
‘Still short’: MLG begs for campaign cash, calls GOP the ‘party of anti-masking’

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham begged donors for more campaign cash running up to the end of September, claiming “extremist Republicans” were going to “suppress voting rights, end reproductive freedom, and refuse to act on climate change.” The campaign claimed the Governor could not afford to fall short on fundraising by the end of the month — despite Lujan Grisham having a massive war chest for her reelection campaign that she had begun building the day she took office.

In one ploy, she tried to label Republicans as “scary,” erroneously claiming the January 6th incursion of the U.S. Capitol was an action of the Republican Party and that pro-life laws in Texas would somehow hurt New Mexico. 

She wrote, “From inciting a riot at the U.S. Capitol to ending access to reproductive health care in Texas, the GOP is at its most extreme right now – and they’re doing everything they can to flip New Mexico red. I won’t lie to you, friend: it’s a scary moment for our shared future.” She went on to ask, “Will you rush $15 right now to help us defend New Mexico from far-right extremists?”

In one hilarious line in the email, Lujan Grisham wrote, “That’s why I desperately need your help: To protect New Mexico from the party of anti-masking and voter suppression, I need to reach our emergency $20,000 filing deadline goal before Oct. 4 at midnight. The stakes have never been higher, so I need everyone reading this email to contribute.”

But now, after the supposed September deadline, Lujan Grisham’s campaign has gotten even more desperate, sending emails begging for donations, with emails titled “still short” claiming that if the scandal-ridden Governor is not kept in 2022, “Republicans could erase this progress in an instant. To protect our state from the GOP, I need you to help me meet this goal right now.” 

Another email from October 3 claims if the MLG campaign does not “meet every single goal, our state could fall straight into the GOP’s hands.” 

With seven Republican candidates to choose from to take out Lujan Grisham after the corrosive agenda the Governor has inflicted upon the state, it is no wonder she is so scared for her reelection. From locking down New Mexicans and killing at least 40% of small businesses to ramming through extremist abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills, Lujan Grisham has made many enemies.

[Read the list of the things Michelle Lujan Grisham has done to New Mexicans during this pandemic (the list is very long).]

‘Still short’: MLG begs for campaign cash, calls GOP the ‘party of anti-masking’ Read More »

Ethics Commission asks for more staff, expanded jurisdiction to curb legislator corruption

On Friday, the New Mexico State Ethics Commission (SEC) agreed “​​to ask the Legislature to expand its jurisdiction to the parts of the state Constitution that prohibit profiting from public office and ban legislators from having an interest in contracts authorized by legislation passed during their term,” according to the Albuquerque Journal

Executive director Jeremy Farris told the Journal that constitutional provisions at issues are a “natural fit” to the SEC’s mission and not necessarily due to legislators, such as former second-ranking House Democrat Rep. Sheryl Stapleton, who is embroiled in a decades-long corruption investigation where she has been indicted on 28 federal counts. 

The Commission is seeking approval for a $1.28 million budget, which is an increase of 40% over the previous year’s appropriation. The move would increase the agency from five employees to nine. 

According to the report, the new changes in the agency’s expanded jurisdiction, if approved, would give the Commission authority over constitutional provisions prohibiting:

• Increased compensation for public officials during their term of office.

• Legislators having an interest in any state or city contract that was authorized by law during their term or for one year afterward.

• State officials who already draw a salary from drawing outside fees or otherwise profiting for their service in public office.

Farris said, “We absolutely have to have a larger staff to run this agency.” He noted, “It won’t work with five.”

Time will tell if the Commission will get its wishes, with Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham in hot water over her alleged corrupt activity, along with many other legislators and public officials who have had complaints lodged against them. 

Ethics Commission asks for more staff, expanded jurisdiction to curb legislator corruption Read More »

Pro-aborts ‘march’ for ability to execute babies despite NM allowing full-term abortion

On Saturday, far-left anti-life extremists gathered outside the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to “march” for the right for mothers to kill their own children despite New Mexico being the most pro-abortion state in the country, with zero restrictions on killing babies in the womb. That means abortions up to and AFTER birth were legalized in the 2021 Legislature. Anti-life alleged serial groper Michelle Lujan Grisham almost couldn’t contain her excitement signing the abortion free-for-all bill into law.

Despite the extreme anti-life bills allowing unlimited abortions, apparently, the far-leftists haven’t received the message, with people gathering to demand murder of unborn babies. 

Posts from attendees of the anti-woman, anti-life march show people in cervix costumes, “I stand with Planned Parenthood” signs, and many wearing masks despite the event being outside the Capitol and the risk of catching a virus being minute. 

In attendance at the Santa Fe rally was far-left extremist Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM-03), along with the anti-gun Bloomberg group Moms Demand Action.

Others who gathered at Tiguex Park in Albuquerque also had the corporate-provided generic t-shirts and signs provided by the dark money abortion group Planned Parenthood, which commits around one-third of abortions each year. Some signs from pro-illegal alien groups supporting murdering migrant children read, “respect bodily sovereignty.” 

Some cringe-inducing signs from the tiny Tiguex Park anti-life event had signs claiming “trans” women (biological men) could get abortions. 

New Mexico is the abortion capital of the nation — if not the world — with many abortion tourists flying from around the country to the Land of Enchantment to end their babies’ lives. Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque aborts full-term babies after 32 weeks gestation.

Pro-aborts ‘march’ for ability to execute babies despite NM allowing full-term abortion Read More »

LFC claims ‘data error’ at CYFD increased child death numbers

According to a memo from Legislative Finance Committee Director David Abbey, he claims that a “data error” changed Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD) child mortality data from 2020 to show the number had more than doubled to 23. He claims the true number is 13, which is a rise of two deaths from 2019, which was 11.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports, “While a committee memo distributed to legislators Tuesday said child maltreatment deaths had more than doubled to 23 in 2020 from 11 a year earlier, the new memo said the actual number of deaths in 2020 was 13. The change was based on a CYFD data error, the memo added.” 

But with this new apparent “data error” on very serious child mortality rates, how are New Mexicans supposed to trust that this is the true number and how are they to trust the integrity of the data provided to the public?

Instead of the Lujan Grisham’s department acknowledging fault, the Governor’s secretary-designate Barbara Vigil claimed on Friday “the error was instead the result of the Legislative Finance Committee staff’s interpretation of the data,” according to the report.

She said, “In response to LFC’s corrected memo, CYFD provided correct information on child fatalities to LFC from two sources, namely, from CYFD and the Office of the Medical Investigator in accordance with federal reporting standards,” Vigil wrote. “It appears that LFC duplicated the count from CYFD and the count from OMI to arrive at the 23 fatalities, which was incorrect. Had LFC communicated with CYFD prior to the finalization of the memo, this error would have been caught immediately.”

Also in the previous memo provided to legislators that New Mexico had the second-highest rate of repeated child mistreatment in the nation, Lujan Grisham’s CYFD has failed regarding staff vacancies and high turnover in critical leadership positions. 

Time will tell if the data proves to be true, but the Lujan Grisham regime’s failure to get the story straight with New Mexicans regarding this serious data calls into question the Democrat governor and her Democrat-led Legislative Finance Committee.

LFC claims ‘data error’ at CYFD increased child death numbers Read More »

Heinrich and Luján vote for eco-terrorist to lead the Bureau of Land Management

In a 50-45 party-line vote, Tracy Stone-Manning was confirmed as the director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) on Thursday evening, with both New Mexico senators Martin Heinrich (who resides in Maryland) and Ben Ray Luján voting for the controversial nominee.

Stone-Manning is a known eco-terrorist who was involved in a tree spiking plot in the Idaho forest. 

According to one report, “Tree spiking is a dangerous and violent eco-terrorism tactic where metal rods are inserted into trees to prevent them from being cut down. The metal rods damage saws that, in turn, have severely injured people, such as a mill worker whose jaw was split in two from an exploding saw.” 

In 1993, Stone-Manning was reportedly granted legal immunity for her testimony that she retyped and sent an anonymous letter to the U.S. Forest Service on behalf of John P. Blount, her former roommate, and friend. The letter can be seen here:

Despite her eco-terrorism, all Democrats, including Luján and Heinrich supported her nomination, giving her extreme power to oversee the Bureau of Land Management. According to the BLM website, “BLM employees in New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas care for 13.5 million acres of public lands plus 42 million acres of Federal oil, natural gas, and minerals for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.” 

Following Stone-Manning’s confirmation, pro-energy group Power The Future’s Larry Behrens wrote: 

Senators Heinrich and Lujan are hoping the wreckage of Joe Biden’s legislative agenda will distract New Mexicans from the confirmation of an eco-terrorist to a high-ranking government position. All the while, green policies are sending energy prices soaring at home and putting Europe on the brink of a supply crisis heading into winter. Tracey Stone-Manning’s confirmation is the clearest sign yet that ‘Blue Collar Joe’ values extreme environmentalism above all else and certainly more than the well-being of our energy workers. New Mexicans are watching, and they won’t be fooled.

Heinrich and Luján vote for eco-terrorist to lead the Bureau of Land Management Read More »

What is MLG hiding by falsifying NM child abuse rates?

The better question may be what is she not hiding after embattled alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s administration was caught falsifying child death rates at the Children, Youth, and Families Department (CYFD).  

The former CYFD secretary Brian Blalock lied to legislators in July, claiming “New Mexico is below the national average in both child abuse-related fatalities and child maltreatment.” However, the newly unearthed statistics by legislative analysts show child abuse rates skyrocketed by 200% in 2020 — an extremely different picture than what Blalock reported to legislators.

The nine-page legislative report says: 

The maltreatment rate in New Mexico stood at 16.9 per 1,000 children in 2019, [the] sixth highest in the nation and well above the national average of 8.9.

The rate of child maltreatment fatalities in New Mexico more than doubled from 2.3 per 1,000 children in 2019 to 4.8 in 2020.

New Mexico has the second-highest percentage of children suffering from repeat maltreatment in the nation. In 2019, about 12% of the state’s children who were victims of maltreatment had another case of maltreatment within six months, higher than every state but New York.

So, why was Lujan Grisham’s CYFD hiding this data? Could it be because in 2022 she will have to face voters on this issue and her agency’s failure to protect children is at the bottom of the rung, sitting at #45 highest? 

These horrifying reports showing the Governor’s agency lied to legislators comes after the agency fired whistleblowers Cliff W. Gilmore and Debra Gilmore after they brought to the attention of the Department that its use of the “Signal” application to communicate and delete correspondences after certain periods of time violated government transparency (sunshine) laws in the state.

After they brought this to the attention of Lujan Grisham’s CYFD by saying the use of the app was “detrimental to the credibility of and the public’s trust in government institutions and their leaders,” both were fired.  

A subsequent report found that the Governor’s Department of Information Technology supported the systematic deletion of messages and this was even normalized across the board in all agencies via the use of “Microsoft Teams” to systematically delete all agency messages on the program after 24 hours.

So, even if New Mexicans wanted information pertaining to child abuse cases in the state, they could not access this vital life or death information because the Governor’s Department had already deleted it. 

Was Lujan Grisham purposefully instructing her CYFD secretary to delete these messages and did she give the order to falsify child abuse data in New Mexico? We may never know, but we do know that her agency is complicit in hiding and falsifying data regarding the most innocent and vulnerable in our communities: our children.

What is MLG hiding by falsifying NM child abuse rates? Read More »

Keller ‘happy’ to be endorsed by Bloomberg gun-grabbing group

On Thursday, socialist Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller announced that he had been endorsed by the radical anti-gun group “Moms Demand Action,” which aims to rip guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens via extreme anti-gun laws.

The group was founded and is funded by far-left billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who is a failed candidate for president in the 2020 Democrat primary. 

Keller said he was “happy” to share that he “recently earned the distinction of 2021 Gun Sense Candidate from [Moms Demand Action]!” 

Keller’s campaign wrote, “Since first elected, our Mayor has worked to stem gun violence in [Albuquerque].” 

Moms Demand Action previously lobbied on behalf of a radical bill in the 2021 New Mexico Legislative Session to jail parents who teach their children to shoot.

The pro-gun group New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, which works to protect New Mexicans’ gun rights, said, “[Moms Demand Action] endorsing [Tim Keller] while violent crime and homicides are spiking in Albuquerque tells you what you need to know about their agenda. Nothing about their anti-gun agenda is about keeping you safe.”

Keller’s Albuquerque has made history as having the highest annual homicide rate in city history and extreme crime and homelessness ravaging the once-great New Mexico city.

Keller faces two challengers in his re-election efforts, Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales and conservative radio talk show Eddy Aragon. The election will be held on November 2 and voters are urged to vote on Election Day instead of via absentee or early voting to curb fraud that may occur by Democrat bad actors. If none of the candidates reach a 50% threshold, a runoff election will be held on December 7, 2021.

Keller ‘happy’ to be endorsed by Bloomberg gun-grabbing group Read More »

Rep. Herrell schools abortionist: Dismembering a baby is ‘exactly’ what late-term abortion is

During a heated committee hearing in the U.S. House Rules and Oversight Committee chaired by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (R-NM-02) took a radical Texas abortionist, Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi, to task for the killing of babies in the womb in late-term abortions.

Herrell said, “I come from a state — the State of New Mexico — where obviously late-term abortion is alive and well. I don’t support that, but what I do want to ask you [are] specific questions about the procedure as a whole. Is it true that abortion procedures change based on the gestational age and size of the unborn child?”  

Moayedi tried to dodge the question by answering a previous question, but Herrell said, “No, thank you. Please answer my question.” 

“So, abortion procedures are individualized to the person, where they’re at in the pregnancy, their unique medical circumstances, and the setting in which we’re providing the [abortion].” 

Regarding what procedures are specifically used in late-term abortions, Moayedi said she uses “the same techniques” as an earlier stage abortion but she uses “additional instruments,” such as forceps to break the limbs off of the older unborn baby. 

Rep. Herrell then asked what specifically is the difference between an earlier stage abortion and one after 15 weeks gestation. 

“We use a combination of gently dilating the cervix using medications and dilators and then removing the pregnancy using suction and instruments,” Moayedi answered. 

“So these are more along the line of a dismemberment abortion,” said Rep. Herrell.

Moayedi jumped in claiming, “That is not a medical term.” 

Herrell shot back, “But it is used…. The procedure.” 

“The procedure is called a dilation and evacuation,” said Moayedi. 

Herrell said, “So it is equal to dismemberment.” 

The doctor once again claimed the term Herrell used is “not a medical term,” despite that being what happens in the late-term abortion: dismembering a baby in the womb  — which is an incredibly painful and excruciating death for the unborn child.

Herrell said, “Well, I just want to make sure that the public can understand exactly what we’re talking about because we are talking about dismembering a baby with a heartbeat.” She added, “Let’s call it what it is. I’m going to say dismemberment. You don’t have to respond to that but we all know that’s exactly what it is and people need to understand what we are talking about when we’re dismembering arms and legs of a beating heart baby.”


The same abortionist claimed abortion is a“blessing” and an“act of love.”

Rep. Herrell schools abortionist: Dismembering a baby is ‘exactly’ what late-term abortion is Read More »

Heinrich uses the tragic deaths of two New Mexicans to raise campaign cash

On Thursday, Sen, Martin Heinrich, who resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, sent out a fundraising email asking his donors for donations by using the deaths of two deceased New Mexicans who allegedly passed away following them taking Ivermectin. NOTE: the Piñon Post has been unable to independently verify the true cause of these two New Mexicans’ deaths. All references to their deaths do not include a cause, as it has yet been unproven what they died of.

In the fundraising email, Heinrich blasts Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (NM-CD-2) for saying Ivermectin may be a remedy for COVID-19, also referred to as the “China Virus.” Heinrich says Herrell is a “Trump Republican” who is pushing “misinformation,” despite surveys proving that in small doses, Ivermectin may, indeed, be a possible cure for the virus.

“​​Two New Mexicans have died and many more have been hospitalized due to misuse of this drug, yet Republicans continue to push misinformation to score political points,” writes Heinrich, then mentioning Herrell’s racist Democrat opponent, who Heinrich has endorsed, Gabe Vasquez.

Vasquez is a rabid anti-Trump conspiracist who believes the United States is a racist nation and that Herrell should be “expelled” from Congress for not voting to certify the 2020 election, which was wrought with election fraud in multiple states. 

Heinrich then asks his supporters to split a donation between his campaign and that of the Democrat Party of New Mexico, writing, “So, ahead of tonight’s end-of-quarter deadline, will you split a donation of any amount between my campaign and the New Mexico Democratic Party to power our work to elevate leaders who value science and delivering results for New Mexicans?”

During the pandemic, others used COVID-19 to raise money, including Ben Ray Luján and Deb Haaland who utilized the virus to raise funds and to bash President Donald Trump.

Heinrich uses the tragic deaths of two New Mexicans to raise campaign cash Read More »

Haaland sued by watchdog group for unreleased travel logs

On Wednesday, the watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking unreleased records of Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s schedule and travel log. The group says the suit followed indications that “political appointees may be responsible for the lack of transparency,” according to Just The News

The group says that during Haaland’s time on the House Natural Resources Committee while she served in Congress, she and her colleagues “lodged multiple complaints regarding online calendars they believed were delayed or provided insufficient detail.” 

Now, her staffer who formerly worked for far-left Rep. Raúl Grijalva, the chairman of the Committee, oversees Haaland’s calendar. Protect the Public’s Trust says that “it appears the agency may be intentionally withholding” the full schedule, which is only publicly accessible in a “skeleton version.”

In July, Interior Department communications director Melissa Schwartz was asked why the agency’s website had “nothing” about Haaland’s meetings or travels. 

Schwartz claimed, “I was on a call earlier this week specific to FOIA requests for her calendar and then how we put those up online.” She said, “Sometimes the data dump for FOIA. … just doesn’t look as nice as a communications professional might want it to look … We actually did have something up and then it wasn’t inclusive enough and then we took it down. Just trying to sort of navigate how much to include, whether or not people’s personally identifiable information needs to be redacted and what that looks …” 

“One thing I will say is we take our 508 compliance rules very, very seriously … The secretary in her first week did two pen and pad briefings with reporters and I myself promised reporters that we would have the calendar up. I have blown through my own deadline that I committed to because it’s just taking a little bit more time in the beautiful bureaucracy we work in than I expected. It’s very much on our minds. We’re really trying to use August, perhaps slightly quieter time, to get all of this up, and get us all caught up.” 

Haaland has been under intense scrutiny for her time in office as Interior Secretary, especially regarding her desire to hold a superspreader event at the Department, which would have gone against policies outlined by the Biden regime. She also held a maskless indoor wedding at the Hyatt Tamaya Resort in New Mexico that went against state health guidelines, a story exclusively broken by the Piñon Post.

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