Piñon Post

Despite MLG doubling down on abortion support, Archbishop won’t deny her Eucharist

This week, pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has doubled down on her support for radical abortion up-to-birth policies. She signed an executive order harboring fugitive abortionists who flee to New Mexico from extradition. She then met with Joe Biden and fellow Democrat governors to promote pushing the Biden regime to perform abortions at Veterans Affairs hospitals, Indian Health Service facilities, and military bases, calling such a plan an  “effective vehicle.”

Also last week amid the pro-abortion extremism from the Governor, Piñon Post chief and Republican nominee for New Mexico House District 51, John Block, sent a letter to Archbishop John C. Wester of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. The letter requested that Lujan Grisham, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, be denied the sacrament of Holy Communion due to her abortion stance.

Block noted how the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) “affirmed and reaffirmed over the years, ‘The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority.’ I take the USCCB seriously when it states abortion is its preeminent priority, as I am sure you do as well.”

In 2021, the USCCB passed a teaching document by a vote of 222-8 reading, “It is the special responsibility of the diocesan bishop to work to remedy situations that involve public actions at variance with the visible communion of the Church and the moral law.”

With regard to the application of these principles to Catholics in political life, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to the U.S. bishops in 2004 explaining the approach to be taken:

Then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to the U.S. bishops in 2004 what actions were to be taken against pro-abortion politicians regarding the most holy sacrament of the Eucharist:

 “… when a person’s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist. When ‘these precautionary measures have not had their effect … ,’ and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, ‘the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.’”

Block wrote in the letter that Lujan Grisham’s support for abortion up-to-birth policies, including assisted suicide “are directly responsible for the killing of innocent children and terminal patients in New Mexico, which are contrary to Church teachings throughout the centuries. If the state will not bring justice for these innocent lives lost at the hands of Lujan Grisham and the Radical Democrats, it is at the very least the Church’s responsibility to hold them accountable within its power.”

He then asked for the Archbishop to deny the pro-abortion politician Communion, writing, “These actions should mirror, if not be more punitive, to those of San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who has denied pro-abortion U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi the sacrament of Holy Communion in his diocese. Recently, my bishop, Peter Baldacchino of the Diocese of Las Cruces, denied pro-abortion state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana) Communion after his vote for S.B. 10, so there is precedent in New Mexico for this important action.”

“Our faith is the only thing we have left. It is what has carried the Church through centuries of persecution and toil, and it is what will carry us through today. If the Church refuses to stand firm now on this bedrock principle to save the most vulnerable, then our faith is lost,” he concluded.

Wester, however, did not agree. In response, he wrote that he would not deny the rabidly pro-abortion politician Holy Communion, writing, “I will not deny the governor Holy Communion since I agree wholeheartedly with Cardinal-designate Robert W. McElroy’s article in America magazine in which he outlines three compelling reasons for not withholding Communion to Catholic pro-choice politicians.”

The reasons from the liberal cardinal-designate included those who seek to deny the Eucharist based on the grave sin of killing a child in the womb are “weaponizing” it. Another reason is that “we are all sinners,” and therefore, “Who of the faithful can claim such an ideal?” The last reason given is because of Pope Francis’ statement, “The Eucharist is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

However, ingesting the Eucharist while living with unrepentant sin, will cause sickness and death. I Corinthians 11:27-30 reads:

“Whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. A person should examine himself, and so eat the bread and drink the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are ill and infirm, and a considerable number are dying.” 

The Archbishop concluded in his letter, “These three points are only some of the many reasons that this question of withholding Holy Communion is quite complex.  For example, it is not always easy to determine formal cooperation in evil, remote material cooperation or proximate material cooperation.  In addition, intention is always an important factor in determining whether an action is sinful or not.  A given politician may believe that by remaining in office he or she can do more to work toward ending abortion than by leaving office.  Another might believe that by working to attenuate poverty, a huge driver of abortions, he or she could be effective in lessening the number of abortions in America.”

It appears Wester is attempting to justify Lujan Grisham’s support for abortion due to supposed policies she may be supporting to help end poverty and other issues.

However, the Rev. Fr. Larry Brito of St. Anne Parish in Santa Fe told the Santa Fe New Mexican regarding Lujan Grisham’s pro-abortion stance, “[S]he has already excommunicated herself by her extreme gross support and promotion of the murder of unborn children. I pray that she may have a change of heart and that she may receive the full graces of the Catholic Church. Salvation and lives are at stake.”

Despite other members of the clergy taking the killing of babies in the womb seriously by withholding Holy Communion from the likes of U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and state Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana), there will be no recourse for Lujan Grisham’s grave promotion of abortion. Wester likely was one of the eight bishops who voted against a resolution attempting to remedy situations involving pro-abortion Catholic politicians. 

Until now, New Mexicans have not gotten a clear answer in Archbishop Wester’s own words on this subject matter until Block’s letter.

Despite MLG doubling down on abortion support, Archbishop won’t deny her Eucharist Read More »

Ronchetti breaks his silence on U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision

On Friday, the Republican nominee for governor Mark Ronchetti broke his silence on the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling, which overturned the pro-abortion Roe v. Wade.

He released the following statement:

Today’s Court ruling paves the way for a measured dialogue on the issue of abortion that will save lives and should result in policies that are more mainstream and reflect our shared values.

The Governor has taken an extreme position on abortion, out of step with most New Mexicans, in believing that abortion should be unrestricted – all the way up to the moment a child is born. This has made New Mexico the late-term abortion capital of North America and does not reflect our values.

While I am pro-life, governors cannot act alone and any changes to our laws will require collaboration and agreement with the legislature. As Governor, I would seek a middle ground with our legislature that ends the practice of late-term and partial-birth abortion that the current Governor supports. I believe permitting abortion up to 15 weeks and in cases involving rape, incest, and when a mother’s life is at risk is a very reasonable position that most in New Mexico will support regardless of party affiliation. This will end the barbaric practice of late-term abortions. I will also strongly support policies that provide support to expectant mothers and their unborn children.

He added:

I am pro-life and believe abortion should be rare. Governor Lujan-Grisham supports abortion up to the very moment a child is born. Her position is extreme and does not reflect our values. It’s time to end the barbaric practice of late-term abortion in New Mexico.

Pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote following the statement, “Today, a new generation of women will be forced to face a future where they cannot seek safe, legal abortions. We have long feared this moment and I’m going to continue to fight like hell to ensure every New Mexico woman has access to reproductive health care.” 

The governor added in another statement from her official gubernatorial account that she thinks women will now be “second-class citizens” because they don’t have the right to kill their babies protected on a national level.

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As pro-lifers rejoice Roe’s fall, MLG promises to ‘fight like hell’ for abortions

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the 1973 decision Roe v. Wade and the 1992 decision Planned Parenthood v. Casey were overturned in a shocking 5-4 decision.

Following the game-changing ruling, New Mexicans responded to the news.

Piñon Post editor and GOP nominee for House District 51, John Block, wrote:

As a pro-lifer and as a human of morals, seeing the deadly Roe v. Wade decision overturned marks one of the most important moments in our nation’s history. From helping women find life-affirming options on the sidewalk outside of Planned Parenthood abortion centers to fighting hard to stop pro-abortion bills in our Legislature, all of our hard work has finally paid off in a tangible way.

But the fight in New Mexico has only just begun. Radical Democrats are hell-bent on killing as many precious unborn babies in our state as possible, which is why we must fight hard against their agenda of death. As the next representative for New Mexico’s House District 51, I will sponsor bills to protect life from conception to natural death, and I will continue to work tirelessly to stop anti-life bills. 

What an amazing day for the right to life in our Country, and may God continue to give us strength as we work to restore a culture of life in New Mexico.

Pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote, “Today, a new generation of women will be forced to face a future where they cannot seek safe, legal abortions. We have long feared this moment and I’m going to continue to fight like hell to ensure every New Mexico woman has access to reproductive health care.” 

The governor added in another statement from her official gubernatorial account that she thinks women will now be “second-class citizens” because they don’t have the right to kill their babies protected on a national level.

Far-left U.S. Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First  Congressional District wrote, “The extreme and dangerous decision by SCOTUS this morning sets the clock back on human rights and gender equality by decades.”

She added, “While abortion remains safe and legal in New Mexico—this decision will block people across the country from receiving care. The time for the Senate to act is now! The time to organize is now!”

Fellow far-left U.S. Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of New Mexico’s Third Congressional District wrote, “Abortion is SAFE AND LEGAL in New Mexico. The Supreme Court just voted to take away women’s autonomy and end Roe v. Wade. This is an unprecedented unraveling of the right to bodily privacy and choice”

She continued, “New Mexico codified abortion access in 2021 when @GovMLG signed SB-10 and removed a 1969 law that criminalized abortion. 26 states may quickly ban abortion, and 13 will implement trigger bans. New Mexico expects an influx of patients who will need this lifesaving care. We must do everything to ensure they get the care they need. Congress must codify the right to choose under law.”

Pro-life advocate Elisa Martinez wrote, “Today, a new generation of women will have the right to be born.”

“RPNM applauds this momentous ruling and the Court’s realization that we must protect the sanctity of life,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce following the opinion. “The decision is in the best interest of America, and the high court’s Justices have fulfilled their duty to protect the lives of the unborn and to abolish the horrors of abortion. Abortion is wrong on moral grounds, and I and everyone who stand for life am pleased at the outcome in this important ruling.”

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‘Political newbie’: MLG gets desperate as Ronchetti takes polling lead

On Saturday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s team sent out a panicked email ruthlessly bashing Republican gubernatorial nominee Mark Ronchetti with personal attacks and falsehoods.

The campaign claims Ronchetti, who is a political moderate, is a “far-right extremist who wants to bring MAGA values to New Mexico,” despite Ronchetti distancing himself from President Donald Trump.

Her team then went on to claim his policy positions are radical, brandishing him as “wishy-washy on climate science” and as someone who “wants to stall environmental action.” 

The Lujan Grisham campaign then hit him with a personal attack that also doubles as an attack on political outsiders running for office, writing, “And, he’s a political newbie with no public service experience – just like Donald Trump.”

She did not, however, lob this attack on people like U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), or other politicians in her own party who never held elected office before running.

“We need your help to show the GOP that New Mexico is NOT up for grabs,” the campaign wrote, referencing a KOB 4 poll showing Ronchetti trailing Lujan Grisham by a mere four points.

But most startling, this week, the Ronchetti campaign released an internal poll claiming it was leading the embattled governor by one point with 46% to Lujan Grisham’s 45%. According to the numbers released, the poll has a margin of error of four percentage points. 

Lujan Grisham also began attacking Ronchetti on television, using a Democrat ex-police chief to claim the GOP nominee, who is a former television weatherman, doesn’t know how to fight crime. Crime rates have hit their highest peaks in New Mexico under Lujan Grisham, especially in Democrat-run Albuquerque, where homicides have hit historic highs.

Libertarian gubernatorial nominee Karen Bedonie, a former Republican, is also in contention for the governorship.

‘Political newbie’: MLG gets desperate as Ronchetti takes polling lead Read More »

Piñon Post’s John Block wins GOP primary for NM House seat

On Tuesday, Piñon Post editor and founder John Block of Alamogordo won the Republican primary for New Mexico’s 51st state House seat, defeating two-term incumbent state Rep. Rachel Black. Block got 1,540 votes (51%) to Black’s 1,494 (49%). The margin of victory was large enough not to go to an automatic recount.

Despite being outraised and outspent in the race, Block, who is running an America First campaign, organized hundreds of small-dollar grassroots donors and knocked on countless doors, with the help of volunteers, to earn the primary win. 

Block’s campaign focused on stopping Critical Race Theory in New Mexico schools, working to lower gross receipts taxes, protecting the right to life, and working to fix the border crisis by finishing President Donald Trump’s wall and banning sanctuary cities for criminal aliens.

After securing the win, Block wrote, “I am overwhelmed by the incredible support of Alamogordo. Tonight, we showed that we can bring change to our district.”

“Through our hard work and a lot of support, I am happy to say that with all precincts reporting, our America First campaign is victorious! I look forward to the General Election ahead, and I am blessed by all the support. I thank God for each and every one of you and our great city of Alamogordo,” he added.

In the race, Block raised $30,833.68 from mostly all small-dollar donors, while his opponent raised $39,445.00, nearly all from lobbyists and politicians, not including money she carried over from her previous campaign account. Black spent $42,698.05 while Block spent $26,659.94, according to filings submitted to the Secretary of State’s Office.

Block will go up against Democrat SharonLee Cummins in the November General Election. Block has the endorsement of President Trump’s U.S. Ambassador to Germany and former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard “Ric” Grenell. He also has support from the Oil & Gas Workers Association, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, Lea County Sheriff Corey Helton, Calibers gun store owner Louie Sanchez, former lt. governor candidates Isabella Solis and Anise Golden Morper, as well as GOP state treasurer nominee Harry Montoya and GOP secretary of state nominee Audrey Trujillo.

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‘Revictimizing a child’: Dow, Block respond after Ronchetti’s scorched earth attack

Mark Ronchetti, a Republican candidate for governor, recently sent out a mailer and aired a television ad making untrue claims about state Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences). The attacks from the Ronchetti campaign make claims regarding a lawsuit involving a sexual predator who assaulted children at a daycare, AppleTree Education Center, which Dow helped found.

In Ronchetti’s television ad and mailer, he claims Dow “promoted” the pedophile and then “bullied” the victim’s family. Despite Dow being cleared of all wrongdoing whatsoever in the case, Ronchetti, whose campaign is being run by scorched earth political consultant Jay McCleskey, appears to be weaponizing the child’s trauma for political gain. McCleskey is known for his “win at all costs” tactics, resulting in even lengthy litigation where he has paid hundreds of thousands to candidates he defamed.

“The only truth this ad revealed is that Mark is willing to do or say anything to gain power,” said Dow. “By revictimizing a child in his false ad he’s trying to score cheap political points at the cost of making that child relive one of the worst moments of his life. I was not involved in the day-to-day functioning of the Boys and Girls Club as a member of the Club’s board. To suggest that I enabled this horrific event is slanderous and beyond insulting as somebody who has dedicated their life to protecting children and helping them reach their fullest potential.”

Even fellow Republican candidate, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, who is critical of Dow, spoke out against Ronchetti’s attack that went too far, despite his disagreements with the state representative. 

“For Mr. Ronchetti, and of course Jay McCleskey — you know that evil guy — for them to do this over a Memorial Day weekend, is just… there’s no honor in that, Mark and Jay. You have no honor doing that to not just Mrs. Dow, but the family that has to relive this event over and over again because you sent that out and you did that for political gain. And you should be ashamed of yourself for what you did. That’s something I would expect from MLG,” referring to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

“And when you sit there and you actually talk and lie to everybody about uniting the party, you’re full of you know what,” he added. You and Jay McCleskey are destroying the party and you are destroying the lives of many people that you are hurting, including by the way — look up a gentleman named Scott Chandler, a great American, who Mr. McCleskey by the way had to pay $400,000 in a defamation lawsuit.” 

Dow dispatched a new television advertisement responding to Ronchetti’s latest attack, with Dow saying: 

I’m Rebecca Dow and I approve this message.

It’s shocking how blatantly dishonest Mark Ronchetti will be to win an election.

His claims are false and slanderous, as I’m sure a judge will agree.

I’ve dedicated my life to helping children learn and grow, serving on dozens of children’s charity boards.

Mark Ronchetti knows I had no direct involvement in this incident.

But he’s so desperate for power he’s willing to use abused children and their families for political gain.

That is inexcusable.

The primary election is on Tuesday, June 7, and early voting goes through this Saturday, June 4.

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Smear campaign launched against GOP lt. governor candidate Ant Thornton

On Thursday, mailers began appearing in mailboxes of Republican voters across the state smearing Anthony “Ant” Thornton as a “RINO,” short for “Republican In Name Only,” based on minor donations to the Obama 2008 campaign back before he left the Democrat Party. 

The piece inaccurately describes Thornton as a “Barack Obama-Joe Biden supporting liberal,” despite Thornton being active in the conservative Tea Party movement in the early 2010s and a strong supporter of the Republican Party. He has donated generously to Republican campaigns in the state in the past, including to state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park), one of the most conservative members of the state Legislature. 

Thornton, a former Democrat turned Conservative Republican, has been very open about his past experience walking away from the Democrat Party and registering as a Republican over a decade ago. 

Thornton, a Ph.D., and retired aerospace engineer is running for Lt. Governor against Peggy Muller-Aragon, a more moderate candidate, according to iVoterGuide.com — a leading conservative voting resource affiliated with the American Family Association Action. 

The entity responsible for the hit piece against Thornton calls itself “Americans for Strong Leadership.” Its website consists of a landing page with no contact information and a donation button that doesn’t work. 

According to the New Mexico Campaign Finance System (CFIS), which is run by the Secretary of State’s office, “Americans for Strong Leadership” is a political expenditure committee registered to an employee of a consulting firm based in Kentucky called RunSwitch PR. RunSwitch PR is known for being a consulting firm used by Mitch McConnell. 

The founding Partner of RunSwitch PR is a man named Scott Jennings, whose resume heavily consists of his work as a consultant and advisor for Mitch McConnell. He was also once the Executive Director for Bush-Cheney New Mexico back in 2004. He is a CNN contributor, who has praised the strategies of Republicans who have opposed President Donald J. Trump.

It is curious that a firm headed by a notable Bush-era operative, who has made comments distancing himself from Trump, is now attacking conservative Republican Ant Thornton on decades-old minor donations.  

Other America First candidates in New Mexico this cycle who have gone up against “Swamp”-backed candidates have seen similar independent expenditures made by “moderates” to try and defeat them.

Voters may question why these Swamp operatives are attacking candidates like Thornton. The only reasonable answer is that candidates like him are a threat to the establishment in some way, shape, or form.

Smear campaign launched against GOP lt. governor candidate Ant Thornton Read More »

Fmr. Trump cabinet member endorses John Block for state representative

On Tuesday, former acting Director of National Intelligence and Ambassador to Germany Richard “Ric” Grenell endorsed John Block in his race for New Mexico House District 51.

Amb. Grenell wrote the following:

“John is a proven conservative who fits the mold that President Trump forged with his America First movement. He has the Christian values, experience, and passion to serve New Mexico’s 51st House District well. John will be a strong fighter for the people of Alamogordo in Santa Fe, and I know he will never back down against the Radical Left. John is the best choice for state representative, and he has my full support.”

John Block responded to Grenell’s endorsement, writing, “I am honored and blessed to have the endorsement of Ambassador Grenell. He knows our campaign is the only true America First bid for this seat, and that speaks volumes about how strong our grassroots campaign is. It’s no wonder our campaign is the only bid in this district to receive a Trump official’s endorsement. Together, we will reclaim House District 51 from the Santa Fe Swamp and return a champion of the people to the Roundhouse.”

Ambassador Grenell served in the Trump administration from his U.S. Senate confirmation in 2018 to 2021. As acting Director of National Intelligence, Grenell oversaw the United States Intelligence Community.

The Block campaign told the Piñon Post that Amb. Grenell will have a virtual Q&A and discussion for Block on Tuesday, May 31 at 6:00 p.m. MT, which can be attended by donating $75 to John Block’s campaign for NM House District 51. The link to sign up is here. Invitations with virtual meeting links will be sent to attendees ahead of the event.

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MLG slapped with yet another ethics complaint alleging illegal donations

On Monday, the group “Stop MLG” announced it had filed an ethics complaint with the State Ethics Commission against scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

The group wrote that Lujan Grisham “refuses to comply with state law again accepting illegal campaign contributions. The Governor has broken state campaign finance law by receiving campaign funds that exceed the legal limit.”

“The latest violation shows the Governor’s Campaign Committee reported a campaign contribution of $22,000 from the Pueblo of Santo Domingo. This donation exceeds the maximum donation permitted by law per N.M. Stat. § 1-19-34.7. The maximum contribution limit for Governor candidates is $20,800, split between primary and general elections,” read a press release from the group.

These alleged violations included aggregate donations by the Pueblo of Santo Domingo totaling $22,000. 

“New Mexicans are all too aware of the repeated unlawful acts by Gov. Lujan Grisham,” said Brett Kokinadis, the director of the group. ”Campaign finance and reporting violations, lawsuits against her office for alleged violations of the Inspection of Public Records Acts and from the legislature, questionable use of $222,000 of campaign donations to serve as hush money to silence sexual allegation claims and pay attorney fees all demonstrate the Governor’s refusal to comply with the law.  She believes she operates under her own proclaimed laws and policies.”

“New Mexican voters should be disturbed by all these actions, distractions, and repeated violations by the Governor who continues to believe she is above the law and untouchable,” he said.

This comes after the group filed a complaint in October 2021 against Lujan Grisham, which resulted in the Governor returning donations from the company “Intrepid Potash.” Other complaints have been filed against Lujan Grisham, including one filed in May 2021 by Piñon Post editor John Block, which involved the spending of campaign cash for the Governor’s hair and makeup — personal expenses according to state law and guidelines.

Read the latest Stop MLG complaint here.

MLG slapped with yet another ethics complaint alleging illegal donations Read More »

Piñon Post’s John Block outraises opponent in NM House District 51

During the first reporting period, the Piñon Post’s John Block outraised his opponent, Rachel Black, in New Mexico’s 51st state House District based in Alamogordo. Block’s America First Republican campaign received over 177 individual donations, 50% of them being smaller than $30. The average donation to the Block campaign was $62, with $20,977.56 raised in total.

On the other side, Block’s opponent, who voted for Critical Race Theory and Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s $8.5 billion budget, had an average donation of $716.95, with 15 contributions totaling $8,200.

Rachel Black is relying heavily on donations from sitting politicians, including Republican Rep. Bill Rehm, who voted for the Green New Deal. Black even befitted from a $3,271.30 independent expenditure mailer paid for by Rehm that included her campaign logo and return address, making it appear to come from Black when it did not. 

Other contributions from politicians included $1,250 from Rep. Phelps Anderson, who voted for abortion up-to-birth and left the Republican Party, $500 from Rep. Zach Cook, who is retiring after his current term, $1,000 from Rep. Martin Zamora, and $2,500 from Rep. T. Ryan Lane, who also joined Black in voting for Michelle Lujan Grisham’s $8.5 billion budget.

After the campaign finance reports were posted, Block said, “The massive showing of support for our campaign from REAL people, not Santa Fe Swamp politicians, proves just how much of a grassroots movement this is. New Mexicans are fed up with being ‘represented’ by the same failed politicians who sell us out to the Democrats and now think they deserve to keep their jobs. We The People own this district and this state, not the politicians. It’s time for We The People to clean house.”

While John Block raised more in the first quarter, Black has thousands in cash on hand to try and defeat John. If you would like to support John’s campaign, please visit JohnBlock.com to send a donation and express support for his America First campaign.

John Block is a native New Mexican and proud Alamogordo resident. He’s the editor and founder of the Piñon Post, New Mexico’s #1 conservative news site. He has exposed waste, fraud, and abuse across the state while bringing a conservative voice to New Mexico media through the platform. As a legislator, John hopes to FINALLY send a fighter to the Legislature to battle the Radical Democrats and restore New Mexicans’ confidence in the political system.

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