
TV station distances itself from anti-MLG ads after ‘concerned citizens’ complained

On Tuesday, the left-leaning TV station KOB 4 attempted to distance itself from advertisements using its reporting that criticized Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The scandal-ridden Governor has misused taxpayer funds to buy personal expenses such as $200/lb Wagyu beef and liquor while forcing New Mexicans at the same time to stand in long bread lines to get food and basic goods over the holidays in 2020.

The ad used news clips from KOB and other stations reporting on Lujan Grisham’s lavish spending on the taxpayers’ dime.

One KOB anchor says regarding the Governor’s spending spree, “there’s more booze, there’s more food, and some other items that might surprise you.”

Another anchor from the station says, “Are these expenditures okay with you or not?”

KOB 4 released a statement attempting to distance itself from the Republican Governors Association (RGA)-affiliated PAC, “Get Families Back to Work,” which ran the ads.

“In recent days, concerned citizens have reached out to KOB TV about a political advertisement that uses content from KOB TV news reports.  Many people have interpreted this particular advertisement as an endorsement by KOB TV of a particular candidate. This is not the case,” wrote KOB TV’s Vice President & General Manager, Michelle Donaldson.

“KOB TV does not take sides in political elections.  Like all broadcasters, we are bound by election laws that ensure access to the airwaves for political messages,” she wrote.

“Broadcasters are guided to give wide latitude to a multitude of political opinions.  When the ad is from a specific candidate for office, broadcasters are prohibited by law from censoring, editing or altering the message in any way.  Additionally, the US Supreme Court has determined that independent spending groups have a constitutionally protected right to participate in the political process and speak out on issues and candidates.”

“It is not unusual for candidates or political groups to use excerpts of news reports in their ads.  The editing of these ads may create confusion about their origin. To be clear, KOB TV does not endorse or support any particular candidate,” Donaldson concluded. 

Lujan Grisham attempted to downplay the ad, calling the thousands of dollars misused “nonsense” in her latest television spot.

The RGA quickly responded to her rebuttal in a fiery television ad:

TV station distances itself from anti-MLG ads after ‘concerned citizens’ complained Read More »

MLG skewered for ‘living large on our dime’ in fiery new ad

On Tuesday, the Republican Governors Association (RGA) released its latest ad showcasing far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s lavish spending on the backs of New Mexico taxpayers. 

The ad called the Governor out for brushing off criticisms of wasteful spending as “nonsense.” 

In a previous ad responding to criticisms, an announcer said, “Have you seen this ad attacking Governor Luhan Grisham, but expensive steaks and alcohol for her friends? It’s nonsense.”

The RGA hit back, with spokesman Will Reinert writing, “While New Mexicans struggled during the pandemic, Michelle Lujan Grisham spent taxpayer money on everything from baby shower decorations to lavish food items.” He added, “To make matters worse, Governor Lujan Grisham thinks she is above being held accountable for her ridiculous purchases, and her office even went so far to call the focus on her spending ‘bull****.’”

The fiery new TV ad says:

Michelle Lujan Grisham calls accountability for her lavish spending “nonsense”

The facts: 

She spent our tax dollars on…



Gourmet meals…

Dry cleaning…

Shoe repair…

A new doggy door…

Even a baby shower with pink pacifiers 

Tens of thousands on inappropriate expenses… more than many New Mexicans make in a year.

Governor Lujan Grisham – living large on our dime.

Now that’s nonsense.

WATCH the ad: 

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MLG signs pro-abortion executive order to further promote abortions

On Monday, pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed a radical executive order further “protecting abortion access” in New Mexico, despite abortion up-to-birth being a free for all after she signed a 2021 bill that stripped all protections for women, babies, and medical professionals.

According to a press release from Lujan Grisham’s office, it said she would “sign an executive order on Monday protecting abortion access in New Mexico as laws preventing necessary reproductive health care have gone into effect or are soon to go into effect in states across the country.”

Gabrielle Burkhart of KRQE 13 News reported that Lujan Grisham “says her executive order signals to other states that local abortion providers will be legally protected as long as she’s governor. i.e. Gov. will not execute any (potential) warrants for extradition related to this issue.”

“If there’s an opportunity, you get it fixed and addressed,” the Governor said regarding “LGBTQ” health care.

“My opponent on this issue has very extreme views,” Lujan Grisham claimed, referring to Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti.

State Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo), who is in the Democrat senate leadership, claimed a 15-week abortion ban is a “non-starter.” 

“It creates more life loss,” Lujan Grisham claimed regarding a bill to limit abortions in the state.

Lujan Grisham closed off the press conference by yelling, “More! More! More,” referring to abortion.  

According to Dan Boyd of the Albuquerque Journal, the executive order “protects health care professionals and assets state will not… comply with abortion-related extradition requests from other states.”

Read the executive order here.

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The big New Mexico connection to the landmark Dobbs Supreme Court case

Last Friday, pro-lifers rejoiced as the archaic 49-year-old Roe v. Wade decision was tossed in the trash heap of history. Roe legalized abortion on demand in America. The Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case that toppled it now allows the abortion issue to go back to each individual state. 

But one of the key players in the Dobbs case is a big fish in the legal field, Erin Morrow Hawley, the wife of U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO). 

According to Axios, “As senior counsel to the appellate team at Christian legal advocacy group Alliance Defending Freedom, Erin Morrow Hawley helped the state of Mississippi draft merits and reply briefs for Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.”

Erin Hawley has deep roots in New Mexico. According to The Washington Post, “Erin Hawley, the daughter of fifth-generation New Mexico ranchers, also is comfortable speaking beneath slate-gray-seeping Midwestern skies, in front of enormous bins of rice, to a small but grateful gathering of farmers.”

Erin Hawley grew up near the small village of Des Moines in Union County. The northeast New Mexico county touches both Oklahoma and Texas to its east. Hawley is the eldest and has two sisters named Maggie and Rori.

Both Hawleys clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and both attended Yale Law School. Formerly, Erin Hawley received her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science from Texas A&M University.

After the landmark Dobbs decision, which Erin Hawley was integral in getting across the finish line, she wrote, “I’m so pleased it’s a 6-3 decision.” She added, “The Supreme Court has taken the shackles of Roe off of states.”

Now that Dobbs has sent the abortion question back to the states, New Mexico’s laws remain unchanged. In 2021, New Mexico Democrats and one ex-Republican, state Rep. Phelps Anderson (I-Roswell), rammed through an abortion up-to-birth bill that flatly stripped all protections for babies, mothers, and medical professionals. Abortionists in New Mexico are now looking to capitalize on Roe’s reversal by taking in women from neighboring states to kill their babies through abortions in New Mexico.

In November, pro-life Republicans have a shot at taking back the Governor’s Mansion and the state House of Representatives to stop the pro-abortion agenda of the Democrat Party. If they succeed, it could be possible to pass a limit on abortions in the state.

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Democrat Rep. Melanie Stansbury thinks ‘LGBTQ men’ can get abortions

On Saturday, Democrat U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First Congressional District shared photos on social media of a protest she attended at Tiguex Park in Albuquerque. The protest was against the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the archaic 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion on demand in the United States. The Court ruled that it was up to individual states to determine their abortion laws.

Stansbury shared photos of her speaking on a stage where a banner reading “Stand With Black Women” is displayed, along with other pro-abortion sentiments.

In the post, she wrote, “Our bodies. Our choice. Thank you to everyone who showed up to fight for reproductive rights! It’s time to get loud. Get organized. And get out the vote!”

One person responded to her tweet, “LGBTQ Men Get Abortion [Too].”

The far-left congresswoman responded with a “100%” emoji, showing agreement with the sentiment that “men” can have abortions despite many of the groups in the “LGBTQ” acronym not biologically being able to bear children, much less abort them.

One person responded to Stansbury with, “Gay men? Nope. Lesbians? Nope. Bi’s? 50% less. Trans? I guess. Q? Whatever the hell that is.”

Another responded with “Party of science” and two laughing emojis. 

It appears Stansbury, who campaigned on supporting science, is joining other conspiracy theorists in their claims that defy science.

In 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided, ultrasounds were not widely used until after the landmark Supreme Court opinion, while modern technology has only further affirmed the humanity of the baby in the womb. 

Therefore, Stansbury’s fervent support for Roe and the pro-abortion propaganda claiming non-biological women can have abortions further adds to her non-science views. 

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Angry pro-aborts protest Dobbs opinion despite NM having unlimited abortion

On Friday night, abortion supporters gathered in Albuquerque at Tiguex Park to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned both the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey decisions from 1973 and 1992, respectively. 

Joining in the protest included scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, far-left U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, and other pro-abortion state lawmakers — all Democrats.

Lujan Grisham promised the crowd of pro-aborts, “we’re going to do more in the 60-day session. We’re going to continue to expand and protect access.” That is if the Governor is reelected and Democrats keep control of the New Mexico House of Representatives, both being up for grabs in the November General Election.

According to one person who was “incognito” attending the pro-abortion protest, signs, and statements from the crowd included many vulgar, misandristic sentiments.

“Regulate your d**k” said one attendee. Another father of three had a t-shirt reading, “Satanic Motherf**ker.

Far-left state Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo) claimed while speaking, “Trump was selected by the electoral college,” spreading election conspiracy theories.

Another speaker yelled, “F**k the United States government,” according to one attendee.

On the front page of the Albuquerque Journal’s website with the paper’s article about the event features attendees holding uncensored “F**k Thomas” signs, referring to the pro-life Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. 

The radical pro-abortion protest was co-hosted by the Democrat Party of New Mexico, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the ACLU, and Planned Parenthood, among others.

In 2021, pro-abortion Democrats rammed through S.B. 10, which legalized abortion up to birth in New Mexico by stripping all protections for women, babies, and medical professionals, making the state the most hostile to the unborn and to pro-life medical professionals.

Unless New Mexicans elect pro-life leaders to the Roundhouse and the Governor’s Mansion in November, more pro-abortion extremism can be expected.

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Socialists, pro-abortion groups protesting in ABQ against Roe reversal

On Friday evening, abortion supporters are planning to gather at 6:00 p.m. at Tiguex Park in Albuquerque to protest the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the 1973 pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision.

It will involve radical groups including Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ProgressNow New Mexico, the Democrat Party of New Mexico, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, among others.

Democrat Albuquerque City Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn shared Planned Parenthood’s post about the protest, writing, “Please join me tonight at Tiguex.”


ProgressNow New Mexico shared a vulgar threat of potential violence to obtain abortions from a radical pro-abortion group “Indigenous Women Rising,” which read, “WE WILL NOT F***IN STOP.” 

The Democrat Party of New Mexico also shared the protest information. If the protest gets violent, the consequences will directly be a result of the involvement of the Democrat Party.

It is also being promoted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation:

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Ronchetti breaks his silence on U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision

On Friday, the Republican nominee for governor Mark Ronchetti broke his silence on the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling, which overturned the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade.

He released the following statement:

Today’s Court ruling paves the way for a measured dialogue on the issue of abortion that will save lives and should result in policies that are more mainstream and reflect our shared values.

The Governor has taken an extreme position on abortion, out of step with most New Mexicans, in believing that abortion should be unrestricted – all the way up to the moment a child is born. This has made New Mexico the late-term abortion capital of North America and does not reflect our values.

While I am pro-life, governors cannot act alone and any changes to our laws will require collaboration and agreement with the legislature. As Governor, I would seek a middle ground with our legislature that ends the practice of late-term and partial-birth abortion that the current Governor supports. I believe permitting abortion up to 15 weeks and in cases involving rape, incest, and when a mother’s life is at risk is a very reasonable position that most in New Mexico will support regardless of party affiliation. This will end the barbaric practice of late-term abortions. I will also strongly support policies that provide support to expectant mothers and their unborn children.

He added:

I am pro-life and believe abortion should be rare. Governor Lujan-Grisham supports abortion up to the very moment a child is born. Her position is extreme and does not reflect our values. It’s time to end the barbaric practice of late-term abortion in New Mexico.

Pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote following the statement, “Today, a new generation of women will be forced to face a future where they cannot seek safe, legal abortions. We have long feared this moment and I’m going to continue to fight like hell to ensure every New Mexico woman has access to reproductive health care.” 

The governor added in another statement from her official gubernatorial account that she thinks women will now be “second-class citizens” because they don’t have the right to kill their babies protected on a national level.

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As pro-lifers rejoice Roe’s fall, MLG promises to ‘fight like hell’ for abortions

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1973 decision Roe v. Wade and the 1992 decision Planned Parenthood v. Casey were overturned in a shocking 5-4 decision.

Following the game-changing ruling, New Mexicans responded to the news.

Piñon Post editor and GOP nominee for House District 51, John Block, wrote:

As a pro-lifer and as a human of morals, seeing the deadly Roe v. Wade decision overturned marks one of the most important moments in our nation’s history. From helping women find life-affirming options on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood abortion centers to fighting hard to stop pro-abortion bills in our Legislature, all of our hard work has finally paid off in a tangible way.

But the fight in New Mexico has only just begun. Radical Democrats are hell-bent on killing as many precious unborn babies in our state as possible, which is why we must fight hard against their agenda of death. As the next representative for New Mexico’s House District 51, I will sponsor bills to protect life from conception to natural death, and I will continue to work tirelessly to stop anti-life bills. 

What an amazing day for the right to life in our Country, and may God continue to give us strength as we work to restore a culture of life in New Mexico.

Pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote, “Today, a new generation of women will be forced to face a future where they cannot seek safe, legal abortions. We have long feared this moment and I’m going to continue to fight like hell to ensure every New Mexico woman has access to reproductive health care.” 

The governor added in another statement from her official gubernatorial account that she thinks women will now be “second-class citizens” because they don’t have the right to kill their babies protected on a national level.

Far-left U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First  Congressional District wrote, “The extreme and dangerous decision by SCOTUS this morning sets the clock back on human rights and gender equality by decades.”

She added, “While abortion remains safe and legal in New Mexico—this decision will block people across the country from receiving care. The time for the Senate to act is now! The time to organize is now!”

Fellow far-left U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of New Mexico’s Third Congressional District wrote, “Abortion is SAFE AND LEGAL in New Mexico. The Supreme Court just voted to take away women’s autonomy and end Roe v. Wade. This is an unprecedented unraveling of the right to bodily privacy and choice”

She continued, “New Mexico codified abortion access in 2021 when @GovMLG signed SB-10 and removed a 1969 law that criminalized abortion. 26 states may quickly ban abortion, and 13 will implement trigger bans. New Mexico expects an influx of patients who will need this lifesaving care. We must do everything to ensure they get the care they need. Congress must codify the right to choose under law.”

Pro-life advocate Elisa Martinez wrote, “Today, a new generation of women will have the right to be born.”

“RPNM applauds this momentous ruling and the Court’s realization that we must protect the sanctity of life,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce following the opinion. “The decision is in the best interest of America, and the high court’s Justices have fulfilled their duty to protect the lives of the unborn and to abolish the horrors of abortion. Abortion is wrong on moral grounds, and I and everyone who stand for life am pleased at the outcome in this important ruling.”

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Dems holding drag queen fundraiser for far-left candidates

On Thursday, the Democrat Party of New Mexico is holding a fundraiser for at least three far-left candidates, including U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury of the First District and legislative candidates Augustine Montoya (D-HD-22) and Danny Bernal, Jr. (D-HD-7).

Stansbury is running for reelection while Montoya is challenging Republican state Rep. Stefani Lord and Bernal is running for an open seat being vacated by Republican state Rep. Kelly Fajardo. 

According to the invite for the event, which was updated to reflect a significant decrease in ticket prices from $50 to $25, the Democrats are hosting a “drag show” with Bunnie Benton Cruse, a former prostitute and failed candidate for state House District 28 vacated by Stansbury when she ran for Congress. The seat was ultimately filled by far-left ballot harvester Pamelya Herndon, a Democrat Party activist.

According to a 2021 report from the New Mexico Political Report, Cruse “has a conviction for sex work, which she is open about. She said that when she was young, another trans person told her there were three paths available to her in life: bartending, hair dressing or sex work.” 

The Piñon Post previously reported:

Cruse made headlines in 2019 when a public, taxpayer-funded library hosted a “Drag Queen Story Time” event where he and another drag queen read to young children. 

According to Cruse’s Facebook page at the time, he worked as a “Jello Shot Girl” at the gay bar Effex Albuquerque, and as the “Head Stripper” at “Shake N Bake.”

Montoya and Bernal are both far-left extremists, with support for radical “environmental” policies, unlimited abortions, and socialized school programs. The event with the far-left congresswoman and the former sex worker reaffirms their radical stances on issues across the board.

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