On Friday, U.S. Senate candidate Mark Ronchetti’s campaign manager, Jeff Glassburner, posted yet another vicious attack on a fellow Republican. This time, the campaign is targeting candidate Elisa Martinez after she followed fellow U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Gavin Clarkson, in running ads pointing out Ronchetti’s NeverTrumper past.
In a tweet, Glassburner wrote, “She didn’t pay her taxes for 8 years (!!!) yet thinks people should trust her to set tax policy,” with a screenshot of what appears to be a public record showing Martinez did not pay $1,355.96 in overdue taxes to the State of New Mexico.
The Piñon Post reached out to Martinez for a comment, where she vehemently denied the false accusation. Ronchetti’s campaign also failed to say the small lien referenced was fully paid off. Martinez asserted that she did not update her address, which is why the State of New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department could not get in contact with her to address the issue. Once Martinez connected with the State, she quickly paid the balance off in full.

“This is another example of Mark Ronchetti’s lies, trying to distract and dissuade from his comments bashing President Trump and working hand-in-hand with far-left activists instead of Republicans. He should be running as a Democrat,” Martinez said. “He claims to be pro-life, and as a pro-life leader, I can assure you he has never been with us anywhere in this fight. And when we could have used his help as a media figure during our various pro-life battles, he was working with far-left Democrats to stop President Trump and push the radical climate change agenda. We cannot trust Mark Ronchetti.”
Ronchetti’s campaign has repeatedly claimed that because of his media contract with KRQE 13, he could not get involved in politics, but we know that is yet another lie because he was very involved — just not with conservative issues. He worked with climate activists to advance the climate change conspiracy theory and repeatedly bashed President Trump on the air.
In a previous statement, Glassburner said Martinez is a “desperate” candidate who has “nothing to run on,” despite her work leading a prominent pro-life group in New Mexico.
But this is just the latest false attack Ronchetti’s campaign has lobbed against fellow Republicans in this primary season, sending out Glassburner as an attack dog to peddle false talking points and conspiracy theories about Republicans of every stripe.
Before the Republican Party pre-primary convention, I did a deep investigation into Ronchetti’s background and his connection to NeverTrumpers behind the scenes of his campaign. Triggered by the revelations, Glassburner sent the Republican convention delegates a last-ditch email, in the attempt to discredit me and the facts I presented about Ronchetti’s liberal record.
Glassburner wrote to delegates, “[John] is a former intern for Senator Heinrich who then worked on Tim Keller’s mayoral campaign where he helped elect the ultra-liberal mayor who made Albuquerque a Sanctuary City.”
Glassburner failed to mention that I worked to help stop radical open-borders socialists from taking over Albuquerque by VOLUNTEERING on the Keller campaign for a little over three weeks to uncover unethical campaign practices. However, once the campaign did a simple Google search on my name and found out I was a pro-Trump Republican and my true purpose for being there, they kicked me out of the office and had me blacklisted as a “spy.”
However, my work in that short time did not go unnoticed, as an ethics probe into Keller’s campaign found that Keller did, indeed, violate the ethics code, taking thousands of dollars in both private and public financing for his far-left socialist race for mayor.
As for my two-month summer internship at the U.S. Senate, which Glassburner failed to note happened AFTER my short stint on the mayoral campaign, I applied, was accepted, and served in Martin Heinrich’s office AS A CONSERVATIVE PRO-TRUMP REPUBLICAN. I applied for an internship in then-Republican New Mexico Congressman Steve Pearce’s office as well. The only office that granted me an internship was Heinrich’s. I was given the selective opportunity to serve the people of New Mexico as a Senate intern and bring a conservative perspective to the far-left office.
On the first week of the internship, the Chief of Staff called me in and said he had looked up my background, finding my staunch support for the President. He was fully aware that I was, indeed, a pro-Trump conservative Republican, and allowed me to continue with the internship for the summer despite my political leanings.
My fellow interns repeatedly attacked my Republican ideals and repeatedly attempted to have me fired from the internship, but I did not back down — and it made my conservative values and support for our 45th president that much stronger.
Heinrich has allowed various Republican college students to intern for him in the past, such as Republican Dominic Pacheco in 2016. Pacheco helped the Republican Party of New Mexico with President Trump’s election efforts, as did I. While I was fighting liberal hacks in multiple viper pits, Mark Ronchetti was bashing President Trump on-air at leftist CBS Fake News affiliate KRQE News 13.
Ronchetti’s campaign also blasted fellow Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Gavin Clarkson with a vicious slew of personal attacks, including a mailer falsely asserting that Clarkson resigned from his position at the Trump Administration with an “ethical cloud” over his head, despite a string of facts proving that was a blatant lie.
Ronchetti bashed Clarkson’s bankruptcies during the 2007-2008 financial crisis, citing a progressive opinion column in the Santa Fe New Mexican as his source. It is unclear if Ronchetti also hit President Trump’s bankruptcies, just as he has with the President’s skin color, calling him “The Orange One,” and saying in 2019 that the President took a “part of his soul” that he’s “not getting back.”
When Clarkson brought attention to the despicable anti-Trump comments Ronchetti made at a leftist climate change conference, Glassburner hit Clarkson as “a failing candidate” desperate to “get attention.”
But that’s just scratching the surface. Ronchetti also bashed former Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Rick Montoya for telling delegates about Ronchetti’s deep ties to NeverTrumpers, namely that of Jay McCleskey, Ronchetti’s general consultant, known for his “slash and burn” political tactics. Ronchetti blasted Montoya with ad-hominem attacks, calling him “ham-handed.”
But even worse, before the pre-primary convention, Ronchetti called Republican convention delegates and falsely told them that then-U.S. Senate candidate Louie Sanchez had dropped out of the race, which was a bald-faced lie.
Ronchetti also promised a room full of hundreds of GOP delegates that he’s run a “positive” campaign, telling the conservative audience, “I will not take a shot at a fellow Republican.” That promise to Republican voters was quickly violated.
In the very same breath, Ronchetti bashed fellow Republicans asking him questions as “little Facebook trolls who are in their parents’ basement with their Cheeto-stained fingers,” a smear heard by many leftists to bash President Trump supporters.
During his KRQE 13 days, Ronchetti repeatedly mocked and hated on President Trump and other Republicans, such as former Gov. Susana Martinez, who he shamed for wearing a hard-hat while visiting a construction plant. He also laughed at President Trump’s hairstyle.
Instead of campaigning to be New Mexico’s next U.S. Senator, it appears Ronchetti is more interested in playing the high school bully, name-calling, and pushing everyone in his way just to get what he wants.
The nasty, bottom-of-the-barrel ad-hominem attacks on fellow Republicans, many of them being fellow candidates, prove that Ronchetti’s campaign is willing to go to any embarrassingly low level to win. The Republican voters will have to decide on June 2nd if they want to vote for a campaign full of sleaze and hatred for President Donald Trump, or vote for the two true Republican candidates, Dr. Gavin Clarkson and Elisa Martinez.
I wonder how Ronchetti got the Department of Revenue and Taxation letter.
He has a good team that works for him. DUH!
I wonder if they were connected to Soros? It wouldn’t surprise me at all.
I truly believe the only thing that man is interested in is winning the primary. Then stop campaigning like he did against Ben Ray Lujan!
He’s a plant, just like Adam Kokesh was.
Just remind New Mexicans that he’s too stupid to understand how dams work. On air, live, he used his finger to scare viewers by showing them how the Rio Grande could go around the dam (it can’t). He’s an idiot. Should be a registered democrat.
He won just like the President himself. If he’s an idiot then so is the President. He’s just a candidate who has learned from the playbook of the President. Chances are he’ll win the Senate seat. This man is no Republican or Democrat. Thanks God!
We see who Ronchetti truly is. I pray on Election day all the people see that too, and defeat this ‘plant’.
“Plant” or not, he won. He’s just like the President in so many ways. He’s no Republican or a Democrat. He’s in it for himself so quit your complaining.
“Instead of campaigning to be New Mexico’s next U.S. Senator, it appears Ronchetti is more interested in playing the high school bully, name-calling, and pushing everyone in his way just to get what he wants.” Why complain? This sounds quite like President Trumps playbook. Chances are he’ll win. He’s liked in many circles and he won the primary. Golly gee-whiz!