
Amid crises in NM, MLG to travel to Scotland for ‘climate’ excursion

On Friday, it was reported that scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is not in New Mexico this week. She’s is in Washington, D.C. for events with the Democratic Governors Association, which is reportedly paying for her travel expenses. 

The Albuquerque Journal wrote, “Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is visiting the White House and meeting with congressional leaders this week to highlight the importance of a federal public works package for New Mexico and other states.”

Lujan Grisham is not done traveling, however. She will fly to Glasgow next month to “represent New Mexico” at the United Nations Climate Change Conference.

“I am so proud of the work we have done in under three years, and I am honored to represent that work, and the work of so many New Mexicans, on the world stage,” said Lujan Grisham in a statement. “But I know that we – as a state, as a nation, as a planet – must go further by pursuing bold, equitable and just climate solutions. I am looking forward to this significant opportunity for collaboration and action at the global level.”

During her time at the climate change excursion, Lujan Grisham will meet with parties that want to help her further erode New Mexico’s energy infrastructure, even after she signed the job-killing “Green New Deal” in 2019 in the form of the Energy Transition Act. The bill aims to completely wipe out the oil and gas industry in New Mexico by the year 2045. 

Lujan Grisham will hold a “public conversation alongside Secretary of State Tony Blinken, White House climate advisors John Kerry and Gina McCarthy, and Michael Bloomberg on the America is All In initiative.”

She will team up for “an open-press event with the Powering Past Coal Alliance,” and another event with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and “governors from around the world.”

In New Mexico, Lujan Grisham and House Speaker Brian Egolf are holding a far-left “climate summit” on October 25-26, which is costing the taxpayers at least $14,000 to promote the radical climate change agenda. The cost of Lujan Grisham’s Scotland trip, no doubt, will cost the taxpayers many thousands more as the Governor wines and dines with global far-left leaders at the summit.

“New Mexicans deserve better than a Governor who depends on fossil fuels to travel and for her budget but then undermines our energy workers at elitist resorts among her friends,” Larry Behrens of the pro-energy group Power The Future, said in a written statement.

The Piñon Post previously reported:

In 2019, Grisham also took a vacation to Gran Canaria, an island in Las Palma Spain, according to documents obtained through an Inspection of Public Records Act request, showing the Governor had Lt. Gov. Howie Morales serve as acting-Governor while she was out of the country. Iberdrola (AVANGRID) has multiple service points and locations on the Gran Canaria island. 

AVANGRID is currently seeking approval by the elected Public Regulation Commission to acquire PNM Resources, New Mexico’s largest utility. AVANGRID is the third-largest wind utility company in the U.S. The Spanish Iberdrola, S.A owns the company. 

Lujan Grisham’s global galavanting comes as New Mexicans remain at the highest unemployment levels, 40% of all small businesses have been crushed due to her pandemic lockdowns, and working families are struggling to make ends meet in the state.

Amid crises in NM, MLG to travel to Scotland for ‘climate’ excursion Read More »

Ex-Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti quits job to ‘consider’ run for NM governor

On Thursday, KRQE 13 announced that “meteorologist” Mark Ronchetti, a failed candidate for U.S. Senate against Ben Ray Luján, was quitting his job at the news station to “consider” a run for New Mexico governor.

Although the ex-candidate has not made a formal announcement, his website reportedly was caught giving a glimpse into a potential gubernatorial bid, showing the site’s logo reading “Mark Ronchetti [for] Governor” and the line, “together we’ll win in 2022.” The website is no longer up.

The sudden resignation of Ronchetti from KRQE 13 appears to give credence to rumors of the ex-Senate candidate’s possible run. Ronchetti has done backflips to attempt to claim he supports President Donald J. Trump. This came after he was caught telling a crowd of George Soros-funded activists in 2019 — two full years into Trump’s term — at 350, an extreme climate group, that President Trump is “the Orange One” who drove him to leave the Republican Party. He added, “I’m afraid that that has taken a part of my soul.”

At the same presentation for 350, Ronchetti appeared to endorse scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “Green New Deal,” known as the Energy Transition Act.

Previously, Ronchetti called Trump supporters who were critical of his run, “little Facebook trolls who are in their parents’ basement with their Cheeto-stained fingers.” He had never previously voted in a Republican primary until running for U.S. Senate.

After Ronchetti’s apparent loss to Luján in 2020, he did not contest allegations of election fraud in the race and refused to help the Republican Party of New Mexico file a lawsuit regarding alleged fraudulent activity. He has not spoken out on any important political issues since returning to KRQE 13, especially not regarding forced jabs for employment or masking children at schools.

Gov. Lujan Grisham is up for reelection in 2022, facing off against seven Republicans, including businesswoman Karen Bedonie, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, Right to Life of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg, businessman Louie Sanchez, former Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh, and financier Greg Zanetti. Note: These candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

Ex-Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti quits job to ‘consider’ run for NM governor Read More »

Gov. Lujan Grisham and Speaker Egolf hoist Pride flags atop the Capitol in Santa Fe

MLG and Egolf’s ‘climate’ summit to cost taxpayers at least $14K, organizers to protest event

On October 25 and 26, New Mexico House Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) will hold the “2021 New Mexico Climate Summit,” which aims to push radical enviro-Marxist policies upon the state, while bragging about job-killing anti-energy initiatives, such as New Mexico’s Green New Deal, the “Energy Transition Act.” 

According to public documents obtained exclusively by the Piñon Post, Egolf’s event will leave New Mexico taxpayers on the hook for at least $14,134 for the event. According to the figures provided by Egolf’s office, taxpayers will shell out $2,500 for keynote speaker Maite Arce of the “Hispanic Access Foundation’s” travel, $500 for “printing,” $7,000 for “meeting planning,” $2,134 for “catering,” $750 for a supposed second keynote speaker’s travel, assumed to be Andrew Baumann of Global Strategy Group, $600 for a “Zoom operator,” $100 for email platform “Survey Monkey,” $50 for “name tags,” and $500 for “volunteer lunch.”

Scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is set to speak on the first day of the conference from 11:00 to 11:45, in which she is to speak about supposed “progress made and next steps” from the administration. Egolf will speak, as well as Secretary of Environment James Kenney, Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department Secretary Sarah Cottrell Propst, and other administration officials.

State Rep. Harry Garcia (D-Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, Socorro, San Juan, and Valencia) and Sen. Gay Kernan (R-Chaves, Eddy, and Lea) have already RSVP’d for the event. Announcements for the event claim over 150 “fellow state, local and community leaders are expected to attend.” 

The event is likely to be chock-full of race-baiting regarding climate, according to Speaker Egolf’s press release announcing the function, writing, “Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) in New Mexico have long lived and worked on the frontlines of energy industries, bearing the heaviest burden and impact wrought by climate change, yet they are the most likely to be left behind by climate and clean energy policies.” 

According to his bio, the second keynote speaker Andrew Baumann “worked for numerous advocacy groups with a particular focus on climate, clean energy and conservation issues, having worked with LCV, Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Power 2020, the Sierra Club, and many others. His work in 2020 was instrumental in helping convince Joe Biden to make climate a centerpiece of his campaign and embrace a more ambitious climate plan.”

Fringe enviro-Marxist groups Somos Un Pueblo Unido, Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, OLÉ, Center for Civic Policy, Western Resource Advocates, Environmental Defense Fund, Conservation Voters New Mexico, NM Wild, Power4NewMexico, the Angelica Foundation, and the Energy Foundation are all sponsors of the summit.

All attendees are required to wear masks and be vaccinated, according to the event’s invite.

A protest organized by pro-energy activists is set to take place outside of the building called “Rally Against MLG’s ‘Climate Change’ Summit” to buck the taxpayer-funded liberal propaganda event. It will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on October 25 when Lujan Grisham is scheduled to speak. People in the Albuquerque area will be driving in a caravan up to Santa Fe at 10:00 a.m. that is meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the 550 Exit. More event details are below:

MLG and Egolf’s ‘climate’ summit to cost taxpayers at least $14K, organizers to protest event Read More »

MLG returns illicit campaign donations after ethics complaint filed

After an ethics complaint was filed by Santa Fe Republican Party officer and “Stop MLG” founder Brett Kokinadis, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham returned illicit campaign donations that exceeded contribution limits.

The Governor returned $4,200 to Intrepid Potash, a Denver-based mineral company, which gave Lujan Grisham $25,000 when gubernatorial candidates are only allowed $20,800 from each entity. 

According to the Associated Press, “The Lujan Grisham campaign also amended its filing to identify previously undisclosed sources of four recent campaign contributions. Those include two donations totaling $10,400 from Chevron Policy, Government & Public Affairs, a $4,000 contribution from a political committee led by Democratic state Senate President Mimi Stewart and $2,500 from the Health Care Service Corporation Employees political committee.” 

Health Care Service Corporation reportedly oversees BlueCross BlueShield of New Mexico, a state-sanctioned provider of Medicaid health care coverage.

Republican House Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia) is a contributor to Stop MLG. 

When Kokinadis filed the complaint, he said, “New Mexicans deserve better than this. This Governor’s habitual behavior is hurting the state and its citizens–all for personal gain for the Governor.” 

“Her illegal actions have embarrassed New Mexico for too long. From ignoring the legislature during the extended COVID restrictions, ignoring and violating her own public health orders, using campaign donations to settle alleged sexual allegations, purchasing lavish meals and alcohol, covering up issues at CYFD, and now violating ethics laws, all while New Mexicans continue to suffer from her unfair policies, it’s obvious why should accept monies in any amount–she needs them to aggressively campaign to combat her failed and unfair policies.”

Another ethics complaint filed by Piñon Post founder and editor John Block in May is still ongoing, in which Block is going after the Governor for improper use of campaign funds to pay her daughter, Erin Grisham, for hair and makeup — a direct violation of state law and Secretary of State guidance.

Gov. Lujan Grisham is up for reelection in 2022, facing off against seven Republicans, including businesswoman Karen Bedonie, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, Right to Life of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg, businessman Louie Sanchez, former Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh, and financier Greg Zanetti. Note: These candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

MLG returns illicit campaign donations after ethics complaint filed Read More »

Rep. Yvette Herrell crushes Democrat opponent in fundraising by 700%

According to the latest Federal Election Commission reports, Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (R-NM-2) is crushing her Democrat opponent Gave Vasquez in with her fundraising numbers.

The reports show that donors poured $500,192.70 into Herrell’s war chest between July 15 and September 30. 

During that timeframe, Herrell’s campaign spent $218,338.24 and closed the period with nearly one million dollars — $980,687.50 — cash on hand.

The Roswell Daily Record reports, “The latest figures bring Herrell’s total fundraising haul since January to $1.3 million, more than seven times what Gabriel Vasquez has received in contributions. A Las Cruces city councilor, Vasquez last month became the first Democrat to enter the race. Reports state he received $70,182.50, and had $9,281.53 in expenditures. He finished the fundraising cycle with $60,900.97 in his campaign account.”

According to the report, The House Freedom Fund, a fundraising arm of the House Freedom Caucus, has already spent $219,146.59 in support of Herrell.

Vasquez has the endorsement of far-left Sen. Martin Heinrich and other left-wing party leaders. He is a fringe Democrat who believes America is a racist nation.

Rep. Yvette Herrell crushes Democrat opponent in fundraising by 700% Read More »

Redistricting Committee approves three radical state House map concepts

On Wednesday, the New Mexico Citizens Redistricting Committee (CRC) reconvened for its final meeting to approve maps for the New Mexico House of Representatives, adopting three concepts, including two that extremely gerrymander the state and one that does not. Last week, the Committee approved map concepts for Congress, state Senate, and the Public Education Commission.

Far-left Member Lisa Curtis, a former Democrat lawmaker, said regarding the heavily gerrymandered Center for Civic Policy (CCP) map drawn (Concept E), “What we have heard from the public that have come to talk to us is the existence of vote dissolution in certain parts of our state within the Native American Community and especially within the growing Hispanic community.”

She said regarding the map that claims to be the “People’s Map,” “I’m not in favor of a status quo map. We have white majorities created solely to defeat [people of color].” She added, “It fixes a generational problem in this state.”

Curtis claimed the map “cannot be attacked on a Voting Rights Act level. The only way this map gets attacked is on partisanship reasons and that is just not appropriate. We should not be saving things.” 

However, Member Ryan Cangiolosi, a Republican, said, “I do disagree.” He noted the blatant partisanship of the map denoting gerrymandering, including “snake-like districts.” He said, “We’re seeing what seems like gerrymandering in that regard.” 

The CCP map used wide population swings from district to district, some even over ten percent. Traditionally, New Mexico House maps have not deviated more than five percent, which Member Cangiolosi had an issue with. 

Cangiolosi said, “What we see here in this map is a partisan map meant to make a majority in the House a supermajority in the House.”

“I’m going to vote no on this map. I don’t agree with this map, and I am going to stick to the CRC’s maps,” he added, referring to maps drawn by the Committee — not outside bad actors like the CCP.

Member Robert Rhatigan argued in favor of the heavily gerrymandered CCP map, saying,
“Equity and equality cannot be confused.” He said “in order to reach equity,” he is “okay with the deviations” of more than five percent.

Justice Edward Chávez, the Democrat chairman of the Committee, chimed in, saying, “I am persuaded that we can deviate accordingly, as long as we don’t exceed ten percent.” 

The final vote on the extremist CCP map was 5-2, with all members except Republicans Ryan Cangiolosi and Christopher Saucedo approving the concept. 

The committee went on to vote on another map, Concept I, which deviates over five percent and includes many of the criticisms Cangiolosi and Saucedo had of the CCP map. It passed the Committee on a vote of 4-3, with Member Michael Sanchez voting with Cangiolosi and Saucedo against it. 

The panel discussed House Concept C, which is a map that does not deviate over five percent, while also taking into account much of the testimony heard in the Committee over the last few months. 

Member Rhatigan said of the map, “It’s a decent option insofar as it is something different.” The map, however, failed with a vote of 4-3. Rhatigan, despite his comments, voted against the concept. 

Another extreme map, Concept J, was then passed by the committee, which is similar to map I. All three maps are not good news for rural or conservative voices, which are lacking in the Legislature, to begin with. It is unclear which map is the least harmful to conservatives, although the prospect of a GOP House majority appears slimmer now.

Redistricting Committee approves three radical state House map concepts Read More »

Pro-abortion, anti-Trump Democrat Nadia Sikes running for Alamogordo mayor

The race is heating up for Alamogordo’s open mayorship as incumbent Mayor Richard Boss is not running for reelection. Two Alamogordo City Commissioners, Susan Payne and Nadia Sikes are vying for the position. 

Sikes is a retired marketing professional. Sikes has been a far-left voice, shouting down citizens participating in meetings and publicly shaming citizens for not wearing masks or obeying tyrannical edicts from Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

But in Alamogordo, which went predominantly to President Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 and has long been a Republican stronghold, Sikes has been rabidly anti-Trump and supportive of extreme late-term abortion.

In multiple posts on Sikes’ Facebook page, she has posted vulgar content about the 45th President, including a post of someone holding a sign that said, “Our expectations were low but HOLY F**K.” In another post, Sikes shared a post comparing President Trump to Benito Mussolini, which read, “Holy f**king s**t.” 

CAUTION: Vulgar language included in Sikes’ posts:

While Democrats ran their first sham impeachment charade against President Trump, of which he was overwhelmingly cleared by the U.S. Senate, Sikes wrote, “Happy Impeachment Eve!” President Trump held a “Save America,” rally on January 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C., which resulted in many ANTIFA infiltrators dressed in MAGA gear leading a few Trump supporters into the Capitol. After this happened, Sikes wrote on Twitter regarding senators who voted against the Democrats’ second failed impeachment sham, “44 votes. 44 senators are okay with insurrection. Good to know.” 

On January 19, 2017, the day before President Trump was sworn in, Nadia Sikes changed her profile picture to that of former President Barack Obama. In another post, Sikes called Obama “the best President we’ve ever had.”

Sikes has shared multiple posts promoting abortion up-to-birth groups, and even participated in multiple abortion marches, such as the “Women’s March” and the “Roe v. Wade Commemorative Demonstration,” celebrating the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion-on-demand in America. Sikes has also shared “climate change” conspiracy posts promoting the fringe activist Greta Thunberg and content from the disgraced anti-Trump PAC, the Lincoln Project.

On Sikes’ radio program she runs out of KRSY AM 1230, she has interviewed extreme abortion up-to-birth groups Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains and Young Women United, Democrat Sen. Martin Heinrich, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s lieutenant governor, Democrat Howie Morales, among other far-left figures, and organizations. 

But her rabidly anti-American social media posts are not the only thing Sikes has to face the voters over. She also has personally targeted citizens of Alamogordo, including lodging a complaint against a postal worker, Rich Merrick, apparently claiming he is tampering with her mail because he has exercised his First Amendment rights at City Commission meetings. Nadia’s complaint failed, but her attempt at going after a citizen’s livelihood to get back at someone politically appears to be the lowest a person can go.

The complaint came years after Merrick spoke out against Sikes at Commission meetings in 2015 because Sikes used her official capacity as a commissioner to try and close a gun show being held at New Mexico State University Alamogordo. 

Sikes has consistently bashed citizens who do not support Gov. Lujan Grisham’s mask mandates and has voted against multiple resolutions brought forth before the City Commission against these draconian rules. Sikes calls them “public health guidelines.” Watch a moment from an August 2021 meeting here:

Sikes endorsed extremist Democrat Gabe Vasquez for Congress against incumbent Congresswoman Yvette Herrell (R-NM-2). Here is Sikes pictured on Vasquez’s website:

The municipal election is November 2, and citizens will make a decision on whether they want a radical far-left extremist to serve as the mayor of conservative Alamogordo or a conservative Christian to serve as mayor.

Pro-abortion, anti-Trump Democrat Nadia Sikes running for Alamogordo mayor Read More »

Alleged MLG groping witness says governor ‘represents the very best’ of NM

On Tuesday, longtime Michelle Lujan Grisham ally, former business partner, and retiring state Rep. Debbie Armstrong claimed the scandal-ridden alleged sexual predator governor is the “very best” of New Mexico.

“Gov. Lujan Grisham is committed to leading New Mexico toward a brighter future. Every single day, she does everything she can to improve the lives of our families, friends, and neighbors. Over her nearly three years in office, I’ve been so proud of everything Gov. Lujan Grisham has accomplished,” the lawmaker claimed in a fundraising email for Lujan Grisham’s reelection.

Despite the failures of the Lujan Grisham regime other than the constant scandals involving misusing campaign and taxpayer dollars, the Governor has racked up some of the worst statistics for New Mexico, including our failing energy grid with the implementation of the Green New Deal, the lowest child wellbeing rate in the nation, high unemployment rates, among other failures.

Armstrong, who previously was in business with Lujan Grisham at “Delta Consulting,” reportedly grifted the people of New Mexico by upcharging the sick in the state’s high-risk insurance pool despite Obamacare effectively making the program obsolete. 

Armstrong was reportedly a witness to the sexual assault allegedly carried out by Lujan Grisham upon a former staffer, James Hallinan. Gov. Lujan Grisham paid off Hallinan over $150,000 in hush money following him coming forward. We previously reported: 

He claims this assault happened during a senior staff meeting held at Representative Deborah Armstrong’s (D-Bernalillo) home in the summer of 2018…. Hallinan claimed then-U.S. Rep. Lujan Grisham “took a water bottle and dumped it on my crotch and then slapped and grabbed me in front of everybody.” 

But despite all the scandal and the failures, Armstrong claims Lujan Grisham “represents the very best of our state. It’s hardworking, kind New Mexicans like her that make me so proud to call this state my home.” 

Gov. Lujan Grisham is up for reelection in 2022, facing off against seven Republicans, including businesswoman Karen Bedonie, Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block, state Rep. Rebecca Dow, Right to Life of New Mexico executive director Ethel Maharg, businessman Louie Sanchez, former Gary Johnson staffer Tim Walsh, and financier Greg Zanetti. Note: These candidates have been listed in alphabetical order.

[SHOP: MLG IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR” collection available now in the Piñon Post store.]

Alleged MLG groping witness says governor ‘represents the very best’ of NM Read More »

Far-left ‘social justice’ group at UNM disbanding

On Monday, it was reported by the University of New Mexico’s (UNM) student-run far-left paper that the “social justice” group, “Fight For Our Lives” at UNM, was shutting down, effective on October 2.

According to the report, “FFOL was focused on advocating for gun violence prevention in 2018, seeking climate crisis action in 2019 and creating ABQ Mutual Aid in 2020, according to FFOL co-founder Jonathon Juarez-Alonzo. He said on social media that the decision to dissolve the organization was a tough one and that ‘all good things must come to an end.’” 

Apparently, the group was formed as an offshoot of the fringe David Hogg group “March For Our Lives” to push for anti-gun legislation that would disarm the American public in 2018.

“There’s no one reason why we’re dissolving,” Juarez-Alonzo claimed. “It’s really (that) everyone has their own life situations that are keeping them from their commitments to the work.” 

Former vice-president of the group, Emil Phan, said FFOL served as a vessel for community outreach and positive change, and “opened the doors for endless possibilities,” even with its dissolution.  

The report notes that Juarez-Alonzo “said they worked to develop ABQ Mutual Aid in 2020, which is a collective of organizers that seeks to fulfill basic human needs during the pandemic, such as distributing hygiene products and groceries. Juarez-Alonzo said ABQ Mutual Aid, while a separate entity from FFOL, holds many of the same values and missions and is an ongoing effort that has served over 60,000 community members. ABQ Mutual Aid, like FFOL, is fiscally sponsored by the Southwest Organizing Project.”

“Mutual Aid” is a framework of anarchical communism that presents a scientific basis for communism as an alternative to the “historical materialism” of the Marxists. It is an offshoot of social Darwinism. 

The dissolution of the fringe group is just the latest far-left organization disbanding amid internal turmoil. Other national Marxist groups, such as Black Lives Matter, have had similar issues, with infighting and extremism pushing them to the breaking points. 

Far-left ‘social justice’ group at UNM disbanding Read More »

Piñon Post demands Dems speak out amid MLG groping scandal or they are complicit

On Monday, Piñon Post editor John Block sent a letter to high-ranking New Mexico Democratic Party officials and lawmakers demanding accountability for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s alleged groping of multiple men, including that of James Hallinan, which resulted in her paying him $150,000 in hush money.

The Piñon Post is calling for high-ranking officials, including legislative, congressional, statewide, and Democratic Party of New Mexico leaders, to denounce Lujan Grisham or else they are complicit in perpetuating sexual violence.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced bipartisan pushback against his alleged sexual abuse, of which he never paid off his accusers like Lujan Grisham. But Lujan Grisham said regarding Cuomo in March 2021, “I’m, frankly, in that group of elected leaders, that you believe the individual, you give real credit and credibility there, if you don’t, we are revictimizing brave men and women who come forward.” 

The Piñon Post is demanding Lujan Grisham live by her own standard and not revictimize these men who have accused her by remaining in office to perpetuate more violence upon the people of New Mexico.

“New Mexico Democrats must hold Michelle Lujan Grisham accountable or else they, too are complicit in covering up sexual assault victims’ voices,” said Block.

“There is absolutely no excuse — not one — to justify the governor’s depraved behavior and her subsequent gagging of accusers with hush-money payments from her campaign account. New Mexico Democrats must bravely stand up against Michelle Lujan Grisham and call for her immediate resignation,” he added. “The time for action is now.” 

Read the letter sent to the lawmakers here. 

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