New Mexico

Dem who compared police to the KKK now claims to ‘support law enforcement’

On Tuesday, following months of horrific attacks against Muslim men in Albuquerque, where four individuals have already been slain, the Albuquerque Journal highlighted Republican House District 24 candidate Khalid Emshadi as he steps back from the campaign trail in fear of a serial killer on the loose.

In the article, far-left Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo), Emshadi’s opponent, now claims to back the police as they work to track down the killer. 

“We have to support law enforcement and do everything we can to get this person or people caught,” Thomson said. 

But that is in dire opposition to her record over the past few years, where she has not only signed onto anti-police legislation but has personally demeaned the men and women in law enforcement.

As we previously reported

On another day, Thomson also shared hate speech against the police, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan. The tweet Thomson shared came in response to news that New York police officers would be calling out following orders for their forcible inoculation, or else they would lose their jobs. This appears to be the regard Thomson has for law enforcers who work each day to protect communities — she compares them to the KKK.

Thomson has long been known for her nasty and personal attacks against fellow New Mexicans, demeaning them as “uneducated” for asking questions about the virus jab and claiming in one rant, “Anyone who continues to back the orange traitor (apparently referring to President Donald Trump) after the terrorist attack, is forever branded with a scarlet S for seditionist.” 

She also called concerned parents asking questions about the jab for their kids “low iq voters.” Then, Thomson snitched on fellow citizens to the attorney general regarding pandemic mandates.

Thomson also voted for a rabidly anti-police bill, 2021’s H.B. 4, which stripped peace officers and local governments of qualified immunity, thereby putting a target on law enforcers’ backs. She has lauded and backed other anti-police bills while bashing them.

Following Thomson’s 180-degree shift in position, state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) wrote, “Liz said to the media that ‘we have to support law enforcement.’ Well, that would be a first for her. Every session, she has supported bills that tie Law Enforcement’s hands and make it more difficult for them to do their jobs.”

Thomson’s fate will be decided at the November 8 General Election, where Emshadi could likely unseat the far-left legislator. 

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Thanks to violence in Dem-run ABQ, GOP candidate unsafe to door knock

Over the past few months, four Muslim men have been killed in Albuquerque in what police are calling an apparent coordinated attack on Muslims in the Duke City.

The latest slaying was of Naeem Hussain, who was an employee of the City of Española, killed in an ambush in Albuquerque two Fridays ago.

KRQE reports, “Until the suspect or suspects are caught, the Muslim community is in fear.” The outlet reports that APD is saying, “they do believe these men were targeted because of their race and religion.”

Republican House District 24 candidate Khalid Emshadi, who is a member of the Islamic faith, ripped Democrats for causing the violence against his community. He called out not only the city leaders but also his far-left Democrat opponent, Rep. Liz Thomson.

On Twitter, Emshadi wrote, “I don’t feel safe in my own district because @lizthomsonnm and @MayorKeller won’t do a damn thing about crime.” He added, “We need to change this … I will stand and fight for our rights.”

Emshadi wrote in a subsequent tweet, “As much as [I] hate to do this, I will not be in public with the exception of work until this killer is caught. I cannot risk my safety with a serial killer killing Muslims on the loose. I need to do what’s necessary to protect my family.”

After Joe Biden made a statement appearing to condemn the anti-Muslim attacks in Albuquerque, Emshadi wrote, “These politicians are good for nothing but tweets. They’ve done nothing to prevent this from happening again.” He tagged Biden, Thomson, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, and Mayor Tim Keller in the post. 

Emshadi fled civil war in Libya to immigrate to the United States, seeking the American dream. He is running for the Legislature to “keep it alive for all New Mexicans.”

Thomson, his opponent, has fanned the flames of racism and bigotry through her social media posts. She has demeaned police officers, conservatives, parents, and many other groups. 

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Group appeals MLG admin’s latest move to raise the cost of gas

While New Mexicans struggle to make ends meet amid high gas prices, skyrocketing food costs, and an economy that remains in a recession, Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s administration is working overtime to raise the cost of gas.

New Mexico’s Environmental Improvement Board adopted new ozone pollution rules in April, which went into effect on Friday, spurring the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico to file a legal appeal challenging the rule, which would increase the cost of gas.

Jim Winchester, Executive Director of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico (IPANM), said, “At a time when the public supports responsible domestic production to reduce gasoline prices and a decrease in our dependency on foreign sources of energy that are unquestionably worse for the environment, IPANM strongly feels this is the wrong rule at the wrong time.”

He continued, “While IPANM does support a fair and balanced Ozone Precursor regulation, we have no choice but to appeal this version of the rule that will force operators to plug still-productive wells and will inflict economic hardship on New Mexicans with little to no gain for the environment.”

IPANM wrote in a press release, “Today’s filing with the New Mexico State Court of Appeals against the Environmental Improvement Board will be followed by technical arguments to be filed by IPANM within 30 days that will identify the specific provisions to be challenged. With the matter now in the court, IPANM will not comment on the specifics of the pending objections other than to point to our concerns raised throughout the 3-year process that were not included in the New Mexico Environment Department’s final draft rule submitted to the EIB.”

In April the group noted the out-of-state environmental groups rigging the process to benefit their interests while ignoring consumers who will be saddled with the cost of such regulations. IPANM wrote then, “IPANM’s concern throughout this process is that the state would appease out-of-state environmental groups pushing provisions based on anti-oil & gas ideology instead of real emissions data and facts. Unfortunately, the state’s own news release seems to confirm our suspicion by offering the celebratory quotes of environmental groups and a Biden administration that has blatantly declared war on domestic production while encouraging foreign adversaries to produce, pollute, and export fuels to the United States without any accountability.”

Following the new rule going into effect, Larry Behrens, the Communications Director of Power The Future, wrote, “It’s clear Michelle Lujan Grisham feels our families aren’t already paying enough. After her failed attempt to raise the cost of gas through the legislature, Governor Lujan Grisham is acting like Joe Biden and simply issuing new orders.”

“This rule will not only raise the cost of living on our families, but it will place a massive burden on the remaining small businesses that are already struggling. This appeal is a critical first step to stopping Governor Lujan Grisham from taking unilateral action to raise the cost of gas even further,” Behrens concluded.

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Fellow Democrat files ethics complaint against lame duck Speaker Egolf

On Thursday, it was reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican that state Rep. Miguel García (D-Bernalillo) had filed an ethics complaint against lame duck Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) over his self-appointment to the nominating committee for the Public Regulation Commission (PRC).

The Commission was changed from an elected position to an appointed one after voters approved the constitutional amendment in 2020.

“The PRC Nominating Committee is statutorily created. It is not the creation of a simple memorial or a joint memorial. It is singularity the most important step in transitioning from an elected board to an appointed board. Such transitional power should rest with the people, not an elected politician,” García wrote in his complaint to the State Ethics Commission. He characterized Egolf’s self-appointment as a dereliction of duty.

Egolf, who previously faced another ethics complaint over his use of his office for personal gain by passing 2021’s H.B. 4, which stripped qualified immunity rights from local governments, opening them up to frivolous civil rights lawsuits. Egolf just so happens to be a civil rights lawyer who was the primary sponsor of the bill that would enrich himself. The Ethics Commission, in true form, tossed the credible ethics complaint.

“I had thought the speaker was set to pick up a lot of work in his retirement following the passage of the civil rights bill,” said House Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Artesia).

Now, Egolf is claiming García, who is in his third decade of serving as a legislator, suddenly is going after Egolf over a “personal vendetta” to get “publicity.” But it is unclear why now — after serving 25 years in the Legislature — García would suddenly grasp for headlines.

“It goes counter to the customs and traditions of Speakers’ appointing the people to statutorily created committees, boards, or commissions,” he wrote. “In my 25 years as a State Representative, the Speakers’ that I served under never appointed themselves to a statutorily created committee. Speaker Raymond Sánchez, Speaker Ben Luján, Speaker Ken Martínez, and Speaker Don Tripp never crossed the line. In the sixteen years that Raymond Sánchez served as Speaker, he states that he never self-appointed himself to a statutorily created committee of which protocol called for people participation,” García noted in his complaint, referring to both Republican and Democrat speakers of the New Mexico House of Representatives.

The seven-member committee that Egolf appointed himself to will seek at least five nominees to serve on the three-member board. The PRC will now be appointed from the nominees by the governor. If Republican Mark Ronchetti defeats incumbent Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, that could change some things for the trajectory of the panel.

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MLG mercilessly discredited by media over latest bizarre attack ad

Far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has recently been airing bizarre attack ads against her Republican opponent, Mark Ronchetti, claiming he supports “defunding the police.” The problem is the GOP nominee, who has multiple endorsements from law enforcers, does not support the position. On the contrary, Lujan Grisham actually has supported police defunding radicals.

As we previously reported:

But if Lujan Grisham was focused on eliminating crime, she would not have been a staunch supporter of many anti-police bills proposed last legislative session, including H.B. 4, which put targets on peace officers’ backs by stripping them of qualified immunity and opening police departments and localities up to frivolous lawsuits — bankrupting them.

H.B. 4’s sponsors, Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and state Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo), just so happen to be “civil rights” attorneys who would directly profit off of their legislative proposals. Lujan Grisham signed the anti-police, anti-public safety bill anyway. 

Lujan Grisham’s allies in the Legislature, such as state Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo), sponsored the most extreme anti-police bills in the nation, including S.B. 227, which would have implemented the “strongest” anti-police “use of force” standard in the nation.

Now, Lujan Grisham, amid record-breaking homicide rates in Albuquerque and some New Mexico streets looking like warzones, is trying to save face despite her support for Black Lives Matter protesters who want to defund the police. 

In her ad, a narrator reads, “Keeping New Mexicans safe is part of the governor’s job. But Mark Ronchetti will slash budgets for police and law enforcement agencies in every corner of New Mexico.”

On the screen, the words, “Mark Ronchetti is promising to defund the police” appear. The ad cherry-picks a short clip of Ronchetti during a KOAT 7 debate saying, “They don’t want more money. They don’t want more guns.”

But KOB 4’s fact-check mercilessly discredited the embattled governor’s false claims. The news station wrote, “The snippet is wildly out of context.”

According to the fact-check:

[Ronchetti said], “We have to back the blue. We have to tell them we will support them no matter what they need from us. We have some of the best law enforcement in the country here. And when you ask them, ‘What do you need? What would help you?’ the answer is simple: They don’t want more money. They don’t want more guns. They want to know that the governor of the State of New Mexico and their leaders backs them up.”

Whether police agencies truly do not want more money or guns might be debatable, but Ronchetti isn’t threatening to cut funding in full or in part. In fact, the crime plan posted on his campaign website says he wants to “fund and support police.”

As proof, the governor’s campaign points to a July 15 tweet from Ronchetti. He criticizes the $8.5 billion state budget, but makes no specific mention of state police pay raises.

A press release from the governor says the raises will cost $9 million this fiscal year –  which is one-tenth of 1% of the total budget.

The latest lies from Lujan Grisham come after she also claimed Ronchetti wants to ban all abortions in the state, despite him taking the stance that New Mexico should “permit” abortions up to 15 weeks.


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Pro-life win: Alamogordo becomes sanctuary city for the unborn

On Tuesday, the Alamogordo City Commission held a special meeting to discuss two pro-life resolutions. One, sponsored by City Commissioner Karl Melton of District 3, declared Alamogordo a sanctuary city for the unborn. Another that was said only to be brought forth as a weaker resolution brought forth by Mayor Susan Payne also was considered.

Melton’s resolution was introduced following the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, which sent the abortion question back to the states by overturning the archaic 1973 pro-abortion Roe v. Wade decision. Because New Mexico allows abortion up-to-birth, the resolution was meant to tell the abortion industry it is not welcome in Alamogordo to kill children in the city. Otero County recently passed a similar resolution declaring itself a pro-life sanctuary.

“I have brought forward Resolution 2022-38 because my constituents are worried Alamogordo has no resolution or ordinance on the books protecting unborn life. This measure not only affirms life from conception to natural death, but it declares Alamogordo a Sanctuary City for the Unborn,” said Melton.

“As far as I see it, if we do nothing, it is not a question of if but when a facility opens up in Alamogordo. We as a commission will be forced to take action later if we do not take it tonight,” Melton continued. “We can decide to be proactive and announce our opposition to any abortion business moving in city limits tonight, or we can procrastinate, decide to kick the can down the road, and only discuss options after Planned Parenthood has already made its plans to move. These realities are why this resolution is so important today. Our community is fervently pro-life.” 

Many residents showed up to support Melton’s resolution, with pro-life testimony outweighing anti-life sentiments made. An out-of-state-funded dark money group worked to spam commissioners’ inboxes with opposition to the resolution from out of the city and state. However, pro-life testimony outnumbered the efforts of the extremist group.

“My prayer for everyone in this room and in the comment section online is that you receive the consequence and experience of your words you speak in favor for concerning the unborn,” said resident Ben Luna. 

Another woman said, “God has made every one of us for a purpose, and each of the babies that [do] not survive and is aborted was made for a purpose.” She added, “It’s wrong to take the life of that child away.” 

County Commissioner Couy Griffin showed up to the meeting, saying, “Life is the greatest gift that God has ever given us.” Griffin said, “You all have a great honor tonight to stand for life, to defend life, and protect life. But I would stand in great fear if I was a vote taht supported taking life because, again, life is not ours to take. That life is God-orchestrated, God-designed, and God-breathed.” 

Piñon Post’s John Block, the nominee for House District 51, said, “By boldly declaring our city a sanctuary for the unborn, you are not just making an important and necessary statement; you are declaring that those who wish to shed innocent blood are not welcome in our city and do not stand with the values our fervently pro-life community believes in.” 

During the discussion among the commissioners on the resolution, Mayor Susan Payne said, “The biggest thing about this resolution for me, both of these resolutions — first of all, let me make it clear. I brought forth the second resolution as an alternative to the first resolution.” 

“This is a very controversial subject, and I’m going to be honest with you. It might make some people mad at me, and you know what? If you can’t respect the way I feel, that’s kinda your deal. But this is a very controversial subject, and one I have said all along I did not believe was a function of city government. And I still believe that. I believe that very strongly,” Payne said. 

“I’m not gonna like pander to anybody,” claiming, “I am personally pro-life…. But more than pro-life, I am pro-supporting women.” Payne concluded, “I do not believe this is a function of city government, and I agree with the notion that we have so many things to worry about in this city.” 

“Quite frankly, this is not an issue right now.”

Melton replied, “I also have my faith, but when I introduced my resolution, my reason for bringing it forward had nothing to do with my faith; I didn’t invoke religion. Quite simply, I brought it forward because I have heard from constituents that this is what they want, and I am in this role to represent them.” Melton added, “A lot of the controversial issues are the issues that are worth fighting for.”

The Commission passed the sanctuary city for the unborn resolution on a vote of 5-2, with Mayor Payne and Commissioner Sharon McDonald voting against it, while Commissioners Melton, Nick Paul, Stephen Burnett, Josh Rardin, and Mayor Pro-Tem Dusty Wright supported it. Payne’s resolution, merely to support the County’s efforts, was passed by a vote of 6-1, with McDonald being the lone vote against. Payne voted for her own resolution despite claiming it was not a “function of city government.”

To thank the five brave commissioners who supported the sanctuary city for the unborn resolution, you can find their email addresses below:

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Gabe Vasquez brags about Dem gerrymandering for political gain

On Monday, far-left Gabe Vasquez, the Democrat nominee for Congress in the Second Congressional District, sent out a press release bragging about the Democrats’ partisan gerrymandered maps making it easier for a leftist to reclaim the Second District from Republican incumbent U.S. Rep. Yvette Herrell.

Vasquez, in a press release, wrote regarding a new Democrat-funded poll that shows him leading by one point, “The poll was conducted by Global Strategy Group and shared exclusively to National Journal Hotline, which noted that, after redistricting, … Republican Herrell is one of the most vulnerable Republican members in the country.” 

“Redistricting moved the 2nd Congressional district from a Trump +12 to Biden +6 district and that is reflected in these results,” it concludes.

The Democrats rammed through maps drawn by the left-wing dark money group “Center for Civic Policy” (CCP), which gerrymandered New Mexico’s congressional districts to favor Democrats and steal the voice of conservatives, especially those living in the Second District.

The gerrymandered CCP map segregates the South Valley of Albuquerque into the Second District and lumps a large chunk of Albuquerque into a strange district that sprawls all the way to Roswell. The strange shape of the districts also lumps Hobbs with communities like Española and Santa Fe, which have astronomically different cultures and needs. The snake-like figures in the Democrats’ gerrymander denote signs of extreme partisan redistricting for political gain.

But despite that, Vasquez is bragging about the partisan ploy to steal back the Second District by hook or by crook. The map is currently in litigation. 

Vasquez believes the United States is a racist country, believes in abortion up-to-birth, and supports sweeping socialist policies, such as the destructive Green New Deal.

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NM leads the country in local government job loss: Pew report

According to a new Pew Charitable Trusts research, New Mexico once again is first in another bad category — this time local government job loss. 

As the economy continues to lag following the pandemic lockdowns, most in the private sectors are regaining employees. However, in the public sector, not counting in education, New Mexico trails all the rest of the U.S. in hiring and keeping local government employees.

According to Pew, “Surprisingly, employment in this sector has dipped slightly even as the recovery lengthens, down 0.6% since December.” The report continues, “By comparison, private employment is up 3.4% since that month, though still not fully recovered from its losses since the pandemic struck earlier in 2020.”

“Fourteen states recorded declines of more than 5% over that period. New Mexico experienced the sharpest loss (-8.5%),” the group wrote. New Mexico was only bested by states, including New Hampshire and Connecticut at -7.6%, Louisiana at -7.5%, and Illinois at -6.9%. 

The Pew report noted, “Even governments with adequate budgets to hire are having trouble filling positions because of pandemic-related closures or recruitment hurdles. Some of the toughest jobs to fill are in health care, corrections, and highway maintenance.” 

“[B]oth the public and private sectors suffered steep employment declines shortly after the pandemic began disrupting daily life and the economy.”

New Mexico led all other states, excluding the District of Columbia, in overall unemployment at a rate of 4.9%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

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Dems’ anti-police law that stripped qualified immunity now costing taxpayers big time

Despite pleas from local governments and concerned citizens over the extreme increases in insurance costs to municipalities, along with other issues, Democrats in the legislature rammed through 2021’s H.B. 4, which threatened to bankrupt localities by stripping away their qualified immunity rights. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed the disastrous piece of legislation.

This dangerous move impacted every level of city and municipal government, with negative consequences facing police departments most. The law allowed workers to be sued personally for alleged infringements to one’s “civil rights,” which now creates a massive problem for local governments.

As we reported in March 2021:

The bill has the ability to bankrupt local communities with slews of frivolous civil rights lawsuits, end qualified immunity and put a target on law enforcers’ backs. Local governments from all across the state are vehemently opposed to the measure, as well as many local law enforcement officials from all over New Mexico.

“More money for insurance or claims means less money for essential services or higher taxes,” said Santa Fe County Attorney Greg Shaffer during testimony against the bill. “This shifting of risk impacts all citizens,” he said. “More money for insurance or claims means less money for essential services or higher taxes.”

In a previous hearing of the bill, Detective Shaun Willoughby of the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association said, “This particular bill takes away our ability. This is basically a tax increase. We are taxing the public all over the state of New Mexico. Hurting budgets that can be used for training on the mental health, can be used for resources and social programs in the poorest state in the nation.” 

Proponents of the police-attacking bill came sponsored by dark money groups like billionaire Mike Bloomberg’s “Moms Demand Action,” the Soros-funded “Sierra Club,” “ProgressNow New Mexico” and “Equality New Mexico.” These groups’ supporters claimed H.B. 4 was a necessary reform for civil rights while not addressing how it would cripple local municipalities’ budgets, open these localities to million-dollar frivolous lawsuits, and put targets on peace officers’ backs. 

Now, as predicted, municipalities’ insurance rates are skyrocketing through the roof, being characterized as a “problem,” according to A.J. Forte of the New Mexico Municipal League.

The Santa Fe New Mexican reports:

Forte said the new law is shaping up to be a problem for local governments. Though the Civil Rights Act does not allow plaintiffs to file lawsuits against individual government employees and caps a payout for each claim at $2 million, agencies in New Mexico that pay into self-insurance pools expect higher fees as a result of the law.

Where will the money come from? Forte said potential sources include “pay raises, quality-of-life programs, basic services. Our municipalities are going to have to make some hard choices.”

He added insurance coverage increases are already coming in anticipation of actual lawsuits.

Displaying two reinsurance contracts between his organization and NLC Mutual Insurance Co., Forte pointed out the yearly difference in insurance premiums between July 2021 and July 2022 — a jump of about $700,000, from $1.1 million to $1.8 million.

The “woke” bill carried by civil rights attorney Rep. Brain Egolf (D-Santa Fe), who personally benefits from his bill’s passage, now is creating destruction and carnage in local governments — many still trying to pick up the pieces following the Democrats’ stringent lockdowns during the pandemic that killed the workforce and set progress back years. 
“We live in a world with finite dollars, and if you put them all in the claims bucket, there’s fewer dollars for providing services to the community as a whole,” said Association of Counties attorney Grace Phillips. Although the so-called “social justice” activists are pleased with the law, local governments continue to suffer through the bad lawmaking which threatens to bankrupt their communities.

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MLG claims to support Dem, GOP ‘women’ — a term most Dems can’t define

Despite most Democrats not being able to define the simple term “women,” far-left Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham now claims to be placating not only Democrat women but Republican women also with one issue — abortion.

The scandal-ridden governor who paid off $150,000 to an alleged sexual assault victim and former staffer, is tripling and quadrupling down on what she perceives to be her number one issue: abortion.

Constant fundraising emails her campaign expels insist her GOP opponent, Mark Ronchetti, is an “anti-choice extremist” despite Ronchetti saying New Mexico must “permit” abortions up to the 15th gestational week. 

But most New Mexicans and Americans disagree with Lujan Grisham’s abortion up-to-birth policies that, through 2021’s S.B. 10, stripped all protections for women, babies, and medical professionals while allowing abortion up to the baby’s date of birth — possibly after.

But now, in a Saturday Tweet, Lujan Grisham claims, “I’m not talking to Democratic women or Republican women. I’m talking to ALL women. Think hard about your right to make decisions about your body. We’re 100 days out from election day. Your vote will matter.” 

The governor ignores the fact that an expectant mother’s body has different DNA than that of the baby in her womb, and therefore, the baby is a person. She still uses the “your body” trope to peddle her pro-abortion message.

One New Mexican replied to the governor, writing, “Did you support our rights when you closed schools houses of worship and local businesses? You threatened healthcare workers nurses and state employees with getting fired unless they got vaxxed. You’re a tyrannical hypocrite.”

The commentator is correct that Lujan Grisham threw out her supposed caring for “bodily autonomy” during the pandemic when she fired state workers for not taking the jab while mandating desperately needed health care workers to be inoculated. She also forcibly ejected elderly nursing home patients from the care and housing they desperately needed to push virus-positive patients into these centers. Now, the scandal-ridden potential one-term governor is claiming to stand for bodily autonomy. 

But still, it is unclear if Lujan Grisham can define the word “woman.” Maybe someday, New Mexicans will have an answer to that question. But with reelection right around the corner, the Governor’s shot at reelection has dropped with her GOP opponent outraising her. The polls show New Mexico’s governorship is in a dead-heat to the finish line.

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