Study finds MLG had 4th-worst response to COVID-19 with ‘F’ rating
According to a newly released Committee To Unleash Prosperity (CUP) study, alleged serial groper Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) was ranked as the fourth-worst governor handling COVID, coming in only before New York, the District of Columbia, and New Jersey — all run by Democrats.
“The Report Card on the States measures and compares state performance on three metrics: the economy, education, and mortality from the virus. It answers the question: how did states do in balancing the health of their citizens, allowing their economies to remain operational and keeping job losses low, and keeping their schools open so that school-aged children did not suffer long term educational setbacks,” wrote the CUP.
For context, the state with the highest marks, Utah, was rated a 3.46 and an “A” rating. In contrast, New Mexico with its stringent pandemic lockdowns, forced masking, and crippling sanctions on businesses and schools, scored -2.61, an “F” rating.
The report noted how New Mexico was an “outlier” in relation to its geographic neighbors “in the direction of low combined scores.”
New Mexico ranked 40th in excessive age-adjusted mortality due to COVID-19, coming only before states such as New Jersey, New York, and the District of Columbia.
The study researchers wrote, “Our second mortality metric is all-cause excess death expressed as a percentage of expected death, which is widely considered the most accurate measure of pandemic impact because it is not subject to ascertainment bias. It also captures the near-term mortality effects of lockdown policies, such as higher drug and alcohol deaths, and differences in underlying health by being measured relative to the baseline.”
In this second test, New Mexico came in as the second-worst state in regard to Mortality, with only Arizona beating the Land of Enchantment in more COVID deaths with the second mortality metric.
New Mexico also had one of the lowest in-person education percentages, ranking 45 out of 51 during the pandemic with only 34%.
The study noted, “School closures may ultimately prove to be the largest policy error of the pandemic era in both economic and mortality terms. One study found that school closures at the end of the previous 2019-2020 school year are associated with 13.8 million years of life lost. An NIH analysis found that life expectancy for high school graduates is 4 to 6 years longer than high school dropouts. The OECD estimates that learning losses from pandemic era school closures could cause a 3% decline in lifetime earnings, and that a loss of just one third of a year of learning has a long-term economic impact of $14 trillion.”
“Unlike mortality or economic outcomes, closing public schools was entirely under the control of policymakers. Almost all private schools were open,” the study concluded.
With the abysmal figures revealed in the survey, Lujan Grisham’s pandemic response shows to be one of the worst in the nation, and the third-worst state if the District of Columbia is excluded.
Study finds MLG had 4th-worst response to COVID-19 with ‘F’ rating Read More »