Piñon Post

Pro-life lobby day at Capitol Monday, heartbeat bill hearing Wednesday

The upcoming week will be jam-packed for the right to life, with many events coming up to support life at the Roundhouse.

On Monday, pro-life groups, including the New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL), will join family-focused groups, including the New Mexico Family Action Movement, among pro-life legislators. 

NMAFL wrote, “New Mexico Alliance for Life is proud to announce we are hosting the Pro-Life Lobby Day and Press Conference with New Mexico Legislators and New Mexico Family Action Movement at the Capitol on President’s Day, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM! Plan to arrive early in order to find parking, plan to visit legislative offices after the press conference, and invite others! Make your voice heard, and come hear from the experts about what you can do to stay involved!” 

Extremist Abortion and ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Bill Vote Imminent

The advocacy day at the Roundhouse comes as Democrats seek to ram through an extremist bill, H.B. 7, to force state employees to facilitate abortions and transgender surgeries/hormone blockers, including for minors.

The bill would “prohibit public bodies from discriminating against persons based on their use or non-use of reproductive or gender-affirming care,” meaning it could push teachers and any other public workers to support body mutilation for all ages, including children, as well as abortion, according to the bill’s fiscal impact report. 

So-called “gender-affirming care” means “psychological, behavioral, surgical, medication, and other medical services to support a person’s gender identity,” while “public bodies” are defined as “state and local governments, commissions, or boards established by the state and any branches of state government, such as school districts and universities, that receive state funding.” It would also open up conscientious objectors to civil suits.

State Sen. Gregg Schmedes, M.D. (R-Albuquerque), commented about the bill, “As a parent and practicing physician, I am deeply concerned about HB 7 forcing teachers and public employees to facilitate elective procedures – despite the best interest of our children. There are negative impacts to the mental, physical, and emotional health of any elective procedure and HB 7 completely ignores the actual science.”

The bill could be heard on the House floor any day now, as it has passed two committees and now sits in contention to pass the lower chamber.

Heartbeat Bill

On Wednesday, the House Health and Human Services Committee will hear H.B. 258, also known as the “New Mexico Heartbeat Act,” sponsored by state Rep. John Block (R-Alamogordo), to protect human life in the womb from the moment a fetal heartbeat is detected. 

The meeting will likely take place at 8:30 a.m. in the Capitol’s Room 307, and the Zoom details will be soon available, so check back at this article for the credentials. The bill was previously scheduled for Friday, but it was pushed to this Wednesday due to time constraints. 

NM House Dems pass bill to let children change name without parental consent

On Tuesday, Democrats in the New Mexico House of Representatives voted 43-24 for H.B. 31 to allow children under 14 to change their legal name without parental consent or public notice.

“If the court finds that notice to one or more legal parents or legal guardians of a child who is under fourteen years of age will jeopardize the child’s or the applicant’s personal safety, the court shall not require notice,” the bill reads.

The bill, however, does not say what would constitute “jeopardizing” the child’s safety. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos), said during the debate that the entire matter would fall under a judge’s discretion.

Previously, in the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee, Chandler’s expert witness repeatedly told the committee that children under 14 would need parental consent. That turned out to be a lie. 

On the House floor, Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park), Greg Nibert (R-R0swell), and John Block (R-Alamogordo) made comments decrying the lack of parental consent.

Nibert talked about how he did not support sealing these records and depriving the parents of being able to make decisions for their children. He noted the “unintended consequences” of doing that. 

Lord spoke about how this legislation could enable pedophiles and groomers to have easier access to harm children.

Block said, “It concerns me a 14-year-old could change their name without any parental involvement or consent. It’s a very slippery slope we’re going down. It’s bad policy.”

Supporters of the bill include the Transgender Resource Center for New Mexico, Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains, Equality New Mexico, and Bold Futures.

H.B. 31 now heads to the state Senate where it will be considered. If it passed the chamber, it will then head to Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk for a signature. 

America’s most deadly abortionist stops offering late-term abortions at ABQ location

According to the pro-life legal group Abortion On Trial, Curtis Boyd’s Albuquerque late-term abortion mill, Southwestern Women’s Options, is no longer performing late-term abortions, only offering patients abortions throughout 23.6 weeks.

Boyd, a former Baptist minister, left the church to commit abortions at a back-alley abortion mill in Athens, Texas. 

According to reporting by Life News, “Before Roe v. Wade in 1973, the Supreme Court Decision that decriminalized abortion in the United States, Boyd was aborting children by the hundreds. Though illegal, Boyd felt that performing abortions was more important than abiding by the law of the land. When word got out about his chop shop, he was forced out of Athens and reopened in Dallas, where he continued to rally support for ‘abortion rights.’”

Boyd said, “Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that.”

In total, he has personally killed 250,000 children in the womb, according to attorneys who have interviewed him. Throughout his abortion mills, he has committed over 700,000 abortions, or around one percent of all babies aborted since Roe. He is the single biggest abortionist in history. 

Previously, Boyd’s website reflected that he aborted babies “through 32 weeks – Late Term Abortions After 32 Weeks on a Case by Case Basis.” 

Now, Boyd no longer performs the deadly late-term abortion practice, although he continues to kill babies through his abortion centers.

Abortion On Trial reported on Twitter Monday, “We’ve confirmed via scheduling attempts that Curtis Boyd’s infamous SWO abortion facility in Albuquerque is no longer providing late term induction abortion and is now referring out of state.”

Recently, multiple ambulances have been spotted leaving Boyd’s abortion center with patients who had apparently botched procedures. It is not immediately clear if the ending of the late-term practice at his abortion mill is due to unsafe late-term abortions.

The news comes as New Mexico considers radical anti-life legislation with H.B. 7, which would force New Mexico public bodies and employees to aid in abortions and “gender-affirming care.” This comes two years after the legislature legalized unlimited abortion up to birth while stripping all protections for women, medical professionals, and babies in the womb.

Anti-gun bills to be heard in legislative committees Monday

On Monday, multiple anti-gun bills will be heard in New Mexico legislative committees, with Second Amendment-supportive groups urging the public to take action and testify in committee hearings. 

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA) writes, “First, HB9, the firearm owner liability and mandatory storage bill will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee starting at 1:30pm in Room 309 (Zoom Link). The bill will impose criminal penalties on gun owners if a third-party minor uses their firearm to commit a crime or injure someone.”

H.B. 9 previously passed the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee on a 4-2 vote, with Republican Reps. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and John Block (Alamogordo) opposing the measure after a lengthy question and answer session with the sponsor, Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo). 

“Second, SB116, the proposed ban on anyone under 21 from purchasing or owning a semiautomatic firearm will be heard in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee starting at 1:30pm in Room 311 (Zoom Link). Below is the contact info for members of both committees. NMSSA is opposed to both bills.” 

NMSSA adds, “Another bill we are watching was filed today. HB224 would make it illegal to carry a firearm while drunk or high in a city of more than 90,000 people – yes that is really in the bill. But more importantly, it would make it a crime to shoot a gun within 150 yards of a building without the permission of the building’s owner. The bill would shut down all indoor shooting ranges, and some outdoor ranges in our state as well. Acts of self-defense would not be exempt either.” 

The group urges New Mexicans to contact legislators, who can be reached below: 

House Judiciary Committee

Representative Christine Chandler – (D) christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4411

Representative Andrea Romero – (D) andrea@andrearomero.com 505-986-4243

Representative William “Bill” R. Rehm – (R) bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4214

Representative Eliseo Lee Alcon – (D) eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4416

Representative Gail Chasey – (D) gail@gailchasey.com 505-986-4777

Representative T. Ryan Lane – (R) RYAN@LANEFORLIBERTY.COM 505-986-4758

Representative Javier Martínez – (D) javier.martinez@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4782

Representative Matthew McQueen – (D) matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4423

Representative Greg Nibert – (R) greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4211

Representative Andrea Reeb – (R) Andrea.Reeb@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4215

Representative Reena Szczepanski – (D) reena.szczepanski@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4777

Senate Heath and Public Affairs Committee

Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino – (D) jortizyp@msn.com 505-986-4482

Senator Bill Tallman – (D) bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4373

Senator Gregg Schmedes – (R) gregg.schmedes@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4395

Senator David M. Gallegos – (R) david@ramirezandsonsinc.com 505-986-4278

Senator Martin Hickey – (D) martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4513

Senator Stuart Ingle – (R) stuart.ingle@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4702

Senator Antonio Maestas – (D) antonio.maestas@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4726

Senator Brenda G. McKenna – (D) brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov  505-986-4301
Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez – (D) a.sedillolopez@nmlegis.gov 505-986-4389

Lujan Grisham’s Human Services Dept. Secretary David Scrase quits

On Friday, it was announced that Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s New Mexico Human Services Secretary, David Scrase, M.D., was stepping down from his post, one of the few cabinet members who has lasted throughout the governor’s reign beginning in 2019.

In a statement, Scrase said, “It has been an incredible honor to work for the Governor for the past four years.”

“I am proud of all that we have accomplished together,” he wrote, touting his response to COVID-19. He added, “I feel extremely privileged and cherish the four years working with the outstanding leaders and employees at HSD. Likewise, the several years that I spent with the Department of Health and their amazing leaders and staff was another high point in my life.”

“In addition to the support and encouragement that I have received from both departments, I have received continual and strong support from members of the Legislature as well, and for that I am very grateful. I have made many lifelong friends and will take wonderful memories into my retirement — And, of course, I could not possibly have endured the challenges of the past four years without the support of my wife Chantel and my family. I am deeply grateful for everyone with whom I have crossed paths during this time.”

During the pandemic, Scrase refused to lift lockdown orders and insisted New Mexicans must take the coronavirus vaccine. He also worked to keep the state’s indoor mask mandates in place. 

In 2021, Scrase said restrictive mask mandates and lockdowns could last for years into the future. 

Group sues City of ABQ over $250K Planned Parenthood donation

On Friday, it was revealed that the Rio Grande Foundation, in partnership with the Liberty Justice Center, is suing the City of Albuquerque over its $250,000 donation to the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.

The Albuquerque City Council in August 2022 voted 5-4 to fund the abortion giant, claiming it was giving Planned Parenthood the money for supposedly necessary abortion procedures, including abortions.

“New Mexico’s constitution prevents politicians from using taxpayer funds like their own personal piggy banks,” says Daniel Suhr, managing attorney at the Liberty Justice Center. “Albuquerque’s grant to Planned Parenthood is pure politics, and the state constitution prevents that kind of abuse of taxpayer dollars.”  

“Taxpayers should not be compelled to subsidize Planned Parenthood or any other private group,” said Gessing, who is president of the free-market Rio Grande Foundation. “The anti-donation clause of New Mexico’s constitution is a bulwark for taxpayers against politically motivated earmarks just like this one.”  

73% of Americans, including pro-choice individuals, women, and millennials, oppose mandated taxpayer funding of abortions, according to a recent Marist/Knights of Columbus poll.

In a previous op-ed from New Mexico Sun, City Councilor Renee Grout wrote, “This is not a simple disagreement on a political issue. For many people, abortion is sanctioned murder. It is wasteful and wrong to give $250,000 of taxpayer money to a business that makes $1.3 billion every year advocating for and performing this procedure.”

Councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn, the sponsor of the $250,000 blank check to Planned Parenthood, was annoyed that the Council was revisiting the vote, saying, “Now is not the time to roll back something that we literally passed two months ago.”

Report: Suspect arrested in connection with shootings targeting Dem politicians

On Monday, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) revealed that Solomon Peña, a former GOP candidate for state House of Representatives District 14 was arrested at his Albuquerque home. He is charged with conspiracy to pay four men to shoot at Democrat lawmakers’ homes.

As we previously reported, the politicians who were apparently targeted included outgoing Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley, Commissioner Adriann Barboa, and two legislators. Sen. Linda Lopez and newly appointed Sen. Antonio “Moe” Maestas were apparently targeted, although gunshots were heard near Maestas’ office, not his home.

Later, Democrat New Mexico House Majority Leader Javier Martínez (D-Bernalillo) reported he found gun holes and bullet remnants at his Albuquerque home. 

APD Chief Harold Medina told the Albuquerque Journal, “Peña, an unsuccessful legislative candidate in the 2022 election, is accused of conspiring with, and paying four other men to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.”

Police officers executing the arrest said outside of Pena’s home, “Solomon Peña please come out with your hands up, we have the place surrounded.”

The suspect prevously served seven years in prison for involvement in a “slash and grab” robbery “scheme,” the Journal noted

Immediately following the revelation of Peña’s arrest, House Republican Leader Ryan Lane (R-Aztec) wrote in a statement, “We appreciate law enforcement’s diligence in pursuing this investigation and we are still learning of this development just as the rest of New Mexico is. New Mexico House Republicans condemn violence in any form and are grateful no one was injured. This is yet another example of a convicted felon unlawfully gaining access to firearms, which they are barred from owning or possessing, and using the weapon in a manner that causes public harm.”

Dem bill would create $6.1M enviro-Marxist ‘climate resiliency’ health fund

Democrat state Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) just dropped a bill she will be carrying in the 2023 Legislative Session, H.B. 42, to create a new “public health and climate resiliency fund” to “assist local communities in preparing for and responding to public health emergencies related to climate change and extreme weather.”

The bill would enact a myriad of enviro-Marxist responsibilities of the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH), such as to “facilitate meaningful community engagement within communities most harmed, or determined by climate science as most likely to be harmed, by extreme weather events.”

It would also give the department the ability to give “grants” of up to $250,000 to “a political subdivision of the state or an Indian nation, tribe or pueblo for the purposes of preparing for and responding to public health emergencies related to extreme weather and other climate impacts.”

The grants would emphasize seizing as much private land as possible to make it government-owned, which mimics Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “30 by 30” program to force at least 30 percent of public land into public “conservation” by the year 2030.

The bill reads that the priority will be “emphasize planning, projects and activities that are also eligible for grant funds from federal programs or help New Mexico become eligible for federal funds,” along with “climate adaptation plans,” among other requirements.

The appropriation attached to the bill would be $1.1 million from the General Fund to NMDOH throughout 2024 and $5 million throughout 2028. It would cost taxpayers a grand total of at least $6.1 million to enact this enviro-Marxist program that likely has nothing to do with health care nor would do anything to stop so-called “extreme weather.”

Another bill, H.B. 45, by state Rep. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe) would create a fund to pay for the “acquisitions of land, conservation and agricultural easements and other interests in land and by funding land restoration to protect the land and water available for forests and watersheds, natural areas, wildlife and wildlife habitat, agricultural production on working farms and ranches, outdoor recreation and trails and land and habitat restoration and management.”

The 2023 Legislative Session starts at noon on January 17, 2023.

Heinrich continues his crusade against gas stoves

In his latest move, Democrat U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich is once again attacking his most fierce nemesis — the gas stove. You read that right. While New Mexicans struggle to heat their homes and feed their families, Heinrich is passionately joining a crusade of enviro-Marxists working to ban gas stoves. About 35 percent of Americans have gas stoves, according to the Census Bureau. Heinrich wants to make that zero percent.

In a December 22 tweet, Heinrich wrote, “Many people are unaware of the high level of dangerous indoor air pollutants emitted by gas stoves. That’s why I joined @SenBooker and a number of our colleagues in urging the Consumer Product Safety Commission to help protect Americans from these hazards.”

In an attached letter to the tweet, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) write, “In addition to the climate impacts, these emissions represent real health risks to millions of Americans. Both NO2 and PM2.5 are known to exacerbate respiratory conditions. Short-term exposure to NO2 is linked to worsening asthma in children, and long-term exposure has been determined to likely cause the development of asthma. Both pollutants have also been linked to cardiovascular impacts and a range of other adverse health issues. Even low-level CO exposure can exacerbate cardiovascular illness among people with coronary heart disease and other vulnerable populations.”

The lawmakers, including Heinrich, demand the following measures be taken to limit gas stoves:

• Require gas stoves to be sold with range hoods that meet mandatory performance standards, assessing their efficiency of removing the pollutants, 

• Where feasible, issue mandatory performance standards for gas stoves that address steady-state-off leakage, including requiring automatic shut-off valves, 

• Where feasible, issue mandatory performance standards for gas stoves that address the health impacts of hazardous emissions, 

• Require labels on gas stoves that educate consumers about their exposure risks, 

• Launch a public education campaign on the health risks of cooking with a gas stove, and steps that consumers can take to minimize their risk. 

Previously, Heinrich made a big stink about gas stoves, claiming using one was comparable to letting one’s babysitter smoke around a child. 

It’s unclear what Heinrich’s obsession with banning gas stoves is all about, but Heinrich has been on this tear for years. 

In July of 2021, Heinrich wrote on Twitter, “When you trade out your gas stove for an electric one you lower your monthly energy bills, create jobs, and move us closer to a zero-emissions future. And a bill I’ll be introducing would give you money back for doing that. This is how we build a clean energy powered economy.”

Heinrich previously bragged on social media about supposedly electrifying his home, sharing a video of him installing a new heat pump to supposedly save the planet. 

Dems’ Jan. 6 panel refers Pres. Trump, his NM-based lawyer for prosecution

During the last day of the partisan Nancy Pelosi-sanctioned January 6 committee hearing, the committee’s members referred 45th President Donald J. Trump, among others, including his former lawyer John Eastman, for prosecution. Eastman lives in Santa Fe and has been constantly harassed by far-left protesters outside of his residence for months.

“We believe that the evidence described by my colleagues today … warrants a criminal referral of former President Donald J. Trump, John Eastman, and others,” said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland).

The sham committee referred Trump for prosecution on the following counts:

  • Obstruction of an official proceeding;
  • Conspiracy to defraud the United States;
  • Conspiracy to make a false statement; and
  • Conspiracy to defraud the U.S. by assisting, aiding or comforting those involved in an insurrection

Eastman faces the same referral on alleged “Obstruction of an official proceeding.” Legally, on January 6th, no such “insurrection” took place. There was no such conspiracy to defraud the country nor false statements made before the partisan committee.

Eastman’s legal representatives at Burnham & Gorokhov, PLLC wrote following the news, “A criminal ‘referral’ from a congressional committee is not binding on the Department of Justice and carries no more legal weight than a ‘referral’ from any American citizen,” adding, “In fact, a ‘referral’ from the January 6th committee should carry a great deal less weight due to the absurdly partisan nature of the process that produced it.”

“At its inception, the January 6th committee had the resources and mandate to make important contributions in the area of Capitol Security, Electoral Count Act Reform and other areas of potential legislation.  Sadly, this opportunity has been squandered in favor of concocting a pretend ‘criminal case’ from pretend prosecutors designed to create political advantage for the Democratic Party and stigmatize disfavored political groups.  The American people have been ill-served by the January 6th committee and its members,” the firm continued. 

According to the Albuquerque Journal, “A 154-page executive summary to the committee’s full investigation was released Monday. The summary mentions Eastman 166 times.”

Criminal charges are not mandatory of the Department of Justice and are at the discretion of special counsel Jack Smith.

Editor’s Note: Mr. Eastman is a donor to Piñon Post editor and founder Rep.-elect John Block’s campaign for state House District 51.

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