Far-left legislator compares police to the KKK, calls gun owners ‘thugs’
Over the past few days, far-left state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) has been quite active on Twitter, showing her outrage toward Republicans and police officers, including sharing some very inappropriate content, some of which is incredibly demeaning to fellow citizens.
This week, Democrat legislators voted behind closed doors to ban New Mexicans from exercising their Second Amendment rights in the Roundhouse in Santa Fe, with only very few restrictions. The dark-room deal effectively banned all citizens and legislators from carrying firearms in the building without the express consent of the Speaker of the House, Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe).
In celebrating this anti-gun measure, Thomson shared Albuquerque radio producer Katie Stone’s tweet, which called gun owners “thugs.” Stone wrote, “I really appreciate the gun ban at the @NMLegislature. It’s been scary to be in crowded hearing chambers with armed thugs around. I’ve feared for my personal safety in the tense environment of the legislature when these men playing GI Joe show up. Thanks @senatorwirth.”

Thomson shared another post, this time from a Mike Bloomberg-funded “Moms Demand Action” gun-grabbing activist who claimed, “Often our @MomsDemand volunteers were intimidated by gun toting extremists at the NM Roundhouse. I would not take my daughter,” in an apparent attempt at stoking fear upon others. The endorsement of Thomson by sharing the post shows that she, too, believes legal gun owners are “gun-toting extremists.”

On another day, Thomson also shared hate speech against the police, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan. The tweet Thomson shared came in response to news that New York police officers would be calling out following orders for their forcible inoculation, or else they would lose their jobs. This appears to be the regard Thomson has for law enforcers who work each day to protect communities — she compares them to the KKK.

She also called Republicans“racists” for opposing Critical Race Theory.

Thomson has long been known for her nasty and personal attacks against fellow New Mexicans, demeaning them as “uneducated” for asking questions about the virus jab and claiming in one rant, “Anyone who continues to back the orange traitor (apparently referring to President Donald Trump) after the terrorist attack, is forever branded with a scarlet S for seditionist.”
She also called concerned parents asking questions about the jab for their kids “low iq voters.” Then, Thomson snitched on fellow citizens to the attorney general regarding pandemic mandates.
Far-left legislator compares police to the KKK, calls gun owners ‘thugs’ Read More »