
Anti-life legislator and alleged MLG groping witness announces retirement

On Tuesday, far-left anti-life state Rep. Debbie Armstrong announced she will be retiring after he current term is up since she was able to finally pass her “grandma killer” bill to prescribe life-ending drug “cocktails” to kill people who have a terminal illness, including the mentally infirm, the disabled, and cancer patients.

Armstrong said, “Having passed the End-of-Life Options Act, the Healthcare Affordability Fund, and seeing the state truly turn a corner with the firm establishment of our medical cannabis program and legalization of adult-use cannabis, I feel it is time for me to focus on my family and other projects. I can’t thank enough my incredible constituents and supporters who have supported me and these important initiatives over the years, and who shared my vision of a state where every New Mexican can get access to the quality healthcare they deserve.”

Scandal-ridden alleged groper Gov. Lujan Grisham, who signed Armstrong’s bill, lauded the legislator, who has been a long-time business partner of Grisham, where the two defrauded the American taxpayers with their “Delta Consulting” endeavor, named after their college sorority Delta Delta Delta. 

The statement reads as follows:

“Representative Armstrong has for years been a strong advocate for the health and wellbeing of every New Mexican, one of the fiercest and most dedicated champions our state has ever had in this all-important issue area. Throughout her distinguished tenure as a legislator, she always put people first — making health insurance affordable for more families, reproductive healthcare accessible to more women and medical cannabis available to more patients, to name only a few of her numerous legislative accomplishments.

In 2021, Representative Armstrong succeeded in leading the Elizabeth Whitefield End-of-Life Options Act through the Legislature, the culmination of a passionate decades-long effort for the representative and countless advocates for dignity in dying throughout our state.

I know she will continue her efforts to improve the lives of New Mexicans outside the Legislature, but her departure from that body will be a bittersweet occasion, as she has done so much for so many in that honorable role.

In addition to her meaningful professional work on behalf of New Mexicans, of course, Debbie is also, simply, an incredibly generous and loving and funny person, who I have been honored for so many years to call my dear friend. And as both a friend and colleague I wish her the very best of luck in her future endeavors and many happy years spent with her family and loved ones, and I look forward to continuing to work with her for a brighter future for New Mexico families.” 

The two reportedly grifted the people of New Mexico by upcharging the sick in the state’s high-risk insurance pool despite Obamacare effectively making the program obsolete. 

Regarding the alleged sexual assault by Grisham to a former staffer, we previously reported: 

He claims this assault happened during a senior staff meeting held at Representative Deborah Armstrong’s (D-Bernalillo) home in the summer of 2018…. Hallinan claimed then-U.S. Rep. Lujan Grisham “took a water bottle and dumped it on my crotch and then slapped and grabbed me in front of everybody.” 

Now, the anti-life legislator and alleged Lujan Grisham groping witness is calling it quits after her term is up, although it is unclear if an even more radical anti-lifer will fill her seat.

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Webber blasted at candidate forum over his refusal to protect Soldiers Monument

On Monday, the Santa Fe Hispanic Chamber of Commerce held its mayoral candidate forum with incumbent Mayor Alan Webber, City Councilor JoAnne Vigil Coppler, and Alexis Martinez Johnson. At the virtual event, Webber was challenged on his failure to protect the 153-year-old Soldiers’ Monument, which was destroyed in October 2020 by domestic terrorists, many affiliated with anti-Hispanic hate groups.

“To be absolutely clear, there was no order from the mayor to stand down,” Webber erroneously claimed when being called out by Johnson and Vigil Coppler.

However, that is a lie. On October 14, 2020, joined by Police Chief Andrew Padilla, Webber defended the Police Department’s decision to “stand down” and allow the riot, saying, “The choice to not incite more violence was the correct one.”

None of the domestic terrorists involved in the destruction of the monument faced jail time, with District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altweis claiming the move was “restorative justice.” 

“It is clear that order came from the mayor,” Vigil Coppler said during the forum. “We just saw our culture, our meaning, our tradition, what we used to mean on the Plaza just fade away, and no one has really been punished for that.”

Unable to contain himself, Webber fired back at the City Councilor, condescending her with, “I would expect Councilor Vigil Coppler to know more about how the city works than to say something as blatantly false as that.” He added, “The mayor does not order the police chief or any police officer to stand down. That is simply false and inaccurate.”

Martinez Johnson said, “We don’t negotiate with terrorists,” regarding the anti-Hispanic terrorists who toppled the monument. “No matter if you want the obelisk to stay or to go, I am talking about outright lawlessness.” She added, “I don’t care what any political party you are from, lawlessness is wrong.”

“Everyone around here should be aware that a giant monument in the middle of our Plaza came towering down in the middle of the day by a mob,” Martinez Johnson said in response to a question regarding crime. 

Webber then continued to tout his endorsements from far-left politicians, including Sens. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján, who have been political allies of the embattled mayor for years.

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NMDOH sends cease and desist to hotel where Haaland had maskless wedding

According to a letter obtained exclusively by the Piñon Post, the New Mexico Department of Health sent cease and desist letter to the Hyatt Regency Tamaya resort outside of Bernalillo because of Democrat Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s mostly maskless indoor wedding held in late August — a story broken exclusively by the Piñon Post. The event went in direct contradiction to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s health orders. 

The letter, dated August 30, reads, “Based on news reports and photographs, approximately 70 people attended the event, and several attendees were seen not wearing masks. Upon information and belief, the wedding reception was held indoors on your premises. We request that the Hyatt Regency Tamaya immediately cease and desist in hosting any similar events that may exacerbate the spread of the COVID-19.” 

The Department noted “The current Public Health Order of the Department requires all individuals age 2 years and older to wear a mask or multilayer cloth face covering in all indoor public settings except when eating or drinking, unless otherwise instructed by a healthcare provider. There is no exception to the mask requirement for individuals who have been vaccinated. Masks are just one of the many simple and effective tools relied upon to slow the harmful and deadly spread of COVID-19 in the community.” 

“Although the Public Health Order does not apply to tribal or pueblo territories, and the

Department recognizes that the sovereign nations of New Mexico are free to implement alternate health restrictions, we implore the Hyatt Regency Tamaya to voluntarily cease and desist from hosting events that may violate public health mandates and further hinder the state in its ongoing fight against COVID-19. It is critical that everyone in the state continues to partner to reduce the impact of COVID-19 during this instant surge caused by the Delta Variant.” 

Since the mostly maskless event, Haaland has refused to return requests for comment. No major liberal news outlets picked up the story, despite Haaland’s shameless performance at the wedding alongside Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Rep. Sharice Davids (D-KS). 

Recently, a family-owned restaurant in Albuquerque, Backstreet Grill, was forcibly shuttered by a judge for bucking the Governor’s health orders. But Haaland and the Tamaya resort look to not be facing any similar consequences, despite the health orders and the resort’s own guidance requiring masking indoors. 

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Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Tim Walsh

On September 2, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Tim Walsh had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Walsh brings to the race. Tim Walsh is a formal Gov. Gary Johnson official with experience in education.


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Tim at

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names.

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Tim Walsh Read More »

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Zanetti

On September 7, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Zanetti had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Zanetti brings to the race. Greg Zanetti is a retired brigadier general from the Army National Guard and a financier in Albuquerque.


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Greg at

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names.

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Greg Zanetti Read More »

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Louie Sanchez

On August 31, 2021, Republican gubernatorial candidate Louie Sanchez had a one-on-one interview with Piñon Post editor John Block to discuss the 2022 governor’s race to take out Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, current events, and what Sanchez brings to the race. Louie Sanchez is a New Mexico businessman who has worked in the medical field for 27 years.


If the video is not showing up for you, please visit the video here.

Find out more about Ethel at

All Republican candidates for governor are scheduled for interviews and these interviews are being posted in alphabetical order by their last names.

The Piñon Post has made it a policy of not endorsing candidates. 

Piñon Post interviews GOP gubernatorial candidate Louie Sanchez Read More »

Democrat state lawmaker snitches on fellow citizens

Once again, a New Mexico lawmaker is snitching on fellow New Mexicans, this time state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo), who is claiming that a law office in the state is making fake “religious exemptions” for people to enter the State Fair.

The far-left state legislator shared a post on Twitter from a profile that has “#F**KTrump” in the bio. The post shared appeared to show a screenshot from the Facebook account of Adam Oakey.

The post read, “Hey citizens/businesses in New Mexico: Beware of fraudulent ‘religious exemptions’ from people that have an Oakey Law Firm letterhead.” 

Thomson shared the post, writing, “Isn’t this illegal @HectorBalderas?’”

Later in the post, she thanked a commenter for saying they shared the information with KOAT 7 News. 

Thomson is known for belittling fellow New Mexicans, previously teaming up with scandal-ridden alleged groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s press secretary Nora Sackett to belittle citizens concerned over child health. Previous to that, they teamed up to mock people asking for health advice. 

Thomson also claimed Trump supporters should be “forever branded with a scarlet S for seditionist.”

The snitching from the lawmaker is nothing new, with state Sen. Bill Soules (D-Doña Ana) snitching on local businesses in his community. 

Mr. Oakey was has been contacted for comment but the Piñon Post has not immediately received a response.

Democrat state lawmaker snitches on fellow citizens Read More »

Democrats hell-bent on raiding the rainy day fund to spend on socialism

Radical Democrats in the Legislature are hell-bent on spending as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time as they cling onto power in the House, Senate, and Governor’s Mansion as the 2022 elections are just right around the corner. 

According to a report from the Albuquerque Journal, Democrats are furious that New Mexicas would dare save money in the rainy day fund instead of spending it on socialism, such as the socialist“free” (taxpayer-funded) daycare slush fund passed by the Legislature, which will be appearing on the ballot in 2022 via a constitutional amendment.

“That fund is getting pretty big, and I think we need to take a look as a Legislature at how it’s structured,” Far-left House Majority Leader Javier Martínez, (D-Bernalillo), said during a legislative committee hearing last week. Martínez took over after former Majority Leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton resigned in disgrace following a decades-long corruption investigation. 

Extremist partisan Democrat Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) claimed, “Money sitting in an account is actually counterproductive to the future of our state.” But in a financial crisis, the state’s rainy day fund could save New Mexico from economic catastrophe. Democrats do not care. 

The Journal reports that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham “has not announced her administration’s final plan for using $1.7 billion in federal relief funds, although some of that money has been earmarked for restoring New Mexico’s largely depleted unemployment fund and temporarily boosting wage levels for chile field workers.” 

On the Governor’s and the Democrat Legislature’s watch, New Mexicans have been plunged into poverty, over 40% of small businesses that once existed in our state are now closed, and alarmist pandemic health orders have been reimplemented, further crippling the state’s already frail economy.

[READ NEXT: New oil and gas revenues mean more cash for MLG, Dems blow on socialism]

Democrats hell-bent on raiding the rainy day fund to spend on socialism Read More »

Otero County Commission unanimously passes resolution against MLG’s unconstitutional edicts

On Thursday night, the Otero County Commission passed a resolution offered by Commissioner Couy Griffin to denounce the “unconstitutional” health orders signed by scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham and her New Mexico Department of Health. The resolution also declared “that those officials who enforce or abide by these unconstitutional health orders violate their oaths of office and their duty to the people of NewMexico.” 

The special meeting took place at the Flickinger Center in downtown Alamogordo to accommodate the large number of individuals who made their voices heard on the resolution.

Many citizens spoke in support of the proposal, including medical professionals, veterinarians, retired Military personnel, mothers, fathers, and children. One provocateur spoke against the proposal and attempted unsuccessfully to question the Commission. All other commenters supported the resolution, which has some of the most powerful language of any other local resolution in Otero County. 

The Alamogordo Public School Board passed a benign agenda item supporting parents’ choice in schools, while the Alamogordo City Commission passed a resolution affirming its support for citizens’ rights against an overreaching government.

In a previous Alamogordo School Board meeting, the Board only allowed 15 people in the meeting due to “social distancing” and required masks for all attendees, regardless of medical exemptions or vaccination status.

The Commission through the resolution affirmed that “Otero County is authorized to make and publish resolutions necessary and proper to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, and improve the morals, order, comfort and convenience of its inhabitants.”

Also, the commission affirmed that “every person, including the Board of County Commissioners, elected or appointed to any office has taken and subscribed to an oath or affirmation that he or she will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution and laws of the State of New Mexico and that he or she will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his or her office to the best of his or her ability.” 

After public comment and a question and answer session with Otero County Sheriff David Black, the Commission unanimously passed the resolution, with Commissioners Couy Griffin, Vickie Marquardt, and Gerald Matherly all supporting the resolution. 

Watch the video of the meeting here:

Otero County Commission unanimously passes resolution against MLG’s unconstitutional edicts Read More »

Monday protest planned against forced vaccines at Holloman Air Force Base

On Monday, September 13, a protest is planned outside of Holloman Air Force Base against the forcible vaccination of Military service members by Joe Biden. 

According to a flyer obtained by the Piñon Post, organizers will be meeting at 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. outside of the Front Gate outside of Holloman Air Force Base outside of Alamogordo.

According to a press release from Holloman, “In accordance with the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force guidance, attestation of an individual’s status as fully vaccinated or presentation of a recent negative COVID-19 test is a condition of physical access to DOD buildings and DOD-leased spaces in non-DOD buildings in which official DOD business takes place.”

It continues:

This guidance applies to all individuals issued a credential by DOD that affords the individual recurring access, classified herein as “credentialed recurring access” (CRA) (e.g., Common Access Cardholders), to DOD facilities, and to non-DOD individuals seeking access, one time or recurring, in association with the performance of official DOD business. Regardless of whether an individual is authorized to telework or perform remote work, all DOD civilian employees and DOD contractor personnel with CRA must attest to their vaccination status by completing DD Form 3150. Civilian employees and contractor personnel who are unvaccinated for COVID-19 or who decline to attest to their COVID-19 vaccination status will be subject to COVID-19 screening testing weekly. Such civilian employees and contractor personnel who refuse required screening testing will be denied access to DOD facilities.

Individuals other than visitors seeking access to facilities located on DOD installations but operated by other Federal Departments and Agencies will follow the policies and procedures of that other Department or Agency. Visitors will follow applicable policies and procedures of both DOD and the Department or Agency they are visiting.

“After careful consultation with medical experts and military leadership, and with the support of the President, I have determined that mandatory vaccination against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is necessary to protect the Force and defend the American people,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin wrote in a memo released earlier this month.

The forcible vaccination and coercion of Military service members has been applauded by far-left politicians such as Alamogordo City Commissioner Nadia Sykes, who is attempting to run for the mayorship of Alamogordo. 

The base is housing at least 5,000 Afghan refugees who escaped their home country amid Joe Biden’s Afghanistan fiasco where billions of dollars in American arms were seized by the Taliban, who took over the country. It is unclear if they are being vaccinated.

The flyer for the protests is below: 

Monday protest planned against forced vaccines at Holloman Air Force Base Read More »

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