Piñon Post

Lujan Grisham celebrates killing babies through full-term abortions

As one of New Mexico’s neighboring states, Oklahoma, passed a bill this week to ban abortions of babies after 15 weeks gestation, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham took to social media to celebrate New Mexico’s abortion up-to-birth and infanticide law that allows the killing of full-term babies without exceptions.

The embattled governor wrote, “As states around New Mexico continue their assault on reproductive health care, the action we’ve taken to protect and expand abortion access is more important than ever.” 

Lujan Grisham’s definition of “reproductive health care” is the opposite of abortion because killing a baby is the antithesis of health care. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary lists “health care” as “The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions.” Killing is not in the scope of what is considered health care.

Furthermore, “reproduction” is defined as the “production of offspring by a sexual or asexual process.” Killing a child created through this reproductive process is exactly the opposite. Therefore, the term “reproductive health care” to refer to abortion is an oxymoron.

“Access to abortion is access to health care, and that won’t change here in New Mexico,” added Lujan Grisham.

But the governor, who signed an abortion up-to-birth and infanticide bill into law last year, faces tough reelection, with many Republican contenders vowing to protect the right to life in the state of New Mexico. She cannot promise that access to killing children through abortions “won’t change here in New Mexico.” It very well could change next election, especially if New Mexicans elect a pro-life majority to the state House of Representatives. 

Elisa Martinez, Republican candidate for New Mexico House District 27 wrote on Twitter, in response to Lujan Grisham,  “.@GovMLG: stop celebrating unsafe & unregulated abortions up to birth. One NM clinic alone has sent over 50 women to the ER including one death! 

This is NOT healthcare.” 

She shared a graphic with a screenshot of Albuquerque’s Southwestern Women’s Options abortion mill, which proudly advertises abortions up to and after 32 weeks.

Republican House District 51 candidate and Piñon Post® chief John Block, said in regard to the Governor’s social media post, “MLG is a shameless baby murderer. If elected to the legislature, I will fight day and night to save babies’ lives through life-affirming legislation!” 

Lujan Grisham celebrates killing babies through full-term abortions Read More »

Five House Republicans face primary challenges, many from the right

On Tuesday, legislative candidates filed their paperwork to get on the June 7 primary ballot, including five Republicans challenging incumbents for their seats in the Republican primary. 

Many of these candidates are running to the right of the GOP incumbents, such as Piñon Post’s editor and founder John Block, an America-First Republican, who is challenging the incumbent in House District 51 in Alamogordo. The current representative, Rachel Black, was the lone vote against tax relief for small businesses during the pandemic lockdown, voted for the Democrats’ $8.5 billion 2022 budget, voted to raise taxes, along with a laundry list of bad votes.

State Rep. Jane Powdrell-Culbert (R-Corrales) faces a primary challenge from Frida Susana Vasquez (Susan Vasquez) of Rio Rancho in House District 44. Powdrell-Culbert was also a Republican who voted for the Democrats’ $8.5 billion budget, which funds around $75 million in recurring spending for Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s “free” (taxpayer-funded) college, among other waste, such as around $10 million for components of the “Green New Deal.”

State Rep. Larry Scott (R-Hobbs) faces off against Elaine Sena Cortez, also from Hobbs, who is running on a platform of getting “money and authority back to local communities,” while also focusing on public safety, small business, oil and gas, teachers, and the unborn, according to her website. Scott has been an active voice in the Legislature against enviro-Marxist bills and other bad measures that affect the Oil Patch-area in District 62. 

State Rep. Randall Pettigrew (R-Lovington), a first-term incumbent, is being challenged by Rebecca Jill Jones of Hobbs in House District 61. Pettigrew’s short tenure in the House gives better hope to Jones in her race, but it is unclear at the moment what issues will be key in her campaign.

Conservative Republican Tracy C. DeLaRosa of Roswell is challenging GOP state Rep. Greg Nibert, also of Roswell, for his District 59 seat. DeLaRosa has been a strong advocate against the policies of Joe Biden and Democrats and has been critical of Gov. Lujan Grisham, who was accused and later settled over $150,000 for sexual assault claims. Nibert, an attorney, works at a fairly large firm that has many contracts with the State of New Mexico. 

2022 is seen as a “shakeup” year for many in the Republican Party to clean house and elect conservative Republicans to replace moderate incumbents, especially in solid red areas of the state like Alamogordo, Hobbs, and Roswell. In total, 62 Republican candidates are running for the House, which is composed of 70 seats.

Eight Democrats face primary challenges from the left. According to the Albuquerque Journal, these Democrats are “Anthony Allison of Fruitland, Doreen Wonda Johnson of Church Rock, Eliseo Alcon of Milan, Roger Montoya of Velarde, Susan Herrera of Embudo, Kristina Ortez of Taos, Andrea Romero of Santa Fe and Ambrose Castellano of Las Vegas.” 

Find the full list of candidates who filed for state representative, among other offices, here.

Five House Republicans face primary challenges, many from the right Read More »

FACT CHECK: Pro-Ronchetti PAC not connected to Rio Grande Foundation

On Friday, a political action committee (PAC) calling itself “Nuevo Rio Grande” sent an email to delegates to the state Republican convention endorsing gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti.

Christina M. Brenner from the group wrote in a February 18, 2021, email, “New Mexicans have one real, reliable choice for governor this November: Mark Ronchetti.” 

She went on to tout Ronchetti’s employment as a television weatherman and wrote, “Nuevo Rio Grande PAC has chosen to move forward, full steam, in support of Mark Ronchetti’s efforts to not only free New Mexico, but to help its people build a better tomorrow.” 

Many delegates saw the email alarmed that it appeared the reputable Rio Grande Foundation (RGF) had endorsed the candidate. But “Nuevo Rio Grande” is in no way affiliated with RGF, despite it using the Foundation’s same logo, showing a river swishing through a cutout of the New Mexico state shape. But instead of the Foundation’s turquoise image, Nuevo Rio Grande PAC used the same logo in red. 

Rio Grande Foundation’s logo. Credit: Rio Grande Foundation website.
Email sign-off on Christina M. Brenner’s email sent to delegates on February 18, 2021.

As confirmed by the Piñon Post, Christina Brenner is the spouse of Patrick Brenner, who is RGF’s vice president.

“Patrick Brenner obviously works for the Foundation. He happens to support Ronchetti, which is fine, but he really stepped in it big time. And I told him in no uncertain terms if he’s going to do a PAC, he needs to brand it differently,” said Rio Grande Foundation president Paul Gessing. 

Gessing further distanced the organization from the PAC in a statement released via social media:

Recently, an email was sent out to GOP delegates to the upcoming pre-primary convention that included a logo and various branding that closely-resembled that of the Rio Grande Foundation. The group was calling itself “Nuevo Rio Grande” and its website (since removed) was at: https://nuevonewmexico.com/.

This organization was NOT affiliated with the Rio Grande Foundation and we have asked the organization to rebrand their efforts (they are in the process of doing so).

FACT CHECK: Pro-Ronchetti PAC not connected to Rio Grande Foundation Read More »

All the biggest victories during the 2022 Legislative Session

The 2022 Legislative Session was sure a rough one — for the Democrats that is. Although there were many long nights and a few all-nighters, New Mexicans from across the state, including so many Piñon Post readers, made their voices heard and secured victories against the Radical Democrat agenda.

Here are some of the biggest victories:

H.B. 156 — Radical Magazine Ban Making Countless New Mexicans Felons

Together, because of all of our calls, emails, and testimony given in House committees, New Mexicans killed H.B. 156, a radical anti-gun bill that would ban firearm magazines containing more than 15 rounds, which would have effectively made many gun owners felons. 

The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee voted to table the radical bill by Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero (D-Bernalillo). During the committee, a poll of attendees showed that 82 people were against the bill (93%) to just six in support (7%).

Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) called the bill a“pipeline to prison” that would affect low-income families. The committee’s vote was 5-0, with no one supporting it. Rep. Randall Pettigrew (R-Lea) made the motion to table the bill. Our editor, John Block, submitted testimony against this bill. 

[Read more about it here]

H.B. 9 — Lockup Firearms or Become a Felon

Another radical anti-gun bill, H.B. 9, sponsored by Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo), was rejected by the House Appropriations and Finance Committee on a 13-5 vote to table it. The bill would have mandated citizens to lock up their guns, imposing a cost burden on New Mexicans.

“It is unlawful for a person who keeps or stores a firearm to do so in such manner that the firearm is accessed by a minor without the authorization of the minor’s parent or guardian or when used in the commission of a crime,” the bill reads. Our editor, John Block, submitted testimony against this bill. 

It continues, “When a firearm is accessed by a minor and used in the commission of a crime, the person who keeps or stores the firearm commits unlawful access to a firearm by a minor and is guilty of a misdemeanor.” 

Reps. Patricia Lundstrom (D-McKinley and San Juan), Allison (D-San Juan), Harry Garcia (D-Bernalillo, Cibola, McKinley, Socorro, San Juan, and Valencia), Ambrose Castellano (D-San Miguel, Santa Fe, and Torrance), and Candie Sweetser (D-Grant, Hidalgo, Luna) voted with the Republicans on the Committee to table the bill.  Our editor, John Block, submitted testimony against this bill. 

[Read more about it here]

H.J.R. 2 — Radical Eviro-Marxist Constitutional Amendment

For the second straight year in a row, the Piñon Post helped organize New Mexicans to fight this radical enviro-Marxist proposal to enshrine a constitutional right to “clean and healthy air, water, soil and environment; a stable climate; and self-sustaining ecosystems, for the benefit of public health, safety and general welfare.” It was sponsored by Rep. Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana) and Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo).

The generic and subjective terms encompassed in the bill would open up private entities, state agencies, and local governments to costly litigation, as seen in other states that have enacted similar resolutions, such as Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts. 

During the short 30-minute testimony period allowed by Chair Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo) in the House Judiciary Committee, multiple industries spoke out against the radical proposal. One expert from UNM Law School shared that “Small companies and small businesses might be injured as well” as governments from the bill — harming the little guy.

The Committee ultimately voted 9-3 to table the extreme proposal — making it the second year in a row it has failed. The Piñon Post organized New Mexicans in both years against the resolution. Our editor, John Block, testified against this legislation. 

[Read more about it here]

S.B. 14 — Radical 20 to 35+ Cent Gas Tax on the Poor

During a nail-biter victory at around 3:00 a.m. Thursday, the House of Representatives voted 33-33 to kill S.B. 14 by Senate Pro-Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo), which would have installed a “clean fuel standard,” resulting in a 20 to 35+ cent per gallon gas tax, harming the poorest New Mexicans.

During the committee process, Stewart erroneously claimed gas prices were lower in California after the clean fuel standard, despite California’s prices being lower before it was implemented. Currently, California’s average price of gas is 135% greater than the national average, according to AAA. 

This is the second year in a row the Piñon Post has organized New Mexicans to fight this radical bill, and it looks to have paid off both times. Our editor, John Block, testified against this bill. 

[Read more about it here]

H.B. 126 — CRT in State Agencies

This bill by Reps. Tara Lujan (D-Santa Fe) and Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo) would implement Critical Race Theory into state agencies, which mandates the “Chief Diversity Officer” of the state to “lead the development and implementation of proactive diversity, equality, equity and inclusion initiatives in support of the state’s strategic plan to create a culture of diversity, equality, equity and inclusion pursuant to Section 6 of the Diversity Act.”

The bill that would have put Critical Race Theory in state agencies thankfully died, due in part to the Piñon Post advocating against the bill. Our editor, John Block, testified against this bill. 

[Read more about it here]

S.B. 8/144 — Dems’ Extreme ‘Wild West of Voter Fraud’ Bill

Possibly the sweetest victory this legislative session was the death of the Democrats’ most desperate, extreme bill imaginable, S.B. 8 (resurrected in the dead of night as S.B. 144), which would have turned New Mexico into the “wild west of voter fraud.” 

The bill was a top legislative priority of scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who was hell-bent on ramming it through to enshrine Democrat election fraud forever. It would have legalized widespread ballot harvesting, unsecured ballot drop boxes, automatic voter registration, felon voting abilities, and more in the 165+ page bill that was amended at the last minute to give Democrats everything they could have dreamed of.

But the Democrats got greedy — and they ended up with NOTHING — not even the compromise S.B. 6 bill, which the Senate unanimously passed. 

The Piñon Post sent out tens of thousands of emails about S.B. 8/144 and it resulted in New Mexicans sending tens of thousands of emails and phone calls to members of the Legislature to oppose the radical legislation. Together, we killed the voter suppression bill that would have harvested votes from our senior citizens and taken away the voices of low-income, underserved communities. Our editor, John Block, testified on multiple occasions, both in the Senate and the House, against the bill(s).

[Read more about it here]

H.M. 38 — Critical Race Theory and ‘Sensitivity Training’ for Law Enforcers

The radical memorial, which had around an $800,000 backend appropriation through the General Appropriations Act, would have implemented the first steps into putting Critical Race Theory and “LGBTQ sensitivity training” into the police force. It luckily was never given an audience before the full House of Representatives and it died. Our editor, John Block, testified on multiple occasions, both in the Senate and the House, against the bill.

[Read more about it here]

S.B. 202 — Pay Raises for Governor, AG, Others

S.B. 202, sponsored by by Sen. Pete Campos (D-Las Vegas), would have increased the governor’s and all state-level positions’ salaries by a massive amount. 

The governor would be paid $150,000 — an increase of 36.36% while all state-level officials, including state auditor, treasurer, and secretary of state would receive a 35.29% increase in salary. The attorney general would receive a 31.57% increase in salary and the commissioner of public lands would receive a 38.88% increase. This fiscally irresponsible bill will pay politicians — who already are of little to no use to New Mexico — even more money. The pay increases far exceed inflation, which is currently at 7%. 

The bill never reached the Senate floor and effectively died. Our editor, John Block, submitted testimony against this bill.

[Read more about it here]

H.B. 4/H.B. 227 — MLG’s Hydro Hub Bills

Despite making this a top priority for this legislative session, Michelle Lujan Grisham’s eco-left“hydrogen” bill died early, with both Republicans and leftists rejecting H.B. 4 on a vote of 6-4 in the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Committee. The Democrats tried to resurrect it in the form of a zombie bill, H.B. 227 by Rep. Patricia Lundstrom (D-Gallup), but it once again died, being withdrawn from the committee and tabled.

This top Lujan Grisham priority was yet another victory for the reliable oil and gas industry, which the Governor has been hell-bent on crippling throughout her tenure.

H.B. 6 — ‘Clean Future Act’ DEAD

This radical bill by Rep. Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana) would have further crippled energy producers in New Mexico by mandating the Environmental Improvement Board adopt rules that would force the reduction of “greenhouse gas emissions.” 

“by 2030, statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed fifty percent of 2005 levels; and by 2050, total statewide greenhouse gas emissions shall achieve at least net-zero emissions; provided that total statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed ten percent of 2005 levels in 2050 or any subsequent year,” the bill reads.

The bill never achieved final passage in the House and ended up dying before it could reach the finish line. This was another top legislative priority of the Piñon Post to kill in the 2022 session, and we did just that — killed it. Our editor, John Block, testified against this bill.

[Read more about it here]

Although there were multiple other pieces of radical Democrat legislation that New Mexicans helped kill, these most horrifying bills all died — thanks to YOU, the readers of the Piñon Post. We are not only your #1 source for online conservative news and opinion in the state, we are an effective resource to battle the Santa Fe Swamp! Thank you for staying in this fight with us to take back our state.

All the biggest victories during the 2022 Legislative Session Read More »

Legislative update: Dems trying to ram through pro-election fraud bill through backdoor

On Friday, it was revealed that Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and the radical House Democrats, desperate to push scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda cross the finish line, will be attempting to amend S.B. 144, a previously two-page bill that passed the senate regarding the intimidation of election workers.

The amendments would install radical pro-election fraud language contained in S.B. 8 to S.B. 144 despite the purpose and title of the bill being different than the proposed amendments — a violation of House rules. The amendments would be worse than the provisions in S.B. 8. Despite S.B. 8’s provisions being added to S.B. 144, S.B. 8 will be heard on the Senate floor at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. It is the first agenda item. Contact key senators to stop S.B. 8 before the vote:

  • Senator George Munoz: george.munoz@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4371
  • Senator Pete Campos: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4311
  • Senator Cervantes joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.gov , (505) 986-4861
  • Senator Duhigg: katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4726
  • Senator McKenna: brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4301
  • Senator Candelaria: (505) 986-4380, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Senator Pope: harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4365
  • Senator Tallman: bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4373
  • Senator Shendo: benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4310
  • Senator Hickey: martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4513


One major change spotted is that the amendment would take away a perjury charge for knowingly submitting a false ballot This language was stricken: “​​then complete the form on the reverse of the official mailing envelope [which shall include a statement by the voter under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the form are true and the voter’s name, registration address and year of birth] under the privacy flap.” 

Multiple George Soros-funded out-of-state groups are supporting this radical bill, including the far-left “Center for Civic Policy,” which successfully helped the Legislature ram through partisan legislative and congressional maps to heavily favor Democrats. 

The bill explicitly breaks House Rule 11-4, which reads as follows:

The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be passed, except general appropriation bills and bills for the codification or revision of the laws. General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payment of the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by existing laws. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills.

S.B. 144 was originally scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee, but since the floor session went well past 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, the revised House schedule shows the Judiciary Committee is no longer meeting, although the Piñon Post remains on high alert for any movement on this bill. 

In the meantime, New Mexicans are urged to call and email legislators who sit on the House Judiciary Committee and demand they reject any amendment to S.B. 144 that would chance the purpose of the bill.

  • Chair: Gail Chasey (D). District 18 (Bernalillo). Room 308, (505) 986-4411. Email: gail@gailchasey.com
  • Vice Chair: Micaela Lara Cadena (D). District 33 (Dona Ana). Room 204B, (505) 986-4210. Email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Eliseo Lee Alcon (D). District 6 (Cibola & McKinley). Room 314A, (505) 986-4416. Email: eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Deborah A. Armstrong (D). District 17 (Bernalillo). Room 205B, (505) 986-4242. Email: deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Christine Chandler (D). District 43 (Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Santa Fe). Room 316B, (505) 986-4420. Email: christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Zachary J. Cook (R). District 56 (Lincoln and Otero). Room 203B, (505) 986-4226. Email: zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Brian Egolf (D). District 47 (Santa Fe). Room 104, (505) 986-4782. Email: brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Daymon Ely (D). District 23 (Bernalillo & Sandoval). Room 205A, (505) 986-4243. Email: daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Georgene Louis (D). District 26 (Bernalillo). Room 306, (505) 986-4329. Email: georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Matthew McQueen (D). District 50 (Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance and Valencia). Room 316A, (505) 986-4423. Email: matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Greg Nibert (R). District 59 (Chaves & Lincoln). Room 203EN, (505) 986-4467. Email: greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: William “Bill” R. Rehm (R). District 31 (Bernalillo). Room 201B, (505) 986-4214. Email: bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: James G. Townsend (R). District 54 (Chaves, Eddy and Otero). Room 125, (505) 986-4758. Email: townsend@pvtn.net

Or BCC them all in an email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov, eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov, deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov, brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov, daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov, georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov, bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov, townsend@pvtn.net

Here is email language that our editor, John Block, sent to the Committee. Feel free to use it in your email:

Dear Representative: 

Bad actors are attempting to change S.B. 144 to far exceed its original intention and title from “AMENDING THE CRIME OF INTIMIDATION TO INCLUDE ACTS AGAINST ELECTIONS OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, COUNTY CLERKS AND MUNICIPAL CLERKS,” to now deal with broad subjects regarding the administration of elections. This change proposed in amendment 222675.1 is a grave violation of House Rule 11-4:

“The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be passed, except general appropriation bills and bills for the codification or revision of the laws. General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payment of the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by existing laws. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills.”

Therefore, the addition of Amendment 222675.1, if passed by the House Judiciary Committee, would be a grave violation of House rules. Its passage will lead for this piece of legislation, in its entirety, to be subject to litigation — resulting in it being stricken down

Reject Amendment 222675.1 to save the state from costly litigation and from the negative implications passage of such a radical amendment would cause.



Legislative update: Dems trying to ram through pro-election fraud bill through backdoor Read More »

Legislative update: Senate panel rams through MLG’s elections bill, proposal to nix Social Security taxes tabled

On Monday, the House Elections, House Elections, Government, and Indian Affairs Committee advanced S.B. 6, a 246-page elections bill that many New Mexicans had concerns over regarding definitions of “citizen,” among other issues. The Committee voted 8-1 to approve the bill, with Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Corrales) voting against it.

In the House Taxation and Revenue Committee, legislators struck down H.B. 48 and H.B. 49, which would exempt New Mexico from double-taxing Social Security checks. Rep. Jason Harper (R-Sandoval) bashed the bill, claiming its  “supporters don’t understand the numbers.” 

Appointed Rep. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo) erroneously claimed Texas was not benefitting from more retirees because of their policy not to tax income, whatsoever. She also claimed in places like Arizona, they are suffering from a lack of funds for schools because she said senior citizens don’t care about funding schools since they don’t have young children. 

Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) piled on, saying, “I don’t want to blow the top just because it may make us more attractive to retirees in Wisconsin or Michigan, wherever they may be.” He also said those people who testified in support of H.B. 48 and H.B. 49 are “not credible” because they would “support tax cuts of any type.” He then made a motion to permanently table the bills, with no Republicans opposing his motion. This marks the likely death of these bills, with only days to go in the Legislature. There is simply not enough time to get them through the Committee and ultimately over to the Senate before adjournment. 

In The Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman Joseph Cervantes (D-Doña Ana) gagged public comment on the far-left pro-election fraud S.B. 8, despite people, including the Piñon Post’s John Block, signing up in advance to testify. Only two individuals who physically showed up to the meeting were allowed to testify against the radical bill. 

Cervantes repeatedly shushed other senators who asked questions, including Senate Rules Chairman Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Bernalillo). Cervantes claimed, “I’m running this committee my way.” The Committee ultimately passed a Judiciary Committee substitute for the bill which stripped it of automatic voter registration, although unsecured drop boxes, straight-ticket voting, and other corrosive measures remain in the radical bill. No GOP senators cared to go into a lengthy debate over the provisions of the bill and it quickly passed by a vote of 6-3. It now will go over to the Senate Finance Committee.

The House Commerce and Economic Development considered Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s resurrected “zombie” hydrogen energy bill sponsored by Rep. Patricia Lundstrom (D-McKinley) after the bill previously died with bipartisan opposition. Chairman Maestas took 30 minutes of public comment on either side before adjourning the Committee before members could debate the bill. It will likely be back in committee on Friday. 

Bills to watch for on Thursday:

S.B. 43, “PROHIBITING LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE FOR A CHILD,” by Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo)

This bill would allow youths who are sentenced for violent crimes, including murder, to be released in 15 years despite being given life sentences.

This bill will be heard at 1:30 p.m. or 15 minutes after the floor session in the HOUSE CONSUMER & PUBLIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. The Zoom details are below:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82353539692 Or One tap mobile : US: +16699009128,,82353539692# or +12532158782,,82353539692# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 823 5353 9692

H.B. 15, TRIBAL GROSS RECEIPTS RATES, by Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo)

This commonsense bill will “require tribal gross receipts taxes be equal to or higher, instead of equal to or lower, than the rates of towns they border in order to receive a 75% tax credit against gross receipts tax due to the state,” according to the Rio Grande Foundation. 

It will be considered on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. in the Senate INDIAN, RURAL AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE. Zoom details are below:For public participation, click on the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87300724547  to join the Webinar or via telephone 1-669-900-9128 Webinar ID: 873 0072 4547

Although there are not many hot-button bills being heard in committees, some will be heard on the House and Senate floors. Find the House calendar here. Find the Senate calendar here. Many Democrat bills are being considered for “third reading,” meaning final passage on the House floor. Each bill has three hours of debate. Republican House members would be wise to debate the full three hours for each to stall the Democrats’ radical agenda. It is unclear if they will.

Legislative update: Senate panel rams through MLG’s elections bill, proposal to nix Social Security taxes tabled Read More »

Scandal-plagued liberal Dem Tim Jennings running for Roswell mayor

The mayoral race is coming up in Roswell, with incumbent Republican Mayor Dennis Kintigh, a former FBI Agent and state representative, fending off opposition from liberal Democrat Tim Jennings, who was a major player in the New Mexico Senate at the time of corrupt ex-Senate Pro-Tem Manny Aragon, a Democrat, who was convicted of fraud to the tune of $4.4 million during the construction of a new Court House.

Instead of throwing Aragon in jail for 30 years to life, Jennings at the time asked the judge to grant leniency to Aragon, who ended up serving only four and a half years in prison for defrauding the State. 

According to documents obtained by the Piñon Post, Jennings appears to have also financially benefitted from his position as a senator. In 2005 through 2006, Jennings voted “yes” on state appropriations totaling $300,000 to “…plan, design, construct and remodel the energy library in Roswell in Chaves County – (which) may also include acquiring a building for the library,” quoted from the chaptered text of 2006’s S.B. 639, page 16.

The particular building, purchased for the energy library at a price tag of $150,000 and approved unanimously by all sitting County Commissioners, was owned by Jennings and his sibling, personally benefitting the former state senator. Regardless of the massive conflict of interest, Jennings voted for the appropriation despite the conflict of interest. 

Four of the commissioners who approved the contract have now endorsed Jennings for his mayoral bid, including Commissioner Richard Taylor, and former Commissioners Alice Eppers, Harold Hobson, and Michael Trujillo, according to Jennings’ website

While in the Roundhouse, Jennings voted seven times for partial-birth abortion, 22 times against parental notification before underaged minors got abortions, voted against life sentences for child killers, and repeatedly raised New Mexicans’ taxes. He did all this while voting to triple his pension, which resulted in him coasting off with over $1,000,000 of New Mexicans’ money for his “service” in the state’s “part-time” legislature. 

Despite putting out a full-page advertisement in the Roswell Daily Record erroneously claiming he “oppos[es] the governor’s mask and vaccine mandates” during his mayoral campaign, he previously testified at a November 30, 2020, Roswell City Council meeting in support of mask mandates, while wearing a mask.

He told the Council,  “There’s been a lot of concern about mask directives and whether or not they work. In today’s New York Times — I guess it was in the New York Times Today — just so you know, nationally,  the metro areas with the highest average daily cases increases in the last … two weeks, number 20 in the nation the worst out of the whole country, the highest number 20 was Hobbs, New Mexico. Number 14 was Lubbock, Texas. And we have some real problems with people wearing masks around and washing their hands, I think, but number two was Gallup New Mexico, the highest percentage of increase in the whole country. Number one was Roswell, New Mexico. And I just bring that up because I.. you know, not many of us are health care people, I mean that are people that are, uh… doctors and stuff in. I think it’s something we should look at.” 

Jennings testifying in front of the Roswell City Council in support of mask mandates. 11/30/2022

Jennings endorsed Lujan Grisham in 2018 for her run for governor, along with other left-wing politicians, organizations, and abortion giant Planned Parenthood, according to the endorsement page on Lujan Grisham’s 2018 campaign. 

The municipal election will occur on Tuesday, March 1, 2022.

Scandal-plagued liberal Dem Tim Jennings running for Roswell mayor Read More »

Legislative update: Pro-election fraud bill stalls, House advances two anti-gun bills

Friday was busy at the Legislature, with the Senate Rules Committee taking the entire day to consider radical pro-election fraud S.B. 8, while the House Judiciary Committee advanced two anti-gun bills, including H.B. 9 that forces New Mexicans to buy locked containers to lock up their guns and a bill, H.B. 68 making teenagers felons for “brandishing” a firearm. H.B. 9 passed in the committee 7-4 while H.B. 68 passed.

Another bill that was heard on the House floor, H.B. 15, allowed tribal governments to set their own tax rates, which passed with a handful of representatives voting against the bill’s final passage.

S.B. 8 had hundreds of New Mexicans comment in opposition and support, with slightly more in opposition to the radical bill. It would allow 16-year-olds to vote in municipal elections, let absentee ballots be received seven days AFTER an election, let third parties get direct access to the Secretary of State’s voting system, legalize ballot harvesting, allow straight-ticket voting, among other measures to erode the security of New Mexico’s elections.

Those who testified against it included Republican Secretary of State candidate Audrey Trujillo, pro-life activist Elisa Martinez, Piñon Post editor and candidate for the New Mexico House in District 51, John Block, engineer Erin Clements, activist Sara Smith, among others. 

During the public comment period, Senate Pro Tem Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo) and Sen. Jerald Ortiz y Pino repeatedly complained about the length of the public’s commentary on the bill. Stewart complained, “I think…if you can end this at this point,” demanding he cut off public comment after a member of the public testified at length about the downsides of the bill. “I don’t believe allowing people to go on for 10 minutes if there are 50 waiting, is a wise decision,” she said. Chairman Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-Bernalillo) denied her request to her ire.

Throughout public comments, Democrat senators, including Ivey-Soto laughed at people testifying against the bill and made snide remarks about their comments. Most, if not all, of the testimony in support of the radical bill, included paid activists from extremist groups such as “New Mexico Dream Team,” “Olé,” and the Sierra Club. 

Many of the supporters of the bill did not speak of specifics of the bill. Rather, they claimed the opposition was racist for not supporting the measure. One commentator said opponents were “fascists” and “white supremacists,” while another said opponents were supporting “Jim Crow” and were spewing “bulls**t.” Another said, “Voting is not solely for the elite and less melanated.”

While the committee amended the bill, Democrat Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, who sat to testify on the bill with Democrat Leader Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe), falsely claimed New Mexico’s elections were secure. “You know, a problem [in an election] is not the same as illegal activity,” she said.

After two one-hour breaks and small fights between Ivey-Soto and Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo), the committee abruptly adjourned at around 7:30  p.m. until Monday. Leader Wirth had attempted to convince Ivey-Soto to adjourn the committee so the Senate could meet to ram through more extreme bills but the chairman declined, postponing the Senate floor session to reconvene at 1:00 p.m. Saturday. 

Key Bills being heard Saturday:

H.J.R. 2, the “Environmental Rights” amendment by Reps. Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana) and Tara Lujan (D-Santa Fe)

This radical bill would enshrine “environmental rights” in the New Mexico Constitution, which would, in effect, put the final nail in the energy industry’s coffin — the fund which provides for most state funds for hospitals and schools, not to mention jobs. This bill was proposed last legislative session and the Piñon Post helped it die before it could reach final passage. 

This bill will be heard in the HOUSE ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 9:00 am – Room 317 – Zoom: 

Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88679832287 Or One tap mobile : US: +13462487799,,88679832287# or +16699009128,,88679832287# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 886 7983 2287

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House committee advances GOP bill to allow recall with bipartisan support

On Monday, the New Mexico House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee advanced a bill, H.J.R. 12, which would allow recall of public officers in the executive and legislative branches of government. 

The bill, which is sponsored by Rep. Stefani Lord (R-Sandia Park) and Rep. Randall Pettigrew (R-Lea), had 13-2 support by members of the public, with 87% of attendees voting in support of the bill in a poll. 

Supporters of the bill, such as Piñon Post editor John Block commented that the bill would provide a much-needed “added layer of accountability” for public officials to vote correctly and carry out the will of the people while in office. There were no attendees who commented against the resolution.

Far-left state Rep. Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo) attempted to stop the bill by asking for members to table it. That motion died on a vote of 3-2, with state Rep. Daymon Ely (D-Corrales) voting against Chasey and all the other Democrats on the committee. 

The resolutions ultimately passed with Rep. Ely’s support and it now heads over to House Judiciary Committee for consideration. 

Rep. Chasey had an issue with the succession process for a recalled public official while Rep. Ely had an issue with reasons given for recall in the bill.

House committee advances GOP bill to allow recall with bipartisan support Read More »

Piñon Post’s John Block running for NM House to ‘FINALLY send a fighter to the Legislature’

 On Monday, Piñon Post editor and founder John Block officially announced his candidacy for the New Mexico House of Representatives in District 51 in Alamogordo. He is proudly the America-First Republican candidate in the race

John is the founder and editor of the Piñon Post, New Mexico’s leading conservative online news publication with hundreds of thousands of readers each month.

He is a native New Mexican and a longtime conservative political activist in the state, fighting and winning battles for the people. In Alamogordo, John led tough fights to stop Critical Race Theory and mask mandates in local schools, helped elect conservative Republicans to municipal offices, and stood by our brave U.S. Air Force Service Members against Joe Biden’s inhumane and unconstitutional COVID-19 shot mandates. 

I come from a regular working-class family like most folks here in Alamogordo. From bussing tables to working a hotel front desk, I know the value of a long day’s work. Our representative must work as hard as our community does to ease the tax burden on working families like mine and support our small businesses,” said Block.

But our current legislator was the lone vote against tax relief for hurting small businesses during Michelle Lujan Grisham’s brutal Coronavirus lockdown. She voted to raise our taxes and was absent or voted against us on key bills regarding domestic terrorism, the economy, and the most important right to LIFE. John is running because Otero County deserves a stronger voice who actually shows up for them. 

As a native New Mexican, John was born, raised, educated, and is proud to live in our state. He knows our community’s values because he was there when we needed him the most. John also worked as a staffer at the New Mexico House of Representatives, as a leader in the pro-life movement, managing one of the largest pro-Trump organizations in the country, and as a reporter finally bringing a conservative voice to New Mexico’s media. 

Block said, “Alamogordo needs an America-First conservative champion who shows up and takes the fight to the Radical Democrats. The hard-working men and women of District 51 should not be forced to settle for a representative who takes them for granted. This election, our community finally has a choice. We need to FINALLY send a fighter to the Legislature.” 

John’s campaign is laser-focused on the issues that matter most to Alamogordo, including defending our Constitutional rights, supporting our Law Enforcers, Military Service Members, and Veterans. He will continue to champion District 51’s small businesses, protect our families and the sacred right to life, and tackle voter fraud and corruption in the state — issues he has spent years advocating for. 

We can’t fix our state’s problems by keeping the same politicians in office who have created or inflamed these failures and expecting a different result. We need a fighter for District 51 who will ALWAYS show up and I will be that fighter for you,” added Block.

Watch John’s Announcement Video:

Find out more about John at JohnBlock.com. Follow him on Facebook here and on GETTR here. If you live in the 51st District, sign John’s nominating petition here.

Block will continue to run the Piñon Post and it will remain New Mexico’s leading conservative online news publication.

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