New Mexico

ProgressNow NM proudly endorses NM domestic terrorist group ‘Antifa’ doxxing fellow citizens

On Wednesday, the New Mexico branch of the domestic terrorist group Antifa posted names and pictures of suspected “Proud Boys” and “New Mexico Civil Guard” members, encouraging followers to “dox” them — meaning to publish private information about them to ruin their lives. 

The tweet read, “Seriously hilarious that this kinda blew up. If you’re in New Mexico and want quick reference on prominent fascist names and faces, we made these for you! Save them on your phone and keep an eye out. More cards coming soon! #GottaDoxEmAll.” The tweet was followed by a chain of photoshopped pictures of the targeted individuals onto what appeared to look like Pokémon cards with their addresses, phone numbers, and businesses they own published for people to harass them. 

Far-left dark money group ProgressNow NM, which was started by leftist Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis, applauded the domestic terrorist group’s militant tactics, writing on Twitter, “Very handy guide for knowing your NM fascists by face and name. #NMpol.” 

Doxxing can be considered illegal. According to the law firm of Brickfield & Donahue, if private information was posted on the internet “with the intent of harassing the victim, intimidating them, invading their privacy, or having them assaulted, or inspiring or instructing someone else reading the information to do any of these things, the publication of the information is against the law. It is possible for doxxing in this way to be prosecuted as assault, as the intent was to intimidate someone or threaten them with violent conduct. The laws will more than likely change in the near future as this trend becomes even more worryingly common, but even until then the consequences for a full conviction can be severe.”

New Mexico Antifa and ProgressNow New Mexico could very well be in deep legal trouble for encouraging people to hunt down and harass their fellow citizens based on their political and ideological beliefs. 

MLG still courting Biden for longshot VP nod with virtual fundraiser for his campaign

On Tuesday evening, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham joined Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) to raise cash for Biden’s presidential campaign. The virtual fundraiser was announced as a “clean energy conversation,” where no doubt Lujan Grisham would tout New Mexico’s far-left anti-oil and gas “Energy Transition Act,” which has been dubbed as the state’s “Green New Deal.” 

According to the fundraiser’s website, tickets start out at $100 for “guests,” and gradually work their way up to $5,600 for “champion” sponsors. Lujan Grisham and the campaign have yet to comment on the results of the fundraiser, however, it appears to be another attempt by the Governor to curry favor with Biden for a longshot vice presidential nod. 

CNN’s recent shortlist, which was compiled from inside sources working with Biden’s Campaign, showed Lujan Grisham no longer in contention for vice president, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping her from flinging herself in front of the campaign as an alternative. 

The anti-energy fundraiser sparked criticism from pro-energy group Power The Future, in which its Western States Director Larry Behrens chided Lujan Grisham for ignoring constituents to instead flaunt Biden’s policies. Behrens wrote, “Governor Lujan Grisham’s priorities are clear: Joe Biden’s green agenda comes before her own constituents.” He also noted that “While so many New Mexicans are simply worried about finding a job, Governor Lujan Grisham is working full-time to audition for her next one.” 

In an April 12th interview, the Governor spoke about the potential of becoming vice president, saying, “I think that you want a vice president who was much like former vice president Biden. He knew how to govern, he had done a ton of work as a senator and in local government as well, and I think those are incredible attributes. I want to be the governor of New Mexico. I will do whatever it takes to support a Biden administration, and I’m looking forward to a federal administration that can do a national strategy in good times and in bad times both.” 

In a July 13th interview, Lujan Grisham said “I want Biden to pick what gets his ticket elected.”

Trump’s approval among Hispanic and Latino New Mexicans has skyrocketed since taking office

In recent weeks, leftists targeted Hispanic-owned food business Goya after their president and CEO, Robert Unanue, praised President Trump, saying, “We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder. And that’s what my grandfather did: He came to this country to build, to grow, to prosper. And so we have an incredible builder, and we pray – we pray for our leadership, our president, and we pray for our country that we will continue to prosper and to grow.”

In New Mexico, during President Trump’s September 2019 rally, Rep. Ben Ray Luján mocked Latino Trump supporters, calling them the President’s “political pawns” and sharing a left-wing article that called Latinos not “full Americans.” Now, Luján is running for United States Senate, despite his comments toward Latino Trump voters. 

But President Trump’s support from Hispanics Latinos in New Mexico has skyrocketed since taking office. In January 2017, a Civiqs poll showed Trump at an approval rating of 30% among the group, which now sits at 39%, a 9% increase. Among Hispanic Independents, Trump leads in approval, with 54% of them approving of his job performance. When he assumed the Presidency, only 34% of Hispanic Independents approved of President Trump, meaning his approval among that voting block has shot up 20%.

Throughout Trump’s presidency, he has made multiple efforts to focus on prosperity for Hispanic Americans, with pro-jobs, pro-growth policies. Just last week, he signed an executive order to “Improve Hispanic Americans’ access to educational and economic opportunities,” which is just his latest initiative to help the community. New Mexico Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce lauded the measure, saying, “This initiative demonstrates the President’s commitment to Hispanics, and they continue to thrive under his strong policies.” 

President Trump’s campaign has been heavily investing resources in New Mexico to reach voters of all ethnicities, reaching 65,000 voters just over the Fourth of July weekend. The campaign is will also be investing in new initiatives to reach Hispanic voters with the America First agenda.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Hispanic Americans hit record-low unemployment numbers. The record lows began in the President’s first year, with even far-left outlets like CNN touting President Trump’s work to reach all-time-low Hispanic unemployment numbers. The strong economy — even in a pandemic — will be an asset to him as he moves to reach voters across the board, especially in New Mexico, with 48% of the state being of Hispanic heritage.

President Trump only lost New Mexico by eight points, with Hillary Clinton leading by 48% to his 46%, and Libertarian Gary Johnson stealing 9% of the vote. Without a viable third-party canddiate in 2020 to take away votes, Trump has a better shot than ever to flip New Mexico to Republican in November.

Deb Haaland finally gets her wish: Redskins cave to cancel culture and announce name change

On Monday, the Washington Redskins football team announced their plans to change the team’s name and logo after 87 years in the wake of the reignition of the race war by Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists. 

One of the biggest proponents of the name change was Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM), who demanded the team rip down its mascot and change its name to placate the “reckoning” led by far-left race-baiting groups. She lambasted the team’s name as a “racial slur,” despite a Native American artist creating the team’s logo and nine out of ten Native Americans being in support of the team’s “Redskins” name, according to the Washington Post. Despite the overwhelming support from Indigenous people for the name to remain, Haaland and others appear to have prevailed in canceling the team’s long-time pro-Native American identity. 

On Twitter, Haaland lauded the decision to change the name and logo, writing, “About time. It shouldn’t take a huge social movement & pressure from corporate sponsors to do the right thing, but I’m glad this is happening. Huge thanks to everyone who made their voices heard. #TheTimeIsNow #ChangeTheName” 

She continued, “Today’s announcement from the Washington @NFL Team is a long time coming. Suzan Shown Harjo, Charlene Teters, & @_IllumiNatives have been tirelessly working on removing racist mascots for far too long. Grateful for their perseverance. #ChangeTheName

New Mexico Democrat Sen. Tom Udall also praised the decision to change the Redskins branding, writing, “The football team that represents the nation’s capital should not play under the banner of a racist name that denigrates Native Americans.” 

Sen. Martin Heinrich also opined on the Redskins’ decision, commenting, “Sports should bring us together, not spread division and racist stereotypes. Caricatures and slurs about Native Americans are wholly inappropriate names for sports teams and school mascots. I hope this long overdue change will lead to schools and professional sports teams across the country ending mascots and other fan traditions that alienate and denigrate.”

The Washington Redskins have yet to announce their new name, however, it is rumored to be either the RedWolves, Redtails, or Warriors.

Democrat NM Rep: ‘Who said the shut down was only supposed to be temporary?’

On Sunday, far-left New Mexico state Rep. Angelica Rubio (D-Las Cruces), made startling comments on Facebook targeting small businesses — specifically restaurants — for their alleged “blatant disregard for workers justice” [sic]. 

In her post, she singled out restaurant owner Marci Dickerson of Las Cruces’ “The Game” sports bar and grill, who showed her “true colors YEARS ago.” Dickerson’s restaurant will be participating in the New Mexico Restaurant Association’s protest, happening at 2:00 p.m. on Monday, which will include employees of each restaurant affected standing outside their establishment and holding up a sign with the number of employees hurt by the Governor’s latest lockdown.

Apparently Dickerson’s support for her employees led Rubio to stop supporting any small business that looks to defy Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s latest re-lockdown of the state, which bans restaurants from indoor dining and limits them to only 50% occupancy outdoors. The Governor’s order is estimated to force the permanent closure of 20% of New Mexico restaurants, according to the New Mexico Restaurant Association. 

Rubio did not appear to care that small businesses would be closing and thousands of staff members would lose their jobs. She wrote, “👏🏽 restaraunt’s [sic] 👏🏽 are 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 ‘essential’ 👏🏽 for the 👏🏽 purpose 👏🏽 of fighting a 👏🏽 global 👏🏽 pandemic! 👏🏽.” She continued, “I’ll continue to not support, nor any other business—who supports this catastrophic disregard for public health and safety of our community. I ask you all to do the same. Wow!”

In response to a commenter who was appalled by her disregard for the workers affected by the health order, which was supposed to be temporary, Rubio shot back, “Who said the shut down was only supposed to be temporary?” The comment appears to be an endorsement of the permanent lockdown of New Mexico, but Rubio did not elaborate on her radical-sounding sentiments.

Multiple constituents, many of them being Democrats wrote back to her in anger, one commentator saying, “[g]ood to know your views on business owners…. I’ll make sure to never vote for you and encourage others not to. You obviously care very little for your community… Way to go.” 

Another person wrote, “Every job is essential to families relying on their paychecks. What a shameful post to make tearing down the very businesses you should instead be helping. We will remember this when you are up for re-election.”

Others’ comments mimicked these sentiments, including support for Dickerson. One comment read, “Personally attacking a business owner during a time of crisis incredibly unprofessional. This is a poor example of leadership in a time where we need unity more than ever. I encourage you to take emotions out of this and see what Marci Dickerson has done for the community while we were shut down. While it may not be essential to you, it is to 96,400 people who are employed in the state by restaurant and food service.” 

According to New Mexico Restaurant Association CEO Carol Wight, the re-lockdown is going to be much harder on restaurants than the previous one. “Last time we had PPP money, we had ways to get open, we had some savings left. We have no more savings,” she said. “Our inventory – we’ve got fresh inventory right now we’ve got to get through and three days is not enough. So what are we going to do, right? We’re all just throwing our hands up saying, ‘What can we do?’”

After public fury on Rubio’s timeline, she shared her previous post with a long-winded comment saying, “I hope that the passion you had today, to defend those willing to go against Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and her attempts to keep us safe and alive, you’ll do the same for workers come January. I’ll be taking note.” In January, the New Mexico Legislature will reconvene, where Rubio will no doubt propose more far-left legislation, as she has in the past.

MLG touts her $35M taxpayer-funded ‘free college’ proposal as small businesses struggle to stay afloat

On Saturday, the Democrat Party of New Mexico held a virtual “rally” touting their new initiative, “New Mexico for All,” which is a coordinated campaign across the Party to express support for Democrat candidates.

During the call, Democrat U.S. Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX) promoted Joe Biden’s campaign, saying that “Joe Biden is a person of strong character, a decent man, a man of compassion, someone that will restore competence and sanity to our government.” In recent months, many people have questioned Biden’s sanity, with a recent Rasmussen poll showing 38% of voters holding the belief that Joe Biden has dementia. 

During the virtual “rally,” members of New Mexico’s congressional delegation patted themselves on the back, including Senate candidate Rep. Ben Ray Luján (D-NM), who claimed the only way to correct “injustices” was to vote for Joe Biden in 2020. However, Luján did not mention Biden’s abysmal record on race, which even far-left NBC News and New York Magazine called it “problematic.” 

Rep. Xochitl Torres Small did not mention Joe Biden, but repeatedly mentioned how “proud” she was to “be a Democrat,” despite her previous ploys to appear “moderate” and not following the party-line. She also spoke about how she looks to plus orphaned oil wells and invest in “environmental energy.” 

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham was not physically on the call, but she did have a pre-recorded message play, in which she touted her expensive social justice programs, her free pre-K plans, and her future “effort well underway to provide universal free college to every New Mexico student.” The plan would cost the New Mexico taxpayers an estimated $35 million annually, but that is a rough estimate. She did not mention how she plans to pay for these costly new initiatives, especially as local businesses, have been forced to close — many for good. 

The Governor recently had the New Mexico Legislature convene to fix her $7.6 billion budget passed during the 2020 Legislative Session, in which millions of dollars in spending had to be cut. However, once the budget reached Lujan Grisham’s desk, she vetoed $23 million meant to go to Tribal communities hurting from the ramifications of COVID-19, and she cut $15 million specifically meant to help other Indigenous communities hurting from the effects of the virus.

According to the New Mexico Restaurant Association, approximately 700, or 20% of New Mexico’s restaurants are estimated to close their doors permanently due to her latest order, and nearly every other industry has been hit hard by the Governor’s strict coronavirus mandates.

MLG’s new COVID-19 rules estimated to force 20% of New Mexico’s restaurants into permanent closure

On Thursday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham issued new restrictive health orders for the state, which included a restriction for restaurants to only be allowed to serve customers outside and at 50% capacity — a crippling blow to the industry, according to New Mexico Restaurant Associaton CEO Carol Wight. 

Wight estimated that about 700 restaurants (or 20%) will be forced into permanent closure, with little to no safety net to catch the newly restricted businesses. 200 restaurants have already closed for good since the start of Lujan Grisham’s lockdown. “She doesn’t have the latest number but estimates New Mexico will lose 20% of its restaurants – or 700 restaurants – with the new regulations in place,” reports KOB 4. Wight also said “Restaurants aren’t where COVID is being spread. We’re just not the problem, and [Michelle Lujan Grisham] punishing us for it.”

Another startling point Wight revealed was that Gov. Lujan Grisham never even took the time to speak to the restaurant industry before closing it down. “My board is putting together a letter to ask her to sit down with us and really think this out because she never did talk to the industry about this,” she said. 

Now restaurateurs are being forced into a panic, as they previously were allowed to get back to work on June 1st, meaning they had hired back members of their staff and begun regular shipments of food and supplies to their establishments.

According to Carol Wight, it is going to be much harder on restaurants than the previous lockdown. “Last time we had PPP money, we had ways to get open, we had some savings left. We have no more savings,” she said. “Our inventory – we’ve got fresh inventory right now we’ve got to get through and three days is not enough. So what are we going to do, right? We’re all just throwing our hands up saying, ‘What can we do?’”

Lujan Grisham’s latest set of lockdowns includes a 14-day mandatory quarantine for out-of-state visitors, which is already negatively affecting the hotel industry. Joe Schepps, president of Santa Fe’s Inn on the Alameda said, “We had 157 room night cancellations in the 36 hours after the governor’s announcement.”

Jeff Mahan, executive director of the Santa Fe Lodgers Association blasted the Governor’s lockdown, with a similar criticism to Carol Wight’s of the NM Restaurant Association. “Why are you bringing an entire industry down to its knees?” said Mahan. “The data doesn’t justify such a severe 14-day quarantine.”

MLG gives conflicting advice about gathering in groups

During Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Thursday press conference, she announced new regressive restrictions on New Mexicans, this time banning indoor dining at restaurants, banning contact sports for kids going back to school in the Fall, forcing people working out to wear face masks (both at in-person facilities and outdoors, and banning out-of-state visitors from state parks. 

During the press conference, she blamed New Mexicans for a recent spike in cases, which Human Services Secretary David Scrase claims shot up 79% in a recent 16-day period. Lujan Grisham said, “Unfortunately, our state’s dramatically rising case numbers reflect that those behavior modifications and precautions have either not been taken seriously or taken up by enough people.” 

The Governor continued, “Too many of us are still congregating in groups, taking risks with our own lives and endangering the health of our family members, our neighbors and our state.” 

However, some of the Governor’s advice seemed to conflict, particularly that about gathering in groups. Lujan Grisham said, “Please wear facemasks. Please don’t gather in large groups without them,” while later tweeting “Wear a mask. Stay home. Do not gather in groups. Take the risk seriously” 

So, which piece of advice are New Mexicans expected to follow? Are they supposed to not gather in groups, or are they supposed to gather in large groups but only if they have a face mask? The Governor’s advice appears all over the place.

The new restrictions come as new cases of COVID-19 appear to be affecting younger populations more, Secretary Scrase saying that dults in their 20s are an increasing share of the infections. 

Coincidentally, protesters, which Michelle Lujan Grisham applauded for protesting for “racial justice,” some in violent means, are still taking to the streets in protest. Just this week, KRQE 13 reported on a Black Lives Matter protest in uptown Albuquerque. But Lujan Grisham vehemently rejects the notion that these protests are spreading the virus, despite indicators showing otherwise.

According to Pew Research, 41% of those who recently attended a protest focused on race were younger than 30. Nationwide, only 19% of people are in this age group, so statistically, they were overrepresented by over 100% at protests. It just so happens that people contracting COVID-19 are in their 20s and 30s, which lights up directly with the spike in recent cases. However, Lujan Grisham denies it being a factor in the spread of coronavirus. And with the Governor’s conflicting advice, it may give protesters and rioters justification for taking to the streets in protest.

Full details about Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s latest restrictions can be found in the press release from her office linked here.

Torres Small hires ex-lobbyist for Bloomberg’s anti-gun group to manage her campaign

On Wednesday evening, Rep. Xochitl Tores Small’s campaign sent out a fundraising email introducing Emma Caccamo as Torres Small’s new campaign manager. The email, which was signed by Caccamo, reads as follows:

“If we haven’t met yet, I’m Xoch’s new campaign manager Emma! I wanted to reach out today to introduce myself, and say how excited I am to be part of the team working to re-elect Xoch. I joined this team because I believe in the work you and Xoch have been doing for southern New Mexico, and because I know we’re making a difference here. This is one of the most competitive, targeted races in the entire country. The best way to keep up our fight for lower prescription drug costs, improved access to health care close to home, and all the other things we care about is to keep this seat. And on top of that, we’re making sure southern New Mexico has the voice we deserve in Congress.”

The email goes on to ask for money and to get supporters to forward the email to their friends.

Caccamo previously worked as the campaign manager on Teresa Leger de Fernandez’s race up in the 3rd Congressional District, where Leger de Fernandez won against disgraced ex-CIA operative Valerie Plame, state Rep. Joseph L. Sanchez, District 1 District Attorney Marco Sernce, and a handful of others.

During the race, Leger de Fernandez was criticized heavily by her opponents for the “dark money” abortion up-to-birth group EMILY’s List pouring tens of thousands of dollars into the race to support her. At the time, Caccamo said the campaign didn’t know “anything about any other groups and saw their ads when everybody else did.” However, EMILY’s List endorsed Leger de Fernandez, held in-person fundraisers with her and the organization’s founder, and invested heavily in the race. It’s impossible for the campaign to “not know anything about” dark money EMILY’s List’s involvement in helping sway the election toward her.

Far-left, abortion up-to-birth Rep. Xochitl Torres Small is also another benefactor of EMILY’s List, which has endorsed her for her unashamed abortion up-to-birth policies, previously when she worked for Planned Parenthood, and currently as she serves as an anti-life member of Congress.

Another issue both Teresa Leger de Fernandez and Xochitl Torres Small share in common is their unashamed pro-gun control stance. Torres Small has voted for sweeping gun restrictions while in the House, including a “universal background check” bill. Teresa Leger de Fernandez shares Torres Small’s anti-gun stances, telling the Los Alamos Daily Post, “In Congress I will vote for background checks on all gun sales, a red flag law, reinstating the assault weapons ban, and repealing PLCAA, which gives the gun industry unprecedented legal immunity.”

Torres Small’s new campaign manager, Emma Caccamo, is also a friend to gun-grabbing policies, as she worked for nearly five years, part of that time as a lobbyist, for the Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety” dark money group, which advocates for extreme, unconstitutional gun bans, such as 2020’s SB-5 in New Mexico, the “red flag” bill. The measure allows the confiscation of firearms merely under the suspicion of another person that a gun owner is “dangerous” and therefore should lose their constitutional right to bear arms and their due process rights. 

Xochitl Torres Small’s former campaign manager in 2018 was Brian Sowydra, a Boston native, who currently is her Chief of Staff in Washington, D.C. Torres Small’s new campaign manager, who hails from California, is surely in-line with Torres Small’s radical far-left agenda and is another clear indicator that Torres Small will spare no expense and go to great lengths to remain in Congress to further Nancy Pelosi’s anti-gun, anti-life agenda.  

Be prepared to pay $100 and rot in jail for six months for defying MLG’s mask mandate

On Monday, Twitter caught fire after Rep. Gregg Schmedes, M.D., who is running for state Senate posted a letter from New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas “memorializing” Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict mask mandate, which carries a $100 fine and up to six months in jail for violation of the mandate. 

Balderas’ letter reads, “any provisions of … any order … adopted pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Act is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) or imprisonment in the county jail for a definite term not to exceed six months or both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.” He continued, “Since the face covering mandate is promulgated pursuant to this section, among other provisions of law, any certified law enforcement officer in the State of New Mexico may enforce the failure to comply with this provision.”

Upon pushback on her edicts from law enforcement officers and other officials, Lujan Grisham penned an op-d in the Albuquerque Journal, claiming they “ignored their duty to their fellow New Mexicans” by deliberately sticking it to the Governor. 

Previously, Lujan Grisham broke her own orders by having a “non-essential” business (Lilly Barrack jewelry store) open up specifically for her so she could adorn herself with expensive luxuries — while New Mexicans suffered — many of them having to close their businesses for good.

On Tuesday, the New Mexico Legislature opened an investigation into Lujan Grisham for abusing her emergency spending powers by blowing $40 million on her COVID-19 response, which exceeds her allowed spending limit of $750,000 in extraordinary circumstances. She spent 53 times what she was allowed, and legislators on both sides of the aisle are now asking questions and looking for answers. 

As reported on in June, thousands of New Mexicans have followed Lujan Grisham’s call for citizens to turn on each other and “snitch” on people not wearing masks or violating her public health orders by sending complaints to the Department of Public Safety. The new rules issued by Lujan Grisham to potentially throw people in jail for half a year are now just another incentive for citizens to turn on each other  — this time, with life-altering consequences … simply for not wearing a mask.

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