NM Health Dept. school survey asks children disturbing sexual questions
An intake survey recently uncovered by the New Mexico House Republicans shows that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) is using an intake survey with disturbing sexual questions at the state’s 80 school-based health centers.
There are two survey versions, one for children up to 11 and one for 11 and up.
“Young people like you can be seen for their sexual and mental health without permission from their parent or guardian,” the survey reads.
The one for the younger kids asks whether the student is “male, female, or transgender,” and the one for children 11 years and older asks if the child is “straight, gay/lesbian, or bisexual.”
Other questions from the 11 and up survey ask questions including relationship status, with the option for an “open relationship,” whether the child has had sex, including anal, vaginal, or oral, whether the child has ever “sexted,” whether the child has had sex with transgender men or transgender women, whether the child has had vaginal, oral, or anal sex [with definitions of what these terms mean], and whether the child’s sex partner has sex with both men and women.
Other disturbing questions include pronouns that include “They/Them/Their,” “Zi/Hir/Hirs,” and “No pronouns, just my name.”
The questionnaire also asks multiple questions about various illicit drugs and whether these drugs have been used before or after sexual intercourse.
A letter obtained by the New Mexico House Republicans showing NMDOH’s communications director outlining the specifics of the survey reads, “The survey is administered on an iPad either the day of the SBHC visit or through a web link that is designed to only be valid 24-hours prior to a scheduled visit ensuring up-to-date data for clinical use.”
“The surveys are designed to assure patients feel safe and are easy to use. Patients can answer questions they feel comfortable with and skip those they do not want to answer. Questions are added as health risks are identified. They also have the choice not to respond to the questionnaire at all.”
During the 2023 Legislative Session, fiery debate ensued over these school-based health centers pushing abortions and gender-affirming care on children, accusations that Democrats denied. These new revelations show merit in the concerns of conservative legislators.
The House Republicans have released a consent form for parents and guardians to mandate notification before their child accesses medical and behavioral health services or some instructional materials.
NM Health Dept. school survey asks children disturbing sexual questions Read More »