
‘Historic’ grand jury petition filed against Lujan Grisham

According to the Hobbs News-Sun, on Friday, a citizen petition asking the Lovington District Court to form a grand jury to investigate scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was filed regarding her public health orders and virus restrictions since 2020.

Approximately 1,000 Lea County voters signed the petition being sponsored and filed by state Sen. David Gallegos (R-Eunice) and Larry Marker of Roswell.

According to the petition, it requests that the “District Court convene a grand jury to investigate Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham ‘Defendant’ for crimes of Malfeasance in Office, Misfeasance in Office, Violation of oath of office and Maladministration.”

“The legally and factually unjustified actions of Defendant during her term as Governor include but are not limited to the abuse of authority related to the numerous constitutionally prohibited renewals of a public health emergency. Defendant under guise of emergency authority ordered and authorized numerous illegal actions that included invasions of the constitutionally protected rights of citizens of New Mexico. Defendant has abused and exceeded her legal authority with numerous consecutive sua sponte renewals of a public health emergency citing an unconstitutional misinterpretation of Section 12-10A-5 NMSA 1978,” the petition notes.

The petition alleges Lujan Grisham “manipulated her misinterpretation of her self-appointed unlimited emergency authority to issue public health orders and mandates that were a violation of most if not all of the constitutionally protected substantive and procedural rights of the citizens of New Mexico.” 

“The invasion of these rights inflicted severe, long term and irreparable harm on the citizens of New Mexico. Mandates and public health orders issued by Defendant were not supported by facts” 

“Substantial documentation is evidence that indicates Defendants mandates including but not limited to business and school closures, stay home and lock down orders served no practical purpose as to a reduction in number of covid infections and deaths in New Mexico comparative to other less regulated states. Defendant’s motives are shown to be questionable by the documented inequitable application of her draconian orders, mandates and reopening policies.”

According to the Sun-News, the two petitioners see a “grand jury as a way to hold the governor accountable for the public health orders, up to and including removing her from office.” 

The report notes that a judge may only dismiss the petition for three reasons, including, “lack of valid signatures, specific charges not within the scope of grand jury inquiry, or the violation occurred outside of the geographical area. If the petition meets all three criteria, then it will proceed to grand jury.” 

Gallegos notes that the petition only started less than a month ago, saying, “We actually did all those signatures during the fair. We had a really good crowd during the fair.” 

“This is the first citizens petition to be filed, ever, in Lea County and is truly a historic event,” Markers stated in a press release.

The News-Sun notes that “If the grand jury based on a citizens petition is formed to investigate the governor, Gallegos said to his knowledge it would a first in the state’s history, but added the process brings up a lot of unknowns.”

‘Historic’ grand jury petition filed against Lujan Grisham Read More »

Leftist TV station prods pro-life group over billboard featuring APD officer

On Tuesday, KRQE News 13 wrote an article going after a local pro-life group, the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico, for its life-affirming billboard featuring Albuquerque Police Officer Ryan Holets in his APD uniform and reading, “My favorite right is life.”

In 2017, Holets gained national when he was on duty and met a woman addicted to heroin while eight months pregnant. Officer Holets adopted her baby and helped the mother get to rehab. 

The television station interviewed someone named Dakota Lopez who claimed the billboard “seemed like it was crossing into the realm of like, church and state and how it’s supposed to be separated.” It is unclear what this individual meant by that comment since the group is a non-profit and the officer featured on the billboard is entitled to his own beliefs. 

According to an APD spokesman Gilbert Gallegos KRQE 13 contacted, he said, “We are aware of the billboard and we addressed it with the officer, who said he was approached several months ago about the use of his image in uniform. The officer informed the group that he would not give permission because it would be a violation of APD policy for him to provide an image of himself in uniform for a political campaign. The group used the images anyway, without permission and contrary to the wishes of a police officer who has distinguished himself for his integrity.” 

Ethel Maharg, the executive director of the Right to Life of New Mexico, who is also a Republican gubernatorial candidate, said she never was told she could not use the images and that “It’s just that I know if they’re online they’re public domain so you can borrow them,” 

It is unclear why now liberals and the mainstream media are attacking the pro-life group for the billboard, since it appears to have been up since at least July 12, with the group writing on Facebook, “Look what just went up on Northbound I-25 by the Lomas exit. Our very own hometown hero Officer Holets with 2 of his favorite girls. Hope Holets and Kardence Bero. We are super excited about our billboard and sign campaign. My Favorite Right is Life!” 

After the KRQE 13 hit piece, Maharg wrote on Facebook that the news channel“said I chose the image of Officer Holets because it had made national news. Wrong again. I never said that. They lied. We chose Officer Holets for 2 reasons. 1. He is a decent human being who did a noble thing when he offered to adopt his baby Hope (while in uniform). He saved this baby from abortion. The [birth mother] didn’t want one but was in a desperate situation and desperate people do desperate things. Officer Holets saved 3 lives that day. The baby, the mother and father. He went above and beyond and saw to it that the birthparents got the help they needed. 2, When good officers do something good it goes unnoticed. I’m not going to let that happen. Right now the police force is under attack by the government. They are understaffed, on surveillance at all times and frankly there is little respect for them. It’s time we respect our men and women in blue.”

She noted,“As for me asking Officer Holets for permission and he not giving it. Lies AGAIN. I didn’t ask for his permission. It is public domain and I used it. I would NEVER intentionally hurt Officer Holets or our police force. As for the uninformed comment of church and state I laughed because you don’t know who we are. Right to Life is a [nonsectarian] organization. Let me ask you. Did you see the words God, Jesus, or the cross on that billboard? I guess you did because we stand for life from conception to natural death so I guess it did say God, Jesus and the cross.”

“You cannot deny truth. The problem you see here is that this Big, Beautiful billboard is bringing light to life, and the pro-death people are upset especially since it sits right at the exit where women seeking an abortion would see it. Pobresitos! This billboard has been up since July 14th and you just now noticed it? What took you so long? To KRQE Thanks for the free press. If you like our billboards and want to see them continue go to rtlnm.org and give so we can continue this fight, because we will NEVER stop fighting for life,” Maharg concluded.

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Satanic abortion cult suing Texas connected to Michelle Lujan Grisham

In 2020, the Piñon Post reported exclusively on scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham following Satanic cult leader Greg Stevens, who also goes as “Priest Penemue.” Not only does Gov. Lujan Grisham follow the cultist, but she has also tweeted at him.

In 2012, she wrote to the Satanic “minister” on Twitter, “Thanks for the retweet!” 

She again tagged Stevens in another post, also tagging pro-abortion group EMILY’s List, which has given Lujan Grisham tens of thousands of dollars in dark abortion money over the years:

Stevens runs the ordination ministry for the “Temple of Satan” in Texas, which performs its “Satanic abortion ritual.” The cult is currently suing Texas over the state’s newly implemented abortion law banning the killing of babies in the womb after six weeks of pregnancy. Stevens appears to be aligned in the same vein as Lujan Grisham politically, as evidenced by the below tweet:

Michelle Lujan Grisham also blasted Texas for implementing the life-saving law. She wrote, “Women and their families should be able to access affordable reproductive health care. That’s why we safeguarded New Mexicans’ right to choose and appealed the 50-year-old abortion ban.”

The above tweet has since been deleted by Lujan Grisham.

According to The Blaze, “The group, which is based in Massachusetts, has been granted tax-exempt status as a church by the IRS. They claim that they do not believe in the supernatural, nor do they believe in Satan, despite their name.” 

The group’s abortion ritual, according to the Temple, is as follows:

The Satanic abortion ritual provides spiritual comfort and affirms bodily autonomy, self-worth, and freedom from coercive forces with the affirmation of TST’s Seven Tenets. The ritual is not intended to convince a person to have an abortion. Instead, it sanctifies the abortion process by instilling confidence and protecting bodily rights when undergoing the safe and scientific procedure.

The 2020 inquiry into Gov. Lujan Grisham’s support for the Satanic cult leader led us to ask her office for comment, of which we never got a response. According to the online social media tracker “DoesFollow,” she still follows the demonic cult leader on Twitter. 

In 2021, Lujan Grisham signed an extreme abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill in New Mexico, stripping away all protections for women, babies, and health care workers. The move was no doubt praised by Satanic groups and leaders looking to kill more babies in the name of Satan.

Satanic abortion cult suing Texas connected to Michelle Lujan Grisham Read More »

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Ethel Maharg

On August 25, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Ethel Maharg had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Maharg brings to the race. Ethel Maharg is the former mayor and council member from the Village of Cuba and serves as the executive director of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. 


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Ethel at MahargForGovernor.com.

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names. The next batch of one-on-one interviews will be posted next week featuring Louie Sanchez, Tim Walsh, and Greg Zanetti.

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Ethel Maharg Read More »

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Dow

On August 23, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Dow had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Dow brings to the race. Rebecca Dow is a three-term current New Mexico state representative in Truth or Consequences.


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Rebecca at DowForNM.com.

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names. The next batch of one-on-one interviews will be posted next week featuring Louie Sanchez, Tim Walsh, and Greg Zanetti.

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Dow Read More »

Taxpayers to fork over $1,250 one-time payments to Afghan refugees

As reported by the Washington Post, American taxpayers will be forced to fork over $1,250 one-time payments to Afghan refugees Joe Biden is resettling in the United States, including in the states of New Mexico, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Virginia, and Indiana. 

These payments will be provided by the State Department and funded by American taxpayers. 

Reports indicate that approximately 50,000 Afghan refugees will be arriving at places such as Fort Bliss, which is in both New Mexico and Texas, Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, Fort Lee in Virginia, Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, Joint Base McGuire-Dix in New Jersey, the Marine Corps Base in Virginia, Fort Pickett in Virginia, and Camp Atterbury in Indiana.

“We have cultural differences and those are things that we’re working on, educating both the Afghans and our people on the challenges that we face from a cultural perspective,” said U.S. Northern Command head Air Force Gen. Glen VanHerck told The Hill.

Breitbart reports, “Refugee resettlement costs American taxpayers nearly $9 billion every five years, according to research, and each refugee costs taxpayers about $133,000 over the course of their lifetime. Within five years, an estimated 16 percent of all refugees admitted will need housing assistance paid for by taxpayers.” 

Over the last 20 years, nearly a million refugees have been resettled in the nation, which Breitbart notes would be the equivalent of annually adding the population of Pensacola, Florida to the United States.

The resettlement of Afghans comes with open arms by politicians, such as Democrat New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who claimed, “We have a proud tradition of welcoming refugees from around the world with open arms, and we make no exception for the people of Afghanistan.” 

However, this same charity from Lujan Grisham was not extended to Cuban refugees fleeing their communist dictatorship nor to starving, poverty-stricken people on the streets of New Mexico. Those people will not be granted $1,250 checks — but Afghan refugees will.

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ABQ restaurant that fought MLG’s draconian edicts says goodbye after judge deals final death blow

Backstreet Grill, an Albuquerque restaurant that put up a valiant 18 month-long fight against Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s extreme pandemic edicts, is now saying goodbye after losing a battle with the State.

On Friday, Judge Franchini reportedly dealt the death blow to the restaurant, ordering the small business to close voluntarily following the Albuquerque city attorney Robyn Rose making an “outrageous” request for the Court to terminate Backstreet Grill’s utilities.

The City of Albuquerque and the liberal media have harassed the struggling small business for months, with Backstreet Grill refusing to close their doors and deprive their employees of work, even when the city’s Environmental Health Department took them to court to try to force closure.

According to a press release reviewed by Backstreet Grill’s attorneys, “​​Even after the mask mandates were lifted, the city continued its relentless attacks. They filed for a temporary restraining order without giving notice to the attorneys they KNEW were representing Backstreet Grill. The harassment and intimidation [were] intensified by local news outlets and journalists. Managers have had to call in police to remove those harassing their clientele.” 

In May, the State of New Mexico filed a temporary restraining order against the restaurant earlier this year, resulting in Judge Lisa Ortega ruling in favor of Backstreet Grill, by declining to extend the restraining order letting it expire in May 2021.

Now, after Judge Franchini’s ruling, Backstreet Grill is saying goodbye to its loyal customers and supporters, who have stood by them throughout these months of harassment and litigation.

The press release notes that “If people want to come by in solidarity and support, many will join to say goodbye this Sunday, 9/5/21. [Attorney] Ana Garner will be there at 5:30 pm to thank the restaurant publicly for [its] efforts in standing up.” 

People from across New Mexico are invited to attend and support the business in its final days operating. 

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MLG’s dreams coming true: NM abortionists booked three weeks out after pro-life TX law

Following Texas’ move to save infant lives in the Lone Star State by limiting abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, New Mexico’s scandal-ridden alleged sexual predator Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s dreams are coming true of New Mexico turning into a destination for “abortion tourism.” 

According to Alexis McGill Johnson, president of the nation’s largest baby-killing operations, Planned Parenthood, abortion facilities are booked solid in New Mexico for at least the next three weeks. “People are already making that journey,” claimed McGill Johnson.

Radical abortion funds, such as the “West Fund,” the“New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice,” the“Mariposa Fund,” and other National Network of Abortion Fund-affiliated groups have been busy in the southwestern region to hook mothers up with appointments at abortion facilities in New Mexico for these women to kill their children through the dangerous procedure.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham previously signed an extreme bill legalizing abortion up to and after birth in the 2021 Legislative Session — effectively stripping out all conscience protections for health care workers and health protections for women and babies — leading to unsafe, unregulated late-term abortion in New Mexico. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, “New Mexico remains just one of six states where it’s legal to have an abortion at any point during a pregnancy.” 

Lujan Grisham praised New Mexico’s most extreme pro-abortion laws in the nation by proudly writing, “…we safeguarded New Mexicans’ right to choose and appealed the 50-year-old abortion ban.”

However, abortion proponents are still working off of 50-year-old science, which only in recent years has discovered the humanity of children in the womb. 

Now, as New Mexico faces an influx of abortion tourists coming from Texas to kill their children, New Mexicans can help give support to these women by becoming a sidewalk advocate outside of local abortion mills in the area, especially Albuquerque at Southwestern Women’s Options where babies are being aborted up to and after 32 weeks of pregnancy.

MLG’s dreams coming true: NM abortionists booked three weeks out after pro-life TX law Read More »

Santa Fe Mayor Webber will finally have to answer tough questions at town hall

On Monday, September 13, 2021, Santa Fe Mayor Alan Webber (D) will have to face the public at a town hall with his opponents JoAnne Vigil Coppler and Alexis Martinez Johnson. The event will be hosted by the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Drury Hotel and streamed via Zoom. 

Webber allowed insurrectionists to tear down the then-152-year-old Soldiers Monument on the Santa Fe Plaza in 2020, with the Santa Fe Police ordered to stand back and let them destroy the historic monument. Webber’s ally, District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies, let the rioters go with no jail time in the name of “restorative justice.” 

Since the desecration happened after being fueled by the Marxist groups The Red Nation and Three Sisters Collective with anti-Hispanic hate, Webber established a Marxist Culture, History, Art, Reconciliation, and Truth (CHART) Commission to tear down Spanish art and culture.

Both Vigil Coppler and Martinez Johnson are critical of Webber’s failure to protect the Soldiers Monument and the creation of CHART.

Union Protectíva de Santa Fé, a Hispanic cultural group, has been running ads and erecting yard signs against Webber’s anti-Hispanic hate. One advertisement featured an essay claiming Webber “has attempted to privatize city services, discounted ‘attacks on our religion,’ and established a ‘Marxist’ process to address potentially controversial monuments across the city.” 

Triggered by the advertisement, Webber lashed out at the group, however, he did not overtly deny their accusations. He wrote, “These charges are wrong” in a statement. “The facts are wrong. Even worse, their intention is wrong: Their purpose is to inflame divisions in our city.” 

Now, Webber will have to face the music when he has to go up against his two opponents who will no doubt criticize his multiple failures as mayor. The election happens on November 2, 2021, via a ranked-choice ballot.

Register for the town hall here.

Santa Fe Mayor Webber will finally have to answer tough questions at town hall Read More »

Radical pro-abortion Dems cry on Twitter about life-saving Texas law

On Wednesday, Texas’ Heartbeat Bill became law, effectively banning all abortions after a heartbeat is detected in the state. Following the victory for human life, far-left politicians who have taken tens of thousands from the late-term abortion lobby over the years screamed on social media about the supposed “injustice” of not being able to execute full-term babies in the Lone Star State.

New Mexico politicians joined in on the pro-abortion lobby’s lamentations. 

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who paid off a staffer $62,500 for allegedly grabbing his crotch, claimed on Twitter, “Access to health care is in grave danger in Texas and across the country. Here in NM, we know women deserve the right to make their own healthcare decisions — and that’s why we’ve protected those rights.” Lujan Grisham erroneously claims abortion is “health care” and signed an extreme abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill into law.

She used the Texas bill to fundraise, sharing a link to her donation page with the comment that she’s “stood up for women and the right to choose my entire career.” 

Rep. Teresa Leger de Fernandez (D-NM-03) wrote on Twitter, “It’s unacceptable that SCOTUS allowed such a dangerous & extreme abortion bans (sic) to take effect in Texas.” She added, “We must immediately act to codify Roe & pass the Women’s Health Protection Act to protect abortion rights. Abortion care is a personal decision & a fundamental right.” 

It is unclear where in the Constitution or in the medical code of ethics Leger de Fernandez sees the “right” to execute babies in the womb. It is also unclear how she believes banning an elective procedure to kill a baby in the womb is “dangerous” or “extreme.” Most believe the opposite, according to polls

Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-NM-01) wrote on Twitter, “Let’s be clear. Abortion bans endanger the health, self-determination, opportunities & well-being of our communities—especially BIPOC & low-income communities. That’s why I’m supporting the #WomensHealthProtectionAct. Congress must act.  #ProtectRoevsWade.” 

Stansbury apparently believes that “BIPOC” or “Black, Indigenous, People of Color,” and low-income Americans’ well-being is determined by how many of their babies are killed in the womb. Previously, Stansbury told Native American (Indigenous) people displaced from their high-paying jobs that they should just “sell your art or your wool.” Stansbury clearly has revamped this racist rhetoric to push abortions on minority communities through the extreme “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would allow the execution of many more babies in the womb in the United States. 

Now, as the pro-abortion extremists scream about them not being able to kill full-term children in Texas, New Mexico’s radical abortion bill has encouraged “abortion tourism” from out-of-state for mothers to kill their babies in New Mexico at any time in pregnancy. Southwestern Women’s Options allows babies to be killed up to and after 32 weeks in pregnancy while some babies have made it out of the womb and been killed on the delivery room table. Many women, including Keisha Atkins, have died from these dangerous abortion procedures. 

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