
Citizens protesting Friday at Roundhouse against forced shots, in ABQ to support small business

This week, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham mandated that healthcare workers must receive the shot by August 27th. The order required that “all workers in New Mexico hospitals and congregate care facilities are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with only limited exceptions.” She wrote these edicts in response to what she calls a deadly“Delta variant” of the virus.

In response, health care workers and New Mexicans from across the state are teaming up for a protest on Friday at 11:00 a.m. at the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to oppose the mandated inoculations with a peaceful protest. According to organizers, nurses, paramedics, and anyone affected by these unjust mandates will be there, with at least 40 medical workers confirmed to be in attendance.

The mandate will no doubt cause harm and likely termination for medical workers who for nearly a year were forced to work on the frontlines of the pandemic without the option of a shot because it was not developed for experimentation yet. Now, those same workers who risked their health by saving lives during the pandemic could be fired because they choose not to take the jab.  

According to a post from Legacy Church in Albuquerque, the organizers of the protest “are inviting all church members from everywhere to stand with them and attend.” 

Also, on Friday, August 20 there will be a peaceful protest at Backstreet Grill in Albuquerque at 11:00 a.m. on 1919 Old Town Rd NW #6, Albuquerque, NM 87104 to support local businesses.

Lujan Grisham’s administration killed 40% of small businesses in New Mexico.

Backstreet Grill is one of the small businesses that stood up to the Governor and won in court against her oppressive mandates.

Citizens protesting Friday at Roundhouse against forced shots, in ABQ to support small business Read More »

Tim Keller’s ABQ: Four APD officers injured, one in ‘critical’ condition, during robbery

On Thursday, the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) confirmed during a briefing that four officers were injured during a robbery at the Dutch Bros near Mountain and Juan Tabo.

According to KRQE 13, “APD says one officer is in critical condition after taking a bullet to the chest above his vest. The second officer was shot in the arm and is currently in surgery. The third officer was shot in the center of his bulletproof vest. The fourth officer was injured with shrapnel/glass.” 

APD now has two possible offenders in custody, according to the Department, which wrote, “APD detectives have the second offender in custody. We do not believe there are other outstanding offenders at this point.” 

At around 10:30 a.m., Kennedy Middle School, Jackson Middle School, Chelwood Elementary School, Tomasita Elementary School, McCollum Elementary School, and Manzano High School were in a shelter in place. KRQE noted that at 12:27 p.m., the shelter in place was lifted.

KOB 4 reported, “APD will not be responding to non-emergency calls while the investigation is ongoing. Police have launched an evidence portal for any submissions the public may have.” 

During Mayor Tim Keller’s reign, Albuquerque has seen the largest increase in the number of annual homicides in history. His anti-police sentiments and policies appear to have contributed to the rampant crime in the city.

Keller also stood behind radicals in the City Council who passed a resolution aiming at taking away donated tools from the Military to help the Albuquerque Police Department. He also participated in the George Floyd protests in 2020, where he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with

He said, “Under our administration, APD has not received military-style equipment or weapons from this program. Their use is also out of step with our values around community safety. We fully support a formal end to Albuquerque’s participation.”

Following the shooting that injured the four officers, the Republican Party of New Mexico’s executive director Kim Skaggs wrote, “Our hearts go out to these officers and their families, and we hope they fully recover from their wounds.” She added, “We cannot tolerate this violence any longer. We need a conservative mayor who will crack down on this crisis and actually do something to stop this infestation. Democrat-led leaders at the local and state level have refused to take meaningful action or pass laws that punish criminals and keep them off our streets. The next mayor has to move Albuquerque into a new direction—one that protects police and our citizens.”

The officers injured by the shooter include James Eichel Jr., Sgt. Sean Kenny, Officer Harry Gunderson, and Officer Mario Verbeck. Verbeck remains in critical condition, while Kenney has been released from the hospital, according to reports.

Update from a press conference held at UNM Hospital:

The injuries of the officers were released as follows: 

One officer was shot at the base of the neck above his bulletproof vest, but was brought into the operating room and was stabilized. He is currently in critical condition.

The Second officer was shot in the chest but protected by a bullet proof vest.

Another officer was shot in forearm and brought to operating room. The officer is stabilized and in stable condition.

The fourth officer had a shrapnel injury to the eye in stable condition.

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Despite massive public opposition, Alamogordo school board removes president

On Wednesday, the Alamogordo Public Schools Board of Education met to discuss multiple items, including the installment of the new superintendent Dr. Kenneth Moore, the passage of a “resolution” regarding mask-wearing at schools, and the election of new “officers.”

With a group of three out of the five members, Judy Rabon, Ryan Sherwood, and Carol Teweleit, voting for a change in leadership, despite a new term not being upon the Board, the three members removed President Angie Cadwallader and replaced her with Rabon. Cadwallader has been a fierce advocate for school mask choice, against transgenders infiltrating girls’ sports, and against the racist Critical Race Theory.

The said reasoning behind the change in leadership given was that “because of COVID” they “decided to leave it the way it was.” But despite the board agenda clearly stating “officers” to be elected in the plural, the board voted only for a new president, with Teweleit, who serves as secretary, nominating Rabon with support from Sherwood.

Board Member Anthony Torres, a local pastor, voted with Cadwallader against the installment of a new president. Despite boos and much opposition from the audience at the meeting, Rabon repeatedly told the attendees to quiet down as she took the president’s chair.

Following the installment of Rabon, with the crowd furious, the board continued down the agenda, with the proposal of a resolution to “respectfully request” Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham to keep parents’ and students’ choices in mind when giving New Mexico Public Education Department guidelines. The weak language did not go as far as other school boards, such as that of Floyd, New Mexico Municipal Board which passed a resolution not requiring staff or students to be forcibly masked at school. 

Before the vote, Sherwood, evidently flustered by the angered crowd, claimed he was a “conservative” and leaned on his Military service to defend his votes. He claimed he was offended people did not think of him as a “patriot” for his bad votes on the School Board. 

Torres voted against the resolution while Cadwallader abstained. After Torres voted against the resolution, the audience applauded. 

During public comment, many residents said they were disappointed with the Board, such as the Republican Party of Otero County Chair Amy Barela talking about how elected leaders must follow the will of the people, quoting famed diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote “Democracy in America.” 

Dr. Roger Black commented on how the Board opened themselves up to “liability” and had assumed “responsibility” for health mandates they were promulgating and enforcing. 

Despite massive public opposition, Alamogordo school board removes president Read More »

Teachers unions pleased as MLG punishes educators with new mandates

On Tuesday, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced new harsh mandates, including mask mandates indoors for all people regardless of vaccination status, forced vaccination for medical workers, and requiring educators to show proof of a negative virus test. She claimed these were due to a new strain of the virus called the“Delta variant.”

According to the Governor’s press release, “The state also issued a requirement that all workers at private, public and charter schools in New Mexico either be vaccinated against COVID-19 or otherwise submit to COVID-19 testing on a weekly basis. This policy aligns with the state’s requirement for all state government personnel.” 

While the strict mandates will harm educators, who already have been subjected to extreme testing and masking standards, educators (including apparently private institutions who are not under the mandates of the New Mexico Public Education Department) will further be punished.

But New Mexico teachers unions, which purport to care about educators in the Land of Enchantment, apparently do not care about the strenuous requirements implemented by the Governor. On the contrary, the National Education Association New Mexico (NEA-NM) and the American Federation of Teachers New Mexico (AFT-NM) sent out statements in support of the mandates.

AFT-NM wrote the following: 

“Universal masking requirements for students, staff, and visitors have been proactively negotiated at the local level in many school districts across New Mexico, so standardizing this common-sense, science-based mitigation effort represents another way to best help keep students and educators safe and our doors open for learning. 

“We recognize universal masking and increased surveillance testing for the unvaccinated may be onerous for some educators and students, but we must view these procedures and precautions through the lenses of science and public safety, rather than our own personal comfort. 

“Educators have been on the front lines throughout this pandemic, and our commitment and obligation to advocate and work for safe and in-person learning must not waiver. The example we set moving forward will be seen by our students and families, and New Mexico’s educators must continue to be the role models our students, families, and communities know us to be.”

NEA-NM shared a link from the Albuquerque Journal and claimed the edict for educators “matches a policy imposed for state employees earlier this month.”

Despite claiming to care about children and teachers, the governor’s mandates have forced many parents to pull their children out of the public school system and made many teachers’ lives even harder, with steps to encroach on teachers’ preferences not to take the vaccine.

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MLG forcing New Mexicans to wear masks indoors regardless of vaccination status

On Tuesday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham announced she is reinstating her previous mandate forcing New Mexicans to wear masks indoors, this time regardless of vaccination status. 

According to a press release from Gov. Lujan Grisham’s office, she will “announce that the state of New Mexico will temporarily re-implement a statewide requirement that facemasks be worn in all public indoor spaces, with only limited exceptions, and regardless of vaccination status, to stem the state’s rising tide of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations.” 

The reasoning given by the Governor is as follows:

The spread of COVID-19 in New Mexico has increased dramatically in recent weeks, driven by the highly infectious “Delta” variant and primarily unvaccinated populations. State modeling projects that New Mexico will reach 1,000 new daily cases of COVID-19 by the end of August, and as many as 1,000 new daily cases in southeastern New Mexico alone in the weeks after that.

Dan Boyd of the Albuquerque Journal wrote, “New vaccination requirement for workers in hospitals and congregate care settings also on tap.” The Governor’s press release noted,“Under a separate public health order issued by Secretary Scrase, all workers in New Mexico hospitals and congregate care facilities are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, with only limited exceptions.” Few exceptions are allowed. Read more about those here.

According to a release from the Governor’s office: 

Under a public health order issued by Acting Health Secretary David R. Scrase, M.D., the re-implemented mask requirement applies to all individuals aged 2 and older in all indoor public settings — except when eating or drinking.

Masks will be required to everyone in school buildings regardless of vaccination status, which aligns with the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Public Education Department has been in the process of updating its toolkit for schools and district personnel.

The indoor mask requirement will be effective Friday, Aug. 20. It will remain in effect until at least September 15. The governor, acting upon the counsel and analysis of the state Medical Advisory Team and state health officials, may decide to extend or lift the requirement as necessary.

Businesses, houses of worship and other entities may enact stricter requirements at their discretion.

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MLG now harvesting New Mexicans’ sexual orientation info

Despite Democrats’ failure to pass a bill in the 2021 Legislative Session to harvest New Mexicans’ sexual orientation data through state agencies, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has signed an executive order unilaterally mandating the State to harvest this private data from citizens.

The Governor is trying to frame the new action as meant to “improve the provisions of service to a traditionally underserved population,” but during the committee process, the analogous bill, sponsored by state Sen. Carrie Hamblen, was met with backlash from community members concerned over the government getting this sensitive data and being able to use it for nefarious purposes.

“The effect of the order will be to enhance the capacity and ability of state agencies to address health disparities and identify and remove barriers to effective care for non-conforming and traditionally undeserved individuals, as well as enhance services and outreach to those groups of people,” claimed the Governor’s office in a press release.

“If we want to solve a problem, we first need information about what’s causing it,” said Lujan Grisham. “If we are to address inequities that LGBTQ+ New Mexicans experience in their interactions with state government, we must first have the information about where those breakdowns are occurring. This voluntary mechanism for demographic analysis is a tool the state of New Mexico can and will use to improve its service to traditionally underserved New Mexicans. I’m proud to have the chance to initiate that process.”

“I’m grateful this executive order will put into place the representation that is overdue and to start compiling necessary data that will be used to determine resources and services that are desperately needed and deserved,” claimed Hamblen.

Despite community members concerns over the harvesting of this data and the keeping of this database, the Governor’s Office claims, “Under the order, information that is voluntarily provided about sexual orientation and gender identity may only be used for demographic analysis, coordination of care, quality improvement of government services, conducting research and guiding policy and funding decisions. Protections about individual identification are likewise written into the order, as well.” 

Time will tell if this new system will create more problems than answers.

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Anti-life ‘Catholic’ Tim Keller endorsed by abortion up-to-birth group

On Monday, anti-life “Catholic” Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller was endorsed by the abortion up-to-birth group Planned Parenthood, which commits hundreds of thousands of abortions upon innocent children in the womb each year.

Planned Parenthood wrote, “We are thrilled to endorse [Tim Keller] in Albuquerque’s mayoral race. Mayor Keller will fight for our health and our rights — and will work to make sure everyone has access to quality, comprehensive sex education.”

Albuquerque has been known for many years as the abortion capital of the nation, known especially for extreme late-term abortions going past 32 weeks at facilities such as Southwestern Women’s Options.

Keller faces two opponents who have hit the threshold of signatures to get on the ballot, Bernalillo County Sheriff Manny Gonzales and talk radio host Eddy Aragon. 

In a Facebook post in 2019, Keller was overjoyed about a 90% save rate for a local shelter, writing, “A save rate of over 90% is definitely something to wag about. Our Albuquerque Animal Welfare department has worked hard to get to this point and we’re proud to have them on our #OneAlbuquerque team.” But Keller supports full-term abortion and infanticide, the only way he would have earned a Planned Parenthood endorsement. 

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Congresswoman Yvette Herrell shreds Biden over ‘international embarrassment’ in Afghanistan

On Monday, Republican Congresswoman Yvette Herrell of New Mexico’s Second District did not mince words in her reply to Joe Biden’s realized failure in Afghanistan, which is now nearly entirely ravaged by the Taliban.

Herrell said, “After 20 years, it was long past time to leave Afghanistan. But it did not have to be this disaster.”

She added, “The Biden admin. presides over a complete tactical failure and international embarrassment, as well as a tragedy for families who will suffer under a new Taliban regime.”

Biden was nowhere to be found amid the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, with the White House frantically releasing a photograph of what some are calling a “feeble” and “impotent” Biden staring at a screen while sitting alone at a conference table at Camp David. 

45th President Trump, an ally of Congresswoman Herrell, brokered historic peace deals in the Middle East, including a plan to exit Afghanistan safely. But once the Joe Biden regime came to power, all bets were off, and the emboldened Radical Islamic Terrorist group the Taliban took America’s perceived weakness for everything it has got. 

Afghani President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai fled the country hours before the Taliban took Kabul and descended upon the presidential palace in the country’s capital. Taliban members can be seen sitting at the presidential desk while reading the Quran and holding American weapons. 

Even far-left propaganda network CNN blamed Biden for his failure in Afghanistan, with Jake Tapper saying, “It seems shocking that … Biden could’ve been so wrong.”

President Trump has called for Biden to“resign in disgrace” over Biden’s Afghanistan catastrophe. No other members, including Reps. Teresa Leger de Fernandez and Melanie Stansbury or Sens. Martin Heinrich and Ben Ray Luján of the New Mexican delegation have commented on Biden’s Afghanistan failure.

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Dems politicize ABQ school shooting, use slain boy’s name as vehicle for anti-gun bill

A school shooting on Friday at Washington Middle School in Albuquerque took the life of 13-year-old Bennie Hargrove by another student, Juan Saucedo. According to reports, Hargrove told Saucedo to stop bullying another boy, which may have led to Saucedo taking out his anger with violence.

The horrific shooting of Hargrove, despite New Mexicans from across political lines mourning his death, has sparked an opportunity for Democrats to use the shooting for political purposes.  

State Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo) sponsored an extreme anti-gun bill, S.B. 224, during the 2021 Legislative Session that would have criminalized parents for teaching their children how to shoot and brought misdemeanor charges for not locking up all guns in the house. 

The extreme bill was met with backlash from across the country. The New Mexico Shooting Sports Association said of the bill that it was “​​entirely unenforceable, unless police will go door-to-door inspecting firearm storage in your home, it is impossible to know who is and who isn’t complying with the law. The bill [is] entirely unnecessary, it is already a crime to place a child in a situation that endangers their life. This bill only seeks to demonize firearm ownership and scare people away from choosing to protect their family with a gun.” 

But the gaping holes in her anti-gun bill, which was not passed into law in 2021, did not deter Sedillo-Lopez from using the tragedy at Washington Middle School to her advantage. 

She told KOB 4 in a television interview, “Right now the parent has no legal consequence for allowing that gun to be available to the 13-year-old, my wish is the parent would have understood that by law the firearm should have been secured, and it wouldn’t have happened at all.” 

“That child [Saucedo] needed help and so a combination of gun safety legislation and more importantly behavioral health could have prevented this,” Sedillo-Lopez said, adding regarding the next legislative session, “Maybe the Governor would consider putting on her call. I don’t know that this was on her radar. Hopefully, this [shooting] will get it (S.B. 224) on the radar and so we can see some action.” 

But the Albuquerque-area legislator did not mention that there is no evidence available right now regarding how Saucedo obtained the weapon he used to kill Hargrove. Her conclusion came so taht she could apparently politicize the tragedy. KOB reported that there are “talks” of reintroducing the bill as “Bennie’s Law,” using the slain child’s name as a vehicle to ram through the extreme anti-gun legislation.

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Bodycam released of police serving disgraced ex-Rep. Williams Stapleton search warrant

On July 18, 2021, former Representative and Democrat floor leader Sheryl Williams Stapleton had officers at her home executing a search warrant for her alleged involvement with a years-long fraud scheme where she is accused of racketeering, money laundry, and graft through the Albuquerque Public Schools. One of the companies alleged to have benefitted from the corruption scheme is “Robotics,” a Washington, D.C.-based company run by her associate.

Now, “ABQ Raw” has uncovered the bodycam footage from an officer who helped execute the warrant at Williams Stapleton’s Albuquerque home. At the home, Stapleton can be seen exiting the house in a blue nightgown where outside are parked what appear to be five cars, four of them being Volvos. 

“I need to know what’s going on,” Williams Stapleton said to one of the officers.

The officer replied, “We’ll explain everything to you very soon.” 

“A search warrant?” asked Williams Stapleton. When the officer told her she had to stay outside, Williams Stapleton asked, “With all these police?”

“Oh my God. You have all these police for a search warrant?” Another woman came out of the house, saying she didn’t know what was going on. Williams Stapleton replied, “I don’t know what they are [looking] for either.” 

She asked a female officer, “IRS? You’re the IRS?” Then the unidentified woman asked for face masks.

A male agent is then seen speaking to Williams Stapleton, handing her what appears to be the search warrant and the affidavit for the search warrant, telling her “In there describes all the information concerning the information that APS (Albuquerque Public Schools) provided us… [inaudible] to Robotics. So, myself and we also have federal agents here with us today as well. They are investigating, of course, the, you know, everything that’s going on in Washington, D.C. concerning…” 

Stapleton jumped in, asking, “Robotics?” She added, “What does Robotics have to do with… I do do the program. But I don’t have anything to do with anything in Washington.” 

The agent said, “Well, that’s something that we can discuss. And again, the job right now, is to make sure the house is safe and everything else is… and we can talk inside where it’s more comfortable if you wish.” 

The video reveals a stunned Williams Stapleton who appeared to try to distance herself from Robotics and its Washington, D.C. operations, which she called a “program.” More information will come out in the coming days through an exclusive Piñon Post report on Williams Stapleton’s alleged graft.

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