CNN relishes in the deaths of New Mexicans after they reportedly took Ivermectin
CNN, the extreme far-left “news” media network known for spinning misinformation regarding Russian collusion, President Trump, and delivering fear about COVID-19, is now renewing is fear-driven media frenzy — this time targeting New Mexicans.
Recently, reports from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Department of Health claim two New Mexicans passed away after they took Ivermectin, a drug that is traditionally used to treat livestock, but its human version may be a cure to COVID-19.
After two New Mexicans were announced dead after taking the drug, CNN’s Erin Burnett interviewed New Mexico acting Health Secretary Dr. David Scrase, who nearly couldn’t hide her excitement with the deaths of these citizens due to the drug and Scrase happily going along with the CNN narrative.
“I mean, it’s tragic. And, you know, another Facebook post — another group about Ivermectin ‘The New York Times’ quoted this way. Ivermectin paste, do you take orally? Or rub into your skin? Read one recent post in a Facebook post. Another one put it in a cracker with a dab of peanut butter was a response,” Burnett said.
“And I don’t say that to be funny. I say that just to prove how pervasive it is, and how powerful it is. You are talking about the poison control. In Texas, they say that poison control hotline calls from Ivermectin exposure have more than tripled. Just so far this year.” Burnett then asked Scrase how to clamp down on the alleged “misinformation” of using Ivermectin.
“We’ve seen 20 calls this year, 15 in the past two months. More than half of the folks ended up going into a hospital or urgent care to get treatment. Ten of them were using a veterinary type of medication, paste, tablets. One used an injection, but fortunately, they drank it, they did not inject themselves,” Scrase said.
Then, on CNN’s Don Lemon Tonight, far-left host Don Lemon relished in the deaths of two New Mexicans due to Ivermectin, saying, “Please pay attention, people, and spread this. Yes. Just put it everywhere so people see it. Take it. Two pandemics are killing people. Coronavirus and misinformation. New Mexico says that two people have died after using a drug that has been wrongly touted as a COVID treatment. Are you listening everybody out there?”
Lemon noted how “The liberal media watchdog group Media Matters is reporting that there are 60 Facebook groups dedicated to Ivermectin with tens of thousands of members” and that these groups were being shut down.
Lemon then played a few clips from Fox News with hosts, such as Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingrahm, saying how the drug may be an alternative cure for COVID. Lemon claimed, “I mean, people actually sit there and they watch that all day long. No one hates Ivermectin. That would be bizarre. You hate Ivermectin? I mean, it’s misinformation that is the problem. Like what is all over the Fox propaganda airwaves?”
Lemon then closed out the segment by shaming people who are not vaccinated, saying, “Well, tonight roughly seven million eligible Americans are still not vaccinated. And the rate of a new — of new vaccinations is as low as it’s been since the CDC began tracking. So please, we know what we need to do to keep people safe. Doctors aren’t hiding it from you. In fact, they are begging you. Get vaccinated.”
Many prominent people, such as podcaster Joe Rogan, have taken Ivermectin to cure COVID-19, however, CNN contributors continue to peddle misinformation and fraudulent studies to claim it does not work in the treatment of the virus:
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