
Haaland confirmation hanging by a thread as GOP reveals her radicalism

On Tuesday, Rep. Deb Haaland spoke in front of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in her first confirmation hearing to be U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) secretary.

However, during the committee, her extreme left-wing agenda was picked apart by even the most moderate senators in the committee, angered by the Biden administration’s assault on fossil fuels energy.

Despite claiming in her opening statement that “fossil energy does and will continue to play a major role in America for years to come. I know how important oil and gas revenues are… critical services, but we must also recognize that the energy industry is innovating and our climate challenge must be addressed.” 

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) challenged Haaland on her previous comment claiming “Republicans don’t believe in science,” asking her if she truly believed GOP senators, especially him as a doctor, rejects science. “If you’re a doctor, I would assume you believe in science.” Barrasso clapped back, “It’s a concern of us here today.” 

Also, her comments about her desire to ban “stop all gas and oil leasing on federal and public lands” if she “had her way.” 

When Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) challenged Haaland on presidential authority regarding public lands, she tried to change the subject, talking about Lee’s home state’s natural resources. “Senator, I want to say, um, I’m, I’m a little jealous that you’re from Utah and I’m from New Mexico because I know you have so much beautiful land there and a lot of history. I’ve been to Bears Ears, and the Pueblo Indians’ ancestral homeland is there, and I realize it covers a very wide space.” Lee did not take kindly to her pandering.

Even moderate Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) took offense to Biden’s singling out of Alaska in his extreme “climate change” proposals. She said, “Why is this administration out to get us?” Haaland responded, “I want you to know that if I’m confirmed, I will rely heavily on our relationship moving forward.” 

During Sen. Martin Heinrich’s (D-NM) commentary on Haaland, he defended Joe Biden’s extreme job-killing anti-energy policies, which Haaland would champion at DOI. He said. “

“We have not lost thousands of jobs in the oil and gas sector in New Mexico because there is no ban and because the industry stockpiled an enormous number of leases under the fire sale that Secretary Berhardt had at the end of the last administration. However, I want to say we do recognize that we will need to move to a fully decarbonized economy. And frankly, pretending that isn’t going to happen is not going to serve any of our workers well. I would submit that our energy workers would be best served if those of us on this committee show leadership by both investing in energy communities that have put us where we are today and in the technologies necessary to actively manage this transition.”

The meeting adjourned until Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. ET, where it is uncertain if Haaland will be successfully confirmed. Sen. Manchin, the chairman of the committee, shoed hesitate in supporting Haaland’s nomination, which garnered shade from socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, where she blasted him for his vote to confirm the former Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Call these senators on the fence asking them to oppose Haaland’s nomination:

CHAIRMAN — Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) 202-224-3954 — EXTREMELY important 

Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) 202-224-5941

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) 202-224-2235

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) (202) 224-5824

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) (202)-224-6665 — EXTREMELY important 

Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) is also on the committee, however, he has pledged to vote for Haaland. Feel free to call his office anyway and share your dissatisfaction: (202) 224-5521

Haaland confirmation hanging by a thread as GOP reveals her radicalism Read More »

Legislative Update: GOP vaccine exemption bill advances, ‘red flag’ update bill heads to House floor

On Monday, many consequential bills were heard in New Mexico House and Senate committees, with some bad bills advancing, while one good bill advanced as well. Read our briefing below about these bills considered Monday and committees you can join on Tuesday. 

H.B. 9 was considered in the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee on Monday. The bill would be the second phase of Gov. Lujan Grisham’s “Green New Deal” seeks to force extreme carbon emission requirements on all sectors with a “net-zero” carbon emission standard by 2050, the same timeline as the federal “Green New Deal” and the “Energy Transition Act” passed in 2019. Most of the bill’s supporters came from areas most affected by the extreme bill, such as natural resources-rich areas of the state. The opposition was mainly “community organizers” with far-out dark money groups and law firms that would benefit off of all the litigation involved in the passage of this bill. H.B. 9 was rolled over to a committee vote on Wednesday.  

H.B. 110, a bill sponsored by Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo) sought to raise the minimum wage to $12 by 2022 and $15 by 2024. The bill was heard in the Commerce and Economic Development Committee, however, it was not voted on or tabled. Rep. Roybal Caballero brought in an “expert witness,” Pameyla Herndon, to field questions about the bill. Herndon bragged in a 2020 Democrat fundraising call about ballot harvesting votes from senior citizens. 

Members of the committee commented on the bill, most notably Rep. Javier Martinez (D-Bernalilo) who went on a tangent about how he wanted to create a “universal basic income” through entitlements. 

“We need to reimagine the way we do public benefits. Ims tartgin to work around the concept of a universal basic income, for example, instead of putting as much as we do into these public benefits programs that, you know, for the last fifty years I think have been a safety net for many families, a very much needed safety net. But one could argue that they haven’t in some—in most cases—succeeded in uplifting people, with some exceptions, right? There’s always the story of me. ‘I did it.’ But generally speaking, we haven’t seen that transition of using a safety net into a better place…. I think until we reimagine that system, we still have the problem of if you’re —under hte current law by 2022, by 2025 youll get bumped three dollars. Will that impact your public benefits at that point? Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t but it’s something to think about.”  

H.B. 193 sponsored by Reps. Daymon Ely (D-Bernalillo) and Joy Garratt (D-Bernalillo), which seeks to expand the extreme “Red Flag” law passed in 2020, was heard in the House Judiciary Committee, where it passed the committee on party lines. Far-left extremist Sheriff Kim Stewart (D-Doña Ana) lauded the bill during the committee hearing. 

Many people spoke in opposition, with many arguments arguing its unconstitutionality defiant to the 4th Amendment regarding unlawful search and seizure. Multiple people from fringe anti-gun groups such as “Everytown” and “Moms Demand Action” supported the anti-gun unconstitutional measure. It passed the committee on a party-line vote of 8-4. 

Another anti-gun bill, H.B. 166 which sought to criminalize the creation and possession of multiple firearms and components was rolled over to a future hearing in the committee. 

S.B. 232 sponsored by Sen. Gregg Schmedes, M.D. (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe & Torrance) sought to give parents the ability to refuse a vaccination for their child based on conscientious objections to the vaccine. The bill was considered in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee. Most of the public was in support of the measure, while most of the opposition claimed its passage would put more individuals at risk due to fewer vaccinations. Sen. Schmedes made a commonsense case for the bill, which was able to garner the support of one Democrat, Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo), resulting in the bill’s passage on a vote of 4-3. 

Tuesday Committee Hearings:

SENATOR ELIZABETH STEFANICS, CHAIR Convenes Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 9:00 a.m. via Zoom

Please click here to register for public comment on a bill being heard by this committee:

S.B. 312 GAME & FISH & WILDLIFE CHANGES by Sen. Jeff Steinborn (D-Doña Ana) and Rep. Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana). – BAD

S.B. 312 is a costly bill that takes power away from the people and gives it to the government, according to liberals, giving “wildlife conservation” a “modern approach to wildlife management. It directs the state to manage and conserve the public’s wildlife.” This power-grab would mean higher permit prices for many out-of-state permits, harsher restrictions on what wildlife one could hunt, and it would rename the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to the “Department of Wildlife Conservation.” 

While the Piñon Post supports conservation efforts in our state, this 241-page overhaul bill further bureaucratizes the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and according to the bill itself, “[narrows] conditions for landowners on taking or killing animals on private land.” That means, in part, that it usurps the right for landowners to kill a wild animal on their land, for reasons of immediate threats to human life and for damage of property, including crops, it would now only allow killing the animal for the threat to human life. This would be required to be reported to the Department within 24 hours of disposal of the carcass. 

These burdensome restrictions, among countless other flaws in the bill, such as a large appropriation necessary for its passage, are a detriment to taxpayers, landowners, and hunters in the state. Read the fiscal impact report on the bill for more information.

SENATOR BENNY SHENDO JR., CHAIRMAN Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 1:30 pm 

*For Public Participation send an email to with: Name, Entity Representing, Bill #, For or Against, and email address by Feb. 23, at 10 am. You will be contacted by our Zoom Operator with virtual meeting instructions.

S.B. 11 (as amended) CLEAN FUEL STANDARD ACT by Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo) and Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana) – BAD (This is one of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s legislative priorities).

This anti-business bill put forth by two anti-energy extremist legislators, would in the bill sponsors’ own words, “[require] fuel providers that refine, blend, make or import fuel used in New Mexico to gradually reduce the carbon intensity of the transportation fuel itself, we can reduce emissions by 4.7 million metric tons in carbon dioxide equivalent by 2040. That’s like taking 44,000 cars off the road every year for 15 years.” 

This bill would harm critical industries in New Mexico with expensive and punitive new regulations on the transportation of the fuels New Mexicans rely on to keep them driving and doing business. This bill has an appropriation of $1,210,000 for the 2022 fiscal year alone, with it gradually increasing annually. 

ELIZABETH “LIZ” THOMSON, CHAIR, Convenes Tuesday, February 23, 2021 – 1:30 p.m. – Zoom

H.B. 254 – USE OF DEADLY FORCE REPORTING by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo) and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo) – BAD

Note: both of these women are running for Congress in CD-1. This is the House version of the Senate’s S.B. 274. 

According to the bill, “Within twenty-four hours of a person suffering great bodily harm or death as a result of a peace officer’s actions, the sheriff or the chief of police of the jurisdiction in which the great bodily harm or death occurred shall report the great bodily harm or death in writing to the district attorney of the judicial district in which the great bodily harm or death occurred. The sheriff or chief of police shall report all instances of suspected great bodily harm to the appropriate district attorney, even if a more thorough assessment of great bodily harm will be undertaken at a later date,” 

The bill would put undue suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of the law enforcement officer, overburdening local sheriffs and district attorneys, while not trusting police officers to carry forth their duties. 

H.B. 279 NO GOV. RESTRICTIONS ON GUN & AMMO STORES sponsored by Rep. Stefani Lord would do the following, according to the fiscal impact report: 

“Eliminate the governor’s current authority during a state of emergency to prohibit the possession of firearms or any other deadly weapon in any place other than a person’s residence or business; and  Prohibit the governor during a state of emergency from restricting the operations of firearm manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and sellers, the sale or transportation of firearms, the operations of shooting ranges, or the operations of businesses that provide firearm instruction.” 

This bill is pro-Second Amendment and it helps limit the Governor’s power, making it a bill supported by the Piñon Post. – GOOD.

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EXCLUSIVE: NM radicals target GOP Rep. Stefani Lord—She fires back

Over the weekend, the Santa Fe New Mexican shamefully picked up a political hit by a vague group claiming to be “leaders of Black communities and organizations in New Mexico,” claiming that state Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval & Santa Fe) and another lawmaker in the Senate had used coded racist language and “overtly racist conduct” to denigrate African Americans in the NM Roundhouse.

The statement from the group also says, “The conduct of these legislators is reflective of a systemic lack of unbiased reverence and respect for Black women and Black people in general.”

According to the Santa Fe New Mexican:

Also earlier this month, Rep. Stefani Lord, R-Sandia Park, called to consult law enforcement during a committee hearing in response to Alexandria Taylor’s description of her research into House Bill 156, which prescribes felony charges for police officers accused of sexually assaulting people in custody.

Lord asked Taylor, deputy director of the New Mexico Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, if she had spoken with law enforcement about the bill.

“I have had conversations with law enforcement officers about this bill and those who I spoke with who are not harming members of the public did not have an issue with this bill because they are not raping members of the community,” Taylor said.

Lord said she had spoken to law enforcement officers who opposed the bill without being guilty of sexual assault. While explaining her vote against the bill, Lord called an unnamed law enforcement officer.

“When you call the sheriff during a committee hearing because you don’t like the all-too-real narrative of misconduct among law enforcement officers, you’re not making a stand with law enforcement,” New Mexico Black Leadership Council member Mason Graham said at a news conference organized by the nonprofit Saturday morning.

Lord defended the phone call as standard procedure.

“I sought outside counsel and asked them, ‘Is this already a law?’ The phone call was nothing more,” Lord said in a telephone interview Saturday.

The accusation against Rep. Lord is clearly absurd, especially given that none of the news outlets running this story have bothered to share the video of the committee hearing which you can watch HERE. She released the following statement:

As some of you may have noticed, a group of left-wing activists got fed up with me challenging their radicalism in legislative committee meetings. Without any evidence, they have decided to call me a “racist,” which is the word the Left uses whenever it wants to silence someone putting up a fight. Well, I won’t be silenced by accusations made without ANY evidence. 

Furthermore, shame on the Santa Fe New Mexican for publishing BASELESS rumors without even bothering to contact the accused for comments. We need good journalism in this country, but given how far standards have fallen, it’s no wonder the majority of citizens can’t trust their newspapers. 

At the end of the day, these activists are attacking me for defending law enforcement officials from the slander and attacks that they continuously have to endure. When our law enforcement is unjustly slandered, our communities suffer. I will proudly continue to stand up for ALL my constituents’ rights, including those in law enforcement.

EXCLUSIVE: NM radicals target GOP Rep. Stefani Lord—She fires back Read More »

NM House committee rolls over vote on MLG’s Green New Deal 2.0 to Wednesday

On Monday, the House of Representatives Committee on Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee rolled over the corrosive anti-energy bill, H.B. 9, to Wednesday morning after much testimony from the public and many questions from the committee. The bill would force extreme carbon emission requirements on all sectors, the second phase of Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “Energy Transition Act,” which set harsh “net-zero” standards by 2050 for the electricity sector. 

The bill’s sponsors, Reps. Melanie Stansbury (D-Bernalillo) and Angelica Rubio (D-Doña Ana) introduced the legislation as a desperate measure required to stop “climate change,” which they claimed created “drought, extreme fire, and impacts to agriculture and water supplies,” which are untrue statements not backed up by science.

Here is the Piñon Post assessment of the bill:

According to the fiscal impact report (FIR) on the bill, it “establishes a climate leadership council, deadlines for the state to achieve specific reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), requirements for state agencies to achieve GHGE reductions, and a number of definitions related to climate, economic development, and socioeconomic equity.” 

The FIR also states that the bill “[r]equires New Mexico to reduce statewide GHGE by least 50 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050” and “[m]andates a 60 percent reduction, relative to 2005 levels, in emissions of methane, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds from the oil and gas sector by 2030.”  Note, the “net-zero” emission standard mirrors U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s “Green New Deal,” the most radical and costly proposal in U.S. history to decimate the energy industry.

Opponents of the bill included workers in the energy and agriculture industries who keep the lights on and feed communities. Supporters of the bill mostly from the dark money groups CAFé, OLÉ, the Sierra Club, among others who self-identified as “community organizers.” One individual from extremist group OLÉ claimed “climate change” was a “racial justice issue,” saying “Black, indigenous, and people of color” somehow are disproportionately affected by the fictitious issue. The dark money groups also exploited children named “Alex” and “Adrian,” who were given scripts in the supposed attempt to pull heartstrings, claiming pine trees in the state would disappear. “Will there still be pine trees when I grow up?” asked one. 

Although the committee chair, Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo), claimed to give both sides equal time, proponents of the bill were given more time to testify. 

Rep. Greg Nibert (Chaves & Lincoln) asked multiple questions regarding Native American tribes complying with these strict standards, asking if they were required to comply with these mandates. The condescending witness, Noah Long of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), said that the Navajo Nation was not subject to it.

When asked about how the bill would bring opportunity to the state, Rep. Rubio went on the defensive, saying, “The fact that it’s still being questioned of whether or not it is something that we need to continue, it minimizes the work being done in communities around the state.” 

Nibert said, “You said it’s a roadmap to diversify the economy….In case you changed it drastically, I don’t see a roadmap there. I see a statement that says “the state shall create economic inclusion opportunity,” which I believe is high-road employment — and so I don’t see a roadmap, and I don’t see how the state is going to create those jobs.”  

“The economy doesn’t create jobs. The people that decide to take risks — They create jobs. The people who decide to produce something — they take a risk…. It’s people who create jobs. It’s not the state. The economy is simply an indication of how well things are going from a standpoint of job-creation and… compensation to employees and standard of living. That’s the economy. I see a lot of words here, but at the end of the day, it’s not your attempt that the state shall create those economic including opportunities. It’s basically you want to set up a framework for which these things are studied, and you hope that people will take risks and see opportunities to use their capital to start a business, expand a business and create additional employment,” Nibert added.

Regarding a question from Nibert about litigation costs of the legislation, Rep. Stansbury claimed that “if consideration of climate change had been included [in Texas], perhaps we may have avoided the shutdown of electricity and water for millions of people” in the state to New Mexico’s east. When Nibert pressed her on her assertion about Texas’ recent crisis with a snowstorm, however, Stansbury retreated, claiming she wanted to comment on “the scope” of her bill. 

Nibert commented that during the harsh storm that affected New Mexico with multiple inches of snow. “The lights in Santa Fe were on because the San Juan Generating Plant had not been shut down yet.” 

The bill’s final vote in the committee has been rolled over to Wednesday morning’s committee hearing.

NM House committee rolls over vote on MLG’s Green New Deal 2.0 to Wednesday Read More »

U.S. Senate committee to consider nomination of anti-energy extremist Deb Haaland to DOI Tuesday

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will consider the nomination of far-left extremist New Mexico U.S. Rep. Deb Haaland (D-Dist. 1) to be secretary of the Department of the Interior. 

Haaland’s nomination has already gotten backlash from western senators, including Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY), the ranking member of the committee. Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT) has vowed to block Haaland’s nomination over her “radical” views, while Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) has seemed hesitant on Haaland’s nomination. Chairman Joe Manchin (D-WV) has given indications of indifference in recent interviews, where he “didn’t suggest he had a problem with Haaland but didn’t indicate he would defend her against Republican opposition, either.” 

Haaland is a ravenous “Green New Deal” backer and loathes the men and women in the oil and gas industry to her very core–an industry that Chairman Joe Manchin’s state is heavily impacted by. If all Republicans and moderate Sen. Joe Manchin all oppose Haaland’s nomination, it means her nomination would not move forward. 


Haaland has no qualifications to speak of. Not a single piece of legislation she has sponsored in her short two-year tenure in the House has become law, and she has a record of straight-up lying to the American people. Not to mention the fact that despite her multiple attempts at passing the bar to become a lawyer, she has failed. 

During a candidate debate in October, Haaland misled on multiple issues. She claimed she worked in “a bipartisan way” while in Congress, despite voting with socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 95% of the time, she called a leftist Black Lives Matter/Antifa mob committing arson and vandalism in Lafayette Square near the White House “peaceful,” she claimed she did not support Antifa, despite calling them “peaceful protestors,” saying she has never “missed a vote,” despite missing several, and falsely claiming President Trump called COVID-19 a “Democrat hoax,” which liberal fact-checkers have even admitted is incorrect. 

While running for Congress in 2018, she said, “Let’s be honest, there is a reason there has never been a Native American woman elected to Congress or to a Governorship in over 240 years. Our electoral system was not designed to elect women like me.” That should say it all about the level of pandering she is willing to go to be elected. 

Also, during COVID-19, Haaland exploited the pandemic to raise campaign cash for her feeble re-election bid while New Mexicans were hurting.

But being of a minority group does not and should not be a test for any candidate up for any office of public trust—qualifications should, and Haaland doesn’t hold a single redeeming qualification other than being a partisan Democrat loyalist, who will say just about anything to hold onto power. Qualifications make someone qualified for a position, and Haaland has none.

Fifty of the farthest left Democrats in the House have sent a letter to Joe Biden begging him to pick her to run the Department of Interior along with a group of fringe organizations also lobbying him to tap Haaland for the post. Haaland’s backers say an awful lot about her extremism now and when she could arrive at the Department of the Interior. 34.72% of New Mexico is federally controlled land, meaning Deb would control over 1/3 of our state’s natural resources—meaning sudden death to our state.


Please call these members of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee who are on the fence and tell them to REJECT the nomination of unqualified and dangerous anti-energy extremist Deb Haaland to head the Department of the Interior. 

CHAIRMAN — Sen Joe Manchin (D-WV) 202-224-3954 — EXTREMELY important 

Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) 202-224-5941

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) 202-224-2235

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) (202) 224-5824

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) (202)-224-6665 — EXTREMELY important 

Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) is also on the committee, however, he has pledged to vote for Haaland. Feel free to call his office anyway and share your dissatisfaction: (202) 224-5521

See the full committee member list here

U.S. Senate committee to consider nomination of anti-energy extremist Deb Haaland to DOI Tuesday Read More »

Gov. Lujan Grisham once again brings national shame upon New Mexico

It has happened again. Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has once again put another black stain on New Mexico with the recent revelations of her irresponsible spending of taxpayer dollars used for $200-per-pound wagyu beef steaks, ahi tuna, and expensive wines and liquors, all totaling up around $13,500. This all happened while New Mexicans were forced to stand in long breadlines at grocery stores due to Gov. Lujan Grisham’s restrictive public health orders. 

Now national news outlets are picking up the story, such as Fox News, where the governor’s shameful spending is their #3 story as of 6:38 a.m. on Sunday. 

The outlet writes:

Grisham said she did not personally make the purchases. Instead, they were made by a “woman who works here [who] is a rock star,” the New Mexican reported.

On Thursday, Stelnicki [her communications director] explained the $200 booze purchase. He said it was for a planned holiday party that was ultimately canceled. He claimed the purchased bottles of alcohol remained unopened.

The spending came despite a state law enacted in 2019 that set new limits on use of the governor’s discretionary funds. That law was signed by Grisham’s predecessor, former Gov. Susana Martinez, a Republican who also took criticism for how her office spent cash, the New Mexican reported.

The Governor’s spending got criticism inside New Mexico with Democrats and Republicans alike, including Patricia Lundstrom (D-McKinley and San Juan), Republican Whip Rod Montoya (R-San Juan), and Republican Leader Jim Townsend (R-Chaves, Eddy, and Otero). 

Here are some other responses from across the state about the Governor’s big spending while New Mexicans starved and stood in breadlines:

Previously, the Governor brought New Mexico national attention for her trip to buy expensive jewelry from a shuttered jewelry store, violating her own COVID-19 mandates. She also brought New Mexico national attention for making New Mexicans stand out in the cold over the holidays to buy basic goods, such as food and toilet paper. The breadline story originally appeared in the Piñon Post.

What are your thoughts on Gov. Lujan Grisham’s spending of the so-called “discretionary fund”? 

Gov. Lujan Grisham once again brings national shame upon New Mexico Read More »

Legislative Briefing: Anti-life bills clear House, anti-gun bill passes committee, Saturday bill hearings

Friday was an incredibly busy day in the New Mexico Legislature, with a slew of extreme bills advancing toward the governor’s desk and out of committee. Here are some key bills that advanced yesterday: 

S.B.10, the Democrats’ abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill criminalizing medical professionals with conscience objections to abortion and stripping all protections for women passed the House on a vote of 40-30 with ex-GOP Rep. Phelps Anderson voting with Democrats on the bill. Six Democrats rejected the extreme bill. The bill now goes to Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s desk to be signed into law.

Sign the petition demanding Rep. Phelps Anderson resign in disgrace.

H.B. 47, a bill to legalize assisted suicide in New Mexico, cleared its final hurdle in the House of Representatives after many heartfelt stories and testimony from the members. The anti-life bill passed on a vote of 39-27 with six Democrats voting with pro-life Republicans and extremely moderate Rep. Kelly Fajardo (R-Valencia) voting with the Democrats to pass the bill. 

Fajardo constantly votes with the Democrats on extreme bills, including anti-business tax hikes, minimum wage hikes, the Governor’s “mini” Green New Deal, among a slew of other bills that are a slap in the face to Republicans. It is unclear if she will run for re-election given her abysmal record and her eligibility for the state’s pension given to legislators. 

S.B. 224, an anti-gun bill that makes strict demands regarding gun storage sponsored by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez cleared its first hurdle in the Senate Health and Public Affairs Committee passing with a vote of 4-2 with two members excused. There were no proposed amendments adopted in the committee. The bill’s next step is Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Sen. Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana). 


H.B. 205, an extreme taxation bill sponsored by Rep. Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana) and Rep. Liz Thomson (D-Bernalillo) will be heard at 9:00 a.m. in the House Health and Human Services Committee relating to banning flavored tobacco in New Mexico. The bill infringes on individual liberty. If you wish to testify, please follow this link at 9:00 a.m. : 

S.B. 168, a bill taxing gasoline $.05 per gallon sponsored by Sen. Bobby Gonzales (D-Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Taos) is being heard at 9:00 a.m. in the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation Committee. The bill will hurt the poor by adding an extraa tax on gasoline. You can watch the hearing under “Senate Tax, Business and Transportation” here. Members in this committee can be found here.  

S.B. 197, a bill from Sen. Linda Lipez (D-Bernalillo) increasing taxes on cigarettes 320% is also set to be heard in the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation Committee, possibly Saturday. The bill would be excessively punitive to smokers, hiking the price of cigarettes to extreme highs. You can watch the hearing under “Senate Tax, Business and Transportation” here. Members in this committee can be found here.  

Many bills will be heard on Monday, which the Piñon Post will alert you about with a ful schedule.

Legislative Briefing: Anti-life bills clear House, anti-gun bill passes committee, Saturday bill hearings Read More »

NM House passes unsafe abortion up-to-birth bill criminalizing health workers objecting to abortion

On Friday, the New Mexico House of Representatives convened to consider the final passage of S.B. 10, an abortion up-to-birth bill that would strip all protections for medical professionals, women, and babies. 

During debate, Rep. T. Ryan Lane (R-San Juan) asked the bill sponsor, Rep. Micaela Lara Cadena (D-Doña Ana), if health care professionals who have conscience objections to abortions would be forced to refer for abortions. Cadena replied, “That depends.” She reaffirmed her answer, “that depends,” when pressed again.

Rep. Angelica Rubio (D-Doña Ana) stated that decisions to kill children in the womb “are made with a lot of honor and a lot of sacredness.” 

Rep. Mo Maestas (D-Bernalillo), who is married to an anti-gun lobbyist, tried to make the “Don’t tread on me” argument regarding supporting abortion.

Later in the debate, Rep. Cathrynn Brown (R-Carlsbad) tried to offer an amendment to keep state law 30-5-2 to protect medical professionals’ conscience rights, but Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Bernalillo), the House parliamentarian, claimed the amendment went against House rules. 

Speaker of the House Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) ruled that he accepted Ely’s objection, which was refuted by Republican Whip Rod Montoya (R-San Juan), who tried to interject. Egolf screamed across the chamber, “Will you not interrupt me, sir?” Montoya clapped back, “The inconsistency on this is astounding.” Montoya requested an appeal of parliamentarian Rep. Ely’s ruling that it went against rules. Egolf rejected it. 

After the amendment was defeated, Rep. Micaela Cadena told Rep. Brown that she worries that “misinformation” was given to medical professionals about being forced to refer for abortions. She added, “We had a chance to include that unnecessary but reassuring language (30-5-2), but the Senate did not pass that bill” in 2019. So, she did without it this session, regardless of what medical professionals thought. 

Rep. Rebecca Dow (R-Truth or Consequences) asked Cadena, “Did the New Mexico ACLU assist you with expert testimony in committees throughout this process?” Cadena replied, “The ACLU of New Mexico was part of that cohort.” Dow read a passage showing that the ACLU does, indeed, want health care providers to refer for and perform abortion regardless of conscientious objections.”  

“For whatever reason, instead of answering [Rep. Brown’s] questions, you referred to a past law,” the “Uniform Health Care Decisions Act” and the “Medical Practice Act,” however, they would not protect against medical professionals who have conscience objections against abortions. 

When Rep. Dow asked about abortions late in pregnancy, Cadena repeatedly said, “I’m here to debate S.B. 10 and this repeal in front of us,” despite her question about the bill’s topic (abortion). “I’m not here to debate specific medical procedures,” said Cadena, despite abortion being a medical procedure.

Cadena referred to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the American Medical Association’s standards regarding standards of care. However, Dow pointed to the bill not mandating standards of care, including the late-term abortion being performed in a hospital with 24-hour monitoring. Cadena could not answer on the topic. “I still believe that holding onto that particular section 20-5-2 is not necessary,” said Cadena. 

“It is already hard to recruit doctors, especially in rural parts of the state,” said Whip Montoya, adding, “Without… projections,” they “would be forced” to perform or refer for abortions. Dow proposed an amendment to protect medical professionals, which was later voted down on a vote of 44-25 after Majority Leader Sheryl Stapleton (D-Bernalillo) called for it to be tabled. 

“The women and girls in New Mexico deserve to be protected,” said Whip Montoya. 

“This body has an opportunity to vote no and our vote will be marked in history,” said Rep. Rebecca Dow. 

“I don’t care what you say that ‘it’s a blob,’” said Rep. Stefani Lord (D-Bernalillo, Sandoval, and Santa Fe), referring to a baby in the womb. It’s me.” “I do count. My vote counts. My constituents count. The people of New Mexico count.” “What about me?” “You keep saying that you want strong women. They have to be born first,” “I am here showing you exactly what you are killing.” 

After more Democrat testimony, the bill passed on a vote of 40-30, with ex-GOP Rep. Phelps Anderson (I-Roswell) betraying his constituents and voting for it. The bill goes to Gov. Lujan Grisham, who has said she will sign the bill. She later posted the following:

NM House passes unsafe abortion up-to-birth bill criminalizing health workers objecting to abortion Read More »

NM Dem bill wants to let 16-year-olds vote in state and local elections

A recently filed bill in the New Mexico Senate, S.B. 336, sponsored by freshman Sen. Carrie Hamblen (D-Doña Ana), who took out former President Pro Tem Mary Kay Papen in the primary election, seeks to let 16-year-old children, who are not even legally adults, vote in local and state elections. 

This is just the latest of a slew of radical proposals from Democrats this legislative session, looking to do as much possible damage to the state in this 60-day legislative session as humanly possible.

They are currently on-track to ramming through extreme anti-gun laws, abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bills, tax hikes on the lower and middle classes, penalties for businesses, anti-law enforcement bills, and the list goes on. 

Now, amid all the problems New Mexico faces, Sen. Hamblen wants kids who have not even met the age to graduate high school yet make consequential decisions on New Mexico’s election outcomes, which would not only be costly to the state in terms of implementation, but it would open many new opportunities for voter fraud. 

Already, extremist groups, such as “Olé” have lauded the bill, claiming it would “address the age disparities in voter participation by building participation and a lifelong habit of civic engagement earlier in life.” 

Another bill, S.B. 14 from Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo), seeks to register people to vote without their knowledge any time they make a change to their Motor Vehicle Division records and then make them go through the burden of filling out a card saying they would not want to vote and sending it back to their local county clerk. This would allow these 16-year-olds, many of whom are eligible for licenses, to be automatically added to the voter rolls, adding more opportunity for voter fraud with each voter who is unaware they have automatically been registered to vote.

Olé is also supporting S.B. 14 by sending New Mexicans texts that read the following, “Hi [Name]! This is Frances with OLE. SB 14 is headed to its first Committee, Senate rules do you have any questions about the bill ?” Coincidence? 

S.B. 336 has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee, with no set committee schedules as of yet. S.B. 14 has also been referred to the same committees with no scheduled committees. 

Yesterday, New Mexico hit the halfway point for the 60-day session, with plenty of time for there for Democrats to slip through these measures, if the public does not reach out to show their opposition.

You can find the names of members of the Senate Rules Committee by clicking here. What are your thoughts on letting 16-year-olds vote? Make your voice heard in the comments.

NM Dem bill wants to let 16-year-olds vote in state and local elections Read More »

Legislative Update: Bills you need to know about for Feb. 18-19

This is a busy time at the New Mexico Legislature, and here are short rundowns of some bills being considered today, tomorrow, and over the weekend. Those marked with “BAD” are what Piñon Post sees as bills detrimental to the state.


Senate Conservation Committee – 8:30 a.m. 2/18/2021 – Watch live here.

S.B. 296 sponsored by Sen. Brenda McKenna (D-Bernalillo & Sandoval) and Jeff Steinborn (D-Doña Ana) – BAD 

This is an anti-energy bill that would increase penalties for environmental violations from $10,000 to $20,000 in some cases and from $15,000 to $30,000 in others, which is excessively punitive to businesses. 

According to the fiscal impact report on the bill, it “increases the maximum civil penalty under the New Mexico Mining Act, implemented by the Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD), from $10 thousand to $20 thousand per day for each violation, including violations of a rule of the Mining.” 

The bill also “increases the Environment Department’s (NMED) penalty authority for violations of the Air Quality Control Act, the federal Clean Air Act, air quality permits, emission limits, and regulations from $15 thousand per day per violation to $30 thousand per day per violation.” 

TOMORROW (still time to RSVP to testify) 

HEALTH AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino, Chair, convenes at 1:30 p.m.* 

*Times are subject to change depending on the Senate floor schedule. 

For spoken public comment register at If there is a high volume of requests for public comment, not everyone may be able to speak. For written comment send an email to with your Name, Entity Represented, Bill #, and For or Against. Written comments are limited to 300 words or less. The deadline to respond is Thursday, February 18 at 5:00 p.m. You will be contacted by our Zoom Operator with the virtual meeting instructions. If you do not receive a response, check your junk email.

S.B. 224 – CRIME OF FAILURE TO SECURE FIREARM by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo) – BAD

As reported on earlier, this bill will criminalize parents who teach their children how to shoot and mandate specific gun safes and locks for firearms. This is the bill’s first committee appearance.

This bill is staunchly anti-Second Amendment and counter-productive, as it would leave children without proper firearms training to use guns properly. 

S.B. 232  – EXEMPTION FROM IMMUNIZATION by Sen. Gregg Schmedes (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Torrance) – GOOD

According to the fiscal impact report, “Senate Bill 232 would amend Section 24-5-3 NMSA 1978 to add a fourth reason why a child should be granted an exemption from state-required immunizations for school or dare. The fourth type of exemption, “for reasons of conscience,” would be added to the three existing reasons: medical exemptions; group religious objections to vaccine(s) and individual religious objections to vaccine(s).” This bill is friendly to New Mexicans who have conscience objections to vaccinations. 

S.B. 238 – ELIMINATE SEC. OF HEALTH POWERS by Sen. Gregg Schmedes (R-Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Torrance) – GOOD

According to the fiscal impact report, “Senate Bill 238 eliminates the authority of the secretary of the Department of Health under the Public Health Emergency Response Act (PHERA) to isolate or quarantine a person who is unwilling or unable to undergo vaccination for reasons of health, religion or conscience. This bill contains an emergency clause and would become effective immediately upon signature by the governor.” This bill is friendly to those who have objections to being forcibly vaccinated by the Department of Health. 

SB 230 – INSTITUTIONAL RACISM IN STATE AGENCIES by Sen. Linda Lopez (D-Bernalillo) – BAD

“SB230 directs each state agency or entity that receives state funding to annually develop and submit a plan to address institutional racism as part of its annual final budget submission. SB230 would require copies of the annual plans to be provided to the Legislature, the Legislative Finance Committee, and the Courts, Corrections, & Justice Committee,” according to the Fiscal Impact Report. 

This bill would foster racism within state agencies based upon arbitrary attributes that employees cannot control. This would further bureaucratize New Mexico state agencies and waste hard-earned taxpayer money on programs that do not directly benefit the state in any way, shape, or form. 

S.B. 274 – USE OF DEADLY FORCE REPORTING by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo) and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo) – BAD

Note: both of these women are running for Congress in CD-1.

According to the bill, “Within twenty-four hours of a person suffering great bodily harm or death as a result of a peace officer’s actions, the sheriff or the chief of police of the jurisdiction in which the great bodily harm or death occurred shall report the great bodily harm or death in writing to the district attorney of the judicial district in which the great bodily harm or death occurred. The sheriff or chief of police shall report all instances of suspected great bodily harm to the appropriate district attorney, even if a more thorough assessment of great bodily harm will be undertaken at a later date,” 

The bill would put undue suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of the law enforcement officer, overburdening local sheriffs and district attorneys, while not trusting police officers to carry forth their duties. 

NOTE: This same bill, but in the House form as H.B. 254 will be heard in the HOUSE CONSUMER AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE on Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 10 Minutes After the Floor Session – Zoom:


This bill is opposed by the Bernalillo County Deputy Sheriffs Association. It adds crippling restrictions on law enforcement and adds strict reporting criteria which does nothing by penalize law enforcers for simply carrying out their duties. Included in the bill are restrictions, such as the following:

“A law enforcement officer shall not use a chokehold. J. A law enforcement officer shall not discharge tear gas or other chemical weapons. K. A law enforcement officer shall not discharge rubber pellets from a propulsion device. L. A law enforcement officer shall not direct a dog to bite a person.” This is an anti-law enforcement bill, which takes critical tools away from officers. 

This is still being updated.

TAX, BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 1:30 p.m. – Virtual Zoom Meeting

For public participation send an email to with your Name, Entity Represented, Bill #, For or Against and indicate if you wish to speak. The deadline to respond is Thursday, February 18 at 10:00 a.m. You will be contacted by our Zoom Operator with the virtual meeting instructions.

SB 168 – INCREASE GAS TAX by Sen. “Bobby” J. Gonzales (D-Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Santa Fe and Taos) – BAD 

Senate Bill 168 increases the gasoline excise tax and the special fuel excise tax by five cents per gallon (from 17 cents to 22 cents and from 21 cents to 26 cents, respectively) over a five-year period, with a one-cent increase each fiscal year beginning in FY22.

In an economic crisis, the state already faces, this bill will raise taxes on gas, hurting the state and hurting people in New Mexico already suffering enough through burdensome taxation. 


H.B. 268 – CORONAVIRUS & WORKERS’ COMP by Reps. Dayan Hochman-Vigil (D-Bernalillo) and Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, and Santa Fe). 

According to the New Mexico Business Coalition, “the employee would not be required to prove that they were actually exposed to Covid-19 at work.” 

The business would be forced to go to court to dispute the claim that the essential employee contracted COVID-19 during work. The bill reads, “The presumptions created in Subsection B of this section may be rebutted by a preponderance of evidence in a court of competent jurisdiction establishing that the employee engaged in conduct or activities outside of employment that substantially violated the then existent public health orders related to the coronavirus disease 2019.” 

The New Mexico Business Coalition urges members of the public to reach out to legislators on the committee and urge them to vote “NO” on the measure “because it is unfair and injurious to businesses that have been working to keep the economy going during forced shutdowns.”

Monday, February 22, 2021


ANTONIO “MOE” MAESTAS, CHAIR – 1:30 p.m. – Zoom

H.B. 110 – PHASED MINIMUM WAGE INCREASE by Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo) – She is running for Congress in CD-1.  – BAD

“Starting January 1, 2022, the minimum wage would rise to $12.00 per hour Starting January 1, 2024, the minimum wage would rise to $15.00 per hour,” according to the fiscal impact report.

This bill hurts small businesses and causes fewer people employed because of the mandates from this anti-business, anti-worker bill. 
You are invited to a Zoom webinar. Feb 22, 2021 01:30 PM When: Feb 22, 2021 01:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Topic: HOUSE COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Thursday, February 18, 2021 – 8:30 a.m. – Zoom

H.J.M. 3 – WAIVE OIL & GAS PERMIT BAN ON FED LANDS by Rep. James G. Townsend (R-Artesia) and Rep. Rod Montoya (R-Farmington) – GOOD

This bill requests Joe Biden waive the suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal lands in New Mexico.

Legislative Update: Bills you need to know about for Feb. 18-19 Read More »

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