NY Times promotes anti-Hispanic hate group, dubs violent killer Popé a ‘visionary shaman’
On Monday, the New York Times released a slanted article glorifying the horrific and bloody 1680 Pueblo Revolt led by the bloody genocidal maniac, also known as Popé. The report, in an attempt to be “fair,” only cited one dissenting opinion, whereas all other quotes came from pro-Popé voices, including those of “The Red Nation.”
The Red Nation is an anti-Hispanic hate group that has closely aligned with anti-Semitic terrorist groups, specifically Lebanon-based Hezbollah. The group’s bigotry is evident through its recent pro-Palestine parade on the “Global Day of Rage,” sponsored by Al-Awda, a fringe anti-Semitic group which the Anti-Defamation League has called out for bigotry. Its founders compare Jews to Nazis.
The Red Nation’s founder wrote in a hateful now-deleted blog post, “the ‘Hispanic’ or ‘Spanish American’ racial identity was a fiction created to make New Mexico appear ‘white enough’ to join the U.S. since both identities privileged a European or Spanish heritage even if the population was mixed or descended from detribalized peoples. New Mexico’s statehood was delayed until 1912 because white Anglos felt the territory did not possess a white majority, so a new ‘race’ of whites had to be created.”
In the New York Times article, the writer refers to Popé, who brutally slaughtered 401 people, including 21 of the state’s 33 Catholic priests during the Revolt of 1680, as a “visionary shaman,” while blasting Spanish settlers. The piece also claims that Santa Fe was not reconquested peacefully, despite no bloodshed in the reconquest in 1692.
Quoting Justine Teba of The Red Nation, which as well as supportive of bigotry toward Hispanics, also is a Marxist organization, she says “We have multiple tribes coming together to get rid of statues celebrating our genocide.” Instead of statues of Spanish settlers, Teba wants to erect statues of Popé, despite his inhumane treatment of Spaniards.
What the Times article fails to mention is that Don Diego de Vargas in his reconquest of New Mexico, was asked by Indigenous tribes for help, and Spaniards had a copasetic relationship with them, San Felipe Pueblo being one of his most fervent allies.
The piece glorifies the tagging and destruction of historic monuments tied to both Spanish and Indigenous cultures, and instead of characterizing them as destructive, illegal acts upon public property, the author of the article simply notes the vandalism as “emblazoning” the walls of places in Santa Fe and Taos with 1680.
The Red Nation and another group, the “Three Sisters Collective” celebrated the vandalism of public property, writing on Facebook, “With regard to the graffiti written on the obelisk, although uncomfortable for some, the vandalism of this object pales in comparison to hate crimes against Indigenous, Black and Brown people.”
A recent Albuquerque Journal poll shows that support for removing Spanish statues is at an all-time low, with 53% of respondents opposed to removing these historical statues and landmarks. Only 27% of respondents were in support of the unpopular measure. The New York Times did not mention this.
Now, the New York Times appears to be doing the bidding of a few radical Marxist groups aiming not only to cause racial division but to overtake society by any means necessary to push their hateful anti-Hispanic agenda through.
“Revolution is here… and if you’re not part of it, you’re gonna get swept aside.” – The Red Nation