” as marked by Gov. Lujan Grisham’s restrictive “red to green” program. 

KRQE gave a platform to an individual allegedly named Cassius Money who was not identified with any particular group or affiliation, who said, “To see so many people in one room, disregarding any health measure any precautions, it felt disrespectful to my community.”

Legacy Church replied to KRQE News 13 with the following statement: 

“We have taken the pandemic seriously from the start, and have prudent measures in place. But when governments exceed their constitutional authority and contradict what we are called on by God to do, we answer first to His authority.”

On Monday, KOAT 7 News and the Albuquerque Journal picked up on the story, emphasizing how the churches may be subjected to $5,000 fines for disobeying the Governor’s orders.

Legacy Church previously lost a federal lawsuit petitioning for a higher occupancy rate than 25%, however, a George W. Bush-appointed judge denied it. Other churches from across the state have been fighting for their First Amendment rights, including Truth or Consequences’ New Hope Revival Church, where over Easter, Gov. Lujan Grisham sent State Police to serve a cease and desist order to the pastor, Dr. Caleb Cooper. The move came after Sierra County Sheriff Glenn Hamilton deputized the church. Piñon Post exclusively reported on the incident, while the liberal mainstream media did not.

On her way to the unemployment line, Torres Small takes futile jab at President Trump

While President Donald Trump fights for $2,000 checks for struggling Americans and cuts to the pork-filled Democrat COVID-19 “relief” bill passed through the Congress, one-term Rep. Xochitl Torres Small is taking her last jabs at the President on her way to the unemployment line.

Torres Small, a consistent opponent of President Trump, said that she would stand with other obstructionist Congress members in opposing the President’s veto of the $600 stimulus checks and billions in foreign aid in the bill meant to serve as COVID-19 relief. The bill also included $25 million for democracy and “gender studies” programs in Pakistan, funding to the Kennedy Center, and other non-COVID items.

She tweeted, “I will continue to stand up for our service members and vote to override this veto.”

“This bill — passed by both the House & Senate — is a result of bipartisan, months-long negotiations & will support our troops by authorizing a well-deserved pay raise. It’s critical the President puts our nat’l security & service members 1st by signing the NDAA into law,” she added.

Torres Small votes with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) 94% of the time, and she has bashed President Trump as a “racist,” while taking campaign cash from socialist Rep. Ilhan Omar and dark money fringe-groups. 

The people of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, despite alleged massive fraud across the state, sent Torres Small packing after her radical agenda was uncovered by the Piñon Post and her opponent, incoming Rep.-elect Yvette Herrell of Alamogordo. 

Herrell will take office in January, while Torres Small takes bitter jabs at the 45th president on her way out the door. 

WATCH: Hilarious Christmas music video calls out ‘Governor Grish’

This Christmas, one music video is spreading like wildfire across social media featuring New Mexico singer Ash Soular and “Governor Grish.” The video uses Gov. Lujan Grisham’s own words to show how she’s being a “tyrant.” 

The video starts out with audio clips of Lujan Grisham talking about how New Mexicans couldn’t celebrate holidays throughout the year. “We didn’t celebrate the 4th of July,” “We didn’t celebrate Labor Day,” “We didn’t go out with our families,” “and just enjoy Halloween,” “We didn’t see our families on Thanksgiving,” “Zoom Hanukkah,” “So Christmas… Don’t go in person!”

Then the Governor says, “And TOO much shopping is not good,” “And you can’t wear a mask and eat a biscochito!” “Zoom Christmas can be fun,” Lujan Grisham adds.  

The hilarious video calling out Gov. Lujan Grisham nails her for putting people out of business, making people stand in-line for food, and her shopping trip to a “non-essential” business to buy expensive jewelry while New Mexicans were never afforded such a luxury. 

The video ends with the uplifting message that “We’re taking back our rights,” telling Lujan Grisham, “Enjoy your only term!” 

Check out the music video below:

To learn more about Ash Soular, her website is linked here. Merry Christmas!

Gov. MLG says Santa Claus and his reindeer are ‘immune to COVID-19’

On Christmas Eve, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham released an executive order proclaiming Santa Claus and his reindeer as “essential workers” who are “immune from COVID-19.” 

The jovial order apparently meant to quell tensions among angsty families scared of the virus, proclaims that “boys and girls all across New Mexico have been very good this year, making very adult sacrifices in their day-to-day lives, like attending classes online, keeping physical distance from others, including friends, and always wearing a mask when they go out with their parents and guardians.” 

The order also proclaims that “health experts have determined Santa Claus and his reindeer are immune from and cannot spread illnesses of any type as he visits homes throughout New Mexico, the United States and the world.” The Governor did not mention Christmas elves’ immunity to the virus, however.

Also included in the order is a note that, “health experts have determined the North Pole has not had any cases of COVID-19, meaning Santa Claus can travel without risk to his health or the health of anyone whose home he visits.

Lujan Grisham declared Claus as “exempt” from “the State of New Mexico’s social distancing and travel requirements.” 

The move from the Governor comes after Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health declared Santa as “good to go,” claiming he had vaccinated St. Nick. 

NMSU study: cloth face masks alone are not enough to stop COVID-19

Researchers at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces published their research in the scientific journal, “Physics of Fluids” finding that cloth face masks are not enough to stop the spread of COVID-19. It should be noted, however, that according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), COVID-positive patients who get coronavirus have a greater than 99.5% survival rate up to the age of 70, and that number dips to 94.6% for patients over the age of 70. 

The researchers studied five types of face coverings, which included N-95 masks, surgical masks, cloth masks, and cloth masks wetted with water. According to the study, “Droplet flow visualization experiments of a simulated face-to-face interaction with a mask in place were conducted using the particle image velocimetry setup.” 

The study is the first of its kind to “quantitatively verify” if wearing a mask while having closer than six-feet interactions with others is safe. 

According to one source, “Studies have shown that the average infection threshold for COVID-19 is 1,000 virus particles, inhaled either all at once or on separate occasions,” while a single sneeze has the ability to carry up to two million virus particles. 

Therefore, “the cloth mask let through more than 1,000 sneeze droplets, each of which could have millions of virus particles.” 

Findings from the study concluded that while all masks blocked approximately 95% of droplets originating from coughs and sneezes, a risk still remained of the virus being passed on. However, “[if] the relevant social distancing guidelines are compromised,” then “foreign airborne sneeze and cough droplets could pass through all the masks tested.” 

“When the leakage percentages of these airborne droplets were expressed in terms of the number of virus particles, it was found that masks would not offer complete protection to a susceptible person from a viral infection in close (e.g., <6 ft) face-to-face or frontal human interactions,” says the study. 

The researchers give multiple suggestions for avoiding the spread of the mostly non-deadly virus, including “wearing multiple layers of masks could offer increased protection,” using wet or N-95 masks, “or turning the face away from the sneeze or cough.” 

‘March for Trump’ bus passes through New Mexico

On Tuesday, Amy Kremer, Chair of Women for America First, posted a video of her organization’s bus stopping through New Mexico.

The group’s “March for Trump” bus looks to have stopped through the state on the way to its first stop in Nevada, according to Kremer’s post and the roadmap posted on The bus looks to have passed through I-40, meaning it passed through Albuquerque toward Gallup and Grants.

Women for America First organized the massive “Stop the Steal” and “Million MAGA March” rallies in Washington, D.C. and across the country against Democrat voter fraud. At the last rally, President Trump flew over the crowd in Marine One to greet the countless attendees. The bus tour is funded by Mike Lindell, founder of MyPillow, along with Right Side Broadcasting and other partners.

“Good morning #NewMexico! The #MarchForTrump is headed to #Nevada today. If you see us, give us a big 👍,” wrote Kremer in her Twitter post.

If Piñon Post readers see the bus on its way to Nevada, please send them to us so we can update our story! 

MLG’s comms. director says resistance to Governor just exists in ‘angsty corners of social media’

On Monday, the Santa Fe New Mexican released an interview with one-term Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, which included an interview trying to downplay her COVID-19 response, which has decimated countless New Mexico businesses and livelihoods.

During the interview, Lujan Grisham admitted how her strict mandates would hurt her at the polls, with the New Mexican writing that “there will be parents of school-age children who may never vote for her again because of classroom closures.” 

“ ‘Be mad at the pandemic,’ is what I tell everyone,” said Lujan Grisham, adding that “it’s not political.” 

She reflected on her decisions during the pandemic and said, “The very first important decision on March 11 is that we’re going to ask businesses to shutter and people to stay home, and we’re going to get ready to close schools.” 

However, her only regret she said is that she wasn’t able to influence Republican members in the National Governor’s Association to shut down their states as she did. “That’s something I really pride myself on, that I can bring people of different parties and different perspectives together, and I couldn’t do it at the federal level,” she added.

She also bemoaned her inability to convince Tribal governments to also follow her economy-killing mandates, saying “And I still have, you know, moments where I just feel poorly that I was unable to get other policymakers on the same page.”

Tripp Stelnicki, the Governor’s communications director who has repeatedly been an enemy of the common New Mexican, said that he feels confident about the “internal polling” done on the governor’s performance, saying she gets “high marks” from New Mexicans.

“That might run counter to the perception you get from angsty corners of social media, but I think New Mexicans overwhelmingly recognize that a crisis calls for decisive leadership and a willingness to make tough and sometimes unpopular decisions,” he said. He added, “You can’t make assumptions in politics, but we feel pretty good about public support.” 

It appears the Governor’s spokesman has just downplayed the countless New Mexicans who have been decimated by the Governor’s lockdown as simply living in “angsty corners of social media.” He previously downplayed the hours-long breadlines at stores due to the Governor’s lockdown as a “minor inconvenience” while claiming Republicans who oppose Lujan Grisham’s dictates are members of a “death cult.” He also belittled a local television news reporter for asking basic questions.

Now, the Governor is trying to gin up support as the state remains in lockdown, comparing the state’s current position to that of the Great Recession of 2008. Lujan Grisham said, “I don’t want anyone … to assume that we are in the same productive economic position that we were in at the end of ’19. But I think New Mexicans should not expect New Mexico to languish like we did in the last recession.” 

However, the Governor’s disdain for New Mexicans during her weekly press conferences doesn’t appear to merely be stemming from “angsty corners of social media.” Here are some of her worst:

Gov. Lujan Grisham mask shames Españolans at press conference: “by I didn’t see a single mask, not one. Not in a parking lot, not in a grocery store that we passed, not at a convenience store, not at a gas station, not by someone in a car, not hanging on a rearview mirror…”
.@GovMLG presser reel 2/3: MLG claims she supports “independence and authority of judges” despite having NM Supreme Court overrule local judge MLG claims State Police will cite Sheriffs and local Law Enforcers MLG says militant mask enforcement increases mask-wearing
.@GovMLG presser reel 3/3: MLG goes on a rant against New Mexicans leaving the state, citing her tracking of peoples’ phones to know where they are coming from and going to.
⁩ shames New Mexicans for attending a loved one’s funeral, tells them to say goodbye to them over FaceTime

VIDEO: ABQ Walmart still has long lines days after Gov. MLG relaxes store capacity restrictions

On Friday, outside of the Walmart at 2701 Carlisle Blvd. NE in Albuquerque, there were long lines reported in the late afternoon, despite Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham relaxing her public health orders from 75 people total in each grocery and big-box store to 25% capacity.

The video shows New Mexicans still waiting outside in the cold, including the elderly, disabled, and those medically fragile.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the Governor has mandated harsh lockdowns, which have shuttered countless businesses — many for good. They have also forced children to switch to distance learning, which excludes children who cannot afford internet access or education. 

Then, just ahead of Thanksgiving, Lujan Grisham mandated the strict 75-person capacity for groceries, resulting in hours-long breadlines, which may have inadvertently exposed more people to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, after the Governor is no longer being considered for a position in former Vice President Joe Biden’s fictitious presidential cabinet, she began loosening the tight leash she has on the people of New Mexico.  

After she relaxed the health order, Lujan Grisham said, “With colder weather here, we want to ensure that people aren’t gathering in lines for an unsafe length of time, especially in communities where there are fewer retail options for essential needs. We are grateful to the numerous companies and stores across New Mexico that have made every effort to keep their customers, employees and communities safe.” 

But despite the bread crumbs from the Governor’s office, the breadlines continue, and as the year ends, temperatures are continuing to drop. The Governor’s office has not provided scientific evidence to warrant her lockdowns. However, as long as New Mexicans submit to her edicts, the suffering will continue. 

If readers see long lines at grocery stores in their area, please email them to us at

Dems already plotting who they will replace Haaland with if she goes to Biden’s fictitious cabinet

On Thursday, after reports of Rep. Deb Haaland being tapped by Joe Biden for Secretary of the Interior in his fictitious presidential cabinet, the vultures in the media already began circling Haaland’s congressional district, with Democrats looking to hold onto the Albuquerque-area seat.

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican, state Sen. Antoinette Sedillo Lopez (D-Albuquerque), who is an ally of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, unsuccessfully ran against Haaland in the 2018 Democrat primary for the seat. 

“I’m definitely thinking about it. … But right now I’m focused on everything that we need to get done during the legislative session,” said Sedillo Lopez. 

The Republican frontrunner for the seat appears to be former candidates Jared Vander Dussen, who ran for the 1st District seat, and Mark Ronchetti, who ran against Ben Ray Luján for New Mexico’s open U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Tom Udall.

The Republican Party would not comment to the Santa Fe New Mexican about who is in contention to reclaim the District, but Mike Curtis, a spokesman for the Party told them, “We do have people who are interested, but that’s all I can tell you at this point.” 

Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver’s office did not give any pertinent information on a special election if Haaland were indeed successful in being a member of Joe Biden’s cabinet. 

The New Mexican reports:

The New Mexico secretary of state will call for a special election after the vacancy occurs, “which will presumably be when [Haaland is] confirmed by the Senate and vacates her House seat,” said Alex Curtas, a spokesman for the Secretary of State’s Office.

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