NM nonprofits misused federal funds, gave them to illegal aliens: DHS audit
According to a new audit report issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG), around $110 million Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-awarded humanitarian relief to the National Board was misspent by 18 nonprofits, some of them being in New Mexico. However, the names of the particular non-profits were not listed in the report.
“In some cases, it was given to illegal immigrants who had evaded Border Patrol,” reported Fox News.
The OIG report notes, “On March 18, 2021, FEMA awarded $110 million in humanitarian relief funding to the National Board. According to the National Board, as of September 8, 2021, it had awarded $80.6 million of humanitarian relief funds to 25 LROs throughout California, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas. We judgmentally selected 18 [local recipient organizations (LROs)], which received awards totaling $66 million, to review how the funds were used. The National Board continued to award and reimburse humanitarian relief funding to LROs throughout our audit.”
“We determined that these 18 LROs did not always comply with the funding and application guidance when using funds. Specifically, the LROs did not always provide or maintain the required receipts or documentation to support reimbursement for humanitarian relief fund services. In addition, some of the LROs were unable to provide supporting documentation for families and individuals to whom they provided services. From the information some LROs provided, we determined some families and individuals did not have a DHS encounter record.”
The lack of a DHS encounter record means these “gotaway” illegal aliens had evaded Border Patrol agents instead of turning themselves in after crossing into the country illegally.
“The IG said that of the 824 names it tested as a sample, 197, or 24%, were ineligible to receive humanitarian services, and 154 did not have an encounter record,” the Fox News report noted.
In the 2022 fiscal year alone, 2.3 million illegal alien encounters were registered by DHS.
The OIG warned in the report that “Without additional oversight and enforcement from FEMA and the National Board, LROs may continue to use the funds for services without providing the required supporting documentation for reimbursement, increasing the risk of misuse of funds and fraud.”
NM nonprofits misused federal funds, gave them to illegal aliens: DHS audit Read More »