
KOB fluff piece on Luján glides over his failed record in Congress, focuses on his love of food

On Thursday, after Joe Biden accepted the Democrat nomination for president of the United States, KOB 4 ran a fluff piece with Chris Ramirez interviewing Rep. Ben Ray Luján, who is vying for the open U.S. Senate seat being vacated by outgoing Sen. Tom Udall. 

The softball interview never focused on anything other than Luján’s family life and food preferences, both of which he touts on his television commercials, as well as his social media feeds.

The interview featured Luján making “mini enchiladas” and calabacitas while being asked questions by Ramirez. 

Not focusing on policy or any other kind of serious indicator New Mexicans may need to decide who to vote for, instead, Ramirez lauded Luján, wondering about where the congressman eats while in Washington and other questions. 

Luján disclosed that he eats at Subway while in Washington, explaining, “So in D.C., there is a Subway sandwich shop three blocks from where I am,” he said. ” I eat a lot of Subway sandwiches when I’m out there.” 

Lujan was then asked “How do you center yourself?  How do you regroup, get your mind back after you’ve had one of those days, stressful, maybe even a combative day?” He naturally pivoted right back to food, saying, “So, if I’m here, if I’m home, it’s this. If I’m cooking, even by myself, I’ll make a mess in the kitchen. Like what we did here, it will look like that even if I’m just cooking for myself. I’ll destroy the kitchen.”

“Who do you go to when you need to just be yourself and be able to think out loud?  Who’s that person for you,” asked Ramirez.

Lujan answered, “If I’m having one of those days, where it’s not that I have to pick up the phone to call a friend to chat about something necessarily, but it’s to go to work with mom in her garden, pulling weeds, just sitting on her porch is calming.” 

But a telling question he was asked, probably the most hard-ball question in the interview, was “How is it that you keep yourself grounded so that you don’t start believing you’re more important than the people who you represent?” 

“When I come home, none of this is going to take care [of] itself, right?  Mom always has a list. If you look in the garage, you’ll see two lawnmowers, the shovels and hoes and everything,” Luján responded. Ramirez then continued lauding Luján, saying, “I’ve always gotten the sense that you have these incredible family values.” 

But other than learning that Luján likes to pick weeds in his mother’s garden and “destroy the kitchen” making himself meals, New Mexico voters are likely not going to come away learning much about the congressman who is running to be New Mexico’s next U.S. Senator. We already know he likes making food and eating, but what does he do to help New Mexicans. Many would say “not much.” During his 12 years in Congress, Luján has not passed a single bill with his name on it, and now he asks for a promotion to the Senate. 

After KOB posted the story, Luján shared it on social media, writing, “Growing up in Nambé, food was what brought my family together — and today, it still keeps me centered. I got together with @KOB4 to cook up a big plate of enchiladas and calabacitas and talk about the values that drive me forward.”

KOB 4 says they will air an interview with Republican Mark Ronchetti after President Trump accepts the Republican nomination for president. Luján has refused requestions to be in all but one televised debate with Ronchetti.

Here are some of the most recent posts Luján has made regarding his food preferences. It appears he has done more eating than working while in office.

There are many more posts like the above.

MLG hails Haaland as ‘an inspiration’ for her ‘social, racial, and environmental justice’ DNC speech

On Thursday, Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM) addressed the Democrat National Convention and spoke about how she was one of the first Native American women elected to Congress and her focus on far-left social ideals. 

Haaland said, “I’m grateful to be with you here on Indigenous land” in her opening,” going on to explain more about her ancestry, claiming she has been in New Mexico for 35 generations, which has yet to be confirmed.

“Whether we vote and how we vote will determine if our nation’s promise of social, racial, and environmental justice will outlast us. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris respect our past and understand our present. They will see us through this crisis of leadership that is plaguing our country and they will help us to build a better future,” Haaland concluded in ehr remarks.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham wrote in response to her address, “You are an inspiration to us all, @Deb4CongressNM. I feel so fortunate to call you a friend, a colleague, and a fellow New Mexican. Thank you for everything you do for our state and our country.” 

“Deeply proud to watch [Deb Haaland] tonight. Thank you for speaking to promise of our country and the strength of our people. It’s an honor to call you my friend, wrote Ben Ray Luján.

Haaland has not passed a bill during her time, and votes against her party only 1.1% of the time. She once called the domestic terrorist group, Antifa’s violent rioters  “peaceful protesters.” 

MLG touts NM’s Green New Deal in DNC speech, bashes Trump as ‘existential crisis’

On Wednesday night, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham briefly addressed the Democrat National Convention. She surprisingly spoke about her massive “climate change” proposals, alluding to her work to pass New Mexico’s “mini” Green New Deal, also known as the “Energy Transition Act.” She stood in front of an Albuquerque-area solar array to give her remarks.

Her speech is below:

“I am proud that New Mexico has shown what climate leadership looks like.  While the Trump Administration has been eliminating environmental protections, we expanded them. While they’ve been rolling back regulations on oil and gas, we’ve taken on polluters and held them accountable. We’ve committed to a renewable energy future with exciting and fulfilling careers for workers all across our beautiful state, including right here in the heart of Northern New Mexico. We’re laying a roadmap here for what America can and would look like in the 21st century — an America where we lead again, where we build safer, cleaner, and more affordable cities and communities, where we provide meaningful opportunities for workers and families to thrive and build better lives. 

As president, Joe Biden will rejoin the international climate agreement, and the United States will once again lead on this critical issue. At home, he’ll invest in energy workers, and he will deliver for working families across the U.S., helping them build meaningful careers while accelerating our nation and world into a clean, green 21st Century and beyond. 

“We know time is running out to save our planet. We have the chance this November to end two existential crises: the Trump presidency and the environmental annihilation he represents. We have the chance this November to attack the climate crisis, invest in green, 21st Century jobs, and embrace the clean energy revolution our country, our young people are crying out for, and the leadership the rest of the world is waiting for. The choice is clear. The choice is Joe Biden.” 

Lujan Grisham was also featured in a pro-abortion montage shortly afterward, as well as Rep, Deb Haaland 

Rep. Ben Ray Luján, who has claimed Lujan Grisham is not his cousin, tweeted her remarks, writing, “[Michelle Lujan Grisham] has led New Mexico with conviction and set a national example for strong leadership in the face of #COVID19. If you didn’t catch her live at the #DemConvention, check out the recap to watch her make New Mexico proud.”

Afer the speech, Larry Behrens of Power the Future sent out the following statement:

“Governor Lujan Grisham’s feeble defense of the green agenda tonight is made even more insincere as millions of Americans are dealing with blackouts after renewable promises failed our working families.

The Biden/Harris energy plan calls for a ban on fracking which will destroy over 100,000 jobs in New Mexico and cost our state billions. Governor Lujan Grisham knows their plan will upend New Mexico’s economy, but clearly her primetime audition takes priority over our families.”

It was previously speculated that if Biden is elected, Lujan Grisham would be considered for Health and Human Services secretary, however, her anti-Trump climate speech on the national stage makes it clear she is more interested in a role at possibly the Environmental Protection Agency or possibly the Department of Energy.

Ben Ray chickens out of TV debates — GOP opponent Mark Ronchetti wipes the floor with him

On Tuesday, Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate in New Mexico, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan agreed to only one debate with his Republican opponent, Mark Ronchetti on KOAT and one forum which will be sponsored by a “liberal front group” on KNME, according to Ronchetti’s campaign. In recent history, U.S. Senate candidates in New Mexico held at least three televised debates on the three major networks (KOB 4, KOAT 7, and KRQE 13). 

Ronchetti said, “I want the voters of New Mexico to hear what I stand for. Ben Ray thinks he is entitled to the Senate seat and doesn’t want to explain a voting record that is out of touch with New Mexico.” 

“Serving as a U.S. Senator is an honor,” continued Ronchetti. “The people of this state deserve to see us exchange ideas and I’m ready to do that on all of our major media outlets before ballots go out. It’s important that as many voters as possible can hear from both of us, so they can make an informed decision for this election. I welcome the opportunity to share my positions with all of the voters in New Mexico.” 

Ben Ray Luján is well-known for his closeness to far-left Democrats, namely, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who created the title of “Assistant Speaker” for him to boost his prestige in the Democrat Party. 

During just this campaign cycle, Luján has preyed on seniors, falsely claiming their Social Security and Medicare will be slashed, he voted on the partisan impeachment of President Trump along with all his colleagues in the New Mexico delegation, he got the endorsements of abortion up-to-birth and infanticide groups, he mocked Latino Trump voters and praised racist Al Sharpton. He also exploited the Coronavirus to raise campaign cash and repeatedly lied about his record in the U.S. House, falsely claiming President Trump signed his bill.

Luján has not passed a single bill of his own into law, which Ronchetti’s campaign manager, Jeff Glassburner, blasted him for, saying, “I don’t blame Ben Ray for hiding from the debates, because he knows he has to hide his far-left, extremist, D.C. record. He spent over a decade climbing Nancy Pelosi’s ladder while never passing even one bill into law.” 

“Ben Ray Luján represents everything that is wrong with politics. He is a career politician who has sold out New Mexico, and now wants to hide from voters.” 

Luján has been virtually absent from his sprawling northern New Mexico district, not even bothering to show up on Election Night 2018, opting to instead stay with Nancy Pelosi in the Washington, D.C. swamp to watch election results roll in for his far-left friends in his party. For a man who holds a safe Democrat +8 seat, he doesn’t really need to campaign that hard, so he doesn’t. That same mindset appears to show up in his Senate run, but judging by his record, a promotion to the upper chamber of Congress would not be in the cards for Luján.

For more information on Ben Ray Luján’s failed record in the House, please check out this article. Ronchetti’s latest television ad can be seen here:

MLG refuses to reopen NM despite state meeting benchmarks

On Tuesday, it was reported that New Mexico had finally hit Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gating criteria to reopen New Mexico. The criteria require there to be an average of 168 new COVID-19 cases in a seven-day period, which the state has met, hitting 155. 

However, despite KOAT 7 crunching the numbers, the State told them “they are using a different number that is based on the date the actual test was taken, and they could not provide the number.”

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office responded, “We have reached this stage only because of the incredible hard work New Mexicans have undertaken in adhering to the state’s public health guidelines and making the right individual and collective decisions. The gating criteria are not a ‘finish line,’ so to speak, implying that once we reach the gating criteria, we are in the clear.” 

The move by the Governor to dismiss New Mexico hitting the benchmark, while the state refusing to say what numbers they are measuring, shows a lack of transparency and obstruction of critical information New Mexicans deserve to know regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

If the Governor, as she has so often claims, is relying on data and science, then there should be no problem letting the public know what those metrics that she’s measuring are.

Lujan Grisham is set to address the Democrat National Convention tonight, and she is expected to address, at least in part, her “leadership” during the coronavirus pandemic, which has left countless businesses closed and working families devastated.

ABQ: Gun-toting BLM protester’s charges dropped—will armed pro-police protester get similar justice?

On Sunday, it was reported that a gun-carrying Black Lives Matter protester, Francisco (Frankie) Grady (pictured right), who was arrested at a June Black Lives Matter protest for toting the firearm, had his charges dropped, according to his attorney. 

Grady allegedly broke the City of Albuquerque’s rule that makes it illegal to carry firearms at city parks, with his lawyer, Ryan Villa adding, “I think the city is taking a position that they can apply this law to any public ground, and city property, where a school event may have once taken place or has once taken place, but obviously the district attorney’s office and I don’t agree.” 

Villa continued, “They’re trying to apply state law in a situation where it just doesn’t apply at all.”

Grady blasted the Police, claiming they were targeting him for being a Black man, asking, “why were two African Americans, expressing our same Second Amendment rights, why were we arrested but that other group were not?”

Left-wing media outlets such as the University of New Mexico’s “Daily Lobo” have bemoaned the appearance that “Reopen NM” and pro-police protests have allegedly not been cited for defying the weapons ban, but Black Lives Matter protests have not, inferring that it could have something to do with racism.

But in actuality, Taylor Deblassie (pictured left), was handcuffed and cited at a June 19th event for a similar charge: violating the Mayor’s Administrative Instruction 5-20 because he was open-carrying his holstered pistol.

Deblassie faces a third-degree felony, according to a source close to the situation.

Deblassie claims the Albuquerque Police Department is misrepresenting the facts that he was given a warning given by officers. “This is fake news. There was no warning given to me,” wrote Deblassie on a Fundly page he set up to help him cover legal fees. 

“I am a law-abiding citizen who has never been cited nor arrested in my life so you can imagine the stress and anxiety I’m experiencing,” Deblassie continued.

The two similar cases, one being a Black Lives Matter protester, and one being a pro-police protester, begs the question of whether there will be equal justice applied in these cases. 

WATCH: Devastated NM small business owners speak out about Governor’s lockdown

On Saturday, 80 days before the November 3 election, the Republican Party of New Mexico released a video featuring anonymous devastated small business owners and other New Mexicans affected by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s strict lockdown of the state, and the stories revealed the true pain and hurt caused by the Governor.

The video opens with one man’s voice saying, “My business has been hurt. We are about to lose our homes and our family… this is a joke.” 

Another comments, “The leadership of New Mexico has nearly closed my business.” 

One woman’s voice says, “The Governor has kept big businesses open, and yet she has denied people like my own mother critical life-saving health care.” “It’s unfair and it’s morally and ethically wrong.” 

“Big box stores have never been forced to shut down. Only small businesses have suffered the consequences,” a small business owner remarked.

“Michelle Lujan Grisham continues to attack us personally, and we will stop at nothing to try to make us go out of business completely,” said another small business owner. 

“Everything is essential. A community doesn’t operate because you hand-pick certain businesses to remain open.” 

One woman, presumably one working in the health care industry said, “We’ve had doctors leave, specialists leave, medical staff be furloughed or laid off or permanently lose their jobs.” 

“Small business is the engine of the economy. They call it ‘the small,’ but actually this is the main business,” another voice remarks, adding, “If this thing stays longer than this, I think the whole economy will collapse.” 

The video, which features voices from all across New Mexico shows an eye-opening look into the pain caused by the Governor’s health orders, and why the November election is so crucial. As the video says, “New Mexico, don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. The Silent Majority needs to start making some noise,” and “Save New Mexico, Vote Republican.” 

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NM Dems ballot harvesting votes from our senior citizens

As exclusively reported on last week by the Piñon Post, New Mexico Democrats are fully prepared to use the underhanded practice of “ballot harvesting,” which entails activists harvesting ballots by going to specific peoples’ residences and homes and picking up their absentee ballots. 

There’s no telling what happens to these ballots once they are taken from the voter, which is what brings grave concern, and signs of voter fraud, as widely reported on. Multiple cases from California and North Carolina to Florida show multiple candidates ordering ballots for voters without their consent, then filling them out themselves or have the voters fill out the ballots while they are present at their homes, then dropping them off at polling locations.

Statistics show fraud occurring, such as in North Carolina’s 9th District race in 2018, where a Republican candidate allegedly paid a political activist hundreds of dollars to collect ballots and/or witness the filling out of ballots, which could be tracked by that person being a “witness” to the completion of the ballots. 

New Mexico doesn’t require a “witness” when filling out an absentee ballot, which makes it just that much easier for fraud to sneak in. According to the Daily Signal, “Previously, New Mexico required the signature of a witness as well as the voter on an absentee ballot. However, in 1993, the state Legislature passed a law removing that requirement.”

States are working to curb the fraud by passing bills banning the practice of ballot harvestings, such as in Montana and Arizona, with the Arizona law being challenged and upheld in federal appeals court. However, New Mexico Democrats revealed that the practice of ballot harvesting is happening this election, and targeting some of our most vulnerable communities, including senior citizens. 

One of the Democrat Party’s caucus chairs, Pamelya Herndon, revealed on a fundraising call for U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Ben Ray Luján and congressional candidate Rep. Xochitl Torres Small, that the Democrat Party is actively organizing members to visit elderly family members and drop off their ballots at polling locations. She said that the law allows people to deliver “at least one absentee ballot to a polling location” from a person who is not themselves.

She said, “Go by and talk to your senior citizens. See if those ballots have been put in the mail, and if not, pick it up and take it to a polling location… you can take at least one absentee ballot for a member of your family to a polling location. We want every ballot counted, Congressman [Ben Ray Luján] because we want to see that you and Xochitl Torres Small and everybody on that ballot for the Democratic Party gets elected.

According to state law the practice of picking up and delivering absentee ballots is as follows:

A voter, caregiver to that voter or member of that voter’s immediate family may deliver that voter’s absentee ballot to the county clerk in person or by mail, provided that the voter has subscribed the outer envelope of the absentee ballot.

Democrats are clearly intent on utilizing absentee ballots to push them over the finish line, with ballot harvesting in full-swing to help them do just that. With races such as New Mexico’s Second Congressional District in play once again this year, the stakes could not be higher, as the District was flipped Democrat only due to mysterious absentee ballots being counted last-minute.

An independent audit found countless instances of abnormalities in the votes, with counties such as Doña Ana showing multiple irregularities. “Fully 25 percent of the people who purportedly requested absentee ballots from the Doña Ana County clerk didn’t mail them back,” according to the report, going on to say the situation was “suggestive of the possibility that someone was submitting absentee ballot applications for Democrats and those deemed likely to vote for Democrats.” 

“In Eddy County, Torres-Small only received 30.9% of the EV/ED vote (she lost by over two to one margin), but she won the absentee voting with 54.7% of the vote. The same anomaly occurred in both Otero and Sierra Counties — both unique and significant especially in Otero County because Herrell lost her home county in the absentee vote despite a sizeable victory on Election Day and early voting,” the report concluded. 

The stakes could not be higher this Election Day, as President Trump is on the top of the ticket, and Republicans look to take back both chambers of the state Legislature, as well as congressional seats, including the Second District. As Herndon explained, ballot harvesting is happening, and voters must keep a watchful eye on their ballots, meaning they should do all they can do drop off their absentee ballots themselves at a polling location or just vote in-person on Election Day to curb the fraud.

NM GOP destroys far-left conspiracy theories about ‘NM Voters Unite’ peaceful protest

On Wednesday, emboldened by far-left Democrats and fringe alt-left conspiracy sites such as “ProgressNow NM,” the online publication “Business Insider” did a write-up on an event taking place in Clovis on August 22, which is advertised as a peaceful protest called “New Mexico Voters Unite.” 

However, the left-wing publication takes issue with attendees (not speakers) they find offensive, including the New Mexico Civil Guard and the group Cowboys for Trump. The event’s speakers’ list includes the Republican Party of New Mexico Vice Chairman Rick Lopez, state Senator Pat Woods, multiple legislative candidates, among others. 

The article attempts to try and radicalize NM State GOP officers, elected officials, and candidates by trying to tie them with supposed extremists when really, the rally is meant to “stop voter suppression, “protect constitutional rights,” “stop voter fraud,” and “open New Mexico.” These benign principles the event is championing are marks of unity between most Republicans and some Democrats and Independents, however, it appears Business Insider is trying to shift the truth about the rally to suppress turnout.

The article cites a shooting at an event by a man who is not a member of the New Mexico Civil Guard to brand the group as fringe, by quoting the far-left mayor of Albuquerque who apparently wants the militia branded as a “federal hate group.” 

The group also tries to brand the extremist fringe group which has closely aligned itself with Antifa, “ProgressNow NM,” as a “center-left advocacy organization,” when in actuality it is a dark-money group funded by George Soros. The group advocates for abortion up-to-birth, support of Black Lives Matter riots, and Antifa terrorists and was founded by the socialist Albuquerque City Councilor Pat Davis, who the group itself now calls “racist.” 

The Democrat Party of New Mexico commented that the “New Mexico GOP continues to give far-right groups a platform.”

The Republican Party, which the article and ProgressNow NM tried to trick into going on the defense, brushed off the insane “conspiracy theories” the leftist news organization and their allies in the Democrat Party had concocted. Their statement reads: 

The ridiculous conspiracy theories conjured up by far-left extremist groups and the Democrat Party of New Mexico to distract from their own violent and bloody riots is yet another unsurprising move from their radical playbook. We will not play their game and not warrant such idiotic behavior by these fringe groups with a defense of their far-out claims.

The downright lies they have used to trick the media into covering their socialist propaganda shows how scared they are that President Trump and Republicans will wipe them out in November. We at the Republican Party of New Mexico are laser-focused on electing Republicans up and down the ballot, and we will not waste our energy assaulting New Mexicans’ free speech, as the Democrats are doing by trying to shut down this rally which is not affiliated with the Republican Party of New Mexico. If citizens want to peacefully attend a grassroots event—unlike lawless Antifa protesters looting and shooting—it is their prerogative, and we will not stand in their way.

The Republican Party of New Mexico is clearly not taking the bait from the partisan extremists, and instead is standing up for a principle everybody should share, but one that is a foundational principle in the Republican Party: free speech. As the statement makes clear, the Party will not engage in the Left’s childish prattle, instead, working hard to elect Republicans. 

Charles Davis, the supposedly objective journalist behind the hit piece retweeted the far-left Soros-funded conspiracy group ProgressNow NM on Twitter claiming the NM GOP is racist, despite them not being involved in the event. The retweet reveals a lot about the source of the Business Insider piece, especially since in his Twitter bio, he does not say re-tweets do not equal endorsements.

Indigenous people furious with Harris’ failed record: ‘She was not good for Indian Country’

On Tuesday, it was reported by that many Indigenous people are furious over presumptive Democrat vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris’ abysmal record when it comes to Native American issues.

According to, “When Kamala Harris served as attorney general of California, she opposed at least 15 tribal land-into-trust applications. Her actions undermined the ability of Indian nations to reclaim lands they lost to theft, fraud and other negative policies.”

“She was not good for Indian Country here when she was attorney general,” said Rick Cuevas, a California resident who has used his platforms to bring attention to Harris’ failures to meet the needs of Tribal people. 

“But Cuevas, who was victim of disenrollment by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians, isn’t the only one in Indian Country who has raised concerns. When Harris was seeking the the Democratic nomination for president last year, she was asked about her tribal homelands record at a roundtable with tribal leaders and again at the historic Frank LaMere Native American Presidential Forum,” the article notes.

“I just can’t imagine her as president,” Cuevas, who also has attempted to raise issues of tribal disenrollment to her office, told Cuevas said his letters and calls on the hot-button issue have all gone unanswered.

“Besides opposing land-into-trust applications that were submitted to the BIA, Harris as attorney general attempted to reverse a previously approved acquisition. As part of a case involving the Big Lagoon Rancheria, she claimed the tribe could not restore its homelands because it was not ‘under federal jurisdiction’ in 1934” the report states.

Deb Haaland, a radical far-left member of New Mexico’s congressional delegation is backing Harris in her bid for the White House. Haaland originally was a proponent of the culturally appropriating Elizabeth Warren until the Massachusetts senator dropped out fo the presidential race, following Harris.

President Trump’s campaign has repeatedly elevated and done outreach to folks in the Navajo Nation and other Tribal communities, most recently with a radio address from Donald Trump, Jr. to members of the Navajo Nation. Trump said, “The Navajos and the Native Americans as a whole are the original conservationists.”

A billboard erected in Arizona showing Native American support for President Trump

Read more about Harris’ failed Native American record here.

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