NM GOP destroys far-left conspiracy theories about ‘NM Voters Unite’ peaceful protest
On Wednesday, emboldened by far-left Democrats and fringe alt-left conspiracy sites such as “ProgressNow NM,” the online publication “Business Insider” did a write-up on an event taking place in Clovis on August 22, which is advertised as a peaceful protest called “New Mexico Voters Unite.”
However, the left-wing publication takes issue with attendees (not speakers) they find offensive, including the New Mexico Civil Guard and the group Cowboys for Trump. The event’s speakers’ list includes the Republican Party of New Mexico Vice Chairman Rick Lopez, state Senator Pat Woods, multiple legislative candidates, among others.
The article attempts to try and radicalize NM State GOP officers, elected officials, and candidates by trying to tie them with supposed extremists when really, the rally is meant to “stop voter suppression, “protect constitutional rights,” “stop voter fraud,” and “open New Mexico.” These benign principles the event is championing are marks of unity between most Republicans and some Democrats and Independents, however, it appears Business Insider is trying to shift the truth about the rally to suppress turnout.
The article cites a shooting at an event by a man who is not a member of the New Mexico Civil Guard to brand the group as fringe, by quoting the far-left mayor of Albuquerque who apparently wants the militia branded as a “federal hate group.”
The group also tries to brand the extremist fringe group which has closely aligned itself with Antifa, “ProgressNow NM,” as a “center-left advocacy organization,” when in actuality it is a dark-money group funded by George Soros. The group advocates for abortion up-to-birth, support of Black Lives Matter riots, and Antifa terrorists and was founded by the socialist Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis, who the group itself now calls “racist.”
The Democrat Party of New Mexico commented that the “New Mexico GOP continues to give far-right groups a platform.”
The Republican Party, which the article and ProgressNow NM tried to trick into going on the defense, brushed off the insane “conspiracy theories” the leftist news organization and their allies in the Democrat Party had concocted. Their statement reads:
The ridiculous conspiracy theories conjured up by far-left extremist groups and the Democrat Party of New Mexico to distract from their own violent and bloody riots is yet another unsurprising move from their radical playbook. We will not play their game and not warrant such idiotic behavior by these fringe groups with a defense of their far-out claims.
The downright lies they have used to trick the media into covering their socialist propaganda shows how scared they are that President Trump and Republicans will wipe them out in November. We at the Republican Party of New Mexico are laser-focused on electing Republicans up and down the ballot, and we will not waste our energy assaulting New Mexicans’ free speech, as the Democrats are doing by trying to shut down this rally which is not affiliated with the Republican Party of New Mexico. If citizens want to peacefully attend a grassroots event—unlike lawless Antifa protesters looting and shooting—it is their prerogative, and we will not stand in their way.
The Republican Party of New Mexico is clearly not taking the bait from the partisan extremists, and instead is standing up for a principle everybody should share, but one that is a foundational principle in the Republican Party: free speech. As the statement makes clear, the Party will not engage in the Left’s childish prattle, instead, working hard to elect Republicans.
Charles Davis, the supposedly objective journalist behind the hit piece retweeted the far-left Soros-funded conspiracy group ProgressNow NM on Twitter claiming the NM GOP is racist, despite them not being involved in the event. The retweet reveals a lot about the source of the Business Insider piece, especially since in his Twitter bio, he does not say re-tweets do not equal endorsements.
NM GOP destroys far-left conspiracy theories about ‘NM Voters Unite’ peaceful protest Read More »