
Dems could call special session to mandate all mail-in ballot voting, opening door to massive fraud

According to a post shared by New Mexico Republican House Leader Rep. Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) from Shauna Abney of the “United Conservative Movement,” Democrats are “changing their tune,” and will call for a remote special session.

According to the statement from Abney, Democrats will make up the rules of the session “along the way,” and will be using the special session for “political gain” rather than the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“There is no intention of addressing the vital concerns regarding the economic crisis that small businesses, the people or the state are suffering from. Instead, this session will only be focused on trying to change legislation to allow for the Democratic agenda of all mail-in ballots.

This is a strong arm push to corrupt our election process and silence our voices. We are a state notorious for election fraud and the mail-in ballot only process has absolutely NO checks and balances to ensure that mass voter fraud doesn’t happen,” writes Abney.

In an opinion piece by Rep. Townsend in the Carlsbad Current-Argus, “Under the guise of the current public health emergency, there is a coordinated attempt to create an all- mail-in ballot system for future elections.  No one should confuse a mail-in ballot with an absentee ballot, there are substantial differences. Under absentee voting, registered voters must request a ballot with proof of voter eligibility, and then return that ballot to the county clerk to be counted.   However, in a mail-in election, country clerks would simply send ballots to every registered voter based on where their address is listed, even if they did not request a ballot.”

“Tens of thousands of ballots will be sent to addresses where the voter no longer resides which could result in thousands of registered voters never receiving a proper ballot, or equally troubling, people could vote under another person’s name,” Townsend added.

Last month, when Republican lawmakers urged Gov. Lujan Grisham to call a special session to respond to budgetary concerns, they were met with pushback from Democrats, despite state revenues plummeting due to lower oil and gas production due to the oil price war with Saudi Arabia and Russia. 

Amid the prospect of the Governor calling for a special session, New Mexico House Speaker Rep. Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) said he’d consider holding a potential session with the bare minimum amount of members (36), or the use of internet meetings. “If we feel comfortable about the constitutionality of not meeting in person,” Egolf said, “I think the way we’d do it is through Zoom or something like it.”

But according to Rep. Rod Montoya (R-Farmington), web-only sessions would not be legal. “We don’t have anything in our Constitution that allows us to do a virtual meeting,” Montoya said. “That’s not something we can do. (Egolf) doesn’t seem to care what the Constitution says.”

If the Democrats call the special session to mandate all mail-in voting, it could open the doors to massive voter fraud in the state, as we saw in 2018 with New Mexico’s 2nd District election, where massive signs of fraud were found

Abney is urging citizens to contact Gov Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office, writing, “Please call the governor at (505) 476-2200 or fill out a contact form at the link:

https://www.governor.state.nm.us/contact-the-governor/ and tell her we will not stand for an all mail-in primary election and IF a special legislative session is convened, it better be held to address the state, business and people directly or indirectly hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic!”

Kellyanne Conway says MLG thanked President Trump for his response to COVID-19

On Wednesday, while speaking on Fox News’ morning show “Fox & Friends,” Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway confirmed that New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham thanked President Trump and the COVID-19 task force, and gave credit for the President’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Conway said Lujan Grisham and other Democrat leaders were “thanking the president, the vice president of the task force, and then making specific asks. There are no politics for them on that phone call. They’re saying thank you so much for the federal government’s response.”

The news comes after President Trump announced that New Mexico would receive its request for a U.S. Army field hospital in Albuquerque, complete with 284 beds to help with the state’s response to the coronavirus. 

Shortly after taking office, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham brutally criticized President Trump, even going so far as to run through a wall to protest the President’s plan to build a southern border wall to prevent illegal activity and immigration. 

Gavin Clarkson has a plan to make China pay for COVID-19

On Monday, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Gavin Clarkson released an op-ed in the Washington Examiner outlining a strategy for China to pay for the COVID-19 epidemic.

Clarkson cites a study that shows if China had acted just three weeks earlier, it could have reduced 95% of COVID-19 cases. But a new government report released Wednesday allegedly proves what many have suspected: China lied about how bad the virus was, and thus caused tens of thousands of casualties across the globe.

Clarkson’s plan to get China to pay for the Chinese virus begins with a recommendation to President Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to immediately extract reimbursement, starting with the $1.1 trillion in U.S. Treasury Department bonds Communist China currently holds.

The Washington Examiner piece contends that President Trump’s national emergency declaration on March 13, 2020, due to COVID-19 triggers additional powers, namely the ability to confiscate foreign assets under 50 USC § 1702(a)(1)(C). “Pursuant to that statute, seized assets can then be liquidated and the proceeds used to further the interests of the United States. Under my proposal, FSIA immunity is irrelevant,” writes Clarkson. 

Clarkson shows that such action has precedent, such as the United States’ actions with Iran, where the Supreme Court upheld Congress’s authority to prevent Iran from suing in Bank Markazi v. Peterson, 136 S. Ct. 1310 (2016). 

Under Clarkson’s plan, the U.S. Treasury should “electronically confiscate all U.S. Treasurys currently held by China and make it illegal for China to buy, hold, or sell U.S. Treasuries going forward.” Under the action, these prohibitions would apply to any subsidiary or agent of China’s Communist Party.

Because U.S. Treasury bonds are recorded electronically, “with just a few keystrokes” the bonds can be confiscated by the Depository Trust Corporation, as the paper notes can be marked no longer valid. 

Clarkson’s out-of-the-box idea shows how the United States can pay for essentially half of the $2.2 trillion COVID-19 relief bill passed last week through COngress, as well as reprimand China for their irresponsibility handling the coronavirus pandemic. 

Trump: The ‘Lamestream Media is going CRAZY’ over huge daily COVID-19 press conference ratings

On Sunday, President Trump took to Twitter to point out how the liberal media is “going CRAZY” over the news of gigantic ratings on his daily COVID-19 press briefings.

Trump cites a New York Times article that shows his press conferences are getting Bachelor Season Finale and Monday Night Football-type ratings

“Because the “Ratings” of my News Conferences etc. are so high, “Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers” according to the @nytimes, the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY. “Trump is reaching too many people, we must stop him.” said one lunatic,” wrote Trump.

According to the Times’ piece, “On Monday, nearly 12.2 million people watched Mr. Trump’s briefing on CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, according to Nielsen — “Monday Night Football” numbers.”

A subsequent Twitter thread from the President cites the Times article in greater detail.

President Trump’s Sunday press conference will happen at 5:00 P.M. Eastern time.

This article originally appeared in The Daily Trumplican.

Biden has another gaffe: calls COVID-19 the ‘Lujan Virus’

On Friday, former vice president and current Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden held a live conversation with various workers on the frontlines combating COVID-19. During the conversation, Biden made another gaffe, this time claiming President Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo insists on calling the novel Chinese virus the “Luhan Virus.” 

Biden was trying to say “Wuhan,” which is the province where the deadly Coronavirus spawned. According to recent research, the virus originated from a shrimp vendor in a market in the Wuhan region.

It just so happens there are two elected officials whose last names are phonetically the same as Biden’s “Luhan Virus” gaffe. Those officials include Democrat New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and Democrat U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján (CD-3).

Ironically, Lujan Grisham could be on Biden’s shortlist for vice presidential picks, among other female politicians, such as Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI).

Haaland, Luján exploit Coronavirus pandemic to raise campaign cash, blame Trump for crisis

This week, some of New Mexico’s far-left congressional Democrat delegation has been relishing in the suffering brought forth by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, using it as an opportunity to blame President Trump for the crisis while shamelessly fundraising for their 2020 campaigns.

Rep. Deb Haaland (CD-1) sent out an email entitled, “Trump’s inability to lead our country,” which outlined the far-left policies he has not adopted. Her apparent argument is that because President Trump is against the socialist Obama-era “Affordable Care Act” or “Obamacare,” he has “systematically debilitated our country’s ability to respond to public health crises.” 

At the end of Haaland’s email, she includes multiple buttons in amounts from $10 t0 $250+ asking for “express” donations to her campaign so she can reach her arbitrary “March fundraising goal.” 

On Tuesday, Rep. Ben Ray Luján (CD-1), who is pursuing a promotion to the U.S. Senate, sent out a long-winded fundraising email claiming President Trump ignored “dire warning signs about the severity of this outbreak.” The baseless claims come despite the President acting immediately upon news of the virus to restrict travel from China and declare a public health emergency. 

Of course, the pitch came with an ask for campaign cash, justifying it as “doing [one’s] part” in these “difficult times.” The email follows previous solicitations using Coronavirus. One email preyed on seniors, making the false claim that President Trump is trying to rip away their Social Security checks. 

As well as Haaland’s shameless COVID-19 campaign email, she posted a video on her Facebook page asking for money during the crisis, writing in the description of the video, “We as Democrats believe in things like paid sick leave, healthcare for all, and workers’ rights. That fight now more than ever has never been more critical. Join our grassroots movement and pitch in $5 today!”

Ben Ray Luján’s email pitch.
Deb Haaland’s email pitch

Luján’s and Haaland’s emails come amid a tense battle in the U.S. Senate, where Democrats have stalled an emergency funding bill that would help lift American workers and businesses during the pandemic. Pelosi and Democrat leaders have weaponized the funding bill as an “opportunity” to ram through parts of the “Green New Deal,” abortion funding, among other items completely unrelated to COVID-19.

Luján preys on elderly to raise campaign cash — falsely claims Trump is slashing Social Security, Medicare

Amid confusion and fear over the Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, Democrat Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM-03) is stoking fear into New Mexico’s seniors to raise campaign cash for his U.S. Senate campaign ahead of the November 2020 election.

On Friday, Luján sent out an email claiming President Trump’s budget “SLASHES MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY.” He continues to falsely assert that the budget “slashes Medicare from seniors who’ve spent their entire lives paying into it,” that it “guts Social Security from seniors who are relying on it to make ends meet,” and it “threatens our vulnerable seniors’ health care at a time when they need it most.”

But Trump’s budget will not do any of these things, and even left-wing PolitiFact concedes that it would leave Medicare alone. Also, seniors will not have their Social Security Checks slashed or benefits rescinded. 

The panicky email claims to need 10,000 signatures on the linked survey by midnight to “protect Social Security and Medicare from [Trump’s] heartless budget cuts.” But in order to take the survey—which makes blatantly false accusations—the respondent must donate to Luján’s campaign. 

Luján appears to be blatantly preying on seniors, who may be misled by his dishonest campaign messaging, fear-mongering them into thinking President Trump is ripping away the benefits they paid into when he is not.

Luján’s survey gives no option to simply take the survey without donating.

The email ploy is just the latest in a slew of dishonest email campaigns, one of them using the Chinese Coronavirus to raise funds for his campaign. 

Public banned from ABQ City Council hearing as Davis, Keller use Coronavirus to grab more power

“You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” — socialist fmr. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel 

New Mexico’s far-left machine has been working for years behind the surface looking for every opportunity to take over the state. Recent legislation proposed by socialist Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis (who said f*** the NRA) will do just that: help radical Mayor Tim Keller grab massive amounts of power and use the Coronavirus to do it.

The legislation masquerading as “civil emergency powers” to combat the Coronavirus would grant Keller the right to cease the sale of firearms, declare curfews, close any and all streets, close liquor stores, close places of “mass assembly” and order private employers to take measures to stop the spread of the threat of a virus.

That is the keyword in this legislation — “threat.” The emergency powers are not in the event of a virus outbreak but in the event of THE THREAT OF AN OUTBREAK, meaning they can be used wherever and whenever.

Other far-left towns, such as Champagne, Illinois have adopted this legislation, which mirrors almost verbatim what Davis has proposed, showing a direct line of communication between Davis’ legislation and other radical left-wing municipalities, most likely connected to a larger “progressive” group feeding them the verbiage. 

After all, Davis is the founder of the leftist misinformation site “New Mexico Political Report,” and was the executive director of its funding source, dark money “nonprofit” ProgressNow NM, which is funded by billionaire George Soros. 

A new series on New Mexico’s far-left “progressive” dark-money groups and their connection to taking over New Mexico is coming soon.

Davis’ legislation directly violates federal law codified at 42 U.S.C. § 5207, which prohibits persons acting under color of federal law, receiving federal funds, or acting at the direction of a federal employee from seizing or authorizing the seizure of lawfully-possessed firearms during a state of emergency.

Even more startling than the blatant power-grab by Davis and Keller is the fact that they are conveniently using socialist Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s order banning people from congregating in groups of more than 100 due to Coronavirus. Davis and Keller are using this to ban people from publicly testifying at the City Council’s March 16th committee hearing, limiting attendance only to “City Councilors, critical Council and Administrative Staff, and credentialed members of the press.” The hearing will happen at 5:00 p.m.

Comments will only be allowed through remote channels, such as email, fax, and an online comment section

If you would like to contact the Albuquerque City Councilors in concern about this legislation, their contact information is below:

City Councilor Lan Sena, Dist. 1


City Councilor Isaac Benton, Dist. 2


City Councilor Klarissa J. Peña, Dist. 3


City Councilor Brook Bassan, Dist. 4


City Councilor Cynthia Borrego, Dist. 5


City Councilor Pat Davis, Dist. 6 (DEFINITELY CONTACT HIM)


City Councilor Diane Gibson, Dist. 7


City Councilor Trudy Jones, Dist. 8


City Councilor Don Harris, Dist. 9


Contact mayor Tim Keller here: https://www.cabq.gov/mayor/contact-us/email-the-mayor

Opinions offered by Piñon Post contributors in no way, shape, or form represent the viewpoints of the publication or its editorial staff. Submit an op-ed to the Piñon Post at: news@pinonpost.com.

Ben Ray Luján fundraises off of coronavirus pandemic

On Wednesday, far-left Rep. Ben Ray Luján (NM-03) sent out an email from his campaign entitled “an important email on coronavirus,” which detailed the situation with the pandemic in New Mexico and that Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has declared a “public health emergency allowing New Mexico to marshal the resources needed to protect our communities.”

The email appears benign and not overtly political until the bottom of the email, which reads, “[T]he polls show we have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to finally defeat Mitch McConnell and take back the Senate. But we can’t do this without winning New Mexico. Will you be a part of this historic movement?”

Directly following this is a “donate” button leading to a landing page, which explicitly asks for donations of $25-$1,000 to help him win a seat in the Senate.

The email would be acceptable if it was not using a public health emergency to garner donations, and it appears to be something much more appropriate for Luján to have sent through official channels with his “mail.house.gov” account as an update to constituents. But instead of using his authority to inform New Mexico’s citizens, he is using the Coronavirus to fundraise off of a public health emergency.

RPNM pre-primary results: Martinez, Herrell, Garcia Holmes, Montoya to appear first on primary ballot

On Saturday, the Republican Party of New Mexico held its pre-primary convention at the Hotel Albuquerque in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At the convention, candidates for federal races made the case for their candidacy with short pitches to the audience. With 20% of the delegates, candidates will advance to the primary ballot in June.

Results trickled in a little after 12 noon, with U.S. Senate candidate and pro-life advocate Elisa Martinez coming out strong with 241 delegates, ex-weatherman Mark Ronchetti receiving 198 Delegates, and shooting range Calibers owner Louie Sanchez with 113 delegates. 2018 nominee for U.S. Senate Mick Rich received 72 delegates, while Las Cruces resident and 2018 nominee for Secretary of State Dr. Gavin Clarkson got 66 delegates. Martinez and Ronchetti will be the only candidates to appear on the ballot, unless the other candidates submit additional signatures to the Secretary of State’s office.

In New Mexico’s First Congressional District, 2018 nominee for lieutenant governor, Michelle Garcia Holmes, received 135 delegates, lawyer Jared Vander Dussen received 64 delegates, and ex-Democrat Brett Kokinadis received 14 delegates. Holmes and Vander Dussen will advance.

In New Mexico’s Second Congressional District race, former New Mexico State Rep. Yvette Herrell annihilated her competition, earning 168 delegates to her closest competition, Claire Chase’s 83 delegates. Another candidate, Chris Mathys received 3 delegates.  Herrell and Chase will advance.

In New Mexico’s Third Congressional District, former Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya led the field with 86 delegates and small business owner Karen Bedonie received 69 delegates. They will both advance.

The primary election will occur on June 2, 2020, where the final nominees will be selected by Republican voters.

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