
ACTION ALERT: Help stop voter suppression and fraud S.B. 144

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee rammed through Democrats’ extremist S.B. 8 amendment to S.B. 144 — turning the formerly two-page bill about election judge safety into an over 165-page bill that will allow for unsecured ballot drop boxes, 16-year-olds voting in municipal elections, widespread ballot harvesting, and removal of security measures on ballots. 

Judiciary Chairwoman Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo) only allowed for 25 minutes of public comment on either side, with even Democrat county clerks questioning the motives of the night-hour tactics to desperately ram through the bill no one has had a chance to read. 

Democrat Bernalillo County Clerk Linda Stover was skeptical of the lengthy amendments, questioning why the bill’s sponsor and his expert witness, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver, did not consult county clerks. “Perhaps you should include some of the clerks in the discussion.” 

During commentary against the radical amendments to the bill, Chairwoman Chasey repeatedly silenced and muted attendees whom she disagreed with. After the comments, she claimed, “this is a safe space to speak your mind,” with the caveat, “I don’t allow comments from our members to attack members or their witnesses. And I do not allow imputation of terrible motives like ‘treason’ to any of our members. There were a couple of times I cut people off for that reason.”

Naturally, commenters in support of the amendment, despite many of them saying they had no idea what was in the language that they had no time to read, were not cut off by Chasey.

After some discussion from the committee members, Chasey demanded the Committee take a vote despite multiple representatives still waiting to ask questions of the bill sponsor. One of those representatives was Rep. Bill Rehm (R-Bernalillo) who was not called on yet for questions. He noted his hand had been up to speak, but Chasey gagged him. The committee rammed through S.B. 144 with its amendments by a vote of 9-3, with Rehm voting against it but “under protest.” 

The radical legislation now heads to the House floor for final consideration in that chamber before making its way back to the Senate for a concurrence vote. The concurrence vote will be a key factor in its defeat, as the Senate has rules set in place to stop the logrolling of legislation like this. The public is urged to contact all legislators to vote “NO” on S.B. 144. 


If the button does not work for you, please add these email addresses in your BCC line of a new email: eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov, anthony.allison@nmlegis.gov, phelps.anderson@nmlegis.gov, deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov, gail@gailfornewmexico.com, brian.baca@nmlegis.gov, karen.bash@nmlegis.gov, rachel.black@nmlegis.gov, kay.bounkeua@nmlegis.gov, c.brown.nm55@gmail.com, micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov, ambrose.castellano@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, gail@gailchasey.com, jack.chatfield@nmlegis.gov, zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov, randal.crowder@nmlegis.gov, art.delacruz@nmlegis.gov, meredith.dixon@nmlegis.gov, rebecca.dow@nmlegis.gov, brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov, daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov, csecows@aol.com, kelly.fajardo@nmlegis.gov, joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov, natalie.figueroa@nmlegis.gov, doreen.gallegos@nmlegis.gov, hgarciad69@gmail.com, miguel.garcia@nmlegis.gov, joy.garratt@nmlegis.gov, JasonHarperNM@gmail.com, joshua.hernandez@nmlegis.gov, pamelya.herndon@nmlegis.gov, susan.herrera@nmlegis.gov, dayan.hochman-vigil@nmlegis.gov, dwonda.johnson@nmlegis.gov, RYAN@LANEFORLIBERTY.COM, raymundo.lara@nmlegis.gov, derrick.lente@nmlegis.gov, stefani.lord@nmlegis.gov, georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov, tara.lujan@nmlegis.gov, patricia.lundstrom@nmlegis.gov, willie.madrid@nmlegis.gov, antonio.maestas@nmlegis.gov, javier.martinez@nmlegis.gov, marian.matthews@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, roddmontoya@gmail.com, roger.montoya@nmlegis.gov, greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov, kristina.ortez@nmlegis.gov, randall.pettigrew@nmlegis.gov, jpandp@comcast.net, bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov, andrea@andrearomero.com, andres.romero@nmlegis.gov, pat.roybalcaballero@nmlegis.gov, angelica.rubio@nmlegis.gov, debbie.sarinana@nmlegis.gov, larry.scott@nmlegis.gov, linda.serrato@nmlegis.gov, nathan.small@nmlegis.gov, jamesstrickler@msn.com, candie.sweetser@nmlegis.gov, luis.terrazas@nmlegis.gov, liz.thomson@nmlegis.gov, townsend@pvtn.net, christine.trujillo@nmlegis.gov, martin.zamora@nmlegis.gov

This is language you can add in your email body. Feel free to tweak as you like:

Dear Representative, I am emailing to OPPOSE Senate Bill 144, which was amended in the dead of night to add 165 pages of new, dangerous language. The amendments include measures to harm our elections and rip away the voices of New Mexicans, especially from marginalized and underserved communities like senior citizens, low-income families, and others. This bill will permit votes to be harvested from our seniors and forged ballots that will cancel out the voices of New Mexicans — creating widespread voter suppression. For these reasons and others, please vote NO on voter suppression SB 144. We cannot allow New Mexico to become the wild west of voter fraud. Thank you.

The legislation still does not have a place on the latest House floor calendar uploaded to the Legislature’s website at 1:06 a.m. on Wednesday, but that could chance on a dime. The Piñon Post will continue to keep you updated on the latest. The most up-to-date info can be found on Twitter

In the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee, radical gas tax on the poor S.B. 14 has stalled, with a committee vote on the measure being pushed to the next meeting. As of Wednesday, there is no scheduled meeting for the committee. With another hurdle looming for the bill’s final passage in the House, the bill appears to be dead. 

ACTION ALERT: Help stop voter suppression and fraud S.B. 144 Read More »

Legislative update: Radical elections, enviro-Marxist bills have Tuesday hearings

On Monday, the House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee was canceled after its chairwoman, Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo) was arrested for aggravated DWI, among other charges.

In the House Judiciary Committee, Chairwoman Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo) took no public comment on S.B. 159, a bill that would increase legislators’ pensions by 27% after the age of 65 — a highly unpopular move with the people who are still suffering under Gov. Lujan Grisham’s pandemic orders and record-high inflation. It passed unanimously through the committee with no debate from the legislators. It passed the House later on Monday, now heading to the Governor’s desk.

While debating on the House floor, Speaker Egolf ordered the doors of the chamber be locked around 7:40 p.m. while discussing a bill that would give leeway to oil and gas producers to avoid brownouts likely to happen this summer due to the anti-energy policies of the current administration. 

The House also voted for Democrats’ piecemeal gross receipts “tax cut” of 0.25% and declined a GOP alternate to double the amount of the cut. Democrats responded happily with how the Democrats rammed through bills, while also shifting blame for their brownouts that will occur this summer due to their closure of the San Juan Power Plant. 

Here is what is happening today:

S.B. 14, ENACTING THE CLEAN FUEL STANDARD ACT, by Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo)

Stewart is an ardent anti-energy Democrat who has for years proposed this extreme legislation that would install “clean fuel standards,” resulting in a 20 to 35 cent per gallon tax on gasoline, which would harm the poorest New Mexicans. This bill harms the most vulnerable New Mexicans and testimony is requested against it. 

It is unclear who wil chair the Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee for consideration of this bill at 8:30 a.m. due to its chair, Georgene Louis being in jail over an aggravated DWI charge, but it is on the agenda for Tuesday. Please show up to testify against this radical bill. It is especially important to testify against S.B. 14 because this is its last committee hearing before it hits the House floor — its final step before reaching Gov. Lujan Grisham’s desk.

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88201222358 Or One tap mobile : US: +13462487799,,88201222358# or +16699009128,,88201222358# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 882 0122 2358

S.B. 144 (MLG’S PRO-ELECTION FRAUD BILL IN DISGUISE) by Sen. Katy Duhigg (D-Bernalillo)

On Friday, it was revealed that Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and the radical House Democrats, desperate to push scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda cross the finish line, will be attempting to amend S.B. 144, a previously two-page bill that passed the senate regarding the intimidation of election workers.

The amendments would install radical pro-election fraud language contained in S.B. 8 to S.B. 144 despite the purpose and title of the bill being different than the proposed amendments — a violation of House rules. The amendments would be worse than the provisions in S.B. 8.


One major change spotted is that the amendment would take away a perjury charge for knowingly submitting a false ballot This language was stricken: “​​then complete the form on the reverse of the official mailing envelope [which shall include a statement by the voter under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the form are true and the voter’s name, registration address and year of birth] under the privacy flap.” 

Multiple George Soros-funded out-of-state groups are supporting this radical bill, including the far-left “Center for Civic Policy,” which successfully helped the Legislature ram through partisan legislative and congressional maps to heavily favor Democrats. 

The bill explicitly breaks House Rule 11-4, which reads as follows:

The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be passed, except general appropriation bills and bills for the codification or revision of the laws. General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payment of the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by existing laws. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills.

New Mexicans are urged to call and email legislators who sit on the House Judiciary Committee and demand they reject any amendment to S.B. 144 that would chance the purpose of the bill.

  • Chair: Gail Chasey (D). District 18 (Bernalillo). Room 308, (505) 986-4411. Email: gail@gailchasey.com
  • Vice Chair: Micaela Lara Cadena (D). District 33 (Dona Ana). Room 204B, (505) 986-4210. Email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Eliseo Lee Alcon (D). District 6 (Cibola & McKinley). Room 314A, (505) 986-4416. Email: eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Deborah A. Armstrong (D). District 17 (Bernalillo). Room 205B, (505) 986-4242. Email: deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Christine Chandler (D). District 43 (Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Santa Fe). Room 316B, (505) 986-4420. Email: christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Zachary J. Cook (R). District 56 (Lincoln and Otero). Room 203B, (505) 986-4226. Email: zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Brian Egolf (D). District 47 (Santa Fe). Room 104, (505) 986-4782. Email: brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Daymon Ely (D). District 23 (Bernalillo & Sandoval). Room 205A, (505) 986-4243. Email: daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Georgene Louis (D). District 26 (Bernalillo). Room 306, (505) 986-4329. Email: georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Matthew McQueen (D). District 50 (Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance and Valencia). Room 316A, (505) 986-4423. Email: matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Greg Nibert (R). District 59 (Chaves & Lincoln). Room 203EN, (505) 986-4467. Email: greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: William “Bill” R. Rehm (R). District 31 (Bernalillo). Room 201B, (505) 986-4214. Email: bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: James G. Townsend (R). District 54 (Chaves, Eddy and Otero). Room 125, (505) 986-4758. Email: townsend@pvtn.net

Or BCC them all in an email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov, eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov, deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov, brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov, daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov, georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov, bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov, townsend@pvtn.net

On Tuesday, February 15, 2022, at 1:30 pm, the House Judiciary Committee will hear the bill and its radical, illegal, amendments. It will also be hearing a 246-page election bill that has multiple concerns, S.B. 6. Please join the meeting with the Zoom details below:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82729617459 Or One tap mobile : US: +12532158782,,82729617459# or +13462487799,,82729617459# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 Webinar ID: 827 2961 7459  

What’s Happening on the Senate and House Floors:

Pro-election fraud S.B. 8 remains first on the Senate’s agenda, which should put all New Mexicans on high alert since it could mean the end of free and fair elections in New Mexico. If you haven’t already, contact key senators to oppose S.B. 8:

  • Senator George Munoz: george.munoz@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4371
  • Senator Pete Campos: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4311
  • Senator Cervantes joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.gov , (505) 986-4861
  • Senator Duhigg: katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4726
  • Senator McKenna: brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4301
  • Senator Candelaria: (505) 986-4380, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Senator Pope: harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4365
  • Senator Tallman: bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4373
  • Senator Shendo: benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4310
  • Senator Hickey: martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4513
  • Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto daniel.ivey-soto@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4270

H.B. 6, the “Clean Future Act” by Rep. Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana)

This radical bill would further cripple energy producers in New Mexico by mandating the Environmental Improvement Board adopt rules that would force the reduction of “greenhouse gas emissions.” 

“by 2030, statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed fifty percent of 2005 levels; and by 2050, total statewide greenhouse gas emissions shall achieve at least net-zero emissions; provided that total statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed ten percent of 2005 levels in 2050 or any subsequent year,” the bill reads. The bill is supported by enviro-Marxist organizations including the Sierra Club, Olé, ProgressNow New Mexico, among others.

It will likely be heard on the House floor on Tuesday.

Legislative update: Radical elections, enviro-Marxist bills have Tuesday hearings Read More »

New ad rips Lujan Grisham for ‘playing politics with public safety’

On Monday, the group State Solutions released an advertisement railing against scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham for her decades-long failed record on public safety as New Mexico has become increasingly more deadly.

The transcript of the video reads as follows:

New Mexico faces a crime crisis.

Violent crime surging. 

Record homicides.

Illegal drugs.

But Michelle Lujan Grisham has a long record of working against law enforcement.

As County Commissioner, she denied funding for extra deputies.

As Governor, she stripped away legal protections for police.

Even vetoed higher payouts to families of officers killed in the line of duty.

Tell Governor Lujan Grisham: stop playing politics with public safety.

“As the state’s crime crisis continues to grow, families know Michelle Lujan Grisham refused to fight for the safety of New Mexicans her entire career,” said spokesman Will Reinert. “At every point in Lujan Grisham’s career she’s failed to provide police with proper support to fight back against rises in crime, and no amount of false promises heading into an election will alter her dangerous record.”

The group said it will be spending six figures on the ad buy in the Albuquerque media market.

Lujan Grisham faces opposition from many GOP contenders who hope to oust her in November. Later this month, Republicans will shoes who will make it on the June 7 primary election ballot to face the embattled governor in the general election.

Watch the ad here:

New ad rips Lujan Grisham for ‘playing politics with public safety’ Read More »

Dem lawmaker makes disgusting remark about children being forcibly masked

On Sunday, state Rep. Moe Maestas (D-Bernalillo) tweeted about the Superbowl, which triggered responses from constituents about masking children due to the large number of celebrities who attended the big game maskless. 

One constituent wrote, “Unmask our kids you hypocrite.”

Rep. Maestas clapped back, callously writing, “My kids don’t snivel.”

One constituent wrote back to Maestas, “What a galactic a**hole response. Unmask our kids you fascist pig.”

Maestas clapped back again, “#NoSniveling.”

That response resulted in countless other New Mexicans furious with his careless response to children being masked at schools, while most of the country does not require masking of kids at school.

“[I] bet you wouldn’t say this to the face of anyone in this thread.  #coward19,” one user wrote.

“#UnmaskOurKids now. I don’t give a s**t if YOUR kids like it. They can wear a mask. Mine don’t need to,” wrote Paul Guessing of the Rio Grande Foundation. 

Another commentator wrote, “This from a State rep… Our government hates us. They want us broken and demoralized and our children abused and enslaved.”

“The fact that this is how he responds to parents in his state who’s children are suffering and witnessing hypocrisy in a mass scale shows his terrible character and his opinion is trash,” wrote another. 

Here are some other responses:

“What an absolutely disgusting response from ‘Moe’.  These people hate our kids.  Sick.”

“Sorry your kids have to deal with you. Bet they snivel behind your back.”

“This guy is a classic narcissist. He can’t be empathetic as he doesn’t possess the ability to.  His kids probably don’t snivel bc narcissists are abusive, and those kids are most likely terrified of him. He cares nothing for your children as he can’t even do that for his own.”

“[S]o kids who have to suffer all day in masks every day they are in school, never seeing faces, who then see the disgusting display of the super bowl and ask their parents ‘why do I have to wear a mask but adults don’t’….   are ‘sniveling’?”

“What a disgusting response. This is what he thinks of kids who don’t want to wear masks. Sniveling. Gross response…just gross.”

“Too disgusting for words. If you’re still not motivated to get up and do something about the situation we’re in, remember people like this are currently controlling how our children spend their day.”

Dem lawmaker makes disgusting remark about children being forcibly masked Read More »

Dem lawmaker arrested, charged with aggravated DWI: report

According to the Santa Fe Adult Detention Center, House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee chairwoman Rep. Georgene Louis (D-Bernalillo) was booked into jail on charges of aggravated DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), speeding, evidence of registration, and no insurance. The aggravated DWI charge could have been if Louis refused to submit to a breathalyzer and it does not allow Louis to be released on bond.

Louis is an attorney who represents the Pueblo of Tesuque, among other clients. It is unclear if her membership to the New Mexico Bar, which she has been a member of since 2004, will suspend her ability to practice due to the arrest and potential future conviction.

The Democrat lawmaker is currently being held at the Santa Fe Adult Detention Facility, according to the Facility’s report, which booked her at 5:46 a.m. on Monday, February 14, 2022.

This morning, radical Democrat bills were set to be heard in the Committee, including gas tax S.B. 14 by Sen. Mimi Stewart (who previously had a DWI). The Piñon Post confirmed with the committee staff that the meetings were canceled until further notice — stalling the radical Democrat legislation on its second to last hurdle before the Governor’s desk.

In previous committee hearings, Louis limited public comment to only 20 minutes per side, gagging the voices of countless New Mexicans wanting to participate in the democratic process.

Attempts to reach Rep. Louis’ office were unsuccessful, although the Piñon Post was directed to her communications team, which did not immediately respond to a phone call.

Dem lawmaker arrested, charged with aggravated DWI: report Read More »

Legislative update: All eyes on election bill in Senate, gas tax bill has Monday hearing

On Sunday, the Senate met briefly to discuss multiple mostly non-controversial measures, including S.B. 140 regarding the Opportunity Scholarship and a memorial regarding Los Alamos National Labs. It did not, however, consider S.B. 8, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s pro-election fraud bill.

Committee hearings where public testimony is needed:

UPDATE: As of 9:05 a.m., the Committee has informed us that it has been canceled for today. S.B. 14, ENACTING THE CLEAN FUEL STANDARD ACT, by Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo)

Stewart is an ardent anti-energy Democrat who has for years proposed this extreme legislation that would install “clean fuel standards,” resulting in a 20 to 35 cent per gallon tax on gasoline, which would harm the poorest New Mexicans. This bill harms the most vulnerable New Mexicans and testimony is requested against it. 

We will update when this committee reschedules its meeting. Please show up to testify against this radical bill. It is especially important to testify against S.B. 14 because this is its last committee hearing before it hits the House floor — its final step before reaching Gov. Lujan Grisham’s desk.

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88201222358 Or One tap mobile : US: +13462487799,,88201222358# or +16699009128,,88201222358# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 882 0122 2358

S.B. 159, LEGISLATIVE RETIREMENT CHANGES by Sens. Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe)

This bill would further enrich legislators with increased retirement benefits, with a pension increase of 27 percent for legislators who retire at the age of 65 or older, according to the bill’s fiscal impact report.

This bill will be heard at 1:30 a.m. on Monday in the House Judiciary Committee. Attending this committee hearing is especially important because this is the bill’s last step before reaching the House floor — its last hurdle before reading Lujan Grisham’s desk. The Zoom details are below: 

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85381395136 Or One tap mobile : US: +16699009128,,85381395136# or +12532158782,,85381395136# Or Telephone: HOUSE GOVERNMENT, ELECTIONS AND INDIAN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – GEORGENE LOUIS, CHAIRWOMAN Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 853 8139 5136

Happening on the House and Senate floors today — Contact your legislators to OPPOSE these bills:

IMPORTANT: S.B. 8 — Gov. Lujan Grisham’s radical pro-election fraud bill

The Senate reconvenes at 1:00 p.m. Sunday to ram through Democrat bills, with S.B. 8 being the third item on the agenda. It is unclear if there will be another call of the Senate on Monday, stalling the extreme pro-fraud bill. But S.B. 8 remains the first item on the agenda for the chamber.

 Contact key senators to stop S.B. 8 before the vote:

  • Senator George Munoz: george.munoz@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4371
  • Senator Pete Campos: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4311
  • Senator Cervantes joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.gov , (505) 986-4861
  • Senator Duhigg: katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4726
  • Senator McKenna: brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4301
  • Senator Candelaria: (505) 986-4380, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Senator Pope: harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4365
  • Senator Tallman: bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4373
  • Senator Shendo: benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4310
  • Senator Hickey: martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4513
  • Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto daniel.ivey-soto@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4270

H.B. 126, STATE PERSONNEL DIVERSITY ACT by Reps. Pamelya Herndon (D-Bernalillo) and Tara Lujan (D-Santa Fe).

This bill would implement Critical Race Theory into state agencies, which mandates the “Chief Diversity Officer” of the state to “lead the development and implementation of proactive diversity, equality, equity and inclusion initiatives in support of the state’s strategic plan to create a culture of diversity, equality, equity and inclusion pursuant to Section 6 of the Diversity Act.”

Contact your legislators and demand they OPPOSE H.B. 126. Find your legislator here.

URGENT: H.B. 6, the “Clean Future Act” by Rep. Nathan Small (D-Doña Ana)

This radical bill would further cripple energy producers in New Mexico by mandating the Environmental Improvement Board adopt rules that would force the reduction of “greenhouse gas emissions.” 

“by 2030, statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed fifty percent of 2005 levels; and by 2050, total statewide greenhouse gas emissions shall achieve at least net-zero emissions; provided that total statewide direct emissions of greenhouse gases shall not exceed ten percent of 2005 levels in 2050 or any subsequent year,” the bill reads. The bill is supported by enviro-Marxist organizations including the Sierra Club, Olé, ProgressNow New Mexico, among others. 

Contact your legislators and demand they OPPOSE H.B. 6. Find your legislator here.

H.M. 38 LAW ENFORCEMENT TRAINING STUDY by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe)

This bill would enshrine Critical Race Theory into police departments across the state, citing its attempt to bring “CULTURALLY AND SOCIALLY RELEVANT RESPONSES TO EMERGENCY SITUATIONS” to the force. 

The supposed “training needs” cited in the bill will study the implementation of training “regarding culturally relevant responses to emergency situations involving law enforcement officers and firefighters, the need for trauma informed training related to sexual violence, domestic violence and stalking and the need for a better understanding of the needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer populations in our state.”

Although House memorials do not include appropriations, the study proposed in H.B. 38 will be funded through the backdoor, according to the fiscal impact report, which reads:

“The House Appropriations and Finance Committee substitute for House Bill 2 includes a $250 thousand nonrecurring appropriation from the general fund for a job task analysis for law enforcement officers statewide, which will inform the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy’s curriculum. Studying the issues identified in this memorial could align with that work. HB2 also includes a $892.8 thousand nonrecurring appropriation from the general fund to increase state police advanced training initiatives and a $140 thousand recurring general fund appropriation to establish a law enforcement assisted diversion (LEAD) program within state police. These trainings and programs could be informed by the assessment requested by HM38.” Contact your legislators and demand they OPPOSE H.M. 38. Find your legislator here.

Legislative update: All eyes on election bill in Senate, gas tax bill has Monday hearing Read More »

Dem senator accuses constituent of trying to ‘suppress the vote’ for opposing MLG’s elections bill

On Sunday morning, Sen. Bill Tallman (D-Bernalillo) responded to one of his constituent’s emails asking him to oppose S.B. 8, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s pro-election fraud bill.

The constituent wrote in an email with the title “SB8,” “Good morning, I strongly oppose this bill. A secure election is paramount but this bill does nothing to ensure voting rights. In fact, it makes it easier to cheat. Vote no!” 

The Democrat senator clapped back in a response to the email, writing, “I am beginning to get a feeling you want to suppress the vote.” 

It is unclear how Tallman could have reached such a conclusion by the constituent merely having concerns over the bill which has provisions for automatic voter registration, ballot harvesting, and unsecured ballot drop boxes — all measures making it easy for election thieves to cheat. 

In response to Tallman’s email posted on social media, New Mexicans responded. 

New Mexico Alliance for Life executive director Elisa Martinez wrote, “So Sen @tallman5909 falsely thinks  the thousands of New Mexicans against the bill he supports to upend voter rights can’t see past his lame, dishonest talking point.”

Another wrote, “So apparently Bill is good with cheating. Surprised he didn’t call you racist,” while another commentator added, “It’s all projection.” 

S.B. 8 is currently being considered in the Senate, where it still must pass the chamber before being sent to the House of Representatives for a final vote. With only four days left of the legislative session, it is unclear its path to passage. But pro-election fraud advocates are desperately trying to have it rammed through both chambers and to the governor’s desk. 

Dem senator accuses constituent of trying to ‘suppress the vote’ for opposing MLG’s elections bill Read More »

Legislative update: Bipartisan senators successfully stall pro-election fraud bill in Senate

On Saturday, both chambers of the Legislature met to consider radical Democrat legislation. The Senate was about to hear S.B. 8, scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s pro-election fraud bill to cement election fraud into New Mexico state statute. 

But Republicans used a procedural move, the “Call of the Senate,” which mandates all senators be physically in the chamber to vote. Sens. Gregg Schmedes (R-Tijeras) and Jacob Candelaria (DTS-Bernalillo) were both unaccounted for, so the Senate could not ram through the extremist pro-election fraud bill.

Sen. Mimi Stewart (D-Bernalillo), the president pro-tem of the chamber, claimed, “We still have two senators that are not accounted for, not returning our calls and not contacting [the sergeant-at-arms] when she leaves them a message,” she said.

But Candelaria claims Stewart was lying. “Lie. No one called me or my office. Just saying,” the state senator wrote. 

Instead, the Senate adjourned and met to ram through Democrat bills in the chamber’s Judiciary Committee.

On the House side, far-left Democrats rammed through extremist H.B. 68, a radical anti-gun bill, through the chamber, with the support of multiple Republicans. The House Government, Elections, and Indian Affairs Committee passed 6-3 H.B. 6, erroneously dubbed the “Clean Future Act,” which would mandate extreme regulations on multiple New Mexico industries — a piece of legislation devastating to the economy. 

The Senate reconvenes at 1:00 p.m. Sunday to ram through Democrat bills, with S.B. 8 being the third item on the agenda. It is unclear if there will be another call of the Senate, stalling the extreme pro-fraud bill. 

 Contact key senators to stop S.B. 8 before the vote:

  • Senator George Munoz: george.munoz@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4371
  • Senator Pete Campos: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4311
  • Senator Cervantes joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.gov , (505) 986-4861
  • Senator Duhigg: katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4726
  • Senator McKenna: brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4301
  • Senator Candelaria: (505) 986-4380, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Senator Pope: harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4365
  • Senator Tallman: bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4373
  • Senator Shendo: benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4310
  • Senator Hickey: martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4513

Still on high alert over S.B. 144:

Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe)and the radical House Democrats, desperate to push scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda cross the finish line, will be attempting to amend S.B. 144, a previously two-page bill that passed the senate regarding the intimidation of election workers.

The amendments would install radical pro-election fraud language contained in S.B. 8 to S.B. 144 despite the purpose and title of the bill being different than the proposed amendments — a violation of House rules. The amendments would be worse than the provisions in S.B. 8. 

S.B. 144 was originally scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee, but since the floor session went well past 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, the revised House schedule shows the Judiciary Committee is no longer meeting, although the Piñon Post remains on high alert for any movement on this bill. 

In the meantime, New Mexicans are urged to call and email legislators who sit on the House Judiciary Committee and demand they reject any amendment to S.B. 144 that would change the purpose of the bill.

  • Chair: Gail Chasey (D). District 18 (Bernalillo). Room 308, (505) 986-4411. Email: gail@gailchasey.com
  • Vice Chair: Micaela Lara Cadena (D). District 33 (Dona Ana). Room 204B, (505) 986-4210. Email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Eliseo Lee Alcon (D). District 6 (Cibola & McKinley). Room 314A, (505) 986-4416. Email: eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Deborah A. Armstrong (D). District 17 (Bernalillo). Room 205B, (505) 986-4242. Email: deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Christine Chandler (D). District 43 (Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Santa Fe). Room 316B, (505) 986-4420. Email: christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Zachary J. Cook (R). District 56 (Lincoln and Otero). Room 203B, (505) 986-4226. Email: zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Brian Egolf (D). District 47 (Santa Fe). Room 104, (505) 986-4782. Email: brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Daymon Ely (D). District 23 (Bernalillo & Sandoval). Room 205A, (505) 986-4243. Email: daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Georgene Louis (D). District 26 (Bernalillo). Room 306, (505) 986-4329. Email: georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Matthew McQueen (D). District 50 (Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance and Valencia). Room 316A, (505) 986-4423. Email: matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Greg Nibert (R). District 59 (Chaves & Lincoln). Room 203EN, (505) 986-4467. Email: greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: William “Bill” R. Rehm (R). District 31 (Bernalillo). Room 201B, (505) 986-4214. Email: bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: James G. Townsend (R). District 54 (Chaves, Eddy and Otero). Room 125, (505) 986-4758. Email: townsend@pvtn.net

Or BCC them all in an email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov, eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov, deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov, brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov, daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov, georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov, bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov, townsend@pvtn.net

Legislative update: Bipartisan senators successfully stall pro-election fraud bill in Senate Read More »

Legislative update: Dems trying to ram through pro-election fraud bill through backdoor

On Friday, it was revealed that Speaker Brian Egolf (D-Santa Fe) and the radical House Democrats, desperate to push scandal-ridden alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s agenda cross the finish line, will be attempting to amend S.B. 144, a previously two-page bill that passed the senate regarding the intimidation of election workers.

The amendments would install radical pro-election fraud language contained in S.B. 8 to S.B. 144 despite the purpose and title of the bill being different than the proposed amendments — a violation of House rules. The amendments would be worse than the provisions in S.B. 8. Despite S.B. 8’s provisions being added to S.B. 144, S.B. 8 will be heard on the Senate floor at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. It is the first agenda item. Contact key senators to stop S.B. 8 before the vote:

  • Senator George Munoz: george.munoz@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4371
  • Senator Pete Campos: pete.campos@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4311
  • Senator Cervantes joseph.cervantes@nmlegis.gov , (505) 986-4861
  • Senator Duhigg: katy.duhigg@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4726
  • Senator McKenna: brenda.mckenna@nmlegis.gov (505) 986-4301
  • Senator Candelaria: (505) 986-4380, jacob.candelaria@nmlegis.gov
  • Senator Pope: harold.popejr@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4365
  • Senator Tallman: bill.tallman@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4373
  • Senator Shendo: benny.shendo@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4310
  • Senator Hickey: martin.hickey@nmlegis.gov, (505) 986-4513


One major change spotted is that the amendment would take away a perjury charge for knowingly submitting a false ballot This language was stricken: “​​then complete the form on the reverse of the official mailing envelope [which shall include a statement by the voter under penalty of perjury that the facts stated in the form are true and the voter’s name, registration address and year of birth] under the privacy flap.” 

Multiple George Soros-funded out-of-state groups are supporting this radical bill, including the far-left “Center for Civic Policy,” which successfully helped the Legislature ram through partisan legislative and congressional maps to heavily favor Democrats. 

The bill explicitly breaks House Rule 11-4, which reads as follows:

The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be passed, except general appropriation bills and bills for the codification or revision of the laws. General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payment of the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by existing laws. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills.

S.B. 144 was originally scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary Committee, but since the floor session went well past 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, the revised House schedule shows the Judiciary Committee is no longer meeting, although the Piñon Post remains on high alert for any movement on this bill. 

In the meantime, New Mexicans are urged to call and email legislators who sit on the House Judiciary Committee and demand they reject any amendment to S.B. 144 that would chance the purpose of the bill.

  • Chair: Gail Chasey (D). District 18 (Bernalillo). Room 308, (505) 986-4411. Email: gail@gailchasey.com
  • Vice Chair: Micaela Lara Cadena (D). District 33 (Dona Ana). Room 204B, (505) 986-4210. Email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Eliseo Lee Alcon (D). District 6 (Cibola & McKinley). Room 314A, (505) 986-4416. Email: eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Deborah A. Armstrong (D). District 17 (Bernalillo). Room 205B, (505) 986-4242. Email: deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Christine Chandler (D). District 43 (Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval and Santa Fe). Room 316B, (505) 986-4420. Email: christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Zachary J. Cook (R). District 56 (Lincoln and Otero). Room 203B, (505) 986-4226. Email: zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Brian Egolf (D). District 47 (Santa Fe). Room 104, (505) 986-4782. Email: brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Daymon Ely (D). District 23 (Bernalillo & Sandoval). Room 205A, (505) 986-4243. Email: daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Georgene Louis (D). District 26 (Bernalillo). Room 306, (505) 986-4329. Email: georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Matthew McQueen (D). District 50 (Bernalillo, Santa Fe, Torrance and Valencia). Room 316A, (505) 986-4423. Email: matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: Greg Nibert (R). District 59 (Chaves & Lincoln). Room 203EN, (505) 986-4467. Email: greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: William “Bill” R. Rehm (R). District 31 (Bernalillo). Room 201B, (505) 986-4214. Email: bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov
  • Member: James G. Townsend (R). District 54 (Chaves, Eddy and Otero). Room 125, (505) 986-4758. Email: townsend@pvtn.net

Or BCC them all in an email: micaela.cadena@nmlegis.gov, eliseo.alcon@nmlegis.gov, deborah.armstrong@nmlegis.gov, christine.chandler@nmlegis.gov, zachary.cook@nmlegis.gov, brian.egolf@nmlegis.gov, daymon.ely@nmlegis.gov, georgene.louis@nmlegis.gov, matthew.mcqueen@nmlegis.gov, greg.nibert@nmlegis.gov, bill.rehm@nmlegis.gov, townsend@pvtn.net

Here is email language that our editor, John Block, sent to the Committee. Feel free to use it in your email:

Dear Representative: 

Bad actors are attempting to change S.B. 144 to far exceed its original intention and title from “AMENDING THE CRIME OF INTIMIDATION TO INCLUDE ACTS AGAINST ELECTIONS OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, COUNTY CLERKS AND MUNICIPAL CLERKS,” to now deal with broad subjects regarding the administration of elections. This change proposed in amendment 222675.1 is a grave violation of House Rule 11-4:

“The subject of every bill shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no bill embracing more than one subject shall be passed, except general appropriation bills and bills for the codification or revision of the laws. General appropriation bills shall embrace nothing but appropriations for the expense of the executive, legislative and judiciary departments, interest, sinking fund, payment of the public debt, public schools and other expenses required by existing laws. All other appropriations shall be made by separate bills.”

Therefore, the addition of Amendment 222675.1, if passed by the House Judiciary Committee, would be a grave violation of House rules. Its passage will lead for this piece of legislation, in its entirety, to be subject to litigation — resulting in it being stricken down

Reject Amendment 222675.1 to save the state from costly litigation and from the negative implications passage of such a radical amendment would cause.



Legislative update: Dems trying to ram through pro-election fraud bill through backdoor Read More »

House panel soundly rejects extreme enviro-Marxist constitutional amendment

On Friday, the House Judiciary Committee met to consider H.J.R. 2, a radical enviro-Marxist piece of legislation that would give a constitutional right to “clean and healthy air, water, soil and environment; a stable climate; and self-sustaining ecosystems, for the benefit of public health, safety and general welfare.” It is sponsored by Rep. Joanne Ferrary (D-Doña Ana) and Sen. Antoinette Sedillo-Lopez (D-Bernalillo).

The generic and subjective terms encompassed in the bill would open up private entities, state agencies, and local governments to costly litigation, as seen in other states that have enacted similar resolutions, such as Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts. 

During the short 30-minute testimony period allowed by Chair Gail Chasey (D-Bernalillo), multiple industries spoke out against the radical proposal. One expert from UNM Law School shared that “Small companies and small businesses might be injured as well” as governments from the bill — harming the little guy.

The Committee ultimately voted 9-3 to table the extreme proposal — making it the second year in a row it has failed. The Piñon Post organized New Mexicans in both years against the resolution.

Rep. Eliseo Alcon (D-Milan) “regretfully” moved to table H.J.R. 2, with Rep Nibert (R-Roswell) seconding his motion. Those who voted to table the bill included Reps. Alcon, Christine Chandler (D-Los Alamos), Zach Cook (R-Lincoln), Brain Egolf (D-Santa Fe), Ely (D-Corrales), Nibert, Bill Rehm (R-Bernalillo), Jim Townsend (R-Artesia), and Michaela Lara Cadena (D-Doña Ana).

Reps. Matthew McQueen (D-Santa Fe), Chasey, and Rep. Deborah Armstrong (D-Bernalillo) all voted against tabling the bill. With just a little over one week left in the legislature, H.J.R. 2 is effectively dead, as it would still need to be resurrected in the House Judiciary Committee, face three hours of debate and scrutiny for final passage on the House floor, survive at least one committee in the Senate, and then face final passage — a nearly impossible task at this late date. 

House panel soundly rejects extreme enviro-Marxist constitutional amendment Read More »

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