
Conservatives holding counter-protest to Gov. MLG’s reelection announcement Thursday in ABQ

On Thursday from 4:45-8:00 p.m., conservatives are coming together to protest embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s re-election campaign announcement being held at Albuquerque Museum on Mountain Road in Albuquerque.

At the Governor’s event, she is requiring attendees over 12 years of age to be fully vaccinated and anyone over the age of two must be masked. 

“This will be a limited capacity event due to COVID-19 restrictions. You must register in order to join us in person. Registrations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis and general admission tickets are sold out for now. By registering for a waitlist ticket, you will be notified as soon as spots become available. Vaccinations are required for attendees over the age of 12. Masks are requested for those older than two,” reads the Governor’s invitation.

It appears the counter-protest is in conjunction with multiple conservative groups, with Karen Larré leading the organizing. Larré previously organized a “freedom rally” in May to protest the governor’s harsh pandemic lockdowns.

Another flier shared by conservative activist Audrey Trujillo reads that the peaceful counter-protest is going against Lujan Grisham for “divisive medical tyranny” and “discrimination against the unvaccinated.” 

One concerned New Mexican who lives in the Albuquerque area recently wrote a letter to the Albuquerque Museum concerned over the event’s requirements, which go against the CDC guidelines. 

“It is particularly concerning that anyone over the age of 12 needs to mask and be vaccinated to enter. Children are considered at low risk for covid, both in terms of transmission, contraction and long-term effects. As a parent myself, I would not sign my child up for an experimental, non-FDA approved shot for a virus that likely would not affect them. I may reconsider once it is FDA-approved and/or research shows that it is risk-warranted. The governor has been recommending masking and vaccinating children against the advice of national experts, and by hosting her event, your organization is complicit in replicating this unethical recommendation,” they wrote. 

“I have long been a patron of the museum and am shocked and disappointed that you would tarnish your otherwise upstanding reputation by hosting this event under the present conditions. I urge you to either reconsider hosting this or revising the guidelines for it. As a taxpayer, patron and one who hosts visiting guests in my business work, I will not be visiting or recommending the museum to others any longer, should this go forward. Medical discrimination in a public facility, perpetrated by a political figure that should be acting in the best interests of her constituents is not something I wish to support,” the letter continued.

For more information about the counter-protest to the Governor’s re-election event, Karen Larré can be reached at naturallyhealthykaren@fastmail.com. Again, the event is from 4:45 to 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 3 at the Albuquerque Museum, 2000 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87104.

Special Election Day in CD-1: What you need to know before you vote

It’s Election Day in New Mexico’s First Congressional District to fill Democrat ex-Rep. Deb Haaland’s seat following her abdication to work at the Department of the Interior, and here’s what you have to know: 

Liberal news outlets and pundits have touted the race in the Democrat-leaning district as a “big first test” for Democrats, with cash coming into the state from the deepest crevices in the Washington, D.C. swamp for the Democrats’ nominee, state Rep. Melanie Stansbury.

According to OpenSecrets, large out-of-state organizations, including the sexist abortion up-to-birth and infanticide group EMILY’s List contributed $11,000 to Stansbury’s war chest. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) PAC donated $10,000 to the Democrat, while the fringe leftist group “Elect Democratic Women” chipped in $15,000. 

Stansbury made the racist statement toward displaced Navajo energy workers, telling them to just “sell you art or your wool” to pay the bills. She also has been in the D.C. area for the better part of the last 20 years despite her claims she is in touch with New Mexicans. Despite the backlash over Stansbury’s racism, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Rep. Adam Schiff, and some state legislators have thrown their support behind the extreme candidate. 

According to state Sen. Mark Moores, the Republican nominee for the congressional race, “Stansbury’s original House Personal Financial Disclosure listed her as a “consultant” and receiving at least $5,000 for the TerraMar Project in Woburn MA (1). The TerraMar Project was founded by Jeffrey Epstein’s madame Ghislaine Maxwell who is currently on trial for sex trafficking teenagers.”

Stansbury is also a large proponent of the “BREATHE Act,” which defunds the police and lets dangerous incarcerated criminals back on the streets to ravage communities. 

Mark Moores is a long-time moderate Albuquerque-area legislator who won his primary election, like Stansbury, through a closed-door convention of delegates. He has been strong on some issues, including the right to life. However, he did vote for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s Green New Deal, also known as the “Energy Transition Act” and he voted for a trapping ban on public lands to the ire of rural New Mexico, among other bad measures.

Despite his flaws, he is much more conservative than independent longshot perennial candidate Aubrey Dunn, who has focused his campaign on hating President Donald J. Trump, and libertarian Chris Manning who lives hundreds of miles outside of the First District.

Democrats are trying to hype up this race, which leans Democrat, in order to boost their public image following multiple runoff election losses in races across the country this year. They are marketing CD-1 as a bellwether despite its large lean to the left to save face. There is a chance Republican Moores can win, although the early voting totals released by the Secretary of State’s office lean in the Democrat direction. 

If you live in the First District, find out more information here on where to vote today. 

Gov. MLG, Dem officials proudly promote candidate who made racist anti-Navajo statements

On Saturday, embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Sen. Ben Ray Luján, far-left Democrat state legislators, and others held a canvassing event for fringe Democrat state Rep. Melanie Stansbury who is running in Tuesday’s special election to fill New Mexico’s First District seat vacated by Deb Haaland who left for the Department of the Interior. 

Melanie Stansbury has come under fire for her racist anti-Navajo statements, telling displaced Diné workers to just sell “your art or your wool” after Democrats have decimated their jobs with extreme “green” legislation. 

Despite that, Deb Haaland, Joe Biden, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Ben Ray Luján, and other Democrat officials, such as state Rep. Javier Martinez (D-Bernalillo) and state Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo),  have flocked to support her despite her alienation of Native American communities. 

On Twitter, Luján Grisham wrote, “Today we launched canvasses across #NM01. The special election to keep this district blue is on June 1st and we need your help to ensure we send @MelanieforNM to Congress.” 

“Thank you, Rep. Melanie Stansbury, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham & Cong. Pete Aguilar for energizing Westside voters for the final stretch of the CD1 special election! If you haven’t voted yet, today’s voting ends at 7 pm. Tues., June 1, polls are open from 7 am-7pm,” wrote state Rep. Joy Garratt.

“In our beloved south valley with our next Congresswoman, @MelanieforNM!” wrote state Rep. Martinez. 

Stansbury has been a Washington, D.C. staffer for the last nearly twenty years, moving to New Mexico in 2017 to run for a state House seat and consulting on the side for many eyebrow-raising outfits. According to state Sen. Mark Moores, the Republican nominee for the congressional race, “Stansbury’s original House Personal Financial Disclosure listed her as a “consultant” and receiving at least $5,000 for the TerraMar Project in Woburn MA (1). The TerraMar Project was founded by Jeffrey Epstein’s madame Ghislaine Maxwell who is currently on trial for sex trafficking teenagers.”

Gov. MLG forcing masks on toddlers, jabs for teens to attend campaign event

Embattled Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham is poised to formally launch her 2022 campaign for governor on June 3rd at the Albuquerque Museum on Mountain Road in Albuquerque.

However, for fans of the scandal-ridden governor to get through the door, attendees must both be fully vaccinated and wear masks, which goes against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. 

“This will be a limited capacity event due to COVID-19 restrictions. You must register in order to join us in person. Registrations are handled on a first-come, first-served basis and general admission tickets are sold out for now. By registering for a waitlist ticket, you will be notified as soon as spots become available. Vaccinations are required for attendees over the age of 12. Masks are requested for those older than two,” reads the invitation.

In the invite for the event, Lujan Grisham’s campaign writes, “New Mexico has accomplished so much — but we’re not done yet.” 

The Governor also tweeted out an invitation video to the 2022 campaign launch, saying, “You’re not gonna want to miss this.” 

One concerned New Mexican who lives in the Albuquerque area recently wrote a letter to the Albuquerque Museum concerned over the event’s requirements, which go against the CDC guidelines. 

“It is particularly concerning that anyone over the age of 12 needs to mask and be vaccinated to enter. Children are considered at low risk for covid, both in terms of transmission, contraction and long-term effects. As a parent myself, I would not sign my child up for an experimental, non-FDA approved shot for a virus that likely would not affect them. I may reconsider once it is FDA-approved and/or research shows that it is risk-warranted. The governor has been recommending masking and vaccinating children against the advice of national experts, and by hosting her event, your organization is complicit in replicating this unethical recommendation,” they wrote. 

“I have long been a patron of the museum and am shocked and disappointed that you would tarnish your otherwise upstanding reputation by hosting this event under the present conditions. I urge you to either reconsider hosting this or revising the guidelines for it. As a taxpayer, patron and one who hosts visiting guests in my business work, I will not be visiting or recommending the museum to others any longer, should this go forward. Medical discrimination in a public facility, perpetrated by a political figure that should be acting in the best interests of her constituents is not something I wish to support,” the letter continued.

Lujan Grisham already has two Republican challengers, including Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block and businesswoman Karen Bedonie.

Data shows marijuana poisoning soaring in New Mexico

During the 2021 Legislative Session, New Mexico legalized recreational marijuana, which will likely see a boom in the usage of the drug across the state.

According to KOB 4, “From 2014 through 2016, the New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center averaged about 70 calls of people consuming too much marijuana. Those numbers doubled from 2017 through 2019.” 

Marijuana-related poisonings have already been on the rise in New Mexico, and with the new law taking place in April of 2022, there will be an even greater boom.

Dr. Susan Smolinske, director of the New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center, says the current rise is a combination of availability and acceptability by the public.

“We’re trying to look at our data more closely, we think that our double jump occurred when Colorado legalized recreational marijuana, and we started to see more pediatric accidental exposures,” said Dr. Smolinske.

Kids are at risk of being poisoned by the substance. “We had four severe cases last year and children aged one to two who needed a ventilator,” according to Dr. Smolinske.

Dr. Smolinske urged, “These need to be treated as medications and kept out of reach and locked up away from the kids.” 

The report comes as the State of New Mexico is still formulating rules regarding the implementation of the recently passed recreational pot bill. It is unclear if concerns related to child safety will be put on the docket as items necessary to address in the rollout of the new legal marijuana law.

One marijuana proposal during the 2021 Legialture had a loophole giving minors access to the drug. “ “It is not a violation of the Cannabis Regulation Act when: a parent, a legal guardian or adult spouse of a person under twenty-one years of age serves cannabis products to that person under twenty-one years of age on real property, other than licensed premises, under the control of the parent, legal guardian, or adult spouse,” read the passage. 

As marijuana becomes more readily available on the open market in New Mexico, time will tell if preventative measures by the state will help stave off poisonings. 

Gov. Lujan Grisham named as likely 2024 candidate

Embattled Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has been under constant fire over her scandal-ridden administration. Everything from her Children, Youth, and Families Department deleting government documents under her direction to $250 million “missing” funds from the Department of Workforce Solutions, which the Governor’s office called “minuscule.” 

She used $62,500 in campaign funds to pay off her alleged groping victim and then used over $6,000 in cash to pay her daughter for styling and cosmetology, which are not appropriate campaign expenses. 

Lujan Grisham repeatedly skirted her pandemic directives, including having a shuttered jewelry shop open up so she could buy luxuries while no one else could and businesses closed for good. She feasted on $200 per pound Wagyu beef steaks and fine wine with her expense accounts while New Mexicans were forced to stand in hours-long freezing bread lines for food and necessities. 

While New Mexicans were standing out in the cold, her office claimed they were just “Republican talking points,” adding that “The state is not forcing anyone to stand in a crowded line, as you suggest.” That was not true, per the countless photographic pieces of evidence proving the contrary.

Lujan Grisham gave tens of thousands of dollars in raises to her staff while New Mexicans sat in line for unemployment.

She constantly shut down and reopened counties using a nonsensical “red to green to turquoise” system, which forced businesses to reopen at limited capacity then close down entirely again and again. This resulted in some of the highest unemployment numbers in the country, and New Mexico small businesses died. 

Lujan Grisham punished people of faith, forcing them to close down operations. Those who did not comply with her edicts were fined tens of thousands of dollars and taken to court. All of this scandal is just the tip of the iceberg for Lujan Grisham, who has done whatever she can, by any means, to advance her career and the far-left agenda.

But now, according to Politico, she’s on the list of possible 2024 presidential candidates, appearing next to names such as Kamala Harris, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Stacey Abrams, and others. 

Politico claims Lujan Grisham “improved” her “national standing” from her response to the virus. Ballotpedia also listed Lujan Grisham as a potential 2024 presidential candidate.

She would first need to win re-election in New Mexico in 2022 despite her laundry list of scandals and improprieties while serving as governor. 

Two Republicans have already filed to run against her, including Sandoval County Commissioner Jay Block and businesswoman Karen Bedonie.

Biden endorses Dem who made racist anti-Navajo statements for CD1 race

On Tuesday, former vice president Joe Biden announced his support for far-left Democrat state Rep. Melanie Stansbury in the June 1st special election to replace Deb Haaland in the First Congressional District, who left the job to work at the Department of the Interior.

Biden said in a statement, “As a scientist and state legislator that works on land, water and community issues, Melanie Stansbury has fought for New Mexico her entire career.” He added, “I am proud to endorse Melanie for Congress because I know she has the grit and determination to deliver real results for all New Mexicans.”

Stansbury has been a Washington, D.C. staffer for the last nearly twenty years, moving to New Mexico in 2017 to run for a state House seat and consulting on the side for many eyebrow-raising outfits.

According to state Sen. Mark Moores, the Republican nominee for the congressional race, “Stansbury’s original House Personal Financial Disclosure listed her as a “consultant” and receiving at least $5,000 for the TerraMar Project in Woburn MA (1). The TerraMar Project was founded by Jeffrey Epstein’s madame Ghislaine Maxwell who is currently on trial for sex trafficking teenagers.” 

Stansbury has also come under fire for her anti-Navajo comments, including one comment which said displaced Dinè energy workers should just sell “your art or your wool” to make ends meet, a statement many have denounced as racist. 

According to the Albuquerque Journal, Haaland and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) have also endorsed Stansbury for the congressional race. She also has the full support of “Russian collusion” conspiracy theorist Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA).

Politico reported on Wednesday that Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff will join Stansbury to campaign ahead of the Tuesday special election, which is projected to be too close for comfort for Democrats.

Firefighter critically injured in Hidalgo County while battling forest fire

On Tuesday, it was reported by the Associated Press that a firefighter was critically injured while battling a wildfire on private land in southwestern New Mexico near the U.S.-Mexico border, state officials said Tuesday.

“The firefighter works for the U.S. Forest Service and was injured Monday while fighting a fire in the Animas Mountains in Hidalgo County, the Forestry Division of the state Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department said in a statement,” the AP writes.

Although the identity of the firefighter was not released, “division spokeswoman Wendy Mason said during a telephone interview that the firefighter is a member of an elite hotshots crew but that information on how the firefighter was injured wasn’t immediately available.” 

According to a statement from the Forest Service, the firefighter was in critical condition Tuesday at a hospital in El Paso, Texas. 

“The fire had burned 350 acres in very rugged terrain along the Continental Divide and its case was under investigation,” reported the AP.

Once more details are released, this report will be updated. 

Rep. Herrell invites Kamala Harris to tour southern border, join Central American trip

On Monday, Republican Congresswoman for New Mexico’s Second District Yvette Herrell sent a letter to Kamala Harris inviting her to visit the southern border in New Mexico to see first-hand the humanitarian crisis happening on the border with Mexico. In the letter, she said if Harris does not plan to see the border herself, she should bring a bipartisan delegation of border-area lawmakers with her as she seeks to reach a solution with foreign leaders.

“I believe it is imperative that your discussions with the governments of Mexico and Central American countries include members of Congress, especially those members from border communities and those on both sides of the aisle,” Herrell wrote in her letter obtained by the Washington Examiner. “This crisis can only be solved with bipartisan input and perspective from those who represent areas along the southern border.”

“I would be pleased to host you in New Mexico’s Second District as well as join you on your trip to Mexico and Guatemala to bring firsthand knowledge of what the border crisis means for those who live there and are affected daily,” the congresswoman wrote.

She posted a video of her signing the letter, saying, “…we do have a crisis at the border, and that’s why I’m inviting you to come to New Mexico so you can see it for yourself firsthand.” 


‘Political problem’: Santa Fe-area DA defends letting obelisk topplers go free

On Thursday, the district attorney for the First Judicial District, Mary Carmack-Altwies, announced she would not be seeking jail time for any of the domestic terrorists who toppled the 153-year-old obelisk in Downtown Santa Fe dedicated to Union soldiers who fought against the Confederacy in the Civil War.

At the time, she claimed, “The Obelisk case defendants meet the criteria I set out for diversionary programming. We have reached a resolution after months of careful investigation and negotiation between defendants, their attorneys, and my office that ensures justice while working toward community healing.”

But her decision to not go after the ardent criminals who very deliberately and knowingly tore down a centuries-old piece of New Mexico culture and history was met with much fury from the public. 

Former city councilor Ron Trujillo said it was a “crock of crap” that Carmack-Altwies was letting the vandals go free, according to the Santa Fe New Mexican. 

However, Carmack-Altwies claimed the toppling of the obelisk was “a political problem that got forced upon the criminal justice system” in her defense of her weak prosecutorial decision to let the criminals slide.

Some pointed out her tone-deaf comments, with one person writing, “Well, I suppose the storming of the national capitol was ‘a political problem that got forced upon the criminal justice system’ too. For that matter, were the bombings of abortion clinics, vandalism of fur farms, and burning of draft offices ‘political problems’? No. They were crimes.”

In her defense, the district attorney made clear she did not want a “punitive” result for the domestic terrorists. She said her “restorative justice” approach was “supposed to bring both sides together and get everyone to come to a resolution or conclusion about what they should do as part of their punishment. And it is a punishment.” She added, “It’s not punitive, necessarily, in that it’s not jail. But it is a punishment — they have to participate in this. And if they drop out and they don’t do it, then we lift the stay and prosecution keeps going.”

Many would say Carmack-Altwies is speaking out of both sides of her mouth if she says she does not want a “punitive” outcome while also saying the vandals having to merely talk it out with community leaders while they pick up a few pounds of trash is “punishment.” 

The Santa Fe New Mexican notes, “Carmack-Altwies said that while it will be difficult to identify the specific victims in the toppling of the obelisk on Oct. 12, anyone is welcome to present their grievances to the program’s mediator, Debra Oliver.”

Still, people are not happy with her weak-on-crime approach to holding these vandals accountable. One commenter said, “Mary, It is called ‘you let em go free.’” These words ring loud and clear for many New Mexicans, especially those in Santa Fe who will now have a chance to kick out Mayor Alan Webber, responsible for letting the obelisk get toppled as he commanded the police to stand by and watch. 

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