New Mexico

Dems advance anti-gun bills, kill Constitutional Carry proposal

On Tuesday, the New Mexico House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee considered two anti-gun bills sponsored by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe) and one pro-Second Amendment bill sponsored by Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo).

H.B. 100 by Romero would institute a 14-day waiting period before any New Mexican can purchase a firearm. During the discussion, Block, who sits on the committee, proposed an amendment to exclude those who have filed a protection order and may need to get immediate access to a firearm for self-protection. However, the bill sponsor noted how the amendment was unfriendly to the bill.

After a discussion from Block and Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) about how statistics show there is no evidence showing how such orders protect those who the bill intends to keep safe, the Democrats on the committee voted 4-2 to table the bill, with Block and Lord opposing it. 

Next up was H.B. 101, which would ban New Mexicans from purchasing “high-capacity” rifles over ten rounds or “high-capacity” pistols with over 15 rounds, as well as mostly any gun that has modifications, labeling them “assault” rifles or pistols. It would also “grandfather” current owners of such weapons, but only if they registered with the state on a list. 

During the discussion, Romero claimed that “no rights are absolute” and discounted statistics showing such bans have not worked in the past. Also, constitutional arguments were brushed aside. 

The committee proceeded to vote 4-2 to pass the extreme anti-gun bill.

The Constitutional Carry bill, H.B. 164, which Block co-sponsored with Reps. Lord, Tanya Mirabal Moya (R-Los Lunas), Jimmy Mason (R-Artesia), and Mark Duncan (R-Farmington) had much support from the public, with only a handful of comments made via Zoom opposing the commonsense, which is already implemented in 25 states including liberal Vermont and Maine. Despite the massive public support, the measure also died on a party-line 4-2 vote to table it. 

H.B. 100 and H.B. 101 now advance onward to the House Judiciary Committee, which will now examine the extreme anti-gun proposals.

Dems advance anti-gun bills, kill Constitutional Carry proposal Read More »

America’s most deadly abortionist stops offering late-term abortions at ABQ location

According to the pro-life legal group Abortion On Trial, Curtis Boyd’s Albuquerque late-term abortion mill, Southwestern Women’s Options, is no longer performing late-term abortions, only offering patients abortions throughout 23.6 weeks.

Boyd, a former Baptist minister, left the church to commit abortions at a back-alley abortion mill in Athens, Texas. 

According to reporting by Life News, “Before Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court Decision that decriminalized abortion in the United States, Boyd was aborting children by the hundreds. Though illegal, Boyd felt that performing abortions was more important than abiding by the law of the land. When word got out about his chop shop, he was forced out of Athens and reopened in Dallas, where he continued to rally support for ‘abortion rights.’”

Boyd said, “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that.”

In total, he has personally killed 250,000 children in the womb, according to attorneys who have interviewed him. Throughout his abortion mills, he has committed over 700,000 abortions, or around one percent of all babies aborted since Roe. He is the single biggest abortionist in history. 

Previously, Boyd’s website reflected that he aborted babies “through 32 weeks – Late Term Abortions After 32 Weeks on a Case by Case Basis.” 

Now, Boyd no longer performs the deadly late-term abortion practice, although he continues to kill babies through his abortion centers.

Abortion On Trial reported on Twitter Monday, “We’ve confirmed via scheduling attempts that Curtis Boyd’s infamous SWO abortion facility in Albuquerque is no longer providing late term induction abortion and is now referring out of state.”

Recently, multiple ambulances have been spotted leaving Boyd’s abortion center with patients who had apparently botched procedures. It is not immediately clear if the ending of the late-term practice at his abortion mill is due to unsafe late-term abortions.

The news comes as New Mexico considers radical anti-life legislation with H.B. 7, which would force New Mexico public bodies and employees to aid in abortions and “gender-affirming care.” This comes two years after the legislature legalized unlimited abortion up to birth while stripping all protections for women, medical professionals, and babies in the womb.

America’s most deadly abortionist stops offering late-term abortions at ABQ location Read More »

Dem anti-gun bills, GOP Constitutional Carry bill to have Tuesday hearing

On Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., the New Mexico House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee will hold a hearing to consider multiple anti-gun bills, as well as one pro-gun Constitutional Carry bill.

The three anti-gun bills that will be heard include the unconstitutional H.B. 50 to ban firearm magazines over nine rounds by Rep. Patricia Roybal-Caballero (D-Albuquerque), H.B. 100, and H.B. 101 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe). 

H.B. 101 bans large-capacity magazines “regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm.” It forces anyone owning such magazines to “remove the large-capacity magazine from the state,” “sell the large-capacity magazine to a licensed firearms dealer,” or “surrender the large-capacity magazine to a law enforcement agency for destruction.” It includes no grandfather clause and would take effect July 1, 2023, if passed. Any violator of the proposed law would be a fourth-degree felon.

Furthermore, anyone who owns any semi-automatic firearm, which Romero dubs an “assault” weapon, would be forced to either “remove the assault weapon from the state,” “render the assault weapon permanently inoperable,” or “surrender the assault weapon to the appropriate law enforcement agency for destruction.” Like the previous section of the bill, anyone not in compliance will become a fourth-degree felon.

H.B. 100 mandates a 14-day waiting period before anyone can buy a firearm in New Mexico.

The Committee will also hear H.B. 164 by Reps. John Block (R-Alamogordo), Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park), Tayna Mirabal Moya (R-Los Lunas), Jimmy Mason (R-Artesia), and Mark Duncan (R-Farmington). The pro-gun bill would legalize Constitutional Carry (permitless carry) in the state for New Mexicans over 18, joining 25 other states, including liberal Maine and Vermont, in enacting such laws. 

The Zoom information for the Tuesday meeting is below: 

Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or One tap mobile : US: +13462487799,,89037370054# or +16694449171,,89037370054# Webinar ID: 890 3737 0054 International numbers available:

Contact information for the committee members can be found at this link.

Dem anti-gun bills, GOP Constitutional Carry bill to have Tuesday hearing Read More »

House committee advances bill pushing abortion, ‘gender-affirming care’

On Friday, the state House Health and Human Services Committee advanced a radical piece of legislation, H.B. 7, which would force public bodies to facilitate abortions and transgenderism, dubbed “gender-affirming care,” or face lawsuits. 

The bill also explicitly bans municipalities and counties from passing local laws to protect children in the womb from being aborted, meaning places like Roosevelt County would be banned from enforcing their ordinances.

The bill would “prohibit public bodies from discriminating against persons based on their use or non-use of reproductive or gender-affirming care,” meaning it could push teachers and any other public workers to support body mutilation for all ages, including children, as well as abortion, according to the bill’s fiscal impact report. 

So-called “gender-affirming care” means “psychological, behavioral, surgical, medication, and other medical services to support a person’s gender identity,” while “public bodies” are defined as “state and local governments, commissions, or boards established by the state and any branches of state government, such as school districts and universities, that receive state funding.” It would also open up conscientious objectors to civil suits.

The New Mexico Family Action Movement wrote of the committee, “Although it was a great disappointment to see this bill move forward, we are thankful for the representatives who stood in opposition to it. With meticulous scrutiny of the bill, Rep. Jenifer Jones, Rep. Stefani Lord, and Rep. Harlan Vincent stood firmly against the proposed legislation.” 

Following the bill’s passage through the committee, Ranking Member Jenifer Jones (R-Deming) wrote, “During today’s discussion it became clear that this bill opens up the doors for any agent of any ‘public body’ or organization that receives public funding including [M]edicaid — to include doctors, teachers, firefighters, police, etc. — to be sued privately or by the Attorney General for ‘indirectly interfering’ with anyone seeking abortion or transgender procedures.”

“This means that if a child asks a teacher or doctor for help obtaining an abortion or transgender procedure, and they do not refer them to such a provider, or if they suggest alternative care, the teacher or doctor could potentially be sued for ‘indirectly interfering’ with access to these procedures for up to $5,000 or ‘damages’ including tens of thousands in attorney fees.” 

The bill ultimately passed 7-3 and now heads to the House Judiciary Committee, where it will continue to be scrutinized.

House committee advances bill pushing abortion, ‘gender-affirming care’ Read More »

House committees to hear radical abortion, election proposals Friday

On Friday, two New Mexico House committees will consider extreme Democrat-sponsored proposals that would make major changes to state government. 


The House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee will hear H.B. 4, which is a major measure sponsored by Speaker Javier Martínez (D-Bernalillo), House Majority Floor Leader Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo), among other Democrats from both chambers. 

The bill would create an automatic absentee voter registry and automatic registration at the Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) without customers’ consent, felon voting, among other measures that would be ripe for fraud. 

The committee will hear the bill at 8:30 a.m. Friday in Room 305 at the Capitol in Santa Fe. Attend the meeting via Zoom and testify on the bill with the below information:

Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or One tap mobile : US: +12532050468,,81850374006# or +12532158782,,81850374006# Webinar ID: 818 5037 4006 International numbers available:

Abortion, Gender

The House Health and Human Services Committee will meet Friday to discuss H.B. 7, which would “prohibit public bodies from discriminating against persons based on their use or non-use of reproductive or gender-affirming care,” meaning it could push teachers and any other public workers to support body mutilation for all ages, including children, as well as abortion, according to the bill’s fiscal impact report. 

So-called “gender-affirming care” means “psychological, behavioral, surgical, medication, and other medical services to support a person’s gender identity,” while “public bodies” are defined as “state and local governments, commissions, or boards established by the state and any branches of state government, such as school districts and universities, that receive state funding.” 

The committee will hear the bill at 8:30 a.m. Friday in Room 307 at the Capitol in Santa Fe. Attend the meeting via Zoom and testify on the bill with the below information:
Please click the link below to join the webinar: Or One tap mobile : US: +16699009128, 84266137922# or +17193594580, 84266137922# Webinar ID: 842 6613 7922 International numbers available:

House committees to hear radical abortion, election proposals Friday Read More »

Satanic Temple to open NM facility for ‘religious abortion’ ritual

The Satanic Temple, a nontheistic “religious” organization, is opening a new facility in New Mexico to kill children in the womb in the name of supposed religious practices to worship Satan. 

The facility would provide “free religious medication abortion” rituals, bearing the name “The Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic” to target U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturned Roe v. Wade

Fox News reported, “TST Health, the new medical services arm of the nontheistic religious organization, will provide telehealth screenings and appointments to provide abortion pills to patients. These services will be provided free of charge as part of The Satanic Temple’s ‘abortion ritual,’ though patients must still pay for the medications from a pharmacy, which typically cost around $90, according to the TST Health website.”

The abortion facility will make itself available for women aged 17 or older who are up to 11 weeks pregnant. 

“In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options, and look what happened,” said Malcolm Jarry, a co-founder of The Satanic Temple. “Prior to 1973, doctors who performed abortions could lose their licenses and go to jail. The clinic’s name serves to remind people just how important it is to have the right to control one’s body and the potential ramifications of losing that right.” 

Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has ties to other Satanic cults, namely the “Temple of Satan,” which also performs the abortion ritual to sacrifice babies in the womb. 

The governor has interacted with and follows Satanic cult leader Greg Stevens, who also goes as “Priest Penemue.”

Satanic Temple to open NM facility for ‘religious abortion’ ritual Read More »

House committee stops ‘30 by 30’ land grab bill on bipartisan vote

On Tuesday, the House Rural Development, Land Grants, and Cultural Affairs Committee tabled an extreme bill, H.B. 45, by state Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe) that would create a fund to pay for the “acquisitions of land, conservation and agricultural easements and other interests in land and by funding land restoration to protect the land and water available for forests and watersheds, natural areas, wildlife and wildlife habitat, agricultural production on working farms and ranches, outdoor recreation and trails and land and habitat restoration and management.”

The bill mimics Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “30 by 30” program to force at least 30 percent of public land into public “conservation” by the year 2030.

All but two members, Rep. Tara Lujan (D-Santa Fe) and the committee chairwoman, Rep. Kristina Ortez (D-Taos) voted against the measure. Democrat Reps. Ambrose Castellano (D-Ribera) and Joseph Sanchez (D-Alcalde) joined all the Republicans on the panel to reject the proposal.

The advocacy group Save Our Western Way of Life wrote on Facebook following the bill’s defeat, “Today our western way of life had a small win. HB45 DIED IN COMMITTEE! The bill, introduced by Representative McQueen, would have used taxpayer dollars to reduce the amount of land used for farming, ranching, and hunting.” 

“The farmers, ranchers, and foresters are the true conservationists. Not only do they care for the land, they provide our families with affordable, high quality food.” 

The death of the bill in committee is a positive improvement during the 2023 Legislative Session for conservatives, who have not had much luck thus far in stopping far-left legislation.

House committee stops ‘30 by 30’ land grab bill on bipartisan vote Read More »

Dems kill slew of GOP bills to curb crime, hold fentanyl dealers accountable

On Tuesday, Democrats in the New Mexico House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee killed a slew of bills sponsored by Rep. Bill Rehm (R-Albuquerque) that would curb crime relating to fentanyl trafficking, illegal firearm trafficking, and retail theft.

Democrats, on party-line votes, killed all five of Rehm’s bills, even a bill that would have enhanced sentencing for those trafficking 29 fentanyl pills or greater. Rehm made clear he was open to changing the number of fentanyl pills a dealer was peddling, but despite reasonable efforts, the bill died on a 4-2 vote.

Bills that would penalize those who conducted illegal activity while trafficking firearms also died on 4-2 votes, with Democrats and far-left groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) claiming the incarceration of these hardened criminals would be bad for New Mexico.

Rehm said following the committee hearing, “Today the progressives made clear that they are unwilling to lock up felons with illegal firearms, but they are willing to make felons out of law-abiding gun owners.” 

He added, “Just days ago, we joined the Governor in her office, with statewide media, for productive talks about bipartisan action against crime and today’s disappointing votes reveal that House Democrats on the House Consumer & Public Affairs committee care little about improving public safety in meaningful ways. These political tactics are highly frustrating to the many victims of crime that spend their personal time advocating in Santa Fe for a safer New Mexico.”

Republican Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (R-Alamogordo) made extensive arguments to pass the bills, but even bills that had Democrat co-sponsors, such as H.B. 59 regarding firearms trafficking, were tabled by the Democrats on the committee. 

This development comes after Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham held a press conference with Republicans earlier this month, claiming to want to curb crime. Unfortunately, it appears such bipartisan talks about crime are now dead-on-arrival, at least in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee. 

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One of MLG’s PRC commissioners recuses himself from PNM case

Under the newly restructured New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC) that is now appointed by the governor, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is already hitting a roadblock with one of her picks.

New PRC Commissioner Patrick O’Connell recused himself from merger talks between the global energy company Iberdrola’s subsidiary Avangrid and the Public Service Co. of New Mexico (PNM). 

In a Friday filing, O’Connell “cited the reason for his voluntary recusal as previous testimony he gave on behalf of a proposed settlement related to the merger while he worked for an environmental group. O’Connell also had previously served as a resource planner for Public Service Co. of New Mexico,” according to Fox News

The $8 billion merger is currently pending in the New Mexico Supreme Court after the previous pre-governor-appointed PRC rejected the acquisition. 

Now, only the two commissioners left on the PRC will consider the merger, “Gabriel Aguilera, who worked for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and James Ellison Jr., a principal analyst from Sandia National Laboratories,” as the report notes. 

It further notes, “Tamer Cetin, economics advisor to the Public Regulation Commission, noted in the report that the merger may create a monopolistic electricity market in New Mexico in which Avangrid could ‘dominate all the segments from generation to transmission, distribution, wholesale and retail.’” 

The new Public Regulation Commission would also be in charge of controversial rate hike cases from PNM, which could affect hundreds of thousands of customers statewide. 

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Anti-gun bills to be heard in legislative committees Monday

On Monday, multiple anti-gun bills will be heard in New Mexico legislative committees, with Second Amendment-supportive groups urging the public to take action and testify in committee hearings. 

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA) writes, “First, HB9, the firearm owner liability and mandatory storage bill will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee starting at 1:30pm in Room 309 (Zoom Link). The bill will impose criminal penalties on gun owners if a third-party minor uses their firearm to commit a crime or injure someone.”

H.B. 9 previously passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on a 4-2 vote, with Republican Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (Alamogordo) opposing the measure after a lengthy question and answer session with the sponsor, Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo). 

“Second, SB116, the proposed ban on anyone under 21 from purchasing or owning a semiautomatic firearm will be heard in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee starting at 1:30pm in Room 311 (Zoom Link). Below is the contact info for members of both committees. NMSSA is opposed to both bills.” 

NMSSA adds, “Another bill we are watching was filed today. HB224 would make it illegal to carry a firearm while drunk or high in a city of more than 90,000 people – yes that is really in the bill. But more importantly, it would make it a crime to shoot a gun within 150 yards of a building without the permission of the building’s owner. The bill would shut down all indoor shooting ranges, and some outdoor ranges in our state as well. Acts of self-defense would not be exempt either.” 

The group urges New Mexicans to contact legislators, who can be reached below: 

House Judiciary Committee

Representative Christine Chandler – (D) 505-986-4411

Representative Andrea Romero – (D) 505-986-4243

Representative William “Bill” R. Rehm – (R) 505-986-4214

Representative Eliseo Lee Alcon – (D) 505-986-4416

Representative Gail Chasey – (D) 505-986-4777

Representative T. Ryan Lane – (R) RYAN@LANEFORLIBERTY.COM 505-986-4758

Representative Javier Martínez – (D) 505-986-4782

Representative Matthew McQueen – (D) 505-986-4423

Representative Greg Nibert – (R) 505-986-4211

Representative Andrea Reeb – (R) 505-986-4215

Representative Reena Szczepanski – (D) 505-986-4777

Senate Heath and Public Affairs Committee

Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino – (D) 505-986-4482

Senator Bill Tallman – (D) 505-986-4373

Senator Gregg Schmedes – (R) 505-986-4395

Senator David M. Gallegos – (R) 505-986-4278

Senator Martin Hickey – (D) 505-986-4513

Senator Stuart Ingle – (R) 505-986-4702

Senator Antonio Maestas – (D) 505-986-4726

Senator Brenda G. McKenna – (D)  505-986-4301
Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez – (D) 505-986-4389

Anti-gun bills to be heard in legislative committees Monday Read More »

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