While some may still see the group as a “non-partisan” organization, the League of Women Voters (LWV) is anything but.
Recently, organizers for the group that puts on debates and other events regarding elections wrote an op-ed for the Las Cruces Sun-News, which advocated for partisan Democrat gun control measures.
LWV gave its stamp of approval to the far-left anti-gun bill recently passed by Congress, saying it “limits access to guns for those who have been convicted of domestic violence in a dating relationship, creates federal straw purchasing and trafficking criminal offenses.”
As well, the group went even further to declare support for four other extreme anti-gun measures. The group wrote in the Sun-News piece, “In addition to these two features, the League recommended the following actions in a letter to the Senate and House judiciary committees: (1) closing the gun show loophole which exempts certain sales from the requirement of a federal background check of the buyer of a weapon, (2) providing universal background checks, (3) banning assault weapons and placing limits on high-capacity ammunition magazine size, and (4) funding research and reporting on gun violence in the United States.”
In essence, the group advocates for universal background checks on all firearms sold ever, banning many styles of firearms (making millions of Americans felons if the bill is passed), and extremist “gun violence” reporting, such as in New Mexico with the recently funded “Office of Gun Violence Prevention” aimed at assaulting Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
LWV contends in the op-ed that the fact that good guys with guns help stop bad guys with guns is “dangerous” and that “people with guns make mistakes,” whether they are good or bad. It did not, however, speak on the fact that most crimes in America are committed by criminals who do not abide by gun laws — thus, anti-gun laws do not work.
According to the U.S. Department of Justice, “An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a
firearm during their offense. Among these, more than half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street or from the underground market (43%).”
The DOJ report added, “Among prisoners who possessed a gun during their offense, 90% did not obtain it from a retail source.”
Despite the facts, the League of Women Voters is propping up the far-left group run by Miranda Viscoli, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, which helped ram through New Mexico’s “red flag” law that has not been effective whatsoever in stopping “gun violence.”
Since the bill’s passage in 2020, the state has seen a sharp increase in violent crime, suggesting that the far-left anti-gun laws passed in New Mexico have not done anything but exacerbate violent gun offenses.
As well as gun-snatching, LWV put its rubber stamp of approval on socialist “free” (taxpayer-funded) college programs that are costing the state at least $75 million annually.
The group wrote, “Limitations on economic and educational opportunities also need to be addressed. Greater access to community colleges and universities through the Opportunity Scholarships and the efforts by the City of Las Cruces to lift up neighborhoods may help.”
The League of Women Voters has come out as an extremely leftist partisan organization and cannot be trusted to be anything but skewing sharply to the political left.