New Mexico

U.S. rep joins ethics probe into Deb Haaland over shady financial disclosures

On July 20, the watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust filed a complaint with the Interior Department’s Departmental Ethics Office over Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s financials claiming to report zero in assets despite drawing a six-figure congressional salary.

On Thursday, U.S. House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR) called for the Office of Inspector General to conduct an audit into the “efficacy and effectiveness” of DOI’s Ethics Office. According to the Washington Times, Westerman cited “unanswered questions about Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s financial disclosures.”

“Last week, the completeness of Secretary Haaland’s disclosures were again called into question,” he said. “In addition to raising concerns about Secretary Haaland’s compliance with federal ethics standards, this complaint triggers additional questions about the operation of the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Departmental Ethics Office (DEO).”

The Times reports:

The disclosure form reported no assets over $5,000 from bank and investment accounts. The only asset listed was an annual per capita payment of $175 from her enrolled tribal membership in the Laguna of Pueblo.

She was not required to report federal income from her two years as a congresswoman from New Mexico, during which her annual salary was $174,000.

“The American public grants incredible authority to Cabinet officials such as the Secretary of the Interior in return for full transparency,” said Protect the Public’s Trust’s director Michael Chamberlain. “It is extremely difficult to believe, in fact, strains credulity, that someone who had been making a congressional salary of $174,000 and was to be entrusted with overseeing a budget of more than $17 billion would not herself have a bank account.”

“Yet we are asked to believe precisely that, with no supporting evidence. Instead, Protect the Public’s Trust believes that an investigation to discover the truth is warranted,” he continued.

“While her 2021 Form 278e indicated a net worth of $0, the financial disclosure Secretary Haaland submitted after marrying her long-time partner reported assets of between $970,000 and $2.125 million,” said in a July 20th statement. “This range did not include two residences on which the couple has mortgages, one of which reportedly is a New Mexico home worth in excess of $1 million that has been her registered voting address for several years.”

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Dems continue eating fellow Dem alive

Democrats continue their onslaught against their fellow Democrat, state Sen. Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Bernalillo), over accusations of sexual harassment to a former Michelle Lujan Grisham staffer, Marianna Anaya, who has made false sexual assault accusations before.

Around 25 dark money far-left groups, including OLÉ, the Center for Civic Policy, Equality New Mexico, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, New Mexico Native Voters, the New Mexico Working Families Party, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, ProgressNow New Mexico, Emerge New Mexico and the New Mexico Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, all signed a letter demanding the Democrat be stripped of his interim committee assignments.

“We understand that the internal investigation, begun in March, has now been completed by an outside attorney and referred to the legislative subcommittee charged with making a determination on whether there is adequate evidence to [take] action on the multiple charges made against Ivey-Soto,” the groups wrote in a letter, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican.

They claim some of his accusers are appearing before the same committees “on which Ivey-Soto sits. As a committee member, he has the power to cross examine, embarrass, and even intimidate the very same advocates who have accused him of harassment. He can also influence the outcome of the bills brought by these women.”

Ivey-Soto told the New Mexican, “Certainly, if I were acting in any manner in these interim committee meetings that would be deemed as retaliatory or otherwise unprofessional, singling out people who have filed a complaint, I think at that point it would be cause for leadership to take action.”

Senate Pro-Tempore Mimi Steward (D-Bernalillo), who has animosity toward Ivey-Soto, reportedly said, “The subcommittee work is not yet completed and until it is we must follow the procedures, confidentiality and due process required by policy.”

“The subcommittee leads this process, not outside [counsel] or leadership, and they must be afforded the time to gather all the information they need before any decisions or further action related to this matter will be made,” she added. “I respect the concerns of the advocates and will take them into consideration at the appropriate time.”

The interparty fighting with Democrats comes as the November 8 election will decide the governorship and the fate of the state House of Representatives, where Republicans have a shot at flipping the chamber and reclaiming the Governor’s Mansion.

Despite the cries about supposed sexual assault by Ivey-Soto, these so-called “advocates” have been radio silent on Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham paying off a former staffer, James Hallinan, $150,000 over claims the governor poured water over his crotch and then groped him.

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Alamogordo City Commission meeting Tuesday to vote on pro-life sanctuary measure

On Wednesday, the Alamogordo City Commission announced it will consider a resolution brought forward by Commissioner Karl Melton of District 3 to make Alamogordo a sanctuary city for the unborn. 

The resolution affirms that “each and every innocent human life is unique and precious to God,” while “human life begins at the moment of conception and continues, uninterrupted, until the moment of natural death,” according to scientific evidence.

“[A]s recently as March 2017, the American College of Pediatricians published an Abstract stating that “The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception – fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homosapiens, needing only the proper environment to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult state and in its zygotic state is one of form, not nature,” the resolution continues.

It concludes, “The City commission hereby declares itself a Sanctuary City for the Unborn.”

“I am incredibly proud to introduce this resolution to secure the most important right there is: the right to life. This issue has never been more important than it is today now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Pro-life public servants must do their part to keep abortion facilities out of their communities,” said Commissioner Melton about his proposed resolution. “With this measure, we are standing strong alongside our friends in the County to declare that the City of Alamogordo is a sanctuary city for the unborn. I could not be happier to stand up for the right to life.” 

New Mexicans are urged to show up in support of the resolution, which is 2022-38. The meeting details are below:

WHERE: Sgt. Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center, 800 E 1st St, Alamogordo, NM 88310

WHEN: Tuesday, August 2nd at 6:00 p.m.

WHAT: Stand in support of Resolution 2022-08 to declare Alamogordo a sanctuary city for the unborn.

ALERT: There is another resolution being proposed, 2022-37, which merely agrees with another resolution passed by the Otero County Commission. It does not, however, declare Alamogordo a sanctuary for the unborn. It is not the strongest resolution the commission could pass to boldly declare support for the unborn.

Commissioner Melton’s resolution is necessary since the Dobbs v. Jackson case decided on June 24, 2022, by the U.S. Supreme Court sent the abortion issue back to the states. Because of this, abortion centers have been targeting New Mexico as a “safe haven” for killing babies in the womb. Many abortion facilities have been making plans to move or are actively moving to New Mexico to kill more unborn children. With Resolution 2022-38, the City will boldly declare abortion is not welcome in the City of Alamogordo.

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Anti-gun Dems gag opposing voices in committee as they launch new gun grabs

On Tuesday, the Legislative Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee met at the state Capitol in Santa Fe, where Democrat state representatives and senators discussed passing anti-gun bills to limit New Mexicans’ right to bear arms. Many Democrat legislators railed against law-abiding gun owners of New Mexico.

State Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana) threatened to make parents felons and bankrupt them if they don’t lock up their firearms. He said, “You tell parents you’re gonna lose everything you own” if they don’t lock up guns. Cervantes added he wants to sue “manufacturers and marketers of guns” while saying, “Bring it on if you think the Constitution protects unfettered use and access of guns.” He then applauded Australia’s near-total ban on firearms.

Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) said during her commentary, “Before we start passing insane gun laws, we need to make sure they don’t get kicked back” on grounds of constitutionality.

State Rep. Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo) claimed automatic firearms are “weapons of war.” 

Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) chimed in, comparing guns to “nuclear bombs.” He said that “forty years ago, there was an SNL skit where Everyone was walking around with a nuclear bomb. So apparently, that’s come to fruition.” 

Maestas, who is married to rabid anti-gun lobbyist Vanessa Alarid, claimed we need to rewrite the Constitution, which he referred to as “today’s constitution,” and honor “past decisions.” He bashed “the massive rampant use of firearms,” saying “we have sacrificed public safety on the altar of a firearm.”

He then demanded New Mexico nix open carry. Maestas opined, “There is no reason to have open carry,” claiming, “It’s just, it’s just poor public policy.”

Cervantes chastised Rep. Lord because she called Democrats’ partisan anti-gun bills “this stuff,” which he took offense to. “I know you’re new, but in time you will have regard for ‘this stuff,’” he told Lord.

Lord clapped back, telling him, “ am new, but I am not stupid, and I will stand up [against] things that are not good.”

As Cervantes continued to trash Lord, saying that is not how he runs his committee, she asked, “Can I counter-point since you’re chastising me?” 

An attendee yelled from the gallery to Cervantes, “You’re a misogynistic d**k!”

During the public comment period, multiple members of the public were silenced, including Republican House District 51 nominee John Block, by the chairs despite coming to the defense of Rep. Stefani Lord. This is not the first time Block has been silenced by Chasey during committees. He told Chasey before being silenced, “Shame on you!” 

U.S. Army veteran Casey Peterson addressed the Democrat chairs as “You incompetent tw**s.” When he began getting gaveled down based on his language, Peterson said, “Go to hell; I’ll use whatever language I want,” before being forcibly removed. 

During the hearing, far-left Democrat Albuquerque-area legislators Dayan Hochman-Vigil and Pamelya Herndon released their plans to sponsor anti-gun bills in the 2023 Legislative Session. One measure would create and beef up the “Office of Gun Violence and Prevention,” which was initially funded $300,000 in the 2022 Legislative Session. Anti-gun activist Miranda Viscoli said the department, to be comparable with states like Colorado, needed approximately $3 million in funding. 

Herndon proposed a bill forcing New Mexicans to lock up their firearms. If they did not, and their gun somehow was used in an offense by a minor, the parent of that child could be made a felon if the victim of the crime is killed or permanently disabled. As noted by even some Democrats in the chamber, the bill would be the first crime proposal to base a defendant’s sentence not on their own actions but that of someone else (a minor) who got ahold of a firearm. 

During committee members’ questions in the committee over the proposal, questions were brought up about the bill’s poorly drafted language, vagueness, and ineffectiveness as a tool to supposedly root out violent offenses with guns. 

Following the attacks on the Second Amendment by the legislators and their so-called experts, such as anti-gun activist Miranda Viscoli, Block released the following statement:

“The extremist attacks against our Second Amendment that we heard today from these far-left Santa Fe liberals shows they live in an alternate reality. We heard directly from these Democrats that they want to bankrupt working families, punish certain businesses, demonize law-abiding firearm owners, and idiotically compare life-saving firearms to ‘nuclear bombs.’ Guns save lives. These gun-hating radicals are the lowest scum of the earth, clinging to the bottom of the most disgusting cesspools in the Santa Fe Swamp. We The People will not be disarmed, and definitely not by these Constitution-hating radicals.”

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Far-left Dem who praised conservative censorship now has egg on her face

When it comes to state Rep. Liz Thomson, hypocrisy doesn’t register on her scale, especially if it means bashing conservatives.

Over the years, Thomson has been one of the most stalwart supporters of banning and censoring conservatives on many platforms.

In 2021, Thomson applauded 45th President Donald J. Trump getting banned from Twitter and suspended from Facebook, writing, “Let’s go all the way and hope for an ‘FBI Ban’!”

She also applauded other conservatives being banned, writing, “Ban the losers forever!”

But now, as the streaming platform, Hulu has banned certain content promoted by Democrats at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Thomson is now crying about so-called censorship.

Thomson shared a Washington Post article about it, writing, “Censorship pure and simple.” 

Many chimed in to call out Thomson’s blatant hypocrisy. 

Piñon Post’s John Block wrote, “but she was happy [when] President Trump got banned from Twitter … NOW she cries “cEnSoRsHiP.’” 

Another person wrote, “So, it’s a business decision not the government censoring, so it’s not censorship (like @twitter censoring Trump) argument is no longer valid? Is it just because it’s happening to Democrats?”

“You’re the biggest hypocrite I have ever met,” wrote another Twitter user.

One person wrote, “This [clown] is constantly calling to ban trump supporter[s] but cries when he[r] echo chamber gets shut down!” 

But the Democrats’ Hulu ads ended up being accepted at the end of the day, with changes to wording that went with the streaming platform’s guidelines, as reported by the Washington Post, which Thomson shared. However, the far-left lawmaker continues to cry “censorship” despite having egg all over her face from her shameless hypocrisy. 

Far-left Dem who praised conservative censorship now has egg on her face Read More »

Anti-gun bills to be presented Tuesday in legislative committee

In Tuesday, far-left Democrat Reps. Dayan Hochman-Vigil and Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo) will be presenting radical anti-gun bills in the interim Legislative ​​​​​​Courts, Corrections, and Justice Committee at the Capitol in Santa Fe.

Herndon and Hochman-Vigil will be joined by gun control activist Miranda Viscoli of “New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence,” an extremist dark money group. 

At 9:05 p.m., there will be a discussion about the “states’ ability to regulate guns” by the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Criminal Justice Program director Anne Teigen. Then, at 10:15 a.m., a discussion with the Senate Judiciary Committee’s  Analyst, Brandon Cummings, about the U.S. Supreme Court case ​​New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, which struck down the state’s anti-gun law. 

At 10:45 a.m., there will be an “Update on the Effectiveness of Current Gun Violence Initiatives” with many groups.

Then, at 12:30 p.m., there will be public comment where New Mexicans can make their voices heard in the state Senate chamber. Testimony via Zoom will not be accepted.

Later, Viscoli and others will be pushing anti-gun proposals at 1:30 p.m. At 4:00 p.m., the anti-gun bills will be presented by Hochman-Vigil and Herndon. According to state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park).

The New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, “Based on comments made on social media by Senator Soule and what other Democrats are pushing for across the nation, we can anticipate bans on guns and magazines, mandatory locking up of firearms, felony charges against parents, expanded red flag laws, banning AR-15s, and more.”

Find the agenda here and watch live here.

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FEC reports: Pelosi, disgraced state Rep. Georgene Louis donate big to Vasquez

Federal Election Commission reports recently hit for candidates running for U.S. House. We analyzed the donations and expenses of all three Democrat nominees. Here’s how much money they raised and spent in the second quarter. 

Rep. Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico’s First Congressional District brought in a total of $136,878.94. Her donors include the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians ($2,900), the Solar Energy Industries Association PAC ($1,000), the George Soros-funded League of Conservation Voters Action Fund ($40), Ted Lieu for Congress ($1,000 – Democrat U.S. representative from California), Progressive Majority PAC ($1,000), Democrat Santa Fe-area state Sen. Liz Stefanics ($250), and Democrat Santa Fe-area state Sen. Peter Wirth ($500).

Stansbury spent $60,190.06 in the second quarter, most of her expenses being donations to other far-left Democrats’ political committees. Those included $500 donations to Tony Vargas for Congress (NE), Caraveo for Congress (CO), Scholten for Congress (MI), Susan Wild for Congress (PA), Christina Bohannan for Congress (IA), Sharice for Congress (KS), Jay Chen for Congress (CA), Rudy Salas for Congress (CA), E​​milia Sykes for Congress (OH), Nevadans for Steven Horsford (NV), and Brittany Pettersen for Colorado (CO). 

The far-left Democrat also gave $1,000 to Gabe Vasquez, running for New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, $1,000 to incumbent Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez of New Mexico’s Third Congressional District, and $1,500 to state Rep. Andrea Romero of Santa Fe. 

Rep. Leger Fernandez raised a grand total of $350,702.25 in the reporting period. Her donors included End Citizens United PAC ($5,000), Bringing Everyone Together Through Advocacy PAC ($3,000), AIPAC ($2,900), Santa Fe attorney and former congressional candidate Rani McGinn ($2,900), the Pueblo of Isleta ($2,800), “Game of Thrones” author George R.R. Martin ($1,500), Veronica Escobar for Congress ($1,000 – Texas), The Wilderness Society Action Fund PAC ($1,000), Jamie Raskin for Congress ($2,000 – Maryland), NRDC Action Fund Inc., PAC ($1,000), LRA PAC ($1,000), Indivisible Action ($1,000), Castro for Congress ($1,000 – Texas), Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut ($1,000), former U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman ($1,000), state Sen. Peter Wirth and his wife, Nancy ($1,000 combined), and Albuquerque late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd’s wife, Glenna Halverson-Boyd ($1,000).

Leger Fernandez’s expenses totaled $57,855.56, with payments of $3,201.83 to partisan operative Kyra Ellis-Moore, consulting fees to Elections in Motion for $9,708.75, and MRM & Co. for $3,500, among other expenses. The far-left congresswoman also spent a lot on food, with a payment of $281.00 to District Taco and $233.60 to Chopsmith, both restaurants in Washington, D.C. She is left with $1,219,829.45 cash-on-hand.

Extreme far-left candidate for New Mexico’s Second Congressional District, Gabe Vasquez, raised a total of $411,876.96 in the reporting period, with help from Democrat U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ($2,000) Ted Lieu for Congress ($4,000), House Majority PAC ($10,000), Elect More Democrats PAC ($1,000), PAC to the Future ($5,000), Veronica Escobar for Congress ($1,000), Progressive Turnout PAC ($1,000), and former U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman and Cynthia Bingaman ($1,250 combined).

Vasquez also received a $1,500 donation from disgraced state Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Albuquerque), who was arrested and charged for driving while under the influence. She was the subject of an ethics complaint for using her office for personal gain by noting how she was a legislator during the encounter with police. 

Vasquez spent a massive amount on polling, with a $44,000 disbursement to the New York City-based Global Strategy Group. He also spent big on printing, with disbursements of $19,165.18 and $17,906.52 to the Arlington, Virginia-based Deliver Strategies LLC. His total expenditures for the period came to $145,278.13, leaving him with $623,230.37 cash-on-hand. Vasquez is endorsed by the abortion up-to-birth group NARAL.

Notably, the finance reports show tighter races in the Second and Third Congressional Districts due to the volume of donations and expenditures, while Stansbury looks more comfortable due to her large number of contributions to other Democrat candidates and not her own race as much. In Vasquez’s race, the establishment Democrat machine has clearly noticed the race as a pickup opportunity, and Pelosi has put her full power behind flipping the seat back to Democrat control. Incumbent U.S. Rep. Yvette Herrell, however, has strong allies who will pour much money into the state to keep her in the House.

READ NEXT: Trump-hating socialist who thinks America is a racist country running in CD-2

FEC reports: Pelosi, disgraced state Rep. Georgene Louis donate big to Vasquez Read More »

Rep. Herrell becomes ranking member of U.S. House panel

On Friday, it was reported that Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of New Mexico’s Second Congressional District ascended to the role of ranking member of the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Environment Subcommittee.

POLITICO reports that Herrell “succeeds Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.) in the spot. She would likely become the subcommittee chair if Republicans take the House majority in this year’s elections and the party keeps the current subcommittee structure.” 

The position now gives Herrell the opportunity to be a “top critic” of Joe Biden’s radical anti-oil and gas agenda, which has created five-dollar gas prices and economic failures across the board.

The full committee’s ranking member, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), said, “As a lifelong New Mexican, Representative Herrell understands the importance of preserving our environment for all to enjoy and ensuring Americans’ access to affordable, clean energy to power their homes and fuel their cars.” 

“The Biden Administration has waged war on domestic energy production, and Representative Herrell is fighting to protect the Americans whose jobs and livelihoods rely on this industry,” he continued, “ adding, “Herrell is fighting to protect the Americans whose jobs and livelihoods rely on this industry. We look forward to Representative Herrell leading our oversight of the Biden Administration’s radical Green New Deal policies that are harming Americans nationwide.”

“I am honored to be appointed the Ranking Member of the Environment Subcommittee by my friend, Ranking Member Comer,” said Representative Herrell. 

“I am excited for the opportunity to stand up for my constituents who have been railroaded by reckless, one-size-fits-all executive actions by this administration. I will work to provide oversight over executive actions that have increased energy prices, harmed American agriculture, and ignored the expertise of local families and businesses. I am proud to champion New Mexico’s legacy of environmental stewardship and lead Republican members on the Environment Subcommittee.”

Rep. Herrell becomes ranking member of U.S. House panel Read More »

Bedonie responds after Stop MLG PAC files ethics complaint

On Thursday, it was announced that Stop MLG PAC, a political action committee associated with a Republican Party of Santa Fe County Vice-Chairman Brett Kokinadis, filed an ethics complaint against Republican-turned Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Karen Bedonie over “unlawfully coordinated independent expenditures.” 

The complaint also targeted “Private Persons of New Mexico,” a group that is purported to have paid for advertisements, including billboards but does not have registration with the State of New Mexico as a political committee. 

According to Stop MLG PAC:

The candidate has posted on her individual and campaign’s social media other works similar to the Billboard and signs marked as “Paid for By Private Citizens of New Mexico” (“PCNM”), indicating that the candidate’s committee has potentially:

1) Coordinated with Private Citizens of New Mexico in the production of the advertising materials or;

2) Created the advertising materials for Private Citizens of New Mexico or;

3) The candidate’s campaign committee is operating as Private Citizens of New Mexico and attempting to conceal the true and unreported funding source for paid advertisements or;

4) Coordinated with Private Citizens of New Mexico in the production and paid placement of advertisements and collateral.

“Dark money has no place in New Mexico or politics. Ensuring compliance and remaining transparent and honest with voters is required by law and is every candidate’s responsibility. Like Governor Grisham, Karen Bedonie demonstrates that her campaign believes it is excluded from complying with state law.”, Kokinadis said.

Kokinadis continued, “Bedonie’s campaign appears to be operating under her official committee and with the support of coordinated dark money under the unlawful Private Persons of New Mexico label, potentially to conceal funding sources. Voters are entitled to know who’s funding Bedonie’s campaign.”

The complaint alleges that the Independent Expenditure is unreported, unlawfully coordinated, and attempts to conceal the true identity of the responsible person(s) and funding sources. The PAC told the Piñon Post its case in under preliminary review with the Commission.

Following the complaint and requests for comment submitted by the Piñon Post, Bedonie posted a statement on social media. It reads, in full:

​​Today, we are faced with another carpetbagging attempt to drive fear, tarnish and impede the people’s campaign by wanting to control our dedication to our New Mexican life. The will of this stunt is to stop the only conservative candidate in the race. This highlights the underlying mission of the infiltrated Republican Party. The STOPMLG organization and PAC (controlled and misrepresented by transplant Kokinadis) are peculiarly aligning to stop the only true New Mexican candidate that can beat the incumbent. His organization should stop lying and rename it STOPBEDONIE. 

Let this statement dismiss accusations of “Dark Money” being used to support the Bedonie Campaign based on the simple respect of the First Amendment of the Constitution. It is with great appreciation and enjoyment that I congratulate you on the execution of your FREEDOM and LIBERTY to show your dedication and inspirationtional acts of your beautiful American voices the best way you see fit. 

The criminalization of such acts of FREEDOM shall now take foreground and the accused will now fully realize the dirty hands of the players of their Republican Party of New Mexico. You have done nothing wrong. Rest your worries and know, they can not take my candidacy based on exercising your constitutional right(s). 

This complaint launched as well as the support of the salivating media shows the willingness to silence the “will” of the people and your voices. If this complaint is entertained, let them try to weakly criminalize every New Mexican that chooses the First Amendment from the private proclamations, to the youth who lovingly designed the media in question, to the children who use their allowances to paint rocks. There is no difference, your voice, big or small, matters. Do not let them discourage you. You are the PEOPLE. With all my spirit and confidence, onward we will move. 

The complaint can be read here.

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MLG claims to be anti-gerrymandering despite signing extreme gerrymandered maps

Far-left Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has once again spoken out of both sides of her mouth — this time about gerrymandering. For those unaware of the term, in essence, it means manipulating the political boundaries of districts to favor one party or class. 

Lujan Grisham signed into law the most partisan, extremist gerrymandered maps imaginable earlier this year. The maps approved for Congress, state House and state Senate were drawn by the dark money Center for Civic Policy, which skewed district lines for political gain.

These changes created snake-like figures in district maps, probably most notably in the congressional district boundaries, which chopped up many communities, such as Hobbs and Roswell, into two or even three districts, while pairing people in the extreme southeast corner of the state with communities that have nothing in common, such as with Santa Fe and the extreme northwest side of the state.

But despite this partisan gamesmanship, Lujan Grisham now claims to be on a “mission to end gerrymandering,” touting an endorsement with the far-left Eric Holder-affiliated “National Democratic Redistricting Committee,” which actually advocates for drawing districts to benefit Democrats.

The partisan group wrote, “We’re thrilled to endorse Gov.@Michelle4NM! Throughout her tenure, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grishman has acted as a fierce #DemocracyDefender who signed #FairMaps into law – making her re-election pivotal to New Mexico and our nation.” 

Despite once claiming to support fair districts, leftist members of the state “Citizens Redistricting Committee” pushed through partisan choices for maps. Here is what they originally said

Board Member Curtis said, “It seems like a radical change to any of the districts — since we’re not an elected body — … the public would have to say ‘we want a radical change.’” Member Curtis said, “there would have to be overwhelming support for a radical change from the current districts” and “We are imposing something on people if we’re doing radical change without the public jumping up and saying ‘this is what we want.’” 

Board Member Rhatigan added, “…unless there’s overwhelming public consensus to change the general composition of our three congressional districts, I’m inclined to draw districts that we have one [representative] in Albuquerque and we have one northern district and a southern district.”

As we previously reported

​​The maps were not the work of the state’s Citizen Redistricting Committee. Rather, the work of dark money operatives apparently seeking a left-wing political advantage. 

During the closed-door special session in which Democrats rammed through the extreme proposals, public comment was cut off or not accepted at all and no notice was given to the public to addend critical committee hearings on the proposed maps.

Even the left-wing Albuquerque Journal decried the partisanship in the drawing of maps. In a recent editorial, the paper wrote that the maps were drawn for “naked political gain.” 

“So much for keeping like-minded communities together, prioritizing communities of interest, protecting marginalized groups, avoiding court intervention, and not favoring anyone, specifically political parties or incumbents.”

But for everyone who was involved in the redistricting process in New Mexico, it is clear that Democrats shamelessly drew political maps to benefit themselves while doing everything possible to skew the board in their favor through gerrymandering.

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