
MLG slapped with yet another ethics complaint alleging illegal donations

On Monday, the group “Stop MLG” announced it had filed an ethics complaint with the State Ethics Commission against scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The group wrote that Lujan Grisham “refuses to comply with state law again accepting illegal campaign contributions. The Governor has broken state campaign finance law by receiving campaign funds that exceed the legal limit.”

“The latest violation shows the Governor’s Campaign Committee reported a campaign contribution of $22,000 from the Pueblo of Santo Domingo. This donation exceeds the maximum donation permitted by law per N.M. Stat. § 1-19-34.7. The maximum contribution limit for Governor candidates is $20,800, split between primary and general elections,” read a press release from the group.

These alleged violations included aggregate donations by the Pueblo of Santo Domingo totaling $22,000. 

“New Mexicans are all too aware of the repeated unlawful acts by Gov. Lujan Grisham,” said Brett Kokinadis, the director of the group. ”Campaign finance and reporting violations, lawsuits against her office for alleged violations of the Inspection of Public Records Acts and from the legislature, questionable use of $222,000 of campaign donations to serve as hush money to silence sexual allegation claims and pay attorney fees all demonstrate the Governor’s refusal to comply with the law.  She believes she operates under her own proclaimed laws and policies.”

“New Mexican voters should be disturbed by all these actions, distractions, and repeated violations by the Governor who continues to believe she is above the law and untouchable,” he said.

This comes after the group filed a complaint in October 2021 against Lujan Grisham, which resulted in the Governor returning donations from the company “Intrepid Potash.” Other complaints have been filed against Lujan Grisham, including one filed in May 2021 by Piñon Post editor John Block, which involved the spending of campaign cash for the Governor’s hair and makeup — personal expenses according to state law and guidelines.

Read the latest Stop MLG complaint here.

MLG slapped with yet another ethics complaint alleging illegal donations Read More »

Report: NM Dominion machines had ‘erroneous code’

According to a report by Nick Moseder, he claims that researcher Dan Sundin has found that “31 of 47 precincts in Otero County were completely missing ALL of their Election Day results” from 2020. More concerning is that Dominion voting machines were configured with the wrong software, creating a “software mismatch.”

“[T]he machine was running on version 5.2.17, but was WRONGLY configured for version 5.2.4,” wrote Moseder.

Unlike in other states, namely Tennessee where a similar issue occurred in  2021 municipal election, “the damage caused by this ‘erroneous code’ is largely unknown. However, what we DO know is that the system reported a software mismatch.” However, “the election continued. Thus, proving that Tennessee was not an isolated incident.” 

According to the report, the findings from the Tennessee issue were as follows: 

Now according to the test laboratories and the EAC [U.S. Elections Assistance Commission], this “anomaly” was related to “the imported D-Suite 5.5 election definition used on the D-Suite 5.5-B system.” In other words, a ton of ballots were marked as provisional, and mass adjudicated because the machines had an outdated software configuration, which caused them to misread the ballots.

They chalked this up to a simple mistake, but if this was merely an accident, why wasn’t this caught during the Logic and Accuracy testing PRIOR to the election? Isn’t that what these so called “testing laboratories” are supposed to do? Aren’t Pro V&V and SLI Compliance hired SPECIFICALLY to make sure that the machines are running the proper software before an election?!?! And they just so happened to miss something of this significance?

In my opinion, this proves that either: A) Logic and Accuracy testing is a JOKE. B) This was done intentionally to allow for manipulation C) All of the above

Sundin looked on the EAC website to confirm which version of the software had been approved. Mosedor writes, “NEITHER version appears ANYWHERE on their website under New Mexico.”

“So, what does this mean?! Put simply, these machines were configured to an un-certified software version, ran on a DIFFERENT un-certified software version, and despite the fact that the machines gave an error during the election, the election continued anyway,” concluded Mosedor.

Read our full report on how Dominion machines got to New Mexico.

Report: NM Dominion machines had ‘erroneous code’ Read More »

New Mexicans react after Democrat lawmaker has border wall photo-op

On Saturday, Democrat House Leader Javier Martinez of Albuquerque posted about a photo-op he had at New Mexico’s southern border with Mexico, writing, “I had the opportunity to visit our NM’s border with Mexico. It’s bustling with activity and billions of dollars in international trade between New Mexico and the world. Proud to be from these borderlands and proud to be a New Mexican!”

But completely ignoring the issues the United States faces with the border bringing in massive violent crime, fentanyl pouring across, and human trafficking rampant, Martinez instead claimed these “borderlands” are a hub for “international trade.” He did not mention the trading of human sex slaves or the trade of deadly fentanyl that only takes one pill to kill someone. 

New Mexicans responded to Martinez’s photo-op. One person wrote, “You’ve done more in a day than @KamalaHarris has done in her entire political career.”

Another wrote, “You forgot to mention all the fentanyl coming over.” Someone echoed the comment with, “That puts the B in billions of dollars of international trade.”

One person added, “Now get rid of Lujan NM is either 49th or 50th in everything that’s good for We The People.” 

One far-left commenter claimed in defense of Martinez, “We don’t need a damn wall,” despite the wall proving an effective tool to stop the illegal trade of drugs and human smuggling, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 

The photo is strangely reminiscent of far-left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocaso-Cortez’s photo-op at an ICE detention facility, where she faked tears in front of the cameras while sadly looking into the facility.

Martinez has in the past supported radical bills promoting illegal immigration, including one bill to put illegal alien teachers in New Mexico schools. Now, the far-left state legislator is the Democrats’ standard-bearer, with House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) stepping down after his current term. Martinez became Democrat House Leader after his predecessor, former state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigned following federal charges, which included racketeering, money laundering, and kickbacks.

New Mexicans react after Democrat lawmaker has border wall photo-op Read More »

NM counties are among the highest-growing rent prices in the nation

According to a report from the Washington Post, many New Mexico counties were included in its list of counties with the highest growing rents amid the recent pandemic. Multiple counties, both urban and rural, were included on the list.

According to the report, Bernalillo County was near the top of the national list, with rents rising 21%, with price estimates for multi-family rentals approximately $1,056 per month. In Santa Fe County, rents rose 18% in the same period, with approximately $1,341 per month.

In Sandoval County, rents rose 15%, with prices around $1,207, while in McKinley County, rents rose 14%, now at approximately $807 per month. Doña Ana County saw high rent increases as well, with prices of approximately $896 per month, an increase of 13%. Curry County rent prices rose 13%, with an $843 price tag for multi-family rentals. 

Otero County rates rose 11%, with a monthly rent price of around $840. Los Alamos County followed Otero with a 10% rent increase, coming in at $1,047 per month.

With inflation at 8.5% and climbing, everything is getting more expensive, including gasoline, groceries, and rent, all harming the lowest-income consumers.

Because of anti-energy policies in New Mexico, including the Energy Transition Act (Green New Deal), and the state Land Office’s yanking of oil leases, costs for fuel and the transportation of goods are being passed along to the consumer. 

NM counties are among the highest-growing rent prices in the nation Read More »

MLG says her fundraising is ‘WAY behind’ ahead of reporting deadline

On Thursday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham deployed a panicky-sounding fundraising email announcing that her campaign is “WAY behind on our $150,000 April fundraising goal.”

“With national Republicans pushing harder than ever to remove me from office, I have to call every voter, knock on every door, and run as many ads as I can to win – but if I fall short this month, I’ll have to make devastating budget cuts,” she claimed in the email.

The far-left Democrat being “way” behind on fundraising could be due to a number of factors, including her donors, possibly having a lack of enthusiasm. The fundraising cutoff for the next reporting deadline is May 2, 2022.

This lack of support might stem from Lujan Grisham’s lavish campaign spending on ritzy Taos Ski Valley getaways and six-figure legal settlements to alleged groping victims. Maybe Lujan Grisham’s fundraising is drying up due to her giving her daughter, Erin Grisham, thousands of dollars in cash for personal hair and makeup expenses.

Lujan Grisham faces multiple Republicans who aim to defeat her in November, including former television weatherman Mark Ronchetti, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, former Cuba Mayor Ethel Maharg, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, and financial advisor Greg Zanetti.

So far, Lujan Grisham, in the last quarter, reported donations of almost $2.7 million, with many maxed-out donations from high-profile leftists and leftist groups such as Planned Parenthood, novelist George R.R. Martin, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s wife, Mary Katherine Pritzker, and the American Federation of Teachers. Many of these donations were reported as anonymous donors, which amounted to tens of thousands of dollars in dark money.

MLG says her fundraising is ‘WAY behind’ ahead of reporting deadline Read More »

Study finds Albuquerque near top of national list for homicides

According to a new study by Wallethub, Albuquerque ranks near the top of the national for homicides, ranking 15th among the entire country.

“Alarmingly, homicide rates have risen by an average of 17% in 50 of the most populated U.S. cities between Q1 2020 and Q1 2022, and are still rising,” wrote the group.

Albuquerque ranks only below the leftist-run cities of Chicago, IL, Durham, NC, Washington, DC, Las Vegas, NV, Dallas, TX, Detroit, MI, Norfolk, VA, Louisville, KY, Milwaukee, WI, Memphis, TN, Baltimore, MD, Atlanta, GA, Cincinnati, OH, and the most homicide-ridden city of New Orleans, LA.

Albuquerque had worse homicide rates than cities such as Minneapolis, MN, which was the starting place of the violent George Floyd riots which resulted in around $500 million in damages to the heavily populated city. It also beat out large cities such as Philadelphia, PA, and Los Angeles, CA, which have been notorious for being crime-ridden.

The City of Albuquerque had 4.85 homicides per capita in 2022 so far, an increase of 1.04 since 2020.

In 2022, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham instructed the Legislature to focus on crime during the 30-day legislative session but unsuccessfully passed meaningful reforms to assist with the crime problem plaguing many localities in New Mexico with Albuquerque leading the pack.

The news spurred a statement from the New Mexico House Republicans, which wrote on Twitter, “ABQ ranks 15th highest in nation for homicides. We are expecting that @NMHouseDems will convene another “crime meeting” to discuss this continued violent crime that they refused to address during the 2022 legislative session.”

Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled at least $150,000 over groping claims by a former staffer, is up for a tough reelection campaign, with Republicans aiming to dethrone her in November. She has often supported anti-police radicals, even ones that bucked her pandemic mandates.

As we previously reported:

However, that’s a complete shift from her previous position, where she applauded and praised the “thousands of New Mexicans who peacefully protested in Albuquerque” in late May after the death of George Floyd sparked protests and riots nationwide. She went on to announce that “The state of New Mexico will stand ready to assist local governments in facilitating peaceful protests.”

She also acknowledged that these protests were a violation of her strict mass gatherings policy, but said they were fine she was going to “take a leap of faith” in protecting the protesters blatantly violating her rules.

She said, “This is a violation of the mass gatherings, no doubt, but we’re just going to take a leap of faith in protecting protesters who have no other way, quite frankly. Right? There’s no other way to be seen, to be heard, to be respected, and to be clear about your message.”

Study finds Albuquerque near top of national list for homicides Read More »

Dow ad hits Ronchetti over 2019 climate change, anti-Trump comments

On Tuesday, state Rep. Rebecca Dow released a new advertisement showing fellow Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti’s ties to George Soros-funded groups, first reported by the Piñon Post in 2020. Ronchetti addressed a “climate change” event in 2019 at the University of New Mexico, where he pledged to work with climate activists 

As we previously reported:

The radical group Ronchetti partnered with, Climate 350, is currently funding a campaign called “Vote Climate” that plans to use people in the media to help “educate” the public, namely REPUBLICAN VOTERS who they believe do not acknowledge the “science of climate change.”

Dow’s campaign wrote about the ad in an email to supporters, “Not only are we battling Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their liberal crony MLG – but we’re fighting a two-front war against a well-funded fake Republican using DC establishment money to sell the fairy tale that he is still a Republican.”

“Even though he ADMITTED he wasn’t a Republican anymore, because of ‘the orange one’… Three guesses who he’s insulting,” referring to Ronchetti’s jab at President Donald J. Trump. 

“That’s right. He’s not only a Never Trumper, but a Soros-backed climate activist and a PRETENDER to the Republican nomination,” added Dow’s team. 

Watch the ad, which is titled “Pretender,” below:

Dow ad hits Ronchetti over 2019 climate change, anti-Trump comments Read More »

MLG’s alleged groping victim may have info on sitting official tied to Epstein

On Monday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s ex-staffer, James Hallinan, who she paid over $150,000 for groping claims, made a cryptic tweet. He wrote that a “sitting” elected official might have been closely tied to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Hallinan wrote that these connections between Epstein and this unnamed elected official “include rides to [and] from the airport and his ranch,” referring to Zorro Ranch in Santa Fe County, where Epstein is said to have raped underaged women.

“If the residents can substantiate it, it’ll be explosive and I’ll name said elected,” wrote Hallinan.

He concluded by adding, “stay tuned…” 

New Mexicans are well-aware of former Democrat Gov. Bill Richardson’s ties to Jeffrey Epstein, with the ex-state chief executive being named in the pedophile’s “little black book.” 

But it is unclear who this “sitting elected official” could be, as there are many who were and still are close to Richardson, including Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham who was the state Secretary of Health under the ex-governor from 2004 to 2007. 

Many New Mexicans opined on Hallinan’s tweet, with one person writing, “Keller? Heinrich? Richardson? Michelle Lujan Grisham? Stansbury? Stapleton? I wouldn’t be shocked if it was a WOMAN.”

Another wrote, “Well if this is true, it is going to be fun!”

Time will tell what information Hallinan may know, but to many New Mexicans, it would be no surprise to have such an individual in state government, given the many powerful men and women who have fallen from grace, such as former Democrat House Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton, who is facing federal charges for racketeering, fraud, and other serious crimes.

MLG’s alleged groping victim may have info on sitting official tied to Epstein Read More »

Bernie Sanders applauds MLG’s socialist ‘free’ college program

This week, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) applauded Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and the Democrats’ free (taxpayer-funded) college proposal that will waste $75 million annually on socialist college programs.

“New Mexico has led the way in making its public colleges and universities tuition-free regardless of income or immigration status. I sincerely hope that the rest of the country follows their lead,” wrote Sanders while posting a video applauding the socialist program.

“The government of New Mexico has made their public colleges and universities tuition-free. I congratulate them. The New Mexico Legislature passed the New Mexico Opportunity Scholarship Act. This will let New Mexicans pursue a higher education for free. 

“I hope that other states will be following them,” said Sanders.

Ten House Republicans joined Democrats to vote for Lujan Grisham’s 2022 budget that funded these radical programs when they didn’t even have to. They included Reps. Gail Armstrong (Magdalena), Brian Baca (Valencia), Rachel Black (Alamogordo), Jack Chatfield (Tucumcari), Kelly Fajardo (Tome-Adelino), Joshua Hernandez (Rio Rancho), T. Ryan Lane (Aztec), Bill Rehm (Albuquerque), Luis Terrazas (Bayard), and Jane Powdrell-Culbert (Corrales). 

Now, New Mexico taxpayers will be forced to perpetually fund free college because of Lujan Grisham and the Democrats’ legislation. 

Bernie Sanders applauds MLG’s socialist ‘free’ college program Read More »

Taxpayers pay UNM’s $350K legal bill in death of mother during late-term abortion

On Wednesday, the legal group Abortion On Trial released information about a years-long legal settlement after a referral from the University of New Mexico that resulted in the death of 23-year-old Keisha Atkins of Albuquerque.

“According to [a] public records request, The University Of New Mexico has agreed to pay the Estate of Keisha Atkins a settlement of $365,000.00 over the claim of negligent referral to an abortion provider leading to the death of 23-year-old Keisha Atkins, who died of sepsis during her elective 24-week abortion,” wrote the group in a news release.

“UNM should have never referred Keisha to Curtis Boyd’s outpatient abortion facility, Southwestern Women’s Options.” said Jamie Jeffries, Executive Director at Abortion On Trial. “It is unacceptable medical care to perform an induction abortion outside of a hospital. Practitioners everywhere should be aware that referring women to private abortion clinics can result in legal action and subsequent liability.”

The group’s news release continues: 

Not only was Keisha Atkin’s elective 6 month abortion taxpayer funded through New Mexico Medicaid, the $365,000.00 settlement agreed to by UNM, a publicly funded university, will be paid for by New Mexico taxpayers. The Decision by UNM to participate in referring women to Curtis Boyd’s Southwestern Women’s Options abortion facility in Albuquerque is a decision taxpayers are now force to be involved in. While public university funding should be going toward further education needs, this case and settlement has redistributed hundreds of thousands of dollars away from New Mexico students.

Attorney Mike Seibel, who was involved in securing the settlement, wrote to his friends, “Of the attorneys fees generated from the UNM, $365000 settlement I donated a good amount to pregnancy centers, sidewalk advocates, pro life candidates and pro life causes.  The money man intended to use for evil God turned to good.  It’s time to win this battle.”

Taxpayers pay UNM’s $350K legal bill in death of mother during late-term abortion Read More »

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